DOT'S n I SILKED HE IUY* Pllil.l* 1.HN(. AGO AH in - El) AS UtlUIMT - nrn, I WASHINGTON. J>. H.—1'vi-Ur trig ;ii<- "majority report or me B;»: m - - i .mir.uu ■ ■« imo-i. »• *««• " l" 111 | > tv !&<«• Ol'f : * o. 011.1 ill S * Jr in. n.-i t- »* -• I illvUvl 1* v». i .V ». SVilllC i-f *i<"r»".;s HCK .\I.IU HEW BU1L01N9S HI THIS srvwm. vm hiti i i ' <>i HIM* |\ I?'- WOKH WASHINGTON. I’. providing t Iget H building authoriz'd :,t th m \ Idyll ap tpuekii a. though tt v..rt fovlilt (I 1 y immediate legislation ConstcRt lias i.t -n mi .in. t t! in it ktUlktrlbutl' tl o£ public building ' littrk hat the ftttpt r. isltu; at t nit. < t's ■■lit" year behind in tin work if e"i» If':..tttrut tit.II. lAdt session I riKit : ftiw Hi- •! tha *■ should b. mall. n. w buiUliti'..;. l«Mt appropriated no no dp > tor tti i IJtMjnttruetion. It i . doui>tl«l whet lie *n appropriation will I" math tin winter. Set-re!a r; MueV. tgh, of til ^treasury. and •'hairnian Taw tn-y. Ht itf.i appropriate n nmitiitte. .against such aetion Their ft aw p. that it Mould in. h. a iirai the>, nod llo s. nr. day conserve i'nrte Sam • i-s :»in o if ANY SHOPS SELL RED CKOSn SEAL? '•Although th. sale of ited t'rm l Is in Kb hinond has been very grot (ring to the State AnU-Tab'-rcui'i..l lociutioti thus Ini. there an- »tt sands of th' llttb artistic an >raii e slickers for .-.'tl. her. an officials of th.- organization ar jour to roll them till. Ugjjfee seals are on ‘ale in more tha htindi' *i Ki bin.,mi star, i at (t. ami it is tni.r. t a t.. iiml th. t not. Jr. Douglas Freeman. M'-Mnrv State Anti-Tilt.I reul'^is A •.*..< ta , has requested the n.»r.-.-pup. is . city to publish th. following IN Harrison an K places u hi West ‘ 'ary. gal, Blair, bin I last llti..«d street ell Book Company. Fast Main IW. i. Carter. 1102 Hull street, fcnilldrev Drug «'nmpR:il 1 ’ortM _ and Broad. la. Christian, kit Kurt Math Craig's Drug Store. Tw • nt. tilth an kd. Curd'« Drug Kton . Tiveiiti-lirn an lido. |C»lien Art Company. Uohen Company. 11-17 |Cole, 30S> Hast Broad «n»baw‘s < 'igar Stor< It. Chitdrey. tlln. HIT*. Jessie bu k avenue. las' Drug Store, fill Light, nth an 3817 Williams Fast Broad Moderate Priced Christmas Gifts Hit* ia>ly or g* nileuien desirous of Minkins mi appropriate, tasteful and Mwnnablf Christen, gift cannot do Utter than select something from our fine collection of imuirratfl priced blit high quality Christmas gifts. FOR LADIFS: Liggett‘s (landim \ toot h.-onie incomparably deli -ion* rnnfee tion f>0c i pound, in one, flirts’ and five |HMind Im'M" Perfumery: l.d Pinaiid, Iluhigant. Hudmit and other «*x uiiiwielv fragrant domestic and imported Prr fim i- r\ not ••(ties, from 50c up to $5.00. FOR GENTLEMEN. A magnificent brand of ehoire Cigars. guaranteed to satisfy the most exacting taste. In i«>x' - 12 for $1.00 25 for IJ.iS I i up to $5.00 for a box of 50. Shaving Sticks and Sets. from 25c up to 55.0tt. FOR EITHER LAI)5' OR GENTLEMAN: Magnificent Oriental Hath >; • t* - from 51 50 up Retail 1 iwtnt i:n JVn- 51 Orti for Stc a really semeeahle gift. Re\'.l! 51 .‘><1 \\ .-i*for fUc a g.»*l pr< *ent for a hoy or girl. FOR CHILDREN: Spec lai l’artv Candle- 31c a pound. A l>ox of these <' ■- i- i v i >• uMitialile nrt «ent to any c i I Your are cordially invited to erne in ami look over the ■'election Polk Miller’s The^aSS^ Store M4 FAST M AIN STREET IT'it f, > Proud Stric t Pharma* CP*r* Fa -■? Hr--ad \\ W. P'r . ■: dr ;£r«ist. ISO! Hull M ■ * K;: h, .H > Xi h - son Mrs W Gji> * . 4*1 l,ouJstana Fern Art * mpa: ; , 3 !.7 Froad. «»rant I>rn* S; -ro. 1 2*H Fast Muir.. < ;r* >t.v, i“*i. -:r:snarls' 7'* a \V?t ! »r**ad. Hail «*it’ \[ Company, l 1 1 Fast -nth and Proud. Wuhan:.- 'mr* Pr-'t'S UaK'-ntiinn, K F. Harrison, a\ *-nu» Hatohor I»rug * •rapan Pin*- s?r* • t. I* F Harrison, I.-" Hu: v?rk‘- I t.18 St»»r» , Fifth ami Mar shall liunt-r Hook St■«!-'• *■ 21* llast Broad. -FTP r-'.n Hop ! Miami. H-tel J* f it J* tt< ry*u Pharma' . iiutt-i J. /Ter . .«•*?! * Johann I'r.ifr St>r., *27 \V< t Main. Kohl. r. < a * h r. !!'.;♦ Fast Broad. Km-t. ip»j W. Ht Main. Mitl*T A Phouds. Pa t Broad. • T. A Mi! a r. ’ druXrh-M, i'l!' ' Fast l ’• r* *ad M > * rs P.*n#k Star*-. First anil I ‘-road M* < ' Inaar Store, Fi^hth and Broau. Mnrphv's h«*P 1 m-WM M.and, Mur ph.s h hot* !. Mutual huildiiu; m-wv -land. Mu . tual htiiidinK M i \ h*.! , Hull str* • t \ t rt laid* I Mi a j nut* ; Pat ki t Tw « nt> • ijrhth Htr*-. t and X Plmr Hia-’ . Two it I > ik'hth and N str*-mpunv J1Nort! sixth. Poyihpu Hr ^ < «»mr>an: !•!:> I 1 Main. P"lk Mi:!* r Hi k ' -mpur, . Fas' Main. Iktrtin Hru&fcist : F;*m Frond. * P- >p!< hriiK Si-rv, ;F*m» U'illiam ' t>\iiivi-iiiU', Khdiardy»nV l>ro^ St<*r* . S* v« ;o t«a-nth and \ < riahl»*. IP.< hurd> on * I t uk St'*r»*. ’I’hirt • ur-t and Fla B'ddn** 1‘r u- St -r. t So• sanf| and Mai f'itth an*: i; j shall. J Knhmond \rt Fumpans., iCi* hrn »nany 71* ; Fa t Fn-ad H ■-•!!!;. r- i^ihrars. i a i.-r f‘.*urtl , and ’ ranklin. Sm iling J»r*iK St«*r. . 122*1 Hu! . stm t. ' Mr W. Smith. . • a n* r H ail am Ninth. ^ Mrs S* - . !!**''♦ Pmshatun stroet. . Sr* iiaitdoah pharm.n y, Ailtm Avr 1 nm- and • inu «». St. Arulro^ s Parish S-‘ hool 1 Saund* is A lltitit'-r, 4**1 \V« s ' Ft -ad. l liorman ^rhnudt. Mi4 Froa*l Sin ph* r j fifth and \ * nahhu ShtoldF I’liannar- . Th!r*l and Main Mrs Mu!?/ I'l'2.5 Phiisant. 7. Vv . So fth t: : pi*. 1 Tarrant t!rant a*l. I P F. 'l as : >i Company, 1^11 lTa>! Main. * Th*'fni>s--iiA 1-r IK Stor* . F«*nihar-! . and Main. Mrs. Trnylor. Man* bestrr. Kdvard \\ add* t’ompany, IFF I Fast Main ^ F H WniTon drug’grist. Second ano i Main. fi H. Maliis. 32.4 South - Pino. W'rltrlU k I *r k Stor*-. I^omhardy and Broad. ■jr ir Ayer’s Hair Vigor is for men, too. lyl pjl It is a splendid hair-dressing. It is refreshing, cooling; and it keeps dean and healthy. It never changes the color ;n **-Ivrv over rhe action of tile attorneys 'or Mrs l.aora Farnsworth Schenck to applying Pt a * onlluuance of her 'rill on the .hurge of attempting to ["•Ison her millionaire husband. It. is . ''nf'd lo-.l;0 that in tile affidavits hied o,r the eontlnuence the defense h,.s exhausted all the p|ea» it can use Mr»' Mehem-k’s trial. The chief •none them t|i;1, she is suffering Tom inherited insanity "ami was in '-’■ e ..t tiie time the offense was coin 'd 11 e. | The defense desired time to ■•rente depositions (O prove the Insanl ’• Tib trial, originally set f,,r De : i ember 12, ha* been postponed to Janu >o'. 1211. | * MPROVEMENT FOR AA.E »CAN CH S WASltlNtJTf.N. Dec. M.-Kverv brand ,.t civic improvement—artistic no./.il and [iidltleal—la be r,n. ’ rioe,| ibis week for the cities o[ Atueilcii in the form of resolutions t" be adopted at the sixth annual i •.mention ,,f the American Civic As yn* action, widt h opened here to-dav I he convention will lact three days] and th< delegates were addressed by cd o authorities from various sec tions ot this country and from abroad. ■ blowing the reading of reports to cay Dr. Carrera Justlz, Cuban min ister to the i Tilted States, who is the author of several books tl-allng with municipal affairs, was the chief speak er Justlz declared that his govern ment was planning extensive improve tm ids in all its cities. '.router Havana" has become his slogan. The beautification or Cities was dealt wm, by Dr. John Quincy Ad ams, fneinbt r of the New York .Mu ni<*ipHl Art Commission. TIIK4 IllOlti: ROOSEVELT Nl'KMtS |»AV IN BOSTON BOSTON. MASS., Dec. 14.—Col Theodore lloosevelt (spent to-day " 1)1 spend to-night in Ronton, came to deliver the William Bo Noble lecture at Harvard this o ing at S o'clock. The former president arrived , ,hc South Station at 7 o'clock f New Haven, where he addressed 1 hamber of Commerce and wen the home of Judge Francis C L ell. of the United States Circuit C. lor breakfast, He will be » ttiere to-night. The colonel attended a meetin* the Harvard overseers this morn NEHRU TURNED OVER TO CAROLINA Omt (Special to The Richmond Vlrgir SUFFOLK. VA„ Dec. 14—i Ington Alexander, colored, want* alleged murder at Wallace. S. C. who wai captured early Sunday i ing by Suffolk police, in a raid ; Dl#rnal Hu amp lumber cump, ira j terday turned over to the Cai j authorities and takeu back U |»ceaa ot tUa aim* i > 1 VJfCiai MJK£ ADDITION TO CHiMDORJIZa SCHOOL; 1 « i CONTRACTOR WOOIW.WD .«• i l ' TlloRIZKD TO PKOCKK0 WITH" WORK WHICH WUA COST $116, MM» Contractor K. C. Woodward «'a* 1 Wednesday morning authorised t.y j Hull.'.Inc Inspector He k i» begin lm- j mediate Construction of the proposed addition to the Ohtir. l.oraio puoltc school which la to coe: the city »oo atm which will nose trie aeiioOl building one of the lifst auu one of the most thoruugniy cq ui-red in we tom or j hie . ia>» rooms a. <•.. Dec. 14.— The tolowlng .-*torni warning wan Issued by | the Weather Bureau to-day: ! "Storm warnings are ordered dis played on the New England coast. The disturbance Is over 1 'ntarlo, moving I cast, nnd will cause- brisk to high ! northwest to west winds along the j New England coast." JUDGES HEARS MOTION TO DISSOLVE INJUNCTION Argument on the motion to dissolve i the Injunction In the suit brought by ! the Old Dominion Iron & Nail Works j 1 against the Richmond Forging (torpor- I ; atioii was heard Tuesday afternoon by I Judge Ingram in the law and equity | ; court. The decision of the court was, j however, withheld. The Injunction is to prevent the die- j fondants from removing certain bulld i ings from ]>r< pert, claimed by the j j plaintiff. Interring llefiwnce Books. | State IdbrarlH! Mllwainc has pre- ! pared a. list of reference publications: i regarding the short ballot and- the I < onmtission form of government, for I w hh'h be expo- ts heavy demand, be* 1 cause of the ever increasing interest ! in these subjects in Virginia. He j now has a st ore or more books on the j subject, and the; are oelng eagerly j sought by many readers. | The books In this group ar*- from I the pens of some of the most famous I ; political economist and students of I all forms of government in the End ed States and many foreign coun I tries. Colonel Slietninn In Hospital. I CHRIRTIANSHtRC., VA„ Doc. 14. i Fearing that the amputation of his left hand will be necessary on account of 1 blood poison. Colonel Sidney Shelt man. one of tlie most prominent bus , iness men of thi« section, who served [•on Governor Swanson's staff, was re i moved to the JelTerson Hospital. Uoa ! ncke, to-day. Committee on Water. The council committee on water meet Wednesday nieht .it 3 o'clock to eon Uer bids which have been received r cleaning out fee new reservoir. j THFST1 ' • SALJ, 1 OF 1 RIM, AND PKK. . AL PROPERTY IN AMEI.I V CO.. VA. , lty virtue of a certain deed of trust ; dated January !-. lliOH, executed by .1. s. Morris nnd A. M. Morris, h!s wife, conveying certain real and per j aonal property therein described to secure five icrtuin notes, as well as I advances, in certain deed of trust set forth, default having been made in : the pay/nant of the raid notes as pro j vlded. and being requested so to do j by the notohold'-r the undersigned j trustee will on Saturday, 31 day of i December, Hi In. "ginning at nine ) o'clock A. M. “"11 on the premises i of J. S. Morris home place, about two miles northwest of Jetcrsvllle, Amelia county, Ya., the iallowing described real and personal property to-wit: tFirst.) All tin.- standing timber ; hIx inches and above across the stump on 646 acres of land in Amelia coun ty, Va., Leigh district, known as the •John Robinson" land; ample time for cutting being given; (Second.) Eighty-four acres of land In Leigh District. Amelia county, Va., known us the Mary A. Watkins tract, and about three-: mrths of a mile from Jetcrsvllle (Third.) Also twenty-six Jersey cows and the Increase from said cows for the past two years: some of these cows are registered, or entitled to registration. (Fourth;) A)*o t e large saw mill I mutes with the hurnness, collars, brfdles. etc. i tFlfth.) Lastly one No. 1 Lane saw mill with all th- tixtures an«l ap pliances. one is II i*. Farquhar «n i glne and boiler (mounted); two two, horse wagons, two \itg trucks, belts, : etc., etc.. Tl\e terms of this sale will be cash sufficient to pay the Indebtedness of 13,760.00, and the coat of executing this deed of trust, and the terms for l the residue. If anj. will be announced on the date of the sate. If the sale does not take place on the above 4*te from any cause It will be continued by announcing a future I day pn this date, and without further advertisement by agreement of the grimtoiw add deed of truat. J. M. TURNER, • TVoMO* -J -"kJ :V ■ ; it? • i ' L : 4‘.j' . ,' 'WE ARE IN PULL CHRISTMAS TRIA\ This Store, The Frugal Shoppers Buying Headquarters Fairly Bristles With Bargains. /T\IIE variety rf appropriate Holiday Gifts here is astonishing' I —choice, captivating patterns of high grade wares, compris * i: g the LATEST creations—the meet EXCLUSIVE de signs the market affords. If you want something that’s desirable, yet i: (r.pen. ive, you can find it here—cr if you want a more crqx't:: ive rift, there arc ] !cnty of them r.l.o. Everything shown is,; trictlv t ew a: d > cu c.n depcr.d upon the quality of each as being KELIAELE IN EVERY RESPECT. IjGTJI TEE LARGEST SELECTION—and the highest quality a e to be found rt this store and it is the most natural : : d logical f lace to come f r all gifts. In the same proportion that our RUYING FACILITIES ARE THE GREATEST, our prices are the LOWEST. We hare » great vft ety i f articles that m«V- . . . FOR KERC’S A Ideal Gifts A t prices that never have been GHRICT/AAG know" inthiwcity. FEW OF THEM $ iTi o M k Ft N « jO, K ft ©. J4 '0 No ?658 l«K SolU Cold Br*«*vo p ni«h Ceuu.uo Tu.%4c.iSe $ 1 50 No 3718 Solid Go'd Finish Dgncl Top SxOO . No 3 — 9 Solid Gold PrffVt Finish Genuine Full (.ut Diamond Safety Cat oh SI.CO Sood Gold Bright Flniih No. 384 7 $4 00 No. 3760 Solid Co d Roman Finish Enarr^'ed Ficwsr Real Pearl 57 co So id Geld Rose Finish Genuine Full C .* Diamond Ruhy Eves No. 3340 So.CO N*< 3678 Soiid Gold E-g sh Finish Open Work Design S V 75 Send Cn id Bright Finish Genuine Or- x Cameo N. 3c 5 w > 00 No 3 764 Solid Gold Er- : iih Finish Hand Engr.ied C»*n fne Shed Catne^ r co S *d Gold ^oman Finish No. 3S46 Richness, Elegance. Servlceablenens, characterize* every article sold here, no matter what the price. WE BUY DIRECT FROM HE A "OU THE MIDDLEMAN’S PROFIT CATALOG Wo went you to foh t ho iifW edition of our Illustrated oatalc*tf. ho oft u «*f* there Is more t<» •hor/and to any Wo sond It free to any address. m;v now and worn TtiE ui'sh. J. S. .JAMES Ul'tN EVKINI.S lTNTII XMAS. 1 m -' THK IIA1MONO MKHCIIAM .AM) MAIN -I S Natl Order# Promptly Filled /-li.*h I n pictured J:ere forwarded lev mediately, prepaid. on reeeipt (frlie price. and win one of these beautiful trips, which will tak-- them to Bel gium. (treat Hritaln, Holland, <»er niany. the Rhine. Frame and Swltz erlnn-i. and posaibly Scotland. A commission of five cents will tie given t-> the teachers on all cash subscrip tions turned In for their credit. Thl' will make a very substantial little sum and will pay for a lot of little ride trips and many other Interesting features, which will add to the pleas ures of this great trip. Cash Prizes. To the teacher who receives the largest number of votes In Richmond no arc going to give a Mg cash purse of $100 and to the teacher who re ceives the second largest number of votes n cash puime of $50. Special cash Consolation prizes will be given to nil the teachers who receive as many as 160.000 votes, but do not win a European trip. He win add to the cash oiniim'-dirii of live cent* on all subscription: untied in . nough money to make up a purs*' of Then cash prize* arc in addition to the sec-n trips to Europe. Tlio Voting Plan. The tint plan is- to clip the vote* from The Virginian daily, the cou pon which appear* every day Is good fi-r one vote it properly clipped and sent to till Trav* ! Manager wltmn the date spot Hied, Hut wv rodUest tliat ah these coupons be neatly cut and nil to be signed tin same way if : they are to lit* counted. Another plan is to secure subscription to i -■ count ed as follows: ■ 3 months. too fi months. ... 1.000 !* months . l.fioo i year . 3,500 - years .. ti.iioo 3 years . IO.oOO A large ntimtior of teachers have already t ntered and you ran still enter the contest, a* it is not too Into i We will announce the nomination* within a few days. Watch The Vir ginian to-morrow for a special an nouncement in connection with these i European trips. The coupon as usual appears on another pag of this is I sue. SOUTHWEST RICHMOND Mr. Samuel Reid Deacon, ot Rich- | mond, and Miss Berdie M. Sandrldge. • if Henrico county, were married at the residence of Rev. .). K. Hutson, who performed the ceremony yesterday morning at 11 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clarke Tins- ' ley have issued invitations for the mar- j riage of their daughter, Alice Richard, j in Mr. John Daniel HU, on IVfcdnes- j day morning. December 21. in the home of the bride's parents, 3227 drove ave- i nue. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Osborne Me- 1 Cabe have moved to 321 Harrison | street. Foreman Emmett Hill, of the city . water works. Is seriously 111 at hi* ' home, 60S Pine street. Mr. Charlie .Sutton, Jr., lias gone to j Newport News to attend the marriage of his sister. Miss Delta Sutton, to Mr. | Eugene II. Eskcy, on the Hth instant, in the First Presbyterian church. Mite Josephine Clarke, of Norfolk, who has been the guest of Mrs. John ■ Munce, will leave for her home Wed- ' nesday. Miss Francis Xuckols. of 2U7 West Taylor street, left Monday for Muck- | Ingham, where she will spend the Christmas holidays. Miss Ivy Mi-Lane continues very fih k at her home on South Meadow street. Mrs. W. It. Francis left Tuesday for Newport News to attend the marriage of her niece, Mis* Rena Sutton. Miss Ira Buyne, woo has been quite Sick at her home, 10UK South Meadow , street, Ja improving. NEARLY 100 PATIENTS AIIE AT CATAWAIM s AN ill oRI UM Ninety-five patient* are now receiv ing treatment at Catawba Kan.-.t rl, m, I according to I)r. W. D. Tewkaberry, i resident physician, who predi. t« that , there will not be a \scant bed in the , BOARDERS Ads. will All your house with board- !, HE RICHMOND VIRGINIAN WANT institution by Christmas. Despite the cold weather, he says, practically all the patients are showing improve ment. Stricken With Paralysis. WINKTO.V-SAI.KM, N. C.. Dec. 14 — D. D. Schoulter, retired merchant, suf fered a slight stroke fo paralysis while sitting In Hotel SSeittserdorf talking with friends at 6 o'clock last evening. Mack Bandits (iet Cash. NORFOLK. V A.. Dec. 14.—Three negroen last night enter d \the store of H. Rubin, In Portsmouth, and rob bed him of all his available cash. T"’ >'intlng to about *20. at pistol's point. Santa Claus Club. The Santa Claus Club will hold n meeting Thursday nl-eI »i '• ' •■••■o. of Mrs. Julia (Jay. Til North Twenty sixth street. After th the- meeting has been transacted, the remainder of the evening will bo spent socially. Patterson Is Acquitted. Joseph Patterson, charged with breaking Into a Chesapeake and Ohio railway car, was acquitted by the Jury of the Hustings Court Tuesday after noon. The offense is alleged to have b*on committed several months ago. Crosses for Veterans. NEWPORT NEWS. VA„ Dec 14 — John W. Daniel Chap er, I'n! Daughters of the Confederacy, will present croft te» to th veterans, flora f V an.: I»r» ■ f Vrf re-if f the am i t r • y ■ f 3 nr ral R. K. L< a 1 a OTYON (.IN AT ST tu-cK is m;u .Ed Special to The Richmond Vlrglnlaji.) STONY CHEEK, VA„ Ded. 14.— ftae large cotton gin of Mr. E. L- Lee, A Mow Creek, waa destroyed by fln Tuesday about noon It contained Jf.,ou(i worth of cotton, and was a total liisf. Hot . J. O Rabcook. of this place, was ■ alb ■) to Richmond Tuesday to sec his brother, who la seriously ill in a hospital there tt.H HO \olts Klllt >1 • 1 OH OK VTA I >TOT. (Special to The Richmond Virginian* .•TaI NToN, VA. D*c. H. —Col. H It. tVayt. of Staunton. «'m last n,K; unanimously elected captain of the Ueet Augu.-ta guard. Staunton historic company atul 'Vilt accent Heath of Mrs. I’hlLhotter. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.1 M'KKOI.K. VA., Her It, Mrs. Mary Eliza I’hlihower, tieloved wife ■I Richard 1'hilhowfr, died at her home her.- yesterday, aged (12 yearn. The funeral will take place Thurs day from Main Street M. E. church, Ki v. G. II McFaden officiating. Cliangv of Office. Mr. Cleorgc K. Wise announces that he has moved his law office from 1107 Hunk street to fil* Mutual building — Removal Notice. Mr. (leo I" \\ ise announces that he hag removed his law offices from 1107 Hank street, to 017 Mutual Building, Rich, inond. Virginia. rug (ALL A FOR PALE IN THE RICHMOND * Irelntan Want Ads., will bring you FUR KENT !■» FOR rent IN THE RICHMOND Vtrcr’iiia want a«l*.* will get you a tenant. lUtlucrtl Rates ( lirixiituiri mxl v»-w Yt'nr If.Hiilar* VUt r. A O. j Ti. ki ts i n Mix December 15, IS, i IT, 21, 22, 23. 24. 25. 31 arul Jan I t’ar> 1, with final limit January L i 1911. vpl 'v t.> ticket iiRent* for full In* formation. - | CERTIFICATE RE-EXTENDING CHARTER. Tar-satrar Hr.”»BTatxT. Orrux or Ciurnioan or tb* Ct-bbieivot, WaMINOTON. I> c . DleMtUBlIB 7, IWltl. i *nnru, bv aatiefart>rv evidence prwnted I to the nrolrrciirned, it hH hern mv)e to hmv that The MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK OF RICHMOND, locale.! in the CITY of RICH . VOND. iu the County of HENRICO and Stata I of VIRGIN! t, ban car;otied with all the provieiona i of the tci of (‘onarera "to en.ible National Bank ! in* Aaaoeiations t.> extend their corporate oxlxt cnee, and tor other pun*>aea,” approve.! Jli1V jj, IRh2, ns amended by the Act. approved April 13. 1W>2. NOW. THEREFORE, I, LAWRENCE U MURRAY. CoMPTROLLEh or Til A CU*»ENCT, ! do hereby certifi- that The MERCHANTS N.i* T10.N AI. HANK OF RICHMOND, loeated ra the CITY of RICHMOND, in tha County HENRICO and State of VIRGINIA hi author!»d to have ru.nrrinn for the period apeeified in ita amended articles of animation: naiualy, until eioee of btirincMi on DECEMBER 7, HI AO lx TurnaoM Vtnuior. aitnex* my hand and Seal of dike this SEVENTH day of DECEMBER : 1910. LAWRENCE O. MURRAY, CoMmuiLucn or m Cuanaxcr. let 11| < terrier .Vo. ll&l. Fx'rajien l/xit.