Newspaper Page Text
SHIES OF loom BREAKJEGORDS OVER 100,000 POIXDS OFFERED IX THE SEVERAL WAREHOUSES OXE DAY—PRICES GOOD. All previous records of the year vorc shattered In the tobacco mnrKet , Wednesuuy when. In the biggest oreak of the season, 4Uu,UOU poitnus of weed was sola. The double sales In all the warehouses were hurdiy able to uo ojnmouato the business, and Shed burn's wurehousc continued their sules up till S:'o0 o’clock. The market open- | cd rather weak, from the effect of Tuesday’s decline, but at the close the offerings were bringing the highest prices of the year. Most of the tobacco offered was id the lower son-cured (trades, with no hurley In sight. Friday will be the hurley day, and the planters are prob ably holding that brand back until the set sales. While there is some tobacco from nearly all the neighboring counties, Henrico, Hanover, King and tjueett. and ITInce Edward, by fur the most Is being brought from Caroline. Shoekoe warehouse led the list of sales Wednesday with a total of sr,, 000 pounds, and KJiolburn’s followed close with what Is estimated ns 80, 000. Stonewall disposed of 70,000 pounds, Davenport’s 60,000 and Cren shaw's the same. The Warehouse people say there Is every Indication of a big sale Thurs day, too, and the buyers will he <>n hand in crowds. The K. J. Reynolds' Company se cured the largest amount of any one concern In the Wednesday sales, though the American Tobacco Com pany and the It. A Patterson Com pany were also large buyers. THREE BODIES W LI BEJNJE PARADE MERIDIAN LODGE AND TWOCDM MANDERIES TO TAKE I’ART IN CNVE1LING. The program of the Masonic exer cises to accompany the laying of the corners!<»ni> i f the m-v. -*t-itfleo has lw,n completed .• < a. . ii Frank \V. Cunningham. inarter .n monies. The Masons «m me. ,he Masonic Tcmpic. and hcadt . .■■ KcSsnich's l ami. wlil march In i o on up Jef ferson to orac, down Grace to Ninth and non down to th. n* a building At the head of th- ;lni --i tn.ircn will Pc a -‘i.cclal 11>ta hrnents of mount -d poiP eiiien, who win clear the way for the rest. iln hnton.t CoinmamJt-ry. No, 2. Knights Tim plara will march under tin- leader ship of the Eminent fir J J -Mat tel n. followed h> .s: Andrew's Com mander} . No. 1-. In •barge of Knit* nent c-ir George J. Erectile;. Mt-ri tllan Lodge. Wlilch Is to ha. charge of the laving of. the stone, toes in vited all the Master Masons in the citj to Join in the parane with them. J»r. tv. }’. Mathews, master of Me ridian Lodge, will lay th stone. After speeches Py Kt-d - ernor A. J. Montague and J. Alston Cabetl, a luncheon will Pc tendered to . guests by Contractor Miller at the liuslnes* Men's Club. TO I'HOTFtT LAND IN IMPERIAL VALLEY WASHINGTON 1- c. n —The work of pr- te ting lands ai d prop erty In the- Imperial Valle; of Cali fornia, for which the government has appropriated M.UUn.OtM', will start in a few weeks, according to a state ment issued by th- comptrollers <>! the treasury, who to-day re< mrrnnd ed to the secretary < t th> treasury that J II. ockerson, engineer, who will la In charge of the project he appointed special disbursing agent to pay Pills for laoor and expenses IIOOST AMIDON FOR cihcitt corin' hench WASHINGTON. Pec. II.—Presi dent Taft w sis to-da v urged to ap point IMstrlet Jtolg! Charles C. Amf don. of North Dakota. to succeed Judge Willis Van Decanter on th circuit bench hj a delegation includ ing Senator* McCaintn-r and i’urcell and Representatives Gronnu and iianna. The vacancy i* dtte to Judge Van Devnnter’s elevation t ■ the Su preme Court. TO TRY All, Sl SPEOS NEXT SAT C It DAY MORNING The cast) against Harry Northing- i tou. who is charged with being a member of the overcoat gang, was continued to Saturday by Justice Crutebiield in police court Wednes day morning. The < as.-e of th- other two nutpsrts, Howell and Nash. .->me up at that time, and It la probable that all three of the young men will he heard at Uio same time. CITY SCHOOL BOARD SETS CHRISTMAS HOMDAY From the end of the school day of, December 2." to the morning of Jan uary 3 the school children of Rich mond will have their regular Christ- 1 mag holiday this }cnr according to the ruling of the city hoard of edu cation, which mat Tttosdny night. The ruling, of course, affect* only the public schoole. ill! HE NOT DITTOED LITTLE ATTENTION PAID TO RE QUEST FOB RECEIVERSHIP IN NEW VOHK. The fact that the New York Star? otttclala have been naked to cancel the certlllcato of the Knights of Py thias to conduct a life Insurance busi ness In that State Is causing little or no concern to members of the order In Richmond, who suy that It will not affect the situation In Virginia one way or the other. One member of the order carrying Insurance In the New York lodge. It appear*, has become disgruntled be cause his assessment has been raised and as a reult he ha directed his lawyer to ask not only for cancella tion of the certificate, but the ap pointment of n receiver. In his peti tion He allege# that tho concern Is carrying Insurance of the fourth class to tks amount of *19,««7,600, with oash on hand amounting to only 9*11,Ml. la the absence of Virginia insur . woinso ; Prsgmusn t’U naked what he thought of the ■Ituation from un insurance stand point and Its hearing on the Virginia situation. 1 "As far As I can see.” he said, "I j don't think tfio request made by the New York authorities will amount to anything. Practically all fraternal orders have a right to ralso their as sessment, and that seems to be the i chief trouble' In the ca-so at lesue. I Furthermore. It is nothing unusual ! for them not to thaw In hand an ' amount equal to the insurance car- | ried, and they not required to do bo." READS PAPER ON FAAAiUS 686 ORUbj (Continued from First. _ _ j inv temperature usually rises os nlgn j *n Ini’ t 'ju mm a. i annul euci to of mo iiiu*'* lion ioutiiiuo iof at tuiial two uooiwi m most *..oiL-a, Utot utat la a ijOvldl lo.iaoii will It Is osaolilKil Ullll j lno 1*11110111 hiiouiu i*c ut a nuspnal ; wneeu tuo i.oat lUtoimou < uti ius nad. I..UU 1 »Us' Mu nmmn. Tho urug is a loiioiv j.ownor com ing 1(1 # 111*1 (1 i Hi uulll tlioos, uII't 11108 : to no ii auoruy i • lore tne mjeo- : turn, it is ior;, essential, Dr. t>ycl« uilo. that tii" luiysi. mu using it snuuld j know n o t • mi l tne <irug, and tnat tn- Khouid tie caretui in m«KlAg the in.Kttn n ho tar. fti snlrt, the exact [lose has not neon dellnitoiy asccr- ! littlied, although u la oenevcd to ha a*)out fifteen grain* f*>r malignant | vases. Ilf (5Hid he; would not he will- i Ing to experiment in other ease* until ■ more Is known as to the real efficacy *if the drug. Meanwhile he would , confine himself to the older remedcls, I even though they require treatment for four or five year#. While the composition of the drug Is not specifically known. Dr. Syclo has reason to bellow that It contains a considerable degree of arsenic. He I secured his samples from New York the early part of November. lirest IHwourj, He Say#. Judging by the case he treated, Dr. ! Syel# regards the drug as the most' wonderful discovery of the century In medical science, and he intends to * follow up the case for at least a year to further confirm his belief In Its efficacy. Although It is not generally known. h> »a;s that more deaths result an nua!!; In this county from specific tr**uhle than from either tuberculosis, typhoid fever, or scarlet fever. Few deaths are a; cribed directly to this trouble, it Is true, but It Is neverthe less n fact the toll exacted by the die* as- directly or indirectly Ir very great Many eases of locomotor ataxia and paralysis are due directly to spe cific trouble, he says Dr Syria's paper wav given the closet t attention by the doctors In attendance and some discussion fol lowed Its reading Hesil; X-ltaj Paper. Dr A, Urn' ai»*i read an In teresting paper on Hie X-ray In which h* showed the wonderful progress made in this special line of work. A - usual, the dorp n= nut In exe- i * nth e session. believing that the paper* they read and discussed ure n*-*i of sufficiently public Interest for the press to be admitted. < 'fiieers for the ensuing year were chosen as follows President, Dr (Verge lions; first vice-president. Dr. 1. A Hray; sec ond v|et—presld« nt. I <r J S. Horsley: third vie—president. Dr A G Brown.' secretary. 1 r Mark \V Peyser, who was .looted for the seventeenth term: assistant secretary, Dr. K. H. Terr. 11; treasurer. I>r. W. A. Shepherd; lib- * rarlun. Dr, (} I'. IjiRoiiut; chairman of the judiciary committee. Dr. W. SL Gordon. The annual banquet and Inst alia- i ti *n of offli or* will h*’ h'ld the sec- | ond Tuesday In January. l.kx'nsrtl to Marry. Marring, IP . ns. s w ar* Wednesday ; Issued in the Hustings Court to Mi | Janu s (’r.nshaw and Miss lb bekah ■ Newell, and Mr. Georg. Dudley and Miss J.ouise AVoolridgc. The first eou nb> will be married Wednesday own ing. the second Deep nth* r 2::. i 11K.AIt KKCOMMFN D.VTIONS Foil REORGANIZATION Htvommendail'.ns regarding the reo.gaiii«ili**a of to.- i iiy engineer >' one e win lif rewin d to the SL*ec la 1 in wstigutmg couuniut e, whien meets in the engineer s omce vt nunmui.)' night. At me same meeting it win formulate Its 'report on tuc ruenards- i Toad ei*mr<j\. r»y. * NfcGRO PORI UK J1AD isi.dl BROKEN iSpecial to The Kicnmond Virginian.) .\OtO-ODlv, V A.. Dec. 14.—caught between tne i levator car and the sue ut the shafi. James P. ittinuy. colored, was crumuii u> uenth to-uav In the store of vVniehard Itros., Inc., on Ran dolph street, where he was employed ns a porter, lit cry' bone In his body lrom nis neck to his waist was broken. M \KI> THOROl'OH TKST OF MV XU IPAD SYMKM Supervising Engineer E. \V. Traf ford bus made n thorough test of the city's lighting system, and announces that as soon as the lights arrive from Pittsburg the municipal plant can bo started. The plant will furnish light for the ornamental lamps along Broad street, beside# for the regular light ing system on both aide# of th*-* river. NAMED RECEIVER FOR NEGRO BANK JMK.K G RINNAN APPOINTS AT TORNEY CHEWXING TO WIND VP AFFAIRS. Attorney A. J. Chowntng wai Wed* ni'stlay appointed receiver for the Nickel Savings Hank, the colored In stitution on Twenty-ninth street which was recently tbrowninto a receivership by Judge Orlnnun. of the City Chan cery Court. The receiver was appointed at the request of Messrs. John Lewis and Robert Scott. TAFT «1U TAI.K TO COMMERCIAL CONGRESS WASHINGTON. Dec. 14.—That Presldont Taft will address the mem bers of the 8outhern*Commercial Con gress was decided to-day when he ac cepted the Invitation of Governor Brown, of Georgia, to speak at At lanta on March 10. Governors of fif teen Southern States unite din extend ing the Invitation. JUDGE SIMM MENTIONED FOR COURT OF APPEALS FREDERICKSBURG, VA„ Deo. 14. —Rumor has It that Judgo F, W. Sims, of Louisa, a member of the State Senate from this district, who has announced that he will not be a candidate for renomination, will be a candidate for a seat on the Supremo Court of Appeals bench when the MpMatnro elects. MOOER1TE TONE AND m GAIN EARLY DEALINGS SHOW COM PARATIVE ACTIVITY IN A FEW ISSUES AT FRACTIONAL ADVANCES. NEW YOltK, Pec. 14.—Moderate strength whk displayed In the etook market at the opening and In th» early dealings, with the few Issue* *r which there wae compor3tlvc activity show ing alight fractional gains. Marked improvement was nhowr. af ter the opening, aggressive tdddlng for stocks forcing prices up sharply. Government Ponds are unchanged; other Ponds (lull. ; The market hold firm all through the forenoon. Price changes after midday wore ex tremely narrow. Stock;: closed dull. NEW YORK STOCK M ARKET. Open. rir>f»f»d. American Beat Sugar. •:r),4 Am. Art. f'bm. Co . Allia’Chalcnera . Ai!j**ChntrJ>^r?, pfd. Almaigamated Com*'. 63 Oolj American Can.. . American Can, p;d . .,. 7^rjj American Car A- Fdy. Atr erican Car A Fdv. pfd. American Cotton 03 . .. American Locomotive- . .. AmmcnD IxH-ornotfre, pfd American Smelting. 7**£ 7o Americas Suagr. 1 ■ ’ Amor. T#l. and Tel. Co. U‘:’* 14.* Am»r;ean Tohaeeo, com ... ... American Tobacco, pfd. Anaconda Copper.. Atchison .... 0»>#4 PO Atlantic Coast Lina. !!*?•» lit# Baltimore and Old'*. 10* 10 ” Brooklyn Rapid Transit. 74 74 Canadian Pacific. 11*2 Cbeaspeake ami Ohio .. AO > Chicago Orest Western. Cbic. Mil. and St. Paul. 123’* l-”? Chi. and North was tarn.. C. O. W.. pfd. Centra! leather . .. Colorado Foci and Iron.. 31 *4 Colorado and boutbern . 37*» f-s f o and South.. Is* pfd. < 1. and South.. 2d pfd. < *■ n% Udaled Gar . Delrwnre and Rotiaoo .. Denver a*d Rio. ¥ . com .. Denver and Rio G.. pfd. Distillers" Sec Cor. Fria... 2‘)i 'd’i Erie. #«t pfd. F,ri<*. 2d pfd.. General Electric. 15 S 17.V* Great Northern. pfd.. 1^3 13 Great North. Ore. Ctis. 5 b Illinois Gantrsl. let Metropolitan.. lot. Metropolitan, pfd .. 53.4 Ix*t. Mer. Mar*ae. “oca.. I at. Mer Mann#, pfd.* International Paper ... Ictemationa! Taper, pfd. Kansas City So.. corn.. 3 *4 Kansas City So., pfd. Louisville and N ash v ills. Manhattan... Metro. Street Railway.. Mo.. Kan. and Texas. ........ Mo.. Kan. and Teams, pfd. 33 Missouri Pacific... National Lead.. 52 T> 1 New York Centra!. . . »ll»* 111?* N. Y. Dot. and Western. Norfolk and Western. 94 14 Northern Pacific... 115*4 113,J| Pacific Mat!... Pcnosylvaaia. 1J 'i \Mi People's Gas .... Pressed Staal Car. 2VTi so*$ PrswH Steel Car. pfd.. Rwy. Steel Spring .com. 32 32 Heading. 147’* U7>4 Republic In»a and Staal.tfi 3i Rrpbulct I. and fc?.. pfd.. Rock Island... *9*4 Rock Island, pid. .. Ska# Sheffield. 50 Southern Paciflo. in>4 113*4 Southern Railway.. Southern Railway, pfd. 50.H S3>$ Tennessee Copper. 35 35 Texas Pacific.. Un»on Pacific. lOSld lb* >5 United State# Rubber. 3*4 33*4 Unitad States Steel.. . .1. T3&» 73 Uaitad States Steel. pfd 4. 11014 116)4 Va.»Car. Chemical... 62 Cl *4 Va.-Car. Chemical, pfd.......... Wabaeh. Wabash, pfd. Western Union. 7j 7JV4 RICHMOND STOCK MARKET. Richmond. V»„ Doc. 14. laid. V». :t.«. Old C. and It, 1*32..*7* Centuries, 2-3 C A- K 16Sl..S9>.j A. C. L. It. R. Con Tr 4 r>, r.9* 03. i*«e. ut «», c. i»;;.113 ■la. and Ala. Con. it. Hi:.,, 103 Nor. & Went Ry 4a 1999 Seaboard Air Line 4», 1330..St Seaboard Adjustment, 5 p c. 77 Southern Ry. 1st So. 1994..107 Va. Ity & IV Co. *r. 1934..*;', V». Ry. A P. Co l’ref .7:t Va. Ry. A 1>. Co Com .23 At Ian Coaat Lino Com.... 119 C. and l>.so Nor. A VVnst. Com....,.97'j So. Railway prof .J!» So. Railway. Com.24 First National .SOU Merchants National.975 Na. Rank of Va .117 Na. State and City .176 Planters National .976 Savings Bank of Rich'd_93 Union Bank of Rloh'd.239 Va- Trust Co.122 Va. Fire and Marine. 63 Va. Car. Chem Co com.921» Rid arsed **Vi SO #2‘i SALES. 2.000 Va, centuries at itt-;,. RICHMOND HmiltCK MARKET. Richmond, Va., Dec. 14, 1910. ' LIVE POULTRY. Turkeys. large and fat par lb.1* Turkova, email and thJn. % per lb.17 Chickens, per lb....13 I lens, per lb. 13 Roosters, each .40 (leese. fat and targe, each 73 Cl««»<’, small, each .r.O Ducks, large, young, per ..14 Ducks, email, young, per lb. ...12 to, 19 53 16 It 43 <rt 90 # 60 4C 13 ft IS DRESSED POULTRY. (Undrawn, head and feet off.) V 29 Turkeys, choice, per lb..,, Turkeys, thin and small. per lb. .-.11 Chickens, per lb.14 Ducks, per lb. ....11 Cleese, per lb. » 1» 'it 16 '<X 1» S( 15 LAMM, abblts, fancy each-- M 16 abblts, ohalce, each...... lily* • 14 abblts, email or damaged, ***** .-.c $ !• »tiftttt t n Are You Open to Conviction Will you give us the privilege of explaining the possibilities offered you as an investor in the stock nov sold by the Argus Gold Mining Corporation at 30 Cents Per Share, Par Value $1.01 If it means an opportunity for you to make your idle mom \ earn a substantial dividend would it not be decide •advantage to you? ... All we ask is the opportunity to explain the conditions a'' they exist, and we will leave your decision to your or good judgment. Remember, you in no way obligate yourself wluai you express your desire to have one of ~our r< resentatives call. What We Need Now If! the newest type nt reduction iiinohinerj*' in order that we may take nt least 'in per cent, of the GOLD from tin- quartz a- it i brought up from the shafts This high grail*- machinery cost momy.and it is for this purpose tlmt the directors of the Argus Gold Mining Corporation have decide-i to place 50,000 shares of its treasury stock on the ne.rk<-t at the low price of 30c per share. >-o they can quick ly raise the fund- for the installa tion of the de-ired and essentially necessary machinery. When this block of 50,000 shares has been subscribed for not another share will bo offered at the same price, but it will lie much higher. So our advice to you is, make it a point to investigate the proposi tion without further delay, and if it ippcab to your judgment, buy as much as you t hink you can afford and remember it costs you nothing to find out the particulars. $59.94 Per Ton Was Recently Assayed. From “run oi mini '' ore taken from one shaft in our mine this is far beyond the average of an;, other mine in the country. It is imperative that the mo-t modern, high power mnehinery b installed at once, in order that the greatest possible saving ean be made and as soon as this is accompli,-hi d we will have equipment equaled by few and excelled by none. High-Class Agent Wanted In every locality. Write the manager for terms, etc. Act at once, before the best territory has been secured. What We Have Now CUT OF HOIST. Thi- Hci'i inviUly r<'<iu<-c~ the wi of hiking th<* ore from the shafts Tin* property of the A KG IS GOLD MINING CORPORA TION is located about filly -eight miles from Richmond, \ a., in the counties of Fluvanna and Goochland, and comprise holdings to the extent of 344 acres. The stock is fully paid and non-assessahle. Positively xvlv. n these 50,000 shares have been sold the price will advance and not another share xvi!! be available at 30c. TFRMS: Cash or 25 per cent. «*ash and the balance in three equal installments of 25 per cent. each. CALL AT OI K OFFICE, OK IF \ OI ARE OUT OF TOWN USE THE COUPON IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT. ARGUS GOLD MINING CORPORATION TEMPORARY OFFICES. 701 MUTUAL BUILDING RICHMOND. VIRGINIA According to the opinion of best mining ( Xpert*, we hare GOLD in quantities that will justify tb«i<f establishment of a reduetion that will handle more than a hun»* dred ton« of oro per day, which cafes lie treated at a cost low enough 1 show a handsome profit, which course means a dividend to ftWi who own slot !; in the Company. -jj We also have the best plant in State fur producing the ore, consists of a number of rorrugnt iron buildings, two OO-liorse power i(oilers, mi uir compressor with i jiowcr to run four drill* to the depth M of 500 feet, a first-class hoisting | plant, pumps, etc.; also a 150-foot : she ft with three 'omiwrtments, ^ which develops magnificent vein, 0; starting at the surface with a thicfc^| ness of 21 inches and gradually** widening until it shows six feet ah1"* the bottom, with indications continuous widening a« the depttRsfj of the shaft increases, DIRECTORS: \V. 11, Warren John Krug M. A. Powers P. T Murphy. . J A. liradshaw, . . Richmond, Vf . Richmond, , Richmond,1 Richmond, .. Richmond, Vi coupr Cot Out and M< Manager Argus Gold 702 Mutual Dear Hir:—Please send me Pros [>eet,u<* and-other da your mining propositioi understood that I am in obligated. Name. Address Wild Turkey.#. per lb. Squirrel*1, each . Ki;e*. rrau-s, nearby, free It laid Crat<.», other sections nurricn. Choice, family packed. Merchant#, fair, per lb., .is 1.1 VB »W K. Veal#, choice to fancy, per lb.. Veal#, per to fair, per lb Veal', email and po«r Calves, runners, per lb.... f siheep. per lb. 3 Lamb#, per lb. 8 Hr r# .7' s Cattle, fair to prime, per lb - 4 & 6 1* ’# 11 [IIIKS'KII HOC#. FTC. llofts. choice, small per lb 10 r.i 11 Hogs. choice, large per lb Hog*. sows, slum, etc. per lb.. Snare-Riba and Chine, pet ib. Sausage. p. r 11) . •'a 'n l*J ■'!< H ■J U ilUK*. Dry*. per lb.. Dry Flint, per lb. tlreen, per lb . Green, salt, per It). ■\ 14 1 10 " 7", 'o 8:.. 0 00 FIRM, : Mink, as to slso and qua) It; .1 • Otter, as to else and quality . . . .7 Beaver, as to slso and quality .5 00 ; Muakrat, a# to slae and quality . Muakrat kits, a# to td/.e and quality . . Opossum, a# to el*e and I quality . ] Coon, as to slue anil quality . j Gray Fox, a# to slxo and quality . ! Hed Fox, as to glxe and 1 quality .. J 0" ffr. 16 00 35 lk ■. 1.0 \t l.o -• 1 00 (t - 00 Mist r.l(U.\KOI s. Walnut a. per bU, «... Black.J£ye<l Fens, good bu...." 7; #fr Dried Apple*, bright, Apples, sound per bt>l 3 8" ' 4 11 Apples, sound, per bbl l i, q ..•> Docswax, per Ib. -j I REMARKS:—Psallr; i Mure plentiful ‘and lower. FcgSi Receipts light aid market firm. OaiMi Rabbits plentiful. Wild turkeys wanted. Dreseed Haaat Receipts light. Market very active. 033-A «33-» 03 % Chicago Grata a ad PrmUliiB Markets. Chicago, 111, Dec. 14. 19t0. The leading futures to-day rangod as follows: WHEAT— Den .91 "» May .93 July .03 % CORN— Dee.I.">l. May.. *7 July .IT8, OATM—1's May .34:» July . ..: 4 FORK — _1 S87 .1703 4 7>a4 4 7*. 4 8<„ 31% 3 Pa 34’, Jan. May RIBM— Jan. May LARD— Jen. May 1017 lkr« io:ta I Ola 1007 :>67 CATTLE MAHRFTS . m RICHMOND LIVE STOCK MARKET, (galea at Union Stock yards.) Richmond, Va.. December 14. 1*14. Report of tha live atock market for the week ending December 13: am vos ■shiu* i soiinwci ■ Receipt#—Cattle, Sit haad.; calve#. Cl Beat steers. 6c.; medium to good, 6V» head; sheap. 21 head: hogs, 3.624 head. common to fair. 4#4Mc.; eom ioiTto fair, 696^e.^best helfara, 8.40; medium to ralr.S%*4 higher; aalvea _ _ Me.; common to cows, 4Me.; rnadf 2 oommon to fair, i WVHl»a*v»aa • #4Me.; extra fat haip, >#6%b» lamb*. 5 0!*,(■ C"W » am! • $25 <1/ 60.00 p« r b- 'i-j Da ling.< me dium tO go -U. J '< *’4C., iUid t’, 7 fee. “Tonv on mi; v* ii vh\ »>. r:\LTlMOKi;, Dec. 14 Calve* - IU'r.tiv juUo fur xiruvil fat wale -f ban ■; V weight. VVc quote, j't r IV) ;W«I, I0at014<'. : h» o<i. t* *j. r. choic* caly* h. from nearby points, by vxpre; - KM*. lar*r« and fat. n*-*r b-’a 1. $Hml6. Sheet* umi Lambs. -The beUrv g ; s «.»f lamb- urn doing n>;ni*v hut better. •A'.' -is At : »'hoice bet s> • p.-r li». fa*, -’U\ ; ? **>1, p»-*r ivad, $ 2.00a.!. 60 *nf* ri«*r. per. j },. :id, .n$l.*0; old buck** j.-.-r p<uti i, , 2n>., according to quality and - ondi* s lion Spring lamb#, ehoh . . fat. CaSce per lb. Ifenor and poor, thin lamb* ranee lawer, say 4Hs&5c. per lb. CATTtK MAHKKT. CHICAGO, Dec. 14.—Cion**-—* ’attie -1 receipts, 14,000 head: market dull, weak. | Serves, $4 50a7 10; Texas sterra, f j 5.15; Western steer-., I3.90a5.00; stock- j cm and feeders. $3.25*5.50; cow,* and' heifers, $2.25a5.&0; calves, $7a9. Hogs— i Receipts, 58,000 head, market dull. 25c ; lower than yesterday’?* average, Light $7.30a7.70; mixed, $7.35*7.75; heavy, 7 - \ 55a 7.70. ruuK’n. J7.U5a7.50: good h» j choice heavy, S7.50/i7.70; nigs. $6 8«m j 7.65. bulk of sales. $7.55*7.0’*. Sheep ; Receipt:* 30,000 head; market weak Na tive, $3.4(*a 4.25; Western. $2.f*0a4 30 . I yearling*. $ i. 40a•**.75 lambs, ativc, $4.25 a6 50; Western, f 4.75ft6.40 XKW YORK. Dec H —Reeve*—Hr colpta. 506 head. No trading; steady feeling Dre**- d beef slow; native stiles. 6lsal0Uc.. fancy beef. 11. Lon on i attic market, 12 UaDHhc. dre*K«d weight, refrigerator beef. 9b,a9** per lb. Calves-—Receipt*, 7 30 head. Market steady, Vta’.si, $• a 11.25. culls. Seat*.50. Indiana calves, $4.5Oaf. Westerns, $4.50 a6 60, barnyard calves, nominal Dressed calves steady; city drear 1 veals, ISVj, alTc.: country dressed calves 9r 15. Sheen and Lamb#—Receipt a. 2 - 554 head. Market alow; * toady. Sheep, J2.75a4.50; culls $2.50; yearling*. $*>; lambs, $6.40a6.75, flogs— Receipts*. I 264 head. Steady at $*&# 25, •*4«r*a» KJMgk l*i: t.M T M 4 It K 1ST. 1 (Reported by l.McCabe A Oo.) i*MTKKt$ni:nG. va., i>o«. ll— t>« ! nute—SjMinleh—--Kirn* ui $1.10 per bush el. Virginias—Firm; fancy hurdplok ; t>d. s % 4i 31*0. j umehlno picked, 2*4 3c.; shelling stock, 2^8V|e, BULL SUPPORT SENDS COTTON UP LIVERPOOL INFLUENCE GIVES THE MARKET STEADY TONE. PRICES 4 TO 10 POINTS HIGHER. NEW YORK. 1).'. M.~ influenced by Liverpool, the cmton market »t the 1 opening rn rfea<l>, 4 b> 1.) point* higher, followed by further advance* i on hkkT' waive- support by leading bulls, j Tills *as in part imsod on N. ill's con i Urination of his estimates for a con j sumption of 12,500.00.1 bales Not UII i ti! May reached 115.35 <li.l much cot ! ton appear, ami than bulls let. go a I little, checking « furiht r rise. t'» tton prlccsi IHi-n-.t < r. *14.78© * 14.7;; January, II4.Mb « I4.s>7; March, ST8.UW15.14; M«V. IlMMi 15.24: July, ; »16.35!S16.33| August, 114.95© 14.97; (4cptcniber, 114.25. October, 113.60® 18.62. INSANITY MAY BE PLEA OF OFFICIAL TRENTON. N. J., Dec. 14.—Lln<l» ley Rowe, former United Stales oommlMlaner at Jersey city, who to in the county jail her" in default. of bsb. which h<' ra* unable to raise following hi* pica of not polity to a b.irg < f < ml'i -zslenient last summer :;i th- I'nit-d States district court, was . xainined this w ok by a com mission of physicians ns to his sani ty The report of th- doctors t,s now. in th' hands of the T'nlted (states dis trict attorney, if the report is favor able tor an insanity plea, legal steps win in all likelihood !>• taken to have Howe committed to an nrylum and1 the indictment apainst him will be dropped. MUTINOUS CREWS HAVE OISEMUKED lUiAlULIAN t ONHHEKK NOW BI6 ( I *t-IN<. DISPOSITION TO Bll M A 1*11 OK All T1NEKRS. W ASH I NOTON. Doe. 14.—Ambas sador Dudley, at llio Do Janeiro, re ported to the state Deportment to-day that the crews of the revolting Bra zilian warships had disembarked without resistance He stated that the pm ernment controlled the situation, and that congress was still discussing the question of what should be dono with th> mutineers. TAFT STROLLS OVER TO SEE HITCHCOCK WASHINGTON. Dee. H.— lt be came known here to-day that Presi dent Tuft, like the sultan of the Ara bian Knights, last night donned a big fur overcout and a slouch hat ami walked through thu. city street* in the dusk of owning to the pustoflice department. The executive surprised Postmaster General Hitchcock, who was engaged in clearing up a few admintatratlvj odds and ends when Air. Taft sud denly appeared at hie door. After remaining a few moments, chuckling at Hitchcock's embarrassment, ho re turned in a round-about way to the White House. It was said to-day that this was the ilrst time sinco the early days of Jeffersonian simplicity that a (’resident has personally visit ed an executive department. Tuft was accompanied by two secret service ug* at- . NO CHANGES IN MASSACHUSETTS ELEVEN t'JTIES REMAIN DRY AND THREE REMAIN WET IN I ' V ESTERDAY’S ELECTION*. j BOSTON, MASS., Dec. 14.—To-day’s : complete returns trom municipal elec j tlon» la fourteen cities of Massachu tts \ -ru rday show that they re : suit d in the re-election of seven may l or.- No change wus made by any i city on the license question, .all vot ing at: they did a year ago, 11 for I no license and 3 for license, j in Worcester Mayor Logan had a I close call, hut waa w elated PROVIDES NA' DEFEN! CO.VMTION SOW HAS or fl». WITH 91 SEATS TO BE CONTESTED. BONTX'-V Dee. 12.—Once conservatives have a net gain i libera! lalvjr alliance, the a seat from the liberal* throwing the balance In thgr 1 one. With only 5< 1 seats yet to tested the coalition. excltts eight seats won by the has a majority over tho of fl», with the prospect increasing this before then .1 week. The standing this aft Conservatives, 251; liberals ' Irish natlJhalists, 62; 0*2 NEGROES HAVE Pi BOTH VERY Blood flowed like ! day afternoon when Will and Tom Owyn, both co! at the former’a home, 2231 . street. The police cams In and t the fight whlls there., trig and taking the two bl< *' ; men into Turner’s drug corner of Twenty-flrst streets, and phoned for ! bulance. PLANS ARE FILED FOR BIG STJ Pinna and specifications! nie Dairy Company's at 60* North Seventh Wednesday morning In the city building Insp cation was made for a construction. Inspector j looking over the blue i probably issue the ! week. The stables are to be two stories high, ; wood, brick and steel, about 133 feet long and I and when completed Will I ; the most modern i ' equipped in the State, j WASHINGTON, D. i bill providing for a ; defense, u> const-t of ■! i war and navy, the 1 House and Senate tary and naval affair* j tlnns, was to-day House by Alabama. This board. It Uni! late the js to qun? 1 ulna