Newspaper Page Text
Fptahment of the pole, if 1 did it. would p.. w imitfuM ** n tiling ol great im portance to science, wnhh it m not. T want to bo honest in inn. and riant ■ boro I sn" that nn observations 1 took wore tiiKen first, of an t ‘T my ; own tion. t<* cheek our line at mar. h. ih<-v c«rrohoraaed my grow-. '■ ing conns ion*n« a* <>f success 'I ho cotistoru over miles of j. o etui the enduring of pain v iigtnjrrcii In my mirm n oonvi* non n ip* ti n*» t.g urrs cotnd have evoked. At tho time, howovt-r. 1 did "t doubt in' ■ J ix >. Tho thought of lr.«Cv ur«> y never • >■ oirri-n to me True, I «.r« tnvntalA disposed to i n ill a favorable reckon ing. tv ere my observations in- “T re< t" it j« ijulio p.."io.t vo*. wing them ami the eonuiSluns. ph'.-ua: ano tnrntal. unuir "huh they " ■ re lak.n. t »Jt> not kii «. I ran never tell ul timately ” One of Hi- I’roolv, Th. thing tuitt voii.iiitiu In * and his eskluioe 'hat tie reached tn« pole "as the fact that they aliair. ' n point whir, their sbiidooc at noon mill midnight "'ere ■ ennui length. ” Vt noon he 5»l' “th. shad..' i*i reaented in its length the altitude of the sun. about 1- degrees \t ' • •'clock it Mf the «amt. At midnight it "'its the ».itnf At G o'clock in the morning it "n* th. name. L« t ns. l'r the nak of argument grant that all our Instrumental observations are wrong. Herein is a condition if things in "hlch 1 still l»elb'.' th- eye without instrumental aaslntitn ■ pl« <M th* run sit alrout if ■ >■ mi hi cht or ever*, hour of th. day and night l'r Civil; described how his two Rsklmos played with tile shadow • lr . el eg “Hero then, the do. t r con cludes, 1 felt "as an important oh nervation placing me with tn'r - , uraey at the pole, and un’lk. all oth er observations, it ws* not based .,r: that impossible dream of nl » > nt accurate time. My mind, starved by impoverished blood and shaken with falnners reeled The thought that 1 war here, on the very ap*x of the weirbi, circling an unknown mystery where no man had aver etned was in toxkation." HOOKWORMS LOVE CHLORIDE OF LIME WASHINGTON. December 1«.— Hi'okwonni thrtva on a diet of chloride of lime, commonly used In ihoi South a* a never-faillng <11*1 n - fectant and germ .killer, according to a report of experiment* mml» by gov eramenl barteti'doglcal experts issued . to-day. In one of tha experiments more | than a quarter of a pound of lime f waa placed in a bucket of » ator con * tabling hokworm egg*. Instead of I killing the germs the disinfectant | soemed almost to increase the process I »f hatching. ! BROWN GOES TO 1 JUIL IN DEFAULT WAS FIXED $50 BY .IVSTICK JOHN FOR BREAKING INTO YOING WOMAN’S ROOM. 1 For breaking into a young room where ho »as found under the table with a hatchet In his pocket. Alexander Brown was Friday morning fined $5o by Junties Crutchfield in . the city police court, and In default of payment, was sent to jail, y. The woman, OUne Doyle, who ha' been boarding at 706 East Marshal street, claims that Brown had beet persecuting nrr i pnu-m j«j• >11. ■» and that she was Hfraid of him. Thursday night who refuset. to reo. him the man appealed to a policeman asking the <»rtt< *-r to enl the girl out on the pen h so that ht could'speak to her. The offieor, oi course, refused, and Brown immedi ately went t«» th« hous>\ w as throw t out by the husband of the boardtnf ’ bouse keeper, but in some way gn)m< F a second entrance und made his was ; into the young woman's room. Screams attracted the police, am jfe Officer Reid, answering the *»u f->i help, dragged Brown into the strew H and started to take him to Jail whet ;i declaring that the arrest would cos' | him something any was, Brown at | F tempted to disable the officer, am was only subdued after he had beet F; knocked down with a night-stick F STEAMER CALVERT DAMAGED BY FIRE •HE HAS NARROW E8CAPE FRON DESTRUCTION IN EARLY R MORNING HOURS. (Special to The Richmond Virginian i WARSAW, VA.. r>ec. 1*.—Th« •teamcr Oalvcr*. .,f the Maryland, riel -.•«rare and Virginia Railway fem •any. plying betwet-n Baltimore am, Fredericksburg, while tied up »» tin : wharf at Leedstown, Vo.. mirrewlj escaped being destroyed by fire at O’clock this morning. The Hie. whirl bad Its origin in tho after cabin, when • discovered had gained such headway '■that it took nearly two hours to sub itfliC the dames and at one time It long. j.*d a* if the steamer would have <„ i„ ^Abandoned. There war eonsideruhlr .excitement among the passengers. Wit were at once awakened and htirriedlj digressed anil left the steamer. .V, or < |M occupying the cabin and n i* '•bought the tir* originated irom mji ,SI>d matches. The Meaner "us c«»n« Jerabiy damaged, but eontinued on tr trip t« Biilii-note ! "BERRY’S FOR GIFTS.” What could be better than to give your daughter Warm Chinchillas. $<>.50 to SIS. Scotch Cheviots and other cloths. $5 to $12. All man-tailored and the rage with girls. Sires up to IS years. OUTFIT OF “B1DGER game” ill coon; A Berry Coat for Christmas? j GREAT CRUWD AT WASHINGTON 1 POI/ICE COl'RT TO WITNESS I rREMMINAKY THIU WASHINGTON, 1;. O, I>ec. 1 —An Intercepted note s< nt by Air? .lames I H. Knott to her husband, who Is un | rter arrest with her for working the 1 "badger game" .it tne fashionable Catro apartment house here, was read I In pollen court to-day as follows: "1 will stick to you through the whole thing If you go to the penl j tentlary, I want to go too." I The Detroit girl, formerly known i here as Florence Kenneth boro out by her youthful appearance her asser tion that she was "under twenty-one years of age" When she was pre sented with her husband and Alfred If. Armstrong and Henjamin II. Knott, all charged with complicity In. at tempting to blackmail Harry IToson thal, a sporting goods dealer, sin ap peared sign- d to lor fat' "1 rnnde my mistake when 1 h ft home." she said to-day. 'Tv* been getting into trouble ft or nine** then, and now 1 am up in court tit last. 1 know evety one will blame me lot i this, but I only did ,what 1 was t**li to do. My husband whs indued to 1 Armstrong to ask me to do it. and i consented only when re. husbant asked me. I don’t , ask for pity. be cause l know I won't g> t it, and 1 .ant going to stick to rnj liusbanc to the end " The camera and all the rest of thf "badger uiittlt" was preeiWitod in conn to show how the plot to lure Ifosen tlta] into the apartment and ther jor'-«- mm t’* Turn vwi? worked out, Thr grcfitcwt crowd that ever at tended a police court luarlnK in thii aifv was <>ti hand before th* < as- tvai called. SURGEONS SEW UK DISEASE CAISES IiAJMiK PER KOItATION Kol.MiW IN«. I,UNO ATTACK. OK FKVKH. After a apt 11 i>f typhoid, lasting somt weeks. Mr. J. P ('hapnmn, residing near Staunton, name t" visit relative! In South Uichmond. and although ht was apparently convalescing It di veiuped son after his arrival that on of his Intestines had Seen perforated .by the disease, the aperture being nt large ms a quarter of a dollar. When this was ascertained, he win removed to' Virginia hospital, when the surgeons sewed tip the opening Several hours later .he died. Tho bodj was shipped home Thursday. Mr. Chapman was a. young man of mibh promise and was tho solo sup port of his mother who "us with him at the end. Ho was In n vers weakened condition when lie rea< h e<i the hospital and it teas only as n left r< sort that the surgeons used the knlff on him. one t oiiUuittee Meeting. The i ouiu il oommitee on street leaning will meet Frlway night nl v o'clock. i'on*ideral>!o business oi routine Importanco will come up foi ' a pl'l o\ al. Afraid to use hair preparations? Certainly not, if your doctor approves. Let him decide about your using dyer's Hair Vigor for falling hair or dandruff. It will not LAfraid? the hair, neither will it harm or injure. •I C. Ayer Co.. Nomination and Voting Blank The Richmond Virginian TEACHERS’ EUROPEAN TRIP CONTEST. Tliis coupon can he UM-fi to nominate any white teacher, residing nr located in the dkrHH defined in the coined 1 ir>t eou|x>n received counts 1,000 votes (only one lor any teacher} each additional eou(jon counts 1 vote. \\ hett coupon i* neatly trimmed, feigned and deposited within ono week of date issued KAME. * ADDRESS. Void alter December 23. - No. 14 Nomination Counts 1,000 Goori jar jive votes. OGIES FEKTHEBS : IJFJIFFLFD: TWO SPEAKERS AT PEACE MEET ING STRIKE DISCORDANT NOTES IN THEIR ADDRESS. IRONMASTER’S ADDRESS _ ANDREW CARNEGIE HAPPY THAT HE HAS BEEN ABLE TO CON- I TINUE SOMETHING TOWARD THE WORLDS PEACE. WASH I rtecember 16.— Fear that remarks of pome of the foreign am>' i-> itior* and iinnl.-tt r* who arc to auartss th« AmcrUau Ah Hocintimi for the Judicial settlement of International lusputea to-night, may,' swell ihc volume of the Jarring note whh h has tieen sounded I,y two speak er-. caused those interested in tile world " idc peace movement much i , anxiety to-day. Tin several hundred delegates w ho j hav. been contentedly listening to | ultfit-paeille remarks, were aroused In no small degree by the thinly veiled charge of Justice Hidden, of the king.* court bench of the high court of jus tice for Ontario, that the t'nlted ’ ' States had (Token the I lush-Fagot treaty prohibiting the armament, of emitters on the great lakes. 1 >r. Benjamin Ide Wheeler, presi dent of the Fnlversity of California, J declared that the only n rfaln means i of obtaining universal per.e,. was i„ : prepart! for tv nr. His statement w is the more striking In that It follow d . man? argument*), advanced h; other speakers, for the disarming of all na tions. \ ml rev Fnrneglc, who lias just given ten million dollars for peace, great!' deprecated thn situation and was busy with "missionary work" t • ' day, planning to avoid further ruining 1 of the doves' feathers t a mettle t «i> Address short. Cutting short the long atldr* s lif hful planner] to deliver "it "The Mora.! Issue of War" when hr found him self unable to stand the lntens. hi nt of the room, Andrew Carnegie. donor J of $10,000,000 to promote the i'.luh' , | of tnti rnutlonaI '-, eonolipb d the 1 ! lirst pension of the American Society for the Judicial Settlement of Ittter nittioniil m.sputes at the Willard hotel ! lost night by speaking for a few mtn j ides on "War: The <Time ot Countries Against Their Cod." It is doubtful whether the more, elaborate remarks he had planned, to deliver would have created a pro founder lmpres'don upon the hearers j than did the few simple words tiiat, j he spoke. Ills address ea-me after two; | former secretaries of state, one judge ; and an ambassador had exhausted he ' ! technleal possibilities of the subject—I after the causes for war. the results I of war, the inefficiencies of interim- 1 i tional law-, and the Inounslsteneies ol 'nations hud been delved Into unspair- j I Ingle. When the ironmaster stepped upon tie rostrum where .senator l.lihu Hoot, Aniliiiisiilcr lirttra, termer See. t * tars of State I' st,-i and Jostles Kiddell. ot Canada, hfttl been speak log. a great sileie** letl upon the lis teners. Maybe tie- Word had gouts about that Carnegie's address would, Uo short. At any rate, when h-- eoni mi'ni'i (I It i-s brief address, not a sound' . from th, arsemldaR, disturbed th< : short, terse sentences 'vlth which his address opened It isn't the war. hut tie danger of ' ' war," said he, "that makes hie. Xatlons tiv preparing for war spend . millions and to the purpost that mat, shall kill ills fellownmn who was ■treated In the image of <iod. It Isn't 1 'the war, but tin possibility of war, that we must ft or. "The moral Issue of slavery v,atc 1 what result-tl lit its abolition, ainl the t same issue in war will mark Its end ■ As man becomes civilised he awakens to himself. He has the divine anility i t<» ascend; ascend to limitless heights. ' lit) ceases to kill, to torture and to tie- , stroy, "It pleases me greatly that I have j placed within the reach of all some | i money that may he contributary to I the great work of peace. With the aid of the brilliant statesmen and the ! craftsmen of the law 1 hope that this j i money may do good. Siiouid Arouse tlie Masses. ■ tVe must arouse the masses to a ' better understanding of w hat war is. I j The demagogue knows too well that i by arousing mens passions he gets' j votes for enormous expenditures in the j i name of the so-called honor of the i nation. War Is the vehicle of the i scurvy politician. "The people, should know this ton. I They should realize the truth of the I horror by w hich nations are taught j that they shall kill. * '-lit* ii'-'iim linn mi* LUUli 1 1 have given will resolve. your co ! operation; anil the ro-opcrntion of j every one. And 1 hope that l>y recog nizing the UK'* of this fund men w ill | know the truth of war—that they will learn that ear is a crime of not! ns ! against their «»od." 'Presiding at the meeting in place j of Secretary of State Knox, was James it. Scott, president of th • sot i. t- . At- 1 tending were representatives from al- 1 most every Luropoau nation, senators .and tnemhi is ot i ingros, and other ‘men nnd women front many different ; i walks to' lit** lo tin number of nearly 'iff. The red room was tilled to its , ! ioiparity with many latu-oomers stand- ; ling hy die doors when, shortly before s an o'clock t'urdlniil Gibbons pro- ^ | miuni'i'ii the invocation. Th" two addresses that seemed of j deepest Import were those of ex-seere- ; 1 tsir■* ot State Klihu Hoot, premier pro- j | motor of international peace, ami j,Js. ! tu i \V. H. Hlddelt, of tin King's 1 bench division, high court of justice, of Ontario, Oanada. The former ns* : aaile<| war as "brutal, wasteful and1 ! stupid," and. hy dissecting the main causes Into thr>*.> groups, pointed the manner hy which International pea< might In attained The latter urged the continuance of p.«. i* b**tv, eon the flitted States and Canada- and point id out how the fnlled Stabs. in the, name of peace, was violating a treat} j, prohibiting the maintenance hy either country of armed vessels on the great I; lakes, I MK II TOBACCO HANWjKI* " AT J'.VMPUX CITY imperial to The Uii Virginian.) i HAMIT.IN’ CITY, VA„ Her. 16.— . 1 Mr. Tyree, of Lynchburg, who has 1 rented the Farmers’ and Planters' tohaeeo warehouse here for this Mil - son, has sold since December 1. 175,-f, OOu pounds of the weed, SO,000 pounds I, of It w ithin a week, at prices ave- I, raging Some has brought 111 and , others as much as $20. The offerings have been very wet, 1 ( nnd generally the Intt cuttings. The ■ | best tobacco has not yet been brought1, *T- j I Air.-'. P. T. Warren, who has been | visiting hi i- children Miss Mary and Mi*'* M. 1. Dunham, In New York •|ty, ii* well u* Ml** H*nnah. In Kleh nond, has returned home. Mr T. W. Whltr. principal ne the lublit- i'IhhiI <i thi- town. tut* l*>tt r. to visit his ! other, wl: . is uutte irk ;*t his Imm. in < "iih r 1<*t i»•>•% Kle, IEAT ECfliCHjIHER IS SENT TO JAIL ACK ETOSH ALSO BIT AND CLAWED, THEN DID LOT OF TALKING. Because ho Insist*-! upon biting lit* rrundinothcr even after the old wo* nan told him "p-e.ltivel;." that he ruu-tn't d" it. Jack r.t*v.h. h young As yriun hopeful. wtn ;i11■ ■ *i Sl'i in police ■o'.irt Friday lnorr.lnv and unless h> ■mi find the c*• 111 \>t' shortly will >p*nl < hrlstmn* . i d th*- giud New fear in jail. Mrs. Ktosh. the . other < I th*' i nunK nan's father, is » r- than sixty years *lil. reining in fr**ni work Thnrsilay, faes found ton * ti.nn -he doesn't mow wliat—that 1* didn't Ilk*.*, so to ret H'<tl with th* gain*1 lie assaulted ns grandmother. drtiitiK her out of in* house. <>ff;*er Thurman arrested th* voting min and locked III up In th** Second I'tlii-e station', wh'i* lu* spent lit*' light. Th* null .lack i'm hardly end* refund ■ word " English. -I ■*11* *• rrnti'htleld tave him .. good If tree l*ef *re passing lenten* *. iVINsTON-SALJEM 1I\X Jill* < I'il.KBHATION W'lNSTO.V-HAI.l'M X Dee. 1 >'*. More than tie. thousand persons i ere attracted to this etty Thursday o i sb-hrate th** * 'unpletlon of th* iouthh'.iind ratlwa- running front .Vlnston-Salom to wad* -shorn, nlnety hr* *■ tnil*■*. t'olone] I'rnttk II I r i* —. r* present - ng t'iov* rttor Kltihlti: Mayor I!, f*. !lhi tt, of Chariest' a. and Editor Dan el*. of Ualelgh. ■ i among th* tpetikt i s. The celebration ■*. *1 last night rx itir a banquet, at which ntore than hr* * hundred covers 'err* laid. The Weather UlCHMOND. VA . I" - 16.—Forecast Mr Uionmoiel and vicinity: Fair to naht and Saturday ■ ••ntinued void. WASHINGTON. |> . • \)VC. 16.- Fnro ftp for Virginia. fair to-night and Saturday; eonttnipd cold to-night ri * nii temperature in * »«rt n and w* m por ion.‘. Saturday* WK ATllHIt ( (tNUITIONy. The raphl movdiicnt from v. -.stern dplarlo to The low. r St l,« wreivi Val ley ot an area of < < id w- at her caus'd * fall in temperatur* mm compare'! with h. readings of ;>♦ >-!. sday in X« w Knu lung wliorc* the cold wave i s most - v'er*-. th< tt mpi ratu v are slightly In - low /aro. whll« ’ 1,’l.hmond f 1 i i: nomine. the minim .an w i 20 dour- * s \ m«*re n.o.loralo full In t.-mperature is a port*- 1 from all «• her sections except ih* uln mc south* ■ ' whirli lion I- - .•' d the influent** til" . old wave and m fin; , rthern t i. - ..f States west f L ik. Super'* -r win r ri* winds hav • Mrt**l f" outlo-rl .1 th" temper Mur - ave fnercus 1 from • to 1v d* - r > Mod. rate pr- ltd tat I UP is re i -i . d from the we * . nlf. :hr X-.rthe m !'.»■ and North* a ' rn States. IN 1 \l< IOI * CITII*>. <' Ohsyr vat ion,, mriing at i» inie. > Stations < ’if y Klchmoml A tdlene . A 11« n I a. A t la nt tj. Boston .... . I’.iiftalo .... I’nlyarv. IN ■ r v* r 1 mint;» (»a Iveston . . . 1 hittcrus .... Havre . ,1 aiksonvlllc .in pit or . Kansas (I t v IjoutavUlr ... I,ynchhurg MontKoint rv New Orleans . New York . Norfolk . . i »klahoma .. . Pittsburg . . . 1 tah igdi . St. la*uls ... St Paul S in Francisco Savannah Spokane .•• i 'am pa v\ ashing t on \\ Innipcg Wyth. vtlle . P « ' Part 1 y ♦or tin- _ t hour.* Karterti standard :«1 30 i 4 K \ i ;:h r. t 4 i r.o i o 60 :: \ 64 70 4 \ 4 I . .' 4 10 i>6 06 4 0 Cl. .PI 56 4 2 2 6 56 60 3 4 HS 4 tt 12 50 idv . *21) 38 1 0 51 ;u 2 4 50 2* 26 2 6 36 ;.4 s 26 2 4 12 30 2 8 20 4 2 42 30 50 16 X 7 i r ClMy i du l ly (’lea r t'. • a r * doftl Snow <d. hi IV CVdy Snow t doudy (dear P Cl’dy (dear P. Cld> i ■ i e a r < dear (dear Cloud y Cloudy Clear <d< n r (; 1 ea r Clear I*. <1 dy < dear Clear < doudy (dear < dourly i dear (dear « doudy (dear TUrsTKICS* S.U.E or ItKAE AM) n itsoVAL I'HOPEItTT IN AM KM \ CO., VA. By virtue of a ecrtaln deed of trust dated January IS. 1909, executed by J. S. Morris and A. M. Morris, his wife, conveying ■ riain real and per sonal property therein described to '■(lire five certain notes, as well ns idvancca. in certain deed of trust set i ortli. default h r mg been made in the payment ol the said notes as pro vided. and being requested so to do le. tlio noteholder-, the undersigned irustue will on Saturday, 31 day of December. 191" beginning at nine o’clock A. M. )1 on the premises d J. S, Morris h'.nie place, about two nlles northwest e Jetcrsvllle. Amelia, ■ounty. Vn., thi. following described real and personal property to-wtt: i First.) All the standing timber dx inches anil above across the stump m 646 acres of land in Amelia cotm >. Va„ Belgh di-irlct, known as the John Robinson' land: ample time lor euttlrig Is In'g given: i S' eottd. i Bight'-l our acres of land n Belgh District Amelia county, Vu.. iiisv.n as tic M ir A Watkins tract, ind about Hire ■: urths of a mile 'rein Jctersvilb (Third.! Also twenty.sjx Jersey own and the ire n as« from said cows ■r the past two tears: some of these 'iivs arc registered, or entitled to ’egist ration. ( Fourth.) Also live large saw mill utiles with tlie harnness, collars, irldles. etc. (Fifth.) Basil cue No. I Bane saw n> II with all the fixtures and ap illances. ont 1^ II. p. Karquhar en due and holler > mounted): two two lorse wagons, two log trucks, belts, ill-., etc., The terms of this sale will tie rash ufllcient to pa: tlie indebtedness of I3.750.U0, and tl e coat of executing his deed of trust, and the terms for he residue, If any, win be announced in the date of the sate. If the sale does not take plaee on he above date-from any cause It will ms continued by announcing a future lay on this date, and without further idvertisement I agreement of the rrnntors and deed of trust. J M TITtNER, * TriiStee. Women’s Marabou Sides, i $C 00 Worth from $7.50 to $10 f O We have just received to-day from a New York importer, 40 fine Imported French Marabou Stoles, 4 strands, full and fluffy whh long tail ends, 2 yards long, in black and natural colors, regular S7.50 to 810.00 \alues, special for $5.00. Gift of Silk Stockings There's not a woman in the land who would not appreciate a gift pf Silk Hose.—For every pair of these are beautiful quality and just the kind she'd like. Think of buying h pure thread Silk Stocking, full fashioned with lisle sole nnd top that you would pay in a regular wawtl.OO and $1.25: this lot. speeial to-morrow, at . . I DC TheGreatest Kid Glove Sale Now in Progress at Miller & Rhoads. Kid Gloves at Less 7han Half Price. This salt' *tari?<l this morning with a lot of about a.600 pairs, of Women's Rea) Kid Gloves' and this section has been thronged with eager shoppers taking advantage of these rare offerings' There is a bountiful supply of Gloves here to «elect from. Come early to-morrow and get the choice of the following lots. $1 Misses’ Kid Gloves, 59c Thr>c aro th<• correct weight in the tvs<> jxvpular shades' of tan. til sizes from 4 4-4 to 6 1-2. SI.25 PIQL’E CLOVES I $1.00 DRESS GLOVES 1 69c 1 There are two el vies at this price. First. *1 -.-> Women's Oxblood Pique-sewn Gloves, medium weight fur street wear with Paris point hack—2-ela.sp. Second.—$1 .On Dress Kid Gloves, light. for dross, ail fine imported goods. 2-rlasp. in the new champagne shade, tan and black, fine, soft, elastic skins. $1.50 Real Kid Glov 3, 85c Two ulijhit at Ihii price. Wumcn'f Heal Kid (doves, grey and black, pique-sewn, with Paris point back. Heal Dress Kid Gloves, light weight with t rows heavy embroidery on back. $3 Long Kid Gloves, $1.19 There nrr 12 am! It*-button Inujlhx. In black, and champagne, these are the (xvpular shades for evening wear and are very fine quality real kid, 12-button length, also Id-button length black lambskin, and kid that are always sold for #:UX). $2 Real Rid Gloves tor $1.1U Three shjlt* at this price. Mpiliurn weight pique-sewn, a real nobby glove for street or tires* wear, in blaek only. Ileal Kid Glove with Paris point back, can be worn for either dress or street, occasions, these are in w hi to. Hint k Ileal Kid ( dou s, with white heavy embroi dered hack, a glove that ran be worn with any (town. These are three unusually good values, in Kid t.iloves, and are really $.1.00 quality for $1.10. cnglisn Walking Uloves, /He Made of lino oape stork, heavy weight. spear point bark. out warn, sewn. English cut thumb, one-clasp at wrist, in tliroe shades of tan, an excellent glove for street service. $1 75 Tan Pique Gloves, $1.00 Medium Weight, Fine Imported floods, the medium shade of tun. one-clasp, in all t;r.e.= , a remarkable glove for the money. Magnificent Evening Attire Whether i* be for church, street, or evening wear, a woman’s outfitting is her hobby r. regard to things for evening use, however, extreme care must be exercised, in order that she may appear just a little handsomer and more daintiiy gowned than is the case in Tailored Garments. We are in a splendid condition to furnish the careful and painstaking woman or miss with everything necessary to her party, theatre or reception wardrobe; particularly proud are we of the many dainty things which we have gathered from the Fashion centres; such as Evening Silks and Dress Goods, Evening Costumes und Wraps, Evening Gloves, Slippers, Scarfs, etc., and you will not begin to find these Evening Accessories near so dear in price as you would natur ally expect from the quality and the amount of style and workmanship they possess. (See Window Displays.) $1.50-$1<98 Boys’Sweaters,69c \ lot of 300 Wool Sweaters, just opened, will l»e on sale to-morrow morning, sizes 2ti to 31, from <1 to 15 years, (.'oat front, in colors, plain, white, red, navy, grey, green or fancy colored fronts, $1.50 and /»Q $l i>S values; special at. U«fC Special from Art Department On .salt booth, 1 floor.) Hand-Made Rennaissnnce Scarfs and (.'enter Pieces, SI.25 and $1.50 valuer, on sale special AQ for ... .... 30c Rc nnaissance Doylies. 15c to 50c. Japanese Embroidered and Scalloped Center AQ Pieces, 22-inch, 81..50 values ... “OC Others very special values ranging in price qo from 15c to. *70C Gifts for Infants and Children This section on the second floor ran furnish ! the newest novelties as well as read} to wear garments for the little tots. Hand-Embroidered Bibs. Hand-Painted Baby Books. Hand-Painted Ribbon Boses. Hand-Painted Coat Hangers. Hand-Embroidered Dresses arid Caps and many ! other items, moderate ly priced. Children's Kimonos, in fancy outing with Persian borders, in all colors, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. Children's Loggias, in brown and white eordurov, at $1.00. Pant a Legginetts, in white jersey, for $1.60. $1.80 and $2.25. Children's Panta Leggiriotte, black and white jersey, i 1 to rt years, special, at $1.00. Children's Toques, in white with Hue stripes and white with pink stripes and white with rod stripes and i solid white and red. 25c. Babies Knit Horqtte?. in .ill colors; special for to morrow, only 25c. Si raps for holding babies in chairs and carriages. 50c. Buy Candy That You Know is Pure for Xmas Miller & I!heads have the world wade reputation of Pure, Fresh, Wholesome Candies. We have a variety 1 of Xmas Candies, priced at 10c and 15c. Crystallized Fruit, 37c pound, or a 5-pound bo*, at 11.75. Our Saturday Sp2clal|OI- iu Chocolate Mixture s, f ° ® Caramels, Mattnes, Dates, Charlotte Russe, Sponge, Chocolate Bon-bon, Nonga, Shell Almond, Tropical Bon-bon, Shell Walnuts, j Many others that sell regularly at 35c and 40c pound. ,-V ilf J*k PETITION GOVERNOR FOR COMMUTATION The following telegram was received I at the governor’s office Friday: | "We. the undersigned sheriff of Henry and attorney anting for the ! < ’ommonwcalth when John Ktcles, ! Tom Hailey and Jim Hairston were ! convicted ,t'or lire degrei murder of Sidney Woods, would earnestly re eommend that yi u commute the sen tence of T< in Halley and Jim Hair ston to life Imprisonment. We do this - herause Eccles. who Inflicted the fatal blow, has paid the penalty, anil i’lggy Tenn. jointly Indicted tor the same offense, has been acquitted, and we believe the ends of Justice would he fullv met by commutation sugiepted. "JAMES M. HAVIS. Sheriff. "JNO. W. CARTER, Acting Commonwealth’s Atty.” The writers are Interceding for liallcy and Hairston, who an gtnd r sentence to lie electrocuted on Jan uary in. Throughout Henry county the opinion prevails that the condemn ed men ar. not guilty. KING W II.I.I %M TO PIT t r I.W.MHI POH RAILROAD. KRKDKKlCKSPirRO, Dec. 16.—At a | me< ring of the citizens of King William i county. at Ihuloh vole, to consider the desirability of lending aid In the buitd ; lug of a new railroad, to he known ai the Ktchmond and Northern Neck, ti , wa« deeded that the county would 1 guarantee |50,HMJ0. I A cornniiitec of twenty-live citizens ■ *u« appointed to canvass the county. letters weri> shown from the presidents I of the t hevB | i like- end Ohio (tail road and the lticiiinontl. Fredericksburg amt Potomac Kail road favoring the project and promising aid. Immediately aft6r the holidays a corps of men will be put io work surveying a route. CASE AGAINST CXERK W il l. COME UP LATEIt The test care brought in the Cir cuit Court against Maj r Savllle. clerk of the Chancery Court, to uettlo the clerk’s fee matter relating to the rec ordation of deeds, was continued until Viter in the term hy Judge Scott I'ri : day morning as th« attorney-general' representing the State, was unavoid* ably detained in Norfolk. The suit > will be heard as soon as u new data '• : can be agreed upon. Hammond’s Flowers Speak '*■ for Themselves. Tlifir exquisite beauty and fra* j nice are recognized and appre* i . dated by every one. Our exhibition i | of Chrysanthemums c,.J Roses in I elude the largest and finest selected * 1 specimens ever shown anywhere~~ I See the beautiful uisplay we are showing. ’ ’ 'f, Hammond & Co., Inc 109 East Broad S treat. ••••* '