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TRIPS ABROAD FCRJACHERS WATCH TIE VIRGINIAN MARKET EDITION VOL. J.—Na 277. THE WEATHER—Fair; Continued Cold. RICHMOND, VA. FRIDAY. DEC EM HER Iti. 1 Dio. 20 PAGES City SHIM •(■it MHta ■7 Mail On ▼< TORIES NOW WUNT TO TRTJIMMII England’s Business Suffers From Over-Production of Politics ACTION OF KING GEORGE DOUBTFUL Creation of New Liberal Peers Means Abolition of Lords' Veto Bower, the Bone of Contention LONDON. Dec. 16.—Whether Kng laiul 1m to have any relief iruni po litical agitation and consequent busi n«s stagnation dept nos to-day on no thin*, the creation of enough new Liberal peers by Kin* t.eorge to give the go.eminent control of me upper body. Although the kin* has goon no In dication of whai lie will Oo in this matter, the concensus of opine.n is that lie will refuse the demand oi ITemier Asquith. this will leant the situation, at the conclusion ol the present do tlon, precisely where It v, as ut the dissolution < f the last par liament. for It I* now practically cer tain that the Conservatives and the coalition parties will hove about the same strength In th. next parliament as in tile’ last. Tories Waul Another Klectlon. The Tories arc hopeful of for mg an Immediate re-c>. • tl. n, belle' In* that a continuation of the struggle, v.lth its blight upon the bueln-ss In terests of the country, will i‘nall> drive the voters to elect a t ons'r a the administration for th. pure of gaining peace. The Liberals end their allies are Just as confident that a prolongation . f the tight will event linn* (Mill in* j*’ ii ni>> ii'i.i i • in sm h m cr« helming numb' rx that the klntr w ill 1. i Tii .j in abandon h!» w< II known 'I c ry sympathies aim change thi I'omplcili'n ••! th» lln«« of through f>nr that his mi 1 Inued refusal might >ndting> i th* «row n. With both sidi* therefore to Hoop up ih' lifrht. th> rr i* no r. spite In sight. h* rlons as the situ iiflon Is to the poMtloal fatal ra-s .*1 *> of th (irr-wm *<mil r», :t Is far more i*eri<>u* t • hairiness Inf routs and they are volelng th' ir protests ir no uncertain manner. While lh*> coalition majority in tin coming parliament will probably b< tat least lit. the majority In the hunt isarliament. undoubtedly M a.r * '< of it* votes Will be Irish Nation*lists, who are making the only npiirofiabb gains In thi present a motion Their I valty to the Liberals is conditional upon th.- utter s tight for lumir rub. \t»t Kinpliaila- \ppm\al I it view of their failure to show in creased strength It Is doubtful if (Continued on st*th l'»gr i BEST MAN SHOT AT WEDDING SUPPER t.nnoM Amm \mi.v siiootn FHIKXD. WHO KXONFHATKh HIM FI LM. PH I LA llKI.r III A. FA. IH;<. 1C.— As at at'itai'.'l to an a lop. merit anal “t a ret wcrttFng lit WilmitiKtota. In i., .1 irn«9 Flack, I-‘ years old, carp. in. aiaj shot and fatally woBi.dnl ha's ii st Man. Norman Yates, who l a... t bci. I la !>.>»..m .hum end toontmata. Tin t hooting oa oairred ins* sal<»>n after nr o!!-n1gbt eelebratlon "f the nuptial event. Yale* is dying In St. la » pi « hospital with a bulb t in hl« braita. while lilei-k I* a primmer held to w ait I III' IVJ'Ml Cl I4IUH UIJU1 I' Yatt " n an ante-mortem statement fully exonerated lilai k of any inten tional shouting. "Wo wore ci lehrntlng the wedding nod had a lot of drink*,” ho declared, • We wore singing and laughing, when I Hack, in fuu, pulled out the revolver and hi nan toying with It. All at mu» It went off, I tel* |>aln ill the nerh and when blood ennui 1 knew 1 wan allot. He Is not Rullty of Intentional shooting. It wu* all an accident." The huljet entered Yato*' mouth* and lodRed in the ha * e of the brain Physicians say he ha* small chance of recovery. Mr*. Hhu'k is in a critical condition Bt her parents’ homi. She. together with Mi»s llary M. Coleman, the bridesmaid. were released on their own recognisance at the hearing. FUMES OESTROr GRTtMim com BtlliDIXU iT)R COLORHD IlliXP AT KAXATORIVM (.OKS IT IV SMORK. Fire early Friday morning destroy ed the cott**o for colored help at Ca tawba sanatorium for consumptives in the western part of the State. This Intelligence was conveyed to State Health Commissioner E union Williams In a telegram which said that the cause of the blase was un known. No special inconvenience has re sulted from the fire. It Is said, the col ored help finding quarters in neigh boring buildings without delay. The cottage was a frame structure located at a safe distance from the main building and at no time was ths latter In danger of catching Are. The damage Is estimated at 1800. Killy covered by insurance. HED HOT REPLY i TO ‘THETMItEYS’ | Congressman McLachlan De mands Square Deal For the Army NOT “COWARDLY” TO ADMIT WEAKNESS^ Th<>usands Have Perished Un necessarily by Lack ot Pre- ; paration on T'art of Coun try For War WASHINGTON. D. C.. December 16.—Am the author of the funvua resolution which led the war depart ment to admit th*- «■ f the United States. Uepresentatlve James M« iAchlan. of California, U the pivotal renter about wnieh <»m of th* m« Ht 5* nsatioiml contest* ♦ v.»r i*een in Washington t.s now being cor dot’d to-da> Mr McLachion this afternoon wrote exclusively for th* 1*tilted Press his reply to those w ho hii\ e opposed the publication *f th* farts contained in th* war depart ment's answer to his resolution---es-| piM-ially t<* He prose ntntiv* Tawnej t Republican of Mtmunota, wh • 1* credited with priming President Taft to oppose and pre\ent th - purposes of s*•< r* tary of War DP klnson and General Leonard Wood, chief *»f the armv. The answer follow* H> licprrm’iiUitlvr .liuti'v Mr larcliljm. tOopy right, 1*10. by th* United Press Associations.) The charg*. i Jt» p% s. ntative Taw * ney that li e.:nspira > exists to stam pede < otifn-ss t > larger military ap propriate ns. through making Known to the American people the wretched condition of our military establish ment Is t<»<» childish t" be taken * ri 'usl- yet carries u t*n* dangerous < v« r tmprcs«t«*n t • th'* people t«* »*e io ok d. ' U>*pret=chtative Tuvwii y, if th«» in t*-rut‘>v «• *<r» dited t * him Ip « orrect. say* that it in “cowardly** to make known -nr admitted national weak n* ; s oith r t»* *»>r own people or t » th * w >rhi at targ< . !C»* Mdmitp that vc f\r** i* u fatted rap"fi and would h«4\'i up p» H- a** K ino i-ock In other word-* he * •■'}]«« that we tr;i»t our na tional unty to 'bluff.'' UlTiH’Ui i4 Our “lilnffH." “We hav.t bluffed* wince th* be ginning of our national «jxi*Uno«. and Wf* have been at regular Interval* 'called i war/ Our appalling pen sion roils. the great fi**rt-gtar« car ried by thousands of our people bear witness to the fact that there have t een Tawneya* in the council* of our nation b.for Alleged patriot* have kept the nathm in utter ignorance of Up help!*-** condition. until war bus come, and then placed unondurlng. un trained and untutored men. armed with oh*- let** weapons in the : eld t uphold the national honor. “Thousands *f the be*f of our blood end Inor* .r td I'rnwi hav*- pertshe-u if. typhoid ranipi* through ignorance of tie• elein* ntal sanitary precaution* The Filipino was better armed In IS:** than our volume* r,« The most wicked national V-wardfee’ I tan picture .*» d* : minding of our P«**pl* t*» c<e t * th- national deft!;-, and thej. send them forth . unequipped mob t-* d* ;idly t umps «.r against h prepared ciiHin to be murdered Tawn*y’s in Washington'* Time. “The great Washington pleaded *iguin*t the Tnn no «' in our struggle for imlei^nden. 4. that lie bo given trained troops, and utter the end «>t the struggle charged such men with th< prolongation of the war. The dis sr a< * a « -f the war of 1 M **. which cul minated in the sacking of th national capital, are t<> tin* sann un warranted action <tr legislative non combatant* who would dem our sol diers proper equipment and demand that th* > ueodifxftly sacritb e them seives foi their country's honor. It was win h as th* who brought « ; th* var of I *f • I, when the Federal strength "aos measured by an armed nub at Hull Hum in*! who were responsible f*»r out s*\ hundred uncared-for wounded still remaining on the field fit SeeiUKl* Hull Hun «lay*» aft**r that l*ntiU* v\as jViusrht. th< iRh u\ v r » ymr u’onUniiftl on I’aue Fourteen.) CANADIAN FLAMES MEAN BUSINESS >IAKi: AO HOAK* OF VlKMlMIIMi KHKF. TRAOK WITH I AITKI) STATIC AT «\I K. ! OTTAW A. ONT.. Dec. 1 ♦» - -With the ! }kius(» of commons chamber jammed | with farmers from all over Canada, j *-H|\ecfally by "coon-coats’ as they arc i railed. from the nnrthweat, Sir Wilfrid ! Daurler to-day listened to the d^man-N j of the moat i» markable deputation « v. r received at Ottawa. Tlu* demands call for free trade with the I’nlted State's on aartcultural implements, cement, oil. rt**h and lumber. rlo.. an<l absolute fre** trade with Hrltain within ten yeare. JAPANS BUDGET IS ANNOUNCED T0KI<\ Per Iti.—Japan's buda- t for 1911-1912 vvhh announced to-day by ; Premier alol Minister of Kruno- Kflt mira. receipts for tills period nr-- esti mated at $270,467.4S5, and expand Imre* i of -practically thr same amount. Kal aura speak* liopofully of the financial outlook. In tin- six yoars ho says that j |41,000.000 will bo spout In oupplomot ■ Ins and Improving the navy and that ! $2(1,000.000 will Ini spent on railways | the com Inn your. I CENSU S lU'RIStl' filVKH RK.ftll.T* l\ KOI N CITIES. WA8HINOTOX, Poo. 1*.—Tho rensits huroatt this afternoon announced tho fo'.lowtnR rosults of tlic 1010 enumera tion: Monterey. California. 4,02:1. Palmyra, Inti., 6,STS, Mnnnnirnhrla, Pa.. 7,391. .North Union township. Pa.. U.9S* TWO SECTIONS 1 20 PAGES “CIFT OF TONGUE CULT” DIVIDES FOLLOWERS OF LEVI LUPTON FORGIVE HIM, BUT DON'T WANT HIM REINSTATED. ALLIANCE, oillo, I >»•< M. Apos tit- Let i Lupton. hi-a.I of the <1ift of Tongue* cult an I self-confessed gru • fuller. Is to-day fai.lrig the practical certainty of a upll* In his following. Although granting Win forgiveness. his followers h*-ro are refusing to reinstate him. Nine of his I>uj>1 la*, under the leadership of Miss <»rue< I.. Davis, ■ Cleveland, a teacher In the mission school, to-day seceded anil will curry* on their work independent of I npton. Those most oposed to Lupton's "vei being reinstated to-day declare this will unquestionably prove the first step lit a complete schism. The only dan ger they foresee is that there may he so many schisms that the sei t will be entirely disrupted. OLD ESTABLISHMENT OF JOHN SON A CHEEK CARRIED DOWN BY CLIENTS' FAILURES: (Special i*t The Richmond Vlri-aiita. ■ DAW UJ,K. \ A , litre. 1G. —The l a cute bunking nr:n of Johnson At <'h-ci;. Of which • harlo.i J„ Holland umJ Kd found 1! M-ude were proprietors, aus pended this morning and will 111* a deed of assignment to-day. ll us un derstood that their liabilities total about 11 T.j.OOU. of which *lSe,0»d co- - smls ol deposits, while the :i*>ots nr> staticl at fSOu.OOd. much which con sists of j»uj.»-r upon which Huh i:m l.. realized. Mo&>iw. Midland anil At.ade wM; , s!*ii Uu-h individual t|oldi:>a« of nnlty and i« rsonalt». i ht suspension of lie t inning lirm is aurll utal.l (.. tie r. c, t fadur. .d Swain At wyltle, |.-,-u tor.acoo dealers, and the cudiarrassnu tit of the Suth«r lhi-M-.vb* Tobacco t otiipruij. which vv:.s also heavily involved by the Swain .v \\ yllle ! Itlnre Tie attorney for tin Stitlu rllii- Meade Tobar.I'anniMii). which consists of A \V I nut hat. presi dent, and John S. and Will Mend--, stated to-ila.v tiu.t the tfrrn is insoivint, hut would make no estllnati of us lia bilities and i*»s< ts. The other banks of the city, all .V Uon.d and State institutions, nr< *ol vent and strong, lain* who) t uuaffeef. <<1 *»> the Johnson (.Tuck failure, which had been nmifefipatei]. Johnson At Cheek was -»m of the otdi st firm names in the city. Moth Johnson and Check died years ago WOULD BOOST WEST IN CHURCH LECTURE TRUSTEES MAY NOT PERMIT USE OP ROANOKE CHURCH BY FORMER PASTOR FOR SUCH PURPOSE (Sjuved Th» Hirtnni' itl Yirmniiin.' HOAXOKi:. YA, L)r., Is?. A beturo on “uklnh-*ma md Its < tpportuniih V {'• I t- d*dlv<T«*n by K* \ Thomas « Jones, of Oklahoma lias been an* rsourued i'or Monday evening at M*i rns* Methodist t hnrt h. 1. st y» ,ir Mr Join#* wn* ptistcr <‘f A!- iros* >!• It mnt out by the OKI.tkor,-.,i Aid i.T.di, When he arrives in R <ii«»k» h» will find among the • • fti• -era of the «hbreh :** groat deal • '* opposition to ins lioivor tug his ieitnr* then, :i k ing h**ld by tin officer.*? that thoy cannot lend their church for .1 liifrours. whose purpose i« to take people Irom the 1 n> and section, a nn tub* r of the char? Ij, now acting pastor. s-»\s that in all prob ablliiy the Jones . ngug-ment will h» ran? oiled and 11 is ..Is** v« ry probubb that will not be asked t>* fulfill his efigagenent t" preach at M« In*-* *»j. Sunday. rnu: D.iMhiKs s.wn n vi v iii;%imji uiTKHv Nf’WAHK, N J . Dee U> - \ MM tabular H re t h t eatened the dost rumor of a four-story factory buildig belong ing to Joseph Mundy on Prospect street this morning. The total loss was from $65,000 to $<9.000. The firemen after a hard batth that necessitated two alarms simdued the flames, hut tut until several thousand dollars worth of Christmas novelties had been destroyed. The greatest loss was sustained by V F. Mtschelbach ami brothers, oecu punts of the top floor 1, — DAUGHTER WILL SlffljJHCIIES Little Girl of City Electrician to Put New Plant in Operation ORNAMENTAL LIGHTS TO BE ILLUMINATED Engineer I rafford Has Every thing m headmen—switch U ill be Thrown Satur day AUetnoon In ih' presence "l m< v i ral city offi cial* ,lli» Lutn*- n, tliuothtor oi i ii> i,ii i iru uil; I'lponpson, wm .it . |i>vK f-iiiurin.1 > all.-ri»<*« n throw th, luin- nrn.'S I, iii winch '.'ill i>ui ill.- Kr, at ctiftiricv • th. m-v ninnn-i* i -i, point In motion. That part »t th“ syetcui which . ill l.c put in operation i» now in thor.. x'.t rcuiitncKH. Practical ; . very detail ten In en intended to. .uut a aretul t*-d li.if l.ftfi ms'll l>; itupcrvisins IVn Kim ■ r TrnltonJ, win, has reported In laconic wcrdH "the plant i« ready.' Within n IV* minutes after the , n jjim- iri in operaton th<- dynamo at ' ichim nt.H will tie ini m. amt In ;i frti< timi of h second l.'it'T the ornumen tail lights nionic < r ad wl: burst into brilliant illumination. . that part of the system being also < "in pi- '• ■ All Will Hi- Jtoudy. Il had Inin at first feared that the mw lights could n«*t !.••• lit as missing parts had not arrh ed from I’ittifhurg. Most of these h*vt now been re> lived, hov. wr. uml what has hot come can i.e temporarily dispensed with, the city electrician declares, and he has .determined t‘> turn on the lights as soon as thi plant has men started l» ' I s furnishing current f -r this light* the plant will manufactur eieetri. Ity lor alt th« arc lights now In j~i on noth sld> » of the river With lt« own power house the i ity will us si "ii as posstlde put iii other ar-s. n.i i erdlnif to ordinances non ponding. and within a short time IUi h mend bids' fair to he a veritable "<‘it'i el ldghts." The municipal pleiit stands on the siti d the old wati r w rks near Holly Wood ,t Part of the old liulldlnir -iua utilised. Work was begun In Au gust. and under th-- supervision "t Knginct r Trafford rueh excellent proari - - has been n; ole that it Is now nearly completed. Appropriations mad from lint, to Urn- by the city to rover the ripens- a of the building. uMVhtn«rv and equlp tm ol ,-llld fees the Wire HfllSB swtw kale close to i he halt' million doflar flgur* , hut a the city will now get lights und power at a gr< titlv reduced rati-, money li.c really been saved, the pleat i einu regarded at' one of Kii.ll tru mil's most > ■< onotnlc Investments. ‘ I tier f-et wires run into the ilty crossing near the corner of Marshall ,ind Madin n streets From then ru bles lines . r* now being run In every direction. directed Into u!l parts of the tit' F, ’ .... ed wires ouxi uls* in rut to tie i, w'ore the i ll' trie: .. driven 1 00 S w||l I). "penibd. 'I'h s system has not la eu emirel' mi pb ted, blit unit ss the •:> ' • i- ts • • iriin<T-i .:« ir.wHri* » u all onn*-< tli'ns* will 1*» made within t! • next ■ > «.• ) • -rs» Run Until Midnight. l%*i » month or two the plant will close down every nifthf at 1- o'clock. 1 ut as the * ' wioil anticipates* requests from nv rclui’it- all over town t = hu\<» the |• i:*::t »\.n ‘11 nlctht c*’ that tin str.-t !.- -na\ t* !*rhted until daybrc^k. plan* . io now h*'liiK drawn providing for #uck action Tht plant will probably l »■ operated l*v Ft*. Saturday, tin r.>.r lxir.y rather “w T o* equlpno\A is such, li'-’vcvu . that in time «»f normal condi tions* the wat*r ran be utilized alto K th* r. t!.i.> aakititf pcussibh the snv If K o. hundrtds of dollar* in t* .i. Anv*nc tin--*. a ho will wuinss Mias* Thome-on throw the switch Sat ui day aftern* : r- Kngine*t Traflford, Sin jrerinf* lab el Kimwlcs. tin- 3ja* <le pat tin* tit. < uv Eiectrb ian Thompson,*l l>\ ht* entire line staff, and a rcprem nuttive from tin ■ ry en gineer* ofla « . Little Miss Thompson 1j* {opted daughter of the Intornatloi al Assocla ttinu of Mnnnipal Electricians, of which Ik i father lifts he* r, number to* many years. KHAKI MW HAS HAM) HAD IA M \S1IKV) LAVK t *H A11LE8, VA . Dee*mber lib—\V. K Kit' hie. brnkeman employ * *1 on tin New York. Philadelphia and Norfolk railroad, while corning South * n ■ h>* al might between Weimar and Pape Pharlws got his* hand badly mashed vhlle trying to close a car door at P«e oin «k** Thursda. morning Hitt hie returned to his* home at Deb jmar. when* he received medical atten »tlon. MERIT is not without it?- toward in dear old, solid old Richmond The Richmond Virginian quietly but earnestly has been en deavoring to make a good newspaper in (act a little better ! newspaper than has heretofore been made in Richmond, It has recognized the lunt'amentals in successful newspapering to be: hirst, a good newspaper,' printing the real news of the proper doings of the jieoplo; Second, reaching the people with the paper; and Third, the keeping of the pajKT in touch with the people. The merchants of this city recognize the merits of the Rich mond Virginia by buying nearly 100 columns of advertising space in to-day’s issue. There is no advertisement in this issue j that the paper is not willing to be read aloud at every fireside , in Virginia. The Richmond Virginian STANDS FOR VIRGINIA. WILL SET WHEELS MOVING 1 iJaiifcht* I' or ('liy i:i« ctr:< lari Thompa or., wi-.o day afternoon and .start the machinery in the com pit lion _ will new throw brass municipal lever plant tintur nearing LAW TAKES IIS IF TWO SLATERS num: ami ciiloukii jii hiikmui tin TO KI.KCTBH' < HAIR FlU’. HIM TUB APART. RESIGNED TO SATE JOHN sMTTII A AII JAHK» Hl.TIMi TON I'lV Y'ORI KIT TO Al'ATF AWTHIHT A Ml H.HIR—MK.V Wl UTKAOILI TO tHAlll. Two live* were snuffed nut within . five minute* at the penitentiary Friday | morning, when John J Smyth, the ' Norfolk bartender who shot find ktll j ed his wife and vhild, and James ; Mtllngton, a negro, who t>eat an aged I woman to death after rooblng her in j Kookbrldge county. walked steadily to I the electric chair and paid th-ir awful 1 forfeit for their rage Smyth was me drat to hi lead to the quick agency of death ’.(• was .■.trapped in the eleetri. chair at 7:22 .o'clock, and three minutes inter all Mgn« •! lie * had left his frail form. immediately nfu r th* removal of his iharred body from the fatal seat, 'and while the chair was yet warm from his occupancy. Sltlington was escorted to the death chamber, thong ed to the life-claimer and In two min uter passed Into the valley of shadows. Hoth men were convicted during the l i ictober terms of th" Norfolk and I tuck I ridge curts. Both had taken their cases t * th*.art of appeals without a1, ail. and petitions for clem ency for both had been made to <5ov- , crttor Mann nnd r >■ f' i s,-,! Both were : i informed a week ago that tvcry ef fort u> t h >-i r lift* had hp. ti ex- | hausted, and they ait.' resigned to j th« ir gruesome fat. . Smith murdered his wife by shoot ing her thifn t!m"s with a tevolveri u h!h» drunk .-tt tin morning of Pop- ; teinbcr 1. When his litth' daughter, | Rita Slay, nine years "hi triad to 1 saw hfr mother. Smith killed her. He fought conviction on the ground of Insanity produced by over-indulgence in whiskey, he having taken sixteen drinks on the morning of the double 1 tragedy. Sitlington slew an aged whit** wo man In her cabin In an isolated sec tion of Rockbridge county last Sep tember. He had erept into her house to rot> It. and when the aeventy.-year old occupant dlsn over* d him in her parlor, hi seized a si ids of wood and heat her to death. PACIFIC COAST IS DEFENSELESS WARHIKUTOX < ONBHK.SKM A\ H\V* gORKinti KOE <‘01*1.0 KVrHKM H ITSELF OX 1’1‘CIKT SOI \ II. WA SHI NO TON, Her. 1*.—“A foreign foe—Japan for Instance—could land an Invading force at Bellingham, on l‘u got Sound. Washington, without com ing within fifteen miles of a gun. and establish itself In an almost impreg nable position," This statement by Kepresi ntatlvc , Humphreys i Republican), of Washing ton. at the White House to-da> was riilb'd forth t>v the agitation .o r the famous “ecnfldentlal reply" made bj Secretary ”f War Pii'klnaon to Repre sentative Me l-achlat.'s roiju* si for in formation as to the prepar. ilness of the ! United Htute.r for war. j The secretary of war expresses an : opinion which has been known to nv , ary man on the 1’aelrtc (toast for, years." Humphreys said. "<*ur people on the Paelflc slope have l*e»u crying . for defense, absolutely unhesJed. An ! invading force onue landed from Puget , Sound, cmild capture the fortlftcatlons , about Seattle, from the land side; tie up that territory from eommunicatlon with the outside world, and devastate that part of the northwest. It would take a big foroe may months to jlls ! lodge them | "We wat torpedo boats and all man 1 nor of coast defenses, it Is a orying need." ” JERSEY BOSS IS OUT RMRIITE ja»ii'« smith, jh„ iumiuks ropt i.\a mi.i. of <kh jkhm:» vtrr F.H*» IA AAMIAG MAHTIM:. CONTROLS LEGISLATORS OorFHNon-FI.F.CT « II «o\ mu. TiKK, rri mi* to AllOISF. MJ.ATI»K>T MACHINK’11 PHOOHAM. XUE.NTuN, X. J.. December l<! -In order to compel the legislat ire to elect the popular primary choice. Janie* E. Martin* , to the I’nlted States senate. Governor-Elect Woodrow Wil son will have to light Janies Kmlth, Jr. former .senator, and "Boli" Davis, the boss of ’ I u.. so n county, control a large percentage of the Democratic Jegtslators-clect. T» win them away from the bowses Wil son v. til have to a reins* public senti ment for his position. In an effort to do that It is understood h* re to day that h* "111 take th* stump per sonally and assail Smith s position. The. New Jersey flgnt has already assumed national chara. t* rl'ties. WII t. n has been told bv both Smith and I)«\i* that at the end cu two years hi- will b. forced luck to political oblivion. To this Wilson has replied that he will see If he cannot fore* the two bosses out of the arena. .-'mlth Is to-daj an avowed candi date. !•'■ 11*. wing his letter of last night. In which he a< i pted the in his homo county <>f Ksscx to run for tho senate he coni’* rr»‘«i with a mini - her of the machim lenders H< r« - fused to comment on a report that if he ran control the Rssex and Hud son county delegates he veil! he given enough Republican vM«*s to assure his election when the joint session meets. The feeling between th* factions is very hitter and the democrat-> of New Jersf' is s«*rci\ split as th< result of the break between Wilson and the "oid guard leaders. * ORDER SET ASIDE i-m ri.i riM» mu \ faimhi: win v »i;i'.vkati:i> AM) WISH TU HI M MtKA . BOSTON*. MASS.. December . 1*>.— Afi r seven years «<f happy married life, during which t«» 0hiHir.11 wore barn to them. Arthur Hnstlen ami hi* wife. Alice Whenlau Hastelm dis agreed Hiid uyre divorc’d. That was a year ago, and tho divorce decree forbade cither of them t>* remarry within tv... years. The y,. ar of single life him n d been happy for the Hustleris. Mrs. Hnstlen mad.- little headway try in* to support her children and aged mother, while Bafttlen dec lares life alone wasn't worth living. So they effected a reconciliation and are to remarry. When they secured a marriage licence, they found the two-year decree staring them In the fact T i-day they are holding con sullation* with attorneys, trying to huvt the divorce order sot aside *o that they mnj remarry Immediately VV11STION OF Fill KFU riTLF kktti.ko nv Form* TKKNTON, X J., December !«.'— Holding comtiiutlonal the act of April 111. llois, providing that when a Pres byurlnn < hurch l» dissolved the prop erty of the church snail thereupon vest In the presbytery with which the local church war. affiliated. .Iiwtl. Trenchant ha* tiled an opinion tn^hn supremo court giving judgment In favor of the trustees ol the Presby tery of Jersey City, against the trus tees > f the First Presbyterian ehurch of Wcuhaken and uthara. OR. COOK TELLS KIS OWN STOI Defends His Honesty in lievingThat He Reached the Pole SAYS HE HAD NO PLAN TO HOAX WORLD Insist Upon His Own Since! ity—Explains Mental Con-* :| dilion—Suffered Insom- ^ nia; saw Phantoms NEW YORK, Dec. Hi.—"No should discredit mo until ho ka what l endured tho two and a years of Arctic experience—until hungers with m«, lreezes with shudders with n« in the specter-rid den Arctic night and grows mad with mo In the glaring, burning, long and, trucking Arctic day. .Not until than, cun ho understand tny mental condi tion at the time and appreciate how l feel now and what I bellitvsfj to he true." In these words does Or. Kre_, A. t ook, iii the flrst installment .of* his "own story” in the January iitnb-* her of Hampton's magazine, to-day. lay the groundwork for defense, not of his North Pole covury claim, wnith he nodt m»j ne without merit, hut of hl» j esty in believing '.hut he accompli this marvelous feat. “ Kl Ail through the story Cook' to ths terriuie physical and strain h-- underwent and to thO harushlps he endured affected mind so that he was In no tiwi to make sclentltieally correct servntions as to his movements. Ilo explains how he "got In the outset In those worus: 'Ketuf from a life, savage In Its body and mind, i was tossed to £ zenith of worldly honor on a war# j enthusiasm, a ivorld-madncw startled me. In the ebb of that 1 was plunged into the depths of i plelon and discredit, a victim of own lolly and the sufferer fro#*'! storm of adverse circumstance*. After reciting a chapter of ships and privations that trill move to pity many an adv critic. Cook says: "When 1 fee many hair-breadth escapes death, the hazards w« took. SI again that physical and mental i*. ring, 1 wonuer whether any man would do this were bo fft lattng a lie." .No J’tuii to Mon* the ll I did believe in myself. •stly and sincerely. If 1 felt yOavl wf my claim when 1 reached Cti hagtn and later New York," I plorer says. "Is It just to call i world's most Intrepid fakir, « mon, deliberate swindler? Us mously 1 may hate made StatO which 1 myself now question, is lnex> usaole. lint most emj cally iind positively, I am not i most certainly there was no hoax the world to my own fln pront. Ur. Cook says that he has beea*j cused of being a colossal liar, y« t that many lies have l>een to him. lie cites the gum-drop a sample. He says he took o drops with him and never he st' ry until h. got to New York, says that the trip was not undo for scientific attainment. "It personal conquest. In which I ni only the return due a pathf Continuing. Ur. Cook says: not give In this story my observations. They have been* llshed and scientific authorities rejected them as Inadequate, seem u eurtous thing, us so made of (igures—-which can be i la. lured by the ream—for me that figures of Instrumental oh tl ms are only self-convincln#. 1 am telling the truth, as 1 frankly." pole never was baaed solely U{ sormtions, figures or matt cab illations, | did take the course. S.metlme* j took tllMtJ til', attain working them ottttjf most i»a m staking accuracy. , times my mind was clear a# again 1 was dazed with hunger,,' • attd cold. These figures did i vince me of my achievement, only corroborated my inner it*.ti of progress. Questions Ills t)nu Sac "Was my inner conviction ' attained the Pole Insane? i which raisin the whole pr thi border line of sanity. 1 f.-el, no more insane than w ho frantically pursues an ideal which may seem hair-br th* pra. tkal man—and who" i to himself, if to no other, h|p tied that he has accompliahod ,f‘~ sire. Jly conviction may bn tip- bounds of reason. Son I feel that it la Again 1 do not know Moreover, dally since I have viewed a peculiarly suspicions, thou viable angle, of late, I have pressed with the instability, icnlity of all human reason.' As an illustration of that feet the far North has on Cook says that after leavl Tamil, th. "fantastic unrealtt! north began to manifest most. Peaks of enow were 1 ed into volcanoes. belchlnf; oyt *d the pearly mist rose t itles, with fairy castles; tur< ?, misshapen and grot1 ed along the horizon, denizens of the north acooa i during the entire journey fugged of brain and snap) i lly strength. 1 felt my mlng in a s»'a .of half-C 1 they tilled me almost pressing me a“ the mo ; In a nightmare.” Cook explains his ms-8 ' partially by his Inability I one who has suffered fro he say*, "may be able grec to gauge mjf„ , sleep became imp : the end of my journey 1 haunting. ever pr thought of my wakeful "1 never *a peeked \