Newspaper Page Text
The Most Appropriate Christmas Gift *! We Are Ready For Christmas! •See our wonderful showing of Holiday Footwear. Kvery new style is represented suitable for every purpose. If you are thinking about making Xmas gifts could you think of anything that would he more gladly received and appreciated We want you to Impr* " this fact upon your mind. That by purchasing from us you save from 50c to $j.H> t n t ueh pair. Remember, our 17-year reputation for "Square Dealing” guarantees the “H< nisi Worth” of our Shoes. I Children’s Dress and Xmas Shoes 4 to 8. with spring heels . 50c 4 to 8, with spring heels . 75c 3 to 8, with spring heels . SI.00 8!, to 11 $1.00 8'2 to 11 $1.25 S?_. toll $1.50 ft ? 2 to 2 . ..$1.00 11’.. to 2 . $1.25 II? 2 to 2 $1.50 Women’s “High Cut” Patent Colt Shoes $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50 A Splendid Dress Shoe Made with the extra “high cut” tops; patent colt vamps; newest “Stub" toes; short vamps; Cuban heels, $2.50. Men’s High Grade Shoes, an excellent Xmas gift, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 53.00, $3.50 and $4.00. Patent Colt, Gun Metal, \ ici Kid, Black Suede and Patent Kid, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 JOHNSTON’S 1545 E. MAIN STREET IlNERS SUFFERING IN DIRE POVERTY gjpwcrviA con, nrr.oriis qvit WORK IX C'OI,OKMKJ PROMISES \Hl: t'M'l'I,. ni.i.n>. toured to Colorado mine* under the roinpo good pay. Virginia miners »V® been dented IB ins wages, quit worn anti are now In (listltu an, according to :i letter received Commission'r of I.abor James shorty from (deputy Commissioner i Ijabor Edwin V. Brake, of c'o' Tttc letter follows “Oenver, t’ol, IX-e. 12, 15*10 liear Sir; “Since April first <>t this tear, there been a strike in th* northern coal Ada tf the State of Colorado, and fvaral hundred nun hate been ship from Virginia by the operators to the pla* o 'if tii * striking miners. Dm a very thorough Investigation the conditions since the strtk* . I »d that no attention has la i n paid. those s- * tiling help in Virginia P|h whether th< tni ti employed were ert miners or not. They Induce #y men to nom*- here and bring If families with the assurance that would receive steady employ- | #t at the rate < • $.i per day, and | they go to work they pay them 1 the rate of 12 per tint or less. .ml a great many of th< people, t night su;. Mc\,ral hundred, haie quit lurk because ot the mlsropreaenta ions made tn tin m by the agents of lie operators of this State, ami It has eft a great many people with their arnllles stranded In Colorado with no honey or no means to pet baek home. "J am Informed that you haul a an iri Vir.inl t that prohibits notions if this kind. Von can readily see that i n hat i no jurisdiction in Colorado, •t er tin agents of companies in Vi! • tinm. and eontrai ts being made In hat state leaves us practically help cm. I wish that you would give the eldest publicity through your depart ment to the residents of your State is to the eondtttons that some of tour ormer Inhabitants are In in this State it the present time. I feel that these i> partmetits should eo-oparat.i with ■Stoll other In stopping such actions on he part of th‘ operators In the In erest ol the wage earners. "Thanking you In advance for any hing that you can do to acquaint he people of your State with the facts itiove set forth III tills letter, I re main, “Vorv trulv ’'ours, "EDWIN V. BRAKE, ‘Depute State Labor Commissioner.’’ KILLS mslIAXD AND It! 1‘OHTs TO 1*01,KF. : WASHINGTON. Dee. Iti,—After killing her husband, Cecil Lomax, n negro, by shooting hitn in the head. Mattie Lomax m-duy walked to the [toHee court and calmly asked to he irrest-d on a charge of murder. An darnt vns hist being sent out for aer. us it was believed she had es •aped. Shi an Id I-omax attacked her ■vith a chair and in self-defense sho diet him. I "• . " ' Santa Claus, Bring Me Candies 1 iggett's Candis please ’cause they ure so exquisitely delirious. There’s many n little girl—and bin girl, too- -will echo this wish ut ^ uletide. Just be n good Santa Claus and see that bright and early at Christmas morning u l»ox of l.iggeM's Candies is repotting at the breakfast table of your choaen friend from—-well—Santa Claus. POLK MILLER'S The Store c 894 East Main Street. ANNOUNCEMENT Recently we contracted with a local advertising agency for the handling of our advertising. You have read in the newspapers our advertisement stating that we rare giving you 2244 pounds of Coal to the Ton. This is an absolute error—due to a misconception of the a<t' sent writer—We give but 2,000 pounds to the Ton, which is t1 I weight for a ton of coal in this market—but we give 2,000 da— ch we guarantee. P. Murphy & Son, In . f DEALERS IN COAL AND WOOD. TELEPHONES MADISON 3MO. MONROE 318 and 319. EJPEIT PLANNER IS NOT NEEDED lunviiY nvns m< iimom> wki.i TO I'llONT AMIIM, I'ltO. f.UDsslVI', CITIKS. Richmond has no special n ul id in expert city planm r. Thin is the Imi>r• ■-xion which Bust ness Manager Dabney, of the Chant' her of Common bring* back ivitl him fr> m Washington, where ho h<n limn attending-the contention >>1' tin American Ciilc Association. "I'roro tlu talks' 1 heard al the • > n .vention." said Mr. J>abm\ t- rJcl.i • morning, '1 am of the opinion tha Itlchmond Is already laid out muct better tlam the average city of Ine portanco in the country. Uur manu facturing distrt t is well gri-upon am tho natural growth and doieiopmetu if tlic city is along execih nt lines Some of the speakers adio. ati d a n» i ter system of hulluirig laws, but n that mm, too, I found that Rlchmom was tv. oil to tile front and ill He;-' of few If any Improvements in thm direction. ‘‘One speaker laid special etnphasli on the importanco of having topo graphical maps drawn of subut-bar territory with a view of having land scape gardener* and engineers t'ol low a definite line of work. Th. sug gestion war very good 111 its w.-r , hui a* a matter of fact Itlchmond has ,i scheme something like that already In effect," At the suggestion of Pi- aidr-nt W". .1 of the rh»mlj*r, Mr. Dabney "cm up to Washington for the purpose oi ascertaining whether Jth hniond is In actual need of a .special expert plan ning department such ns some clti>« already have. He thinks a landscape gardener might he employed to good advantage at times, hut he sees no i occasion for the establishment of n separate department for the work. Alderman W. Fred Richardson end 1 Mr. L. McK. Judkins, who accompa nied Mr. Dabney to Washington for the purpose of attending the conven tion, are not expected hack home un til Saturday. MUST DRIVE SLOWLY ON FREE BRIDGE i Major Werner Friday morning di rected his officers to arreet every dri ver of wagons, buggies and carriages who persisted In driving across the froe bridge faster than a walk. All chauffeurs and street ear motormen will receive similar treatment If they exceed the five-mile limit. The bride Is undergoing Important repulrs, and while the structure Is not I considered unsafe, the police are tak ing no chances with fust drivers or street cars, and for the general safety of the public have decided to reduce the vibration on the bridge to a mini mum. FRAVEL WANTED TO DIE FOR CRIME cm UMIll’H, OHIO, Dec. lri, Harry Fravel, i f Rarlcrion, Ohio, wife mur derer, naked to see tin electric th ir when he arrived at the penitentiary to-day to serve a life sentence. lie raid he preferred the electric chair to life Imprisonment and had hoped to be sentenced to death. Fravel killed his wife, .on pled to kill his mother-in-law. end s nd him self slier ho was urrestvd, PLAGE IN SYSTEM -- | V.OI'UJ SKLfXT llH'HI^ENTA TIV1> OF !*KI*.\IM M»:\T OF il STICK BY COMI’KTI. ’ I Tl\ K EX \MI\ \TIO\. } 1!AI.TIMORE, MD„ ]leoftnbpr 1«.— i That ill a«vis,ant a . arm y-rfontram, i and In,.' d Mates attorneys should in |. i 4. ,! by promotion nil tl cnni I i titi.i- nam* « itn u i-oiwnittee of t run r itimmcy-genei tin an an ex ..ininiiu board anu in:u politics .mould a. \ r in I'nri.' looted. or' the lieclara l el: "i SSiMant-AUnn.' '■ tit ni.T«l \V. T lMnisoit In an adur ss before the National t'TvIl Sen ice ifeinrm league h*re to-day. | I ron r the political rystem of np polnln • nt (■> ortn e ttn people tin not ret their money's v, irtn ot nervlee, •other in thi quality mid ability of the man appointed. nr In his service iftar appointment." .-aid Oenison. The appointing oilic • i irons to the iidiilial boss, receiws ironi him the mmp of thi parson t■ • ho appointed ' • > m .1 -i - nun. • - i uuv iiv »ia« r\cr .«♦ • n him; " h t> • r or not he > wurth; of uny trust "Th«- party mnnngvr.'. v..y the party hns i « it »•. rt;iin rn • *>t of l^gai u.-rk 'lnri • r poor mem *■ rs who have i* •1' - hi Him* '» 'Mi' port of i T> ;ru; * \V must *«t;i**r pay them tr«»m r n private rummy,' they s’-ty. ‘ .• : the pr. '!t' I'l rsf.' J > ui that I have not ’the Teuton* * • moral uu»n that can jH-r, ,uv th<- « . y» ntia! * > iptinction tn> t'U'ftt .‘ o il a plan m ■! ordinary cm* hezzh in* Tit Kit her t) people do not s- t th«dr work don#. r if they do /• t it don*', they hiiV*' to pay more than it r ally coats. • It is vitally important not to know a Jhinmnut from a K publican/’ said he. 'for th* nionvnt such ub.m-r ation oe.-un*. there fu'Nn nkuMbu*, tvratiny and betrayal • oath »»f of !ico.M TORIES NOW WANT TO TOT IT IISl 11'uiuinueil from Ki'"-' l‘ok'>'.i ih' LIhernia «!l i claim that the re sult constitutes an • ■ n.>■ ’iit-1i* popular approval of tha Llh-1 .■ proposal to <li'.-tro\ the Conservin'/." . haracti r of the Lords by the creation Libera! peers to be followed h- the abolition of the Lords.'. veto p. wi. The Con eeruitivc s are violent!; Insistent that a m. i coalition nta.' tity. of praoti i-a!tv the same siye ;,H m the last pnr lia.nieiii. is an inwutll' at '■ trrant for sueli rev ui ationary •' .-niros as the Liberal* propose. There is absolutely ti" proof that Kins thorite ever promised Asquith t'_at he would champ’ the complexion * the Lords' veto pmar. The Con • rnmcnt victory. The premier has allowed this impression to obtain, but be has never postil v. } said that the king lia“ made this promise. Tho Conservatives deny that such nssur Commons Will Vote for Heme Rule. i iiit g to the met t t tin I.(born 1s will have t«> depend ■ u the Irish Nh ; tioniillstH for a majority in the next i I ’ arlinnit nt. It is a foregone conclusion ; tlirt they will pass .t home rule meae i nr--, and ju-t as certain that the Lords I iv 111 reject It The; tv III also pass a hi1! abolishing the veto power nr the lairiK and this, too, will bo rejected > y lire Lords. On the two main Issues of the day, tin refnre, the situation trill be un elmnged front tie last Parliament, I which mentis that at an early date Parliament will .mo be dissolved and •mother general rl , Mon ordered. All this is. of four - ■ . , the assumption that the 1 ords will not he changed through any action • : the king. Should the king create the too nett peers re quired to male th- Lords a liberal body, the lion, r.m and veto lulls would go tltronu >ng with a lot of oth* t reform !< nisi turn proposed by tile Liberals. Disestablishment in Wales. The Liberals wdi try to effeet the .- tnbll.'-hnietit of the Church of Eng land in Wales in tin forthcoming'Ses sion 'f Parliament, and will take the till■ ImI steps toward the u’tlmate di vorcing of Church rind States all over the Lieut llritniu, provided these meas ures rue not sub -teaeked the' moment t la do h conus e . the more important questions. Marly in the ■ . ui there was talk of a lomproini ■ the question of curtailing the power of the Lords, but this lies censed. ; - the only compro mise the Liberals d Irish will agree to Is the aboili i the v eto power. Tim Lords wet. willing to cut tlietr number down t • : with half of the number i bos'di la their ovvnbody, but tin Liberals tlgm-d it out that such a change world ■ the Lords more powerful and rm nonary than ever, in that it would nee,! ,t the weak mem bers of tin body The election will probably mark the retirement of Balfour as the Conserva tive leader and the probable substitu tion of I-. E. Smith, thf newly elected member fmrn rl .. Walton district of Liverpool, in his stead. Balfour has now Pd Ills pnrt' through three ruc <. ssiv defeats Mh i score* of point* clans of his own f.ith have their knives uut for him. Not Ready for Protection. i Incidentally, the election has again ilcmonstrated tha’ Knglnnd does not think herself ready for a protective tariff. The Cor. -vaiivee did their I best to force this issue to the front, , hut the effort fi ll Put. Another "cry of ulurin" that failed wits the lnllti • enco of Amerlcai, dollars on English elections. The i nservatlves decried tho American contributions to the Irish cause ns an attempt to control English politics, but It is doubtful If the charge | changed the result in a single con I sUtuency. With the exception of one or two re mote consiluiem.i s, the election will end to-morrow. llov It. UVIISAV t.OKDOV .NOT \ CAMUDATK (Special to Tin- uiioutl Virginian.) KKKDERlf KR|:| lt<), VA„ Dec. Hi. —It Is reported lo-m that Hon. Jt. Lindsay Gordon .. Louisa, has mado a public stati tin-iit to the effect that ho would not 11■ * a candidate for the Democratic nomination for the Slate Senate. Hon. It. I'. 1. Moncure, of Staf-' ford, was hi* strongest opponent, and now has u clear held. FI UK DBSTUOVs IliiHK OF IKVU KE.VMOUV. . (Spee'ixl to Thu It ehmond Virginian.) < ilUUtlSONBI 111.. V.V., Deo. 1«_Fire ! of unknown origin let night destroyed [ Dave Kennedy's home at Dayton. Hut little furniture was saved The I lor-,- |M part .a 11 ..versa by insurance... j Trade Ko|X>rt. llradstreefs Saturday will xuy for i Richmond and vh lnltyi ' Wholesaler* and manufacturers of • eioilc*. oonfectlooa and fireworks and holiday goods srt tha closa of "a Schtvarxschild Bros, ChrLtmas Gifts in Sterling Silver and Gold Wares The attractive and appropriate gifts for this happy season are here in a variety of styles, embracing the latest designs in Diamonds and Gold Jewelry. No matter how elaborate or inexpensive you may wish your gift to be, a visit to this elegant store will readily meet your desires. We invite your attention to the display of Brooches, La Vallieres, Bracelets, Silver Bags, Lockets, Scarf Pins, Rings, Chains, Necklaces, Cuff Buttons, Silver Purses, Umbrellas. SCHWARZSCHILD BROS., Jewelers, Comer Broad and Second Streets. good month's trading and retailors In seasonable commodities report trade up to the average of recent years. While fining in orders for staple com modules continue good, the pre-in ventory quietude is perceptible In most lines. 1.umber is quiet and building operations are les* active. Collections are fair. OBITUARY Pat«r Thomas Barrow. PA.VV1IJ.K, V.V, Dee. It!.—Peter Thomas Barrow, one of Danville's old est citizens, died very suddenly here > ■ sterdwy, having been in declining health for several years. He was h member of the Methodist Church and i brut' Confederate veteran. Besides his wife, lie leaves the following chil dren: B. 1 >. Barrow, of Konnarock; P. T. Barrow, Jr., of Danville; Mrs. B. M. Bockhata, of Danville; Dr. George B. , Burrow, of Alt. Laurel: John G. Bar row. of Roanoke, and Miss Elvn Bur row. of Randolph-Macon Woman's Col lege, Lynchburg, and several brothers and sisters. Tho funeral will he conducted from the residence. on Paxton avenue, this of'er:i ■ oi at 4 oh lock. J 'll ward T\ Murphy. Edward P. Murphy, son of Colonel John Alurphy, of tnls city, died Tnurs day morning at Jacksonville. Fla., In the thirty-eighth year of his age. Th“ body will arrive in Richmond Saturday morning, and the funeral St. IVier’s church at ton A. M. The interment will lit* made In Mount cavalry cemetery. Mr. Murphy has been living for soma time in Chicago, anil was forced to go South for his health. Ho had 1 con ill about two months before he died. lartust 1.inwood. Earnest Llnwood, the eleven months old child of Mrs. Chrla Schnleder 12"1 West Cary street, died at th? homo of his parents Wednesday. The funeral will take place from tlm r.'ti . dtnco Friday afternoon at 4:3". end the Interment will he made in Kiv.-r \ lew cemetery. Mineral of Miss Walker. : i Special to Th« Richmond Vtrglnlan.) FKKDKRICKf?RCRG, VA„ Deo 1C. —The rcnmlns of Miss Sallle F. Walk er, formerly of this city, who died in Washington Wednesday, were brought hero Friday and interred In the city cemetery. Sho is survived by Mr. William H. Walker, Misses Elea nor and Maggie J. Walker, of Wash ington. W. T. R-ndnfl. tScp- i in! to The Richmond Virginian.) 1’UEl iRRlCKSHCRlr, VA.. 1 wo. 10. —Mr. W. T. Randall, a well known Confederate veteran of Stafford, died Wednesday nt his home near Roseweli after a short Illness, aged seventy-one years. He is survived by his widow, tiro eons, Messrs. Thomas E. Randall and Pazll Randall, and five daughters, Mrs. Mary Hoffman. Mrs. Henry Southard, Mrs. William Bryan end MBs Inez Randall and Miss I.utie Randall, of Stafford. The funeral took | place Friday afternoon from the , home. John A. Templeton Dead. I (Special to The Richmond Virginian STAUNTON, VA., Dec. 16.—James i A. Templeton, aged 82 years, died Inst night after several months* illness, | leaving his wife and one son. Mr. Templeton was a native of Roek * bridge, serving faithfully In the Con federate army. He was a dencon In the First Igresbyterian church of ■ Htaunton. William J. Lynch, ALEXANDRIA, VA., Dec. 1#.—Wll j liam J. Lynch, 63 years old. died Wed nesday morning at his homo, 110” | Queen street. Several children sur 1 vlve. I __ Miss Graoa Lyles. ALEXANDRIA. VA., Doc. Hi.—Miss j Grace Lyles, 13 years old, died Tues j duy at the home of her parents. Mr. | and lira. Edward Lyles, Franclonla, j Fairfax county. Virginia Weddings Robert son—Maildo s. LVNCHUURO, VA.. Dec. 19.-—Tes , terday at ;i 1*. M. at the parsonage : ot tno College Hill Baptist churcn 1 the pastor, Hnv. W. A. Ayrue, ofhetat , mg. Leo T. Robertson and Miss May 1 T. Maddox, both of Fairview Hetgnts, jn ere united In marriage. Approaching Marring''. i (Special to Th>' Richmond' Virginian.) !• REDKKIt KSIII'KO, VA-, i>ec. 1«. i —-Mr. and Mrs. Charles l’.Aerr m —Mr. and Aire. Charles A. Parry, of Spotsylvania, have announced the ap proaching wedding of thoir daughter, Mies Elsie L. Perry, to Air. \V. C. \ Weedon, of Spotsylvania. The wed ding will take place December from the historic Salem church near this city. l\d\\ arils—Will lit ins. SUFFOEK. VA, Dec. 16.—Mira .Irma Clio Williams, daughter of Mr. , and Mr*. Murdock G. Williams, end j James Elmer Edward*, of Prince I George county, were married Thurs | day afternoon at the bride's home in j Xansemotid county by He'. 11. 11. Mut ! ler. They will live in Petersburg. V’a t ta— Druhain. j FREDERICKS 1U*HO. VA., Dec. !«. '—Prank Fatts, of this city, and Miss ! Agnc* Deahaao, of King George coun ty, will be mnrrlad at the horn# of . the bride on Monday, December ! They will make their home In thl* I city. i _ Ha m il—Dry. NOKFOI.K, Dec. 1*>.—The marriage of Miss Marguerite Walters Day, daughter of Mrs. William Tiberius !>ey. to C. WTIllard Murrell. Jr., »on cf Mr. and Airs C. .V ltarrell, took place bvst evening at half-past 7 o’clock at Epwurth M E. church. The church decorations were white cut flowers, palms, ferns and evergreens. The ceremony was perlormed by Rev. L-IL1 "■ —■JJ. L ! Georgs Booker, V. t>., of Potersburr, I rnd Rev. T. A. Smoot, pastor of thj | church. ! Immediately after the ceremony a ' reception was held at the bride's i home. In Ghent, after which the bride [and groom left for a Northern wed j ding trip. Gtndhart-Taylor. j WEST POINT. VA„ December IS.— ! Mr. Harry Oindhart and Mies Sue i J.,es Taylor, of West I’olnf. were miv 1 rled by Rev. George W. McDaniel in his study at the El ret Baptist church ; in Richmond on Thursday at half past ten o'clock. Tito couple left hero on the morning train accompanied by I French Taylor, brother of the bride, v. ho tvas best man and Miss Mori. Drue, who was maid of honor. The bride wore a dark blue cloth traveling suit, hat and gloves to match. After spending a few days In Richmond the happy couple will visit Washing ton. On their return they will reside In West Point. I'mkhoiner.Andea HARRISONBURG V.V. December IS.—George I.. Funkhourer, of M\ Jackson, son of J. Milton Kunkhouset a well known cattle dealer, and Mls.i Ada F. Andes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, B. F. Andes, of the Tlmhervilie section, were married Wednesday night by Rev. Milton Whltener. Both the young people belong to prominent Valley families. Mn<fy-Ma*on. H A n H i so n }»i: nn. v a , i :* r lC.--M*ilv!n K. Suvl>. a vromtrnt bnalneaa man of Broadway, and MW' Cora Maaun. daughter *>t Mr. o: ’ Mr*. Jump* Ma.^n, wore* married Ta? * day night by Rpv. B Hanrahan. CERTIFICATE RE-FXTENDING CHARTER. Tniiicnr Dr pari., Owes nr Crmrrftnujr >t <>» rat Prmu w r, W\»invaroN. I> C.. Dr ryurnT, 1.M0 Wneitru. bv junuf.^rtorv evidrn.v 1 C<> th** imd*f*irTml. it hiu« mvb t» *;>rv* ii.»i Tlx* MERCHANT* NATIONAL hw»; * >F RfbHMON'D. kn^ri in *b* CJTV f RICH VOND. n th* County of HI N'HH <» nn4 ><*.«• cv VIRGINIA. has romphad with »'l ih" pr--. ^-r i itf Vh«* Act of Conge *5 ‘ to i f.iSW N#t.or;:tI Rar ♦ng A*r*ci*ri«n*• "to pststui th/nr enNt, and for othfjf rwtrx» »:•<*<. * *pp«ovrd Ju !*S2, *» amer.df'l b;. ui- A. r, approved Aj> . I*1. 190*. NOW, THEREFORF. f. LAW RLXC*; O. Mr hr a v, 1 <iMnnoiuii or the Cm**. , t. do h*r*by certify that Th* MERCHANT* \ TJONAI. BAN* OF RICHMOND. bv**t*! »* .h* CITY of RICHMOND. - tbr Co an- . f HENRICO »«d of VIKC.l NT A tr **jth #** l to have *uro «***•■!» tor the p*n.d *p- iii*d o. «: ♦ amend**] art Me* of a**o<nat i* •*.: «■ **■,«!>. un i clove of hti«ib*M on DECEMBER 7. 193C. I* T**nao?nr Wirii-ftc'uv vitunwi my head ur i Seal of effiee thi« SEVEN TH day oi Dl ( YMBEK. IS 10. LAWRENCE O MT HR W . Cotutnuik or tat Cibuxct. fmei.) Charier S'». ITS*. / .rf^Wc-n Xo. ft- \ Removal Notice. Mr. Geo. E. Wise announces that he h..i removed his law offices from HOT Ban;; Street, to fdT Mutual Building, Hieli mond, Virginia. Gold for a Christmas Gift The most appropriate gift you can give to any friend or relation would be a few shares of treasury stock of the Argus ('.old Mining Corporation—while they are only 30c Per Share, Par Value $1.00 Only 50,000 shares to be sold at this price and when these have been disposed of not another share will be procurable at this price. We have the Gold—We have the Plant, all that is now needed is a bift Re duction Mill—one that is capable of treating 100 tons or more daily. The property of the ARGUS GOLD MINING CORPORATION Is located about fifty-eight miles from Richmond, Va., in the counties of Flyvanna and Goochland, and comprise holdings to the extent of 344 acres. The stock is fully paid and non-assessable. Positively when these 50,000 shares have been sold the price will advance and not another share will be available at 30c. TERMS: Cash or 25 per cent, cash and the balance in three equal installments of 25 per cent. each. CALL AT OUR OFFICE, OR IF YOU ARE OUT OF TOWN USE THE COU PON IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT. $59.94 Per Ton Was Recently Assayed from "run of mini'" tiro taken from one shaft in our mine this is far beyond the average of any other mine in the country. It is Imperative that the moat modem, high power machinery be installed at once, In order that the greatest possible saving can bn made and aa soon as this is accomplished wti will have equipment equaled by few and excelled by none. High-Class Agents Wanted In every locality. Write the manager for terms, etc. Act at once, before the best territory has been secured. COUPON. CUT OUT AND MAIL TO-DAY Manager Argus Gold Mining Cor|xmition, 702 Mutual Building, Hicliroond, Vn. Dear Sir:—Please send me jour Proepeetus and other data regarding your mining proposition. It is understood that I am in no way obligated. Name. Address.. Argus Gold Mining Corporation TEMPORARY OFFICES, RICHMOND, 702 MUTUAL BUILDING. VIRGINIA.