Newspaper Page Text
«'o\Tn\<Ttm " ii.i. M.W MI.IU |\*1IT1 TION BY Mr. XT XMAS IIMTIOV II 111 IIN IMI. I'M) EYKRMMIXi. Ill \l*\ I oIt 111 m *> i \ ii r MOM K m t • Nn< kol •’» K'-'hi ' tor, th( uirail Uttiv«r&ify $*'■ <•’ -M dcridod Thu’?«tia\ Hurting <•’ t li Togt thc;r v.'th *< r* tnndt. to tin :u v Will i'V^I t»i i •'\ i i i' . Will st in.. . * - ■ '• i !•». t. t Cia* grand* repn sst<! r.j i : •• trinnnn*; • . front »)e\ nt »• . t ; tra« i r■ ■. v *» Iv«nti r"0 i r ;i *s - ft r th. w\i oi iii- Thif | •• • . U e« mrriiu * . i«nu >n* if* *h> t ’i.loiilK; I ; . It Vvw.nn HhtJ ■. 11 Th. ; . , • i - ;t*uing :n a»i fiili >n t• * : ;r - . > • Tjtith .1 » u-l T i * ; i Ti-: lit ?. , if?. - mtotie .in* ^ it I. .. - \ • *?« t r.* < * . -r (< pi n - ii* " ■ an . th. nt <HK * hi* *»t h ‘ T. I nn id.' f*<r i»t-p« o .iro ‘ m th. tin t H< r ■ » Th 1 re. lilt*}*' TisS: i. s. !S- p.-irvi • » i :i ' '!;( -■ .tv}!| f <• .** t af r g* : ■ r.i ?.*•.» cin*\ ♦ tin •..•, .ir ami thr r.t, iii" n -v i.iSir i, i :. n . finery ti-.s* ;vn. n) .*» r.» rui te^rrory , « J ;« r\«mj« hi.--; TT i* , .;•! ir^*r and gym - loe> a . . .t ; ir - - thr courtyard /;< n f th*- \ ir^: pita!. TM> f. M*r i i nI • • t iargt- 4in ktr.. mr th. Uivut. rlrs h“^-r i nth«. i' t . locKera, i t ig ■> r ir- r**mn n-.. 2TO«>ri . ~i/> < irrtr! • • ’ a* ’ t tor Uu . v r. r Tho +Xf< itU«* . h' . i!». |t UrWoiui along ’ t ’fi rm l\ t fOl»b> . f1v>> C;M>S r*»< HI . *ryrh p■ m t"f .plu/tographini? purpose*. -»t* r. • ? t v m pv room, drntal inf>rnar\ ,p.u ohor* |fc. tafle*. At th« r >:* ft th>> ir**' ’and f tug of rh«> v. in h* fe-jbust of J »T‘. Hurst* r Mr« 3u1r• "■«# th* «rhof). flevrrn! of th. hi. • },. WW !)*- Ilttuat^d f*!: th* ' n : r ’j fhmt . To Hittf-! I'lioru Sy^toin ■ Th<* radiators will h, s-itc-i’.-d un i;>. *ttr tho windows ami fr< ih air i*i ■ -ugh? from th outbid*-, undrr urour.d them Th. v ttfhtod with £?»* *m! tTrill lx*- oquipr* »} with ptiom* wy*t*m. Oru* of th* ff«turr-> tho t*'»p I! Will bo thf di->* With a fdoidr ir « uparo for ;i Hn* dows. Th- * wind*'-'* *« will ’•-*■ 17 > tall a ml will t! * h U nr r ■ t q bright***. if riot 11 * 1 - «■■?. -pom > th h place. Wmwq-roorn* ^ r < 1 •')< )< ■' »**m % US*"!"-- - ir hall, arrangfd ns H Klvr $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 Some reasons why I can sa\i you money on your shoes: I am on a s*r*-et, with Low Rent, l ..H foi Clash. I buy o r * ‘mm manufac turers who < , erato tluir own tanneries am* save you the jobber's profit, who buy Shoes made from trust leather ami tanned from trust hides Save you M( to $1.00 on everv pair. IT IS I P TO VOl TO l>f OHM Chesapeake & Ohio Railway jfhtt A.» D«i)y—J'«-i .» • 'HIV \4«i V I* S 't, -Dsily I— .. i., • ■ ( N. * WflLti ■. <J | Southern Railway TRAINS J.FAVE RKHMOVfr r*. R.— Toil -rtf » i*#-*1uU* **n* : Hlonti kt ci; r.ini ft i ’i?nJO A. M.- «'* ’y— I •» iu ’ u; IVi Mi Mri IN: A. \j.~ n*-!v ! .*■ ^ ,t ,AU ,nt fifam-kt* R«wn ■ iff* ■ l:M. Vi* ' -i »ilO* »*f , fhMt jlOftr. r * i-vnl**' <-n ; #4 4) f. M.- I.i S«n<l»v—K>vir » _ tt:U, V M. -D*- • •-I k, . IUmiiL. J-*uiJni*n « :j*< I • YORK R1Vf K mm: , 4;3P T. M.— I —T* vv. m t <f It* Itot itr.r** M *t» H<»u »n*j \ u | / 6;0< A M.~ I i vm. *• : * * *nd fri*— l - -***. to v\ • v 1 RAINS AHRIYJ llR'h l «N ■>mi tfc* Nmtu. t 4*n A V! - . #40 A M.— L* > ,1. v, r M ■ g|m K M. Ei; '• Fftmi R *** * • 1 * ■<> \ M • 1v \ • \ |P*& nD-i Pn » 2 I*. M } . sUJ1 * i . iu. n <• % #20 Ept M*U! I'll -I, Mi • m.h i ,■ gf§D0 *\ -P*iiv, I/O':> P I I<o-;:4*vhJ:< K ) I Nil lav an *’fc. *yv Pulim»fi.v ■ \9UtO A. — y —C.!{t*rlatt,«.«T^|j ‘ W r ' Hiotofe. ■:Jh%b P.-W»ffc d*y* f>K»i t <"; *n i A.—f > r*r t ? ! . J- /* ^ ; P,—H «-<>ik <!*>*» To Lvrio'it<ufk TRAINS ARRIVE RICH M!>Nil I iron A 4 - > 1 1 Uoujh Jiotii — \ i i: \ .M . • i.> P J m iioiiu Went- ‘viy A il . d \. ' A1 th—7 (X) A M . 2 4 P M. i R<*%» L;w i » A M *7:15 P M r**n*l-* Sijrnlay and Pe'.ersburg Eleclr.c Ra:'way * W*V* MrIiCMhIuI . lot PvUnrMbw** 7. K «V. 10. II *12 P M.. I 2 *i I . •*. 7. H *W;H) P M k. ki tot 12:<M) nui'lnuj it a !«»*« P#t*r*l>Ufg. lo*Jt Hyoamorv f ; • »A. •^15. *7^5. w .<5, •I'i.Ji M 12AA. •! t3A JAA. I.:j5. iX » ij ^7^4, H:36. 0^5, ♦!') 40, 11 :*0 P. M b*COW *b rliaitMM.u Mrpi hucuifti'k *q4 trosa P«4*«*Ourg eootMK-t «m;a c*rn •'> LEDMAN’S 26 N. EIGHTH STRETT Tkrec.Door* from i rar.klin Surct Cans-Rady Co. s Bargain Salt Continued Until Closing Time To-Morrow (Saturday) Night What there is left of the various lota advertised ♦or Friday's bargain sale will be on sale to-morrow. \t $2.95 Men s Worsted Trousers, Worth $5.00. \t $1.95 Men’s Fancy Vesta, worth $4.00. \t $1.00 Men’s Odd Vests, worth $3.50. \t SI.95 Men's Velour Hats, worth $3.50. \t SI.15 Men’s Soft Hats, worth up to $3.00. Vt $9.75 Men’s Overcoats, worth $15.00. \t $13.75 Men!« Stylish Cheviot Suits, in the latest fabrics, wor h up to $22.50. \t $16.00 Men’s Overcoats with plain and con vertible collars, worth up to $27.50. \i SI.95 hoys’ Bloomer Suits, worth $3.50, \t 53.95 Boys’ Corduroy Suits, worth $5.00. \t S3.25 Boys’ Knickerbocker Suits, worth $5.00. \t $3.95 Boys’ Knickerbocker Suits, worth $6.50. \t 65c Boys’ l\tra Knickerbocker Pants, worth $1.00. \t 59c Boys’ Sweaters, worth $1.25. \t $5.75 Boys’ Long Overcoats, worth $8.50. \t >5.75 Boys’ l ong Overcoats, worth $12.50. At 55.75 Children’s Overcoats and Reefers, worth up to SI9.00. U $2.50 Children’s Overcoats and Reefers, worth 55.00. \t 29c Men’s Initial Silk Handkerchiefs, worth 50c. Gans-Rady Company • • *r ■ ■ i . ,, f«! •» • * will hr i»r » " < i • ,. p door ''•'Ul I i «!no th* .i11^« • • laboratory for advanc'd • . - !:..:>?* or I if r»rjit».ry and 1 »!» • t. » ,cs f ■ l:!-?t<'W»Ky, |*i»t holntfv. bar t- n» < i 1 • l* tl i atholme} Ready by Newt Christmas. • •)!* <JiidbH* hopo to havi t in* ' ot1 !li:^ r« 1\ for <ncijpauo l*s ... tt < hi - tnuis J'bf foundation bn nl r* . ■ -on,: 11o v< rvthltiK is in whapo for c. i t N it Koin in b*idn Work v. * t * • *i t <b’lrt\ 'pa b*li|ti in'tto IfC Pornpb«rd of f a i: \\ Miller, fdiairvnaii; I‘r • \ 1rvl o . I »r M i\ Ho*,-. Jr.. I 1 S • r ? I. ■' 1 • 11■ \V}I!»;i rn It Mil hr 'iid I f» r i' lor PI;* ).«>.j id of t niMt • < s, who ha \ • b* r n tir« a ui ihrir fiToriH I-* promoft tb« w onilumc proj-ct. i» om d , 't.!!( wr .Imho > on.!-' I. I'hrS'tian. duirnnn: I. Z. Morris. vb'o chairman; V,' I{ ■] r ;« r. * * ri atary . John I * ) Sr - ! , (. t > MU * t, ‘ Jr.»nv Hb <'» Vh I i-ntb John S»i*v. art Uryan. William M 7 ■,’><’ rtna i; T. A M in. ?. 'I* I. Moor,-. \\ s Joji.o. Joint S. Mono-, M. i iH'-n, bid car 1> Taylor, i i • . T i < ioi: .11 d John \\ < n-rdoii T!'i' .oi ■. i • if; ronmitl (♦■*■ P «-ijinpos*f«l of In S » t I >s John Dmm». I >r \ I In it NV > ill* mil In- lb (.. Slinj n Citizens Give Liberally \ ►; -in- p< ■? Moti : : t! * i • • * on . r .1 ! • • • ! ? •"; ■ ' . n .. -4 \ tfiv •' 1 I • i* Sj a lif il »ivu-lis of Ri< hlo - hi lull'. .-ppp t lab- (hr . I Mi. h - I d . !i, th** . ritv h‘h- old < < • ‘ . i • «'«l la st Jan • . ;i i a • 5j- inr* « 1 > » loom i owl Hi* < »nan unit 1 h* ovom pr<<V«ftJ to b* ? it la ■ .. I* in Hmi: ii in- it i i - to ,i H'oiP . id I r--t. • II''! t* w* f i«;a a I** ioiisoli dvttft wiiii M * M»-d Ira! Col boo «*i \ .r • i, .. r i v, * . , Iwl II, p.»l). m jh nj.j t t with (I'UT* niin.<i •"i t ?: .;id h< -j-h for t h« i i Iv.» H .S' I P ■} t" ‘ .« f : th l iff! in till S'.ull « << i \ v i ft i< \ \ i» \ im*h »; < 1 vri vi:. N l‘. W Vi M;K l >• < W >m» r» .»r» still mil, i'.ti a ’ ; \ * !:• • .Ji • m Aim r<< .ii'i Mu “tmr iin product ar* <•< ri • I-• • r: < 11|; V. ! VlliUrH, •!«■* < lar< <i Mi !' ilij. W'l*n. * >»■ * <1 i - «i.v h pM*.- - V*. to. i .i i I. j. ►; I.. u44 rn-w ".St! (>!!'• Vi. I !H-I i I V « < f I >0 t t! ri M ! i :a• • i.11k i■ • << i • n anpn • tat«■ t1 * : P « i . « 11 f t• ma • . ; . i,• .»i I i l i 1 • i • •• J ' .■■/!• .41, III ! ' W '.• U llll'i* I I' ■ f; f I r- t '•' ■ i; a n nn t h*‘ * *iuv rilf d KUW Minna n .1 i-.iti.. Im* u "'ll* ' Mi ;. f ,* : l. i . I. '. i • " 7s’ : 1 • S It U 1. I : !1K I n>hTn.i I. • U.I' H.IUK,i(rr IX j pp *•,>.* ’• an «»i *; * i - • «•»* <»n\ unj* t nr U ■ I «; i . II - MM. I • ■ ; . ! (hr J ( \ul< r ■ ’ uni 1) -Mi I-.. * i ‘ ■ • >i : . Mi-n ami w -» I nu ll .1 J i lint ' .4'i' .1 i* | 1 11«■ x ala : * r« * ' • t u 1 . . * • I - f I - • i. > M .dl* * ■“ r . • I. u 1*1 ot > "Ur WMt.M li 'Mi} VWMti.. Ji ill- i.J'.Uil *•( ' MU) . !> .UP' r. ■ ’ . i • !»•■:. ,. i r s.. <:.V I ! ■ . r • H i- V. .ti »i 1 .;r • -a ,i . I«*w .*i.i op i . \ in y; ii' raj ! ' . -U ' '"•).« \* u .! , of 111. WU'tlihl) : • la r, : ■ j. .»• 'or { la. ' I ni* ! Wn «m lot a lot- . M ’«.' \ »?i« fof lit til,.I f 1V J ‘ « 1 w* r* ■ f:-- , ."III 1..i, - * r *!<'»» • • i.i.ii,: I s i • < • r • *,-« \ y ha • ' to Mu«*|* Hi , ■ utV« f, I. ;* .< . • m ■? I I , - Ml*]} I Ml 1 l I - : *• Vll.nlW .1 . • I! iv;iv wli I * I . MM If '■ i m ! !‘.i • tflori ' I • • *1 MM f; no K of , * . Vt OflMMi ‘i i|IM)l »!<*> * \l (.Iff \l • IHnMM. %\l» lit. I I % 14 t i 1.1.1 < III - \ MIM I VI l<*\ \ I t !>-. \H * IJi 11- W;i)im /, i *»r * ‘t \n it!*1 Mrs <* ' } rill) TV h I !«•'!, H : ;• < . .*<» I 'r ,o.* . riiui !. i 1 • 1 : ;; . < r , - , • • f r o: f • Ur. I v« of * hv ■ * V- ’■ •• ' ’ • it r ft * ■A .. , r-ou.-i ti ‘ 5* aplKS*r* that to* i>« r' u> y-‘ t-> ► *■ 11m i anil . I *! I -*• ] v | f| • r« ■.; ourifc** f H*r u .■ < itii «*-year-«- « ... r .. •< Moil/, or . rI I ;/V Ml . f It: ?» .J. . t v i7i*of *#,# I I *• ;.»•.<y Hi ! it ■Mf- if 17! put of . wii* In a ht r f r* . t cros-inr ■ ovi*r «' M 1 • , t. fii'tt'i'.v r, oj-..-*, if •, v f • *-o,i:» ||< ufnl«r«*>'*• » ru■ k ,* rna f v- ri* ( ulc an»1 hr*i ; i sol*’ I" to injury to hi Society 1 <*r week* the society girls and men of Ui<'hm«»nd have b* rn eng roused In for the Japanese cottl- j hoii which w as given hy Miss I Iran* h nt the Masonic Temple Thurs dH\ evening In honor of her debu tante nlcro, Misti Zayde Branch, and • on * ruing which wonderful rumors c to unsounded pleasures were abroad. But few, It any. had even a faint conception of the perfection of brilliancy and beauty that were re veiled as they entered the ballroom. Siirpassing all previous entertainments that have ever been given in this city by j t s wealth of decorations and handsome favors, this cotillion Is the topic of conversation among the fash iomibh folk to-day and Is one of the remembrances that will he treasured I by the girls- and men who enjoyed it in r.-alitv and who will in retrospect r» call It as a ' thing of beauty anil forever" I 'hv onNC.iou»jy one connect* the j thought* of flowers with the land of Japan, and the entire hall was turned x»t'* a garden of blossoms and lights. •>111 j a x w a - hung f rom the wails and window.*, forming curtains *r green, against w hi* h were, banked nnmbcr • a ins* - and chryHuiiUmmutns. i.ens «.i bamboo, hung with wis taria ' err poo cd throughout the hull, which was gay with myriads ol Jap an* . InnUins HWinglng from the t/ougs of tnoghra tree* and arbors, in * < r; dcluil it seemed the free. • lor* stramcd work of nature, rather than of decorators. The orchestra was * on* caled behind • k gM’ujMng t'ii.v u i « wiiu * in i i jy nlosrtuiii.s. \ mini.*lure lake* with it« banks laden with tin- wat*T iriH in donate shad is fink ami lavender i« termed i n tiu* tront part of the i stag* An .iilr.i< ti\r: t* a garden in the midst •»! pink iris, muon flower.- and I wiMiaria was arrang* <i hack of the i.* ' * i» ili*4 par u • !■ iuwriu in th* dining room warn »n*a** in Miiilmnt sham,-* than in the Iwtiironm and loyi-r, the latter of w\n \i w,ii> converted into a reception hail by it skillful pim ing **f rustic* m .i:.-. tables and pink and white idof* S’-ni- K< d iihis ana poiimettlaft adorn . d th** .nnmg room, vvhih Japanese bowls tiic scarlet lilies and tiny Inti** goldfish v\ ♦ re arranged in th** i- liter ot tin tables which were light id i v lanterns} .arung irom the cell 1 lUg . :dis> ib.iiuli wore hii imported m wn . t old him ehiiton, einnredd er« d In p«*ari* and pink iimvons. Ke .1 i mg with ini w«re Mrs. John Kerr Ur*in* h. Miss Zayde Uraiuh, Alms Hue, i New Y*rk, and Miss i’hiniz: , *>! tie* i gia Alts Hi.iiuh was gowned in sal mu pink satin, and held a bouquet • ! ros»> and It lbs. Mi 08 Zuyde Ufiiredi won* a Japanese costume of white ilk embroidered in cherry blos som- . w ith a pink obi, and carried , i n* <ga\ • I Ilium of the valley anti '• g■•nia- Mbf* Uhiimy's kirinmo was ■ i a ho* t repe silk, embroidered in • In . stiiih.-niuiiin and birds, while Miss Ilio* -> was of \ ellovv embroidered in id* t roses Hid lefts vivid poppies i*h ,t contrasting nib oi light him*. V; usual th* 4i ebu ta lit»> were the • i*i* r «d miH’h attraction, and their ’•.*»>*?m>, . very quaint and fas* i teituiK Miss fcinily Cunningham l„v men w * * i. ■ an imported mandarin • it. • laboral* Iy • onhr<dd< red in gold and lom. rith s, with .ivi.i - ,, ii> s «■; Mao ; iid hit*-, h- i nklrt 1- up -f ihi -am*- shade "i i.ltii llt'i hair "a* dlf.-Mfl \ tty high oil lilt* at! ' 'Ill » ■ t i I fib.lint !,ill? II:, I.rn-l lilt ! 11 — V ■ r .v niiU' uii,‘ Uit- lithium, worn i Kliv. id. th il ir#n u\.. it v .its •‘'.I • * ■ a in.-iui i i Hu' i ,i mil', in I: i. (miiiu! i.i'i.ii ■ . art- ago by Mr.-. -■ m-ral Wood, is li. u ui*'tin n in Jap iu and f ■!.- i.l -1mi nil interest In ..I -I I In '(fral 111 It 11 only la worn royalty li »»s a kimono rirhli ■ ill 11|' li. iii : v, a ms. i ll. I i v 1.1,'S.siinia 'oil )> ii.v, ttlns and in I w ith i hi l ' -I 11Ion u ,-iilk. Her obi was or ch.-r id I..! at th. 1 ■:»t • k with cold ring. . Al.“n ' .mill.. Wi ljord won an ini-! 11 • <J Inn mlar kimono embroidered il .lap,tn. h.. llgnrt-H and v ilh a « rim n ‘■ilk tintli rdi'h!' H< r ..hi was i *•>•>) purple. and r.-d rlmei* w.-r ' H-t.'ii' ii in hot hair. Mi-- I'.irinj Scott lib,, worn an ini a t li'd l ostninr ot IdU'- silk , rep. j ■mlit'i.nli r> d in gold iudtirliii s and I ok | Hrs onthomume MIsh Mar.. . a Thorough had a iitniint light hltlc .itu'.no )n tin-, pink and ‘•Ilow I!..w.-rs with a pink old Uml l ink i hr>*nnthiwnums in In r hair. M iaa Curlle Minor's costume \.aH> atlo r unusual, .insisting of a man-; * : n i a-tit iron Chino, and hav n« tin of embroidery, while t . m fa. t. in.aid in various color*, j .. . j. shade of blue predominating Thu aft of decoration iii now lout ! am. dig th. <-hlno.«i , t. whom It war; aliar. Tliis C‘Ott wii* worn over i • !i".i silk *1 r * .si* vv i t li tii. yellow j i s.. h. Miss li'iltil l.i'fi nan wore » light al . si.k kimono, ertthrold. r*.1 in pink1 nn snntht*inut>i» anil a blue old. 8h ■ arried a real Ji.paneee parasol, Mro Mary t'haltnuni’ costume via [of light blue iflk «nbmlder*d la Jkiif 1 an esc figures over a cherry colored 1 foundation. Pink and lavender let* wore must attraotivi us hair orna ; incuts. Mia* Carrie Wadtley wore a k intone of blue and pink, richly embroidered, j and pink silk crepe kimonos with | contrasting blue were also worn •>> i Misses Janie Bou Inure und Dorothy Christian. ! Miss Vlrgle Tyler's kimono was ft thin silk embroidered In varl-oolorod flags over pink, whllo Miss Knnny Tyler's was of pink embroidered In ! butterflies over blue, j Miss Elisabeth Cooke wore n laven der silk kimono embroidered In chry santhemums and (told butterflies In her hair. Her obi was of lavender. A striking hit of color was revealed In Miss Archer Joynes' kimono of 'llame colored silk, richly embroider led. She wore scarlet geraniums In . her hair. Miss Elsie Harrison wore jw Im ported mandarin coat embroidered In scarlet, and gold and a lavendar gray «klrt with touches of blue. Miss Isabel Carter's was'of white silk embroidered and Miss Elsie; Parrish’s was of blue tfllk with pink flowers, embroidered • n It and n pink and blue obi. Every other tlgur. was s favor donee, Mrs. Fred Si ott, Mrs. John Kerr Branch, Miss Francis B. Scott distributing them t" the girls and Mrs William H. Palmer. Miss Effle Branch. Miss Hattie Boss and Mrs. H. Carter Scott to the men. The girls' favors were given i" the men and ■ vice versa, the couples exchanging them as they met. The favors were numerous and novel tut all suggestive ! of the Japanese. | Among them were gold headdresses and pink < hrysunthcmums lor the girls, with big pink (lowers, holding i whistles, for the men. Japanese para sols. dainty silk fans, paper knives, cunning little Japanese dolls dressed ; In quaint brocade klrr.onos and con cealing ribbon-holders and tiny silver i bodkins and pocketbouks fashioned of figured Japanese silk. President's Pinner. The President and Mrs. Taft opened . the season of state dinners Thursday • evening, when they entertained In compliment 10 me caniner. l ut: uin ner was nerved In the state dining room, and was followed by a musical?. Jn addition to the cabinet member* j and their wives, the guests included ' the governors of five States, several j senators, and the chtef of staff of the army and Mrs. Wood. The tabic was exquisitely decorated with pink roses and maidenhair ferns..1 The Marine Hand played during the ; dinner. The Governor of Virglnln and Mrs. -Mann, the governor of laiaware, the governor of New Jersey, the governor of Illinois and Mrs LMneen and the ! governor of California were, the State ottlcials present. At the niuaicale woe h followed, the artists were. Mr. II. Kvnn Williams, tenor, and Mrs. K. \. Selberllng, so- | prano Mrs. Katherine Itruot wag at , the piano. Governor and Mrs. Mann were n among the guests Thursday night at the dance given by Mrs. Moran In ►»nor of Miss Helen Taft. Before leaving Washington to-ctay Governor and Mrs. Mann visited the new oitlee buildings of the senate and house h rl <lay morning, returning to Klenmcmd j in the aiternoon. I.ngugciueiit Announced. Colonel and ilrs. James it. Brunch 1: ntertuim d at a handsome dinner at the Commonwealth Club Wednesday evening in honor 01 the formers birthday, when the engagement of their daughter, Mis; Mary Cook a , 1 triinch to Mr. Thomas Burton Snead das announced. Miss branch made her debut lust winter and is very popular In society here. Mr. bnead is a graduate of the I’niverElty of Vir ginia .uni is a prominent attorney of (Ids city. Covers were laid for twenty-five and the guests included the members of Colonel Branch's father’s and grand father's families, Mrs. Kniily J; Cunningham and Mr. John I*. Branch represented the older members of th. family, and others I present Included Mrs. Beverly B. Munford, Mrs. Anna Branch Cabell. 1 Mr. and Mrs Thomas Branch Me- 1 Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Withers. "f Suffolk; Mr and Mrs. Robert G. Cabell, Miss Mary Salford Munford, James Branch CainU, Mr. and Mrs.! Melville C Branch. Colonel and Mr*. Jainos U. Branch. Miss Mary Cooke. Branch. Thomas Burton Snead. Mr. John P Branch announced his intention of reviving an old custom In j the Branch family having each year u birthday dinner on December 23, the 1 birthday of the into Thomas Branch, founder of th« Branch banking house h« re anrl father ..f Mr. John P. Branch. | Birthday Luncheon. Mrs. John W. Harrison entertained at h small hm< la an at the Country Club Thursday afternoon In honor of j tin* birthday ot her daughter. Miss K.l- i s • Harrison. Whist Tournamont. An interesting .-vent In club and so cial circles cits the December card I tournament placed at the Woman's < bib Thursday evening. with compass whist as the r.-'a- Seven taides were j playing. resulting n the top score east ami v est lielnK made by Mr. and Mrs W. l> Wood, mi i north and south hy ) Miss Claire C.udla iiie and Mr Fnlrlle Cooke After t game a handsome j , ollatinn was m • **,I by the entertain - no nt committee .f the chtb j 'Hie Jiinuari tournament will take*, place on the 1‘th when bridge will tie pl.iyi d. Park on—Clarke. Mi Krnest N l'i rklna and Miss Huth i i; Cl.irk. both if Richmond, were I ipilcth married :.» the Randolph Street I parsonage on Tt rsday evening. P1*- i Do You Want Christmas Money? If you arc a reader of TUB RICHMOND VIRGINIAN and wish to wake some ptn money J quickly, please send your name and * address to THE RICHMOND AGENCY P. 0. Pox 4W< Richmond, Va. j P. S.—If you i an not find time to interest yourself, perhaps you have \ a son or daughter that would liht some spending money for Christmas. So you turn send t» their name. Takes the Place of All Other Remedies U what one rnttn i ¥,lvwwu»0»tweiAn YEAR'S M a VICK’S teuXli SALVE He uyi ll»r r*ly •• It •c*tot«ieCr#«pl Couffb*. *•> CoH« Use l»UI will f'mro Iff nv*flu to eat. Aiw«j« lire a llh^ul *»|>p*\ hi II your drogglM lul l Vickkov« * -m t reiet 11* Of Send to lit. 2 Be EOe mtXtO tl'a ceanomfoi/ to icy fit Siller ait*. VKrS FAE1LT BMEUIM CO.. CmaA.ra. W.C Let Us Sell Your Property Find the kind you want to buy—Secure you a sat isfied tenant—Rent you the home or store you want and negotiate your loans. Like every other modern business, the real estate concern that serves its clients honestly and efficiently must be divided up into different departments. There must be system—a trained man for every side of the work. Long ago we realized this important fact. Others will realize as they grow. The result is that we have long experienced and realiable men who thoroughly know their side of the busi ness to look after the work of buying and selling city property, for securing ten ants, for the purpose of locating the kinds of houses and factories that people want to rent or buy, for negotiating loans and for finding farms, in this way we are enabled to give every one the right sort of service. Our Tenants and Buyers Are Satisfied. The result is that almost always our real estate transactions of every kind are satisfactory. The people who rent houses or stores or offices know just what they are getting and remain satisfied year after year. The people who buy property through us are pleased with their purchases. We learn just what a buyer wants and find it for him. These are wonderful advantages to all concerned. Have You Property You Want to Rent? Are You Looking for Home or Factory? It matters not which, we can come to your aid with the necessary property or tanant. Our organization is a large one. We are in touch with every side of the work. We know where and how to find tenant and buyers. We know the value of real estate in all sections. Simply let us know your wants. Have You Money to Invest? Do You Want to Borrow Money? In either case you should let our experts help you to carry out your plans. There is nothing in all the world of investment so safe, so simple as lending money On real estate. On the other hand there b nothing that pays better than bluing a home, though you have to borrow to do it with. Talk the matter over with us—let us help you over the hitch. A Department of Farms. Is a special and well-developed side of our business. The men in charge know every section of Virginia—know where values are and how to secure them. If you want to buy, sell or trade a farm, see us. POLLARD & BAGBY, 1102 EAST MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. ■ 16. at 7 o clock. The Rev. IV. E Robertson, pastor of Randolph Street Baptist church, performed the cere mony, which wnt witnessed by a few friend* of the couple The bride wii neatly attired In a traveling- suit of blue, with hut and (loves to correspond. Mr. and Mrs. Perkins will reside at Weathanipton. Martin—Snaaa. Mr Marti* M. Mai tin and Mlsa Rossa Estelle Snead, both of this city, were accompanied Thursday evening by a few friends to the residence of Mr A. R. Laughcm. in Barton Heights where they were married about s o'clock by the Ret. W. A Laughon. Paraenala. Mrs. Arthur Olasgow Is expected to arrive In .New York this week from London She will come direct to Rich mond to spend the Christmas holiday# with her father. Mr. John l’ Branch. Bishop and Mrs. Arthur S. Lloyd and family, who have made their home in Alexandria lor the past year, will 1 move to Now York the tlrwt ol Janu ary. Miss Josephine Clarke, who ha* been | tiie much admired guest of Mrs. John : S. Mune VliuiikagU lug. returned1 !o her home in Norfolk Thursday morn ing • » » Mias Lucy Patton, of Lexington, is' visiting Miss Rachel Urquhart for sev eral weeks Miss Polls Robins will rrivp on Monday from New Vork, where she is spending the winter, to stay with her mother, Mr*. William T. Robins, dur ing the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. LeFlls arc here for several days en route to their home In Jacksonville, Fla., from Htaunton. i ONE WILLING 10 ElECTIIOCOTE Hi BUND SINGER LOSES HIS VOICE,! BEG8 THAT HE MAY BE RE- ! LEASED FROM LIFE. BATTLE CREEK, MICH.. Dec. 1« — Waiting patiently for an answer to the tppeals he sent out In personal letters :o the governors of New York. 1111 vots, New Jersey and West Virginia, taking that he lie allowed death by dectrocutlou. Rav. Thomas McKInsey. oca! blind singer and former pastor ivho leaped Into almost national fame iv bis strange request, to-day deject MB admitted that Ilia pathetic appeal hurt not fet been granted. McKiiwy, realising that hi* voice, with which hfc ernt-d a precarious livelihood In the streets, had failed him. sent letters on Wednesday to the four governors usk I tier legal release from life by electro cution. To-day he stated that al though he considered suicide wrong, he might take his own 111* In caeo his request was not honored, "1 am praying my request will b*1 honored by some one of the four gov ernors." said McKInsev to-day His family, w hile taking every possi ble care of hlrr,, are Inclined to the be lief that McKInsev Is Insane. Three months ago they filed a petition to have has sanity Investigated, but a commis sion of two of the ablest physicians It. the city declared McKInsey was of sound mind and In possession of all his faculties, though suffering irom ex treme nervousness. I'Rl ISKR nfll\(.s IX SICK MEX FROM Fl.EHT. (Special to The Richmond \ Irglnlan NORFOLK, VA , Do 1«._The seri ous cases of Illness brought In tfrom the Southern Drill grounds bv the Cru iser Washington were diphtheria and typhoid f. ver 1\ Regie, a musician lias diphtheria, and Utiner laingfU hi lias typhoid The men are Improving at the Naval hospital here and tlic Washington ha.-, return-<1 to sea lc> blasts ijw.-pt th*- Vlrg.nia, North Carolina and Maryland coasts to-day with the wind blowing fifty miles an hour All shipping is storm-bound for 1 the present. William Rausrmaa Illt-s. ihpi rial to Toe R.--hmond Y.rginian ; WOODSTOCK. VA Dee. IS.--William Rauserman, a prominent farmer of till* neighborhood, died Thursday, at the Jefferson hospital, l’hlladelphla. follow - | Ing an operation Ills remains reached 1 Woodstock on Friday at noon. The funeral services were conducted at hi- i lati home on Friday. He Is survived \ by his widow and two brothers, Martin and A. K. Uauserman. . . Aground on Thimble shonla. NORFOLK. VA . Dec. IS.The four- i masted schooner George M, Grant, of I New Haven, Conn, coal laden, from Newport Nows. Is aground on Thimbu . Hhoals. In lower Chesapeake Hay. It Is bel oved that the vessel may be float- I ^>wlUinvU_serliuis_lnjtiry;^^^^^^^^^ . VIIU.IMA-CAROI.IXA rilEMICAL CO. OFFICE OF TREASURER. Richmond Va„ Dec, 13. 1910. PREFERRED DIV1DKNT NO. 61. THE HOARD OF DIRECTORS OF of this company have this day de c ared a dividend of two (2«A). the same being consecutive quarterly dividend No. *1 on the Preferred Stock of the company, payable Jan uary 13th, 1911, when dividend chocks will he mailed to all Pre ferred stockholders of record at the close of business December 31st, 1910. The hooks for the transfer of Pre ferred stork will be closed from II M. Saturday. December 31st, 1910, un til 10 A. M Monday', January lath, 1911 H. W. TRAVERS. Treasurer. A. I. Aiiitmwm, Retd Estate Auctioneer and Insurance A limit Richmond, Va. < OMMIS'HOXERS ACOTION SAI.K of a i cry valuable House and Lot No 2410 Hull Street, ■bin! beyond the City Limit*, in Ch» terfield County, Va Pursuant to a decree of the Circuit of Chesterfield County in the suit of E. Xunnallv A Scott, entered November 2.ith, the undersigned SfiecuU Commit* siorier mil sell at public auction, on the premises, on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1010 At 4:110 o'cloek P. M. the altore Douse and Lot. being No. 0 on the plan of Buck Hill Addition, said lot fronts 33 fet on the South line of Hull Street, beginning at a point 132 feet from Da- Street, and running back between parallel hues 17,j feet to an alley Itj feet wide The house is a good, comfortable 7-roonted dwelling. Thi* is good property: the rent* will give you a good interest on the investment and the property will steadily increase in value. TERMS:—One-half cash, the balance in ft and 12 months, deferred payments bearing interest, title to be retnined by the C ourt till all the purchase money ta fully paid. LAW HENCE P POOL, . Special Commissioner. .1 L. AHanumn, ,4 vtionerr. In tlie clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the County of Chesterfield: E. Nunnally, Plaintiff, against A. Scott, Dctendant, 1, Phillip V. Coghill, Clerk of said Court, do certify that the bond required by the Special Commissioner by the decree rendered in said cause on the 25th day "of November, 1910, has been duly given under my hand this 13th day of December, 1910. PHILLIP V. COO BILL Clerk. HUTZLER REAL ESTATE RENTALS 1jALL5 L. O A N E t.'o t v.r ma.n ,r,n t t