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BITE 01 UPPER BERTHS REDUCED laXLMAN Cii.UUtK Olll(EREI) LOWERED BY INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. WASHINGTON. I-rcrmbcr is.—The traveling public will save moro than $1,500,000 annually as the result of an order issued by the IntorstatO com meroe commission t"-dny reducing the charge for upper Pullman berths to M) per cent, of the charge made for lower berths. The commission also gave tentative approval to a ne,w schedule of rates used t»y the rullmuu Company, re ducing the cost of lower berths to ! for a 12-hour ride. Tho new schedule, which Ik to bp effective January 20, 1011, Ik based on the conclusions of the commission ill what are known as the Luftus eases in «hieh It was held that the rates for long distances on tower berths should be reduced and all upper I < rth rates should be cut. The reduction will affect every lira ver which Pullman cars are operat ed in the I.'nlted States except thej New Haven, the Great Northern and the Milwaukee railroads. THOUGHT DEAD BUT ALL ARE SAFE j TUG UNDERWRITER RESCUES i MEN BELIEVED TO HAVE , DROWNED IN LAST WEEK'S STORM. j HUSTON. MASS.. Dee. J9.-—"With the arrival of the oik Underwriter to-day j and the landing of twelve men, res- i cued from the Kile barge BSugluimpton j tossing- off fane Cod, all thought j drowned in last week s terrific gale, . v ere safely landed. The t ig Margery, lost the barges Binghamton and Reran- j ton. while the tug Cumberland lost the other. The tugs, with the Underwriter, -enrolled for the lost barges and found the Binghamton with all safe, aboard. I.MtV'S ITRSK SNATCHFTt ON SUNDAY NIGHT; ’ While r> turning to her home at Biu8 North Twenty-first street Sunday night at 9 o'cloek, Mrs. It. V. Gibson ■ was set upon hv a negro near the J curncr of and Broad ‘reels and robbed of her purge con- , lulling three or four dollars and 1 l-ev. i..l receipted bills. Tin- matter has been reported to j the police and the detective force no- l titled to l»e on the lookout for the | man. No description of the negro, ! however, could be furnished l>v Mrs. j Gibson. i.ovr MOM y. V. tnsKKV VNI» OVERALL. JACKET Mr. Doe Redd, of 3U> West Leigh ; street, has reported to the police the less of JT.50, ii pint of whiskey and an overall jai ket which were stolen from him Sunday night when he was help up by a negro whom he had never seen, and robbed. He could giv e no description of the highway-> man. --- Marriage Licenses. Marriage licenses have been issued to the following j Mr. FT. d Adams and Miss Catherine . Atkins. Clvde Whitlock and Miss Esther Toler. loin Mix and Miss Alice Tinslej. i Removal or Going-Out-of-Business Sale at Quarles & Wheatfield’s We’ve cut the prices for this sale down to a point where you can't resist buying—This sale is a money saving opportunity, nothing sacri ficed except the prices. Quarles & Wheatfield, Third and Broad Streets. Store open until 10 at night. The Gift of Precious Metal llundnsls <>f useful unci ornamental articles wrought oi GOLD, SIfAl.R and other PRECIOUS METALS, selected with an eye to the beautiful. DIAMOND .AND GEM SET JEWELRY TABLE AND ORNAMENTAL SILVER RICH CUT GLASS AND SILVER DEPOSIT WARE NOVELTIES—In Gold, Silver, Platinum. Leather and Bronze. Because LUMSDEX has a reputation of carrying only the liest, do not fe* l that the inexpensive article is not to l>e found in their stock. Here any arti cle in the jewrlrv line ironi a STERLING SIL\ KR THIMBLE at 25c to a $1,500.00 festoon c an be found. Earh article, though in a class by itself, has the earmark of C|imli1v stamped upon it find the name of LUMSDEX oil the bore. < Vewa itraia IntraM for «kl» rot mi mmy W left (■ persra at tie Cknrek Hilt Hank, «r >k«art t» T3U5.I C. Lumsden & Son, Inc. CHURCH NEWS Mr. and Mr-' .1 W. Wiseman, oi J31S Bast Proad Mr. . t. entertained at lords Friday evening in honor of Miss Allot Tinsley. whose marriage to Mr. .1. Dan Mix will bo a social event cit Wednesday. The homo was prettily decorated for the o< < asion and the af fair was delightfully informal and thoroughly enjoyable. The Yount; couple received the congratulations of their friends under a huge floral wed ding bell. Dainty refreshments were served, and a souvenir white hid wed ding record book was presented by the host and hostess to the guest of For the Teachers. Seven Free European Trips! Enter the great European trip contest The Rich mond Virginian buffering the teachers of Richmond and the first, second, third and fourth congressional dis tricts and win one of the seven trips abroad, which will take you to Great Britain. Germany, Belgium, Holland, The Rhine, France and Switzerland. Enter now for you can win with only a little work on your part. Start early, don’t get discouraged, don’t drop out of the contest and you will be rewarded. SPECIAL CASH PRIZES. The teacher in Richmond who receives the largest number of votes a special purse of $100.00 will be given. The teacher in Richmond who receives the second lar gest number of votes a cash purse of $50.00 will be given. All teachers who receive as many as 150,000 votes, but do not win a European trip, we will add enough money to the commission of five i>er cent, which you receive on all subscriptions to make up a purse of $25.00. COMMISSION. ! On all cash subscriptions we will pay a commission of five per cent, which we will pay you for handling the orders, and give you extra spending money for the trip. SAVE THE COUPONS DAILY. A coupon appears every day in The Richmond Virginian which is good for one vote, or as specified from time to time. The votes are only good for one week. THE SUBSCRIPTION PLAN. A three months' subscription counts for 400 votes. A six months’ subscription counts for 1,000 votes. A nine months’ subscription counts for 1,600 votes. A one year’s subscription counts for 2,500 votes. A two years’ subscription counts for 6,000 votes. A three years’ subscription counts for 10,000 votes. The first coupon received for any teacher counts 1,000 votes. The Richmond Virginian has provided the European trips which will be the best, and the readers of The Virginian and their friends will determine which teach ers will make and enjoy these great vacation tours. For further information, conditions and rules on the contest, call or address, THE TRAVEL MANAGER. ~ Care The Richmond Virginian. honor. Mir* Tinsley is the. daughter of Mr. T. C. Tinsley, of 3227 Grove avenue, and the groom the son of Mr. T. L’aniel lllx, e>f 103 .North Twenty ninth street. Messrs. James T. Fox, K. S. Simp sen, John Sloane. W. H. Gurry, Joseph C. Sorg and Professor J. H. Saunders have heen name as a committal to urge the clt ycounell to purchase the Van L<ew property on East Grace [street, on which to erect an up-to-dAte school to take the place of the an tiquated RcUevuo building. With a modern school for that vicinity, and the handsome annex to the Chim boraxo school completed the children on the hill will enjoy first class school facilities. The St. Johns Circle of King's Pnughters will meet this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock With Mrs. Oscar E. Par rish. 2700 East Grace street. The large chorus of Union Station, under thr direction of Professor Snedker. will render tho following pro gram Christmas Sunday. Morning Smler. Carol. "It came upon tho midnight 'Sear . (WlllisF hymn. ‘'Harw the herald angels sing" Anthems, "There were shepherds abiding in the fluid".(Holden* Gloria, Kevins Offertory. "Joy to the World" . < Williams» Hymn, Hark the glad sound" t lathee) Hymn. "Shout the glad tidings". (Unison! Evening Nervier. Anthem. Silent Night Gloria, Nevins Offertory, "Hark a thrilling voiee <s ■sounding' .. (Parmer) CHARLTON CASE IN U. S. COURT | TRENTON, V. J., Dec, j;*.—Porter Charlton. who confessed to have mur- j tiered hi* wife in Italy last Jure, in■ here to-day In the custody of Sheriff1 Kelly and other Hudson county ofll- ' rials, and his counsel, to right In th United States Court the purpose i the State Department to deliver him to Italy for trial. The case was to have been argued this morning, but was delayed until afternoon to suit the convenience of Judges Rellstab and Cross. Counsel for Charlton will ask for a postpone ment to enable a further examination of records bearing on the case. Spanish War Veterans’ Reunion. l-’ltzliugh Lee Camp, No. 1, Spanish War Veterans, will hold its annual ban quet. elections and reunion ut Murphy’s Hotel at s o'clock Wednesday even ing. There are fifty or more members of the camp and all are expected to attend. Past Commander George X. Sklpwith will preside as toastmaster. WELL KNOWN YOUNG HAN DEAD AT SUFFOLK SFFFOLK, VA., December 19.—Tha remains of Frederick Phillips, aged 22 years, arrived here this morning rrom Fairmont. N. C. The funeral services were conducted from the Methodist church and the burial was made In Cedar Hill cemetery. The deceased was a non of Mr. Horace Phillips, a prominent lumberman, and was one of the city’s most promi nent young men. The funeral services over the re mains <rf Stephen D. Midgett were conducted here yesterday afternoon at the home of his uncle, Mr. K. L. Folk. The young man was a victim of the Virginian railway accident which oc curred Saturday morning near Bowers Hilh He died shortly after being taken to a Norfolk hospital. CANCEL THROUGH RATES ON WESTERN LUMBER WASHINGTON. D. C., Dec. IE Several Western lumbermen were hit , hard by an order of the Interstate Commerce Commission to-day cancel ling through freight rates on lum ber shipments from points on the Ta coma Eastern K allroad in Washing ton to all points rsached tty other charges ICE WEST lCUfiT SHOOK JACKSON WARD CHURCH MEM BERS STRONGLY OPPOSED TO NEW GIN MILL IN TIIEIK MIDST. * I Strong protest against the proposed j establishment of n saloon at Second and Jackson streets was voiced by . members of the Fifth Street Baptist church, colored, and the Third Street , A. SI. K. church tit services Sunday. Th<: members say that they will go into court and tight the. granting or the lirensc to the last ditch. Speaking of the situation. Rev. \V. j I1'. Graham, pastor of the Fifth street 1 church, said: Since the numl»r of drinking places i In Jackson Ward wty< redueed we have been greatly benefited. The old saloon at Second and Jackson streets was noted as a loitering place for the worst members of our race in the city, and to reopen would again mean tho congregation of these rowdies and toughs. "We are prepared to fight the mat ter, and all of us feel assured that j we will win. Numerous petitions are | being circulated and hundreds of names are being added daily. Unless | the plan to conduct a liquor business I on this romer Is abandoned we will | appear in a bodt in court to protest. 1 "At our meeting* we voted on the I question, and we have the best < ie- j ment of the' colored people on our . side." Looking for Big Farm. That Virginia is better suited for sto< k raising and fruit growing than Minnesota is the b* lief of C aptain M. I’nlnton, of Canity, Minn., who has been In the Old Dominion looking for a 500 aero farm for two weeks, and called.on Commissioner of Agriculture Kolner Monday. Captain Polnton said he carat to this Plate to select a stock raising farm, but after seeing and fast- I lug the apples grown here decided to! go into the fruit business, too. The Weather RICHMOND. VA., D*'o. 11>.—-Fc»r*oa*t | [for Richmond nn<l vicinity: Tartly clou • dy to-night and Tu»*<1ay; colder Tuom da'-. WASHINGTON. r>. r. r>*c. 19.Fore cast for Virginia t'loudy, prohahlv i nhowera in extreme wc.*»t portion t«»- i nlvht or Tuesday; colder. \\ i:\THF.H CtVtiDITION*. I The unsettled eun.lltians noted in . i Saturday’s bulletin as overlying th ■ : .centra! valleys develoj-ed during the, j succeeding 24 hours Into a storm .ot j 'great intensity, central over the Up- 1 I per Lakes where high winds resulted. , ! while th’> rain ares' south of the storm j developed eastward covering the entire ! southern tier of States. In the past 24 ! ! hours the storm renter has moved east ward Into Ontario and the attending 1 area of precipitation now covers the ! Lake Region, the North-eastern states I and the Atlantic coast from Maine to j (southern Florida. The eastward drift : of the storm was prreeedrd through I out the Atlantic Seaboard by decidedly | warmer weather the line of freezing i temperature having retreated in the I past 4S hours from North Carolina to ! the Lake Region. l.\ VARlOt > CITIKk. (Observations ending at S' V. time. i nre II.. for the Jt hours Kastern .Standard * Stations JS T C'4 5. t rtlrhmona .3* Asheville .32 Atlanta .38 Atlantic fitv . . .38 Boston .4-' Buffalo .30 Calgary .— Charleston .. . . 4* Chicago .30 Denver .30 Duluth .ir Galveston . ..52 Hattera- ..4* Havre .38 Jacksonville ,..58 Jupiter .50 Kansas City ...40 Louisville .32 Lynchburg .40 Montgomery ...44 New Orleans ...53 New York . ... 38 Norfolk .4 3 Oklahoma .S3 Plttaburg .32 Raleigh .40 St. lx>uis .38 St. l’aul .26 San Francisco ..50 Savannah .4S Spokane .5! Tampa .54 Waahlngton ...88 Winnipeg . * Wythevlll* -30 42 48 44 43 3* 35 48 38 34 SO Cloudy f'leai P Cl'dy i\ Cl'dy Hatn Snow 43 4 3 32 4s 36 "6 13 48 40 TO To 46 46 60 54 6 2 40 48 64 3 4 45.; 42 34 88 64 24 78 38 26 42 40 36 3 8 5 8 2 4 60 46 30 PCT—^arCj^Clogdj^ 34 6 30 P. Cl'dy Clear Clour Cloudy P. only Cloudy Cloudy iToudy Clear Cloudy cloudy clear clear Cloudy «Toudy Clear clear Ciear * Tear Clear iToudy Clear Clear Cloudy P. Cl'dy Clear P Cl'dy Clear Southern Railway. ■ i TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND. N. B.—FoUowiaa nliWi figures published • nlormstioB aad sot guaranteed: 6:10 A. M.—Dailje—Local (or Charlotte. Doe hsa and Rslsigh. 10-45 A. M—Daily—IJtailed—Fat ell pot at* South. Drawing Room Buffet Sleeping Car I ■ Memphis, ns Asheville sad Chattanooga. 300 P M.—It. Sunday. Local (oi Durham an I ntermsdiate stations. 0:00 p. M.—Es. Sunday— Keysrllls Lanai. 11:43 P. M.—Dallje—Limited, (or all poiati South. Pullman ready 6 30 P M. YORK RIVER LINE. 4:30 P. M.—Es. Spa.—To West Pa, coaaeotia* tor Baltimore Mon., wad. and Frl. 0:00 A. M.—Es. Bun. and 9:15 P. M.—Mon. Wed. and Frl.—Local to Wait Point. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. From the South: 649 A. M. .803 P. M, daily 8-40 A. M.—Es. Nik. 13:53 F. iL—Ex. Sun 800 P. M. From West Point, 630 A. M.. daily; 11:33 A. M Wad. and Frl.; 4.38 f. M.. Es. Sun. S. E. »(jROESS. D. P. A.. 660 East Main Htreet Phone Mad won IU Chesapeake & Ohio Railway 6:00 A. \ Daily—fam trains to Old Point 44X1 P.) Newport Norm nad Norfolk T-.40 A.—Daily. Ioaal la Newpoti Nava • 1 Dail^—l23l*Su^ IliOO P. 1 Pullman. 800 P —Daily 13)0 643 ‘84. Lotue-Chl-ago SpasigL* gad Cincinnati 830 A—TDaiy—CharloltasilBs. Wash day*— 8:18 P.—Wash dm Laaal to OtNawOt. '508 r°^ TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. i A. M.. 7:80 P.M. ,„r:a *A**«Sk •lIS P. It m .t-1 —j h.i—a ar . • ». a NOBMI H I6«m tHUlK MmWlf Cara leam Meaahaatm. Sarastb and Parry '• *!**•• 1' 06 p. M (nr Chattel. '12:00 midalght fv Pefarrbuiy. •paaaMra Smaskfat 'rte le:.-,e I'atuaoutg, Mu«6vawi, ,&V£.rTs' How to Solve Christmas Problei Why, get exclusiveness of design at the price of the commonplace. ONE VISIT TO THE STORE OF N. KLEIN & SON, Inc. 620 East Broad Street, Will convince the Christmas shopper that this great store is the place to purchase your holiday gifts. Remember, our stock is all new. Our goods as well as our prices, are guaranteed. In the way of Holiday Suggestions, wo call your special attention to the Jj following: You should see our complete line of Burnished Gold Dinnenvare, in the colonial shape, and exact reproduction of the Minton Pattern! SILVER PLATED WARE CANDELABRA AND CANDLE STICKS. TEA SETS. OYSTER TUREENS. BAKING DISHES. WATER PITCHERS. TILTING ICE PITCHERS. TEA TRAYS. SHEFFIELD TRAYS. SHEFFIELD DISHES. SHEFFIELD CARD PLATES. PLATED KNIVES. FORKS AND SPOONS. LADLES OF ALL KINDS. FINE CHINA CHOP SETS. SALAD SETS. ICE CREAM SETS. CHOCOLATE SETS. DINNER SETS. TOILET SETS. :je /<8 1 BRASS GOODS. m EXQUISITE CUT GLASS If you will Inspect the very Superior Cut Glass we offer for your delectation you will find many excellent gift suggestions. There is a marked excellence to our Cut Glass that immediately distinguishes it as apart from the ordinary and above the commonplace. The designs are more deeply cut. the crystals clearer, the patterns more artistic and the general effectiveness more striking. We have a most beautiful showing of CUT GLASS pieces that Includes every conceiv able shape, size and article appropriate for holi day and wedding gifts. FIRE SETS. FENDERS. ANDIRONS. COAL VASES. JARDINERES. PEDESTALS. FERN DISHES. HANGING BASKETS. FINGER BOWLS. TEA CODDIES. ,1 . i CUT GLASS " 8-inch Richly Cut Salad Bowl, regular price $3.50; holiday price, $2.30. FERN DISHES. CELERY TRAYS. ICE CREAM TRAYS. OLIVE DISHES. TOILET BOTTLES. WATER PITCHERS, all sizes. FOOTED COMPORTS. MAYONAISE BOWLS. VASES. CUT GLASS TUMBLERS. 25c and up. MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OF FINE CHINA We are confident that there has never been shown In Richmond so large, so varied and so beautiful an assortment of fine CHINA as we are offering. The most beautiful designs are shown In pieces and seta of every character. you will agree with us on Inspection NICKEL AND COPPER GOODS CHAFING DISHES. CHAFING DISH SETS. FIVE O’CLOCK TEA KETTLES. COFFEE PKRCI LATORS. SMOKING SETS AND TRAYS. BRIC-A-BRAC AND NOVELTIES BEER STEINS, all sizes, 25c and up. JARDINERES, lftc to $5.00 each. Large variety of BEAUTIFUL VASES from 50c to $5.00 each. JAPANESE GONGS, $1.00 to $5.00. TUBE CHIMES. $1.50 to $5.00. UMBRELLA STANDS. m / CUTLERY TABLE KNIVES AND FORKS, in bonsTcsUn loid and Ivory handles. CARVING SETS, $1.00 and up. POCKET CUTLERY', a complete line, 10c to $1.50. Best make. ELECTROLIERS 25 of the latest patterns to be closed out at SPECIAL PRICES. Complete line of Wood, Coal and Gas Stoves at SPECIAL PRICES for this month. YVe think you will agree with us on Inspec that no other establishment offer* anything ap proaching the variety and beauty of our display. We are specialists In CHINA. Quite naturally we are able to buy to better advantage dnd to ! STOVES sell at lower figure* than those to whom CHINA is a mere aide line. If you are planning a delight ful Christmas or wedding gift you will appreciate , . „ the opportunity afforded bv our attractive dis- Don’t fall to see our special GAS HEATER St play. $1-68 (regular price $J.5t.) DON’T FAIL TO SEE OUR SPECIAL COLLECTION OF NOVELTIES, BRIC-A-BRAC AND CHINA ON OUR 25c, 50c AND Tt.OO COUNTERS—1 ANOTHER SPECIAL HOLIDAY INDUCEMENT.—From now until December 25th we will allow 10 Per Cent. Discount on all CASH PUR CHASES. Our store, No. 620 East Broad Street, will remain open until 10 o’clc P. M. even’ night during the week before Christmas. L WELL-TO-DO SON LETS AEEO MOTHER SOiFER (Special to The Richmond Virginian ! NORFOLK, VA„ Dec. 19.—Charged with assaulting his aged mother, Ben Marks, of Chapel street, was discharg ed In the police court to-day because of the parent's inability to testify against him. When ordered to carry his mother home. Marks said: "My soul is as good as hers and 1 can't break myself down looking out for her.' It was stated that Marks was worth as much as $50,000. and the man admitted that ha was well to do. The mother. 87 years old, was found on her porch early Sunday suffering greatly from cold. IETEIIII WANTS PENSION INCREASE That it would be batter for Con ederate veterans who have families, i the money which would be spent n maintaining them in a home were tlven to thorn to support their house holds, was the statement made to Governor Mann Monday by I.. 8. Uowdy, of 2903 West Clay street. Mr. [>owdy Joined the Confederate army n Cumberland county and was asstgn >d to Jackson corps. He lost an arm n the battin of Gettysburg, railing it Cemetery Ridge. Mr. Dowdy apent half an hour or nore talking with the chief executive, ind when he left he said the govar lor had promised to take the matter inder advisement. "We who have families art' given a imall peuaicr " tali' .Mr. Dowdy, "'and hose vho *■> i the home get the tension hi d ti e keep at the tnstltu lon. It ■iv.juid be a whole lot hat er, to give a veteran with a family he pension plus what it would .coat o keep him In a home, and thus en able him maintain hie own house iold." Judgaahip •till Vacant. Although it was expected Governor MftAA vUuid utufmtnt tht auMtnor li Judge J. E. Mason Monday, he did not do so, because u delegation from Caro - line county is coming to Richmond Tuesday or Wednesday to speak in be half of Commonwealth's Attorney En nis, of that county. Although the governor will hear the delegation, it is believed R. L. Chi chester will get the Judgeship. APPEAL TAKEN TO COUNTY BOARD BY SCHOOL PATRONS LANCASTER. VA„ Dec. 19.—Follow ing considerable friction between mem bers of the school board of the White Chapel district and the principal of the Ottoman high school, the board met recently, dismissed the principal and ordered the school closed until after the .- ..1L. ..."1- « j Christmas holiday*. Vi| | have been registered by ! the school and an appeal i keu to the county school 1 will hear the case on W< I less Dr. Frank W. Lewis, ! perlntendent ot' schools, i to adjust the difficulty before KINGDOM, FAR AWAY EDEN, ANCHORS AT (Special to The Richmond NORFOLK. A'A.. Dec. Portland, Me., borkentlne which sailed from ports In months ago, carrying the ' sect and its bank in Kden of rest, la lying ehor off Oolonna’s on the Berkley side of i Pleasing and Useful XMAS Suggestions