Newspaper Page Text
Manager Sullivan Will Report Here March 1 —Other Sports j • ■ - “AS I SEE IT” BY IH-X’K. Jamf>s Sullivan, who will manage tho Richmond baseball team in 1911, will report hero on March 1, accord ing to Owner Bradley. .This <l^fs not moan, however, that he will not be on the job right along, for ho will. Sullivan will moke his Jieadqun.ri.erH in Mow 1 nrk until the beginning of spring. ami while in tm metropolis will kee)> his eye peeled tor any likely looking player* who drift Into the big burg—anil they all usually hit there lometiinr during tho winter. While in Mew Yorw lust week Owner Bradley signed an outlielder named Witt, a Mew Jersey lad. re ported to Ik- there with the tight grip when tho hull tomes his way. and gome pumpkins with (he shtlalan. Witt makes the firth player Owner Bradley has signed thus far. The others are laxjge, Boyce, Mattis and White, all promising youngsters who tome highly recommended and who • re expected hy the Richmond mag nate to deliver the sterling article. owner Bradley said Monday that lie would send to Manager Sullivan this week a list of the players sigio d and those on whom m has had hi eye fot a seas-.n or so. The list w II contain n description of e,o h player. Ills dlspositien, hutting activities, hcM ing achievement* and dependability. J'rom thi= Manager i»ulllvan will b. able to get a good idea ot what has been done toward f arming th. 19 1! team, and also get in Peo-h wi;h the lnen signed. Shortly after January I riwner Bradley and Manager Halbvan wi I pend out enntr.'u is ft*,- member- *>f th 1910 team—or sueh at th*-m a- or wanted, and who are v.illing to p:nv for Sl.i’oO n J ear, thr I. ag o snlrir, limit. Mr. Bradley said Monday that to >)■ .1 hot know just now b-iv. ir. ,. y . tin* Old boys Would eoir.e lack, -'it !• v ., - certain that Verboot. li.-i-H.-n and Bi ker—and a tine trio it is, too would be among those present. President Williams and fie : . : Brad J*V will go to Norfolk — V. r.t 1 <!., s u ter Christmas ind talk basi ball with Messrs Omahuiulro C ns i \o ,l: .j llecht, of the Crew Owner Br.idl. - rays there is every reason for Wli-wiy the Xorfnik c-i.ib Will be in the leae m-t • . i r. I I t tie or r.o r- . sm f n- ! * lie- -,t i net. However, he will I.e in a U-tt- : farm to Mat t. tacts ,,ft.-i i..,* visited M’orfoik. From tin - Findley -■<■**« it r i’.v, h.oy<" -r M - -rf ■ -i iy a baseball piagr -,ti s won.-I hi- losing money or throw, .g it a way If th- did hot conn- into the !t-agu* They ha- . formed I corporal l->n ami lav. i-.qt. - together tin- limiiii es for tip- t* am i.uu they huvi s*-i i- be h: si-me I ,g . . ■And the only h ague In Virginia in Which tiny can g.-t I* the Virginia l.eagnt. ,.s tills Is the only protected bague in the Ob! Homlnim Worn the w,i. Mr. Brad ivy talked Monday ht is ciidcntly - t r.pi-m-- that l.ynehburg will I dropped from Bn I eng lie a ml I’.-rt -i-i oilh gi v. ’: - : u. Chilte. This w ould be a happy it i a n > in. oil,1 several mm r elab on a-i s b.-sm. Mr Til mill ; ,'i, \ t- It st.-tild , aim tiecause of ijie poor attendance at the games in t! ,- H>!l City last *or. All the new, ri< b. bla< k l..a a d* -• • ... n-ees*ary to nunur- - ' taster II a n t si elding on tin 1.. Bali sard i ..* been sprinke-i over tie kd ■ l..< I M-apsr Si tuii. 1. of the Xt \ orl, Ainerii an le-nga.- team a, a his nut- As soon is the weather permii* the >v. 1 I ; turf V. ;‘l o, 1 t . . ... • « nrd. BRITONS TO SCRAP FOR LARGE PURSE IN GAROIFF ARENA FREDDIE WELSH AND JEM DRIS COLL WILL BATTLE TUESDAY NIGHT FOR $12.500—WELSH LOOKS BEST TO TALENT. LONDON. It:.-- 19.—Freddie Weis’-, the lightweight champion of England, is a favorite for his 2u-round flsht with Jem Driscoll, the lirltlsh f utherwi Ight champion, to hr decided !u Cardiff. Wales, ’to-morrow night. The nn>i. fight for .1 purse ..f 112.r.00, tin weight being 132 pounds ringside. Although Welsh hod to train hard to make tin weight, hr is down to 132, lint at. thal be will outweigh IJrlscoll by t or pounds. Driscoll has lutkrd himself liberally. If he wins hr expects to visit America nnd camp on Abe Audi's trail. Welsh, too, may go to America prepatid to meet either Wolgast or Moran. OALY WILL PLAY BE 0R0 FOR TITLE EXPERT HILl.IAKDlS'l'S |x) SMITH IVORIES FOR HIGH IfOXOU AND BIG MONEY’. I NEW YORK, December 19.—The three cushion billiard title will be the prise fought for this wee* in a match between Alfred l>«Oro, the title holder, and John Daly. The men will play three blocks of fifty points each on Tuesday. Wednesday and Thurs day nights, at Doyle’s Academy, if DeOro is In form, cue experts pick hiiy to win easily. Daly, however, has been practicing much of late than the been practicing much more ’of late than the, champion. The match will be for the Rambert trophy, a diamond emblem worth $1,000, a $300 wager and the entire gate receipts HELP. |P TOO DU11II A STENOGRArHPJK LYNCHBURG HAS FAST INDOOR FIVE -r HILL CITY Y. M. C. A. BASKET-| BALL TEAMS LOOKS BETTER j THAN EVER—TO PLAY HERE. ! LYKrUMfUJ. V.\.. 11. c. r.1.—What j lorn I Y. M.(‘ A. athletes believe is the strongest basketball tram in the Htat* will play the Richmond V. M. * . A. in the capital city about January IT#. | The 11*11 team is composed in the j i main of members of las* year’s shifty j indoor aggregation, which T»“t defeat j : l ot once, and that was at the hands( 1 of the strong Virginia Polytechnic In- j * Ftitnt' fjiihuet. Ti *■ )•>«- id»erP of this ! season's five ar* : 'I'. K AP-nepe. T J i oHurtlimp r. Cm; Johnson, A 1. ampbcll, <\ 11. Jo mi Aon nml John \\ James. THEY’RE AFTER HIM I ht_ tS^vtm Koij:<sAtr*g X!;\V YOllK, l>.v. 1!i -Word Wiis i-Kcii'i'd l»y th» A*t ! Club Of A merit-si i that the Aero Club ot Spain and the , A' ro Club o Holland had jotnud with the Aii" c . ‘ I ran and the Royal Ai-rn Club .f tli I'nitcd King dom ii protesting against tin award ' . - Hi $10,000 ori?.. to ,T"hn H. Moi i said lor winning th Statute of I.tb « riy tight during th.- international avi ation tournament held at IJ< Imont Park during- tin- closing da'.f? of On to her. II was also unnouiu-i'd that th* In I ii ri:, tonal V-rciriu tlr !•»-d-ration, ! with which th> protect* have fceun ! lolg. d. has rail* i *» apodal meeting j for .tiii.uare 1'. 1*11. at which the i ' pr-ts in juddered and at j ' which als.i r u iie wl.1 b. revised tor' j th. next contest f-.r the Coupe inter- i ; national.- d‘Aviation. wht> h "ill b> Ip in Kngland next year, .a the dp ; is i."W held lie thi Una! Aero Club of toe 1 ’id. i Kit.gJ.>ni. having h. eti i . n h. op. ■ f Its r ■!.* - at 'the K, ’.motif I'ark 'Tle.-r. .V:, i- a id. 1 era hr- me - A h ’ ■ A si la! meeting th- ard of j j jj.Werner- .-f 11. ■ V-ro C! ib (>' inter- ; ica will in held i.t vhi ii th. curse j ! I- I-, i.ur.-i: : a phnhiuig t! . award; tile question of lb. dub's ropre- ! • sentrui-.ii it th. meeting of 11:*• l’rd- j . ration w iil ! > . on-id. red HITAflLMD WILL FlfiHT GOODMAN AFTER HOLIDAYS I* tt l\l V's M\HI1 Willi \ 1 ri II. Wot I.IWT SI RIKi AMI 111 «.OI s M i l it A^ISI \1 I*t t.l I 1.1writ st i.i’iim I ii\V 'UK. I). ”1 --I'U key Me. 1 K.11 la-tld, Ira Chli ago lightweight, w ho ! - ant. h. re a fee l! IJS :•£<' 11. tip hope 0 dr.i-hiim ic liuit. !i with -Mi. Attell, ; , d | - o.i - HKtit Jack iJeiHlmtiu, the ; elan, -dig York lightweight, im m. -i)at. ;y after the holidays M. Kar j laud 'proposed to’Ctlly Uihson. of the 1 Fairmont Athletic>. to match hitu . with some g. o.l hover when til. Ytteil j mat.-h f.-il through Hits -n put the propositi..n up tu C.oodman. \yh-> in' eej'ted \.-si.-r-i i'. Md'ariaJid had returned t • < due-g-.. .m.t it was im possible to si*, ir hi s signature to a 1 .Ultra- t. It is h- i-.evea .McFarland . will sign. . - j OVER TREATMENT kUooki.yx manac-hr says hi: was dhoppi.d n.uM scm: m i;»: committek h>k iMtofosiVi. ms < \.\ti; L_ .....Sl_\M MC. i NKW Y< IKK, December’ 19.— (diaries H. KMx-ttt*. pn.'ukint of the ; Brooklyn baseball ream. v no con ■ aiders himself ciu or tin’ lx at little | schedule-makers in the business, is In j none too genial .1 frame of mind these (lavs boiausi ho was left oft the soiled tile, committee at the National I j League meeting last week. lie Is j convinced that ho was dropped from this committee after having served on it for many years, tiecause of his. ! activity last year in behalf of a season ‘of 16s games. And it is this that ; riles the Brooklyn magnate. "I worked out a ltrs game schedule ! merely In obedience to the wishes of 1 the other magnates.*" he said to-day. , i "I got the ilnest collection of roasts ; i ever handed to a magnate for my 'effort*. But eventually tin major; leagues will play 168 games tf they don't get together «m trim soneme 1 supposed to be fathered by Berry Herrman after having each organisa tion play 112 games and the». mart an Inter-league merry-go-round. As ! far as l can learn the Herrmann scheme would mean 172 games a S season.” Cubans Take Two. ! HAVANA, December 19- The Phil adelphia American l.eugue baseball team tvas defeated twice Sunday by Cuban nine. Almrudures won the first game by the score of 7 to 5. and Havana took the second 6 to 2. BOWLING STARS TO ROLL FIVE SPECIAL GAMES ON NEWPORT ALLEYS Best Men in League Form Picked Teams and Promising Matches Are Arranged—Prize Offered in Head Pin Tournament Friday Night SPECIAL GAMES THIS WEEK. Monday night—American* v*. National*. Americans — Whitman (cap tain), Gallagher, Baxter, Quinn, O’Brien, Glair. National*—Roy (captain), Bell, Blair. Kennedy, Sweeney, Bixby. Tuesday night* — Whitman’* Pet* v*. All Stars. Wednesday night — two-man team. Thursday night—Tlm**-Di* patch v*. Railroad Young Men’s Christian Association. Friday night—Head pin tour nament, open to all bowlers in the Richmond Bowling Associa tion. Big prize offered. t living t" the frt'i. tutu o any nn hi I ,.r the reguiur league teams will hat. i>. «..rk li t*- this week v ill 1’ busy with their si upping In tin ■ t ti i.ii:- iir r* turn to their homes in other liti s, there vii! 11, ottlcu’.l games on tin Newport Alleys. lowers nl the music of falling wood, liouev-1 will iim wart for entertain ment. .is a series ,,f pnnsi which shell 111 pro v t ns diverting unti interest ini' os the regular Richmond Rowling league '•niti-sis hns been arranged, anil there shottid l,p soni*- stellar hlook tlipping every night ev |it Hiiturday. Monday night teams styling them selves tn*’ Amerh an* and Nationals will nt"et The American* compose a team which looks about the strongest that could lie picked in th< entire Slate and they should roll t.p . wonderfully high score. The Nationals, too. are MM-1ITE fJILLS BUT ESCAPES INJURY MliomM 1’hVM.IS HAl’lOLY I<> I i YHTIl \NI» TOT.U.I.Y \\ hi :< ki :i> DOVER, KX<J.. I'i . IP. — Claude Graham-While, the English aviator Who recently won the aviation cup at Eeinp'Uit i’nrk. had a narrow -ape fr in st-riuua injury s utiday Jiia machine was wrecked and he wag badly cut about the fac. . A large number of aviators haw hen uniting iter*' for the past i .‘11 - night to lumiHtc for th< prize of iiu.ooi* ..ft. red by Har»n De forest •or the lent fit flight across the Kng channel in laid, the flight to be made i.y an Englishman lit an Eng lirh-lnilit machine. • irahaito-White y, st.'nia. morning; ,e . loird t..r trial flight In a strong; wind. His machine l.. gan to r-ck • and to* was ttnaidi: t, restore its epui lit.rt'.im. it turned over, plunged to! the earth and was completely wreck Tn. a . Ut T fi rt'inatcly toll a little j to one sine. It was thought at brat I that h< had suffer* d concussion of | tie brain as he was unconscious, hut to so recovered consciousncHs, and; it was and that to had re. cited : it .thing m'oi o titan some had «tits . about the 'in It is expected that In will tv it bout again within a Week ' irahant. -White had descended to within I'.id feet of the ground, when his machine begun t • waver. H!s actual bill probably did not exceed lh as ordered another biplane of the Wright fvpe fr m Bristol and wilt make another attempt to win the prlxe. \ snniHl i 'tnp'titor for the prize, •Sopwith, kcb i better than Grahame- ; White H* left Bast t.'hurch, Shop-I pev island at s.l» o'clock in the1 morning. > mss, j front Dover to Ca* ! hits and <]•. s< ended at Beaumont, Bel-! glum. Sopwith completed his? flight of 174 miles just under three and one-hall hours. This Is the first time that a aeroplane has crossed the channel, and, in addition, tt is a becord flight for distance under the conditions provided. No tugs or other ■ raft followed the aviator on his ilight from Hover to Calais and no other precautions wore taken against ac cident. “HORNS OF THE HUNTER IS HURD ON THE HILL m:KP KIN HINT 01,1 It ENJOYS FAST AND KXHII.F.KATI\(. DRAG. AVttti the ground frosen sound and solid so an to insure sure footedness. and the humid* in the most splendid trim, main hers of the Heap Run Hunt Club raced oxer the fields In the vi cinity of Glitter Park and the Coun try Club at a most, exhtterailng and exciting pace Saturday. Every tno meut of the drag was Interesting and enjoyable, and when it ended tile hunters declared it to have been the best ever. The drag started from Brooks’ store, on the Brook turnpike. There one of the largest number of riders who have participated in a run this year were awaiting Huntsman Thorn ton and the yelping and anxious pack Cast at Olnter Bark, the hounds ran throuirh Gordon’* Bruce's. Kelly's, Grant’s. McDonald's, past Yellow Tav ern and then halted. After a rest of five minutes the hunters started again, going on past Squire Darra cot’s and Lakeside. The total dis tance covered was about seven miles. There was no grief nor gpy othet marring Incidents, although some of the less reckless hunter* quailed be fore high fence* and broad ditches. Those riding war* Huntsmen Thornton, on Grande*; W. O. Young, M. F. K., on Overland; James W Graves whip, on Hlghaplre; E. D. Harris, whip, on Gates; Miss Elsie Lindsay, on Rob Roy; Miss Warfield Crenshaw, on The Quaker; J. C. Mil ler, on Westchester; I. A Whits, on Iron Prince; F. T. Campbell, on Pow hatan; Arche* Andereon. on Chorus Girl; J. R. 3. Anderson, on Pafedln, | and J- A. Branch, aa Prance* i, .. ' ■ - •' Mm strong ,'iiiit composed . all-star howl ers. The special matches Mill be brought (<» i clone Friday night with h head pin tournament for a prlk . Prune line sport should be witnessed when itn star bowlers of the lengvo roll off their s’o'Vi’M and go to r wgir.a Riel clout - infif the head pin. With four team* ti‘d f« r b.-st pia in the league, it i* c. *v to s- ‘ ti it- , when th« regular ge'm* ,ir«- resumed there will he soum fast and furlour howling. ViK'thei • of the high article of howl: v which i heir;; off, r<ul ill t!.o Ifagui . ;he Newport A.o-vh ip su'ii in the u 1’vidual stand If.g »*f the players. V ; the lead ing I.'ovier, has an u\ *-■ age'<*? l >2. and cjuiiUi. second in tie standing v- trad ing him close wild More than a d ,r , ;i:-Ol .11 the .• , .• nr battucr tf < blocks at a clip .. mo •• If.o. Baxter is whaled ehnj * of timber off their balance nines th< !(.»g*n lari «• - organized, but he h - I owied i tlir* more game*- than Whitman, and al though he has r.6o more pins to his credit than the lead*: has, he is not at the t p Following is the indrv idiml nronl and team standing In the league: Standing of * iatnes Players played. Whitman . . ♦» Quinn.6 Foal % .f. Curry . . 8. William3 t* . R«*fc . . . . Futu-rlin Baxter ... Roy ..... the Playtrs. IPsrh Total 6 ti :t 6 it 'A ti Bell _ Kd wards .... 3 Halley . 6 Delaney .... A \ atm home ... .'1 Purdlo .f* Blair . •* «» Brieii Bliley . Gallagher . . S vveeiie. ... 1 >e«l . ...... .Jennings * . Hand is v .... K rmed y . .. Bixby . Davis W. Williams. Gunn . Hooker ... Harrow .... Mont ag . Glaze. iXoekaday . . « gair.t. -Of. 2H i :h ] >*1 l>x i*x ' 4 1 X<» 1 v 4 171 1C 7 394 IT' i 4;. i»; • i 4 2 ] 92 i 4 2 I 4 ' pin**. 1.1‘Ul 1.04.x 1,019 1,009 492 984 1,479 4 97 47;. 94. 4*J9 150 i* in 4t>«* . -41 1.3*17 -437 42;* V p; > a r. 4 1 * 004 400 12* 730 A ver age. 1 Vj lb 1 J 74 3 70 3 08 i*: 3 04 3 62 102 160 1 f>S 15K 150 1 :’.f> 1 to 1.47 i 40 140 14.; ! 4 2 HI 140 1 40 3 4 329 12* T:: i 140 12.* \ZA Standing of tn- Club*. Flubs. Won. Dost. Kngravers ..4 2 Meat Packers . 4 *2 Jeweler* ....... 4 Plumbers.2 Times-Dispatch . 2 A. I-. C. 2 7 P F. ,Hf>7 Oh 7 :\:r AUTOISTS WILL B. A. C. MT MRi;R!i TO GATHER AX RICHMOND HOTEL MONDAY NK.inr AND TALK A DOLT PROPONED NEW HIGH. WAV TO WASHING TON. Although several mutters ' impor tance will be discussed at the meeting of the Bo hmurul Automobile Club at the Richmond Hotel Memlai night a( S o'clock, chief among them will be the "Capital to Capital Highway” from Washington to Richmond, uml TRUSTEES’ SALE OF REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY LN AMELIA CO„ VA. By virtu* of a certain deed of trust dated Januart' 111, 1909, executed by J. S. Morris and A. M. Morris, hia wife, conveying certain reel and per sonal property therein described to secure five certain notes, as well as advances, in certain deed of trust set forth, default having been made In the payment of the mid notes as pro vided. and being requested so to do by the noteholders, the undersigned trustee will on Saturday. 31 day of December, 1911). beginning et nine o’clock A. M. eell on the premises of J. 8. Morris home place, about two miles northwest of Jeteuvllle. Amelia county. Va.. ths following described real and personal property to-wit tFirst.I All the standing itnibet six Inches and above across the stump on 946 acres of land In Amelia coun ty. Va., Leigh district, known as the 'John Robinson” land; ample time for cutting being given; (Second.) Eighty-four acres of land In Leigh District, Amelia county, Va., known as the Mary A. Watkins tract and about three-fourths of a mile from Jetersvllle. (Third.) Also twenty-six Jersey cows and the Increase from said cowt for the past two years: some of these cows are registered, or entitled te registration, (Fourth.) Also Bve large saw mill mules with the harnneu, collars, bridles, etc. (Fifth.) Lastly, on* No. 1 Lane saw mill with all the fixtures and ap pliances. one 18-H. P. Farquhar en gine and boiler (mounted); two two horse wagons, two log trucks, belts, etc., etc., The terms hi this mis will be cash sufficient to pay the Indebtedness of •MiO.OO. and the oust of executing this'deed of trust, and ths terms for ths residua if any, trill ha announced on ths data of ths aaia If ths sals does not taka place on ths above data from any cams it will b* continued by announcing a future day on this date, and without further advertisement by agreaamnt of tha grantors and dssd of tmt 4. 1C, TURNER. Trusts* Are Tracking Expenses Wiping Oiit Your Pr< astonishing figures showing the economy of using electricity FOR TRUCKING AND HAULAGE. Of Vital Importance to Manufacturers and Merchants Whose Trucking Expenses ar* Eating into and Seriously Diminishing Their Profits. Several months ago the New England Gas and C oke Company, of Everett, Mass., installed ~ , i l . _ _ ...1.1^1. 4 !•> m ai'♦ oorxnlOfll $ras reached). The working efficiency was 98 7-10 per cent.; that is, taking all three truek-% together, ooDUg 1 3-10 hours were non-productive in every 1(K> hours of working time. ^ And the company has | r »ved conclusively that in operating electric trucks for haulage aodj delivery they have (after allowing for all costs of maintenance, including drivers, power and s; garage). SAVED 42 f I (FORTY-TWO PER CENT.) upon the handling of the same amount ’ of trucking with horses and wagons. ... . . ■ . —M Business men, you owe it to yourselves to look into this question of efficiency j in the economical handilr g of your trucking and haulage without delay. ji Make a note to write us without delay and ask us to explain how you maysav* ‘ monev by applying modem ideas to your system of delivering goods. The Virginia Railway and Power Co. RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. National Bank of Virginia Capital, $1,200,000. Surplus, $600,OOd E. B. Addiaoo, K. L. Bemiss, T. 11 EUett. H. Theo. Euyaon, Get). L. Christian, T A. Carv, r*rl H. Kqiting. William T. Howl, J W. Rothert, Win. Northrop, DIRECTORS) T C. Williams, Jr , E. C. Laird, H. H. Lmdsey, W P. Glinn, Epps Hun ton, Jr., R. G. Rennolds, W. M. llsbliston, Beni. P Alaoji. . B. Rand Welliord, S. W. Travert, J G. Tinsley, Jno. T. Wilson, Jae. A. Monoure, Jno. Skelton Williams, F. D. Williams, OFFICERS: , \V. M. ILABLISTON, President. JNO. SKELTON WILLIAMS, Vice-President. _ .. WILLIAM T. REED, Vice-President. W. M. ADDISON, Cashier. , O. S MORTON. Assistant Cashier. vi ^LL^r^j^ls" n^cLh^1*’ YV. H. SLAUGHTER. Assistant Cashier. J M. BALL, Jr.. Assistant Cashier. Accounts Solicited. 3 # Interest Paid in Savings Depft Commonwealth 12 North Ninth Street, Richmond. Va. BRANCHES: 4 East Broad Street. Twenty-fifth and Broad St*. Vi iliiamaburg Ave.. Button Active busincs* accounts solicited. Interest Paid on Savings Deposits the probability of Richmond getting the next meeting of the National Au .ojno bile A saocia t loti. Samuel Atkinson,<*r of the Richmond Hotel, will tell the auto ists all about h!S attendance at the ;nc<-ling of the A. A. A. in New fork, md what the prospects are for the , •apital city gettiug tie' big meeting which would bring the foremost I horseless vehicle sportsmen here. The :‘Capital to Capital Highway", prefect has been under way more than a tear now, and advocates ol ' this modern thoroughfare to connect Virginia's principal city with the na-; tion * capital believe the time hast arrived for something delinite to be i done. Automoblllsts in Washington and Richmond are most enthusiastic over the project, and it is believed j ihat •something tangible and in a for- > ward direction will be done Monday night. Faiuuui Almost Wilts tup. ETAMVES, FRANCE, Dec. 19.— j Henry Earmaj^ competing for the ! Mtcholin < up, ’ made a remarkable light of elgnt hour* and 13 minutes Sunday, owing to a fierce wind hi* progress was How and he covered , only 4♦>3 kilometer* 1287 milesj, J against 465 kilometers made by Mau- ; rice Tabuteau on October 28 in a aim- ! tlar competition. Farman, deceived hy the applause of the epectatore, believed that he had beaten the distance record and descended. He was greatly disap pointed to flnid that he had not equat ed the former record. Tabuteau occupied six hours ip his flight for the Iflchelin CUP* which is awarded annually to the aviator mak ing the longest sustained flight within the year. A premium of 14,000 goes to the .wtnsec. The Ten Million Dollar Bank The First National Bank. OF RICHMOND, VA. , The Bank that hn« made a specialty of building up the Mania* factoring, Jobbing and Retail business of Richmond for nearly fifty years. Come In and talk over your banking requirements. OFFICERS! John B. Purcell. President. Jno. M. Miller, Jr., Vice-Pres, and Cashier. Fred. E. Noltlng, 3d Vlce-Prcs. Cbas. R. Burnett, Aset. Cashier. J. C. Joplin, Asst. Cashier. W. P. Shelton, Asst. Cashier. Alex. F. Ryland, Asst. CsshisfJ Save Part of Your Inci Deposit in Planters National It will prove a wise, safe, profitable course to pursue Ready money bring* you more money; it gives you power and prestige. Money that slips from you amounts to nothing. Money placed I Savings Department earns THREE PER CENT. COM 1*01 N D IN'TBf ' hashing by mail us easy. Just send your name for our little ‘How to Dank by Mail.” * * Planters National Bank RICHMOND, VIRGINIA ^ Capital, $300,000.00 Surplas*and Profits, $1, ‘ _ ±. -I—.- . - ...L. CEDBir OOH» DOWN; TW1-XVF. LIVES LOST LONDON*. l*v\ lit,—TU.- Swedish steamer Oedrio ha* been crocked near Gefl<\ a seaport of Stwitn. Twelve penuiriK \vi>re drowned. In cluding kll the offleen. with the ex empties of the captain. ■ v vj The <V(iHc. which waa^ 1.100 tone, van coal-laden.