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(Elis win 5EG0RD VICTODY IICT DKPKAT mu raAR rnim,\m t (in in v KllillT ON .«l Ml \1 . Resolution spreads COVKKMIIM TO 1*01 II ri|Oi>r» IN ’* TO DIMITKI TI I) >1 NTT—III - BKI, N II’TIIKV PHON'III M l II— PI 1.1 V I .mm Krill II VI - 1*1. Ml. EAGLE PASS. TEN. Iv. 1* K. port!- from the t’hihuahua d'.-tre t Mexico to-day do- isr- that t1 i u «nl troops are again in t -tr. it ■ lowing a second ill I i-i'e xnt. rv .-t ravolutlonlG*. J:P r;? t - dct. rmlt.e ■1,- h fail t the )«■* "II either oonBrni a rep. rt ii. •Mis were trial;-.. The engagement t Chihuanun »:i' i ;.•> < •< o - Uauniii'Z !•< ns • mi... -I Dial troop.- Hor'i.i n ■ tun -2 ami vmrro. feu. r. gen# tv - .adlnc i in I • -l -if Hi t - l hi N.-l Itii ,i Totnt-oim .i armii . w t i. fluri distri -t r riun> r itegan -i sirrilni morning tinned throng! - ut llu In the rout t*t. !. 1.1 . - Although inn .ik eti th-' uwi rnini l:l had ; vrunhin* th- nuil a nar mil indications to in, ur lit--I i ruin • • ■ nr it i, i - g ;ui4 >n r- suiting II app. . , ‘-ii'il no' "in' that - ,t. rebel prof-Hgapiln nr h«» itig in- r- v ln( »»« t --- I the n-|i>-i-it Preside!! I >ln IS hus ordered t! pmirod in I'hihuhua. ilou-rmim u u errerwh-lm the lr.-urr. lii-m-i-. Belated report* t-—ta. from l..-1 tit SLt r that thr . l- ix l vittorj o! I '; day "‘as- more pronounced than iir-t TeporU-d Full,- 1. r* i n> foil.-ml ,-ol titer* perishrd In that -ritaiy ment While the rebel Ineu *v*rf compara tive! \ entail, ju i i-rding to tu-da.'. : ad vices Insurgent. EL PAtif. I> stop Train-. ruber I!-.— All trams the North-vest - rn rallr-mu from Junta t" IVdernuo - hat • n iped 5-y the insurgents :ii th- iat point and oidraetf tun K t ■ I. i a, according t<- advi-n • r.-c<-»ve«l y. Praath-allj all telegraph lim-s El Paso hu\< been rut wist -I Andrea*, making st Intp-a -1.-1.• t *ny new* of the events occurring Chihuahua State, pddetent iiino-rs another battle between In-urm !••« Federals in or near !’< <h rn.ih’r not be cc-nttrmed. The latest turn -if ,-I.m an - - brought scores of American iturers and soldiers of fortun •cone or ilo tron'd. Mattj Ing their services to thi Mo-l-an :hwe«tern Hallway •‘•.nipsin.v islng to operate train- out . ( Ihuahua To the fr-rnt i.-t* ,i,u to are KITH OF HUSBAND 1 I REVEALS A ROMANCE ff Hr»NCHR8TKn. va.. r>pc. n» The! l$(i®rder of George Ridgeway. fonnur ;ljr of thfs section. hut nt tin lirm <.| Ilia death a special policeman in thi Cfoplo.v of the Latrobe-Conncllsvlil. Coke Company, brings to Uuhil an in •Mpm-ted romance. u Rht|«way was protecting a fircign OT from the attacks of his lrat.<- tel #pw-oountrymcn. ant! was'shot ami llUled In the discharge of his duty, kk aaoasalns making good th< it «M«. Kit now transpires that Itidgewa... ftfco was supposed to huv, been a Itaflh man. hail been married seven Jreara, and his w idow went to Latml.e I*~"* claimed the remain.'. it m i me ■even years ago In went to ,i dial to have a thumb amputated the result of tin accident and was for by Mrs. Melissa Baldwin, attractive young widow, who hud e a trained nurse, (I, fell in ’« with her the moment she • uteri d ward, and upon leaving the h,.s he married In r The;, kept the and it only leaked out win n murdered. It was the mu n of the couple to annotini e their iage when Mrs Ridgeway » s..n -| lUd by her first marriage—gradu-! from college ne.vt Jum. ?KX I NIIICTMK NTS AGAINST rnllMl i; BANK! |; EBBtTHO. YA., T>ef enjher II*.—* H. Boveritou. thi well known lipton man who until recently . ■ u a hanking business in liump UPPervll.e and Mldflli burg. has Indicted on eleven different pen of having r. i i iu d ih posits ; lng that his banks were ipsoi He Was released on >'..000 hond appear for trial at ttn .mntiarv 1 . of court. Mr. Itov . nloti s t rh nd: Hampton furnished tn. i• m:. SOKK tits PI,AM wiix ni: i ni.\n«,i n UlOAN OK K, VA., I «< . ml» r 1'* - - Roanoke - (ins and Wati i announced to-do. that because tvttl* rapid growth in it- business. corporation bus lii rn termed to over Its pas propi rtn and that >,000 will be t v|n ridf ii <t unri in ^Improvement of its gas plant, in' _ the erection "f-what will l.< ip largest he-lder in \ ireim.i ISOKl. GiftK ITi M \ki :s iw|(, \ \|| vr rejAXt>KE, VA , I if ci ml'i f is gfjjll Marks; groi • r, made assign. " "I Ao-day to J. W. Camper His ;i ijare Mttmated at $2.600 and the are about $1,200. \v. h. is preferred In $:;5o I r rent. KEsoLirn »\ s oi m\. OOLEXtK IN t iiNNI t l Ion WITH Ills I ATI! lilt s I IK ATI I dutmiis of sympathy i»r );• . C. Hatcher, pastor of Broad Methodist church, whose father loot week, wire passed ,,t tin Monday morning e-ouferciii e hodist ministels. i>n H'ruunt keraavement, It. Hatcher did ach Sunday. his .pulpit in the bem^ filled by lie., hr. .1. _am and by Rev. A. C. lierrv I M night announced that :i log t' n» , Is being planned lor me Wmr. J. K. Brown, a famous 0t.8t. hoaia, will probably have charge of the < am|Hunn A lance tent holding 3.000 pf-opie win u#t*d and thoiv win It trained linger?* nntl we'riurs Th- t<*nt wn* pit h« <1 ! ir th!'. YiifT-Oft i»i th*'4 city am! nt.tuiK- a t * a» h point will fufitmii.' f**r about three week* The rrMTtmp wH! held in hast Knd and Wvm Huh of U;» hiiMnd and jfi South ?JI« hnit'iul Mr. Hrou n li e h ui gnat m., ess ui m* -•!>nKk thromth*. t th** country lie has had signal -,;-■<*.•* in ,\..rl\dh and l-yn<hhurg. I . S f In oil f our: of \p|M*nl T’f ( fit <! States Ciivuit « ourt of Appeals r- *11 • 10 «i Mono..y morning; at 11 •• - f». K v*ith '‘1i» lit Judges tioff and I'r t• . • r»i and hdstrht ■lil'iK* e M I •.*■.- • 1 and hose jn tittf ndait* • «Nu;rt an.'.. ,ik . .»l(j handed liou ri ■its opinion i>. th. Huh u mg . as< No | nit. d Slat* .- of Arri»*r t a fdamtirY hi error vs Hank **f N'orth Wila* shore, d* fondant In r r' r. in * rroj to th* <’lr» uJt t"ourt tl < Ire, nsl -r-., .Y r Opml.ei m j 1({*. K"1" Adirrne V I oonaid I ’? • ; gh .1 m. f New Ynrlr < 'it f- -is eil’n" I • praoli. *m \ ! < -nrt 1 'h.* foil., -a a.- unaiiv N'• »s * I lar> .rjr Am* 1 ;■ an Strain r • - t *' ***■’.., n> .1 pj>* llaiit 111-11 !•' i in i . ; ; • * ;. a pp. t j t r* .in the . . tri i < .41 hn it! U" r* . Mil. t \iu»« il: . , O J r. .j* ri* k M ! Town and A l^oi.nrd Brougham, NY v Vl-rli < for ti,, appellant aim *h‘>!f£r 1 Mi'-t-r, e! Halt lifer \H tor th* aps** I- • , 1 Ti*! Mihinilti d C" irf adjourn* *1 1 i.ti! T11* s la . Th “ ' •• Ti-’ 0*1 M of 'd, ',**hS th** la : \ ■ Ih.*t ■■ t>, armed at this m» • - Yu ■■I th*. ... rt * <<;•.. -,rti {*.* jn. • • ‘'1 <d•'i v h the latter pal f. of th] v * * i: •J idg* J am* - r. H.ov.l *.j f}r****m« ' N < ■ ft ri-.. d a ton r iast night 1 h- in at', rid;.!.. ■ th** eourt •’? r'o tenant!.nr ,:;nlS of the se v 'an. • fndg <■ 1 ?r*m - t ' Met »*>u *•!} i. \ .. ■ 1 h e !e-rn in I./n< hi*urg \ a TWO MORE TAKEN UNDER CARE Of PBESBfTEflf !' '11 .. )i;uk in. it | i-r. ttdtrutto.t mtu j h Ka>| Han. '.! I'I * ■ !ij ter;. ..>• ran-j 9 for o,. mlniMtry at .. specially itlli il nii . lli'K 1 f tlu i>r*-»<hyttTy M'.n la> momma. rii>:. at. Mr. \\. r ! iu- rrant, nr Wiin)<>i «■. Ky.. and Mr V\*-sley Hak.-r. Multunorr tinth ir. now put. nina til M ■ - ,tr atudK.a at j i>‘ t'nton Theo|..Ki. „| Seminal - ami M.ih nr. nit'inl>ors ..f riitn.-r Turk i i'ri-Hfiyti-ri.ia i-hur. ti Tin- addition •■f thif ti-.-o i-audl tilt'-.. rnnKi - a toluTyf t-.v. nty-ftv,- now nidi r the iri- ..f tr. 1 • Caat Hanover I’Ti-siiytery. Tin :. .S.atori tl,r t>n*ri.-ytery f.d th. 'iriiiii Moiivia. inorniiiK ■ .'.K -I ;i • Presbyterian rn : nlsti I >f I r it, d Ht u hi. Ii n ■|>.'.ia] n.m Mitt.'. iv«< appoint. .1 p. ,rr.a!!«■ I.■ r . -.f union rras.i rriaic.H thi in a .-ok ol til.- new year. This coin nltt. ■ IV. 1 ornpose.t ..1 I. 'V. 1 n r. t M Tn.lrn, ejiairmiiii l.‘. . I »r i». r y,\ .ill.'. Mr, W. s. K lrt rTv .ii. IMMM. lU.H'l VI- toy V lll.llltl HKIMi *1 tin; 111( lllll STKIIAIJ Mil nil V' . V\«-rk of <ln oratlnv and mitlni^ th kuilhlintf at 10'J North Kmnm Mrn*l| rn order for tin in wtd»o> and inessi n l ■ r !"»> > (limn i on Saturday w.t> h« k»in Monday rimnniiK i*y ^ v.-ral ladie* j ind men whd ar- tlim I. L. Par- j Nam. “The X* \\M* -s Krn mi , who in a i - : ntfixiiiK tin "fun. i ion. ’I la- tmintr w rih a will <*onsNt, of li i I he 1*00 • ♦ • f tile reason, Will t • • * i J» i :il I- <> Vlo' k Saturn a;' ami '"ntinih two hour: daruiK which it is believed hs Mi I 'itrlia in that the !-.o newv voi •!n anti imii' urio ot tin cit\ will have, in' and »- * * 11 * r» their till Mr i'arhatn nu*| Motidav that pros i"» t for u "Kf;. nd .plead . i e hrmht. ttic merchant s and domr. of money I'M\ mp h«.*. n faith.v ithri .< i SI loll Id I in aid*' tit' of f he ymihK d.-t> lit: t lHt*,oirv «j u J t r • up (»,•• slly 1*1.'. of tdOlii.Mi;||*> thlhps Willidl Will he M'rotd i*cfo|c them V\ hlil is J. ft of tin* ! I* read will h- k'VU to ! io N i tie ■. • nt li -irci nii.s1 ton for «] i>i nhut t«• ti umoi ** t ■ * *1 children and oiler poor iicrhon** u‘h“ looking to tin-* * harifafdc m , > t it u ■ i o 11 tor onothinr to y miudi/a ; tlo ' lin.- imaa m a? on mnm, ivshuti; iii.ij* \i 4 li am: 4 111# \|OM>\\ I >ir*-rttii hi-.lllul. t .1. J.Sim-n,' •1 thi Slat- d. pin tnn tit i.l aitrlcul *»ir»- w. lit lu i'Iuis. City early Mmi day moriiiDK In li.dil the I a.-1 institute "I tin M ar. ti, '■■a til Sunday that In • vl»( 1 i' ll u ^'*od (t ' il ,tn.d many ben iii' iai reunite. Tin i dia-Hc f’it> Institute Prints tit Hire, weeks' (Mini»tm>n in a i-Johc. All lh»* in.Mtlttitc lit'iil - in. th» .south went and Tub -v. ..iter M'etbju* oj' tin Slat* "» re most »ar < cvsfuj and cn [•our.'Mtin*.*-. mu ordiriK r. Mr. mven. ! hcjj.aud f I j. f.irnurs who. with rn* ir \vi\«s a to I childr. a manlhHtt-t! fh* r*atf st iritet cst and enthusiasm) lT> tie file* tm*;.-. will i- greatly l*(*ne |itcd i-v what life\ in ,rd from the; lo 11« ■< I. l-'oiiN Hiinruons. a. dored Woman,' \ H.b. tiHJiid fluid in h* d Sunday ill li“i ion* in tin par o' - i J Kast Mam ; r i * * Cofoiit1! Pa , v h o ■ viewed r.he (i,c. ah d thill death had ■' suited front natural errm-es. and that s11 tni(U< st wui ti*-' *■'•‘'.{1 Th» tiiMjx '•M Htcciniinv \ turn- i • ■ er i her amily lnr l.urtal. ■i j k r<i iiitiMMi i ii-| h i ei nri coi.i i eiuK Whi’ii tin ■ - iiti.-H i 'intniti-i mi nr I Inn lor iin-I r> ,--rni me t. 'ii'M.ii.i' night iiiiolh.-r .frnrt nil) I.. mill. t‘> ha M- th> re--liiUnn rein. Ini: hi fi-*M nt tVi-- city ro]i< ctnr rirntn it ei it. *1 t* Hi- iit- .M-m hly. ami It ictr .n i ■i-cn. iiinan Henry l{. I’<>1 Inr<1. !’■! ftt-rn-.iiat ai.p.-iir in ttw h.-linlf. t t‘ ! c « a 131: • i t) -.11 On r 11! 11 C tur T ' hvi m iut n f in . and $J2,OOu 1 Mar. The |-till* .*f Mr l’ullaril i - ■ ha M- tin : - • 11 tj a- -a| . d-mi a « . ith att*»K'-lii' r .inn nn\ ie i in in ii hi on \ i i i» mu yi:m id 1T: J-: 1 > 1:1 * 11 • k S1:! V.\ . u.-r.-m-j -a 111 - t ie- inn inns adUitturi to tlic li ttiniJir1. Sunday »a« iD-dli at it Sun'ia . u ith ml i taburalt- jiru ram. 'I tils la", additimi irnImlfs njn - i i-imrati • iasy room-. a litmiry itch) n and liiim-ini iii. The y tars room r i ,irraii«'-i1 Huy can t 1111 - • vy ii tutu -in- larif . fm-rnlily room With the.- I ini|irn 11 ith tits the It thndir's hay.- t. v far I hi- bant equip » d Smiita , -ai-iu.ul t ‘.io/Tia iti tha i-Jty I \l: It V II l Kill \« BV M I'III-.WH UIWTII .VlfUI'< d.K . \ \ I ti i.*'inher 1 ft.— larrs St Cr-inti- Tut-ki-r <vin to-Un•. ilh-d tu 1 harli-Ht'ni. W. V* , by the eatti of hts nepby-', J, Itandolpti arm JUuwii, NO RELIEF WHERE' CHECKS ARE PAID THE FEDERAL COURT DECIDES AGAINST GOVERNMENT IN BOGUS PENSION CASE ! :■ ! h»- unearthing .1 *1* a • r p*n~ ' th« CnttH States g**v • *r • rn<'il was th* Miuili." of si ttllng ;in ■rup* rUmt Issue in law Tin- I'niled shut* - •*■.»■« 1:11 Court *-f Appeals. Judge** i *rit ■ bird. M< I »• w .11 end Hos» sitting, has. «i.uniMin« «‘d an affirmation «<1 th* • •iHli.ri of the low* r ii.urt In th* c:*m « : '' *• I’nit d States against the Ho North V. -Ik* <»'.■ »?•*», ,\. ('.. and In the *1- ■ i* : 1 holds 11.;• t the banks nri no’ • MJ f* 11 • I * ’ to II:*-* government for! nail out ,n cushion pension : • . k« \ \ .r* Inter discovered t• * ? , «... j o-, yi : 1 ♦«’tl )\\ t to* wrong • r !’h» O in! Mi .-f 1 h* court • T?*' .lint*: * i • 1 * ■ <.f th*- government .ni* : t ■ ’ ■ l. 1 > t c,:.ah. sis lands that. • *•: »?u w h«» t r- •• 3 p< nsioti rimks M y mim , thems* l\( h at theij uwti i ?•*-»’! t ; 11 th- roan to tt hum th* • hock >m h-nwn c* not an imposter.-' T • • . o «j ues tn*i: was worked, '■ s 11 < ■ tr c ■ ■ he Alary M Mules, of W h.,fo . a i was « arrled on for y oe the* •<.:< the government • e 1: I ha * eh* v.... 1 >htat!iing til*' i • e o’ '!■ • ; • p pa re 1111 v fraudulent eo i 'M- 'I'm, r« v,; 1;» a s«»hii* r In the j »1 'k* ■* • .7 e th* nann* of W"hster. :'M- r Ins death the < otrmussion r**- | • « is* 1 l i" i!tion for u pension from n ■ v\ "1,0:1 who claimed to h* his widow.1 It • !’ 1 1 Mir: that the <mmnts «; 1 - * to ,i that both Webstf r anal ' widow ’:- >I oone time prior to I'.mmi • . 11 .* f Tin- pensioner was in reality) .Mrs .Mai M Males. e o. rnne tit then n d the Ihui; ! W'iikeshor • for .t744 **7. tin aggreg ito ' of t h* I * 11.41m? * hooks that 1 ad been ■ in d io tin bank to Mrs. Males and »' t'.Mirt in «Jr* * ns\ i 1!«* d< - *ied against tin plaintUY. The rase . ,!!'* aled ami t h« decision of the loss er court affirmed by tin Cm lit ! ' -art ef Appeals. SHOPPING THRONG NOW IIT FULL TIDE < Continued from First Page.) the in**rehrmtff* have greatly relieved the congestion, however, which char acterized the larger stores at this pe riod of th** year, and th*. crowd now j f->nnd In aisles, while seemingly con- j fused, is r*nl!\ orderly In every way, : tin* floor -oi?k.r in mans’ places re. o obdtiK <•’ rs 1 TO ; ; keep to th.* right, puss Tip on< aisle and down another. Additional clerks for the holiday .«»'-ny*»n has** also been employed. In s- s * ral phi* 4 y, the for* .• being in « r* H.-«'d as imi<'h hj 50 per < cnt. Cash- . b*rs ha c i»ceri pho * *1 throughout most of the stores on ptiltforms easily* reji"hcd from any * ounter » I*i*»\i*le for 11k* I*oor. Ah the. money j.h not going into the Hton s. however -that !«. not for f’hristmas presents, for busier than put before th*- charitable organiza tions are unusually actiw* this jear, and Imvi’ nut with unusual success, finding hundreds of cheerful and gen- j crous glvera St ni * m **j poor families will be cared i for by the* Associated Charities. Food ! In being bought, garments and* shoes; arc being purchased and many who | had anticipated no Christmas will find; that there Is .1 real Santa Claus after1 all, though he may not appear in Ilia rotund, rosy personage. In the lower sections of th** city, I where food is sometimes scarce, where warm « iotheg are rarely worn and where many adopt a Ilf* of crime and vie for a livelihood, the Salvation \rm> and the American Army labor unceasingly, and besides providing! fuel, blankets and clothes, will give many the only good, square meal Christmas du\ which they have had I'olln- to tu- Vigilant. 1 • ■ r tilt* protet tion <u nil i lass.-s <>i j citlzena thi' tit) polio- an* this year! ext-rt using unutmnl t art* and prt-cau- I tinn All tilt- men hate boon tailed in from their furloughs and vaca tions Kvt-ry man tvill he on the job j and front sunrise to sunrise t-vt ri s.-. Hon will t-e under constant pa trol. 1 m the Sotithaide four additional - men " ill l-e planed, while on both ; tides id Iht river the strictest regula- I lions will he enforced, not with the. vltu of perst.-i it tion. for when trouble1 'an he prevented without an arrest It will always be done, but' for the g.-n ral safety of the public, and with this ever In mind the officer* will imme diately l**t k up all drunken and dis orderly people whose pleasure con sists m disturbing the peace and corn- i fort of others. Hut hoys will he allowed to he hove as long as they like, the ehlef , of police has declared and Monday , will la permitted to shoot their pop • ra-'kira and hat.y-wakers to their heart*' content. No rods, of any sort i will he permitted in the neighborhood , of hospitals, however, nor around pri vate houses where people are sick, i ] An) infraction of this will result in! Immediate arrest. Major Werner an bounces, and he wants all the young sters to hear It well in mind As to tile size of pop-crackers < which will lie allowed, the chief has : Isso. d a ruling t*. th effec t that noth I mg larger than a No. 5 will he per-' 1 rnitted. The stores hate been warned not to sell them, arid the hoys, un- i ■ ss- they want t-> go to jail, an warn i d h* h aw them discreetly alone. Bonfires Where Safe. Monday night v\ I]I he bonfire • night and w heneve r th* n fifes arc j i i. stri’ed to \acant lots far enough,! from flame dwellings the police will I permit them Knowing tills and with I a great lust for barrels gnawing at flit it souls, tin* youth "f the city I s . I-*** n preparing for the event for si v - ; i i ral months, and many a dark baso n.-nt non hides hundreds ,,f boxes and barrels mysteriously taken from hack yards and alleys With those barrels and hoy* h pth-d iv high with gallons of ,,il poured i ■1 r till 111 to assist the lea pi life, I I nek- I ng SiRifi which rise In n volumi of* i -mok- , aia ompanic-d l-> th*- ro.-cr --f - i,reworks, th- night will he passed I lm! the - it\ will arise Tuesday, tired, 1 i -hepy and harrelliss. glad that it Is t >ver. i.uu, wi uritig its l.est and brav stjt - mil* and happy - ,( SCHOOL TRUSTEE WILL OE CHOSEN t. i r g ri I he I’ity i ’ouned will meet in joint | *‘ssion Monday night to elect a sue • to Mr, John Haghy, of the First ' ■ ejiool district,wlio recently resigned’ rem the city school board ; j. This district lie hides Church Hill j „ net Wnsidngto i ward Two eandi- n hit- * are hi the field for the place—Mr. II -'fciaj. i’&rrlali, of NorUj Ttreaty•aUtli u street. ami Mr. \V. H. i of the Soothslde. At, this meeting of the Council the resignation of Mr. Arthur Clarke, another school trustee, will l»- pre ■sye.ti <1. ami it is pofutihli- (hat Ins suc ei s*or w ill tie named. Mr Clarke for a Mllmhni of years has represented the Third illstrlrt Ills resignation. lik< that of Mr. Ilnfby, Is uis< il hy his removal from that district to another part of the city. CITY RANKS FOURTH III CEO CROSS SALES CM IIMOMI I.Vt.s Itl lllMt IH T IS I AI’I i II II TO T\M im.\< K “ t o\ IIOMK STHITt II. Although Kiv hniond now rank* only fourth In the line • competition vv ith othi r Virginia cities in t onnec tion with the sale of 1 {•«<1 Cross stamps, this city is oxj.r led to give a l" tii r aeeount of itself before the rale Is concluded. Norfolk is leading in the rate, with Koanok' a . tose second Then comes IVtersl.iirtf, with Klehmoml not far !o hlrnl tiiat ejty. It In estimated that -iri« e the open ■ rik of tie- sale not fewer than 30.UO0 seals a day liave tieen out hy business lirrns and Individuals in Virginia. “ I'ilp’ per emit, of the gross receipts from tie aide in Richmond will go (o Pino Camp, where the city's tuber ■ alosts patients are treated. NEARLY A SCORE DEAD OR MISSING IN BIG EXPLOSION (Continued from First ! ago.) thrown over on u passing automobile For a moment I was stunned. I “atv men and women imprisoned In tlu car, unable to get out ami tainting Mt lirai instinct was to aid them. 1 managed to pull one dead woman out of tin’ i ar. The second woman T dragged out seemed to t dying. Then 1 fainted and remember nothing until 1 was brought here.' Kelly's left leg was tr -ki il, and he re. < i *ed a severe gash In tils apex ami bud seal]) wounds, but the phy sicians declare he may recover. < >f the tw enty persons sen' to Mower hospital three will probably die. At 1 o'clock no furtrn r bodies had been recovered. Firemen and laborers were searching the rail s but because Of the complete, destruction of ih» building tills will be a difficult task and Chief Croker belipv ed it would tie several hours before it would be know several hours before it would lie known positively whether the bodies oi those reported missing arc burled under tlip debris. Croker hays Has Was Cause. Kin Chief Croker, after a careful investigation of the explosion, said (hat it way due to Plntseh igas) and : that dynamite was not a tactor, "I have examined who were, vr work when the disaster happened," ho said, "ami have found that the | xk» explosion w as entirely responsible. ] Tlo-re Is a three-inch pipe laid along side of the tracks here which are used lo till the \pnks of tin' Cullman i ars which are sidetracked outside of the destroyed building. A switching crow permitted some > ars to overrun their dlstanct to-day and the forward car smashed the gas pipe The flow of gas poured into the depot alongside Instead of shutting off the gas at the tank the workmen tried to Ox the break. When mixed with atr ptntscn gas- is more powerful as an explosive ; lhan dynamite. "Some one trying to straighten out the pipe, dropped hts work on the third rail. There was a short circuit ami the sparks ignited th. gus and a used the explosion " ASSESSOR BE DAMAGES WILL BE APPOINTED Mayor Richardson Monday afternoon signed tin ttrdinaEm i-s creating u city ..sscssor of tlanifu'i - atni authorizing Ho purchase f.y tl ■ ( tty of No. M»ti Alaiket square. Tint asaeasor will ne appointed by tlo oily engineer. •.< :th tin approval of the street committee and will re cot o $.r.00 ti yenr Tlo Market sum*-. property la t>c boiiKht by th, at for $:iS5, though it recently sold r r J242.60. The property has no cutlet to the street, and la being parch.ised ao that the I '<>' "'ll not hivV. to grant the right of way. IKlTENANT I AvrilAM iti:t tn i.its ntoM fever 11A1UUSONTJ1 Jt.i VA.. DecamlitT lo Lieutenant I tut ert Kastham, of lurrlaonhurg Guards. who hue been II with fever at V M. f.. Lexington, or several weeks, hue sufficiently re o'crid to return i,. the home of his yarents. Mr. arid Mrs. o. n. Last nun. on Houlh Hast .Main afreet. Ilied on shopping 'Trip. N< ill k i »LK, A \ . Oecembcr If*.-— >lrs, M. Cheat In. tn, whose funeral incurs in ''rev, t, jHy, was in Kor i»H; shopping. found dead in ”'i at the h.»nc her sister. Mrs. *. I'. Cousins < reditors or sctlis Meet. MAXAKSAS, \ v. I lee. 11*.—Waiter .’ante.. referee m bankruptcy, herd meeting her. morning of the ■ieditors ..t I.e* ..i S'eiUs and at* "dated flryan <; e-don trustee and I. nrv Camper * e iWaters und Eu rertr- Holdings eppraiser*. Crandall! .Iicltey, <'rmnii.ii .'iilth's attorney for fir vandria < mint who is attorney or SpIHs. \va«* prr-Hcnt. ilHHO AC vr I f I I I, ox < IIAIM.K <»l 11 I.KfiAL VOT1X1I; i.vxcHiirmV \ ' r've. 1*1.—w.n-1 ■r bmith, the ii'c • who was recent- j • arrested eht.rg ' ith having voted i legally in th. i.'.nt local option hi-tioft, wmh fC 'i ideil on Saturday. | li- 111 me lies c, v in the city and ; ««ly ill he eomm. .Hid he had Item *hi that he shorn.| ttansfer his vote i . the city. A PAN (ilVKS \sM KAXCK Ol’ US IIlr.llLST ESTEEM \\ ASillNtlT* IN rieccmher 1ft.—. ! cmiranee of th. He ndliiu's* of Jiipau aid the 1 i: j t -i States Was given res'dnt Taft t..-d t„ Consul Carl I’, i ichman. Am. r. ,.ri com ul ;it ,\n iski. Japan, wl,.. uled t,, puv- hi* sped. Itl lt TKXNY To \f WAGE Rostov NATIONALS IP USTO.X. MASS, fiecemher lit.- j red i entry u*o* itefluv 11 p poi n I *-il aiiager of the l.oslon National;. An- ! umcement XVa mad*- t.y Pre idem dwell at tire iomlu»lon of a meet g Qt lire club uflujiglg, , SEIfiCH RETURNS TO H(S HOME S\YS III: "\i lii: II’" IN NEW VOHK \M» mDNT KNOW MOW, IIK (iOl THKItK. ial to Tin- Ulchmoml Virginian.) NEWPORT NEWS, VA.. Pee. IP. - The mystery surrounding tin sudden disappearance of Thomas Edward' Sealeh, head bookkeeper for the Now port Nmvi and Old > Point Hallway and Electric Company, last Saturday wpfk was cleared yp this morning when Saalr-h walked Into his home in j Hampton. Sealeh was in a nervous condition i and explained that after ho had gone I to Norfolk Saturday on a pleasure ; trip b« remembered nothing more ! until he i ame to himself yesterday in New York City . How he got there ■, he eannot explain lie returned Im mediately. Seal eh yvas arrested soon after his ! return to-day and is now In jail file- i lng a etmrge of grand larceny. V war- ! rant for his arrest was sworn out by j the \ •, port News and Old Point Hall- j way Company and charges him with • larceny of j:tna. Market closed strong. RICHARD F. BEIRNE IS AWARDED RHODES PRIZE AND WILL REP RESENT UNIVERSITY AT OXFORD. (Special to The Hb hmond Virginian.) I CMAKl.OTTKSVLLLE. VA I>ec 19.' Frank Koulkc Helrne, of Hlchmotui, j was to-day uwurded the Rhodes schol arship. He is a son of the late Kleh- | nrd F. B*»lme, one of the most bril- j llant editors Virginia has ever pro- | duced After careful j. reparation tit! the county school for hoys, of Haiti- j more, he entered upon hi* work at the University of Virginia three years ago ; and has pursued his course with uni- I form success. He Is a candidate for: his baccalaureate degree this session j and is carrying In addition to the re QUlri ti B. A. courses n graduate course i hi Italian. •lodging from the high grade of work : Hell ne is doing ui the University this session there is the fullest confidence In ms imelleciuai power and his ability , to bring credit to the University and] himself at < >Xford. Wnde in college lie took an active1 pint In outdoor sports. He was a mem ber of the track t'uun which competed with y ale and In several of them con tests won u place He has played basketball, aseoi latl.di football and j tenuis He is a meinOcr of m,. in-itu I Phi fraternity and I lie Tilka bonbon Society and vice-president of ih<- .tun ’ di inn i 'lass, ‘•wnv IU-1A1N t in .ViLL rKii.UI.MvNl ni|V 1 HIM *NU i l BL ltli, \ .A . JJuCetn tn-r ly. - The 'wet' foreee have rein died the law arm of Harper, Oouinun and ioanlei and J. lin.-ney Coiulhah to rep resent mem iu the coining contest. t he answer to the petition inou riat uruay by Oeorgt E. 1 nomas Whitehead and Judge A A, Ptm-gar, on behiut of tin- urys,'' will be wiihih the next twenty days. i tie wat counsel today would hoi gnu out uny information as to what Ihe Hharacter el the reply Would be. UWT MtA\ I'o s< lltxti l NOKIl HI \1, ION |T|( )|, Attorney-t.en.rul Williams, hi an opinion sent to Superintendent t.f ! i’untk' liiggleaton Monday " hum <i lor a literary fund cannot be made b\ the Mat. board of education to u s'. hn,.l' undt-r the i ontrol of more than mu Ht-h"'i| board. Then fro the high i tn h..„| of Disputants, Prime tJeorge I county, which is controlled by the 1 ' school boards of Templeton and Blackwater districts, , allot g.t tie j it t.'t borniw. It was while considering Hie Kality ol a loan to the i haputatitn school that Mi Hgglcton and Sec- i rotary .Sb.irnt-s decided to put thi matter up t.. Mr. Williams. The attorney.general declared in h s opinion that an act of the I-eglMa. tore was nc essary If the hoard wished i to make the desired loan. MSS' HI LEAVES JUTES THE THOUGHT ! I ^ -- to mold arrest and prosecution for! ca?U:,o'" conn. Mrs. Joa i-lahn, or ! V ‘ "cst Broad, who whs enlolncd .Saturday morning from beating m-r husband. Salomon llahn. ouietlv ' packed |up her belongings Suikih', and left town. Her husband is rnali no *’ftort to locate h<*r. Mrs. Hahn's sudden departure \. as i taken after she had .lolled the court ' to make her keep out of „h. i litis- , t.ands Stole. dhi> deemr. d that the store was hers and her husband hush here and. that she would not bone ' cither of them. , *'aw Continued I'o allow counsel for John M. sty. wait time to prepare th. defense Justice Crutchfield Monday .-onflnued the case in which Mr. N . - used of violating the diiid labor law of the state. According to Agent Clinedlnst, ... the hureau oj lao.o’ Mr. Stywa It iicrmitted hts thirtocri year-old duughter to work In the Johnson box factory. The child Is too young to work, according t , the lai.or laws, which were passed at Up. Instance of State Commissioner of Ha ler J. H. Doherty. MOM MI NT TO WFliM.VM HAMPTON Cl KT|s I'VVHli.KH Intprerslve exert is. s marked the unveiling of a monument to the late William Hampton Curtis Sunday af- | ! t-rno'-n In th. Hebrew Cemetery, the ceremonies being under th« auspices j of Magnolia Camp. Woodmen of the* World. The following double <|inirtet i J part In th* exercises: Messrs. K. t ’*’<■ ker, M. W. Wilkinson, O, |;, .\un- i 'tally, W. A. King. C ». Hloytlj J Holtz. W. H. .\unnally. J. h Asrl.-y. 1 pompom: ( o.vkihkhation op ! i:i.i.<tiox or sknatoiik £ WASIHVOTM.V. Decern lx-r 'I f*. ‘ | i ll.- senate committee on judiciary to- i ia. postponed until lifter the holidays uniadoration of a report made bt ,i I tub-committee in favor of th. ,.|*e« |, lion of C tilted Slides senators I.. ,!, .optilar vote. Similar artioi was :akcn with regard to the nomination* c 'or comment oourt office* ' U emus DEVELOP ID EARLY HOOD <.i:\fcK\l, ll’WAHI. MOVEMEYT BlXilVS WITH T1IE WEEK IN’ M ARIA' AIX At "TIVI ISStTEH. NEW CORK, December IS.—Good gains were made In nearly all the Issues traded In at the opening of the stock market to-day and a general upward movement developed. Impressive buying whs evident in :i number of Important Issues from the beginning and the market with one or two exceptions continued strong. Governments ur>- unchanged, and other bonds strong. Additional advances were recorded In a number of the leading railroads and Industrials during the lust half of the forenoon. The market continued fairly active In the afternoon, hut the rising ten dency was checked on large offerings of stocks. NEWYORK STOCK MARKET. Opon. Cloaod. Amarfcun ltaat Surar..,. Am. Agpr. Cham. Co.. Allia-Chalmar*.. Allia-Chnmbera, pftl.. Almalgamatod Copper. . 63 ■ % 61% AmiH<«n C*o. fc ‘.»Hi American Can. pfd.. 77 American Car A Fdy............ American Car A Fdy. pM. 5u 30 A mar i van CoMon CHI .... . American Loooraotire . .. ... 16*$ 3C American IiAfomntift, f>t«l. . American Smalttn*. . T4**i 76H American Huagr .. Ainer. Tel. and Tel. Co. ......... 141 *i 142 Amerlcan Tobacco. turn . . . A marie a u Tobacco, pfd. Aotfonda Copper. . ... 4J Atobiaon ... JOlMi 101H Atlantia Coaat Lina. . 117 Baltimore and Ohio. 106*4 Brooklyn flap id Tranait. 74** 7&% Canadian Pacific. J9.V-$ 11*4Vi Chaaapaake and Ohio... 81 81 V® Chicago Graat Waatarn. ........ 22H Chic Mil. and Ft. Paul.....'. 178 t2*H Chi. and Northarcatarn. ....... 14 fVj C. O W.pfd. 65 r.5 Central Leathar.. . 4i*> 4 1*4 Colorado Fn*l and Iron . . Colorado and Southern. Colo and South.. l»t pfd. Col. and South., ~d pfd . .. Cnnaoiidatad (»aa . 1 W’-t 114 >■% Dale ware ami Hndaon Denrtr and Hio. F.. com Denver and llio G., pfd.. ... -S: Dial Mem' Sac. Cur. , Er*. •* » Al4 Fria, ! at pfd. . .. 4'» 4 ■ Krie, 2d pfd. ... . .lMii* tSDy General Electric. .. |£5*4 l.>u# Great Northern. prfd .. 17 G* UN ’4 Great North. Ur». Ctfa. ......... 67 59*$ llUtnoia Central.. Int. Mrtmpoiiuan. .......... 20% nt. Metropolitan pfd. \ hit. Mar. Marina, com. .. Ini. Mar. Marine, pfd.. International Paper. 18 International Papa.r, pf<l.. Kaaaaa City Ho., com .. '4114 Iv&naaa City Ho., pfd. I-ouiavilic and NaaheiHa. i4t*4 Manhattan ... I ateinv street iumwmy.. Mo. Kaa. »nd Tctu . 3 (( 32 A M Kao and p/d . M amouri Pacific). . 47 National Land . M"i A* New York Central . . 1 j*4 N Y. Oat. and Werti-rw . 4t’4 Norfolk and Wrateto. . 10i tooAj Northern Pacific .. It.V* nr, Pacific Mail . . ... iVoruKvlvarra . . .... ... 129 P«H»pl** • Gaa .. iu&%4 Prr««nj Steel ( ar. ... Preeeed Meei Cat, phi ... .... Kwt Cueel h|»r:im .rom. i1'w .141^ Keadiag. 1.V) J.ViV* krpubhc Iron and ctAcI.. Ifophulci l and tc, pfd. .. y.j Hot k I •land. . M \iock I■ land, p/d... *2 -!o*«-Sbef/l*lrt... Southern Paeifl©. ..... Hi5» U*S Southern Kailwt*f. > 2712 Southern Railway pfd . f)2s$ 031 I «nnr«MM4 Copper . . ;i5 • -j l4 retail Pacino. ort' j Anon Paetfk-.. 17fti^ 171 ‘4 L'nited State* Rubber. .. :»4 3 j United Mata* Steel. 7i 7.4^ rated State* Steel, p/d.. . 11A«| 7».-Car. Chemical. 02'-4 02*4 • • Car. Chemical, pfd.. * »•>*•*>. 10 i id* A pfd.. 341. A ottern Union. ;. 77 74\ RICHMOND STOCK M \RKPT. Richmond Vu.. D*<\ 19. H*io. Bid a^Kcd P .41. ?tA old c a. !i I J j . . . . 8 7 •' 3 \,n 2-3 c. .v R. 11*91 .RH*4 ^ C L. H. H Con Tr I p. c.'M A <h;. ii. M«*r. U',.*-, r.492 ,100 la. A- l.« 104T> . ... j0;, lii Par. t«t *i**# C lf*22.113 »a & Ala. (..'on hv 1 M l.». . . 104 * o 1 «V \v CH l 1 {>' i J 9 9H . . . y», 'aboard All Lin*4 19f>0.. S' hiaboard Adjustment. bond?*. 1949 . . hnith* rn |{v, 1*t 1994. . 107 u. Ky A V Co. Href..1 a. Hy A- I*. Co i iom ....... 2 3 1. Alan Coast Linr . ..liv' A- O. . SI ►'or. A- NW*t ("on* .iot <0. Railway Pref . .021; *0. Kail way Com.... ... . 7»; imerlcun National .lfc* "ir j»t National ..;j 10 V**rchanth National..075 'a. Bank of Va .p» \ ’a. State* ond City.t.7f> ’lamer* National . . ... .h7:$ livings Bank of filch'd.... «3 'nion Bank of Rich'd .210 a Trust Co ... 12 I h FIro and Marine . , . . . . «;* 1. Car, ciurn Prof ft p. c 122 a. Car (‘hern (*o com ....*, 2 8 k 89 U 12.1 63 sti.ns. 2.000 Va »ld 3.S 8712,; 2.00 Va. On urb m at k,>Ai ; 10 sl»ai* s National Ban! f Virginia, 192. IlKIINOKII PIlilllirK MARKET. iUchmond, Va, Dec. 19, 1910 WVE I’OLLTliY. large and fat. urkeyH, l»«*r lb . 11 r keys, per lb. hick* ns. mu. p«r 001* tern, co«c. fat ««**•, small, uckrt. large, 11*. ticks, .small lb . . if. small and thin. ?/ 20 lb per Ih. . . each . . and large, each %e h . young. J* 12 40 per V If £ '*t H fU! 13 11 90 6»» . i 1 young, per .12 0 OP 13 DHKSSKI) I'OI I.THY. * ( mlraw 11. head and i**ct urkc> »*, ch.dce, (»• 1 I0...2I urkty.-, thin and small, »*er Hi ..IK hlckanK, per lb. ,.,*,,,.14 uckt| per. Hi, ,«•*«»■« mtli off.» (v ; 20 15 IH Christmas ( Gifts That Please and Delight nre to be found In glittering Abundance at the Schwarz* achild atore. But-—this it net time for word*—as Christ* mas Is only a few days away. Come now—our stocks are full, fresh and beautiful— and your Christmas of 1910 will be the happier—because your gift came from this popular and elegant store. Schwarzschild Bros. Richmond* I.rndivy Jrwelem. Corner Broad and Second Sts , |»et* lb. . 13 H 10 GAMP). Rabbits, fancy each. (o JO Rabbit*. rluii. t, eac-h.l-lj O 14 Halihltn, aninll or damaged, each .8 <*i 10 Wild Turkey*. per lb.-2 (q Squirrel*, eac h . 5 fit $ KOan. Crates, nearby. freah laid..: .’ r<\ Crates, other sections . . . '•'» ’.J m iruit. Choice, family packed. • (d Merchants, fair, j>«r d :0 mvr stock. Veals, choice to fancy, per lb. u Voals. por to f;tir. per lb...7ia ‘t Veale, small and poor .. 7 f<v Calves, runnon*. per lb.... 1# Sheep. per lb.3 ki I .a mbs, per lb. . 7* (<i llOKH . 7 > fit Cattle, fair to prime, per lb 3i“, DRI^IED HOGS KTT. Hoks, choice, small per li> 10 Ho**. choice, large per lb. . i»*j Hogs, c<tags, etc. per lb. 7 Spare-Riba and Chine, par lb. Sausage, per lb .......... s b I 5 ft !*♦ 1 1 'l 1 l H1DKS. Dry bait, per lb. . ... 1 »ry Flint, per edi . . . <»i* €>n, per lb. . . Green salt, per lb. FI MS Mink, a a* to .siic and ! »!»«* and a lid 00 0 'lualitN <H tor, H* t« qualttv lb aver, as to sin qua lit > . . . 5 00 Muskrat, as to size and quality . . Muskrat kit.' as to AM(! qUtl t it' Opossum, a* to ei*.e and qua Ilf y Coon as to six- urd tpmlltv Gra*. Few is to >he and qua lit v U«d Fox. as to *dr.e ur.d quality , <a 7 00 V iJ '4* 1 h ■i 7 ■U a - 5 '<* 1« U’J fir 7 v* <'i 35 kj 11 tff . t ft <a i -* & l ot & t «t >usa;i,mEoi>. Walnut* per bu.75 fit Rlnok-Fycd i t as. good hu. ..’.1' 75 7i Dried Apples, bright. Appb.h, round, per bbt3 00 (u t> nf lloe.ntrnx. per lb .... (& 7S It KM ARKS Marker condition* prae* Really same a« Saturday Turkey* rn1# hlightlv, other prices steady. OCTOBER COTTON SHOWS STRENGTH strong ni;i.i. si n*()HT ( aiiriks ruins to wmiix six ' i'oimv or recent HIGH l.l'VIX. NEW York. December 1 :* —,\i tin* I opening t h<- cut ton mark' t was gundy |l to 7 points higher. October show Iiir til - greatest strength. The lift ! did not respond fully to tlrm cables at tile outset hut later received strong lull support which carried prices to w Ithln six points of the n cent high level. I-tecember. 1 4.V x ru v; .Jiintiar’, 14 92 tt 1*3; March, 1T.S1 n tl, Mai, 15.41 !f R; July, 1 5,40 '-j 4 1; August, 1 liJilitj M; October. 13.70Itt 71. | • sun i. owi:\!< vnu, iutthn HOME WITH His MOTHER I Shell (.(■vi t.K. the loiirtei n-year-olU youth who told the police his namo • was f-'rutiH P.oyd after lit was ttr . rested two weeks into on the chargi ! of stealing S'i iroiti a residence on North Third street, will he sent back, to his home at Laurens, ft. C. A j telegram was reeeived at the heatl | quarters «.t tin Associated Charities M1 ridav stating that his mothe r would leave pt Richmond without delay to cuilm possession of her hoy. The lad's real name and home was ascertained several days ago through the exercise ef a little detective head* work tc a reporter for The Virgin ian. ON Ml Kutrnol S Ass.iibT I'or trying to kill Hubert Most))' ! with a Kriue and lauilig In this at iieinpiiiiK to beat his brains out with a eiuo oaturaay mgnt, Jonn -Mosey, a colored gladiator of Jackson ward, was sent on to tno grand jury t>y Jus tice < run niielU in poiut court Mon day morning. lif.vs A WAV WITH POKHK l.r.'lh 4 AlO.s i tin IX JAIIj Convicted of stealing a 114 pig front Clarence Tinsley, two negroes, Albert Jones and Charlie Johnson were Monday morning sent to jan for four mop tup by Justice Crutchfield. Tha pig was brought Into court as exhibit aalpha and omega and loudly pro test'd that he had beeij stolen, though tne accused declared that they didn’t know "nothin' uboout It." BIG STEAMSHIP IN PERILOUS POSITION VAN'CorVER, 14. C„ Dee, 19.—Tha Crunk TrunK I’aclfie’a crack new linen the Prince George, went ashore at tha entrance of the Harbor to-day. It la feared she may tip over at low tida this afternoon. CENSlS OFFICE GIVES OCT STATISTICS WASHINGTON. Decembr 19.—Tha census office announced to-day tha population of the following cltla towns: Wayne township, lnd.. 20,tai, Marshall City, Tex., 11,452. Alabama: Anniston City, liersomer, 1«.SS4; Dothan, Florence, tt.889. HantfviUs* Stlma, AJ.IIH. f.WH /