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“Umps” Must Trim Their Lamps--Academy Boys Get Letters RECEIVE LETTERS & CHOOSE BOSSES * T ITH1 ITU Itl'COUA. * T!(»S Will, HI Ml Mllll It AT Hl», MM TIM-THV K AMI h.\s*:h\I.I, I.I.AIt 1 KS TO III N \MI I). Lttli'r: will In- ..war-' - i th 1-t-h mond A*-*rtf my pi *>»•!■» «!>•• have earned tht m and ;» I..• : iil track manager « til be eh < tt.i .-* -t >im meeting c( :h. a an mi aw-v and Mudent N'dt < th ■ m ■ n,- in the jtjilh SmiiMlng i'r ... n n i ^ho nit r wh‘ will ri - < \ < thr •ovrtrd lett* r*. >r> '’- . i i -■ .1 n. . Tre'eii. Han >■ k <'• ■■ K• r- rt • 1 .r ri*. Johns! x« twe* >h,-.rj» . \\ • .-in. IL Taylor, r i<1 and The letter* wiil !■< invaiiii-ii I li B Hank in* >f th- .-icMdcpti an i •harp ttt k» - t’T hi ■ . !rit nt,d eel into the game i- i< I v Toy, u\\ :i'1 rm >, M:e i> ,-Tith a no VVinfr. •. wfc • ho;-« t - u .tining epunk on d urn ire ih<- ba-< imi) ;,rd track nun •' •>!,. r u pr, ent A; this genera meeting »■’ >’ for the track and ’a,'., ha.; a* a he dlSCUS • d lehgii t.\ the prrScht Itttdrnt t> d> rhd old gra i?. H. H Harris and Wiliam S"?-• ••• r will likeiv f -h,,|ieri manatee! Ik track team, as she r* tin tw mo-sf likely candidates J hr, .» ,hn*t<m, jamln Scott and A I’nmp1 ■!! I <■' whom arc nifty trill tna.v r*. nr■ n,,t for the- managership ,-f the IP i nine. The students ha • iSrctdy chosen Harris Barnes a* cap,tain of the lure bail team, and Breaddns Trovett ns captain of next year's so no! WOULD EXAMINE f i i„ I»RESinK.NT LYNC H «AM,i Hi KNOW THAT AHIUTKKV OB BCS AK1. hTHAB.iii \\u FJLAWI-lvSh I-Hlolt I-. Till M NEW YORK. r>. -till.. : York's winter fan? art to nay h posing a series **i • ..» lift- (• .' i • umpire* .if li.e .\a(, 1 •»Si^ - log the announcement l.*> i'r.*.oent ; Lynch that .lie I r..| >. .i t -uMim ‘ eiery on* of tho iii•:n-"i»i■ >r l> indues to a severe optica! mmlntitt >u be ■ tore giving him a j.. Si This statement was mad* hv Lynch during yesterday « s»n.-i n uf the N.i s UOnaJ League magaat.'*, foil..wing f Km* rather tart er»iel*m« of the | umpires by several magnates * Some of the fans sugg-st tie | umpire he appoint*-*) when' eyes at'. ' other than baby blue m color, that they may mutch tile general eel"." | athtrue Others want umpire.* t" >" | examined for ophti almm. ou.gma , Urm. conjunctivitis, strabismus auiorostM am] kindred allni. nt: The National I-cagne mu ;ii «t. • lire (till in session. though lit'..- husttic of importance was e'.pietcd t > trammeled at to-days meeting, which was due to open at noon at the lintel i Ureal in. f The surprises of yesterday'* meet trg waa the dropping <■t 1 harles Kt> , belts, of Brooklyn, from the m heiiuh ii committee. Ehbet* has he* n on this 1 Important committee tor twenty our... I' a*id has framed more r> he dales than any other man it is -thought Lynch had a chance to g." | back at the Brooklyn magnate tor hi* j continued opposition, am) forced him | Off the committee. It was Kbbet* uttd I > Murphy who last year hi Id out for 5 the prolonged season which gun I Brooklyn two games on folumbu tiy. | The committee for the coming year tfflWUl be President Lynch, Secretary ' Meydler, and President Dreyfus, of |Pittsburg. 11 will report in ! ei.ruury f The magnates also ordered 1 *r* --.I dent Lynch to light for the re-clt*. - tion of Garry Herrmann, of Cinrin * astl* as a member of the National [Baseball Commission. Tie position j adds $5,000 to Herrmann •> income. 1 MAKES “KISS SHOT” WiHU' Ifuppi*. Mi) \h Wil li*' ft •; ; . . hi-.m ;<:< u Mllla r.i j»1.i*'r of tin t*. r-rld, #f» i Mly« Ali'f* I' Walsh, »*f >!).;■,;« \\ Walsh, of Ndr* t\ ' ?fh • r« • ! and Riverside l*r . N* \ York 'vrr*1 rjubtlv tn ,r n< ! if i H r > i i n< • f Cardinal <lib hons. rulmii nib ^ a romance ht^ur «f A t1 * j»j;! i it- s* , ral yrfir«* asp*. " tx 'i Mr H p|"' rt-‘ ur <! Miss Wnl h front t!.* v rf. At the tin; *«f the r* s tie Mr Ifnp Pr- did P-.t k ’ ■ " <. < i v . !r»M»», hot he win smitten ^ ifh to r and a f ri*ndshlp f*■ i‘wed, \V!un tin frb'p 1 sh»p had rp ♦ »ifil Into something more serious and Mr ilopj.' had prop hr tot; r* ferr* d f». f 1 >« father of M; f; W;..'- h v '.,. j a to !■** < a!th* . Mr Wn!«h 'I the mupb to vaft a few years* t ut vmim: Hoppi* #rrcv- tired * f uniting. and the cout h doped. PLOiViaERS 10 ILL AGAINST MEAT MEN HOT GAME IS EXPECTED ON NEW. PORT ALLEYS FRIDAY NIGHT. WHEN TEAMS CLASH. Per fh* f . tit r .»•incf the Hi h tn**nd fb»uli p i .' .'Ptp w its reorganized to » h the • 'i • ■ ip' it < * the teams the Plot* ' . tuPl la* «r* r; in fut.oli I'Tid-'i v nifit-.t, wdfii f In clip-. • ai tho \fv>p‘l' \ih y.‘‘ ‘1 h l be M*’*tl IVnlv r Th* ,«i - r« <• . r* w has had ■ * : ; i !’ ■ iff. ' lh 1 I : ! : . if • ' . * . tn- - * xi • ?.f if. thf -»is»t*-r with H i ? • — , ■ !hr IMunihf t M will • f J ■ !!.. r • ? ■ ' ' * »' . t » t ii ■ • ' V »i 1 • Ti.-. 1'*i;11 w ip<» s, how < y.-r, . < (Hi i.i* fti »r m t- r i •. i tit for tho •: frnj. !h«ir Uni, r»m l<.»\ irion** then? v '" -i r iti ? U i h.ii i* A fast K'nni' >*** -.1 1*» '• • ■ * • »«jr ;• j/»Tf '• 111mid w: • •» ■ i.' • i, t; > tart y »’ atrug *'k\ TO PLfly BASKETBALL JIT flOANOKE COLLEGE SALEM COLLEGIANS WILL PLAY FIRST GAME WITH VIRGINIA TECH JANUARY 14 S A U-:v VA T’• . U A' iniftva- ( tH• ii v • ■ • trr■■*} t! ». (.’»;!< & ThurMfi,.;, ! •-;) t whi-ri it w ..:-n ;ihw d Hint a l»ii f- k- t hail t * :.»i« v. <Mii,| In- put In i 1 ho fit-UJ ti i w n.u i i' • ,,i | win ?■* pia.VMl Juti-Mrv It null t H«* ; Virginia I*«1\ • * •‘•mu i .stituH- *. 1 Atnoni; f I; * * • li* r t<-:inis ipainjd ul. .mi I hr F< i 1 < .V «- v. ill j... • ‘i r In.i' the i ;"n iin~ \\ it»hin*£t<>r and !.♦-«*. li mop: ■ H< i ry, \. M I .1 • tli Roanoke . Y. M r A SItor, nn ox\a ri< no <3 and >t 11 j I'* fckethjtll phi % *'i, h.: t>t *'i. v h>>~* n mp* * tain or the toamr and hnp ^elect'd * Rl»t | oth» r 0‘o»<t. j: *• t mim«r athlete* to make ! »tp t hr Hair ami list « »f puhstitute 1. ProBpocMa are ■hrlsrht for H good flr>*t yr:tr nt tho Indoor ‘port IKOIt f % A FOH sau: IN TUK IUCHMOMj Virginian Want Ada. will bring you ) BASKETBALL WILL i j BEGIN IN CAPITAL ' ON FRIDAY NIGHI Hl< ALMOND AND POKTSMOITII Y. M. C. A. TKA.Ms TO OPES Si: V SON IIKHK—(,OOD (.ami; AND ( ltOAVD EXPEmB. With n fast game between the Y. , N* C. A. quint. I «jf Richmond and the Y. M a. t«am «>r Portsmouth, ! the basketball u 'on will begin in 1 i the capital * 11> Friday night Thr ■ game "ill begin at x I.', o'clock, and : promises t" he Interesting to .'no or more ape. lnb>rs^wlio - an he aoumino- ' dated. The < Vntrai "t M *’ A. boys of I Kh hmond arc in ran form for a spir- ' tied encounter, and expect to romp off with the largo end of the score The I'.'ini mi? yi'ar is on« <•i in** Tarrofti that the 1 'M. c A has pver turned out, and AssiFtajit Physical T>ir* t«*r Conwav says t h * * propped-ts nr* bright lor a 8uc«».mdul 8*a«t»n. The quintet ts - <>mpos«.(I in th*. main , of ,«*;i son* d an 1 experienced player*. Three < i th» r<Kulur® of lost >ear’a t> m, a 1111• h. It will la* remembered, 1111<sI:*’<i tin* p>*a.*«4in without a .single I defeat, art hack In th« !lne-up thi on, »,ni will piny Friday night. In ; ..ddition to this strong trio, th* team has \V I . Metcalf, who starred with th* William ami Mar' qirntet last * year. and K W Michaels, a substitute on last a ar s winning flve, The ph,\s!<fU hire* tor arid his its- 1 Riatant found .l larjuro abundance of excellent materia! for tho Reason, and in th** ovent of injury or disqualifica tion frequent .inrl mmi'-rous substitu tions ran ho /n ob without impairing th. Richmond five's <hances for vic tor v Thi. probable line-up f>f the Rieh ! imm.l tt 'im Friday night will ho M F, 1 I^iv.reti.n ami F. M. Twining, for v nrfl'i, IS’. J* Michaels, center; Cap tain V. A WHIh, c. it. Wilson and W. A. Hruce, guards, K. W. Michael* and Pilcher tv!!] aim* bo tried out. The Portsmouth team is touted an the best yet. and th*- navyyard towns man will forr.o t<> Richmond flushed with confidence ..f virp-ry ROOSEVELT'S -CATCH ’EM ALIVE" FRIEND WILL PERFORM FOR JERSEY MILLIONAIRE. fM’TMKir:, f *K f. A the lfi. • A wolf i.-'-iiii in N.-w J» i\s«*y, «omluctod by * V»? < vi i h Jaok Abernathy, I. t* l' r- .rrc .J States marHhal «*t < »kbihofd.i. in scheduled for New Vfur’y buy It is understood hero that Al»'«‘rn«t.hy is to r*-rc!v< $5,W)0 for (!* - trsousi rating to a N*-»v York millionaire ami iii.s ho use gvmMs how he eutchos v,otv« - aliv#- w ith h\H hands. IUh three wolf-hunting ponies have already been o i; i ] r ■< H 1'as‘t. FROM OR. ROLLER HAIll.MoKI t.itAlTl.TK TIIKOWs] Sl.vm.i: HIII sTM ltTWH I.. PIIVSKIW SPOUTS Tilts! TATI.. HAL.TI.MOKK, Mr».. December I • - AnnTifii* K!:is Schoenlc in>. of lial tlJnor*.. believes lo-dav that Or. Holler, to. M, dim -p t applcr ol Seattle, hud mad" a mistake in hie diagnosis. Amiri' ,n wm the vl.-tor In the finish I wrestling mat'h hero lust night, gain- ; lag two out of three falls from the i man that gate tho giant Zliystko a ! tough run In New York Tuesday ; night. Holier won the first fall. Atnerlcus had hii easy time in the j tv.o succeeding periods. The match I was held under the auspices of the Monumental Athletic Club, of which j Amerlens holds uhout all the offices . that can he Jammed Into one organl- i nation Tlo crowd, while*small, was not disappointing because It begins io dawn Ihm Baltimoreans are n.>t , Christmas Gift Suggestions at Wright’s Practical, arc ideal Rifts, and our showing this year by far exceeds all previous efforts. Come in and see for yourself. Let us help you do your Xmas shop- ( ping. Come in and make your selections where quality ' aiid better prices are found. We have gifts from the inexpensive to the expensive kind, and the large variety of our showing will make gift selection a real pleasure. There’s a grand opportunity at this store to get both the man and boy a practical, sensible gift, the kind that will please him, at the same time give entire satisfac tion—the prices at “Wright’s” are so attractive. Once at our store, our goods will speak for themselves. SELECT NOW, YOU’LL GET A MUCH BETTER CHOICE. Sweaters \N 'vor»l, color*. both coat, pl.'iin -dylea, for man and N»y, from $1 TO $5 Stunning Suits for Xmas V\ i- have on (li-'i :.i> uf our more the newift and hand.iorni'st Ilund-Tailorrd Suits. all wool, that the season had pnt iUjei d They are indeed very attrac tive and ace made and tailored h\ the following well known el> thing mnntifaeturprs. SCHLOSS BROS. CO., of Balti more and New York. HART, SCHAFFM R A MARX, of Chicago. ltith names are mumped on their re speetiv a riner.i-. and that with the name ■ \\ ightV i-ioircs the goodness of quality find the correctness ef style. We can give you extraordinary values ,n Suits, ranging in price from $10™ $35 Underwear Fleece Lined and Itnlhriggan in l*oth cotton and woolen materials, from 50cTO $2 Gifts that the Man Will Appreciate U c invito you to examine <mr lino of Until Robes. 1 Dunging Robes Srnok >uH .1 ickets, ( om In nation Sets, Silk Srarfs, f'tr., etc. Our holiday showing is :i handsome one, thr designs una patterns so bright and attractive A mere glum e at our showing of ! Funcy Vests will convince that it is impossible to get such values else- i where. Fnncv Vests from $1.00 TO $6.50 | Nobby Overcoats We have assembled nt our store n eolleetiun of distinetlv stylish Over coats. till wool, in all the tancv and staple fabrics Kvrrything that's now in material and style Some have the military collar, some have the plain collar, just as you pre fer them, long, short and medium length Overcoats for every occasion. These garments are tailored from the season’* select rondels, every line and stitch shows the touch of tailoring art . "Wright's” Overcoat * are very popular and attractive. Quality and the attractive price have made them so; from $10™ $35 Trousers These garments i>mb«M every “W right" goodly quality; they are care fully hand-tailored, made from the season's selected materials, priced moderately, from $3 TO $10 We carry a complete and assorted line of Collins, Cuffs, Ties, Handker chiefs, Gloves, Collar Hags, Suit Cute and Traveling Hags in fart everything that's found in an U]>-to-date "man's store " We invite you to make our i store your headquarters and assure that iesoection imflics no obligation whale, ev r to Children’s Clothing The question of what to give the hov i« easily answered when looking < ver our stts ks of Hoys’ Wearing Apparel. We take particular pride in our showing SUITS, REEFERS, TOP COATS AND OVERCOATS. Three garments will Rico excellent wear and hold their shat*- the only ‘liing cheap about them is the price We suggest that you come in and look at the many bargains found in Isn 't, clothing from $2.50 ro $10 Hats for the Holidays Our showing of Hats is a handsome one in it» entirety. You 11 find hers aD the new creations in soft and stiff hats for man and l>oy. All the popular colors and shades represented la our special holiday showing. fo AND «£ UP. Holiday Novelties Silver Toilet Sets, upwards from 91.M Military Brushes upwards from $2.M Traveling fOSa. upwards from.. ,$1.M The value* found in Gold Cuff But tons, Scarf Pins, etc , etc., are worth your while to investigate. Come in and look them over. Horace S. Wright Company, Inc. “The Know How Clothiers and Furnishers,” 3 East Broad. “falling’ for the wr< .«tilng game in by-gone days. MURPHY DEFEATS PUL MOORE EASILY NEW 'ioKK, Wicembcr It;.—Har bin Murphy's victory over Pa! M >oru has placed the S' v. York boy amongst the best light weights of the country ! and an effort is on foot to-day to | ins tch hint with Kr, iokoiit Drown. who i“ r* gnrded a the best lightweight In ! tn>- East. 1: Murphy md Drown are matched the winner will probably fight Coven Moran, the Englishman, the victor Ir this fight t" take on Ad TVolgast for th" championship. MIMS TO MEET JIT RICHMOND HOTEL ItONK HONK HOYS TO LATHER MONDAY Vlt.lIT AND HEAR SAM ATKINSON TALK. A regular ircnthly meeting of the J'ichmnnd Automobile Club will he It dd at the Richmond hotel Monday-. “The Store That Beat* ’Em All.” Our Suits and Overcoats ...AT... You'll find patterns and fabrics in this $10 lino of <>urs you simph cannot find elsewhere for less than 820. fur every taste, ior every build, there’s a -pli ndid ranee of snappy rich fabrics, of perfect fitting Mvlr- tfiat vou'd never expect to buy for less than $20. I he better \ou are posted the greater will be your appreciation of the tailoring, the quality and the fit of our suits and overcoats at $10. There's nothing to compare with them- there’s no value anywhere that gives you so much for your money. 1 h< more you compare the better satisfied you’ll be with our clothes. The American Clothing Store Co. 418 EAST BROAD STREET [December 19. at K:30 o'clock In the ! evening. Several matters of Importance will Ij brought before the elub for action. There will also bo a report from Ham pel Atkinson, delegate to the annual meeting of the American Automobile Association recently held In New 1 ork city. SPHEDIXE F<>K l»lt WHli BK bOSbtB THAN OTHHIs— HARVARD GAME SI RE. PRINCETON, N. J , December 11 — Everything else having failed to turn out a championship football team at 1’rlnreton, it has now been decided to add two more games to next season's si hcdulo, in the hope that real strug gle* on ihe gridiron will lit the team for a better showing against Yale. One oi these games will be with Rutgers and the other, It is hoped, with Har vard. i tie date of a Pnnceton-Harvar.l gf me Is all that now prevents the signing of a contract, Harvard wants the game on November 4, to allow two weeks for her to prepare for Yale w hilt Princeton wants it a week later to put the team on edge for the bull dog. i ho announcement of an increased schedule Is received with enthusiasm b.i the students, who for years have contended that the Tigers have not been given enough preparatory work. I JOHNSON WOULD BOX FORCHITL NEGRO PUGILIST PROPOSES TO ! GO SIX ROUNDS WITH WHITE i CLUBMAN IX CHICAGO. CHICAGO, Dec. 16.—With charity ns the excuse. Jack Johnson, heavy weight champion, to-day Is out with a proposition to revive boxing in Chi cago by staging a aeries of bouts for ; New Year's Eve. Johnson, if the au- ! thoritios will permit, promlws to put i up a hot six round go against George ! Lytton, merchant and clubman, who is j a. devotee of the punching art. Lyt ton has not yet signified that he will , agree to be the big negro's punching bag even for charity. Johnson yesterday tackled Waller Monaghan, his sparring partner, and showed all his old speed and strength, ! Monaghan bulng almost unable to land a blow. Rcuir-Jc to Coat'll Michigan Aggies. LANSING, MICH.. December 16.— Hugo Dezdek, former football coach for Arkansas University, has accepted the position as coacn at the Michigan Agricultural College, succeeding C. L. Brewer. Besdek was fullback on the Chicago University team In 1905. Famous Sprinter Seriously III. CHICAGO, December 16.—W. W. May, the crack University of Illinois sprinter, and member of the American team In the Olympic games at Lon don, Is seriously 111 with diphtheria He has been taken to the ward for contaglQtus diseases at the county hos pital. eis SHIP IS IN ! RACE AGIST TIME MAURETANIA COMPLETES FIRST; LEG OF WHAT IS EXPECTED TO BE FASTEST OVER SEA ROUND TRIP, NK\\ Y< IKK. J.»**' . 16. It tv;u» m- j ; lu ll} I 41 title morning when the pan- | '«•>!»• t gangway ..f the bln Cunnrder : Mauretania was dropped ut her dork and the first leg on what is expected j to bo the fastest round trip In the his tory of the Atlantic was completed. During the night customs tdliciais ana j friends of tin incoming passengers had . gathered on the pier and followed the ! ; progress of the -v1Uren of the seas i by the means of wireless bulletins. As ! 1 soon as tho lined edged Into sight at ‘ | yuarantlne tli<* health em<-er» boat ; and the two big post ofiiee steamers i hitched alongside. The Mauretania did I not stop. The work of passing her by i tilt- doctor and the transfer of her 4.2S4 | sacks of Christmas mall continued as i wile worked slowly up the bay. Four hundred roal passers began j Blowing »»ny ner o.zuv ions oi se lected fuel ac soon ns she settled Into her berth. Despite the hear] winds and seas which «h<‘ encountered almost all 1 lie way across, which prevented her making a speed record, ns had been planned, she will sail on time at 6 o'clock to-morrow night and will land her malls on the other side not later than Wednesday night. FRANK GOTCH MAY RETURN 10 MAT PREMIER C.RAPPDKR LIKJEJLrY TO t oME OVT OF RETIREMENT AM) WRESTLE SOMK MORE. CHICAGO, December 16.—Contra d'ctlng all his former nsaertlons. Frank Ootch to-day admitted that his return to tlx* mat was not imprubaide and that If "one little obstacle" were removed he might be Been In a bunt with either Hackenschmldt or Muh mout before summer. Ootch refused to say what that one little obstacle was further than It was L>f a private nature, "J am as good now ur at any time n my career," he declared, "and a ellow hates to give up anything at ivhlch he la the last mun in the sorld." j h I* OFFICERS TO LEHRS ART Of HERflPLHWNE GERMAN MINISTER OF WAR IN CLUDES AIR NAVIGATION IN NAVAL COURSE, WKI LIN, l'ec. 18.—The det islon of the ministers of war and marine to In v:iud« aeroplanin* In the military am! naval courses of Instruction, while hailed to-day as an Important step, l a serv'd lo emphasise tit* tardiness t>: the (tirnian authorities in reeogni*. In* the aeroplane as a practical agent In war. The war office will now try to male up its lost ground, but it is admitted that It wdl be several years before Gcr man flyers may hope to equal those of Prance. Germany will not. however, cease her efforts to perfect a dirigible balloon for war purposes. ban is put on GEORGETOWN FIVE <* ... . a. r. sisrcNos blcg axd CRAY BASKKTRAIXi TEAM FOR SO DAYS. WASHINGTON. P, C, Pecembee *•—The registration committee. South Vtlantic Association. Amateur Ath letic Union. hue suspended tha Georgetown University basket bail t-arn for 30 days, beginning Deosm >er 3. for having played a game on hat date against the Baltimore Medi al College team, there having been ,n the latter team a player who had •ecu suspended for professionalism. The captain of the Georgetown team •u& notified before the game was play d that tho player referred to bail .-■on suspended, and warned not to •lay the game with the auspendod layer In the Baltimore Medical Col go line-up. A representative of tho (eorgetown team was given a hear >i? by the registration committee In Washington, December 8. The vote f tho committee on the suspension as unanimous. Tho registration committee also impended tho basketball team of tho I« mi-rlal Athletic Club, of Washing in, for two weeks, beginning Decern er 1*. for having used unregistered ten in a game against the Junior oclnllty Lyceum team of Alexandria. representative of the Memorial thletic Club team was also given a earing by the committee in Washing )ii December 8. Tho vote of ths ommlt le on this luspenslon wag Iso unanimous. SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER BY BISHOP THE shirt builder. NEW LINK OP FO^ICN^D^lltSTfc SHIRTS. *** OU* REMOVED TO HIS NEW STORE. 30 North Seventh Street