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USERS HUE MBROW ESCfiPE M.ttlYUM) IN n.AMI h ltAi» TO LAM* PEOPl,t> OLI K JAtKVTS' IIK.KUU COM* l CT. JSOIti l'LK, VA . Dfcrmtifr 16 — riwuy lioirijed thu ytuanishu arywnu. vf u.e .Now S orV Phiia ij iiia amt Norfolk rni'jvad lino, Iasi ;at, a»d *.U(i pass, ti-iors Itao n nut iw e» -»pe from injury or ‘loath. The M*r>.«nu left .\ortidk at • J . JP«*«CK i<>r i nar • « I'nirt} «t*S iaivr. .tv xii-atm r ivkh tv fit i-vfi burn muff La^nl an,i .-uni,it a uciknatu) oise-nir, mmvnrf ooitif 141ft fr*4M h. in. kjlr-ll«ltt. Wh ‘i tho , , • hr tt, n in tt i attempted t to t>t i.a i. i >..» a r , hi; t.a ‘ ill a l, ill »» £ 'll., iJfK'i i -a tin n» r -jHtt'i in (Uthtius u.i hi r ii i ii i>rt.« i i * a * jttatrwi lion of t. • i • i ibf many live*. On- - inutft 1." r th - White «• .oral r feet. and w::h hi v. a ti mil n, ..lid I>r. thi I '*iih tn< )u*» • r named Ktom .« ■ ! Ih, rlt'iim i ittilunx hold hii >ih,« nmko a "in paw icamn?.' i turn'*: a sir. 'V Hr held tills i ptes. while th> artth all .*('< • i! in • nrnt iioia ana ft n.crr on siu lira, si!. ■r■ tor fifteen mln Mnrylar.d was racing l„.sMh!.-. f..r wails Point to dis<har«f ner pa»f ngora. Hu«t of th passenger* «>r» at sup par when th. : r« ua- discovered. Owwi Slant, an oii.-r nu an arter ial his arm in sh**vir.K it through a 1 IS Milt !'■ S' iis i !ty in tt sjm - Mai ■■ land r> ach dlscored SO tntn steanuT reached HtwJow n in- m Vincent hcsf-:.-. tla! car as s • >n tin Hi Sen alts r ini. ‘ Had the fire Bte< later, when the Hie bay. it la 1-. in v.-d there would kilVt been heavy 1— . f lire. SWiiriKsit* art' senn'hrd. ; IV greatest ilsmagp was <ir.e :*hip. where th' i r. started Th“ «* reached th- pper cni-ln nnd walls* of s-»ti.. tbt stator'.on:; bad I v *. r ;Captain Saul i • •:iin,.vr:d!i.i th* 1*1 and. tv;*s w u-mly pr-d t..r the f he handled tin ami r :n her for *aft ly. down tuns responded to lit. land's distress gnais. and in n time had a down stream; turn Ml the I ’ase Th. ‘-l. iitner l,'nn«''l la whs r- ehe-ti from Norfolk and lark t: ny-'i't off the Marv *nd iT'.'t.i'ii with them to Ch rl. >. !$i*» estimate of the fi.iinup. ,b'tir tlo wer would h. mad.- by the offi ef th. company to-nipht LAMBERT IS PAID HIGH HONOR Rr.i\i\ Mi'ii nt inureKiit IS N Mil I' \ III Mill It III 01.1 Ml»l< KI1IMI ril l . PIPRARI.OTTKSVII.I.i:. VA, Dtceni fe*r 1C.T >r William A Ui mheth. pro fe(s«or of hyel«-rn the t'nl' • rsltv jm Virginia. < j i r« ■ t • ■ i .s' athletics at ;js}*»t Institute:, amt member «.f the sfoiothal! rulo rnnunlttfluts hem tfled of Vis app iritue ut as a rrum of str Amir 5th . fir l . i 'Tht t i l t in . ■ mi1 sltl In Htm s‘ii-*iii N! S>.:: Til* 100 fi-i is \nit n ek l-i Pints, of v.rmtkiMi, as prrsii St, arid th .)!<.v,!nir vtee-prrsl sts: J I’ M =11. inlicnr Wlnthrop. Gould. lVr-t>T Whitney unit WtWf Sr. \V"t k«. %• ( ft Nee At! 1,1.1»AfSPF’N, I ( H>«,I v noi.u \*.m \i, i i.imovs isse/tiiit ». Tv'* f>a )= leitnii Virginian, t ?. Whl.l A M'SSt'BG VA., life. I*.,— |tl»m*hqrg L< me, N<». A . F. <*> M.. hn'V •■let), the following per*!! K T! Riun , worshipful mas R W. Galt, senior warden. VV A. »rtK Junior w in't n ifelt, senior ih if-‘it, K W. Hup, Hi ,nk Arini.“t. i.ii ,, Sv ci in • . 11. i nit in.-, s!= aiti', t.lir, .1. i V.iiiii nt. ,:t' ... ftlor I'l'lll-n:. |»ar; ! *r < It U. i f*hi ikti.ui .-I its. if'Thfcsr officer will i-c th.-tallrii o John’* fmy. I*.. -T. < hlrk Bmlny Lodge, Toano. has la-on in to attend the « xi-rciscg in following ■ tifii•» i - have „rted by HnmliPu l.migi -N" LHP, it0. ft F-. f'-r the n, M (. im- I lank Pilsl' • d, P G <; It Graham. t» ■ i >r. ‘' II i A if I *r■. Hk. Hmkn.i '■ t|d.:tii; J A Morn r<hng Berri-tui. J. ; Ifeoiat f" ntan , II. f> jr<-r Tile others M ill fet the meeting January 1 i rook-a Bozarth, lie ItJStall 1!‘ 1 1. BLUES M PIM BUILDING INSPECTOR BECK WITHDRAWS OPPCSITICN TO ATHLETICS IN SOLDIERS’ HEACQU ’ RTERS. I'Sb hell .<11 | rr< ■ w II tv rr utned I l v th- nine* tn if cl- rhmrv as -non ns » Ire guard* are jilr cod around the litj •;sr(‘ liptsl- In lit*- stru tum It.mketha’.l wan n rctn tl from under tin: ban l>v > i 11>' < u t' lint] with i: v. a * IWhed out ! ail indoor moot. t 'sliding In* ;>•i-t -r • k -("topped tli l>ra' t!ee in the nrrrr>r\ ton dry* nc ■ti: u 1: framd the siildlcrr would break rornethinc. Thur day afternoon. hi’» r\< r. Major Hi. win* and **erg'-.'pi < pus i f iIn PUns. railed on Mr flo c. i'1-il bad a lift In talk wth'him Vr :'<i» s !• had r.o « :r< to r«turl<! ■ * ? * rs !n ti e i - i Idlery. I ut ho eld rut went ’t" hate the » Si. « ndrn i ul j < ro t r throi -e a tr )■» '(•:'! near t r irss V o.i .n; « ;>U that t . ■ e ami Its! is would hr s-cTrened r.d rvery ri o i.lrtnr t•j rc\ i sst m • the (I i • pr<i|«orty. Mr, Beck readily withdrew hi* opposition. Th' work of M'reenlnK the heists s. ’ wfr.d ir- » ;11 I * cin at one* a- i • .r: next week ti'< I'itirw will t o s* ■ har t at i'.. ,*...• for tt.i ^ !ir*t go.r-- 1 . - in* .. iii eoa r«roK'; /• M "-■ho.,is ** . * n'lli t;- - : Slat will be represented. t - - ■ ritk» r, in' ;;ncw and will It f t’" ■•.' ,1 v. short time. iNcxrmx fk.itt rmi s am* to Hi: lU N ON mSEBALT, moil PARK. ST. Loms, n.c, Ifi.- I’lnns f.,r th. < rganizatlon of a IcuKtit' of bo"Tln.t clubs have been !irmoiiii''t ti 11■ ■ t . " The proposed ' igiii la to tn Tudf the dubs oi til" <ilhs of St. Fouls, Chicago, OlnrUinatl, Fonistv ilit-, Indian apolis, ("lovcland, 1‘etmlt, imd Toledo, i The organization is to be modeled al ter tho baseball longues, according to the promoters, with schedules, in cluding five-men teams, doubles and singles. A meeting "Mil b ■ held here daring the American Howling <•otigress tour nament In Jana,it - t-. pt-ri--< t the or sanitation. MERCER CHOSEN PENNSY LEADER ,11.1,.AMEKK AN I IT.I.HAt K TO i i \i> ni r* am* hut: mu J OOTHVI.I, I MAI N. I'll II«A DKT,I*I 1 I A. ’ll' . la.—-Leroy , Mercer. AII-Ameriean fullback of the I’ntverslty of l'< nusylvunia football t- nin and star end runner. w iit chosen : as capuln fur tin- next season by his li iminiii*— -it tb nv ctlut; hold Thurr . tluv. Mrrrrr v u.; tin- ].••>)>11?ii*■ flirit'-i' e* m- i nf hi mat. •• throughout tin latter part cl tlicj 1 .i-nil, and, al though tl>.■■r. vnr. , viral rivals for the captaincy, it liar hern known for mine time Hint the big fullback would be I'hoscn to lead th- 1 !• I 1 team. Mercer, who IIvom at Mendenhall, Chester countv. prepared for college t (ieorge School, where he had the r. putntt'in of bring He- greatest scho lastic athlete in the country, hold lug n vt ral records and Innumerable < hampionnhips in tin sprints, <niurt"r . mile, hurdler and pole vault. PRESIDEDT ZELAYA’S SON IN VAUDEVILLE TO \IT*I \lt ON IIM s\MI l’lto. (.1! \M \l I III VMliltlt \\ Nl VT Wi l li WITH COl'NT in: m:\rioi5T. NBW YhltK. December la.—At th. American Music Hull next week the ■ suidevtlle uplift will surelv begin, for tin program will pf. sent the on oi an erstwhile president of a Smith American lh public and a li count. I til • ■ 1 Imlll ale UunWII to thr ip w spa[*• l reading pill'll. . Mr. WII I'fitn Morris yesterday announced the •engagement for the American Mum Full of Mr. Alfonso Z. luva, whole 1 father. Mr. Joke yelaynn, was lately Th- Grf to One That W it Bring Gladness to Many for a Lifetime— The Pianola Piano The Player-Pumo that makes any person a skilled musician, in effect. It enables you, though you may never have studied music an hour in your life, to play any piece of music that you wish. The Pianola Piano is a high-class piano with the Pianola build inside it. Thus you have the greatest of all Player-Pianos. Caution.—You can buy the Pianola Piano (the Player-Piano) in Richmond only at the store of Walter D. Moore & Co. Pianos That Are Conceded the Best Likewise, \vr sell the fxM pianos manufactured. They are the standard by which all pianos are judged. They are built right inside and outside, and last for generations. We can make you the most attractive terms on the following: S e'nwav, Weber, Hardman, Steck, Ki"bal, Wlrehck, Sluyvesant, Brewster, Ha nes, Standard, Weser, Hi:ize and the Pia- ola Piano These piano.-, are the gifts that never disappoint. When you choose one of them from the oldest anil largest Music House in Virginia and North Carolina you are sure of the best. All styles. Inexpensive Chris’mas Gifts % Drums from Site to 525.00. Harps, !Or to 575.00. Hattie Bones, 20 to 75c a pair. Mutes, $5.00 to $25.00. Fifes, 10c to $2.50. W histles, Sc to $1.00. Flageolets, 25c to $.1.00. Vocophones, 5c to $1.00. Ilumanitones, 10c to 25c. Ocarinas, 15c to SI.50. Violins. $1.50 to »75.00. t.nitars, $2.50 to $25.00. Mandolins, .5.1.50 to $25.(Ml. finales. $.1.50 to $5.00. Music Boxes, 50c to $1.00. Tambourines, 50c to S3.50. Banjos. $2.00 to S25.00. Cymbals, 50c to $0.00. Strings for Instruments Violin Strings, 25c to $1.50 set. Guitar, 50c and 75c set. Banjo, 25c and 50c set. Mandolin, 50c and 72c set. And supplies for all of the above instruments, such as Bridges Pins, Pick-, Thimbles, Rosin, Pitch Pipes, Tuning Forks, Taij Pieces, Capo I)'Astros, Clarinet Reeds, Finger Boards, Patent Pegs, Screws and Chin Rests. Send for Catalogue—Free. WalterD.Moses&Co. 103 E. Broad Street, Richmond, Ya. ! Oldest and Largest Music House in Virg nia and North Carolina il. po.n ■ ) ii ■ Jin it o i 'll ,i t .1 « ■:.1 T! other i mi; I >- f ;-’'i ii' rt, of ! ranrt . ; w ho r< • • nt<> Irani hi* if hut in t'hi 1 oi go, in tip ;i . i t ii m of (ll.-'aKio mini with tin iiitht-i his «. ulthy Amiri ii,n u-lfo. Assisted L iv hi.- faithful dug. In- ni.mli- quite u hit in vaudeville. j .Mr. AI ton so X,i Una Is quite an tir eoniplishcd pmnixt. 11 will piny ! i oral on Mo p(;*no. Th:.-. i not his first piling, into Mi \.111• I• • \ ill• tunic, a* ho app'-ari d in U'u idngton livo i nurs afro in a motion pU-turi theatre, where Ip piaioil tli ill sc-rlp ■ live music, whllo his young Am rtcnn ' wiio sold tickets. Mr. Zelnyn married hi lltOfi. Mis i Marguerite linker, of Washington, u pretty toung woman of good faintly. In order to yarn a living doth th. young .Nil an.yuan and his hi ids a- - V |ite(j an oitgagi m uf In a Xintli ; 11* ' theutfo. VolttlK Mr. X lav It olio ha till.Ill part in - v.-ial r . duiion. m Men rag i in, was at Mo I nit d hint Military .'imlnin, at V\. ,t feint f..| two years and in lip own country is quite well known us a soldier. He has hi-cn in New York for several days i preparing tor his local \uudet Mi de hut. FIVE ENGLISH FaiLORS DROWN IN COLLISION llAKWirif. Iwil.. In. . Ii, In.’ the ere V of M ■ li mit tend, r I Hill w ere drowned to-usv in u collision l„ niu i, the tender and a suhniuriin The Kllir, was sunk and the suhniarir.i t riousiv | damaged. KILLS BROTHER IN EFFORT TO SAVE HIM FROM ANGRY MOOSE llllll Dili All KOlHiFIVS I)1EI> ( i \i im. m M. '. « n vK<;i: i kom im i.i i r mi \nt roit \M 'i \i„ MONTREAL, I ><. mber 10.—In a d« spent.. effort «•• protect his brother, I Till Oivxt I Rodger;.. of Phttadolphiu, from tin ehnrg. ■ a svuunded hull i. \V. T. liodg. r» fired s i'or i! • i hi ■ rr . oni of v. hl<-*i • ill.-d Hi- voun.e 11...:. M: !.'.• • < 1 k• s. cm. -trie hern ilv .I .■ i■ • 11 pa- li 1!:: ugh In r> t ->la ' I I l-ntt. tin li one in I ‘Ililtld. I p'li'i. Tne fatal -h.iotlliK occurred or: tlit* shore of Coul.oiKt Lake. The bods war brought to Ottawa by Mr. Rodg ers and his guides arid shipped here by train. It was transferred to a N- sv York train thi afternoon. I'red I r. m i Itmlri'fr v a twenty-eight y.-arr OH). Hainiiii ! - I ohor t.olf.” NIAS' YORK. I'. IB.—St. Andrew. *5. < •Itilt gnv. dinner Thursday night at Delnionic . in honor of John Ibid, the lirst i*r> sldent Olid found, t of the rlub. and often called the f GOWANS ^ King of Externals Prescribed by ethical physicians and recommended by drag* gists as being the BEST preparation on the market for all kinds of Inflamma* non and Congestion. Pneumonia, Croup, Colds, Pleurisy and any and all ail ments Where INFLAMMATION appears GOWANS subdues and conquers it Gowans is absorbent and antiseptic—it acts quickly and with a bottle of Gow ans Preparation in the home you feel absolutely secure. In the Fall, in the Winter, in the Spring, you know that Croup and Pneumonia come, they most be combated at once and with a bottle of GOWANS PREPARATION you are master of the situation. Buy To-Day! H Could Not Saj Half Enough Anything arc might say would not be hall enough to behalf of the won derful result* our patrons have derived *• -m ti e use of Gowant Prepara tion. The proof of its efficacy being m. «c greatly increased tales, start ing by buying a quarter of a dozen the demand hat been so great we now purchase the hundred dollar quantity several titties a year. TRAGLE DRUO COMPANY, lib mO- iK WhdOWft. V* An Excellent Remedy CL**«ioirr, N. C. Gowan Medical Company, Dvaham, N. G. Gentlemen:— 1 have u*ed Uowant Preparation in pneumonia and find it «n nccl« lent remedy—il act* promptly and lurely. I recommend itt ute in ca*c* of inflammation ol any kind. D. M. MOSER, M, Q. Druggist s*~$l, 50c^ 25c. Take oio substitute, there it nothin* just now an mcmcal n.< aa *«oi Beware of imitations. Boy Gowana 1 ith< r "i g,.h ' ii, ihix country Vmlrru M was found) d !>i 1'«'»'« ami u ! tin hr*t . rBiiriU&lioa of Its k'nd In i ’.iso I 'an (I Statei-. rhlladdphlu. 6: llaioiiti. I. HAVANA. Doc. 1»S.—The Philadel phia Americans defeated tho Havana bum'ball nine Thursday by a rcoro of 6 to 4. "WHY IS A Fir’ I TOPIC OF THE DAT? • Mil V'MHIVriON DIK t>M S 11 \r.n> \m> Htoiiu Ms or ; irm.i: iiofsK.noLD n>x. | WASH I NOTON, December 16.—To day waj« "ily day” at the annual rm-t ln !' tho At ■ rlrarj fit f <■ Association • at the Willard bold. Tho liny, tlm ■ • i-• ’■ s housefly, ami the error of bln • -ij « was given st-rloud consideration ">■ the health exports of the cunfir ) A discussion of tho ult-importaht pjestlon of "why e Ily." by l>r. Woods Hutchinson, of New York, opened the • symposium. He was followed by l«r. la. <). Howard, who talked about the "fvphold fly,” basing his address on studies made ns chief elomologlst of : tl c departin' nt t f agriculture. The 1 1’evspaper ns an educational factor ■ against the Ily," by laeroy Boughncr. Ioi me inuiunapoiis irmune, ana a *«ries of motion picture* Illustrating i the habits of the typhoid fly. exhibited ! t y Secretary Richard U. Watrous, of J lhe association, concluded tho pro- ; ; gram. j City cleanliness was another subject , | d’scussed to-da>. Mrs. Caroline Hart- i j left Crane, of Kalamazoo, Mich., and I | Miss Zona (Jute, of Portage, Wir. | talked about means of cleaning up i towns. Cyrus l.ochner, of the Clcvo i land, <">., chamber of coinmerco, ex plained legal means of abolishing the smoke nuisance, and assistant corpora tion counsel, Clyde T-. Day, of Chi cago, discussed "legal control of the billboard.” TO UNVEIL MONUMENT TO WADE HAMPTON CURTIS | A monument to Wade Hampton Cur- j • tis, leto sovereign of the Mafrnolla | j Camp. No. 2b, Woodmen of the World, I I will he unveiled by that organization j Saturday afternoon ut 3:30 o'clock In! the Hebrew cemetery. Mr. Thomaa W. Gardner wIM be tb, speeker of the oc casion and lira. Diinulvant will read a poem. Ofllccrs for the following year were elected by the camp ul the last meet ing, itst follows: U. C. Haur, consul commander; James A. Ward, advl»er lieutenant; C. I. 1‘hilllps. banker; Isaac Held, clerk; l>r. W. J. West, physician; G. K. Fairlanib, escort; W. M. Cau thorn, wateAmari; J. A. Frith, sentry. Managers—Ne!*nn Powell, J. P. Powell and 8. J. n. Wright. DI8C1PLES MlN'STERS TO HOLD INSTITUTE IN JANUARY LYNCHBURG, VA„ Dec. 16.—A meeting • of the Virginia Christian Ministerial Association, composed of the ministers of the Disciples Church, will hold n State Institute hero on January 17-26. Prominent ministers Will deliver addresses. Tin meeting ' '.a' a: ra ig‘-d f. .r '■■■' a ■ lunette.* n. a - . d in r* .!v, ill. la-t S- o'etiiber, which; > vompeaed uf Hi v ,f. I). H.iuuiki r. 1 ! uf Strnaburg; Rev I*. S. Henkel. of i Richmond, anil Rev. Ritchie Ware, of j | this city. The »*-35imi» will tie held at the Hirst 1 | Christian church and tit the Virgin!.-! i Christian Collog SOCTIIKRN ItAII.WAY AGHNTS MUM) tJIAKTKKI.Y MKKTIXG Southern railway agents of the Richmond division, at their regular quarterly meeting held in the Lex ! Irgton hotel Thursday night, heard a ttlghiv instruct've • * J;. r - fr< m tionerul tfup rlsit-nuer.i Ji. Hutt: oils, who i xhorti ! ('um to display ti - varying roust t> tvurd putroua of the road and to pay special attcntl n to the inter. #t of tit trawling; pul;* Ik. Division Superintendent TV. T.. f orce hail rharg" of the supper ar rangorrs-nt* and saw to it that no cot* went away hungry. FOR Kr.*T. FOR HK*T D THE RKHEnNO Virginia want arid, will get you • tenant. The Nowlan Company LEADING JEWELERS 921 Fast Main Street, ... Richmond, Va., Are headquarter* far Elegant Gift*in Fine Diamond*, Watches, Jewe'ry, Sterling Silver, Ac., and when quality i* considered, their price* are the lowest. A ll correspondence given careful attention Goods sent on approval. Express prepaid. %%%**#*# A CUjrtatmaa Clift fflhirl? (fmnrB Enrrt| Bag tie ARE rou oneof the many thousands who are wondering what to (M as Christ mas remembrances (or relatiros anJ friends? tat ua suUsst a subscription to The Richmond Virginian. Such a gift does not and with the passing of the Christmas Days—It continues (or a a hole year. It comes to row friend sit days a weak for one year aa a pleasant reminder of your kindness. To make the remembrance still mere acceptable, we hare a most graceful way of announcing It. A dainty card, giving your name and the holiday greetings. - 111 be sent to any person for shorn a subscription Is ordered as a Christmas Present The card sill be mailed to reach the recipient in time fot Christmas Day. Can you think of a Christmas present which at so little at penes, will give more pleasure and satisfaction? In ordering subscriptions ee Christmas gifts, be sure to alee us your name as wall as the recipients. Band In your order early so as to avoid any possibility of delay bacauaa of the usual Holiday rush. Dolly One Voar. S.VM Dolly Sit Months.(I.M Dally Thraa Months.79 Daily One Year by Mail.94.M THE RICHMOND VIRGINIAN CO.. Inc. RICHMOND. ... ... VIRGINIA w