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' NORFOLK mm '! TO OPPOSE MRRTIN BIT TIDEWATER ORGANIZATION wnx SVPPORT SENATOR « SWANSON. THINKS MR. ( DEAL. ■ The Norfolk Democratic machine will oppose. Senator Martin In the United Stales senatorial primary next aummer and will lend itn support to either narry 8t. George Tucker or Congressman William A. Jones, of the First district. At the aame time, the Norfolk ma chine will back Senator Swanson against Congressman t arter Glass, ot the Sixth district, or any other man that may come out against trio rormer governor from Chathnjn. This political forecast is based on Statements mode by Legislator J. T. Deal, of Norfolk, who ■ ame up to Richmond Saturday night and regis tered at the Jefferson. Organism^ n Democrats In his home town, he hh\s, still feci very sore to ward Senator Martin for throwing them down, as they believe, In the primary investigation last fall, and un leas sentiment shifts very much be fore next summer they will continue to cherlah such feelings against the senior senator from Virginia. • >n the other hand, they are most friendly disposed toward Swanson, who took no part in the primary matter. While an organization man himself. Mr. Deal has a streak of Independence In his makeup that causes him to be not altogether reliable at times, so far as plans of the organization are concerned. He Is practically the leader of the Seventh ward in Norfolk and his Influence In always courted by the “boys" at critical times. During tne primary probe, be lent his support toward the movement for purer poli j tics. Mr. Deal was not willing to venture an opinion as to whether Jones or Tucker would eventually be picked to opose Senator Martin, though he was inclined to think that the senators opponent would certainly be one of the two. I As for h!r own political aspirations be said, it was very doubtful whether he would stand for the legislator* he*t time. Some of his friends want him to run for the State senate, but he will hardly accede to their wishes. From what he hears, he thinks Col onel William H. Sargeant. Jr., who has been active in annexation matters in recent years, will likely be picked to repreaent Norfolk In place of Gen era] Sale, who resigned from the sen ate laat spring to become adjutant general of the State militia. URGES HIS MEMBERS TO BE MORE REGULAR PRESBYTERIAN DIVINE POINTS OUT THE BANEFUL EFFECTS OF NON-ATTENDANCE Non-attendant• of church himiiI'it* upon ices received cnti«irl<TiiM< attention ai lh*> hand* of Rev Dr •Tame* Y l air in she course of his ret tnon Sunday morning at Weatminst* r Presbyterian thurrh. In unmistakable terms t*r. Fair set forth the hurtful it: fluence of such conduct and urged Christians to he more regular In their attendance. lie declared that tiie ex ample set by this neglect extended not only to tin members themselves. t,,|t to their immediate home and to (hose around about the n. Just before th< sermon Pr. Fair made ti statement to the congregation front the building committee, formally an tiounjting the fa< t that the southwest comer of Park and West avenues had been seleeted as the site for the new edifice which the church proposes to erect at a oc*»t of lil.fl>on. A sub-committee, it was stai d, is now at work on the plans and will report to the general building commit tee at its next meeting. Actual work on the church :s t'Xpc. ted to begin seen after Christmas C. X- O. ACQUIRES BRIDGE PROPERTY NEAR CHARLESTON Ity the acquisition of the Kanawha T'.ridgc and Terminal Company at Charleston. \V Va . the Chesapeake and Ohio comes into possession of the only hridge that can be used for freight purposes In the vicinity of that city, the next nearest being at CSaulcy. twenty mile* away. It Is understood that the road contemplate* making considerable improvements on the newly acquired bridge within the next > year or two | A* a result of tile purchase, the <"hesapeake and Ohio now owns it right of wav into Charleston, connect j ing the main Hue with the Kanawha , and Michigan, the Kanawha Coal and • Coke railway, and the Hocking Valley railway. FOR SALE A FOR SALK IN THE RICHMOND Virginian want ads. will bring you a buyer. SHOP NOW.. Take mr dm* while ns can, look around and compare our prices with othara. Not only do wa show you BY FAR tha lowest prices, BUT you'll find JURGENS’ stock by far the lardeet and boat selected Beautiful Mahofaay Furniture, beautiful Italian Statuary, beautiful Imported Austrian and Japanese Vases, Handaoma Braes ware and Brlc-a-Brac, etc. l Wa can hardly wait on tha crowds now. If you wait later ! you'll be ftlad to dot aeon waited on, for prices like ours are seldom quoted before Christmas. f Jurgens’ Sensational Discount Furniture&Carpet Sale EVERYTHING IN THE HOUSE CUT M to SO PER CENT. All purchases made from now on can be paid for February 5th. 1011, and all cash discounts eared. «“■ *• JURGENS’ son ADAMS & BROAD j RIGHT IN THE CENTRE OF THE FURNITURE DISTRICT. Have One, Old Man, Wife Gave ’em to Me! Alright? Of course they are! No humbug about these Christmas Cigars. Wife, got ’em from POLK MILLER’S, The aJUL Store 834 East Main Street. BANKS INCREASE THEIR RSEERVE DKCltKASKS IN DEPOSITS \M> svrpm's noted— DE CREASE IX EOANS. .NEW YORK, l>c 19—The ly bank statement show* the fellotv in^ changes Resene on (ill deposits. in' reuse. $3,240,776. I Reserve on deposits ether than V. ; S.. increase. $3,246,300. I .on nr, decrease, I Specie, decrease. $910,600. Legal tenders, increase, $*52,400. Deposits. decrease. $13,195,900. Circulation, increase. $6,600. Total loans. $1,111,071,300. The surplus of tlie hanks is $ 7. j 323,150, as compared tv ith $10,875. , 160 last year and $!2.58S,STo two [years ago. FLIMSY GROUND FOR DIVORCE SUIT i ————— OlFFIN. OHIO. rv. . 19.— A pi* is I the only clue that Nelson W. Miller ; has as to the identity of the disrupter | of his home, according to his divorce ! petition tiled to-day. Mrs Miller, he declares, refuaed to tell him who the | man wss. However, he alleges, Mrs. ; Miller has a pet pig that she affec (innately nnmfii 'Candy." The sum.* name, ho adds. she win uses v, rerpr 1 ring t» Detective Samuel Cranford, of • the Pennsylvania Railroad police. and ’ as the reference to him by the pig's name was also made in an uffo. Donate | manner. Miller names him as ic 1 respondent. MORE GOOD NEWS FOR NEWPORT NEWS VIRGINIA YARD TO BUILD HALF MILLION DOLLAR FREIGHTER. BATTLESHIP FORMALLY AWARDED. NEWPORT N’KWS, YA.. lie, 1 fe ll was announced Saturday night that the Newport News Shipbuilding and r>ry Doek Company has been awarded a contract for the construction of a freight steamer, to bt built for the A H Mull t'ompany. of New York, at , a cost of SHOO.thtO. The ship will he a duplicate of the steamer Ruth, com-, plcteti some months ago here for the same owners. The formal award of the contract for the construction of the battleship Texas has been made by the Navy l>e pnitment to the local shipyard at J3. TfiO.QQO run mia. A FOR SALE IN THE RICHMOND Virginian Want Ada., will bring you a boyar m w Financial Stability Is embodied in this wonderful inven tion which Shines Shoes by Machine ry in ONE minute. THERE IS A DEMAND FOR SUCH A MACHINE. THE MACHINE THOROUGHLY MEETS THE DEMAND. You can now get a limited number of shares of the stock at $135 per |1M share. Grasp the opportunity at once. The men behind the enterprise are noted ;or their strong commercial and personal integrity and financial stability. 1 Come in and talk with Mr. J. C. f Blasingame, the President He will convince you of the splendid poa I of the Company ... silbility of this truly Wonderful and mjney m iking Invention. If you cannot call, write for particulars to-day to The Internationa) Machine Corp. 713 Mutual building, Richmond, Va, ik't : - .. .. . V • L'* 1- -x.V. A : IfflHT FDSSIIES EASTERN SHJi E MAH FIRE IIKSTBOV8 PROPERTY OP S. .1. STEVENSON FOR TIIH SECOND TIME IN THREE MONTHS. I (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) ACCOM AC. VA„ l>ic. r.t. — Mr. Za rloc Lewis and family have moved to Hunting Creek. Mint; Ada M. Perry, of Northeast. Mrt.. has accepted tin position of stenographer In the clerk s office here. Miss Tibbie tirant has returned from ft visit to her sister. Mrs Ueorge VV. Jones, of Norfolk. Mr. J. L,. DeConnis. <>r Shawboro, N. c., has been visiting his son, Hr. J. I.. He Cur mis. A gracious revival closed recently at the Wardtown Baptist church, in which about forty persons were con verted. Of these eight were received ut Bethel Methodist church last Sun day by the pastor. Rev. James M. Oreene. Others are to be received in the Baptist and Methodist churches. Fire destroyed earl? Thursday morning the blacksmith shop of Thomas Tweford and wuodshop of S. J. Stevenson. Mr. Twyfi.rd's lost- is $600; insurance, $300 Mr. Steven son's loss is $1,500; no insurance. The lire was incendiary. Mr. Twvford had Just completed his shop on the same spot where his old shop w as burned some months ago by the sc ond attempt of an Incendiary. This lire is the third, and the I .s* is espe cially heavy upon Mr Stevenson I >r. A B. Dunawa1. the new pas tor of the Baptist church here and at Onley, begins his pastorate Sunday. N't tv Year's Hay. Mr. John T. Shield, of Bowes . Wharf, is stiH critlculiy i’l at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Baltimore The first quarterly conference of Belle Haven circuit vu* In Id Mon day. fir. W. II Edwards presiding. Pastor (ireene made god reports ; New Year licgins ter-, hopefully. Re\ Mr. Hunk, of Onle. has been elected prim ipal of the high school there to HU out the t, rm of Prof Ituedlger, resigned. An informal meeting of members of Eastern Shore of Virginia Produce Exchange, who favor the "one-man '■te. was; held her> on the J tth Committees were appointed to pre sent the views of thee members to th> adjourn. d meeting o: the ex change on Jar, iary ti NURSES' ASSOCIAT'ON NAMES NEW OFFICERS t TI AREOTTEF*V1U.E. YA. Dee 19. The Nurses Association of Charlottes ville bus named the following officers for the ensuing year: Mire M. J. Hurd le', president; Mrs. H.m vn e.presi de nt. Miss Alien, secretary and treasu re- Working commute. -Miss M Piet. her. .Miss App«r«oU Miss Sample. Miss N1 .’Meghan. Miss Anderson uuil Miss Bragg. Register .• nrnittee—Miss Pier, her. Miss Nottingham and Miss A nders, »■ LOUTH LOSES LIMBS TRYING TO JUMP TRAIN ( A1 > E i'll ARLES \ \ . lie, 19. . (ieorg. William Simp,1 ns. a. tiftcer. year*old hoy. had both of his legs cut oft So' nr.itiv e.fteruooii . ; lie I , .i'.ruj, ;c-oard a freight ir on hear Ken dall (!r"P ate,' r nln- t: is Iron, this ldac. 11. was taken by Dr Goode, of Chcritc.u, on one ■ . the tugs of the New York. Philadelphia at d Norfolk railroad to the Sarah Leigh H< «pita, Xorf ilk. for treatment. LYNCHBURG COLLEGES CLOSE FOR CHRISTMAS ' LYNI'HBTRG. VA„ Dei. la—The Wuirifii f will try spend for th> j Christmas var.iTinv on Wr-dn^xui> . Thr* Christian C%.Jlr>Kr,‘ ciosotl S:it;in!ay. ! Both Institutions v, ill reiumo Janu ! ary 4. i SCARLET FEVER IN HOWE OF LYNCHBURG MINISTER LYNCHBL'RG. YA., Dee ifi—Scar >t fever In f.:s li :nc pmRev. W. W Hamilton, 1' D.. past r of the l-Trst Baptist church, from occupying j his Sunday, ' WILL BE NO DELAY IN REBUILDING WAGON PLANT LYNCHBURG. VA.. Dor rs—There will t.c practically no delay lit the re i building of the plant of the Thornhill Wagon Works, recently destroyed by fire. Work on the new buildings will be begun as soon as the Insurance ad* , Justments shall been completed. KEYSVILLE M A SON 8 NAME NEW OFFICERS • Special to The Richmond Virginian.) KEYSVILLE. VA.. Dec-. 1!«. At a stated eottminniration of St. John's . Lodge, 1444, held Friday night, the fob I lowing officers were elec ted and in stalled for the ensuing year Artlim L. Cox. worshipful master; Lee W. Morton, senior warden; A. \V. Donald. Junior warden; A. J Terry, treasurer. M. Hutcheson, secretary; C. A liny, senior deacon; J. 11 Thompson. Junlet deacon; J. T. Dunnavant, ti 1*■ r, K. 11 j tlibbs and L. W. Griffith, stewards Revs. Leonard Cox and R. L. M. Nalr ; were appointed vhaplalns of the lodge. , .1 t\ Harrington, T J. Watkins and 10. K. Glhba were elected alternates to the i Grand Lodge to the worshipful master | and wardens, respectively. The lodge will have* a banquet mi St John's night. December 27 DAY LODGE. OF LOUISA, CHOOSES NEW OFFICIALS (Spec ial to The Richmond Virginian. I LOT'ISA. YA.. Dec. 1#. — On the night of December Ik, Day Lodge, No. f>i. A !■’. and A. M., at Louisa, Ya.. elected the fallowing, officers for tile ensuing twelve months; J. F. Rickers, wor shipful master; W t . Wright, senior warden; Robert l.Aigh, junior warden; i\ H. Gates, senior deacon. J, K. ! I es ter. junior cIcucm.i; J J, Fortei. se cre tary. with T. Q. Thompson as hb as sistant. and A. G. Hill, treasurer, wall G. li. Johnson as his assistant L N. Timberlake was appointed Tyler, j The new officers will be installe d on St. John's night. ENCOURAGED OVER OUTLOOK FOR NEW ROAD (Special to The Richmond Yirginian.i HEATHSYII.LK. VA, Dec. IS.—The citizens of the Northern Neck and j Southslde of Virginia are still at work ! on the proposition to have u railroad j built through the- Northern Neck, and j the promoter. Mr. (’banning M. Ward, I a practical railroad man. of New ) ork, I Is devoting his entire time to the mat ter, having hold several ina s meetings In the Northern Neck and Bout!.'side j counties during the past few months. | The central commute* for the eoun I ties of the Northern Neck, coni pc sej of j Hon. C. Carding Walker, Asa S. Rice. William Rlundon, Edwin Broun. \V. E Hathaway, B. H. H. Hubbard. W T. Mayo. F. C. Booker and J. W. Chinn, havo issued a circular letter asking lor the co-operation of the citizens of (be Neck in donating the right ot way and . . . ' ¥ M w ¥ P. ft If. Gift Selections Made JJ CO Solid Gold Bright Finish No 3847 Easier Than Ever # WE ARE IN FULL CHRISTMAS TRINV This Store, The Frugal Shopper’s Buying Headquarters Fairly Bristles With Bargains. THE variety of appropriate Holiday Gifts here is astonishing —choice, captivating patterns of high grade wares, compris ing tlie LATEST creations—the most EXCLUSIVE de» signs the market affords. If you want something that’s desirable, yet inexpensive, you can find it here—or if you want a more expen: ive gift, the re are plenty of them also. Everything shown is strictlv new and you can depend upon the quality of each as being RELIABLE IN* EVERY RESPECT. « BOTH TIIE LARGEST SELECTION—and the highest quality arc to he found at this store’ and it is the most natnral and logical place to come for all gifts. In the same proportion that our BUYING FACILITIES ARE THE GREATEST, our prices are the LOWEST. , We hare a great variety of articles that make Ideal Gifts FOR 6HRIST/AAS HERE’S A FEW OF THEM $4 '0 No 'b'i I4K Solid Co d Finish Genuine Turquo.s* $15,00 No. 3759 Soi'd Gold Bright Finiah Genuine Fall Cut Diamond Jafety Catch $4 00 fir. 3760 Scud Gc'd Roman Finish Enameled F over Real Pearl $7 00 Solid Co'd Rose Finish Genuine Fu.l Cut Diamond Ruby Hyea N . 3840 5150 No. 371S Solid Gold Bright Fjrria^ SifMt To 53.00 No- 3679 Solid Gold Polish Finish Open Work Design Solid Gold B: ght Fir.iah Genuine Cn7X Cameo No 3850 $6.00 No. 3764 Solid Gold Enjiith Finiah Hand Engraved Genuine Shell Cameo 52.00 Solid Geld Roman Pin fall No. 3846 Richness. Elegance, Serviceableness, characterizes every article sold here, no matter what tba price. WB BUY DIRECT FROM HEADQUARTERS AND SAVE YOU THE MIDDLEMAN’S PROFIT CATALOG We want you to the new edition of our lllu.lrated catalog. Ij e r n u > e there 1* more to show and to «ay W» aend it free to any address. nrv \<iw and avoid tue rc?h. J. S. JAMES THK 1) U.VIONI) MERCHANT ' OPKN FA DING.' i. NTH. XMA rth and main <rs Mall (Mm PrmwdTlUM Anyt hln# pictured here forwarded bs* mediately, pnetaaa prepaid, on receipt of the price, end de> livery suer an teed. JM ■m ■ m a ere*-trig to pay the JOO.uoo pudsidy. accordic.g t*» the -i* rn.» »*f Mr Ward The work uf securing signature# '*** the . ■ >r.tra< ts b*gun t ml v\*»cks ago and , the *.»uth»ok is most encouraging \V'• s: m»»r * land Lodge, A I’, arid A , M,. will thrive a public installation of ofrict&rs and banquet at their temple ■ at to-rrn-rrow. A very elabor ate program will he r» -ndrred The program 1m hs follow**: Au*hvss of welcome, fhorgo Vansant; installation of officer*; cddr« *:■» by H*-v Sv V. De Vault; address hy C. (\ Field; address* j hv J. AY. «,hinn, Jr; address by t’lar- ] vj-oi S Towles*; presentation of jewel; l v T J. Downing. A. H. <tamer will he toast master. Address^? will also Geo. W. Anderson & Sons, 215 East Broad Street. Useful Gifts for the Holidays Persian Rugs A beautiful assortment to select from. Come in and look them over. Axminster Rugs Special for Xmas, size 3xf» ft., choice $3.48 Portieres Ideal gift. See our spec ial §5.00 ones; all ('( lor--. Lace Curtains From 75c to $50.00 per pair. See our line from $5.00 to $5.00 per pair. Carpet Sweepers Ander cn s it * ■ |^€a^e^|ous^| be made by W J. Phillips. 1 >. D. O. M . of 1 'r* d‘rit ksburg Dr. J. W. Eggles t<•!'. east gland master. und PayMas tcr W. \V Hurt.. 1'nited Star']* Xavk. Rev. J. T. T. Hundley Iih* been • ail ed i • the pastorale of Ephesus anil Newlaid Christian churches in Rich- ! moral county. He- will enter upon his] duties the first of the year. SENATOR HOLT HURT IN A FALL AT FIRE NEWPORT NEWS, VA„ Dee. 19.— . During tin- excitement which attend ed the tire in the largo wholesale ea- j tablishment of Wilkins 42 Robinson, oii'j Twenty-third street, Plata Senator: Saxon \V. lloit sustained a severe fall and sprained his ankle so badly that he had to be removed to his home In a carriage. Senator Holt U the head ot tile wholesale firm of S. \V. llolt Co. wt ■ so establishment adjoins that in which tin lire occurred. The fire was soon extinguish'd, but a large loss was sustained by reason of the water dam aging the stock of g..o<1» DRAINAGE Ql'KKTlOX ENGAGES NEWPORT NEWS NEWPORT NEWS,, VA„ Dec. IS. — The annual agricultural session of the X-wport News Chamber of Commerce was heU#en Saturday, about 200 far mers troni the surrounding section being In attendance. The feature ,,f the occasion was an address by Ucrge W. Warren, engi neer of the drainag, bureau, t'nited States department of agriculture. Mr. Warren said. In the course of hie speech, that the entire low and swampy lection lying north of this city could be drained at a cost of $27,000. re. lalirririg G,0o0 acres of land now useless. The Chamber has been at w< rk arousing Interest In the prefect f< r a year past and it Is believed that the work will be done. <>tln r speakers at the meeting were 0 1. id .ulrich, agriculturist to the Fnited Stati s department of agricul ture . T O Sands. State agent bureau 1 f plant Industrial. Federal depart ment ..f agriculture; Prof. T. f\ John son. chief . r Federal trucking experi ment stuff n. N. county, and C. K. Graham, director of agriculture. Hampton Normal and Industrial In stitute. SUIT OVER REDUCED FEES ARGUED IN FEDERAL COURT The i of Hi* suit for the revolvers aril iv!in.-f; f u- s atfsu’.st the T. jaiuy Company. . f North Cun'iliti.:, was t>r Ku^d before th* I’nitcd States circuit Court <>f A i peal- Friday and attracted consbo-rah: attention o. account of the imrloi!'- point i f law that Is in volved. The sjifil il •rast'r allfiwnl thcir re ceivers o' tl.r rotor -A' ft.'iOO compen sation ai il to- counsel ?^.000, hut this was set aside ■ the i 'remit, Court at 1 NashvIIh atxl ou*' of tho fees a How Pi I Thv r< eul.iritv of th‘- appointmerit of tii" n o i\-i rwho h was questioned at tlrst. was • tnblUhed by Judge i ‘minor, to Mliom t‘.,. rnatti |- was rcfi-rr t by Judge Frit' hard. I«U the amount of the apodal's and tin- counsel's fees was Broil ip reduced STKIKINt. I’.MliKI > \l> Ml V on II VTK SI.fill.IIS WINMI'K '.. Uv 1!*. -. Striking •hr**. 11 y at thP pocket of tin- street raiiw.«\ com potty here, wiui which they urr at war, ion* niotormcn and conductors to-day an* I'invriiu .the eltj with sh-tglis. buss s and harks, atid al 5 nuts a ride are rapturing the nil kels the company is iooain tew cars are running, and those a. e nearly empty. S‘. tar i.t re has been no violem.e it. Uh- striki C ADET I 'Ol'M) t.t m V or INTOXICATION* A.VXAPOl.IS, MU, Deeembet—lit.■+• following au investigation, the eupeT intcndont of the naval aMM9 *4* Judged Paul A. Stevenson. of Data* ^ war**, a third classman, guilty of bl> toxlcation and sentenced him to 14# demerits and to bo deprived of all .. liberty privileges for the remainder 9t his term and to forfait the month** leave which would be due him nab September. ur.oRdK hiff p.or* ■Alt Kucnos (Special to The Richmond Virginias.} ROANOKE, VA-. Dec. It.—Thia morning George Huff, a promt farmer and Democrat of Washltl county, paid an election bet to A. Sibert, it prominent resident snd, r publican of Roanoke. He rolled Sibort In a green wheelbarrow the Norfolk and Western rattn trucks to the Elks’ Home, a dts of live blocks. HufT bet on Stuart i Sibert on Slemp. In front of the First National building Huff turned his passenger I the street, but immedlatetly the Journey, followed by an Imr throng of highly amused people. WALTER PUGH IS POSTMASTER AT VOLI (Special to The Richmond Virgil WASHINGTON, D. C.. Dec. lt. Post Office Department has the appointment of Walter Pugh postmaster at Volney, Grayson Va . to succeed W. Sebastian, ed. The following Virginia post have shown sufficient growth of nets to Justify their advancement : the fourth class to the presidential - pointment class, with salaries att as follows: Alat Vista, $1,100; (Iron. Jt.000; Georgel. 11,000; Paul. 11,100.. The ent make