Newspaper Page Text
TOWN TALK! V V ' the sensational reduction* In the price of beautiful furni ture. Drugget*. Italian Marble. Bras*ware. BrIc-a-Brac and Imported Vase*, etc., at • JURGENS’ Frervthing Reduced M, 75, -id l-.» and 50 percent. No dis count less than 70 per cent, and following our usual custom, on purchases made from now on we’ll allow you to pay thd bill February 5th. 1011, and save all cash discount*/ Don't Miss Jurgens' Sensational Discount Furniture and Carpet Sale CHAS G JURGENS’ SON RIGHT IN TUT. CENTER OF THE FURNITURE DISTRICT. ADAMS & BROAD f IS FINED 1 CENT j mmi J1 TIM s M'UI VI I I> roll SHOOTING rmimiKK-IN-I vu L \ST si 1-11 MHI 15 For filling his Pr aher-in-laWs leg, full of final) si: ’t I. A .l.-okaon " l” || Thiir?(Ia\ sf-r' »o jail ry the hir; in f the hustlugt* court mol i.n. «l on, rent f This fine v -is, of emir#.:. m< r- i.v mum- 1 ml. Ini «•«* Impose,| - . that the oo»1s might he throe n upon tno ne- j fondant The shooting took phi • last September. Attorney Gilbert 1.. .In, ksnn's counsel, showed to the «attsfn> tn.n >.r 1 the juri that his client v. as drunk ; end utterly irr, xpnneiM, at the tint. of the shooting mil sn.. 1 In pr-* eurlng tile lenient urdle? SWANSON WILL TALK TO COMMERCIAL MEN nil.l. VIUIHI'SS KOANohl (OtN <11 ON OK \SIOV III ITS n N I II \\M\ I 11" \ltt I K (Special tn Tl» I'.'ii hri .uit, ) ; g KOAXOK1 V.t I'm |i. a.ator . if- Swanson has ■ *•:<■■! an invii.timn t.n p dellvw ail addr- s Inn- (,. Uv Koa $ jttoke h'otucil, N>. i'.'t, ! u i < • <l i '.,n,. mercial Tra « I* !:- ..n (In . a.-' .n . 5 fh" r. i' ■ ri Its tenth annh'ir “an T»<•.«-f»i’ - \,icr. »;. » will if, lino he inatli !>• , ri pro nUitivc i.f the Chtirnl i i m I'omnier the J.. 11 jf. berth iin.l M<Mitita*'tiir*-r** \ssial, >n. $ ami T. J l'li< in- j.■■■•; Brand * .nin e ellor. £ linamdi' s in'-' lurid a.--- Miriil is s 8.* follows W ind , f 1 ,■* J, i • .r ; *-d, fa i j ; i..ia • 11 . n* vi fi: lm an !n. r. i-- id' ? i 7 .'> (>.“ r n * l It per rent Tin 11n111 ■ : ..ti . r * tin s » of the State nr. SV/ ' Tin** Yi-ar. P. (inm. ;■ Richmond . '.Min _■* I if Norfolk ; •*•;«,. •:,*( jt ; Rortamnuth s.7 s 7,7o a ft l.yndibur*-.I*:, ial..’ ■ s :. ■ K J»«nvil|.- .7 "’•.Til 17.« R Brlatid .... 7 0 I “NEWSY” INHERITS MONEY AND HOUSES i NEW yiiltK. !*.•■• 1.; —Tb.-r. ' •> T new fail j r. sidinr <>\ r the «d< - | n*»i stand nt Tv * nty-nlntli Mi. t j; Ittlid Sixth an nm t ■ • -11.1 ■ Jos.-ph gj (Dutch! t'aiuinr i»d t*. tin-pen w “jKipots” and ' . *■ x11. • • “" at this sc,-id l |»ut what'» the ns* oi n fellow worth I fjfl.tmu and tin landlord of four *' houses hesidet . lint; thlms.s a' |f cent a filiH’i That'- what ' I'm. > K" in worth no, thro bIi tin d'-nth S " l»i<* father, William c..n h r. a huild I inp i ontrw ti.r Hr is* |.**ri. ' . R. "0:1(1 h" ha* |Ton. d (<• . or:,., ha - 1, ' | aoon and (the hia • r. i -ierlotn • ronh >* "irUiw-nut.” West Point >{:» ; .! t The' Richmond Virginian ) WEST POJ>T, V.\„ I»» > . jk Mrs. Mr.rth - S*:irT', «»f \V» st Point. ha« In lit ronsarxa ?■ six P’-j.<-n a uun!l tr< - a\»raging in weight r • 'Oiiti-1 *;i'h ; * ? ?«I measuring; 1A I. H mMa-s. Sh‘ i!'■>.> ha? an orange tr» - iviUi t.'TP -four or-angx s ratlu r small, rut •.il right m i; *t< The*.- %■•:. iar g* h nions «}i. :ui"" ami ns* m • \*'ry ><ar ..mi finds them perfect in ta*l* . Mr. M<I>‘ :gal. mail agent oil tT Tanning train between E* i -• and Kh h mfiid yt'Htrr.'Iny r» <. iv<-d. .,nn . ft» r lun-jin for Richmond. a telegram an muncing the death f Ids* mother in \ ■. ♦ • r John E Thomas, an ok? West Pointer, aged tin. m-d trt Hii-tmimii] .•* t*w v j»y •> !!■ hn relative* In W-' p. nit Mrs Sarah Hail, w hr. live,! a gr < a ■ n y*-r>r« in West !'"in?. has n-v»'nt 1 v <ii* <| at Williamsburg. '!’!;<• Thimble <*!nh \\ - r Merf;, *?,* this " k v«rv hand. nrs* )y !»v Mrs. la lam! 'I r« at 3 a.tur other thir.jra p! .nn*al fm ‘ ’hri -r0,1* ' k is .1 hail at tm- Tmiu I i ! t U • t ' t • ’ . , • 11*14 >••• ■ • *1 chut * a n'hrt pl< :iuint r* union of i r n i;«i• a! 1 .X II.'-, . 1 J * I * ' •«!!!- • , ■ ■ • : * ^ .1 •' > t - ha v j*it«*t in X* t‘- port N« *? :•< a;al i* S > , V *T i t * i M!> Artis r Vn i X,i• a , tr«»m < .Intn * v ’»•> i~. taking < .t, Th,- h*.i,s( m IT IP . U\ «\ .. • . r> f> . IM> tor - t; *: r- *vi A • * 11 ■ i i ■ « pt • - ; t < ?: hn .mi, tin I -- o of M» f 11 - I;. r\ mi, V, ■ sm .-a o. . . Moliehtfu: V i - i» to M ' Mr- \\ il li.inj P III 'i - at Wiilv V.». Mr - .la iik' ■ v.. with him. Ms’-. «*ln< i !<• • \ bran■•*n and < •». i lit*-!; iron I '.alti tm a * . nr* h*-r« n, ■;>• tlu‘ vith M. ami .vl?- 1M >1< rvitr. I .a : t • : *i t{a.a- >t h -f t nrk' ' .ip to* Pw. t hr* * m h by .-v.jv I.-at t*> Pall. . n ami ■ ’• t l • "• * ml hl«h J ' i»\ Ml* : >)* . I' );> r* I * pt ■' ■ -1 : it I” ml «1: ■ bllitit ‘*t(bt : a M<| t'1' * \p?a->- .urn at :•» i P mi* * P ! K - I-I I a ■ .It a-. . V* ! '■ 'll' Mis;, Mull, i ' w ft. •**' I Pi Hi ’■ *!"<-. V. il b< i h* J!!" M ■ -t M i«v Mao * nr , 1.: t i fi: t« r ‘ 'lit i t r-■ M sk . S<ij, a, < , «»t \\’■ iii i ii.: I»»ti 1 * * ' . turraai \ Ml .\l >ll»t i.'lt l .*■ v. i s. who has a ‘if - a a vi-it to h t . .* Than! * i v -fit. ami u ill pay ooib til . vt*-ralod \ Itfit 1" Up- Vi is* la o is ill- , i, . i!v PulJi r h. wm- t » \ i i Iranis l! ITPnrm, hat will roturn to Print ;*> Jkt tm st for ih* b -a.lii . Mi- linth Mar-tnu. ot MiTi!* < ■ if,' ./ < * h ; S ii.-l-'arf's . - m-t !*t Sla la1' r v» iy iii with pi" >4, i-nh Hi i»io\<> I>< i4«I l.ainpw. « ns n: - <? i- .. .t outt'iiman Minin t a. ; tht aimiitt**.- 'I'hur? <la *. n:«lr « r.i • . i s • ro t- ti*i :: i K Mow ). tri* n»k o- j-aitM! nt, p. r.-movo all Hii't . . p-.-s past-, ; n,m i; * T'n* miifih i|.al ii^htltiK plan. !t '‘.a- ?h«* ■ i will sh -riiv fi rntsh .. tin- I’tht »r I ’■ r" a < l troi-t In tv-. ■ ’ Tv- . Uth an . .l* fJ*r». a - • r* » t>•. tin a inn p« stv ar- * **ti * < • ttTly in* lontr* I IP 1 * ->-af ■ r DECLARES POLES ARE OmCEFUL / ( imiiH-w i.VNtit. «>i n.ii'iiti i I I \ (HMMIITI I , SUS III u > ivr i’ \i coM i; \rnnts. V \ Inn* as h. r. trains «halrmaii • ! ili.- . ■ im*il <• >minitt. . on «>iv frt (:i tin cotitraeti-rs n h>> ban- raoent . i. it* 11ji . i....K«.1 ami uiv nthtis |n. t-R hriin*h -nt lh. illy for the muntel joil . k itlhp i M. In "ill k*’ without i iv ir in - -i - i or r> ion . the poi. , with Vetter mil - is thi ilevlai ration «.f v iioiilnian John J. I.'inn. who • aiumned a i-rus ! ti- against woutn-u | poll.« i cfor. ili-- sifiit rotnmHt..-- . ; i hi.i •■-m' nmht. ,\ir. l.yn- h ass- rt.’il that the an-j - V >n ' i t. • mi v in- h I lo- . ity Is . tpocteil to hang l!\ wit--* »r. a nl»«rai. i-i tlv- tii> In addition to. ' ih« :r ft i niv ojtt .-I lh j art cxtiMme tn*lie rot.-. Iv pointed "lit. -is tin"'; ir. mum* all tin- linn a ml nr - lia l.ii- lo In. , oiii-liH' t Tossed wires and ; possiV!-, ti is.i,at roils fir. s As a i t suit ..| tin- I’llllll'iot- 111" i onunitt. • approved n resolution in-1 strutting tlv t il; attorn ■ to pi opart* nti f.r.iiii.iin <• r.‘lUirirtK every on< ■ nil.a- "in n n |" n . ailhln tin Ity lln-.i to r- : n - it." in " -th iron "hint or tiny ar>- r.-rnovtd for r. a son t-f ti.. a >. Th - 'it' engineer was hiso ttistrin t■ -tl i-i ruin, r uith t'on sditin# Kti*uv r Trail - m ami to per mit tin- liv.ial iatlon t-i no wooden polea "lilt'll ar.- not t.| the propel material and appt aiaiv t. As soon as the ne" tiiiinii Ipal plant :• no in operation all tin- vir^tnia ; I i i i J t . 'htf Which city WII .'H haw Im <11 i strung will l.(( reniowd from the ; tr ■ t •rii. i 1 tos* have a.reud\ 1 j n»*n replaced b\ in v inuu". lit .Mr ! i.Mioh t*i iiirt-H that tn<-se n * a >*i. n - " , of inferior <;i:uilty . *:. • I that he; v iil no; pay 4<n« vent for tin in. Won't s»{,n. I uii'ii retain! t hat in* \ n?jr hers ra* i noire my signal a in." he aaid, "ami 1 ".ant ; > ;-t . that i won’t si mi th*in iiii tin ■ •ntra.Mor- put tip 1 “■ i 'I h • ■•-Mm# i*n v <-an take their j . ih* T ran g i\ »• tin < itv decent 1 #«»U js *r go without their mom y.” 1 -lo hb ra hie Other business, largo- i 1 roiiii/a nature, was pa-: • d njmn h' i ommitti • . thaugu .« rai ot J th“ mattt r.M attended to wan of Irn porta ii 1 ami pu an- *i»t♦ i •= - * \ lettei wus t< edvod front th< man- . agi r "t tie I’tell T b pm*he * "iiii .iny i 1 - • , i * 'tin.- that lie be allowed t" Mir . !• aoer tin irain nisi umi* r wtnrhl his eotnpa.Jiy ha. op* rated in V»un- ; ■ ii- -ter ai.d that the < - inpany he an-' thonzed to maintain it- huidinss **n both siih•« ‘ t lb* ri *-r under the I * hail* r gr.iiifed i % tie Hu hmond : eoum 11. This n as re;* t red t«. tin- city ! attorn* ;• . \n * pinion was r< riv.d from t'ol. * Pollard to the * d* et that the city j * • •», * i not rumpi 1 tin* I'hesupeake and! « due railway t * « niai ' its e.'hurchi i htl tunnel. The att ri • :gg. -t*-d. ’ * h *ar \ ef, that the <*iI > and road joint - * I’. pa > the eXpellMS oj tie extension, umi df-* lured that le* h* j 1« «>d the j . *a * | W *mi(i then * uiy out the plans; ogg >t*d hy tin* • it; engineer. This ‘U* r and *-1 igr< mu.-n wen* r< i* rr* ) to j ti» department of engineer in#. : 1 i*e urn i -ion <‘t J*r» siuent N- rthrop, ; <•1 lh« street car ■ ompany, u h»> him • * n asked t<> grant a ,>-c» nt rare to ( i if;, all Park, was th* n nad. Mr. j N a nrop »j« i 'nr* d that th# eompany •" d led do a ti < ormnittee lino \ b v i ; r« <}'■ • tin- • j>- inr< mp" *»11<i ' * ai »n!<d he-tv. •■♦'!» «*n« ami t’.vo mb • : *>»ni d- i»i a*-jit Urn it.s. i \ ran u \\i m \r»i. um W ? * \ IC K k» 1 IM.K | \\ 11 bin a O' ' h bad appro' . d t );f ' t »*■ j ■ it n.n «»i' k* * M'i .i?tc*r th»,* mayor orUiiiain-r t n atin< • r •»’ J-» ;. ;>h t -r> an i * • f - h i«n,.iuiv ?«•» 1 nk aUixcMl i ’Th nr-da aftt-rri'xip. th< rosind • on yi on nd.s and 1.biding Mm I * T» th • :!.V lllll af»d i'|f(tn| Mr, ! ;• trl k \. fan . <d ward, to tin.- i> i Tin will i>»- «:<00 a ■ ar. and will kryin » • > • i »i ,* r !. fall, k- mi tu* n. ai!i"!!K fh*-rn Ktajdif r Tra.«-r I ‘anhd. <.f th- • Hy • ,'in«*f if K d' j*artnn ut. w«r< < atuii »ii !• r tin fda< • « Mily t \ n nann*. v*r< |*I,um .1 in [v»min.tti>>i), h'-vrvnr, tn at <*f in-' -u- < • < ndidatn and t! it «»; Mr John T. ‘i-xldin. tin* bit t*-r i < t “i- inn iom >2 tin rh-von votes < nM. Anofh<-r nn-«tm>f - f tin- <'nmmitteft ' i!i l « i - Id Th'ir>d:»v :tl t erin >*>n wh**n tin- pa mil.- will > >«• « In k« d nv*r and; nrd* r> d : lid Th m«*etinK b. • •ailed * *r11r than it* r -pular date t«. ylvi tin* m<‘M * trip! ., «j by tin* < if. yp<nd i ay nn»nt-\ s >r • iii'i :ttna - ARCHIE A LEWIS RESIGNS AS DEPUTE REVENUE COLLECTOR • Sp'-oal to ri ••• Hm irybdali. ) j 11 ai;i:is« ».\m im. \ \ . i». • 1*;. Ar • hi* A. law is ban r^iuiii d inn , I i - i • S fi**JiUt\ ititnn.M I I < Vi . roily* * • a for tin S<v» lit il din ri* t to tarn* '?'] * • ’ J. n j.,iv i. Hi ■ ” ill > i - * -d b> !. I* Siur.fii* IK. nf Mdni;. d Ai r f • W W * - is k > . ' . -rpf a i> *= • t i -n -a Mis tin- S . 11, * r i i Ikll TH* - 1 la n.- i a:,j..( • ■ jt, A t !.n la. fa. $247.50 Instead of $450 ’$247.50 Instead of $450 You Can’t Afford to Miss This Great Event Chance to get two for one. Prices and terms that make piano buying now a positive duty! We have just completed arrangements with The Ludlow Piano Co. of New York, whereby we offer their $450 Cabinet Grand for o50 We Had Intended Keeping Silent a^out this great offer for a few days yet—until other dealer* had had their say—until they had all sprung their “sensations." Bat the Magnitude of Our Preparations —the purchase of ONK II rNDHHI) 1’ianos, which would usually retail for tM:’>,000.0(», and the large amount of rash that changed hands as a result, set trade tongues a-wagging. and information ns to this great purchase and great sale that would result began to leak out. So the Cat Is Out. Think this over. Consider the source it comes from. Then , compare it with other “sensations' re- i eently announced, and sec if you don t | think they were false alarms. “Divide With the Buyer the saving we ' effect by our superior method of pur chasing and selling." That is the k<y cote to all Crafts operations—the ex planation of our policy of small profits per u i* on quantities of pianos. No other retailer is satistied with so small a margin. Most of them do not know within many dollar* what it costs to make a piano and they set a wido margin io ; cover There Is Certain to Be a Shortage. Bet ter come early and make your selection. There are but ONE HUNDRED LI D LOW TIANOS offered in this Christmas Club. The price is so low that we are sure many, orders will not he filled. At tend to this matte- at once. Every piano in this sale is fully guaranteed. Your money back if not as represented. Mail orders filled. Mr. Crafts will make per sonal selection for those who order by mail. We prepay all freights and pay for the hauling. Old Instruments Taken in Exchange. !i’ you have an old piano or organ that you wish to exchange, we. of course, are ready to allow you what the instrument is worth. It may be your old square piano is a Ludlow, if so, we will allow you a special allowance. There are five beautiful styles to select from; mahogany, walnut and oak eases; handsome stool and silk scarf included. FREE DELIVERY TERMS NOTHING DOWN AND $1.50 PER WEEK There are only one hundred LUDLOW pr.-VNOS in this sale. Be sure to com* at ouce ami select the piano that best pleases yon. NS r will deliver it when you say—Xmas Eve, if you prefer. But by all means come at once and ae lert the piano. When the club ia filled we shall withdraw this offer without no $2 for $1 Should you desire to pay any cash when joining this Craft* Christinas Club we will give you a receipt for two dol lars for every dollar you pay up to $30. EXAMPLES: If you pay $1 you secure a receipt for $2. If vou pay $5 you secure a receipt for $10. ' If you pay $10 you secure a receipt for $20. If Ton pav $lo yon secure a receipt for $30. ‘ If you pay $20 you secure a receipt for $40. ' If you pay $23 you secure a receipt for $30. If yon pay $30 you secure a receipt for $60. ADDRESS y Fifth and Grace Streets Richmond, Virginia STORE OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 9:30 “It's Better to Deal With Crajts Than to Wish You Had” M VOID THE VmSTMASRUSH 1 Jgff4 Gift Buying a Pleasure Choosing the holiday thing?, in jewelry, watches, diamonds, silverware <md cut glass i> a positive pleasure here now. With stocks complete, varieties satisfying, and salesmen at your service, vou will buy to great advantage. But do not deJay—the rush is ahead- terrible and disconcerting. Solid Silver Teaspoons, regular $6.00 value, per set, $5.00. The Handsomest and Heaviest Solid Silver Tea Sets, regular price $175.00. at $150.00. Quadruple Plated Silver Tea Sets at from $15 to $65. See our Three-Piece Sets at $8.50 to $15. Sugar Dishes and Cream Pitchers at from $5 to $10. Cut Glass of every design and at very modest prices. J. 1. Allen & Company, Bear the Place in Mind, 14th and Main St». \ CAREFUL ATTENTION TO OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS. STEEL PENSIONS BEGIN IN NEW YEAR r.MTKI* STATES « OUPOKATION j To MARK DISTKIliniON I'MOAI ivtomk or $ij,iK)o,ooo 1 IM). | NEW YORK. 1 *••<’. lit Pensions to employes after louts and faithful jr-ervlcc nil! It pakl by the t'nited i States Steel Corporation beginning i January 1 m et, 1 >< mils of the plan. f«-r which the income of u fund of $12,000,000 is available, were made public at tin nftlrn of Judge Elbert ; II. Gary, chairman of the corpora tion, yortt relay. Andrew Carnegie established the ; "Carnegie Relief Fund" of $4,000,000 | on March 12, 1901. and to tills sum I the corporation has added *9,, ! ami appointed twelve trustees to sn : perrise the distribution of the pen sions. J. It. Erskino.'of Pittsburg, acts as manager of the pension fund. Three class.-s of pensions are pro* iVUied— m union* by compulsory ro j tirement, granted to employes who : have been twenty years in thn service wind have reached the age of seventy yearn for men and sixty years for women; pensions by retirement at ro iiuest, granted to employes who have , been twenty years In the service and 1 have reached the ago of sixty years I for men nnd fifty years for women. \ ’and pensions for permanent lnenpa ! city, granted to employ.-* who have i been twenty y.*rs In the service and 1 have become totally Incapacitated I through no fault of their own. The pensions are to be paid month- i ' ty and will vary from 112 to II00 a month.. SOCIAL AND BUSINESS ACTIVITIES AT SOUTH BOSTON 1 I (S '<-<•!■ ' tn Tli Richmond Virginian.) j CHASES CITV. VA.. Dec. 16.— Mr. I iit.U Mrs Frn k Smith 1mm Michigan, j have purchased the old Sandy Smith j piuee, i'mil two mill s west of Chanel I City. They have had It hando mely ] 1 Improved and expect to move into It 1 1 next weik. I Mrs. Samuel Morton, of South llns- * ton. is visiting her si.t.r. Mrs. Kd- ' mantis, on sycamore street. J » Mrs. J. IV. Goode and two children < have returned fro u a visit to Mrs. : Owen Kuslty, in South Boston. I 1 Mrs. Thomas l). Jt ffress, who has J lietn visiting in Richmond, has return ed i . her home here. Mr. Whit Hayes, of Newport News. Is on a visit t< his parents here. Mr. 1’ N. Strudwiek, of Greensboro, was here this week. Mr. C Al. Boswell is v isiting in Rich mond. Mr. Hunti r Gregory, of Richmond, is j on a visit to his mother. Mrs. Burton and daughter. Miss Irene J Burvv< 11, are visiting at the home of Hr. Harwell. on Main street. Mrs. , Barton and Miss Harwell will return to their home in Lancaster, Pa„ Mon day. .! l.OVUtNOU MANN HEADS va. red cross hoard Governor Mann has been elected p-mldent of the newly organised Slate board of the American Red (Toss So ciety. Other members of the hoard ! are: Thomas B. M' Adam*, of Rich- I mond; George E. Caakle, of Lynch- I borg; Samuel Cohen, of Richmond: ' Rev. T. P. Epwt. of Blackatone; Rev. S C. Hatcher, of Richmond; J. W. Hough, of Norfolk; Robert M. Hughes, j o< Norfolk, and J. Hog* Tyler, of j Bust Radford. i Mr. McAdams has bean appointed ' treasurer of the hoard »nd all relief ntributionc should be (ormrM te im. rHREE BOVS BITTEN IN BEDFORD BY MAO DOQ LYNCHBURG. VA-, Dec. It.—The leople of the Forest Depot — ctlow of Jedford county are much exercised ver the mad-dog situation, hydropho ne being epidemic. Recently three >oys have been bitten by a dog bells v d to have been mad. and a general ppcal hue been made for the mussltng >r confinement of all dogs. More than score of dogs have been killed re ently In the neighborhood at Forest >ep on Gold Glasses bought as Xmas Gifts changed to suit wearer at No Extra Charge G.£Z/Za&pUa£Ck Opticians of ths best sort. 311 East Brood Street