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Factory to You Some reasons why 1 can save you money on your shoes: I am on a cross street, with. Low Rent. I sell for Cash. I buy direct from manufacturers who ojrerate their own tsnnciiee and save you the jobber's profit, who buy Shoes inude from trust leather and tunned from trust, hides. Save you 50e to SI.00 on every pair. IT IS Cl* TO YOT TO DKCIDI*. LEDMAN’S 26 NORTH EIGHTH STREET. Three Doors from Franklin Street -? SOUTHS! BANKERS ! iN LBLAL SESSION SIMMON i»ki:r AMI T’OSSl M I VI ■ A I ill TO IT. VST or HIvVSON AM> n.ovv or son.. - (Special to The UJchmnnd Virginian.) FAUMV1UL.E. VA.. G. . 14.-—The; bantpiet given hy the local bankers to members ol Uroup l of Virginia UiinK * rs was a brilliant success, me least was essentially a game one, inane up of birus. raobita ami possums, the lat ter as line as ever Georgia furnish**.! Mr. Taft, ami th*se were Hanked by turkeys and Month.*!*]** Virginia hams, better far than any Smithilcld ever rent to the King of England. Mr. It. At. Cox, the business head of the Nor mal. arranged the fast and live grace mi. winsome. Normal girl* waded at the tables, nil honor never before ae. corded to «ny bunch of bankers gath ered about a festive board. And it was demonstrated that bankers . are born orators. While the speakers dealt with subjects practical it wat done In engaging and attractive style. Thi Richmond banks were repre sented. and Mr. George Itryan. genera) attorney for the State association, was present to tell the members of the no* d'-d reforms in legislation. He t ok uci aslon to urge upon bankers to take more interest' in public matters and advised that some of them should !» tm-mbi is nf the next legislature. Mr. Miller, of Pulaski, president of he association, was also present, and 1 ’• a practical talk dealing large - 1.. ui.h the subject *jf bank taxation. *- t'ashi. ' Vaiden. ot the First National, l'anmillc, presided, ami Cashier Scott, of the planters, also of I'arrn vilte, had ar'iiitged the program with great cur.- and thought. Th. mo t lug was pronounced the test of the series, but Farm* Me always Ims the best , i all things bimtnoti" be .r was fervid with the 'p -.sum. at K iel they ‘.aid it w as "eimim n" be r. hut it did look mighty like the ordit aty article In color and foam. t it mid: sr mun* \v u ii \ mi. vtion. WASHINGTON. Gee. 14 Flghty j.v.ri western i cd .o.ithwesteri. ra:i ri.sds are charged with persistent vio lation of an order of the Interstates commerce commission, in a demand for the reparation of 111 Iff. allcgt b • sc u . tve freight rote.- ■ d tu-dav bv th - Farmers' Lumber Company. ..f Omaha. .cb It is alleged the ord. r fixing d:e maxihvum frtvg:n r1 arse on lumber a; - > cents ter ore ln.nrt.vd jiouiids has been disregarded. MV IIOITtS Kill I VI.K ON i*i:\M(l\ IIII.L WASHING-! ■ oN, liefemle-r 14.—The house to-da: allowed six hours for talk on the p«usl<>n bill and Represen tative Smith i Gv mocrat i. of Texas, o ho w as gtv ii two hours of this time, at once* opened upon the subject of » tariff for revenue only.'' The irre levancy of Smith's theme was lazily not'd by the* house and nest of the to mbers then strolled out to th. lounging rooms to wait until the wor.: was passed to vote* f”l the passag ed the pension bill. Farmers to In-tire Other. A charter was granted tit■ ■ Farmers' Fir** Insurance Company, of Abing don. Washington eoiinty. by the cor poration commission Tuesday. The incorporators ar. M. 1’. spahr. prod elent; G. o Peltyjohn, secretary, and J. P. Htimley, of Washington county The* object of tic- < unpuny is t • fur nieh mutual Insuram . . The company bss no capita! stock. LA FOLLETTE GETS SMALL PIECE OF PIE ’WASHINGTON, D >I >■ c. 11. - R< cognition at the W hile House in thi' matter in’ pitronng" !;i-it wits extend • <1 Tuesday hi drgre, to Sniit tiir 1... I’olhit i . «f Wis'1'Minin. Ih* ac cordance with a recommendation made hy the senator, ITesident Tuft sub mitted to th*. Sinutw the nomination of t». Edward Schulz un customs collector fur the Milwaukee district. HuFolletto also receiv'd uu invitation tv-day to nniiie the postmaster in It lx hum town, Mlldiso.l, V\ in. kaiiyi: <>t Virginia JMI.S IN liAf.TIMOKE RAETIMt ‘UK MU. 1V<-. M. Dr, Juno* II. Iiurris, TM years old. ,i well' known dentist of thin • it>. died lute yesterday afternoon at his bum . Su« North Kutu'v street. loath resulted from pneumonia. He was taken til last Thursday. I>r. Harris was horn in Alln-marle county, \a.. hut eTnie to lialtlniore shortly after the Civil War. Hi* re. j eeived his early education at private: schools in Virginia and later became f a student In the Baltimore lkntu! College. He afterward studied at the College of Physicians and Surgeons. For many years he was connected with the University of Maryland ana! only on last Thursday he delivered his usual lecture on operative dentistry. During the Civil War ho was con nected with the Hospital Corps of the Confederate Army and took part InI practically all of the campaigns in the northern section of the Southern State*. He is survive^ hy the following children: Mrs. J. IN. Thomas, Mrs. N. G. Darby. Mrs. Ella M. Steele, Mrs. K. J. Jenkins. Dr. C. C. Harris amt1 I>r. J. E. Harris. lie also leaves it I hrothor and sister—Dr. Frank I,. Har ris and Mrs. Mattie Kent, both of1 Harrisonburg, Va. SKATING very good X\T HAVEN POUT S FARM Kiddie* and grown men And women ! aro frisking around on Davenport’s j pond now and doing stunts on the \ ice with their skates, thanks to oiu1 King Cole. The weather man has j been very kind to the young people who have been aching for the last month to enjoy the feel of the Ice under the skate, and If ho Just will promise to continue good, all the ponds around the city will soon be crowded with thousands of merry makers. Know ant) fun on the loo always add to aha enjoyment and pleasure of Cfcftatnu* and makes aver* ooe dla Ifehiiv.r.fc- vA Vfe - posed to believe old Santa Claus is a reality, and is clattering around in j hiR ruindeer sleigh. A few more cola j days will make firm ice. FXRIXK WIIFKL, FUXS OX' MAX AM) BHKAKS HIS IIII* | A newly east driving wheel, which] he wut* attempting t>> roll w ith the j assistance <u several other workmen, fell on Walter Mitchell Tuesday morn- ! ing in tho Southern railway shops in | South Richmond and broke hi* left j hip. The man was removed to th* Retreat for the Sn k. where he re ecjved surgical attention. lie is col ored and halls from Clover, V*. NEGRO IS FATALLY WOUNDED BY HOG TKAt.FDA AT 1IOO KII.MXt; OX' FARM XKAIt UOXRfHY—MAX 1)11.1) FROM IXJI IIY. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) Roxurnr, VA.. Dee. 14.—While j Henry Rowell, colored, was butcher ing hogs Tuesday morning for Mr. i„ A. Marston, on his farm near ltox tmrs. one of the hogs attacked him and Intlii ted an ugl> wound just un der thi knee. In a few moments Rowell staggered and fell. A doctor was te lephoned for, but the negro was dead I>t fore he arrived. It is believed j however, that heart failure was the dip ■ L , ,uiae of his death. SAYS IIE MADE RECORD RAIL RUN) (TMl:'*;i‘LAM), AU>.. I#. <•<*!*»i.* r 14 J. T. l»iuvF' n, HalMmnr*' and Ohio I freight « niciJH tT - Siinu* u* haw- made tin r*«***r*i run fr»»m Cnrnheiiaml t-> r.rur*uvvj« k M«L. uc' rmi- .h, in J hours 1 and - • inintiti-s. II?* train, Na». ;*i. wan drawn f*> ill 05 anti th* train <-on?ixu-d of j,5 loads of m*ul from ^'hit ag" tbstiiud t«» N>w York. This it s siat*d lias n* v* r been t ej iab <1 by a pas-* ?ie. r train. fttilldlnc Permit». b i-v- tor i»o k Tuesday issued trie foloxv mu in r m - * AuttionxinK Mr. «.». J. I.'avb »o build two frame i1wc!!,ni. t*n <*l:afl)n ^street near \V# *t .art-Ri to * o*t S..4G0. Author la.r Mr. William 11ohson to repair N" .North Thirty-sixth street, to < *)r*t .'.\ n Aut hon/an* Mr. )' M Staiar? to re pair No, 316 Eu.-t Iv> r«? Mf*t't, to co*t * Authorixing w. Washington to r- - {•air No. it11 < ath»;■ r;n- *tr» •• t to cost f u0‘*. AtithorUing’ ? y.■<1 Air ]J«« to repair No. yi ■ .\Miiguil street tt tost JMoO. Authorising Mr. V J iSflari t * .e* pair Nt* 71 v scoi . tre*jt, t<* ud! b v V O. II. TO I II <T !*iu:sii>i\<. oi l 10 iis Anobnt (*rd?*r «>f Hibernians No. 1 will hold ;i mo-ting In !-. • (’ami- Hall Wtdiio b: vvrmn# at * o'clock to oilierrs to s>> rv ■ for the year r* 11 and transact other important business. Strong ♦ florin ar. being mad- to ha\ J *hn Hlakc. th present presi dent, accept th(* high-M oftlci again fit whether he wit! 1*. persuaded or; not ,* not known, li« has* served two terms &« pr-. sidvnt and made a most dhrient oMiccr under whose dtre<*tior the order has triad, great progress and advanc* merit and he i almost a unani mous choice for chief executive again < .Mr Hlak. . however, has indicated a d*■wir• * t u v itU th« reins t-> some on* No, i is now in a most flourishing .-•mditioTi. having S«>0 numbers and; having d through a year of pros- ; perity. jtiM.t: ui>t iioi.ns t ut RT l\ « \hoi.ive. T-’.< AVI.IN GGRBKN, V\„ 1» •' 14.— ; The regular term of the r'aroline Co. c.rcult «; ourt i* tn session. Judge JentK* j t West, of Sussex nntnty. sitting, he j havltu; been designated by the govor ! nor t‘» !t<»id court, the jmljfeahlp b^ing 1 vacant by reusoi t.f Judge Mason V ’ d«.iaih. inalciin<*nts w« re found against Samuel Johnson for housebreaking;! \tigustufl Hruimin, for housebreaking; John Hrooks and l>allas Morris, for as sault. and two indictmenth against Frank It Smith for forger.'. , Appropriate resolution* were adopt « d by the bar and cittaens of the coun ty relatives to the death of Judge J. 12 Mason. sti;.\mku i Hi-rr.w wknt A(iKOV\l) IN PATAI*SCO \ BALTIMmKK. MU.. Dec 14. As o' l. Hiilt of a high northwest wind which <aum-(l low water in the Baltimore hurl'i r. the big steamship .'retail, of | th*- Merchants ami Miners' Transpor- j tation Company, outward bound for ' Savannah, Ua., and Jacksonville, Fla., i went tut round shortly after leaving her berth at 5 o'clock Tuesday morning. The Cr. tail carried seventy-live pas sengers and a full cargo. It took the combined efforts of four powerful tugs nine hours to release the vessel. I The Cretan proceeded on hep voyage nt 2:13 P. M.. apparently undamaged. HOT l.t M ill'S TO BE SERVED SCHOOL children NORFOLK, Y.V., December 14.— i Hot lunches will he served at Nor- j folk’s new high school at a minimum ' cost to pupils Superintendent IMble j believes that the cost of a plate of . soup can he gotten dowrt to a few I cents. He hopes also to introduce this In the grammar schools later on. WILIi STAND PAT IN OPPOSITION TO SMITn. j TRENTON, N. J., Dec. 14.—Assembly man Allan R Walsh, of Mercer, and William S. Davison, of Hudson, were the only two Democratic legislators ul Hie State House to-day. Both stat ed that they propose to stand abso lutely pat against James Smith and in favor of James E. Marline for I'nited Stales senator. The two Democrats' were given the honor of sitting In the House Republican caucus. FIFTH DIVISION' IIKUINM BATTLE PRACTICE, (Special to The Richmond Virginian.' NORFOLK. VA.. Dec. 14.—Battle practice'was begun to-day bv the tifth division of the Atlantic fleet consisting of the armored crulaers Tennessee, North Carolina, Montana and Washing ton on the Southern drill grounds off th« Virginia enpes with an icy wind blowing thirty-flv* 1 miles an hour from th« North. SAYS DIME NOVELS l)OW\F4LL OF WARDLAV8 ALIAS j HANLEY ALLEGED TO HAVE AT- j TEMPTED HOIIIIERY HERE, ATTHIBI TRD TO THIR. Too manv dime novels read in hi» • youth. Mrs. Augustus Bernor, of Brooklyn, belicvon caused the downfall . of her son, Thomas Wand lass, alias ; Toni Hanley, the noted foot-pad and burglar wanted here for “lifting” the | purse of Captain W. Y\\ Baker, tha f J'Klslalor from Chesterfield last May. Wand lawn now ilea at death’s door in a Bamsale. N J. hospital where he was taken Thursday night after he wa .'‘hot three times while attempting to break into a house. Though arrested here as soon tis Captain Baker found that he had been robbed. Wand lass managed to evade conviction, and being dismissed by Justice Crutchfield left town. Wandlass is a burglar by choice HIh family wealthy, but scorning work he has during the last ten years sp* nt ills- time comltting daring crimes and serving terms for them in various prisons. While in the New York penntenttary he was married. HIh bride was permitted to give him a wedding cake, jt was filled with files and saws, and hi a few day* the bride groom had sawed his wav to freedom. He w'an captured, served the rest of hi** term, and since his release hat1 been arrested scores of times, but near ly every time by employing skillful criminal attorneys has managed to »* cape. fWO-MILLlON DOLLAR LINCOLN MONUMENT WASHINGTON, I Vo. H.—A liiomi- , ment to this memory of Abraham Lin coln will bo erected In thl* city at a cost of I2.000.UVO, if a bill Introduced in the Senate to-day by Mr. Cullom (Republican), of Illinois, become* a law. Mr. Cullom has pressed the sub ject for years, and he is confident that : sentiment has developed to a point , that promises success to the project. 1 BIG HAUL MADE ON SMUGGLED OPIUM WASHINGTON, fieremh. r 14—One thousand pounds of smuggled opium was confiscated in an early morning raid on the Chlsese section of Port- i land. Ore., by secret service men to day. according to advices received by Chief Wilkie, at the treasury depart ment. This makes one ton of opium -hat ha> been captured during raids iti various cities of the country during thy past two weeks. OFFICERS ABE CHOSEN j BY VARIOUS BODIES1 ltichm 'U*i Tent, Knight? of the Mac nas cnonen uk- totlowiug of ii* cis lor tne ensuing year: Cnancel iur cinnmauat r, i ivruul T. r-aton, ntuti nant commanuer. Ed. Loutes; seigtumnl, H. X. its rues: chaplain, H. i'. t ilium*?; mH«.er-ut-&riiii», J. H. ai'rams; recnru M-rper, t»<* Morris; iirnt master of gunr.i-, A. I >. Jackson; set onu master <«f guards, J. A. Hook er; sentinel, Auam ihacont; picKet, J, J. mtuer; trustee. \V. F. HopKins. fraternal Lons.*. No. 1>J, A. r. and A. -M . held a Mali d comrouni*.ration in tin Masonic 1 ample Mommy eve ning and elected trie following of liters f‘tr the ensuing term: I'. i\ Kennedy, worship! til master; E. A\. iiroiuy, senior warden, H. A', la'wis. Jr., junior warden; Milton J. Blraus. treasurer: William Keinheimer, fw* retart; Kdwin L. Levy. senior deacon; Harry I„ ramphell. Junior deacon; D, f. Kennedy, representative to Masonic relief hoard; J. it. larrikin, representa tive to Masonic section Hollywood; Goodman i‘ai ls and Sam Jacobs, stew ards; W. J. l-Mihum. tiler; A. W. lin ker. purveyor, K*v. E. N. Uullsch and Jacob lew lit, chaplains, John F. Maj or. 1., Z. Morris and 1/ims Nachman, trustees st. John's Lodge, No. 30, A. K. and A. M . m»-t Tuesday night and elect til nit* following oifleers for the en suing term: <■'. H. Sthneider, worship ful master; W. Hill, senior warden; J. A Pumptin. junior warden; J. C. Il'iiman, treasurer; O. J. Adams, sec retary; J J. Mattern. senior deacon: i;. I*. Jeffrie*, junior deacon; H. It. I’ollard, J. 1*. Sutherland. J>. F. Crad dock, trustees; F. K. Anderson, 11. C. Ostorblnd, chaplains; W. J. I.ynham, tiler; A. \V, Raker, steward; A. I* Thomas, A. L. Barfoot, stewards' com mittee. SUPERVISORS 0ECI0E Tfl HIKE BN APPEAL NORFOLK COUNTY AUTHORITIES BITTERLY OI»I*OSK ANNEXA TION OF LAMBERTS IN* I NT. NORFOLK, VA.. Owe. U.—The Nor- ' folk county hoard of supervisors on 1 yesterday decided to continue their tight against the annexation of Lam bert's Point to the city of Norfolk. . A resolution was adopted directing Commonwealth's Attorney Marshall to appeal to the Statu Supremo Court i from the annexation decree entered by Judge Hurrisdn. Mr. Marshall be- i Ing empowered also to employ at torneys to assist him in the case. The annexation of Lambert’s Point to Norfolk will deprice the county of very considerable revenue, hence the opposition on the part of the county authorities. MORTIMER STODDARD. ptyiriytoIJJ!fTOW PETERSBURG, VA., Dec. 14 — Mortimer M. Stoddard, a storekeeper gauger of the lilehmund office of the internal revenue department, has been appointed deputy collector tn charge of the Petersburg office. He will sue- j ceed H. Claiborne Wilson, who re- i signed to become collector of cus- j touts. I GETS HIS BONUS IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS | NEW YORK. Dee. 14.—The Na- j tlonal Commission, which met Just he- | fore the annual meeting of the Na tlonal League to-day, ordered the Bos ton National Club to pay Pitcher Fer guson-a bonus of 1600, .which was of fered if he would win half of hla games during the past season. Fer guson won exactly half of the games in which he participated. The board of dirertora of the Na tional League held a short session just | prior to the annua) masting of the National League magnates. It was said tht only routine business was trans acted. *\ . . -*V y at Tragle’s Beautiful, artistic and useful is the line of Holiday Goods to bs ft u 'id at Tragle's. We purchased direct from the manufacturer, and can sell 50 per cent, lass than those who purchase from a jobber. Our assortment of Comb and Brush and Mirror Sets, Comb and Brush Sets, Shaving Sets, Manicure Sets, Gentlemen's Sets, Military Brushes, etc., the largest in the city and at “TRAGLE S" prices. Comb and Brush Sets, in German sil ver, beautiful designs, the kind that sell for X.b(X); our price, $1.98. Comb and Brush Sets, in plated ware, looks and wears well, from 49c to $1.49. Comb and Brush Sets, in hardwood, highly polished, with sterling silver mount ings. 39c to $1.79. Comb, Brush and Mirror Sets, in the German silver, quadruple plate silver, hard wood with handsome sterling silver mount ings, inlaid sterling silver on porcelain, from $1.49 to $4.98. ' Tragle's prices." Manicure Sets, in every conceivable style and pattern,‘including the hardwood with sterling silver trimmings, cbnpoid with silver trimmings, German and sterling silver, Persian ivory anil inlaid sterling silver on porcelain: beautiful and exclusive patterns in handsome boxes, at Tragle's prices, from $1.19 to $4.79. Gentlemen's Combination Sets, in ihiding Military Brushes, Clothe* Brush, Hat Brush and Comb, in German, quad ruple plate and sterling silver: our price, $3.50, $4.25, $4.98. Ladies' Combination Sets We have an exclusive line of these sets in all of the above patterns, containing from three to twenty-three pieces, including handsome bevel-plate hand mirror, comb and brush, hat brush, clothes brush, nail buffer, cuticle knife, file, scissors, salve jar. button hook, shoe horn, curling irons, tweezers, ets.; at Tragle's prices, from $1.29 to $21.35. Shaving Sets, with and without magni fying mirror, in quadruple-plate silver, and ebonoid; a large assortment at Tragle's prices, from 50c to $4.59. And load* of other equally as beautiful and useful articles that we cannot de iscribe here, including: Whisk Brooms, with (»ermau silver trimming and holder. 39c to 98c. Safety Razors—Gillette, Durham Du plex. Leslie, complete with stropper; Gem tie luxe and Gem, from $1.00 to $5.00. Fountain Pens —14-K. gold and war ranted tor one year, at Tragle's prices, 49c to $2.49. Jewel Boxes nihke very useful Christmas presents, from 25c to $1.50. Christmas Stationery, the holly and pointsette patterns, from 25c to $1.00. Huyler's Lowney's, Dorothy and Rose Candies, in fancv boxes and baskets, from 21c to $4.89. Imported and Domestic Perfumes— l Houbigant's, Fiver's, Mazuycr, Hudnut’s, : Speihler’s, Colgate’s, etc. i Beautiful assortment of Holiday Post , Cards, from 1c to 5c. TRAGLE DRUG CO., 817-819 East Broad St KOI TO INTERFERE WITH SEWER WORK hknkk o **i pbhvivok'* refi m: to RFUM) THK1R PKRRI«8I«N \L RKADV GRAFTED TO C IT%. Th»* application mad*- by some r,t ?h~ residents of the firverv.ew section a-k ing: the county Hoard of Supervisors of Henrico to r*emd tin r action granting city of Richmond ih» n^iit to build the Virginia avenu*- sewer, was refu - nd the hoard Tuesday. This mean* that the work will now »*♦> continued without opposition, and the peworag* s<* necessary for the section wil be pro vided. An injunction to have tho w*»<!; stopped was first asked from Judg< hcoit and refused. When the rrattei was carried on to the Supreme <'ouri, Judge Scott was upheld and the plain tiffs were forced to fall hack "n* e again on the Board of Supervisors CORN GROWING BOYS HAVE rlClLKE 1AKEN WASHINGTON. December 14.— Bearing an car of corn in oat h hand, 11 hoys. representing the "I'oss” corn growers of 11 ."southern States and the cream of 4A.000 hoy corn growers, posed in front of the department of agriculture offices Tuesday for their photograph, lunch hoy won first prise in his State tor corn growing. They are being given a trip to Wash ing. including a virt to the president and the secretary of agriculture, as a treat for their industry and su - cess. tine of the hois, from South Caro lina. had raised 228 d-4 bushels of corn on a single acre at a cost of El cents a bushel. His record was eclipsed by a lad from Arkansas, uho raised lli< bushels an acre at a cost of only S cents a bushel. The suc cess of the boys has acted as a spur to their elders and point* the way to the enormous possibilities of corn pro duction In the South. t.OVEHNOH HI NPITKS TWO DOOMED MEN That Jame' Hairston and Thomas Bailey, negroes, may yet be saved from the electric chair by th. confes sion of John Kc leg. who was electro cuted In Not', miser for murdering Sidney Wood m ar Danville, tvas indi cated Wednesday, when Uovornor Mann granted them a third respite. The day of their doom was set for Friday, but the Governor has respited them until January 13. Tho negroes are accused of compli city in the murder of Wood on an excursion train. Eccles confessed to the murder and said Hairston and Bailey were guiltlese. The ijovernor Is still Investigating the siory told by Eccles. HAVEMKYERs ARE Al.r. «IT or Sl't.AK TRIST NEW YOKK, Dec. 14.—Al a meet ing of the director* of the American Sugar Refining Company Tuesday the resignations were accepted of Horace HttVemeyer. former director and head of the sales department, and Arthur E. Donner, former treasurer of the company. Thu removes the Havcmeyer family from any further participation in the affairs of the American Sugar Refining Company. BISHOP BENNY HAS NOT CHOSEN NEW HOME (.Special to The Richmond Virginian.) ROANOKE, VA., Dec. 14.—BUhop Collins I fenny, who la visiting J. It. Flshhurn in Roanoke, said this morn ing that the announcement from Richmond that he would make his home In that city was news to him, that he had reached no decision in the matter, that he naturally felt in clined to come to Virginia. l>ut that il would he some time before he could determine where his home uiil be. Ngrndlt'Mo OraM.ed An Appeal. An appeal has been granted the Van Dyke Syndicate in Its suit against the Norfolk-Southern Railway Com pany for securities covering an alleged agreement made before the railroad was reorganised. The syndicate avers in its petition that the reorganisers entered into an agreement to float bonds worth 000,000 to reorganise the company and to place the bonds with the syndicate. Subsequent to the agreement, however, the reorgan izers made other arrangements, and did not issue the bonds. The syndicate tried In the lower court at Norfolk to have the agreement lived up to, but its petit! i was dismissed. From this decision C • syndicate appealed. TU1AI, OF J. 11. JE8HE IN “ BEGUN ON MVRDKR CHARGE (Special to The Rtebmond Virginian.) ROANOKE, VA- Dec. 1 A—The trial of J. If. 3nsee. charged with the ' ■ • ■ ■ ■ murder of David !'. Marshall at the Tiptop hotel several weeks ago, be gan in the Corporation Court to-day, Judge Staples presiding Jesse Is the proprietor of the Tiptop hotel. Mar shall, who hud been drinking, was stopping at the place, and while in his room, some one heat and kicked him to death. Jesse was arrested. H- has Peer) in jail without halt. JUDGMENT GIVEN XX APPEAL, HOWKVI lit. IS NOTED HX' COIXSEL I’t»H I’KIXt »; XX IU.IAM Oi l ’ll I XI.. <.Spc m! to The Richmond Virginian.) MANASSAS, VA, Dee. 1-i.—Judgt L. Harley, presiding in the room of Judge J. B. T. Thornton, in the C’lr cuit Court, here, yesterday confirmed the report of Special Coinraiss!on< r C. Vernon l-'ord in the case of the hoard of supervisors against James K. ilerreil, treasurer of Prince William 1 county, finding against Treasurer lit r rel! on every charge preferred against him. Judgment was ior Si.'.500 and costs amounting to nearly The defendant noted an appeal The de fendant was represented by Judge C. B. Nicol anil Hon. Thomas H. Lion, and the hoard ef supervisors tty Com monwealth's Attorney 11. T. Davies and R. A Hutchison. ASSETS OF BOYENTON A I o. ABOUT HALF OF LIABILITIES (Special to The Richmond Virginian.! NORFOLK. VA.. Dec. It.—A bank ruptcy schedule showing the liabilities and assets of Boyenton A- Co., the failed Hampton hankers, filed in the I’nltcd State* Court here to-day. shows total liabilities of 15 1.200.82. with as sets’ of 126.151.5ft, or liabilities of Commonwealth Banki 12 North Ninth Street, Richmond, Vu. BRANCHES; 4 East Broad Street. Twenty-fifth and Broad Sts. Williamsburg Ave., Fulton. Active buainefc? accounts solicited. Interest Paid on Savings Deposits ' ... $28,040.52 over anil above assets. This Includes tin Hampton bank and Its branches at I'ppervllln and Middk Intrg. TWO ELECTROCUTIONS ON FRIDAY MORNING Tun r,ier. will be electrocuted a few minutes apart tit the penitentiary Fri day morning. They are John 3. Smyth. Williams lu New York. i Special to The Richmond Virgin! ROANOKE, VA., Per. H " It. Williams, president of the VI Baseball league, has gone to York, where he will meet many inent baseball owners and ofl ■ ' 111 . ' . !JJfl the Norfolk bartender, who killed wife and child while drunk on Umber 1, and James Setlington, pro, convicted of brutally m an aged woman in Rockingham. Itoth men have made every save Ihelr lives and failed. B< resigned to their fate, according i ials at the penitentiary. Save Part of Your Income; It w ill prove a wise, *nfc, profitable rourso to pursue. Ready money bring" you more money; it give* you power and prestige. - Money that dips from you amounts to nothing. Money placed in W Savings Department cams THREE PER CENT. COMPOUND INTEREST. Ranking by mail is easy. Juet send your name for our little booklet, How to Rank by Mail-'' Planters National Bank RICHMOND, VIRGINIA Capital, $3(50,000.00 Surplus and Profits, $l,26S,00Mi| in Planters National Bank OFFICERS: John B. Purcell, President. Jno. M. Miller, Jr., Vice-Pres. and Cashier. Fred. E. Soiling. 2d Vice-Pres. > . Chas. R. Burnett, Asst. Cashier. J. C. Joplin, Aset. Cashier. W. P. Shelton, Asst. Alex. F. Ryland, The Ten Million Dollar The First National Bank. OF RICHMOND, VA. The Bank that has made a specialty of building up facturing, Jobbing and Retail business of Richmond for fifty years. Come in and talk over your banking requirements. Life Insurance Company of Virgini Incorporated as a Stock Company in 1871 OLDEST -i- LARGEST STRONGEST Southern Life Insurance Compaq PROGRESSIVE + CONSERVATIVE Issues the Most Liberal Forms of Life and Endowment Policies from $1,000.00 to $25,000.00 With Premiums Payable Annually, Semi-Annually or Quarterly. All policies are Clear and Definite, and as Liberal as Safety WU1 Permit, and Their Values are Absolutely Guaranteed. 1910 Insurance in Force September 30, Aset tii September 30, 1910 - Capital and Surplus September 30, 1910 OVER $71,1 OVER OVER 1,1 JOHN G. WALKER, - MM M