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Pure Toad News Far Busy Housewives* Delicious Tee Cream Made from pure milk and rream. We rater to Drug Stop*, Wedding*, Receptions ami Cafes. and it’* frrmh from the dairy. Send in your order for Sweet Milk, Butter Milk, Cream aad Butter. L: F. Hudson, Pnmiimi (Formerly with L. F. Rennie Co.) H. H. Vaden, Set. arui Trent (Formerly Buck Hill Dairy) TIIK RF.NNfE DAIRTi CO. {InnrrpnrateA) t Phone Madison 79®. , (Incorporated) Phone Madlaon 7% 04 and 60S North 7tli Street May We Fill Your Basket? Our tint of Groceries, Fresh Meats, Fruits anti Vegetables will please you H. C. Richardson & Co. 504 East Marshall Phone Madison 155 The Broad Street Market Fresh and Staple Groceries. Tobacco, Cigars, Fresh Meats, Vegetables, Hay. Grain and Mill-Feed Fresh Fish, Oysters and Game in Season .Goods f>f'rrrni Promptly f>v fKr iFafy,? 520 West Broad Street Phones Monroe 122, 123. 124. Olive Oil! Extra Virgin Lucca Olive Oil, from Bunny Itah, where the host irradcv of olive oil# are produretl. Fruncoaco Barsot telli A Co., Distributor* Camolre Prov. of Lucca Frank Moriconi & Co., Agents ^06 North Eighth Street, Richmond, Va. PL RE MEATS. Andrew J. Warren DEALER IN Beef, Pork, Mutton, Lamb, Veal Baited Meat# of all kind# Prompt deliveries. Phone Madison 514. 415 North Sixth Street. Fruits, Confectioneries 3 Cans Tomatoes or Com 25c 3 pounds Seeded Raisins . .25c Currant, Cleaned. 11c Citron, 18c pound, 3 pounds for. 50c California Peaches, 15c or 2 for..25c Finest Quality Lemon Cling Peaches, 18c or 3 for . . 50c Dried Peaches, Prunes and Nectarines. 14! Ultra* A. G. DALTON, 419 North Sixth Street Phone Monroe 1259. Beautify Your Table! Our Cut Flowers will givt your tabltv a refreshing appearance. V\ e make a specialty of Wedding, Kceeption and Funeral Designs. Mann & Brown f> West Broad Madison 3052. Salted and Smoked Meats Wholesale am] RriiH, Fresh Meat*. 8taplc on<! Fancy Grocer*. \\ p can fill your Saturday mar art basket. Central Market, 512 North I7th Street Phone Madison 5448-L. Delica essant Stores. Fancy Groceries. Imported Moods, French. Sviiw and f.imberger Cheese, Fine Oeiman and IXwnestie Hauaages, Holland Ilerrinn and fcardeilirn. A. Rothschild, SC 7 Kant Marshall Street Monroe 1971 411 Harrison Street Monroe 1491 For making light, wholesome, palatable Old Virginia batter bread, cakes, pies, waffles, biscuits, &c., Use Good Luck Baking Powder The Brand That’s Sold Regularly in Carload Lots to the Jobbing Trade. Annual sales over twenty-one million pounds—enough to leaven thirteen billion, four hundred and eight million big, healthy, strength-building biscuit. I Mobjack Bay Oysters. The -c oysters art- i>j >-ne i nn the premises * all aud let us serve you. i FISH. OYSTERS AND GAME. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. 402 North Sixth Street Madison 5219 Stall 31. 2nd Market Madison 5072 Julian E Flournoy EVERY GOOD HOUSEKEEPER USES Dunlop Flour | MADE IN RICHMOND SOLD IN FOUR CONTINENTS i I Good Receipts for j Good Cooks I ! CHOCOLATE CHIPS Kinr. make a c*iwiy of’ for the filling, i »ne cnp NV« Orleans mnla**>*i». two thirds cup* igar. butter the *a»c of a butternut. Fla* * with vanilla. B*>,1 until hard, pull tl.ii*. nit in small pieces. Whoa e vl dip in hot cliooolat* flavor**! with vanilla, i! yja Uke. sweeter*©*! a Uula. Pure 0/tr> i H i «* Good jje the Bodies. SPANISH MACKERAL Draw by th- gill*: waeh, rubhng with .vianw salt anti trim off all the f.n* closely. Split 1 rt“wn tbs back, remove the bone wipe, dry and <*rc.w>n with salt and pepper: brush ever thoroughly with oi! and broil *!**wly till vfifl nocked Si hie on a hot civ?. and pour ove niched butter or at y suitable sauce. Tejf Him R%*+on ,■>*»Mad* by Si* spier A Ca HARICOT. Pry »n onion, then ettt ail the fat from eight mutton chops, fkmr them wall and brown tl> with the on.on. Cover with water an*! *W»w slowly two hour*. Then add tomato or any other vegetable. < H cover at first with a quart of si»o*d tomato instead of watar Pepper and rsit L it Dunlop Flour Made %n Rvkmmd HAM DUMPLINGS. PivKwed aa above, umng lean ham with parsley or a f«« drop* of onion Juice; leave ou* eaH and nutmeg. Chop fine and pound to a paste, but it need oot be rfftcd. Shape iu larger balls. about the site of a pullet'a * gg. and rook & stock. They should far a* light aa •ponge uuu may 1*> aarrad in consomme. I'm (Hive (HI for Your .Solid.'* OXTAIL SOUP. \ti«h and cut up two oxtail*, separating them at the Joint#- belerx about half A uv» largest and nicest joint* to brown in hot fat before oookiuf. Simm*r in enough water to rover well until perfectly tender Take out th* browned joint# and boil the mat to rag*; a* ram. cool and remove fat. Reheat this stock, adding one quart strong brown ©took. more salt and pepper if naoded, and the r.aervo joint*. It should lie aeirvd boduig hot. Blue Ribbon Cmhm*v*. AH Fork New Fancy Grocery Specials Uhut Ground Meal, per perk 23c Lurg* Pat Cornell Shari, (e r (ajurni 10c t fount ry Peeled Dried Peaches, per lb. 20c Large I'at Markers! . . . Sc All Fork Tray Sausage, pound ... I*c Small Navy Bemm quart .... 10c California Ham, per pound 14c Regular Sugar Cured I Uni, per pound 20c Large jo-ortment of Fresh Vegetables at low prices. J. E. MITCHELL, 601 East Marshall St. Formerly v ith Richardson jv Mitchell 504 East Marshall Goods delivered promptly. Call Monroe OOS. STIEGLER & CO. Manufacturer of Blue Ribbon Sausage Guaranteed all Pork. Now ou hand. Meats and Provisions 308-10 North 6th Street. PHONES:—Monroe 108—109. Excellent Service—Prompt Deliveries. All Meat* displaced in Glusa Covered. Ice Cooled, Sanitary Show ( :ic<n. Pure Foods at Reasonable Prices Fancy Groceries. Vegetables, Fruits, Chicken* and Fffgx Goods Delivered Pr>r ;>'jy J. W. PRICE, 416 East Marshall Street * Phone Monroe 2632 A. Eichel & Co. 313 to 317 North Sixth Street, The Beat in the Market Steaks, Roasts, Chops, Pork Sausage a Specialty. Smoked Meats. Phone Monroe 645-646. I ut'riltvr* tor TDK.' P. Harris DEALER IN Fresh Meats, Groceries and Canned Goods Country Bacon, Butter, Eftgs and Poultry. Prompt Service. Phone Monroe M66 330 North Sixth Street Es!abh*hmi ISO Phone Monroe 079 Louis Cohen & Son ! Bakery 207 NORTH EIGHTEENTH STREET Try our Rye Bread; we have quality. Deliveries to all sertiona of Richmond. LAW POINT ON INHEAITENCE TAX 8ELRKV HEIRS CEAIM ESTATE WAS VESTED RIGHT BEFORE TAX LAW WAS EXACTED. (Special to The Hlchmond Virginian.) NO.tKOlJC. VA„ D-c. IS.-VUor noy General Samuol W. Williams was In Norioik >i .iii..ay to »>ff-n:** Judge Hanekel tho question ol' the liability of the Henry Seidell estate, tallied at $300,000, to a five per cent, collateral inheritage tax amounting to $16,000, 1 ■' it was contended for tiic Selrten heirs that the osate became- a vested one before tho passage of the inherit ance law, and that m»"'Inheritance tax '' should be paid. The State contended that the estate war> riot distributed until recently. ,md that the inheritance tax "us pay able a the time of division, and not at the time of the probation of will. Twenty-two prisoners were this af ternoon carried to the penitentiary at Richmond from Norfolk county. WEALTHY MERCHANT IN BANDITS’ HANDS HAVANA. Dec. 16.—That Sonor Cri eenslfi Perez, a wealthy merchant of Santa Spirltii", Stmta Clara pro vince. has been kidnapped for ransom became known to day when a enm munlccticn was received from a bandit. Soils, demanding IS.060 for his release The residents are rreally alarmed, this holnK the second occurrence within two days. Rafael Bentitz, a merchant of Ila vanu, was captured by bandits in Re medies l ist Monday, but released after 11,300 had been paid as directed in a notice threatening violence. Soils was formerly n policeman In Havana ami is a pronounced revolu tionist | ENTIRE 1K)M1M()\ IN MOV E MEXT FOR CLOSER TRADES « RELATIONS WITH UNCLE SAM. Ottawa, o.vt., Dec u.—F»rm crs organizations representing all parts of Canada will to-morrow for mally demand that the Dominion gov ernment put through actual reciproci ty with th. United States. The de mands include: Reciprocal trade between the I.’nlt j ed States and Canada In all horticul tural and animal products, spraying materials, fertilisers, fuel Illumination , and lubricating oils, cement, fish, ; lumber, agricultural Implements, ma chinery and vehicles. The farmers will also demand that all rates charged under the general tariff be cut In half and a graded tariff reduction scheme, which will within ten years provide complete free trade with England. The farm ers offer to make up tha revenue lost by thu proposed agreement to taxn ] tion. i ‘ BULKY PETITION FOR PARDON OF M USE ; W.X SHTN'GTON, D. C. Pec. 16 — Two bulky express packages were re ceived by Pardon Attorney Finlch at the department of Justice to-day con taining a petition signed by more than 50,000 persons, asking for the par don of Charles Morse. The petitioners give no specific rea son why Morse should 1 o pardoned. ! but merely ask that he b« allowed to i return to his wife. Finlch said he would not give any , preference to ths petition, but would ; consider In its regular turn. It will !,e probably several weeks before tht matter 1b taken befor.. th. President EMILE RUCHET NEW PRESIDENT OF SWITZERLAND HF.RKK. 8WITZE1U AND, Pee. K. - Marie Knitlo Iturhet. vice-pro blent of . the Federal Connell ant,! minister of In ! terloi*. whs to-day elected preside nt of the Swiss .Con ft deration t'< r U'il by the Federal Assembly. REPORT FAVORS NEW JUSTICES' CONFIRMATION WASHINGTON, 1> <\. Dee 16. fovorablr report for tin- tu mlnatlone of the United States Circuit Jmlgc Willie Van De V.tuti r, of Wyoming. . and Joseph R. Lamar, of Georgia, to i be associate Jut-tloe of thy Supreme Court of th" United Suites was ftdopt : cd by the Senate oornmltici on Judl i clary Thursday, it Ih probable that the I rule* wlli be suspended at tin executive j session of the SetiHte anti the twr j nominations confirmed. I Th* noctiuutioitK fot judge* of th< ; Comim r< «■ Court were referred to aub* commit tees. CITY WINS CASE IN CIRCUIT COURT The cry In the citv circuit court iThunsd.v. afternoon brought In a ver dict for the defendant in the eult ; brought agaln»t tho city by Mr. Thomas Swann, who claims that cer tain property on Church Hill be longing to him has been damaged as the result of grading done by the city engineers. MAYOR HAS APPROV. D BRIDGE RESOLUTION M i -or Kk-hardaon Thursday after ; noon signed and returned to the city j trierit the council ordinance providing t for the purchase of the Mayo bridge {property and tho resolution creating 'the position of keeper of the jury an Park. ] The committee on ground#, buildings will meet Thor*dt“ to elect this keeper. The be $900 a year. I NOT ABLE TO AGREE APPEAL. FOR i nUC.UiO. December 1« Inn of a settlement of wage with thirty thousand of ■ gineein. representative* of Western railroads to-d*y_a) mediation hinder the They asked that Cotnml«»!c nml Neill come to coni* t* at once to work for ptnic®. On Exocutlvo Co* William A. Ar.«'er"on t | the Inst meeting of th* ! t.irlrnl Society to fill tho 1 executive committee mad ! the death of the late Re» ford. Tho annual meeting «f will be held Thursday' nt 4 1 cember !#. In th* room* et | at 70* East Franklin i ' '