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fWIRKTIim Plan Put Foot by Council Fot Boulevard to Bvrd Park BI Y MAH) > BR1DGL AND BULD NhW CNF Cit\ tv Ha\e Two f:ee W d\> * lo >vuth Richmond—'»r. Cow ardm Fleeted in Place of Rich i:o>> -n i ■ , ««a> rrt . o g V ' - Uf "1 M i • • ' • ' -d "• ’ 'r'‘ oou'-ar*' • i»: tt»< r- r-r « "to r: u»r,‘ ,i ■ :»! rvii'« ‘ '■ . ' t ’ ±ia. : -r f. ■ i ' jiia -i"! 1 ■ tv r ’ - C'*urt, ' J 'c- W; ’mm ■ *. iii • Wr:'it. t r rt ;■■ " • t t i t: the piano «ti>! «f ■ a t.s tot u * • '• Wi'iE h • • • 1.. ’ !’r -Jr ' rm- • ' ■ ■ v U-.'-i ' ■ ’ ’’ ' V-r t! t*M r' ir,:iU t ; - •i trxft it!i* st ■ ' - nc 1 u.v <.; h. , nij-: • t!v *'ii> F » r • • r ■ oi'. ‘ r -••••! thr.-utrh V'i.-rm.Mi ilvr.ft 'ha; h t tv:II • iti>«i)rn e srh f -it 1 'B« t wtth OUt Vd'iirsE Th* ! nrii aft. r * 'to*1 dtbtt'- l: ! "t t • » ‘ i ' lh’ jfonatf I’nmn’t ' ' f' i - 'tinr might pr ■ lilt -n«t --or. *T th-r Wiifr* Couarttin ’iiiiii’iih Itt* Imrii'-iiii !*n that ho ri».i !-i oUe : ;• r j io ft tt>* -i in-rimi.rid' tit -r tho municipal lighting plant n~*t y- ar, Ald<-rman 1 vugrla» Btrhardt n ten dered hie r-*t*n»t. n from the hoard. The twain > th lie i mated It* the rep resentation from Marshall Wanl w as Blted hr the election of Mr. S V C> Wdin. who was nominated ty Alder man Grimes. p I'ark to rara ttnunvam. When the pre*. nt of the h**ard fill ed for new busln*-** Alderman \dnm* introduced and had passed under a suspension of the rule* a re? Union Instructing the Committee on streets to inquire Into thf legality and to consult with the. proper authorities ns to the feasibility of the city, e *unt\ and State jointly building it boule vard from th. present end of the city boulevard to Bryan Park. Al derman Adam* showed that already a 100 foot right of way had been given, and ho believed that the property owner* on b"th sides would help. t’pon the receipt from the mayor of hi* recent order appointing Mi I. MiK. Judkins delegate to the meet ing of the American Civic Associa tion, which is to he held in Wash ington Wednesday, Thursday and Fri day of this week, ft resolution was passed appropriating *'n to po> Mr Judkins' expenses The board, upon recommendation of the Commlttc.. Streets and Fi nance. approved th* **rdfnances re cently passed l,y the f'oun*ll njynrd ing certain contract* for new new (*r connection*. The total value of these run over glOO.OU'l. Itu> Ford's Hotel site. The ordinance providing f**r th* purehas- of the square on which tie Ford Hotel now stands was likewise approved, the city Intending to build additional administrative find judicial offices there. Th.* rc***Iutl**n appro printing »33.7ko B*r th* new wharf was referred to the Committee ,*n Finance, as were requests for rnon*.\ to buy additional light"*, to nequtr* th* Beabrook warehouse sit*' and !*■ tnnk** minor Improvements in various sec tions of the city. Concurred In. Th.' hoard, however. e*n> ::rt«d m the following To create th< **tiiec *.f k. **pt r *>;' Jo seph Bryan Bark at $s<>" i» r year, amending the ordinance r. lating t** sale of liquor in Washington Ward, making conditions and dates conform to those in use In th*- old * lt> , author icing payment of me claim* tor Inju ries of city employes. t . ■ .*nip* nsat. men for time lost by r* r *n of an a* rident at the ts.wer via* Work* transferring t*> u furnl f**r • •leaning out n* •> reservoir, allowing the American Tobacco Fompun t Use * Ity water at its new. plant in Chesterfield county, n Mo"ry street and the Petersburg Turnpike; regie iattng th* running •! street ■ ui** at transfer points; directing semi-month - ly pay rolls tor cit* employes, adopt ing as the seal *d the city th* form used prior to lvf-. and extending th time of th* lllchmond and 11* nit on Railway Company for completing itrect railway system mid viaduct* f r six months from li*eetnb*r fit M.\*)Olt TVI.KK HitJI i vri |i TO i:\amim kim.i: itti.i; Major S. TBth Tyler, of A'orloik. has been designated by Attorney General Samuel Williams a* !"*;il nt torncy to < xamtne th* tltl* **t th* property which th* p* *pl*- '*; .Norfolk and th*- county will give to the State an a militia ride rung* Mujoi T>. ier's duty will b< t** draft an ab stract of th* till* and invest igat* the several P'gal point* involved. Among the la tier )« ih. right "t th* Virginia soldlei* t-* shoot *\>r a street al Virginia Beach, th target* being near th* a* inn and tin pits from which th* riilemt n will shoot Wing tar inland b I* t*• fj* v • *i ■ tb; point will h* taiisfaetTilj s**t!i,d l*> Major Tyler. Tu t oinlui l lav nearing**. Governor Mann ha* designated I *r Douglass Freeman, <u th* Tux Com mission. to visit all th* cities of Vti gigiu early in January **r February hold l*ul*lir h'-arlng* "i* >uh.;-*i sss. j “BERRY’S FOR CLOTHES.” Neckwear frum 50 cents to $2.50. I mhrellas Silk. $5.50 to $15. Canes $! to $12. Shirts for dress, business or travel $1 to $5.50. Pajamas. I nderwear. (doves. Handkerchiefs in boxes. Hose in boxes. Fancy Vests. Mufflers. Smoking Coats. Bath Robes. Traveling Bags. Suit Cases. Jewelry Sets. Fur Robes. Fur Caps. Fur Coats. This is the place to buy gifts for men. relating f. taxation. Th> hearings »i!i h. Jn the nature of meeting*, ru which any rltlgen who ha* view* >n tux in.itii r* which might lie help ful t>. th.- commission In remedying the < vli* .if the present tax system of the State will he Invited to tnki part In the discussion. DIAMOND FOUND IN BIG GOBBLER Baltimore, mu.. Tier. n.-~ Maryland's fame a* Ihc of the diamond hack terrapin I* world-wide. But now the "diamond stomached' tnrk'-j may enter with odd* slightly in Invor of the gobbler Mrs. Erwin Norwood, of IMIS* Hast North avenue 1* today chanting "cost of living can t come too high for me. ' Mrs, Norwood purchased a line turkey in one of Baltimore'* . ■ le brated markets Tiuring Its pr. pa ration for the oven Mrs. Norwood ■ discovered a very valualdo diamond which had successfully resisted ttu ; ravages of the fowl's digestive appa ratus The diamond will ho appraised to.da; . mm RAILBOAD IS SOLD FOR $20,000 COURT CONFIRMS SALE OF MT. AIRY AND EASTERN RAILWAY AND LUMBER COMPANY. * gkeenhnoro. \ <*., i>« u on | Tucedny Judge Boyd. of th*- f>dor»il i Gourt. confirmed the sale of Hie Mt. ’ Airy ami Eastern Railroad and l-urn j her (’ompany, the pun han price b* dng $20,000. the purchaser being \ lumber | concern. The company own? twr-niy-onr- miles • •I railntfid, and T Buxton. repre ss iitlrnr unsecured creditor*. opposed th* conflrrmition of the Halo, stating tha» i ho railroad cost jo build an*J that iron on it wan worth more than the purchase price. \\ . K Garter, for the receiver. show eij that the road had be* n advertised twice before* and had no bidders. that It was being operated at great loss. and the sale was confirmed running expenses and ensts of receivership, etc., would practically wipe* olit all assets. \ffhlavit« to thlis effect from the re er.jver and from secured creditors hold' l ag j riri vr'p certificate* were present - . I and an order 'outlrmin*! the sale i was made <ft \ltl> .VAMKk i.kth iio.wom: I'RISOMII tSp< mi to The Richmond Virginian. » U< *AN' »KK \ A.. />*><*. t 4. ^Tuesday morning Guard James, of th* State penitentiary called here* for Erma letvis and two other prisoners. II lftt her*- at noon for Lynchburg to g.-t Pomp Scott, the negro who must sere*- eighteen yearn for the mur«br of Marrus M Spence, the young yard master *f the Virginian railway WANT MORE MONEY FOR NEEDY VETERANS llOWKkl < YMI* M-I'OIMS ( OYI Mirri l III WAIT «»\ MAYOR \M> COl'M'II.. . 1.• Tli> Hi. hmond \ UKiniiin. i Hi iAN'i >k.i-;. VA . III. II \t .. m> i till!? 1 •! William Walt!! i'anil., i'mi ,. .i* r;»t. V. I. rtua. hi-hl lu.M .-v.-niiii/] .-.inimltl.'i . oiiftHtlnR o! JI.mT) II. S. Tr -it. I; H. Kl»>hburni'. ami i'ul. S. S lirmik. wua appoint*-.! t-< pi. rant to thu nniJur and . ity ...un .-.1 tlo- p.mltiini nt th*- <atn|i r.-la tiv. tu lln u»ti>--*i»nii.|H )>)*<-.’mil' d. - I Nomination and Voting Blank The Richmond Virginian 1 TEACHERS’ EUROPEAN TRIP CONTEST. | This coupon can Ik u*»d to nominate iny \yliiu- teacher. r< dding or located ; in the district" defined in the contest hirst rou|M>n received counts 1,000 j roM (only onefor any teacher) each additional coupon count - 1 vote. When s ’ sdupon » neatly trimmed, signed and deposit'd within one week of date issued. |:”KAMK.. ADDRESS Void a/ter December No. 12| Nomination Counts 1,000 (ioo4 for one vole Mi •dgnapd or lh«i *upport «u r'futi* Veteran* Hnd theft*. widow?* and hclploiu* chl1(tr^n, It 1* the opinio* of th< .amp tlistt the pn*<»nt pin* ,»t H'jo'WmNil Isr not. rtd»Mjwat aim that It <1 **♦*!“ not vatry th** r« 11 * * f >' ho h i?» morally demanded. The rofr, nit to \% ||| * mi< H\ i»r to Inter* *-t the nu< - or and cotim’ll i?» a up;ir* to in* • tt i '. th» itl, SELTZER KING ID SUE FOyiRCE v| \> \TIO\.%L II vmu>. ! \ 115 \HI NOT I X 1*1 t I I M TO m;\ i:i,oi* in i*h<k t oi h» U.U.TIMOni; MI' !**’♦. I* < :rlend* of Captain J^aa- M. Kmersoii. th- multl-minionnlr* Mr»>nu» ^ehz fclnv ’ from information re<. h <-d th**ni uwlay, heli< v** that Ip* «'i>* •* • •*n bfjrln prooe^dihtf** Oh- »r h vm« not already **..; ■ - .«• that Hi* • It f mailt,'- *v:’l of rtf. <1 •< * " -i t .‘1th O’- 111*0 pMPlh ;t> it- po.***s lm ! «tnr* >. it ;•- *m\ • • w\\\ n**t <i'\rloj*. and whli* ftp form it* 1 • rrti *1 an • -t «>i enurt ' i»r* ■ Ian, it !« and* r*to .»i that >oip- h -ti nt- at * hare- v ili t preferred ami ad mitted. Km- r^'fi> oh aghu r. Mr* Smith Hollins* M- Kim r• <1 •. <h \ on e from lo r ha-* *and in Uv*n- \ • « rai months a*-- U ts dd Captain Km*r**on‘« Milt will N :i’. o in *'. * It i - m«»r< 11** his »r**m t-> th» Waldorf A**t *rm. ir NVv Y-rh Mr*. Kmerson i> in 1 .itiinof *ln < '.*nn»*>-ti«»st " ith the talked *d vliv-.ii. pr.*, * odour**. it - -aid. it tin i|*m r* « is granted Krners«*n. ihe in ar ria^t- «»f Mr>. Smith Hollins M* Kim t * V’l'r, <1 Hwyiiii Viiml- rhllt i* plan ned Immediately afterwards. Chriitmas Cheer in Lancaster. l KKI'HtU'KSIM Hh, YA . in-, . 14. F'lahorat* preparations hit\ »• beep mad* for 11*«* holly hall find annual jVjoiv.d at Kilmarnock, in Umi'isi-T county on T>c*t*ernh>'r 2*Y Th* occasion N a) waye Utrjff'lv sttietulcri. Virginia Weddings stair—Vlnrvnt. < special to The Hit hmoml Virgimui. t EM POKIA. VA l Hr. It Mr Adolphus K. SLfito. n prominent i-u imr and merchant of Emporia, ami Mis* Kosa Effje Vim * nt, • Emporia. w*r*' uni tod in matrimony at the * ireonsvllh' Mr ihodist parsonage lor* last night at o’rlook, IN . J. \V Hock man officiating. Tin* couple took th* train for Richmond soon aft»r the (■••rcmi'fiy, where they will **pend their honeymoon. Mr. $lat« is ».!* yoirs of age, and the bride i.s 2J. Dmigliorty—Stevens. (Special to The iiiehmond Virginian.» t.KKSHI’HlS. VA.. 1 14 \V. N Ikiughcrty, of Hagerstown. Mil., and Mrs. Margaret EarnUm* Kteveng. *»f la-'siMjrg. won married Tin nlay in Jacsbtirg at the Eeesiuirg Inn at T A. M. Uov. J. H Wiltshjr* ofllHat »ng. Thev \off timmefliat.ety ati.-r th» * *-remony for Richmond, w Imre tin win spend th»* i * maiiultT ol the week. OBITUARY A. D. Smith. Mr. A. I> Smith. of Holtimhue. < 1 dl^d at Ihm place Tuesday, in the . m \ i nty-seventh year ■>[ hi* nee. Mr Smith whs n brother of the Imp Nor rnnnd Smith, of this city. Th. funeral "ill t.f conducted Thursday in t'olutn | bus. 'IrK \milc Ikdlt* Wtiltrlicnd. Th.. funeral >.f Mrs. Annii' Belle Whit* heart. «li" ili.-rt suddenly Turn. .lay at h*r hum. Ii.’ih West lira*, (street wilt ink. place Thursday morn 1 Imr a II ..'clui k from the n sldenn Mary iliuu- Wiiilc. Ali-s Mary Jane Wnrte died Widnes. ila-y. 1 ..mher it. nt tin r> sldctpu of her cousin. ‘i. I*. Hertford at Kin t. r Bark Mr-. ,1. Ilnwin,I Hardy. (Sp.-. lal to The llichrni'iul Airuinlan I I i-tiltn. VA.. lice. 1 I —Mrs. .1 11.iw •iril Hardy, ugoi ,i Kara, died sud ’ * I — n 1 \ at her home ,.t Church linad Ttiemluy morning a little aft. r mid night. H r fun.ral will tak■ |ilaee j thin afteinuun at u . lin k from Trln , Ity Methodist • hure.h. • ui which she Mai a meinl'cr. and will he i onduet eil hy the pastor, Hit. 11. S. Huughnh Alia. Hardy 1 - surely d hy her has , hand and mie duuphti r. Wlngltcld. a (littli Kiri aged ten yearn and hy tin I lidlnwlim sisters and hrnthi rs Mrs. i 11 I\ WllllaniK and Mian Blanch Winglbdfi, (Tturi'h Hoad. Va : Air T. M. Rutherford, Roanoke. Va. Air. Henry J. Wingfield. Hanover. Va.. and Air. Kmmett I.. Wiugth-ld, <•0111101.111, S C. The midden death of Airs. 1 Hardy la a print shock to her many frli nda and loved ones !1Th In this county and in other places w hen sip was know n. Hi r natty-- hnnu was Aril la ml, Va. Mr- Walter l.lnkou-, HLACKKItritU. VA.. I n-c. 11 -The . luneni! nf Mrs. Walter J.inkoii!-. who died Friday at tor home In Radford was held from th. home of her moth er-in-law, Airs. Byrd I.lnkous, four nuhs fr..111 lilackrtniriir. Haturdnv af ternoon. Hr. II. Kamil, ot th* Aleth odlst church, idtteiatiny:. Alls. l.liik oiia was the widow of Walter l.inknus, mayor of Rudlord at th- time ..1 hb death, about a year ay-- and leaves one .‘on, ten years -dd In Herat or Miss siu-tm <.allow a< Bl.,\< 'KSIU'Uti. VA.. He. 1 -The funeral of Mina Susan Hallow ay was held from the Baptist ehureh Sunday afternoon. Ht-v. i:. It. Jackson oitlcl atlnK. and hurirtl was made in thi Blucksbarn cemetery. Alls- Hallotvay was a resident of this pl.t. . for many years, hut had recently moved to Vi vian, W Va.. where she died. Nip Is survived |,y sister. Air-. Jack K- ister. and a iiumh.-r ..] niect-s wind nephi"'“ A ITincrul of llcury >1. 1'uuc. < HARisOTTKSVIl.r.'K. VA . 11, in. —The funeral .>t llinty Mann Huge, a member of the Kraduatlng class of tlm medical d. purtirn nt nf the I’nl yerslty nf A'lrglma. was h. Id Tues day afternoon in Winchester. Afr I'age was for tin... years .1 student at the university and was active in the Y. Al. C. A and musical life of the school. A. T. King represented his clasa nt the luneru). He In sur \ivcd by hl.« parent*. Air. and Mrs.! Henry •I’ugi of Charlestown, W. I Va., and a brother. Richard Bag I Dili III si >11 Koine to I'icrvs. ■ NhK1*oI,K. a a I tee. n.—The three-master schooner IVIIliam II. Ita vldtton, which stranded on the North Carolina ctatt early Monday, is now rapidly breaking up. The wrecking tugs abandoned their attempt* to sav« her yesterday. Tht governor • ; Virginia mul Mrs. M;»nn tv i11 li-m Thursday :il n*>vrti i nr Wax hi no to; i ami '•Till attend a dinner given l.y I T.-ttk nt ami Mr?. Tvi it the W'iu. House tliHt oven nut They i\|i. ! ' r turn to Ktoli ni’• 11• I Irlday no ht. While In \Vit“h ,ru;t n they nlll n, tin guest* el Son.Her anti .Mr-. S*whi,son. In Honor el Ml«s Tvler. Ml-- X'trrlo 'I. " one of the nu»; riraotivi of th • - twin'* debutantes;, it th.' guert honor at an at vl.otlv.’ Ilinoll. ;. ill’ 11 by Mrs. II* rt i"it Whltehnrxt pc’2’til a • in-,. Wednesday afternoon. The ChristniH* lib i- •nrrlert ont In ' orations mul tubb appointment*. Holly inil Richmond r«>*e* tlllblllcly ,r:.itigod In a Into, basket formed the ■r * iy iwntcri’i. while the place <•.ir<i? ivor* nilni.iture Chllstma* treot* ••'1th tiny canon Ml> Whitehiir-l- guests wore, be of th* alio?! 1 honor. Mis* Rdna Wright. ”f Humniit. V. J.: Mir* funny f' - r Miry M r I'nulnier*, Mi*r Kb-a Parrish. M1 Mary eicarborougn. Miy« lolith Hom. Mi-? fanny Scott., V -- t'nmilla W nl. Mis* Archer 1 ■. to - ami Mi*- \nn Tray h r. TmciIi-i l nvrllttl. I' legations i ill thi Hollywooit, ‘..Iti'ieii and II’ r.-\v Memorial A.« - i -tionr. 1-oH i'| , Pickett Corps, ill’ niui ml chain i I . I'. p., Son* ot i ■ nt .'dcra to v iuins. the aihiroty 1 ’ ird .till 111 *11: rx of the Confede rnti Memorial ! ■; t iry Soei-ty with i l .tnliet of ». I children attended Un unveiling . th. tablet marking i he rite of th. I; o< rtron Hoapliai, ci! I'lii, at tii- northwest eornor Third and .V n -ir. tr, Tuesday • ’ tiie.iti Th i \ n under in. Hire, .ion of It i l,o« t amp. \.», 1. s. i.x ni Ponied- t,.t. Veterans. on be h.i t | the <.■'hrale Memorial l.itetary Society -.ere interesting ami brief. Th. tablet, ■ ... It was unveiled by * "aplain Salij T..ntpkln*, who had . haru- of the hospital during th* "or. n a slab . . t .dished granite and contains the f. 'tug Inscription. "Oh tin- Silo .'to. d The Ho.-, it- ,n Hospital In ('barge of Captain Sally Tompkins, C. S. A., From 11'■ l to IsGi. Placed by the Confederate Memorial Literary Society, A l». l!*lu." Past Poinmiin.:. r J. hn it. laght f'oot, .tr., mail, a brief address, re counting the hi? buy ot the hospital and It* service- to the Onil. d. r.icy and narrating U. circumstance* oi til. bestowal I if ,|!1 Olfieer's e,ill,lllis si' ii to Miss Tompkins, the only «-o ni iti evt r comm c tied an ottuer by the * on fed era te e" , runout 'i'll, Soils of ' nl ' <P rut* V. tefuns ar, assisting tit. t - j * *'* borate di-m.i flai I.Horary So. ty In their \v.rk marking the hi.-' real -it. m"ml, connected ■ ith tli*. Civil War 111* Soli* will a ,, place eoinruort ti\, tablets on l.ibby Prison anu ''himin razo Hospital in the near tu ! till *’. The sitos committee of the Con i I* derate Memorial J.iti-rury Society "'in unveil on .May II, II* II. a tablet marking the sip <d the house it. which dineml J IH. Stuart db’d. ! now known as 21" West (trace str* *-t and th*. home o! Hr. .1 \ rnshur Bund icon* 111 country Club. Mi". Ella liu-k entertained at n , miiiiU luncheon u the Country elm. \Vi (incfola;- afternoon In honor nt Mis- UobertB Bay, of Now York. orations w• n m pink and luncheon • ivua served in the sort parlor. Covers w. I e laid ft r ’ n. Among Miss Muck's ‘taints well Miss ft,so, Miss 1'hlnizv. of Athens, lie; Miss Zuvite Iiranoh. Misses Bass tt, of Bcxitigton. K;.: Mrs Hiram Smith and ,llr« But Is i Bitsln r, ■ Another - noon hostt - ,,f \\v,l nesday was Miss Benore Tinsley, who entertain, d ,*a Ituteheon of tut ive I for Miss .Ms r, of Huntington \v i v 1 Mlssos I lamilton r.ntortalned. Sates the W -hlngton Cost of Wed j nesday: i Mr. and Mi William Wheatley had inn-him; tt iih them informally yes terday at the i hov.v Chase t'ltili their I,OHS. gucsi- the Misses Hamilton i Beterslairt Va.t Mr. William Bar rott- and Mr i« rami' Bonaparte. Mrs. Willi - Wheatley also enters at . - mg people’s tea yester day aftern. front I to I, o'clock flt her resldem , ,n Q street to meet her hou.s, gip.-i.-. Miss Sarah Hamilton 'arid Miss I: , rta Hamilton, of Pe tersburg. V, and Miss Boris ifay H'ttud. Mrs Who. .y received to r guests In a gown of ,.:,ie pink chifr..n. i Mrs. Will on Haywood. Mrs. |, T. I Matin, Mrs i I'otveil Mining, rode and ■Mrs. Andrew y. Bradley presid'd ut | the ten tai-b which was ile, orated I w ith pink i. ■ Among li present mfw mfv tnr Among t assisting «ei-o Miss Bveh n I h. Miss Julia Whiting. Miss 1 i'lli/.a)it-1li i' ns and Miss Marthenn, Mu-lcul Tea. Soviet \ in I,, the Jefferson Mon da' afternoon mm 5 to 7 to the beatl titnl must. tea given "under the palm*/4 Xoi- able among the largo gathering ■ Mra. Frederick Scott, Mrs. Arthur . !.icy. Mrs. Carter Scott. I Mi's. Blnio ||. , hkiss, Mrs. Seott Par j rish. Mi-. A m Cabell. .\rrs. Philip , Johnson. AB T. 1„ Moore, Mrs. Thomas ,\ , farter. Mrs: John W. Harrison, .M ■ Stephen lb-vi-rldge, Mrs. tleorg, ryan, Mrs. Hiram T. i lutes, Mr- erbort Jackson, Kirs. Edith Talm.o Bonnan. Mrs. .John l.i mis, Mr- tnt. Miss Adkins, Miss Cauline I’o Miss Helen Ptevens, Mis. Ed 'I Mrs. Hen Calmer, Mlt“ M’illian Mrs. Saunders Hobson. Miss Mar\ M ton, Mrs. C. K. Wingo ahd mam I , rR> Most Of tills year’s debutantes . ,) tea to the guests. Those s.-ri Misses Ann Taylor. Edith I'ojii. , I'anillla Wellfmd. Elsie Harrison. M Scarborough, Bnrothy Christian, l 1 .Scott, Haydb Branch, Emily citirl- i arrie Waddey. Kcturn \|ifiUi-iithm lllanl. - 'B apple on blanks for crosses id honor iv 1 e returned to fit reg istrar. Mrs l ,. Blcnner. 2621 drove ■ avenue, b irstlay, December 15. The next r»r- ■ utatlon of crosses win take idae, January lit. and the1 blanks must in the hands of the registrar i . . ks before that date. I. Ilia-ton—Ihu'oli. Kev. .loiiu i\', Eiilaatun, a member ot the \ irg , Conference. stationed at Oloue. sp i Va., and Miss Quru S. Baeon. of ,i m. s Clt> euunty, ware ijuletly man u the Ht. James Meth- I odist pal sot; .; , at 10 A. M. Wedges-, day by tie l; . <}. ]•'. dreetie. They left i Washington on their hrldal toil! ; U win be at leone at ’ Gloucester i • t after ten days. Cel.Iimtes BIntnIay. Mrs. M. 1 Be wig was Informally at hone- Monday evening In honor of her elghty-iuxth blrlhutiy ut the home of her soil. Mr, Bennett Cewls, 5<p; j East Franklin street. Mtiny friends I called during the . vening to offer con- ■ gratulatbuis. and remembrances. Among thrs, were Dr. and Mrs. Me. t-'aden. Br. ,] Mrs. Corey. Dr. amt Mrs. Latitat! dr. and Air.*. J. w .'-Mntofl. Mr. at..I Mrs. J. B. Elam. John P. Branch. lu- r B. Me it I ’k. Mr. atm ~ Mm. C. M. Branch. Mr. and Mr*. Be. , roy M. Bee, Mrs Kate Cp-akHtit* Mi nor. Mrs. Aroin t, Mias Bulls Pleasants. Mhae* Motile and Fanny Oreanot. 77 fc Store Will Not Be Open Evenings Before Chris*mas. A Beautiful Line of Evening Wraps land Costumes ^ Visit the exhibit and sale of Evening Wrap- Nothing you could select for a Christmas gift that would be more u • -fill and appreciated than one of these Handsome Coats, Ca>>.-» or Costumes. We have . some very handsome ones. Coils and Ca es made of fine broad | cloth, unlined and hand ,oniel> lined with stilt, some with new kimono sleeve effects, others sleeveless in all the popular shades for evening wt • , Ixith plain and fancy trimmed, ranging in price from ) $8.93, $15, $25 to $45 Handsome Black and Velvet, Siik and Broadcloth Coats, handsome!} lined with blue or white satin, at $27.50 and $30 Eve €X 1 r*> f* if i ty Dresses | What could you thb of that would j -nse at d d‘’i*ht your wife, mother or daughter more than one of til -e i :<bome Dresses of chiffon, net, lace, Crepe tie Chine and man ot < oft shintirering materials, some with gorgeous trimmings, designed by nia . rs of the art. See our line ranging in price from $16.93 to $55 Gloves for Evening Wear Why not O've a nice pair of long (iloves for Xmas Nothing would give a girl more real joy than a pair of Long Evening (doves, we have a complete line in all the different lengths, and popular shades and prices range from $.LOO to $4.00. Warm Knit Underwear 50c Hoys' tlrey Lrtton Suit s, Half wool and haF cotton, with high neck and long sleeves, button AA down tlit< front, til! hire*, ut. ,. , xpl.UU Floooc Lined Fnion Suit*, high nock and long sleeves, ankle length, extra fine weight, m bleached an unbleached, all sizes. WomenV Fleece Lined fnion Suits, high £f AA n< ek and long sleeve?, bleached only, all sizes w l.UU Kmt Corset Covers, fleece lined high neck £“ A and long sleeves, bleached, ail eiz< s OUC Light Weight Knit Cnrst t Covers, fleece (“A lined, bleached: all sizes, 39c anti 3UC Women’s Long Pants and Vest, bleached, A all sizes and extra . OUC Women fnion Suits, medium weight, high neck and long sleeves, ankle length, un bleached; special. $1.00 Hammered Brass Goods Make Lasting Xmas Gifts 52.59 51.59 And at the same time carries appreciation to tile recipient. We have a beautiful line of Brass Goods, ready for the holiday shop per. Put Brass on your Gift List. llMneh Hammered Brass Jardiniere*, with lion handle* and hut! feet . . !0-ineh Jardinieres, with ball feet, 52..10. s-inch Jardinieres, with lion handles and hall feet . Jardiniere*, 8-inch, opt u with ball feet, $1.59. Bras* Baskets, 0 inches in height. with CO 3-itirh opening )l,Oj Brass Baskets, 22> -t inches in height, with *4 |“A t>-inch opening w4.DU Brass Candle Sticks, in tdl shapes and A A sizes, from $1.59 to Brass Candlesticks, with d( signed globe, $1.89. Hound Hammered Brn.-s Waiteis, 13 [»a inches in diameter wl-dU Bound Hammered Brass Waiters, 10 inches tu diameter. Oblong Brass Waiters, itt nil sizes, from $1.25 to , ...... Brass \ uses, in all different shapes ami sizes, from $2.00 to Brass Cuspidors .in different shapes and s’zes, from 79c to. Hammered Brass Smoking Sets, from $1.89 to Brass Finger Bowl*, t 1-2 inches in diameter, each Bras- Umbrella Stands, in all sue■- and different shapes from $5.98 to. 75c $1.89 $3.89 $2.00 $4.50 19c $10.00 Evening Slippers Make Nice Gifts We art1 allowing a complete line of the Lovell eat Satin SUppera that ever was shown in one city - Ml colors to match any evening costumes, as well as the ever popu lar Black Kid and Velvet. These arrange in prices front $2..SO to $4.00. Good Advice to the Christmas Shopper For your sake- forgetting the employees who serve you Do your Xmas shopping right now! Besides helping those that help you, it worries you who put oft Xmas shop ping in the last few days when there is burning, scurrying, bustling, crushing and then it is hard to get served promptly as well as gt t ing the best selections w hen the storks have been picked over W hen you buy now, you have plenty of time, the variety offend is greater, the stock is fresh, you can choose in comfort, and back of the counter i-. an unwearied clerk, ready to assist you. A good Advice—Shop Now. Miller & Rhoads Pure Xmas Candies Candy that parents and Sunday-school Committees and others who have to care for the health of the children interested to their care, can give to the little folks with absolute assurance of its harmless qualities. A Special Invitation to Sunday School Committees, school teachers and all others buying candy in large quantities tor the holidays to get samples of our Christmas Candies and the prices and other inducements, which are surprisingly favorable. Special 10c and 15c pound. Christmas Neckwear In Great Profusion Flenjy of Dainty Neckwear for mother, sister and friend, in nice Xmas boxes—All here in a generous gathering at any price and in any style. One of the favorite is Jabots and Rabots, finished in a dozen different ways, with Irish crochet lace, every hotly likes these, not only for that splendid wearing qualities, but for the little touch of elegance that they invari ably give to tilt costume. Prices from 50c to $5.00. Arthur MrUpscurah, Arthur Goddlti. Mr. ami Mrs. George Carrington Mose li y. Mr*. Mosdy. Thomas S. Macon, G It. I lv. t. Mrs. S. A*h'-r. Mrs l: 1. Alwy. Ml** Hyrtl Mvcv, I >r. and Mr*. George F. Keeseo and others \ hi ill run Mi'i'tliip. Thu Alumnae Association will incut Thursday atternoort at o'clock In tho college chapel. An attractive program has been arranged, ami a large attendance "f alumnae Is de sired McGinin—Armisteiul. Hohcoc <'. MeClilm amt Miss Ara mlrit.i K. Armlstead were married at the St. James Methodist parsonage ae s o'clock Wednesday morning. Rev. t». F. Greene ofllcliitIng. The hrlde wore a becoming blue cloth traveling gown and carried car nations. The., left immediately af ter the ceremony for a Northern trip. They will rested In Richmond. Personal*. Miss Z* 11c Minor is pleasant lo- i cated with Mri. Phoebe Ilrugh at 111 North Third street for the winter. Mr. A. Randolph llolladay linn re turned from the Virginia Hot Spring*, where ho has been for several weeks. * yirs. <». A. f*ren*hav ■* u gut t at I'hllton Hull, en mule t., liphmond iroin a Western trip Mrs. Malvern lilll is tip- guest of •datives In Culpeper. " Miss Mattie Hue Phlniay^of Athene, I <ia.. !« th<* K’lfftt of Mi48 Effle Branch I at 1 West I’ruuhlin street. Mien Itrui-. Uoolrick, who ha« been viiltiiiK r. dative* in Fredericksburg, haa returned to Ktchmond. RESULT OP FIGHT RKIII-XK FAM. HACK AM) MANA ARK MM,KD AXI> UOfXIIKI) < >\ BOTH SIOKS. MEXICO CITY, MKX., Bee. II.-' Th<- War Department to-day officially' announced the reiult of the first bat tle near Guerrero. Western Chihua hua. in which three hundred rebels, holding the town, roalsted flip him- • dr. d troop* commanded by General , Navarro, Seventy revolutionists ana fourtfen Federal u Idle:* were killed' and cn« hundred and fifty tehels und < Ighty troop* were wounded. The troop* then prepared to occupy thej town, which wa* merely to reetore the (immunity to the Ideal authori ties. Official announcement, la to the* ef feet that the rebels were routed com pletely iti that part nt Chlhufthuit about Guerrero. which was reported to be In the hands of rebels two weeks am*. Th- Federal troops moved on Guerrero from the vicinity of Peder nales, where a skirmish was reported .vert, relay. The tlm rr to attack came late vi sterday af;ernoon, a day be fore General Navarro had planned to re apture the tpwn. Alter a hard march the army reached a plaee five miles from Guer rero, where Navarro planned to en camp for the iiljrht. Jle received re port* that the rebels were entrench ed less than three miles ahead of him and across hi* path igto town. He determined to make hts attack at once . The rebels fell (pick three times, abending as many lines of trenches, under tire from rifles and marine icunr. The re' cl dead remain ed in the trenches win n they had filth tt. Dry by 100 Majority. HARR1FONBUR0. VA„ Dec, 14.— T ee district. In Shenandoah county, Tuesday went dry by a hundred mn Jorliv Harrisonburg Is the only ws* spot 1st the valley. t Divorce Granted. -Vrs, Grace Min gee was Tuesday evening granted an absoluta divorce from her husband, Roma* Hinges, by Judge Ingram, of the City La* and SUfuity Court. The divorce »*» ed for statutory i