Newspaper Page Text
ODE OF BAPTISM USES 0 5110 PRESBYTERIANS FINALLY RE JCCT IDEA OF SUBSTITUTING IMMERSION FOR SPRINK ' ' LING PITTSBVRi; lx. H - .\ -m to •ubMltuto Inirnhrat• the uprln'KlIn* method now . ;n|>loyi ■ by the Presbyterian Church in tht Cnlltd Static ivhs approved ui th« re port c! the committee f> th Pittaburr Pwibytery Tu».-»ia'. hut. after a heated itltetmlen. ihi Id a v ns turned dun % The Iti v Dr, i>. Rebuff of tin Western Thmli»sti‘ al Sentlnurv. «-It.i: r ■ tratt >f th .. hills ^ overtures. reported tin r*, m ‘ ■ , I ■ Uon that th. .r.I* "M ' • pourlmr lx- utri ► u fr< .a Ilf ■ i l)i»elp!ine and th- word ’■aft -r. aubatltntrd. In Schott pointed ■ t that tf;< word ■■ I'liv- v. mvu th* Urt- k.’-.ins ‘ t’j put endei Haiti that e\ui In (hr- . ■ "hire tl" Baptists had ' I'dl.-wlny ml tht question was net i i. If. o , till . n ur* h - r acre*d <••• ' - ... The K* t. I '• U. 1- M llv.. . f.■■■«!•• of the Third l‘r> si ' '• r ■ ■ church. ( ■ tinned s! ; ulTf I action m “ • itn fertar‘ a matter mid dr, lured that un der the |'M - • air,.’ «e*n« -inn n ’ " . had tin frit il. m -t • ,-.t a-rsem He add d tl at milt ••*'* frunher cv.-t c.\ jiremm! ’ 'll a so t" ! (> ]. i ’ >1 it *,va* followed with debate ef the tlWtl that ' yf heat”'. 'll, III v John H ' ! 11 art t« ■" th. SI. . H V • wur churth. said. *'l "’and ■ - t miti could net It, r . f th, Trinlt'. . In leaw tl ■ • l.ur»'. Iim The r, . c. s Tft “ »ted that Ih a dei re,I th.. r ch«ti«W should he mi• n .,. . Vat i ;M of health and ; ■ ’ ‘ • t ■ 5' ;']-■■ Church." Other, point. e • the V pen*** e1* iris' HI >: bapl'trv. ( ■■■ in the thnt -h“s T i he i v !; ally defeated 11> ,1 Jil'Ce te.a Tl’ The mevnn t alfhomKt ... ’ • was r<-«rar • ! .* ”rf r ’ -, • fr- the t’ai-t thet th. Prerh-yt. rta' !' r tcr* ttr* in I’iit*i 1 KW.T2ERS ASSEMBLE IN ANNUAL REUNION WKvnoit- or ii.vri i Hv <; m iii k AROCM* IlsTIVI l$o\HI> M Mr 111*11 V* lloll I >■ s ■ i i • More than 200 nun < mh'.i red around the 'amin-t 'wunl .1 Mur phy's hotel Tuesday night, w h> n sur vivors of the Richmond How itners uMi-mhlt .1 for th- thirty -tilth tun. ni annual reunion. Judge Georg. !. Christian acted n» toastmaster. and among the speakers were Attorney-Genera! Wil liams. Lieutenant'Uovcrnor K!ly»u*n. Captain Wll|i«m M, Myers, form' 1 1 Jotilonant William A Barrett Or. J. R. Gllder*le< vi find Re . Oeorgi W. McDaniel. In the 1 our.~ <■ lor talk t'aptoin Myers gtki’il all members .it the bat tery to wear the 1 "unfed rub- irruv t,s a. distinctive uniform mn1 w*i!l> there n u* no mmiri on hand a ith which to buy th' additional umTermi*, he hoped the ll<ot itsers' A 'oelution would take the matter up Those present Were II. I ee mine. \V. K. Word, lid ward A lv« George Oilmen, Jr . c A Motth y II O. Carter, I it Franklin .1 M Fourijurean. T. c- Mom 11< W f Oretter. II T. Fwmr W 1;. I tin, T. J. Macon- J T;n tor Klty-son, >• 11 Hawes, I >r. J It Gilderslt-ee. I' r Wln*<>, h II. Itov. mini, ,l> S Met 'nr* thy, Georg" w M cl la Hi ■ | D | > , ,| A. Griggs. Georg.- I.. Christian. H..r*r ««•! W. Williams S. s i* Putt.--.i J. P. Kllett. I a el Wat *1 Gt.v, W II, M. - earthy, J. G. Tinsi.. J T. Jones, ,r, il, Williams, Jr., .1 T. <;i ;■ l., .1 ‘Mother, T. T. Mufo, it <; I tarn. > Jn Uan McCarthy , 1’ Ik I■>>rt, r D >> Davis, W. A. Barrett, it h t rump 8. H. Atkins. I' W \laenn. (borge A. Jones, R. 11. Cottrell. Ht.'.rtr, I Mae*., J. 8. Mosh'-r, I". I’. rour<tnr< an, 1 H, liubank, A. G. Wortham, J’, r Bell; J. r. Wap- >n, ),, .1 '1 imiit i Ink. , W. Ik Daniel. Ik I„ Adams, lb W Starke, C. <; I tosher. Il Lorraine. 'I II. Starke W. Jenkins, I.. Wil son Phillips. Jr. J. W Myers, I" A Arnsirn. II. W Wilson, Captain W M U)tis and the hart try SALES MADE OF COLONIAL ESTATES TWO I.ARGK TRACTS |\ spOT BUAAM V CHAVf.i: If Wits At FAIR PRIC KS, ISpeelal to The ItlrhtnoMi Virginian., 8POTSYLVAVIA. VA. 1 <*. M.._ Halee of real etrtat* in Spotsylvania county continue active, not withstand i For Cold*, Croup and Pneumonia Ailments that are Sudden and Dangerous at this Time of the Year, Use VICKSSrslSALVE •■Good for Every Member of the Family.” [t n a positive core f* >r colds in the head or chest, ana w ill conquer the worst case of spasmodic croup in fifteen minutes. It will prevent l’neumonia brought on by neg lected colds, and break it up it taken in the earliest stages. J' < extremely wful in nil bronchial and lung; troubles, because it gives instantaneous relief, breaking up the congestion and re lieving the Inflammation. It vrorks quicker than intern: 1 medication, liniments or poul tices arid does not sffeit the stomach. Doctors and nurses recom mend its us*. As a household remedy it has no equal. A’vravs have a liberal supply on hand. At drug stores generally. If yut don't find It, send us your order, men ti using your druggist's name. 25c 50c $1.00 "ll't economica! to iuy the dollar tire” VICK'S FAMILY REMEDIES CO, Grw».lwro, N.C fig winP r - *i*-g paralyzes ail «■ iw * * tr.1.1- SpJing K'»r»-«r farm. on* ?' th* **M < ‘**;onfai home: in 11»ih • " if.?" ami th* horn- n th Crutch* fields m Hum days. contain lug nh*oit 7 iu r * • . wav* Hold M"?i* d.. v |.» Mr l» I* NVttkei* ' . ■, r*nn -..v.ifd.a te fh« h"lr.- ot th hit. 'IV J. (' *i*v *• f * i '1 n.itoii River la nd, another lai«- <Ktat* 0 I u-s am h lying on th* \ *rth Anna river, iurni«'i i. tin hotm ot th* T 1* t » l*nt ft < <• tit!> own d 1-. th* M i grod* r> or A11 •• -marie. wan sold a l* a da>H HHi-t to Mi. I* S KHfk'-e, o| IN nn*> Ivaiiia, t*>r > 1Oun NV \\ l.ond 'n,' another * . hmfal hom* and fortiori.? own* *1 h. th* Stuart* family of Revolutionary hi.** t• ■ r>. and containing L’V * itr*i ♦**- ha 1 ■«- *j 11 h* Id f*> Mrs. K1 i'/.a I >* t h Wak* 1* •. of I** nrih> 1\ania. tor * non. Th* Mii''F at'ov* mentioned v * r. mad* through thr !’♦ tlit Real Rotate Ag* n* : *•1 i'r* *i*-rl« kshurt'. rrin bird:* and * tin j uam nr* starving in this* Portion be*au** .*1 th* * 11*»w w hi* h Htill ling* tx and ful ly cov. r» thr* earth to th* d* pth of m v* r.'t! irudn *. 'Hi* gam** warden* and sportsmen’* ..s.-o* lation • *u th. Htat*: ought t* appeal t<< tin mvn*>n oi land? to f* (1 there starving ■ na ture*. Form* r .?n*ig* Robert i . Waller who has he. n appoint'd b\ th* Mir i cult Court a number of th.- Sp*»tpyl vanln i*yj 1»M< nthhol electoral hoar* , fju&lHP'd t” day before T. A Harris • I* rk « th* < ireuU * 'uort. BUILD NEW CHURCH ON CHELSEA HILl < ON I'll \< I \M \KIM l> |’Olt II \M>. so.M I s*|*H l < Vt HI —I'll I I IA \\ I IM»I \ .—OTIIIiR » \lll MOl NT m:m \ pr« U\ •. • tiding « * r. 111 * * j j t*"'i: pin*. Monday • venlng. H* re?uber 1 'J it >■ o'clock, in th* parlors . th* iMit mount A \ * ini - Method’-* par.-**n* a-' wlu-n Mi-- U* t« i J Mr*** Irwell and rt 5,. 'inuu’* i*. both •»!' Hp fits , w. r* married b\ rh* it* d. T. S* w *11. The miirria*.- vh? *i'.:.’t, hut y * ry j.*r* t i \. Th* ; oung .»!, v ill live in Richmond It* v !>r.*H (‘annon oerupi* d th* pulpit «»f the Mainn.-unt A\*tiue M*-thndi»t rhtiP’h miiiu-in ni.'i ,i,,i/. ) n-romber 11, and whs huard l*v a lino eongrogalion. His s- niH'ii from th** t* \t. l pra' not Thou fl .,»ii*ist tak* thorn *uf -u the world, hut that Th**u sh'-uhist k* ep tham from th* • \ll,” was profound arid hrautl.iil. .( simplf ami plaelieae Tho official hoard *»f the 1’nirmount A’ * run M*th*»«pst churtdi haw award* • d t*» Mr. <\ W f‘**Iiar*J. of this ell;,, tin- contract for the erection of th** in\c Method!*? church building on » helsea lid), h huhurl) of Richmond \ very nourishing mission Sun*lu> Hcho-d is being conducted itt that pirn , • * th* J.‘* .. M. S PhcttcplBcc and Mr «‘hurt*-* u Mi van**. . Th»* new building will be up-to-date irj *\*r\ respect, and will Bivc that rnttBrciTH* tb*n a Ini' i liur. h homo. The . hur.-ln-a of this part of tin i il> -ii" busily preparing for thiir Hundav ; hool Christmas entertatn mmit.-. llo MtnuU1 Hillard, assisted to "tin r hollos of the Methodist i liurrh, is our.-fully training tin- ohil iron oi that Snndof school for i ntortHlnint nt. which will tnko pta.u ..irly In tin Christmas wool;. Mr. c. \Y. Millard mol wifi . ..f jonn I'nlrmnurit avcum-, lift Mondaj, Ik - ''■niloi ! lor I Milas, T. x . win. ro they will spend tlo hollditfs with Mr. Millard's brother. • h i m i iix \m: i ij-.rn it MV MTIilttin sihiitv ‘ HA KM liTMMI.l.K, VA . I ic. . I i. Idle following ' III- i-i.i for th. sec ontl l rin havo hi .-n oU-otoil by tlo Washington l.itorm . Moiety of tho I nlvorsltx of Virginia. lawis Tyree, oi f all in, president. \\ I' Mister, of franklin, I.m., tic -president: \V. K. Jarnii* oi i ii-i-an View, f ><■!., s"I -- n tun : Ktlmund Kin! Mabry, of <>ak i lro\, , If y., n porter It Is annouK.-. (I that tlo- Southern oratorical oontn-1 will hold at the I'nicr-Hv ol VirKinia arly in th<* 'print;: also tin debate hotW'i-n tin* 1'nw.rsit;, of .North Carolina and the litivi rrity of Virginia. Tin Stab oriili.runl oontoct' will ho hold al ■ Itandolph-Maron College at Ashland. 1 NSIdiilll « mill U IHS \"lx KlJt MMOircTION ilHKKNSlHlUi i. . V. (.. Dir, IK — Kus. i ui",i i roditors oi ih>. Craggy ! Moiinlahi I.ntnlior Company on yos I- rdn.\ appeared In tholr attorneys in th. i-Vderal (hum f». r th- purpose of taking sti p* io prevent tin- sale "i th' a si is of Ho oonipaii... Tho ritnaiion o • rns i.. be that If tho phi nt U op.-imt. ill- a ro. "it or nn ! dof Iho dll . ti-oi . th.. 1 this,. , on dltnrs ma o t tlo ir mutiny, hut h ilo prop, r., i. . "|,| now only tin “ i iir>-d creditors will ho paid. Tho proporty Involved represents nearly i half million of dollars iH v.ilm . Mirth r i-ik u in. in will h. hard hy Judge If", i on January K Mooli I. i lii.i'ii l oll i mi i n «rm> .it im.i:. If.lsMl.WTi >N. I'f" 1 I To I’real io,a w-1x iiirii Tin --day in appoint t.t '' .1" t . of .sp.,u,no a- I'nttod State .hide.- 1" pliii-. . f Judge V Idtson. lie prom-m 111 v ■ I ’u I nio tor i It* pn hi loan '. "f Mil: tilloton, had , Imo.- talk with t hr I'roxl'ioiP riyardlnir (he mator .1 AMI s s, flow \HI> Mil s VI Ml ;M< »ltl \l, IlOSl’IT \I. Julios S. Howard. £3 >a r / old, di"d early iiasdii" morning at Mornorlnl hospital ,.f heart lr"tjldc aggravated l'v nth’i- ailment*. }|o was a olork Iti tlo- National Parking Compare's plant I . re, ' Ilia n-mnlns wot- -hip p'd t-i hi-.- old h"nu in Danville f■ • i : burial. Customs Itooolpts Hoh\>. Collector Arnold n-ports th. . -is toms ooliooti d for iho month to bo unusually ll-av; . *2",000 having hf oil collected for- th*> first ton days of 1 a-comhi I. The gr.-ut-r part of Un duly was Imposed mi burlap, which was Imported b. hnn! firms. though tips from tii-rmsti; played an Impor taut part in tho total INTENSE FEELING MSI LUPTON _ - ! HEAD OF "GIFT OF TONGUES'’ CULT MAY FEEL LASH OF OUTRAGED LAW. j A1.1JA.NVK, O., Dec. " 4.—Public • ling has 1 .fii aroused to an Intense Hit'll li'-ri' lit tlm eonleseion of Apos t' I. tl I.union, founder and head of ili* din of Tongues i ult. In which ho in* Anas Mum • Corlette, of Cleve* i i luiul. iis tem-graph* r and usslaliinf, ns : his iiiirtnur in guilt. 1iit.'intf citizens io-tlay declare that utiles* tli.* major ut once K • ft hut hut • in tin . use they tvili appeal to County I'ros* * odor Kiri.* hiiuin, of t’anton. dc ’niuioms- th'it (.>11>t.111 ho arrested on • 11■ ir*■ - s of vloii'tiiii* throo diiterent criminal statutes. admitted hy his own i*.iiifi sslon. VVHuiin c. • i r I * 11 ..! ('leveland, hro-; 111 r ut 111* Klrl. Iss-u d n statement to- • iluy. In tvhlcli tic i iiinitlj scored I.up : ton, ill- said: "Mt sister lei hum*' threo years i*-'" t" lirojiure to h. n foreign mission ary '•> stinlying nt ill*' si hool mar Al-l '"* I' *r years r only thonht'lias h*"i a religion. . wnntei) t*. teach * i*i is" utility In s , lot Hun country .1 till a** vent to I.u|>t>>n's missionary * n *ol, where she edged sh" could ai t (fan| jii'ii ovutloii. sho, of course, earn"! in almost dally i uim-t with l.upton. j lie Is ;i man whom 1 disliked amt dls trusti"* the moment I first met ' him. I ree< gniz. that he was a man "f nuii'li personal rrigneUsui, hut he i •truck no* at one. ■ wholly insincere, ; although hi* is ,i . nt of culture and | tun presence. , I "1. or my family. i.ui take no re I venae upon this mu ■ von though we ■ lo feel that his iit'-siou Is wnolly i IrisliR* r* lie is . utepisi , insane re ligious fanatic, . word, who thinks j lilmselt in ti.mch o in league with! iioii. What could f do to him? "My sist* r nevi i hellcveij In the so i ailed ‘ililt oi Tei cio s? She did not ! put any credence in that or any other ) phase "f their pei i ,i- belief. She was ' simply sumying to tioeonp* a fnri uit missionary, tike huuureo., ,,f othi r girls with ambition to tea, l> tip' heathen and study the Ittole." l.upton has ahold forty supporters ini this city and a s itti ring following; o'er tin. entire world, lie has sent out j *111 r1 than one hundred missionaries in Hi*' lust two year-. Mamie < oriette | i is on* ot tlie teachers in the mission ,*.*■ as well as private secretary to l.upton. S*hc I: ' been h*Te three, years, and before that time taught in < levi land public amis. Her mother, a widow, and si. t* ■ live in Cleveland. I Assemoiy me i,. * is- kept the story secret for some ,w . . then it begun to j leak out. Vestet'K .,* l.upton hearing this, mad*' a sta**’ '-"l. which yvas sent | i o* every one of his mllowera anti mis sionaries in all jiarls ot the world. Iri ' i this statement l.upton gave thi Im pression that his * oiigregatlon hud for- ! given all and retained him in his i o.M tion as leadtr. Recommends Retirement, HI’ l'l' A1-0, X. Dec. 14.— R. K. Krdman, elder of (I■*■ 'Welcome Mission , here, to-day corroborated the news from AIJIiinee, Ohio, that Levi Lupton. apostle and head ■ f th< sect, known tie tin i lift of Tongue*, had confessed to * an Indist retlon “The elder- or the Pentecostal move- | inent, to wlm-ii our church belongs,’' said (elder L'nluian. "hate conn to the conclusion thki tho onl> punishment that would lit Brother Lupton s act Is to have hint r* ii“" from active work in our church ’.ttui to life an upright life , in retln nieitt. lirother Lupton has op portune t* ,i this, lor he has sent many nils?) a,cries Into Africa, and the,- - li.ite ■'ritten repeatedly to him ! i to go tio re Old work with them. “Lupton b married man, hut has no children. 1 do not know what his future plan* a: but bis sin will not affect the t.-Lir of our church in anj ' way.” Officer* Arc Klocted. ■ Officers of th Capitol Building and Loan ASSO' lot! 'll Were electoO for ih" ensuing • ar ns follows Tuesday! night: T’n.-idnt, Dr. J. II. Iltneh rtutn: vie. -pr* -blent. J. 11. Fitzgerald, secretary and treasurer, John H. I Welsh; soli.-u r, H. M. Tyler. Trus tees Joseph It. Welsh. Joseph Ftumpf and Joseph J. Campoilonlro Directors- Tic mas C. Diggs, J (i, Fitzgerald. Jano s Hartley, Dr. J. 11 Mlnehman. J \ <Irasbcrger, M K'dl>. Thomas J. S' . hy. William 1*. Snlli- ■ tan and J idi S, Wilson. S - - DWl fl.III IH HbbAH MDKKIXCJ IX HKVfUCo! 'I here i- - rtaln chocolate-col-1 on I, under- z-d, chunky nlgg. r -nooplng ar j the Bacon's Quarter Branch dlrtr ■ t. who, if he knows , what Is good lor him, will heat it •bile tio- b,nog's good. The man' Is what is known to the police ns a daylight ) irghtr. and he has been handling with his careless freedom prop. rf. I*. • King to the residents, of that neigh- rhood. The home u Mr. Wyatt was in tered and sir. In colrl kopeks re IlVived. while ,. \eas tio* so CHRISTMAS RUSH V' / Gift Buying a Pleasure 11 Choosing the holiday things in jewelry, watches, diamonds, silverware and cut gla." is a positive pleasure here now With stocks complete, varieties satisfying and salesmen at your >< n nc. you will buy to great advantage. But do not delay—the rush is ahead—terrible and disconcerting. Solid Silver Teaspoons, regular $6.00 value, per set, $5.00. The Handsomest and Heaviest Solid Silver Tea Sets, regular price $175.00, at $150.00. Quadruple Plated Silver Tea Sets at from $15 to $65. See our Three-Piece Sets at $8.50 to $15. Sugar Dishes and Cream Pitchers at from $5 to $10. Cut Glass of every design and at very modest prices. if J. T. Allen & Company, i ! d I l' Bear the Place in Mind, 14th and Main Sts. v CAREFUL ATTENTION TO OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS. ti * V j ) A Pre-Xmas Clearance of Children’s Apparel At Great Price Reductions. K very thing for the little miss and baby is assembled here, including e\< ry ntw and prac tical idea to be found in foreign and domestic lines. Whether looking for practical garments or in search of novelties, Xmas shoppers will find -elections easy, and at price reductions that shrewd buyers will appreciate. Bearskin Coats, white, red and navy, sires 2 to li ® | *jrj■ \ ears, the most becoming Coat. at the s|*aial |>riee of, 1. t 0 $.1.00 Red and Blue Twilled Cloth Coat, mImi Corduroy, 2 t>> fi yenn:, re- eip limed to $5.00 Blue, Rose and Tan Cloth Coats. embroidered fronts, also t'upe *n <% q ('oat in blue rioth, reduced to w«/0 $7.08 Plain Black Caracul and Broad cloth Braided Coat*, in tan, aa brown, anil navy, reduced to wD.UU $10.00 Imported Banket Weave Braided Trimmed Coats, melon and ra elertrir shade:*, reduced to vl,3|j Imitation Pony Skin Coats, black with fancy buttons, -itr 0 to !•» years; at* AA special . OD.UU $7.50 Reil Cheviot Coats, trimmed with black braiding on collar, cuffs and belt. sir* s S. Id and t'J vears. re- PP AA duced to DD.UU $10.00 Stylish bnftlish Mixture Coat, trimmed in red, velvet collar and velvet piping on cuffs and lapels, -izi s mm /*fk 10 in 11 years; special 3 I .DU li $1.50 and $1.08 Children’s Bonnets, of -ilk velvet and felt, daintily trimmed in ribbons and QQ flowers, sizes 14 to 17 yrsrs: special *JQC Baby Caps of Plain and Embroidered Silk, artistically trimmed with ribbons, ruchinn and |“A lace: special . DUC j Ch Idren’s Muff and Scarf Sets l The most practical pift that one can think of for a child would be one of these Fur Sets. Specially priced. Brown Coney Set, purse attached to muff, set. White and Brown Coney Set*, purse attached to muff. Squirrel and White Coney Sets, also Grecian Chinchilla Sets Isabella 'Possum Set, nice quality skins; special. $1.70 S1.9S $2.48 $5.00 White Fur Baby Bonnets, trimmed with pink or light blue sill, ribbon, n -ett '* mid forgot- Jft me-nots to t-idc; special dfa,40 Rlack Velvet and Plush Bonnet*. *2.4* up. Boys’ Plain White Fur Caps, $1.2*. Children's Knockabout Rolling Brim Felt Mats, colors, re i. brown m i gr< \ . spec- A O ial 40C 51.25 Bearskin Hat. wit* gm-gt-tin rihlM>tt bands to match, color* tan, 1.1 u-k d * l.i> spec- qq ial OOC Knitted Wool Toques, the usual 7fir kind, jo colors, red, white ami him ; special *fOC Children's Wool Drawer Legging, the kind that keep the little one* warm, white only, 50c and . Jersey and Broadcloth I.eonin*. 10 and l'J buttons, colors white, red and black; spec ial $1.75 Children's Sweaters, the ail-wool kind, high collar and pocket*, tv:ado up in s< hd color* and a variety of charming combination* of whit", red, brown and blue.Mies 2 to *> war- spec- aa ial 51. UU 98< $1.00 fnl Sri hi* attempt on Mr. W. J. Har ris' residence, v here he u as chased from his industrious labors after he had only attached himself to a pair of shoes. The police of Henrico county are on the lookout for any one taliving to the above description, and tnr> are in hope.* of apprehending him be fore he has time to do further dam ns''. ORGAN .VXD SOXfi RECITAL VT CIIVRC1I OF COVENANT The following program will be given at the organ and sung recital ut the Church of the Covenant. Har rison and Dark avenue, on Thurs day evening. December 15. at S:le o'clock. Mr. Haasett Hough will play: Toccata und Fu'iue, by Hath: Reverie, by Moszkowski; Romance In l* Flat, by Lomaro; Avc Marla, by Ilenseit; Flat Lux and In Par&dlsun, by 1m bols; Funeral March and Song of the Seraphs, by Gullmont; Chorus 'it Angels, by Clark; Echo, by Tombelle, Military Polonaise, by Chopin. Mr. Pry an will sing "It Is Enough." from Elijah. Mr. Hill will sing "o Divine Re deemer," by Gounod. Mrs. Hetiuembourg will play a* a violin solo "The Prize Song" (Meis terslngcr), by Wagner. Mr. Hryant and Mr. Hill will sing nn arrangement of th” "Crucifix," by Fau re. SUFFOLK CAMPAIGN DRAWS TO CLOSE FtOTIl "WETS" VXD "DRVK” n.VVE BEEN DIM*.ENT, BVT CONTEST II VS NOT BEEN BETTER. Special to Tin. Richmond Virginian.) SUFFOLK, VA„ Doc. 14.—The rlos ng days of the local option fight arc iusy oner for both thu "wets" und 'dry*." Since the beginning the campaign las hoi n hard fought und both lac iona seem confident of victory. The anil-prohliiitlontsts have coi ned their campaign to iiulet work, irnost exclusively depending on their j Itorature and personal Imlucnce to , arry the election, A rmall pamphlet distributed by the , ommlticu In charge of the "wet" nrcet, entitled "Church Temperance : uitlcK," containing the views of Blah- i p* Porter, Hall, Clark, Neely and | ther widely known no n of eminence, i icing their views in plain language 1 n the Issue, has been the subject j>t ! inch comment. The next letter of this party will he What Prohibition Has Dune for Buf dk In the Last Twenty Months " The ork of the antl-suloonlats. under the I root Ion of the citizens' league, has «en most active. Aside from the per >nal work done, numerous outside 'e.tkerr have addressed the voters. ! Muss meetings have been held nl ioet dally lit the various churches. :id there forces seem untiring in their Torts. c^Jon. Richard i’. Hobson was j te last lecturer here, and with the j tdrrss of the masterful Beaborn 'right, ol‘ Georgia, on Saturday sf- i r ‘L. i 'Jr /. . ‘ . • «j-;,V ..i* ternoon, the active campaign will close. Despit.- the hard and determine! work of both hii!« s, the ivm|/.J,’n toss not been bitter. and tt is estimated that on th<* 19th the majority will he much larger than In the prc\ lows «:••••• , tlohs. I SMALL BOY KILLS 1LS LI 1 iLl SISTER : WAS PITYING WITH -UNLOAD. ED” GUN WHEN WEAPON WENT OFF WITH TKKHIIH.K. results. CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA„ De. U The family of Conductor Len Hughes, a passenger conductor on the W ash - i Ington division of the Chesapeake and j Ohio, is sadly bereaved. His seven i year-old daughter. Ora, was aeddent allv shot and Instantly killed late I Tuesday afternoon by her brother. Karl, who is not <iuite five years old. The children were left alone in the kitchen, and the lad. picking up a breechloading shotgun, said that he was going to shoot a bird. The child's head was horribly mutilated. An older , boy. Cecil, had been shooting birds In ' i the morning, but claimed that he left the weapon unloaded. The father was ; not apprised r,f his daughter's death , until he returned from his run after 9 o'clock Inst night. •—“t LAYMEN'S MISSIONARY CAMPAIGN A SUCCE8S j CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA„ Dec. 14. j The missionary campaign recently con- I ducted here under the auspices of the Laymen's Mission" r.v Movement was. productive of much good. Among* the prominent sneakers who delivered ad- \ dre"ses were Hon. II. It K McFarland, former enmml sinner of the District of Columbia; Professor J. II. Apple, of; the Woman's College. Frederick, Md.; j William Knowles (Vmper, general sec-, retary of the Washington Y. M. C. A..; j Jo* n W Wood, »er retary of the board j of foreign missions of the Episcopal Church Iti the United States; Dr. Liv ing Lankford, a prominent Itapttst It-y HammoncTs Flowers j Speak for Themselves. Their exquisite beauty ami fra grance are recognized and appre ciated by every one. Our exhibition of Chrysanthemums and Roses in-, elude the largest and finest selected; specimens ever shown anywhere— . See the beautiful display ue arr j showing Hammond & Co, Inc.\ 199 Ea«t Broad Street. » %■■ . - . . ~ " —.. . — ..... n'.in of Norf 'k. A vi ry « n joy able ban <1M*t w.!» held it the >1 C A. PROMINENT VISITORS AT HAMPTON INSTITUTE H AMPTi .\\ VA.. t»eo. H.-Th. I! mpliiii NYrmal Srhuul hati j*»* \ i*i-a! <li’11;:"iui' hi 'l visitors this week. Am UK Hunt is I’rofiPHor Paul /Her mann, one < f the ik rnmn fxrhantf ■ In Yale I'nlverslty. Profx*««r Zierirmnn rid.lrt seed the student* Moll dey evening on the "Rduontluna! Hys t> m of Gittouij " nnrl referred to the C.rinan army the srentest educa* tlonal system In the world. I>i Tnlcott Williams, cdltor-in-cJih f "f the Philadelphia Press, is \ tsitmyr ih.s week at the Normal Mrhnnl. Ho was a BiH-aKcr Monday evening;. when he discussed the “Past. Present and 1 Aitur of Ne>;ro Arr." _ Gold Glasses bought as Xmas Gifts changed to suit wearer at No Extra Charge £Waft€ptica£Glk Opticians cf the best sort. 211 East Broad Street Do You Want Christmas Money? If you are a reader of 77//? RICHMOND VIRGINIAN and xish to wake some pin money juicily, please send your name and lddrcss to TIIE RICHMOND AGENCY p. O. Box 4vj, Richmond, Ffc * P. S.—If you can not find time uterest yourself, perhaps you hat$ i son or daughter that would like tome spending money for Christ So you can send in theii