Newspaper Page Text
Merry Christmas Our Haberdashery Department Is aglow with choice and exclusive creations that would make the most appropriate of Christmas Gifts for any Man, any Young Man or any Boy. Neckwear, Gloves, Shirts, Night Robes and Pajamas, House Coats, Bathrobes, Ho siery, Collars and Cuffs, Mufflers. Shirt Protectors, Suspenders, l nibrellas, I'ndcr -.vear, Handkerchiefs, etc., etc. Our Haberdashery is not the kind that confronts you everywhere. We show exclusive styles from the best Manufacturers. Toggery that will be appreciated because it show* its caste at a glance. Prjcts Moderate Atunyil Kirk-Parrish Co. i Clothiers, Haberdashers. | 412 EAST BROAD STREET NEWS OF SOUTH RICHMOND •’MkUtlu WiN IIMU u< tlnntoff ll rmlT«4 at Vlrglil« Barra a. j. W. Craaa'a Mam, 1M0 Hall alraal. BIG SKUH IS II CHEAT SUCCESS i»t«h ktos.!*tkki:t r,-\im:s wi-xi i'\THo\izi:r»—thi* thk bi<« Mt.HT Ol’ THE WI KK. Frida) night 1* to 1" turn of the hit nights at the I aiaar glv *n r>> the ladle <if the fttiH’kton-StrtMt ehurch In th< Mason**: Temple every night, of tin Meek, and special efforts have boot put forth by the committee In eharg* to maki th program attractive. The attendance and profit* *>f Tints • lay nights performance were fin: p to those of any ..ding night end the ladies an more than delight •d v- ith th*- sue*' ess that nas beet uueorded th* tr undertaking There are t*> he two Mg featurn Frida) evening. I’rof. -ssnr Kees s or * hesya will uncork tome ni* Indies s during the , vt-ttlng and an atnuMtis little sketch entitle*! *1* Cup* «l HOFHEIMER House Slipper Sale Men'* Embroidered Vel- PA vet Front . . «/UC Imitation Alligator, tan 7C and Mack ... I DC Tan and liiack Kid, open and straight cut Men's QQ House Shoes Hand-Made, tan and black. $1.5* and $2.M. STOP Mid call Madison 49 if you have a hou« fur rent or sate. Alao if you wish to rent OIK'. DOUGLAS E. TAYLOR. 14 North Eighth Street ‘ Chocolatewill he pref-ent<‘d by )• •* a! talent. i fit* committee r > say that the soil'limit lor various benei *. ttuua haw men h# ju on uu* iiuor of the laucuar win m* ntxiiuttieu m ru morwarh. her in- grand tvinii-up Saturday i‘Uht there hoi i.»t* 11«* aumu-ri'1!! i»>. ''uanj<Ml, aim wh»io in»-r- wiii o* j5 pf in*!*: win 1* mi auction of ait ’ urti* ,*■> leu on saie. i m* worn of putting a temporary i'n the iidrnco .M'** i<i"!i*Mi*1 1 1 enurrh is * » ing w an hu p - si* t»p<««. «•» . oat it * veryining mrut out 1 H\ or»lot>. tut: U'lijjrt'frliiU'U of mm ennren win meet Mmuay in tm* 1. ; * •n if ichnito announcem* nt *>f thi^ wm *•«' inane ?n in** «>a i:ir*n«y |*** 1 **.*r?*. nowcier i ar stria * Horse. lil?*' rr* ftwiiirt in. street < nr track* c*n iiun »tre* i loiween Twujfth am ihiriewmn r riuuty m**rn!iig can\, 1 i iif hi " m>r>** w urfof'i i.iMoiig ,ng to th* cunuara «»u * ini*«.ny w,** svru( k o\ a ijuii street ear «uu partmuy ^ ro:’K• •a!. >*» or;* was injur* <1 n tin* t .p iwton. * ne. tongue •-! th* * ig**n a* s-nap h‘dl oft an 1 th* fto|>. s nmh fr^iu* n vm than nurt. T m* .. ar * .**- .<|m vjtn out much nhmage H a^liliurton t luiip to >fi*t*(. Wfismnnion n a nip , p» r. ,s. j '■>( •*.. win rtu. 1 ti.-nl«ht at t iichi . in iYr*.i>> nan. c .rn«.T i iu’i i * l"iuon sir.. (», nw i.... S purpow* ot fh* meeting is f.*r tm: ! m iionation «*: omcen: r.*r tne enduing u rm. < oun ( umriKs Monday. The nu.MiiiKS court. part two, win convene r«.r the regular Deivmber U-rrn m \t Monday morning: at 1* n • * * iuch »n tm court nou>»* j J!l*lg* |>r* siMf. rit-rk l*u\al announces a -mai: docket* t oni|>'*»i d ini th., m «et p.sri Of c*h»*s mat w. ra left o\. r rr«»tn the la,Nf session Many of th** caeca that will com, up !.*r a hearing In th's tertn have been in th * courts i**r thr**. or l-»ur yea re. Fre* Bridge Ordinance Signed. Major Richardson signed Thursday all- rum.a tin- ordinance appropriating SiU'.Mfi 5.1 for the purchase ..f Mayo « bridge anti returned th- hill t,i rit. Clerk ISxn T August. Tin- money tvi)l 1..- Immediately dc ii.mited in tin Merchants National ; Hank t> tin . redIt of th. Hustings Court or til! city Oi Richmond, whir - upon Judge ’Ant tv!it enter a d ire, transferring tlx prop, t ty t. tlx <it> < >ut of consideration ,.f the rciiu. si of tilt* Mayo Ran.! ami ftrldih ('mix rainy, w hlt it ashed that Bonn date like the first of a month I. . chosen for the transfer : >>r,|. shat lit, compare tnlKlit xettl* :.l. outstanding ..tracts tin,: xgre. nit nts ' Hit t"!| athen rs. id run houses 4 ht. t Iwv. tatn ;• d. lit ery wagons .rows!UK th< bridge, .ttt.l other obligations that expire th. hist of thn year, the .lute of the ..penny of the lirldy, to free ir.iffi. has been changed I from Dec ;o!»er la to JulluaI ■ j. Mrs. Moore’s Funeral. i 1 ix' ratu ral ,»f Airs' Julia Moor*,, who died in tswunsb*..-.. Wednesday, will he , conducted from the residence of Mr. A. H. Thomas at o’clock i‘relay after noon. The Interment will be made In Maury euneterf. Oeath of Mrs. Hite. Mrs. R. K. Hlto died Friday morning at -'a7 Rust Ninth street, In the thirty fourth year of her age. The body will he shipped to Danville i Saturday morning on the curly train mid the funeral will take place In that 1 city. Airs. Hite leaves .a husband. Mr. L F. Hite, and several brothers and sis ters. She leaves no children. Personal Notaa. ‘ Dr. <’. H. Urn ne, of I20t» Hull street, ! for many years n prominent dentist of South Richmond, has made public his ; intention of moving his home to Rox j fngton. \’a. Tim actual moving Is ul j ready under way. Mr. B. Anderson, of Ninth and Hull i streets, has returned to the city from 1 a business trip In order to spent) the Christmas holidays with his friends and relatives. Mrs. Bessie Forrester, who tvas se I verely Injured by falling down a flight * of steps recently, is reported to bo do , ins very nicely and will ho released j fron^Hu^hosjdlaMn^the^neajMuturiv^* j Ada. will fill your house with board 1 THU RICHMOND VTRQl.Nt.vK WANT erf. m WHITES OK THE MESSKGE SAYS PAPER 1« -VOTARLfc FOB LEAWIXG TOWAKII PEOPLE IT IVOl'LT) REOIXATE. i I.JXCOLX, NER. Dee. !«.—-The President's annual message i» not able for ita length," says William J. lirv an. in the Commoner, to-day. “If Mr. Taft's sympathies with the ep» - ital Interests hud not already been made known to the people, the mes sage would be notub!, for Its distinct leanings toward the very system the people are seeking to regulate—the system against whose eneroaehm -nts upon popular government the people have but rendered an explicit ver dict. "He pleads for ship subsidy, which Is In principle antagonized by tho pro gressive thought of nil political par ties," Mr. Tiryan continues. "He re commends national incorporation, which would ultimately remove all State control over corporations, cen tralizing that centr'd In the Federal government' and making It more dif ficult than ■ or for tho people to bold corporation agents to account or obtain relief from corporate Imposi tion- He declares that there should be no more legislation with respect to corporation regulation, giving the laws already on the statute hooka an opportunity to demonstrate their use fulness. It may not hr out of place to say right here that If th* President would put the prettlge of his high office, and the great power he holds behind the criminal clause of the ch rman law. enforcing that clause against tin chiefs of u!j the great trusts. It l» reasonable to believe that tie pcept, would obtain immediate relief so far as exactions at the hands f these trust magnates are corn urn ed. The message indicates that Mr. Taft has fulled to mako profitable ; study of the returns from the recent election, it shows that at any gath ering of royal standpatters Mr. Taft Is entitled to a seat at the heud ot he table. Jt proves beyond reason able doubt that he is tile logical can didate of th ■ Hcpubllcan part, for the presidency of l s# 12. because he stands unflinchingly for present-day Hamlltomunistn — and pres, nt-day Humilt. nlantrm, out-Hamllton's Ham ilton-*M or it would lea-d the American' people upon ground so absurdly aris tocratic that even Hamilton would have an id. d it " BREESEE CASE HEARD - IN FEDERAL COURT fiat is probably the final hearing uf im lotig • dr.i w n*out llrfeso' cast* w as Thursday la-fort* th< United S’.iias Circuit ' ourt of Appeals. This -as' has drugged through many courts .Hi'! coven U a period of tlim amounting to thirteen years. •The- legal tdy) of tli case Is Mil liaitt 1. 1 i r v is ti a on others, plaintiffs ! . error, against the United States, d. . 1 i-nrtnnt in orroi Tlu urgmnent for thv plaintiffs in.)o> to j -s Adams ami Charl. s \. ... . <,f Ashi vllle. \ C. ami for tb det-adam >"• District Attorney A !■' Holton, of Winston Witem. In Xuv.-mlK-r it* it 7. William Hreesrc. ■Joseph hi. Dick, n.v .n and Wtlllum II. l'* nlu::d, ro.“i>.-. it el- president, direc tor and cashier of th. National i.a’di '.I A shot die. X Here tried I.. - tor. th ■ 1 'tilted Htates District Court 't ( .V f lt„ t.h«rge of eiuhesslhig, at'strni ting and willfully m .^applying tin- tunes ,,f th, |,„„k liri-este and Dickenson K(l, fund .Kuilty Ij the Jury on th. ease ami seiii. ruid to ten years In prison. Th.-r. w<r ssvithI Irregularities in the teal that gu\. grounds for a new hearing, ..specially th. charge that the bill Of until tmenr was shown to the .r.-num .>r th* Jury in the absence ..f ih' Jury The ins. has I'.-cn tried and r* .nei. 'I. in ami again and has conse umrio aroused copsiderahle interest. Th. legal profession will await will) interest the decision of the Court ..f M'i" a!.- "• ith ntfeh interest. GO NC AMERICA ON A FLYING TRIP LONIMiN «okkl>.i*o\i>k\t in W \>lll\(iTn\ ON "THIRTY. >l\ llot in \MF.HK A" >1TNT. W vyili\'i;t> >N. Jiwvnii)fr !6. Washington was th, scene or' .in,- art of •‘Thirty-Mix hour* in America." a . thrilling stunt being onset-,) in u Lou : 'i"" I'ai'nr h.v W. It Holt. .. purlin menUr> correspondent, who is h pas senger of tin living Christmas trip of tin jdeainer Matir tania. Molt left th Miifir-tania at t \ M p,-diiv ami Ix.iM-h.-d a spot-ia! train for Washing ton. II. arrived her.* tihout ft \ . M . , aiitl not by th** Wushingt,>n ,.,r rospondont of his paper, ami soon saw ’ President Taft. Th, Visitor vaif thru whisker! to the I oapitol ill -in autornot,)!, ami had j,,- j tort lew 8 With Vteo-rn sid. tit Hherniar. and Speaker Cannon. H. turning t* X v. York, Holt will td'end tin* night at a grand opera I 1>, rfortnwm .* and in viewing the shims Th* Maur*tania will sail at, , li r. M. Maturditj. SCHOONER GRANT HAS REACHED NORFOLK: (Hpeeiul to The-Kichmond Virginian.)! NoHKOLK. VA., |io . JO.— The big j soil,,,,n,-r George M. Grant, which went ashop in tin* < 'In a.ipeake yesterday, , lias liven floated and is at anchor at Lambert's Point, awaiting , xantina-i j tlon by divers. EIGHTEEN KILLED IN HUNTING ACCIDENTS HORTON. MASH. t>«c. if,.--State game w ardens and bereaved families1 counted the cost of life to-day of the winter’s hunting season in New Eng land, which dosed last midnight, and found that eighteen persons had been killed In hunting accidents. Thirty one were killed last year And twenty eight the year before. MANY POSTMASTERS 1MT »N PRESIDENTIAL CLASS. j WASHINGTON, Dec. 16.—Postmaster j Of neral Hitchcock Issued an order to- j day advancing 216 fourth class post masters to the presidential das*. The. order becomes eflectlv, Jauunr) 1M1. DREYFUS & CO. Clearance of Smart Hats $375 The latest effects from New York, as well as our uwii reproductions of imported Model.-. None of these sold at less titan $7 .jO, most of them were nearer f 10.0U. with all the in dividuality of emit ions costing almost double. Give Silk Hosiery For Friday and Saturday we will show unusual values, at 48c, 89c, <1, $1.50, $2, $2.50 New Sweater Styles. Every new' stitch, color, and style is here, high quality in every ease, though modern*I !v priced. $2.90, $3.90, $4.90 to $7.50 Rare Offerings for the Gift Shopper For Friday and Saturday we can promise savings ! on Gift-things that are particularly tempting. Many departments offer clearance "sales of far-reaching importance*. On others, the arrival of charming novelties lends the greatest interest. Suggestions for Gifts: Furs, Fur Coats, Ladies’ Coats, Girls’ Coats, Evening Wraps, Umbrellas, Cloves, Hosiery, Neckwear. Waists, Negligees, Kimonos, Silk Petticoats, Silk Vests, Corsets. Furs Are Sure to Please. Specials for Friday and Scturday. (>ur bur Department ip conceded the most complete and correct- - as well a- most reasonably priced in Richmond. Events like to morrow. make a visit doubly worth while. Fur Coate. htack and hro's-rt, Russian Pom/ and Conetptrtal, $29.50 to $95.00. Fur Pierr. and Fur Sets, • r* Isabella Fox, Coney. Sih er Hair and Blue $4 50. $6.90, $7.50. $10.00 and $18.50. The Season’s Best Coat Styles at $7.50, $10 and $12.50. Included in this clearance arc choice black Meltons, Broadcloths and Lightweight Korneys, in the correct full length models, full or half-lined with Katin. There it not urn in the lot tlui! is not unexamfM value. Umbrellas for Gifts. (■Special prices this week on the i newest, smartest Umbrellas, we 1 have ever shown; hundreds of ! styles, ur, $1.50. $2, $3, $3.50, $5. Silk Petticoat Special Special lots of unusually high irrune KunnenH marked for clearance for Friday and Sat urday, | $1.90, $2.90, $4.90 to $10. New Chiffon Waists. Throw* strikingly original mod clft. just received, will surely prove acceptable as gift*. Chif fons, striped Chiffons, Persians and Taffetas. $3.90, $4.90, $5.90 to $10. Cloves Always Welcome Unusual quality Ladies' Kid Gloves $1, $150.12, $3.50. Girls' Gloves, in cashmere and wool, 25c and 50c. Girls' Kid Gloves, $1.00. Neckwear for Gift Purposes Exquisite Bows as well as Sets, specially priced, at 25c and 50c. M DREYFUS & CO., - - - - - 201 East Broad Street PETERSBURG LODGE ELECTSJFICEAS ff.mtc ai. of ST. joiim « ili. hi; oh SKRVKIJ U> TIKSDAA, HKCKMBEH STTH. LODGE 123 YEARS OLD1 col Mil. l.RtXTI fBUMIKMUX IU MALA IT HIM. LAAO COMIVAM TO COMTHIC’T AIADKl OVER tlElTEMCT HI A PKTEHSIH'KG. VA. Dec. nv r J«. Petersburg l.odg. . No. I'j. A ail'! A M at it-* r* guiar min ting J hurs dny night eh ‘ I'. 'l the following >>1- 1 tjeers ji>r the . nsutiig year Worship ful ni aster, It U I >. Pitcher; senior warden, I’. M Ptewnrt; junior warden, Wallace 1. »'•>*; secretary, Worsniptul f’haries K, Horst: treasurer, Emmett 11. Jiov: senior deacon, i. T. Town- ; send; junior d* acori. T. M Davis; chaplain, Worshipful Wallace Duncan Blanks : tiler. W orshipful Joseph Wil liams: stewards. .1. J. Gardner and 3 D. Rodgers. Right Worshipful He li Jam in I'. K- e’er presided during the election of officers, paling tire !odg> an official t isit. The installation ceremony tens Per- ' formed i.y Right Worshipful James R Blanks, grand secretary of the Royal Arch Chapter of Virginia and j a past master >d Petersburg lodge, • No. if.. on Tuesday i veiling. December 27,, Ilu tesltvai junii " m : ou- j f rwd by the Masonic Lodges of the city. Petersburg l/Odgc. No. 15. was char tered 123 years ago and has numbered on its roster some of the brightest Masons In Virginia. City Knginetr Rudd Is investigating the route for a new street from Syca more to Market streets and the ex tension of Hrandon alley. The alley’s extension is deemed necessary us an 1 aiil for tire lighting purposes. t'ortlHcaU' Recorded The certtticate of the appomattox j Casualty Company. Inc., was record- j erf in the clerk s office Thursday The maittimuni capital stock is $ 1 Oo.hOo am) the minimum Is $35,mitt The officers and directors jtro: President. Joseph Seward, secretary. l’>r. Robert A. Hanthlt . tr. usurer. I>. C. Doubles, of Richmond 1 >i rooters; The above named officer- and W. K. Armstrong, of Petersburg, and A. ti. Regers, of' Richmond. signs Poultry Ordinance. The major has signed tlv undrawn, poultry ordinance as pass u by the branches >>t the , Ity government per mitting the rah of undrawn poultry The local dealers have plat cd large orders und predict heavy salts in the poultry market. The Virginia Trunk and Hag Cunt- i pany gave a banquet Thursday night at the Stratford hotel to its traveling salesmen, who hud gathered from all over the Cnited States for the occa sion. To Construct Viaduct. A hrb'f meeting of the common council was held Thursday night, at , which time permission w as granted ' the Walnut Hill Land Company to j construct the viaduct across Lieut* n-1 ant Jttin. at u cost of about $40,(100. : The council also accepted the propo sition of President Northrop, of the [ Virginia Railway and Power Company! to expend $1,000 in repairing Wythe . street. QUESTION OF COURT’S JURISDICTION RAISED (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) NORFOLK. VA., Dec. 1«.—In the po lice court to-day the case of Mrs. Theresa Smith, charged with bigamy., was continued until Thursday on the j ground that her alleged bigamous mar riage occurred in Newport News and the court here lacked Jurisdiction. S ■ ".. .!.C.B”gS<«WEW*. .. Ill l ■■■w ! FOB I ALB A FOR SALK IS THE RICHMOND Virginian want ads., wilt bring you s buyer. . , Wants .._ ___I Help Wanted—Male. _ V. ANTED—BRIGHT BOYS TO DO light work attrr school; yor'rt j.ny to boys who hurtle. special prizes given to the beet hoys. Apply 3 E M., Cir culating Department, The Richmond ^AMr^hnlan^___ ' Situations Wanted—Male. ASSISTANT REGISTERED PRt'G gist wants permanent position after January 1st. preferably in email lowm, verv best recommendations Address DiiUOGlfc’T. 254 Bank tit.. Norfolk Va. _ _: COM I TENT BANK MAN. ELEVEN year.' experience, desires chans** January 1st. Official connection small bank preferred. At present employ * d. lit ferencea. Addreea Box I'D Suffolk, Va. WANTED. A POSITION PV AN EX perlenred lumberman, who 1 prac lb a! in the planing mill, sai-h. dou«. and blind business; for the past *><**• j eral years traveling Virginia and OaroMna buying lumber. Address b WILLARD EANErf, 656 Washington, St., Petersburg. Va_ WANTED—POSITION AS JANITOR night or day or similar position; btyt reference#. Address J E-#_ "1® Marshall. Phone Madison 2*48. FIRST-CLASS ENGINE Eli AND ELKO- j triclan wants situation. Add re*# EN » OINEEB. 12 Malden Lane. City. _ y Situations Wan ted—Female. an elderly lady wishes \ place as companion In a refln«u family. <»r would assist In house keeping and sewing Address A. 1&1* East Clay. City WANTED, EXPERIENCED. THOR* oughjy competent stenographer de sires position, temporary or perma nent, legal, railway, mercantile and general office work, depositions Phone Madl«on_2236-J. ___ j EXPERIENCED TYPEWRITER DC sire.* position first of year Four years’ experience In office work. { References. P. O. Box 8 3. EXPERIENCED, THOROUGHLY < M patent stenographer desires position Phone Madison 2235-J For Sale. UNREDEEMED DOUBLE AND SINGLE ' tuns, less tnun factory price. STEIN - I ERS^Htl E. Main etreet.__ OUR PLUMBING REPAIR DEPART ment la la at your *ervlco. Prompt attention VA. PLUMBING, HEAT ING CO ton SALE—BlCVCLLo, ALL SIZES and price*; n w and seconcl-harul, at TOMPKINS. 311 West Broad Street FOR SALE. A LARGE AND PROS parous machine *hop and foundry Net earnings ■ now over twenty per , cent, on capital stock. Apply to Boa 32* city _ I CADY in CHRISTMAS BOXES FOR Sunda; -schools made and packed to order at wholesale prices IMS East Franklin street, l’hone Madison 4111 150 SAMPLE TAILOR MADE SUITS all sues; Wurth double our price, fib STEINER'S. 1441 E. Main Street. 125 LADIES’ 30 YEAR GOLD FILLED watches, only $7.50 STEINER'S. 1441 E Main street. WALTHAM AND ELGIN 14 KARAT solid gold watches, only ! 15.00, worth $25. STEINER'S. 1441 E. Main SI. I K»R SALE—TOYS AT COST. CLOSING j out balance of stock at TOMPKINS, 311 West Broad. _ __ j PEOPLE COME WHERE THEY ARE invited and stay when properly treat- j ed; give us a trial and be satisfied. , N. KLEIN 4k SON. INC., «2« E. Broad, j FOlt ~ WAGONS GO _Tl RICHARDSON BROS *16 Brook avei _ «. FULL LINE HOLIDAY JEWELRY AT j induced prices. STEINER'S. 1441 E. Shoe Repairing. JkC. HALF SOLE HUNS SHOES, LA dies Mte; children's tUc. and up; ov ary par aowod. DREW’S ELEC TRIC SHOE FACTORY, lit E Main ^jgtreet^^J^hongJJjnroe^JttT^^ Personals. WE HANDLE DIFFICULT PROD- | lomo In plumbiug and steam or hot! water boating, sanitary plumbing, 1 eervlcablo heating. VA PLUMBING, HEATING CO. I Wants . i Want Ad. Rates. One rent per word when paid in advance. No paid ad taken for less than ten cents. No Ads taken for les3 than twenty-five cents when phoned in or charged at the counter. Contract rates are much less Phon Madison 1758, and Manager of Classified Department, will call. Miscellaneous, ••HOT BLAST** »TOVKS. WE CARRY COLES'S ORIGINAL HOT HUtst" «sfov.-», one-third cos! saved: ;tl*o wood heaters. See us before buying ELBA HARDWARE CO. I NURULLAS. COME AT ONCE TO NEWMAN'S FAC tory sale of umbrella* arid get your I’hrlatrna* present* for hair price* Umbrella* from $34 cent* up to |15 a piece. We t avte $5. and $7 umbrel las In all sixes . (fold, silver and pearl and Ivory handle*, best *llk case and tansel to match, with a nice Christ mas boa for $2 48 We will also re cover your umbrellas from now until Christmas for 25 per cent, less than regular price, Oon't delay, come at once. NEWMAN S UMBRELLA FAC TORY, SIS E. Broad street. Phone Monro,. 2104. WAGONS, WAUDSI, WAQOII. OPEN AXD TOP FROM H& UP. BUR rles, runabouts and top buggies from $45 up. MUburn and Thornhill Farm Wagons, narrow and wide tire*, from $35 up Repairing, painting and rubber tiring a specla'ty. Come and get my price* before you buy. B. C BRISTOW. 11-13-15 North Eighteentn street. LINE AND CEMENT. WE CARRY LIME FOR SPRINKLING and building, also cement and hair, hardware, etc. ELBA HARDWARE CO. ; 11A l'LING. HOUSEHOLD GOODS HAULED, bTOR- j ed. Packed and shipped. Call W. Fred Richardson* STORAGE tt TRANSFER DEPARTMENT. Main *t Belvldere streets. Phone* Madison 843 day; Monroe 842 night. FLOOR STAI*H SEE I S KOI! FLOOR STAINS. VAR-I nlsh htalns ami rmllehe* of all kln'ls KLBA 11AKDWAHK CO CHRISTMAS PROBLEMS SOLVED— cal! on N. KLEIN & SON. INC.. «!# E. Broad. (OLD MATER PAINT. CALCIMt THE ORIGINAL COLD1 water palm: easy to apply all col ors; write or phone for color card, more Calrlmo sold than all the <*atet paints combined ELBA HARD WARE CO. Agent*. Henry and Broad. PHONE US FOR QUICK SERVICE ON ftangre. J-atrobe and Furnace work. VA PLUMBING A_HKATINq CO Special Notice. cleaners of ladle*, gent* and chil dren*' garments. H. B. LUMPKIN; fi North Fourth. Phono llonroe Sifi. Work called for and delivered. RIGHT WAGONS AT RIGHT PRICES. Phone Monroe 1173; FRANK MOORES PARCEL DKLIOERY. FRANK MOORE'S PARCEL DELI V ery; prompt service; rate* reason able. Phone Monroe 1471. WH OVDItH AUL STEAM ~ ST STERNS and make them work whe'e thsy haven't worked before. VA. PLUMli Real Estate for Sale’ LIST YOUR FARMS AND CITY PROP arty with TABOR REALTY CORPOI atlon. 412 E. Marshall St., and « uoick returns >r* , ■"I Rooms for Rent. kRontaKd 'fi&SStS? furnished, with all conven bout location; near to j board can bo hod. Apply IS Fifth street WHEN IN THE CITY STOP i South Fifth. Everything the , NICE ROOMS FOR RENT. _ ! North Sixth; newly furnlabsid; conveniences; no better locatlo ONE CLEAN. LVKOK, NIC£LT nlehed front room, with or board; private German family; children; new house; modern I _ nlencea. 522 West Clay street. ! furnished front room. V. ! alcove conveniences; gentlemen i f erred Call Tuesday, IS South i FOR RENT, ONE FURNISHED | modern conveniences. Phone ! son S76.J. or call No. 1*J« W, ! street. I TWO LARGE CONNECTING J rooms, newly papered; bat i etc. Apply 17 S. Pine street. 1 FOR RENT, MEN ONLY, A OCX I tie Third story flat, throe fine location; terms right to _party Address P. O. Bos 4>L FOR RENT—NICELY FU rooms at 718 E. Marshall ■ FOR A NICE" W A RM~fioOM cellent meals, go to T9* tin street. t FURNISHED" ROOMS—NICE, ed, furnished rooms; private men only. 597 N. Sixth stroat, FOR RENT—SIX ROOM HO i Twenty-second street, near J FURNISHED ROOMS FOR with hoard; also table board. Franklin. FOR RENT—FURNISHED room, with haat: In private use of phone. Madison ZOti-J NICE ROOM FOR RENT AT 399 j Qr»ce street j FURNISHED ROOMS FOR | with board; also table table, ifooil service. | Jin street _ | HEATED ROOM ON SECOND ] opening Into batb. Apply i avenue. i THREEl-NFl’RNIWIEb' rent; bath, eonvep**"* i too West Cary ! SH E. BRIGHT KOOilT or unfurnished. with l>oard. Apply 419 N. Ninth one ur two Large, a connecting room#, til furnished. Second Phone Madison Otl-J. FURNISHED Ri bath, use rated. _IM FOR RENT. COMFORT ntshed rooms; lliht b desired, til East Clay. 403 EAST MAIN ST. N n Is had front rooms; aa# _transient.__ FOR RENT. Ft’RN steam heat. Apply 9 •14 EAST cLaY-WW rooms; large, small, ences,_ FOR RENT. THREE connecting I9e D ROOMS, HOT of telephone; 09 North Fifth ay Fourth a heat. 'WO nt keeping. 29 Park. W ANTEB. TO h flat, with nil facing Ubby North Twenty*