Newspaper Page Text
rttta or the most charming features of the Christmas holidays is th> r< - turn of the boys and girls from tlte various niflt go* ami boarding: school* They arc. warmly welcomed t»> r> In* fives and friends at h»mt . and til galtbs incident to their home-coming arc always didightful. Son ra’ > nv atmujfivp affairs will he given ' them this Yuietide. tin lulling dan, > * and Informal "parties The Richmond oonting. nt from Old field, near Baltimore. will arrive in this city Thursday evening, and in iltde* Mlt *< : Nil! tY Is V nil i> Mje/s. Margaret M, r. Martha Valentin Marian «1rtin<0 and Kn! Taylor. Mm Myer» will he the guest < l her aunt Mrs Preston. «»n West Frank' in street, as her tn-dher is sp- tiding the winter abroad. Miss Miilb-r win spend tin hedidaj s. w ith tin M - Ingram on West Grace. Mieses Mary and Annie Irvin, re turned Monday nornmi front t lsriar. and Mis* Marb Alvei from Stuart Mali Snndnj. t'nnting trun Hoi tine on Fridav wen Miss, s Sura Starke. Mary Volljckos-er and t'.t> stanee llernd. 11 i'il on damiarv it. invitation* v III in r> a I. v days for the marrtag. Mo Mar; Kovster. ..t Xorfi 1 to Mr. \\ i’liam H. iniiti, Jr. son o' Mr . Mrs. •WilKam it Whip, - Kichmom, which will take pi.. Ueclr.siiav evening. Januarr II. it: N-rfoik Th< Wedding «ii. I..- a . bur ii .'•sir, and will be of unusual interest here be. cause of the prominence ot the groom s parents find n. aiise .■; tht personnel of thr bridai party Which will include a number ■ ■ Richmond men among the ushers Interest \t (siding. Mrs Sarah I.a ids i r.i ha Invitation* : r it. marring. her niece. Miss Mai- Sims i<> Mr. v »n Jeter Savilie tne eremonv to iak place Saturday > .-nlr.g i>t ■ -mo.-i . at * o'cloi k in First Baptist . ' r. o this eitj. Mr. Savjjli »r.ri his brio, v : . '. i JtflWle after Jan,:..t> i'. s.» i r. 1 : i;r . avenue. llk ndioii |e||. Mr.. Wilfred s utth tor. Fredericks).. rg h.-s s.-m ,, ,? . ,ril. . , the marring ..f her nnngntsr. Mr n«»ren. . Mil Rowlett to Jonathiti Harris Abes. oi i ,n iunnil. .. ■)->. wedding will b« -.1. rnnu.-.l ,.t \\ . . land, ’ thi home o: in. pi . p , Wi»‘» brother. ,Jmlg. Ah In T. Kn. hr1 on Ham.'.er street, l'i..l.| u . burg, on Thur.-dii .)>ttiuarv m , P. M Thi '■e renioii, v ii it., f,,j . ... , .j bv-a larg. tve.ptioi. Invitations Tssuetl. Mr. arid Mrs Thomas Fran. i p. have issue,) imitate-!* ,),, riage of their daughter Kind,.- Cuii,. efine. to Mr. Albert S'.o.mi. t The wedding will take piu, a Thursdi, morning. January r. u tlie hom.. ,. the brldc-elcct. Knt.. o King Whine county, \u. mii m i— i ii i lor. Of Interval hi re I- tin nu rr - >U«m Elizabeth l.u. be Tax !■ ■!•, irigton, V» to Mr Krul. Gordon Smith, <.f r.iunui. r Springs. which wa* celebrated Satnniii; at 11 „vb>< ^ • t the Kiiim epal . hur.'h „t I;. minx ton. The Hex I. r | Inrpi r JVejtbyterian i !mr, li, p-r|..rm, .1 U,. ceremony The bride is the daughter Mr and Mb i burl. « V T.nb>r, .imi t|n ITOom the M.n 1,1 Mr .iml Mrs II. ni I.- Smith The bride wore l( bin,. , lniv, in* suit anil Ida. I, hat trumiieil n :ili wIIIots Plumes. Shi earrted xxh,t.. Chrysanthem umr. The matron of honor. Mi- r. \i Hill, of t'liiirlottorr lib . n .jr. i , ... i •nit and black ]>i( tur- bat lf.| rled carnation Th, bnd.-maids were Mir- Mmia Smith. . rn,,i ,, j Springs, Sister the M . m .. mle Qentry. e| < hurlotP sx iII. Ml Mary Taylor. < r th. Mill, > s, h. >d •nd Miss Virginia .1 Hamilton . , Remington. Th. x v . r, ,, .mi black plum, hut- and . • n , p. The heat man wn-. l.anrli smith ther of the groom. Tin usl i , , O. W. .Shuman ,,t \Va.-him:t. n lb • rd Smith. * * i Alexandria, and th. i . ■* brothers ui th. bride. .lenninx Ta Jor. ot Klehmond. and Ernest kid i The church tun t.lvtcfulix lb rit-,1 With holly and I II rx-f. . n“ Take I Ion m. in Wudiliuiioii. fiaja a Washington . \i bane. " and laid. Ha.1n.lil ha .. taken possession . Hi. h o-- .,| ■ •ml Mm Chore- I. r.izlmch. ,:i Sheridan dr. I. . and >•. d| ha . , n, them as guest- lor Hr xxlnt. ! d, - Wlekersham and Mis- Wu h. iih.iin mother and ,-ister >■: tin attorn. Jen era I, and o| l,«dy lladd. Id Hlr and Lilli Had- .dd sp, nt . ra days. in Kiel) motld the past autntb:. and vote mueh entertained ■ j,in here. Entertained in \e« tori,. Mimses ItoM-f.a and Mam St- n brecher, xx h<> at. spending sum tmn in X«iv A >>i i-. .-re entertain. - I o, Thureday at th, Ch,d.-.':i t|.n Mlaa l.iliia Hndllng, th. Metro;... tart Opera House. ICutcrtaiued in \,.« t ,,ih Mr. and Mrs. Holling's Itcciml. The lie. piano r.-.-ltuI h>. . Pile </ Mr and Mrs. Km,-t I dl;;^ wa»' recently pixel,. M: cini» Tonne. Krina Hinchinnii. K.,|.etp« Mitchell, Kouis. Quarles Mat Qaurlea. Alice lb rtrand. .\li, . Mit chell, Gay l-’ran.-is, liuth Ketini. Martha Johann, Marita ret x, ; Kvelyn Kiehardsnn, Kaura Khintnp Ernestine Briseitdlm-. in-ssj, \\ ati ■With l-'itzu ilson. Sam Hinsxx anpi-i Mil William Brigp; a, r. a no.nit K" pupils present. Miss Rosa I’.re nr . ' brilliant valse ..ajn :• . , Tin s. i. . i: ... w»r« from such . «'In-pin, Schubert. Schumann. d. ml. . to, Heller.■ l.inzt and .Ma.-b- • x Imitations Opt - Invitations bate.been Issued b- M. Wd Mrs. William W. old. <>i Nor-dlx. ■ #OT the marriage ,,f th, ir daughter i Milan Alice, to William Morton l >. . J-olt Wednesday evening. 1 ><■> * ruber .'V / At S o'clock,. in Christ , lum-h. \,ir . folk. Th* ceremony »> ill b. f,,i|. - by a reception at th, bride - bonn ! .86® Freemason str. . t. IV ix mats. • • Mies Emma Gray White, win. ha :!Jha*n apendfn* a week in rialtimorc, ma the guest of Miss < Tidlila Miller. .VHRflf return to Ittchinond Monda rvc -: HERE IS A CHANCE FOR EVERYONE $120.00 Paid in CASH PREMIUMS ' In mMivinn t« re.!ern>inR in' H HIT! I N FION ITTRi - I mm YOI MGER'S lMKAOK ?:o\sTLD roHITH n pouivf - *»n«i <'(,j PONS vfr•,fr,. -• *. uv I, *J. '* I*?. ' ai «! *. \ ■ Pi>katn‘» al tl-«' rate* of ore rrnt per I'lin-! I will i‘u >n < \>!I fJ.HiOO to the Pii'Aiinxr' turn in* In M■* niifnVr <•* mv " HITTl N '*!<»• N Vil'R!^ ,.r i ol }’<».•'•' •-/•••• > / w/Ufen tv Jinuaiy l*i. PHI Distributed ni foil*)*-* Ftr«t largest number . .$IV©0 s n'ond number ft *IM> Third lartrii number $14.00 Fourth Inntf Hi number..,. $12 00 Fifth large*t mn.ibrf fll.Ott Siith Iurge*r number $10 Oft Seventh lanir»( number $Q ®0 Eighth number 4H 00 Ninth largest number $7.(to Tenth largest number $t* *>0 Eleventh lurfitar number T*el?h largt't numbfr $4.©4 Thlrteenfh large* t number ., $ Fourteenth larCvr! number.... $i 00 fifteenth larHwi number $10) hi- . , n.j „ , r.ACK A(,y K tASTKh ( OFF/7. s in rt'hff yewf pr<tt-*ry b,. end j',tt >■ f • ' m)u/* nh the m*> *At‘ 1 pa. ’» j:: I v.o pror* of mv ( off1 .* •-*. 'i tt-.r \ •• of all ronmmer*. M ydi/nuir's conn s IN J*A« KM.J > U-nmi«f | I. C. YOISfl I U >) Hliim N >1(JAT 1 HLH '*rwi F'ni> 10 tI*- i i •;«. n prir*- v n ii. IlirtloM ft'ir * nn*ee>l nJOti^V ref •. n*i n!. ^ ir'- f’lvfe* vnif tried. if i*rojM»riy Jfvpnn • ’ r the <kup alwiy.* U*ed f or Mi"- t.\ ail -|e»h*r-». If >our Ms*r <hnn* (,n:f\n fti.vply \ .mj, ’pbone or writ* roe anti I >' il rive jo i the name of jt mer rb#nt. vrliu * l) 1-e giai Vo furnish v«; j my C oflw < Return nil ‘'IGNATl RLS an t COU* TON* to L.C. YOUNGER 1MPORTFR AM) COFFEE! ROASTER 102, 104 VIRGINIA STREET. rilONE MADISON 441. RICHMOND. VA. VSgnoer^ Virginia »DEi it gOFFEEj (•C'YOUNCE A ninjL' Miss White was the j?u* -t honor at s- «< ral dinners ad imh • :,*is '• <rjri«■ her stay In HaMmer .1 ;d*e and Mr A l.. Hoilada iii.ii M s* «';ir- iiif H‘*nadrtj have <• !!•;• i< H* -hmond -r th« winter, afp r an ahsenee of m-”, ,-ral months it thru h'>TVt at dnmhmr; . Mr H >d|<* s Mann is tb" i;u> t of • a,,}-. ! Hiid Mr.-, .fames Mann in * >1 ! * r -at Norfolk. Tie was among thus* d-m- ;ri« a! the «• rnnii u i\• u h> th** Norfolk ‘hub at tin Ghent < ". ■: i • I d Ida \ e\ • nine. M*>n J A. Winirtn Id. w In- has la n ' mi tn«r his fainilv n« ar t’harl at* - Juts returned to Rndifimnd. Miss Miir\ Garter \nd* t'*- a.. of Hanover is - pending several du.vs n town. Mr and Mrs, < harh a II Wood. <d Norfolk. will arrive Saturdaj to si" nd th. Ghristmas hofida- in this it> Me-s lean Glasgow, \vh>-> ha.- he, n visiting her sister, Mr- <’ II. Tam viler. in I Miilad< dj>hia, is • \j' < ted !<• retnrn to ith hnmnd Morula- « --niiiij'. Miss Keith lio\ull was anions those riding Sat, rda' nil' riu*,>n in the weekly hum tin l;iv»-i>hh Hunt < Huh. -Miss Margaret M< K« «> h.( . returned h«*na after a \ isit e* Miss Kate \\ , !is ■i I'.urfax HVrinii'. Norfolk. .Jarn»s i: \\ erth. Jr.. of New York, 1 d M l*'. Mam Worth, of Y .ung t «\*. n. * ». will s^etid the (’nristinas Hudidn't* with their parents Mi. and f Mr>. Janies ): oi this vity. ■t'ohun ! and Mrs. J. J M-oo ig ar, -*l 1 ’unburst X. < ‘ fot \ • i: I-. . Virginia Weddings I » Johnson—Kiliuan. ' 1 >'}>(" i'«! t • Th* Kb hin->n(1 \ iff?i)iia n. > *M A * V A . I »• I *. M |fss X • • 11 i * * K iimtin «* u * i lOlhson .Inhnsori, '<<1 .1 i m<i! I \ a., v *te married f. • • entiy at I *i in* . ss Ann . AM . i;, \ . Mr ilumh;, ..] the M 10. i hur**h. of i1' • j a t i 11 g -onlrj. : t*. Tim Kh hmmni Virginian * .,\|A<\ VA . 1>. ! !• A,, Merman 1 of l*♦ ntr.-t. a***»*•■, -ml M; - i.lM. «»nl( y, *•:' T:* | , ||a\e»i. •'•it married at 11»*• bride's |n*m*' <*n the * • nine i>1 I »* < eiTi! ■ r ! 'larriHfr^ \imuniKrtl. ! i i: \thsviu.i: \ \ . i>. , i *’ a t < **nt annmin* !ng ihr nmr. r >-• " Mi-" NeIHe M miu-), 11 a r \ *\ . ■«i W • *t UVTehi nd 4-nyjity, t » All JOd ''in Manl« .■ Walker. of Mnntri's> \ a I '• * * m’•J ’• at I’. M at St .lames i' ‘i h M'*nft"sy, \”a. Th* marrlak*' ■•ill I**- the nulmhintjon <>f a i*»\e »? ail- that 1«M H lasted for lift* ■ n \ * ni's, si! > ■ Ha «ample \v* r*- < hildr* n \|*l>roarhiiitf Mnrrhmc. , *.V.V<*lfifrii<l. V \ . I >o«. J:» Mrs. ‘Hi:,?! - .\ Se at •>) 1.; in hhurtf. h.m jiiii'Hineed th* appt*'Hihlng marring* of her duaglUt r. Miss fCsteMe. f-> ,1 limes- Hnrhmu Killespl*.. the \• nt to tak* n 1 a « at her home. Is US <*»ra*. hi* - I at 3 ! r, l*.* k during th af t- rt — ri >>! I *. < enib« r -ft. Iht-rll*—lirt'itl, LA WASTIOK. VA . I*.- IT -10 r le t I hiss iIs. *n ... ‘ aptain I. M I’nsvf 11 . nj Northumberland. and '•r**th* i "t .Mrs Henry, <•? l^i* hnmud, and Mi*- link Mrent. daughter «•! Th**rua • Sargiant K i hnarn**< 5.. w*-?. niitirinl Wed iv Mia at th • home *•! the bride's .la ther. tin 1;. • » i * <1* ri* k \V. ‘ ’la r - *r*» . 1; j*. ri ••riding t in* ceromphy .. \ oimg-**l>cMott. « HI ATI 1AM. VA l»ee. 11*- Win «lr.n < Ih .Mott. eldest daughter of Mrs, \<i,i I **M"tt, of t’haiham. and W l.. \ "mm. • l»anv|IJe. \v«m married at th*- horn* tin hr id* s mot In ? <*n . ]>» t*nl sir*-* ! Thursday arternoon. K»v. .1 iO. ! iro**k>. pa«tor of tin- bride. m dating, in tin- jtr-xMiee **f a small sratheriTiif *•: r«lati\<s and friends*: Immediate!, after tin ceremony Mr., and Mrs. Y*.un.g left for Ikinville. their futnr* honr**. where th** grooin Nomination and Voting Blank The Richmond Virginian TEACHERS' EUROPEAN TRIP CONTEST Thi» coupon can Ijc used to nominate any white teacher. retidine or located in the dintricU defined in the content. I hut coufton received counts 1,000 tola (only one ior anv teacher) catch additional coupon count* 1 \otc. When coupon if neatly trimmed, signed and deposited within one week of date issued NAME. No. 16j Nomination Counts 1,000 OWI for an* vote. hold- ;i responsible position with 111 < Southern Ho!! T.i ph'tjii' Ornpany. • ngnm uncut Xniioiiinvd. IK KI>i: U P *KS! U ’! iG. YA. lhe. 1U. Mr and Mr.-, Antotilo C. iVssano, of I *« tr.*it. Mi< h., amviiim-v the engage ment of their daughter. Mi*»s Grace I ’ ♦ ■ s111 m «, t. f > 1th hards, Mi this The wedding will tak< ■ In llf earl> spring, and the ♦ “upl- will r» 'Side h»*i* . Mr. Ki<-hards i> a n<-n <«; President H liarr Un hards. of tin I'ofoimn , I’rederh kshurg and f’n-d ni 'nl railroad. and is mniif" t‘ <j oath tin main ofm** * fh- road in this fit;. Hjihlri^nn—A a«*h. tSp. - ial to Thr Ki< hnmsnl Virginian.) \KWLAM* VA , \U>. la. At high noon at ti 1 *• horn*’ "i tin- ofth dating minister. Il*\. thorg* M. t’onneily. Mr. Hustis Utwri'twi Hah], rson ami Miss Hath Hingh.ini No h wore mar ried, and loft irnmediat*• l> tor a trip t-. l;i<hmond and Washington. They w ill I'oaid* in this village. obituary Kc\. .John 1\. M.imiii, l>. Ih ,\< uh ha: in-! ti r<ooi\, i| in this city ft Urn death of tin* K'-v. John K. Mason. 1* i». in Louisville, K\.. Sun das night. 1 »r. Mason 'nts f"r mans >♦ ns i i tor oi th< St. Janus HpH* < pal * linrvh i’i this . it*, and haves iiuiih. fi if aids lnl<. T 1 i *s <h-nth w a s i tin i • suit o a n >*|». r,it >n 1 "f a< nt« a pt*nt.dn itis performed on him last Sunday night in- NT a soli was horn in ItrunswjeK * ount V»i sixty-three ' • ars ’iK". P-- i c. iv<-.j his , -i"- ntioti from tin- Virginia Mditat Institute and Hampden Sid ti. « ' *11* m ami was fitted lor tin m in ist r . ai liui Virginia. Thcologi .nlI . Seminary. II was nr-t rector at. < ‘hariott< , N '' . ami i r-nn tin r.« h< w»*nt to Harrisonburg. V.». While ho was rol-tr of th• St Janos chur h m liiohnnunl he whs Invited to come to tin- St. Andrew’s church in Hons-, \ ill-, .ni l has loa n there sim■< .Tan ua I '• . 1 v ‘.Mi. In sid< s Iris w ido'\ . 1 *r Mason le.iv s. three daughters .Mrs. Hillon l.-w-on, i t Henlawsou. W. \’>i . Misses Nannie; and I mu He Mason- and on** s**n. Tip funeral srrvir. s .\ill take in Louis\ ille Mondav afternoon, after u hii h tile hod \ will it* sent I ‘Alex andria \'ii . for 1 -aria ). Miss ( allli' It. slm< kfoial. Mss I’allie !’ Shaekford, daugh ter * ■! AH t'ulhe I Siia ek ford, died at the home i : lor mother. Hanover a\a«nue. Saturday ill t« rim .»». in the nim i ’' ill!: • ar of lur age. Sin- was taken s,.f and died while j attending th> State Norma! Sch *1 m' l 'arimilh. Ml-. Willie VirKillht la-lmali. -Mr-. Wiith- Yirn/nia Kastman. a it e ,1 fortyought, died Saturday iil'UTIWiin .11 the WiilwunaliiiiK ho-|iitul. Sin ImiVi h mu* daught, r -mil thri r sons I'nneral w ill lit- la lit Tuesday af ternoon ai H i lin k 11 • ■ iti the Cai tar . I kiptiet ehur -h. Mr*. Mart I.. Haulier. Mr.- .Mar; I*. II.if’ her, of I South I lari ie street, die,I at her ret idem ■■■ la , , oilier IT. I’uiienil uas eonilm to 1 ii ilo itran.i. Maury t ’■-ti:, -let. Suit'll I:i, hinoinl, \|, udai iiioininy at ; i o', to, I.. Mrs. Snninel Whim*. -Mrs. Samuel f Mintin', ot lotte e.iunty, V'.i .11. ,1 in this , jty ' Sunday. I ember is. The I moral « ill take pin> <■ from I;, ,| < yik < 'harI, It,.- e„niit,. Moiola itl teni „ni at .'I k.. Ml-. It I 1 taker Ml • II. 11 linker, eldest nailKil t,-t of Mr. and Mrs. I.. Ii. It, -inhurdl, , died a t Itooti Sat main <. Thomas Iteiiton Hoy. H.VHUlSi •NHfltii, Y A , j ;i Neiu- lias I,,-,-a r> reived of tin- death in Merlin, tlernmiiy. on Novemlnr 20 of Colon,-I Thomas Menton it,,,. 72 'ears Old, a nalo. ■ i 1,-ntoin ill,-. Wan. n ,--,unity. \’a. IT- ,ail. red the < 'is iI War as a m, mi,, r oi Jin Warren Itifl-K. Company ISeventeenth It,-nl nn nt. I.Ht>-r It,- was adjutant-Ken- • era I of (lein-ral II, nr, yard. After-; >Utrd lie aysintcd in tin orita nizat ion j of the Army ,-f ih>- Teiitn .-s,-, and hei-ume adjutant-grti,raj to Cmeral W. .1. Hardee, alter tfi*. war marrying his daughter, Mi-,- Sail!, Hardee, In Sal, in, Ala., where lie edited the .Mrs r< tiger. latter In- took uji law, and as junior partner ,-f the lirm of! Hr,inks, Haralson ,V Company he wan I dr, lan d hy the late Senator Morgan j to he the brightest lawyer in Ala-! bamu. He with his wife went to (o-rmnny to educate their adopted daughter, and never returned to this! rou ti try. II. ilowe Mr,mil. BKACKSHrUU. VV. |»ee. 19.—1>. Hone MroH n. a prominent farmer of Montgomery county, died early Satur- ’ In.v morning at his home In the Koa- I yoke Valley, , iglit miles from Blanks- | ; ur«. The funeral was lu-ld irotu' tlie house- y.-atelday morning, eon-i iueled llv il*- If J, Woods, pastoi ,f the Hr- shyti rian , liur,-h. of whirl Me. Brown was a ruling elder, am1 • nirlal w as mad, m the tattlily < eiiie-1 el \ .In sight of the h,,us'iv-w lu re ho * -'as born J"rl\ four year* afcp. He is survived by his wife -four sons tiiu) other relatives. William II. Is-c. I.AMASTKU. VA.. Dee. I’.*.—Wll IIhiii II. Eve. a former resident of IrMng’.on. Ituf for some years past re dding at Wee ms. tiled vgr.v suddenly jfv.mI day a ago. II^ks assisting a neighbor in shocking t om when lie was observed to lie In an ttnotin m Ions it nd it Ion. lit was taken to his hoiio. and Ur \. t-.MIl was sum moned. i in arriving. found the patient in a dying condition. due to paralysis of the brain. Ills hotly was hurled at the I’.aiuist chapel, near Weems, the Kei Frederick \V. Chty brut»K conducting the m rvlees. William T. Klrhy. [.VNVHIIl'Ri;, VA . Hot. 15b Wil liam Thonius Kiro-. ag",| forty-nint Mars, formerly a resident of l.ynth bur*;. but who has been employed for "•■me time on Thomas I" Ryan’s Oak Ridge estate in Nelson county, died at his home there Friday night at layia o'clock. Tie cause of his death is not kno" n. Mr. Kirby Is survived hy live chil dren Albert Kirby, of Lynchburg, mid John, Alary, hi nest and Percy Klrhy, who resid. at <>al< Ridge. Mrs. fora Phenlx. I’UBAVK, VA.. ; lib—Mrs. fora Phenlx widow of .1 Pitman Phenlx. died suddenly at to r home here Sun day morning. She leaves two sons Herman Phenlx and Robert Phenlx— and three daughters- Airs, t.'laihorne Wilson, Airs. Walter Onrdon and Alls*, familia Phenlx. The Interment will be made In the free. Cemetery this H fternoon. Mrs. Snrnli J. Mills. Fllli I tl i HICKS KI’Rit. VA., 1 >ce. lib - Mrs. Sarah Jane Mills, wife of Alexander Mills, died at her home to i t .Saturday after a lingering III ness. agetl slxty-obe liars. She Was it member of On linptlst <-li11rt )i and is sun ivod l»y hi i husband. two sons, two daughters and a number of grandchildren. Airs. M. Williams. CRKWK. VA I tee. 19. Mrs. 11. Williams. Widow of Joe Williams, died at her home her Friday night, after a long Illness. She haves several ons and daughters, among whom ar fitanvillt Williams and Miss Annette Williams. Tht interment was in the Crewe Cemetery Saturday afternoon. Airs. Af. c. Chcatltuni. CRKWK, VA . 1 tee, 19.— Mrs. AT. •\ Cheatham, wife m line Cheatham, was found dead in bed at the home of her sister. Mrs Dorsey Cousins, of Norfolk, early Sunday morning, while visiting there. Shi leaves a large family of children, one sister, Mrs. Cousins, and one brother, John Shanks. (1. C. Harris. I1R1ST'VA.. I lee 19.—(I. C. Har ris. a wealthy central tor, who owned properties hero and in Fast Tonnes-1 see valued at *150,000, died at hie I homo in Rristol Sunday afternoon of tuberculosis. Me died on tho anni- j versary *>f hie birth. lb* was sixtv- ! one years old. Ib is survived by Ills' wife. Allan Nleliol. HARKISOXltFRi\ A.. I let lib — Albert No ho!, sixty-six year- old, far mer and Confederate veteran, died Frida , bear lltwketowti, R<>< klnghartt | ' tttltll: . lie Serve,) tilt Con f oil e ra t V . as a memb. r of the Staunton Hoards. , He leaves cightj^ittiiren, including IX j A Vi,-hot. of Washington, 1>. C. William lamer. ST A I’NT1 b\\ VA.. Hey. l'b—William bonier, titty -1 or years obi. a- native, of England, dit .1 Saturday night of, pneumonia, leaving his wife and six children. For twenty years he had been the leading masonry and cemenUi work cotitrai tor in this section. ® •lames ||. Simpkins. Ri»A.\nKi: VA . Dec. 19.—James 1 II. Simpkins, tht oldest man in Mont gomery count i is dead at his home, on Meadow <'reek, the result of a fall! roni his poreh. li, was eighty-four 'ears old, and leaves nine children, I forty 'grandchildren anil thirty-live j great-grandchildren. Harry Ware. AM 11 K KPT, VA„ 19.—Harry Ware, Courts , n year-old son of Mrs. Aniilt* M W r.. died Fridas morn-; oik at tlio h no- of hi* grandfather, ■I. V. Wur< . o', Indian Creek. after a lingering illness His remains were! interred Kmida; in tiie family bury- j ing ground. Alls. ,r. K. S. Holland. HAHKISi iNlll'RO, \'A . l*e. . 19.— | Mrs. J. F a Holland, aged thirty i wars, immlier of a prominent ltoek-i uigliam lam. . died suddenly Satur-j tie..' nigtit Montezuma. She was daughter Imniel Shiekles and leaser Use small children. Ales. V ieioria Camden. i. V N't' 11 Bl" K<i, V A., nee. 19.—Mrs. Vietoria Camden, wife of Ii. <Cam-j den, aged forts, died Friday night at; her home at Its aliens, where she had | been III for a long time. The remains '■■ere taker New Glafgnw. Am In rst fount”, at burial. • ■radio Graves. UNcumiii;, v.\„ i u-e. m.—i Cradle Graves-, aged nineteen years, who lii si at T” ; Franklin sires r. died last night ai o’clock. I n d 1‘UUIIps. KFi't'<d.K Y.V. Dee. 19. —-FretJ ' Phillips. P ■ at -one j ears old, died Saturday in Fan-mount inn. lie was the sop or Horace ii. Phillips, ..ns: nf the wealthiest men in Suffolk. lieililoM Ibiles ( liristnui- and. Novi A ear Holidays Via t . Ji O. Tickets on • ale Piece miser 15. if, IT. 21. 22. . 2-1, 25. .11 and Jan uary 1. with liuul limit January k, 1911. Apply to t, ,, t agents for fall in formation |\V ■ Minor Woodward. Slew a't Woodward. Woodward & Son, Lumber, Laths, Shingles, Sash, Blinds and Doors. Yards and Buildings Covering Ten Acres. Main Office: N'inth and Arch Sts., Madison Ward. Branch Office: Fourth and Stock ton. \\ ashington Ward. The largest and best assorted stock the State *. A. ROHLEDER LAWYER, TITLE EXAMINER 1! ' r i > making title plant in this itv. Office, 003 Hast Main Street Phouc Monroe 3074. j <i t< n > I Leather Goods in a Variety of Exclusive Styles. Christinas gifts hv the hundreds in an une Leather Goods—We have a Leather Goods Si ideas for gift purposes as well as for personal ui Women’s Lent her Hand Bags, a number of different 1 styles, colors, tan, black, brown and green, with oxo dized gilt trimmings, inside coin purse; some leather lined, for $1.00. Better quality Hand Bags, in all colors, leather lined, with double strap handle, excellent quality, at $1.50 and $1.98. other Colored Leather Bags, very best quality at $5.00. Cunoine Cowhide Bags, extra size, with double 1 strap handle, inside coin purse, at $2.98, $3.50 and $5.00. Seal Hand Bags, leather lined, with inside coin purse, j hlack with gdt and gun metal trimmings, purse very ; handsome, from $2.98 to $12.00. I.eather Covered Flask, with silver tops, from 50c, $1.00 and $1.50. xcelled assortment of the newest novelties in ore that can supply the l>est and the newest >e, and the prices are moderate. Drinking Cups, in leather ruses, 3 to a set, 75e and <1.00. Munir Rolls, in leather, from 50c to 92.98. Men's Leather Traveling Cases, from $1.00, $1.98, $2.50 to $12.00. Jrwolry Boxes, with satin linings, $1.00, $1.50 to $7.50. Collar and Cuff Boxes, m the poplar hard finish, satin hue d, with silver trimmings, at 50c, $1.00 to$2.50. Collar Bags, in all colors for traveling purposes, 50c $1.00 to $2.50. A full lino of men's Purses, Bill Books. Wallets, etc. All moderately priced leather > Writing Pads, all colors, from $1.00 to $2.50. Sterling Silver Toilet Articles Fine for Gifts Anyone who gives an article of Sterling Silver has the satisfaction of knowing that the gift is of intrinsic worth, and anyone who select gifts of Sterling Silver at Miller & Rhoads has the satisfaction of knowing that it is the Choice of this Season’s Newest and at the lowest prices for reliable goods of artistic design. Sterling Silver Manicure Set*. consisting of U) pieces, in a moire lined l>ox. at $3.98; others in new designs. at $5.00. $6.50, $7.50 to $10.00. Toilet Sets, consisting of Comb, Brush and Mirror, in nice ease, at $8.50, $10.00, $12.00 to $28.00. Sterliug Silver Military Sets, two brushes and comb, nicelv boxed, exceptional value, at $5.50; others up to $12.00. Handsome Sterling Silver Manicure and Toilet Set, combined, consisting of lfi pieces, nil full sire, very artistic designs, in handsome case of two compart ments, regular $35.00; special $25.00. Sterling Silver Clothes. Brushes $1.98 Sterling Silver Hat Brushes . .$1.50 Sterling Silver Nail Polishers . 50c Sterling Silver Whist Broom..$1.50 Match Safes . $1.00 Scissors. 50c Button Hooks. Nail Files, Shoo Horns, etc, 25c and 50c. Sterling Silver Puff Boxes and Hair Receivers, with cut glass bottoms, at $2.98. DESCRIBES TRIP SAYS NEW- YOllK AT NK.HT IS * BEWITCHING 1\ THE BKAITY Ol’ ITS I LEI .'II NATION. L(i.\ 1 >O.V, I Jc-i-. ! a.—William Kugg Jolt's "own story" of "doing Amorim n thirty-right hours." appeared to lay In the J.ondon Dally Mail, which ent him to the I'nlted States on the 'Christmas trip" of the Mauretania. I The following arc brief excerpts I rom the !•.000-word cable Holt rent 0 the Mall. "The first view I got of New York j .fter returning from my whirlwind 1 ush to Washington wag bewitching, 'he Illumination of the skyscrapers nake a picture of dainty splendor! 1 hlch would he the degpuir of a py ■ technic nrilst. 1 had always thought j he Illuminations of the Bosphorus on i lie occasion of the Sultan’s birthday ; he most wonderful fireworks In the j 'orld. Now I change my opinion. 1 "Measured by distance. New Y'ork i ghts suggest a delicate tracery one ■ads of in the description of the Taj liihul. and how rich in sonorous mel dy seem all the Indian names shown 1 n the sky signs: ‘Ihacka wanna,’ ’Sue-; oehanna.' etc. Alas: New Yorkers ■II pie that the use of old Indian rules Is becoming loss frequent and (iv Yorkers are beginning to use | unmeaning names of English peers! and towns lor their new hotels and j squares.” Holt describes his v isit to.Mme. Sa rah Bernhardt .and has the following to say of Miss Veraldlne Farrar, ot the Metropolitan Opera Company: ‘ l was shown through the dressing room of the American prims donna. Geraldine Farrar. She had been singing French alt the evening, but 1 greeted me in the ripest New Eng- , land accent, for she was born In Bos- I ton and thanks her stars she is an American. She wanted to know my Itinerary. 1 mentioned Miner's The atre. 'Excellent.' said the prlma ' donna, <lo go.' Jjon't waste time , here. Miner's is better fun than any j opera ever written or performed.' Holt thus describes his visit to Wil- j linm G. MeAdoo, the builder of tin | Hudson river tunnels: ‘‘William O. MeAdoo is an Ideal ist us well as a railroad constructor, i His conversation was half about rail- : roads and half about social advnee. j Ills belief is tht there Is no such thing j ss luck In either commercial or In j dividual success. The best man Is bound to win." DRUNKEN NEGRO HURTS LITTLE BOY LANCASTER. PA., December 19. The 6-year-old son of Silas Whit- | taker, a well-known farmer living a? j Salt Fond. In the lower part of North umberland county, was run over anti seriously hurt by a horse gild buggy driven by- w drunken negro. The boy bad hi* upper front teeth knocked j ut, his arm broken In thrss places i rind Internal injuries inflicted, the £*■ tent of which is not yet known. ISSUES SPECIAL FORMS FOR HOLIDAY GREETIIGS CHRISTMAS MESSAGES ON SUITABLY DESIGNED BLANKS. Holiday greetings by wire on blanks appropriate to the t'hriatmas season le the latest Innovation offered by five Western Union Telegraph Company. The forms for this purpose aro suitably embroidered with holly leaves and bef. ries with linings of red. If so desired, messages and greet* Inga- will be sent on these forms and delivered on similar forms, accent* ing to notices being sent out by Actiliff Manager W. («. Sale. Mr. Sale U now engaged In sendlpw a number of the holiday blanks to. tils regular customers, and he believes tho scheme will meet with popular favor. „ Mr. Side is acting In place of Wm* tiger Stevenson, who Is on sick laava. He came to Richmond several months ago from Wilmington as traffic super visor for Virginia and North Carolina. He formerly worked under Manager » Stcvenslon arid U thoroughly fam| lisp " with Hie duties of the Richmond ofllc*. WESTERN UNION PLANS TO SEND Ads. wjl rm: ric