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EUROPEAN RULERS TO ASSEMBLE IN MARCH HONORING ANNIVERSARY OF ROME AS CAPITAL [XMFEor willTavr]l 1 PRESIDENT TALLIEKES] HOME, Feb 22 \ mn'it notable gathering of Europe1 ?i rub . p v 5b > •* in Home In Marrh T1---' m ill be the gueats of Pope Pius X. an \ the Qulrlnal on the occasion of the for Math anntver** r\ of the proclamation . - .■■■„■—■.--■■■■■ .......— of Home as th* capital of I'nitmi ifiiy. Thono moot toned more particularly * in t ondiUK t ■» be present er*‘ K’np<*r«>r William, of <i«rTiiany. President Pul liam, «>{ Frsm^, King Haakon, of N<• ■ \ vv.*i> and King I'otar. of Servia. It In rocnnlei! as not improbable that Kin* G e*»rgc, of Knglatid may visit Home after his coronation. T: <> f>ope will bo the center of one >‘f the moot imptfs* stvo gatherings of distinguished men that has occurred in recent time#. ...."s Are you a subscriber to The Virginian? . Do you intend to subscribe to any of the national maga zines this year? will give you a yearfs sub: e^ription to two of the fob _ lowing magazines and _a gubscriptio" »" The Richmond Vir; T HE RICHMOND VIRGIN!AN WOMAN’S HOME COMPANION THE COSMOPOLITAN THE DELINEATOR.. EVERYBODY’S McClures ■■■ ■ • GOOD-HOUSEKEEPING HAMPTONS DESIGNER ■; THE METROPOLI TAN SUCCESS Rei». Sub. Price $4.00 . 1.50 . 1.00 . 1.00 . 1.50 . 1.5CT . 1.25 . 1.50 .. .75 1.50 . 1.00 The above magazine* are listed ^the regular JP.SO^S 1°TS on'the three who avail themselves of thrs offer w»U make a sa%mg publications. Don’t Miss This Opportunity! ISVII »■ oo AND RECEIVE THE TX^MAgSiNFSANDTHEWCHMOND viRGINIAN EACH FC >R ONE YEAR. THIS OFFER IS FOR A LIMITED IIML. Either THE CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE or THE M ■ imaiic HERALD can be had with one of the an TmTmaiHWN £ ■; JJ» ttonal dollar, making the three one year tor $6.00. Address Your Order to THE RICHMOND VIRGINIAN, RICHMOND, VA. t _|§|fevj . 1 j J \ . Father Time will turn backward a century or more In It* flight Wednes day evening when the much talked or Charity BalLwill be given in the Jefferson auditorium. Stately ms Ids and men wilt dame the minuet which will open the ball nt *:30 o’clock, and their costumes and wigs will bs perfect replicas of the days when Washington and Martha Curtis danced the 1 stately and proud minuet." Mrs. Fiank McCarthy and Mr. Fainter Leigh will lead. Mrs. McCarthy's cos tume is a beautiful affair of white satin, rich lace and black velvet, it is embossed with bunches of roses and is made with panniers of tlia satin, .looped back with black velvet. The front Is studded with rubies. Jt Is cut low at the neck, which Is finish ed off with lace, und has a court train. illsr Fa rah Hamilton, of Petersburg, and Mias Elsie Lindsey will take the places of Misses Zayde Hranch and Mabel Walker, who nr« prevented from attending by mourn ing. Following the minuet, the ball e ill l e turned Into the usual dances, tor which music will be furnished by Thllow'a orchestra. Richmond society will be present on masse. The stage liaa been con verted into boxes each containing scats for six. These box partiee will he one of the most attractive features of the ball. Those who have engaged boxes are Mr*. J. Scott Parrish. Mr. Egbert Heigh, Mrs. Stewart Bryan. Miss, Mary Williams, Mrs. Barton Wise. Mrs. John Harrison. Mrs. Peter Mayo, Mrs. Fred Scott, Miss Lett ice Woodward and Mr. Watkins Ellcr son. The auditorium is a mass of bright colors and flowers Flags of all the nations are hung from the windows and on the walls, while quantities of red. w hite and blue hunting heighten ihe hrllltant effect. Tall palms and hay trees are grouped at the base of the stage, and about the hell. A seat ed supper will he served In the din ing room of the hotel about 12 o'clock. The center table will be re served for the minuet dancers, while smaller tables, attractively decorated, are provided for the other guests. The sale of tickets has been phe nomenal, and material benefit to the Belle Bryan Hay Nursery will be the result of this ball, which will he one of the most brilliant events In Rich mond in years. In Honor of Mrs. Ctuitmigltam. Mrs. George Wayne Anderson will he hostess at a > nrd party Thursday afternoon in honor bf Mrs. Mayhew ''unnlngham, of Savannah, Ga. Mrs. ''arter Scott will also entertain at bridge Friday afternoon in honor of Mrs Cunningham, who is the house guest of Mrs. Barton Wise und has been the honoree at a number of handsome affairs during her stav here. Luncheon nt ConiinonwealUi Club. A handsome luncheon was given Wednesday st 1 o’clock at the Com monwealth Club by the Common wealth Chapter. Daughters of the American Revolution. Mrs. James Lyons acted as toast mistress and Mrs. D. T. Williams. Mra. Robert Nel son and Mr*. C. P. Wingfield gave toasts The table was especially at tractive with its centerpiece of deep red carnations, flanked by numerous red hatchets. The place cards were miniature hatchets, bearing the por trait of George Washington The Ices "ere in the, shape of hatchets, and. in short, every appointment of the luncheon recalled the "Father of Our Country" and the anecdotes of his childhood. Cov ers were laid for thlr i ty-four. ' Among those present were: Mrs. Ben Purcell, Mr*. J. Taylor Ellysop, Mrs. James I.’.nns, Mrs. Allen Cham bers, Mrs. William Ruffin Cox. Mrs. Charles A. Blanton, Miss Eijmonla Martin. Mrs. A. E». P, oilmour, Mrs. F. It. Wingfield. Miss Madge Freed ley. Mrs. William B. Wood, Mrs A. 7. Huntt. Mrs. John M. Mimfs. Mrs. Preston rjwn. Mrs. It. T. Williams, Mrs. William H. Payne, Mrs, Hebert Nelson. Mrs. Thomas S. Bocoek. Mrs, ! J. P. Whyte. Mrs. Samuel W. Wil liams, Mrs. Pleasanton Conquest. Mrs. J R. V Daniel, Mrs. S. J. Dudley, ! -Mrs Willard Craig. Mrs. Mahone and Mrs Baker Luncheon -in Kitidntmv. An attractively arranged luncheon was given Tuesday by Mr*. Arthur i Klnaolviug, of Baltimore, at her home, F,t. Paul's rectory. The affair had i been planned in honor of Mrs. Ran I dolph Williams, of Richmond, Vu.. but she ?as detained In Washington S and could not be present. The other | guests we re: Mrs. David (}. McIntosh j Mrs. John II Wight, Mrs. William i A. Fisher. Jr.. Misses Katahlecn Bruce. ; tnondand Eleanor Turnbull, of Rich mond; \V. Hall Harrig ami Harvey j Fushiiig. < happclk)—Row e. “Brgmpton." the handsome coio [ n!al home of Captain M. B. Row e, was : the scene of a beautiful wedding. I when M s* May Douglas Howe became - tile, bride of- Mr.' 'Edward Westray <Tiupp<d!e, of Wavertey. Va on Tues ! day night. The wdde reception hall, ! vvilh the altar at one end, was deco , rated with masses of evergreen, sntl lnx and pink azalea* all conforming t > the color scheme of pink and green. : The bridal party was preceded by four ribbon-bearers— Misses Adelaide M«s , sick Rowe. Juijg Mason Rowe and Masters Alvin T. Rowe. Jr., and Car j ter Redd. ter Redd Rowe, nieces and nephews I of the, bride. The ushers were Messrs. J. Sant | Guy, of Johns Hopkins Fnlverelty; Westrav Cobh, of Blackstone; Vir ginia* L. Arnold, of Richmond Col lege; Walter Daniel, of Waverly; Geo. D. Rone, of Fredericksburg: Peyton Rowe, of Richmond. Follow ing these were the six brides maid*— Mieses .May Carmichael, of Cincinnati; Constance Wheeler, of Burlington, \ t ; Irma Juffress. oi Chare City. ‘Va.; Grace Jones. Revile Tyler and Cora Motley Rowe, of Fred , et'ickaburg wearing white lingerie over pink silk, carrying bouquets of sweet peas. The maid of honor was Miss lauia Rowe, sister or the bride, with a gown of Nile green satin, veiled in marquisette, i.ith crystal head trim mings. He Rowers were pink rose.*. The bride entered the hall on- the arm of her lather. Captain M. B. Rowe. Her dies# was of while satin, veiled In marquisette, with pc-ai 1 trim mings. duchess lace and pearl orna ments. She carried a shower bou quet of lilies of the valley and Bride’s roses. The party was met at the altar bv the gr-.i in and the best man. Mr. Wallace Chaupelle, of Waverly, Va., brother of the groom. Rev. R. A. Wil liam*. of the Baptist cliurull, perform ed the ceremony. Mis* M.vtlr 8. Redford. of Rich mond, played the wedding march, and during the n remony Mis. A. P. Row<;5 sang, sweetly "Sunrise'' and "Dawn ot Love.” She was uocnmpanied with tt violin obligator hr Professor A. B. Lowering At the cone histon of the ceremonvyi, brilliant reception was tendered tho brtdul party Mr. and Mrs. Ohappelle left on «« late train -for New York and other Northern points. They will be at homo In Waverly alter March 31. Among the out of town guest* were Mrs. Lucy Chappells, of Waverly; Mr* Beniamin Cobb, of Blackstone; Mrs. Lee Puller, of Sparta; Mrs. Frank Jones, of Washington: Miss Nell ®ut \ Exhibit and Sale New Notions Thursday, Friday and Saturday. WILL HOLD EXHIBIT AND SPECIAL SALE OF NewSpringStockof Notions and Dressmaking Supplies MANY SPECIAL PRICES AND UNIQUE FEATURES. Stewart * Duple* Safety Pins regular price, 5, 6, 7 and So: gale price, Sc. Parliament. Pins, regular price. 5c; gale price, Sc. Felicity Honks and Eye*, regular price, 5e; sale price, Sc. Washington Dressing Pins (400 pins), regular priee, 3c; aale price. 8 for 5c. Nickel Coat Hangers, regular price, 5c each; aala price, 3 for 5c. Warren'* Chicago Featherbone. regular price, 10c yard; aale price, bos of 13 yards '.sold by bo* only), 85c. Cotton Tape, 24 yards, regular priee 10e; aale price, 8c. English Twilled Tape. 10 yards, regular priee, lOe; gale price. 7c. Warren's Net Covered Collar Forma, regular price 5c each; aale price, 3 for 5c. Ale* King’s 200-yard Spools Basting Cotton, blaek ami white, regular price. 2 for 5c; sale price, 8 for 5c. Pin Cubes (large sizo\ regular price, 7e| aale price, 5c. ' Featherweight Hair Curlers, regular priee. 5e eaeh; sale price. 4 for 10c. Goods bought special for this sale, much under price— One lot of Shoe 1-nres, lc pair. Bova' Shoe Laoea. lc pair. Transparent Collar Supporters. 3 i-arda. 5c. Common Suy Binding. 4 foe 5c. White Spool Cotton (300-yard spoola), doaoa, 14c. or two doaoa for 35c. NiokeJ Plated Safety Pina, aerated site*, 5 card* Sc. Slip Out Collar Supporter*, white, 8 for 15c. invisible Hair Piao, doaoa papava, 5a. Darning Cotton, Meek only, apool, 1c. Dutch Tape, six piece* for lte. Bias Seam Tape, S yards to pieoe, Sc. Ruffled Garter Bootle, 8-4 yard place, Sc. Feather Btitehed Braid, white and color*, pieee, 0e. 1 aside Belting, block and white, 13 yards to piece. 31c. Black Skirt Braid, 8 yards to piece, Sc. Narrow Bd#ng, wntted eoloiw, 4-yard pieces. 15c. Seans Binding, «rlnte and black. 8-yard piece*. 15c. Du aimakaarr Km, 1-4-pound box. each. 7c. Or throe betas, 35c. Ikitieh Tim. fee Black SpoSf SBk, WO yards 3c. Load Drees Weights, sixes 3, 4 and 5 100 to a box. per box, 55c. Black Pin Book*, 100 pins to book, ic. Special Sale of "Diraeo ’ Imported Wash Braid*, which ia a ray popular trimming for wash dresses We hare a full assortment, white and all colors White with light biua, copmhagrn, navy, is vender, pink brown, black, old rose end tsn, yard, 5c., or 6 yards for Ik. When You Stop to Think of Suc&Sfflc You will realize the great demand for pretty Silks. From the large quantity o| Silks we have sold this week, this will he a phenomenal Silk Season, and the people have already made special preparations (or this important event . Have your New Dress cut and fitted. The coat is only a dollar for a one-piece dress, which Is the greatest service ever offered by any house in the world. Special Silk QQc Offerings at du Silk Foulards, 39c. 10 inches wide, new design*, including dot*, small figures, rings, triangle#, etc. Printed Dresden Jacquards. 39c. *f? iacher^ride, beautiful floral he-una orr white *nd tinted ground# Printed Tussah, 39c. 20 inches wide, new Persian designs, primed on tan colored grounds, in high luster Wash Silks, 39c. These are IS 1-2 inches wide, in the popular stripes for waists and entire dresses. Cheney’s Showerproof Foulards, Yd, 85c. Thousands of yard* of these moet fashionable silks, in the newest designs, including stripe#, dots, rings, figures and lace effect* on the differ ent colored ground*; also a large assortment of ihe popular black oti white grounds and white on black grounds. Yard-Wide Messalines, Yard, $1.00. 36 inchea wide, with rich, high luater, in the most fashionable e\ening shades, a* well aa black and white. Special Silk Offerings at Satin Foulards, 49c. 21 inchc* wide, very lustrou.-, in the fashionable dot* ami figures, on navy and black ground* Japanese Wash Habatui, 49c. 19 inches wide. on hand-loom* in Ispan, in a wide rang* of stripe# and check* Measaline Silks. 49c. Pure *tlk, 16 inches wide, wiih high luster in street and evening shade* Corded Wasli Silks, 49c. 19 inches wide, genuine imported good*, in solid white and black, a* well a* color* Cheney’s Showerproof Foulards, Yd.$1.00 F.stra quality and weight in the new Persian designs; also colored rosebud designs, and the always fashionable dot* Silk Marquisettes, Yard. $1.00. 40 inches wide, vary fine inesb. in black aiui colors. Silk Grenadines, Yard, 91.00. 40 inches wide, in black and colors, both street and evening shades, as well as tbe popular black and white combinations. ton. of Richmond. Uri. Catharine King, of Richmond; Br. and Mn. E. Ouy Hopkins, of (Hen Allen; Messrs. V. A. Montgomery. W. B. Richard son, Harvey Vlser, Frank button, Francis Rowe, of Richmond. Annual Meet lug of Co-Operative Workers. All frien Is of "Summer Rest" are invited to attend the annual meeting of the Co-Operative Workers at BD'J East Grave ; treat Tbuisday. February Hilt at 8 I*. M. Since the loss sus ! tallied in the death of Mr. George A. Barksdale. It will he necessury to se cure the aymrutby and aid of all friends of the cause. In order that this lovely mountain homo may keep its doors i pen to tired, sell-supporti*g women. Delightful Candy Feast. The home of Mr. Richard Henry Hardesty. Jr. was the scene of a de lightful candy feast on Tuesday even ing from 8: :’d to 12 o'clock. The guests w re merrily entertained In making andy in its various forma. Dancing was also indulged In. * ■'him various games were prepared for the guests.' who found this form of en joyment more to their liking. In all it was an evening of much pleasure. Those present were Misses Kathleln Gregory. Delhi i,. 1-acy, Marlon Wal lace, Elisa Jones, Euciie Butler. Shields Jones. Louise Francis, Grace Cottrell, v’erncll Better and Messrs, Franklin Gughenheimer White, Ban. Conant. AI win Saunders, Hobart Sut ton, Millard Jones, Charles Hall, Al len Ammons, Irvine Arnold, Charles Montey Montgomery, Wellington Cot trell Richard Henry . Hardesty, Jr., W. R. Amraous. Program for Eiuertahuneul. The entertainment to be given by St. John’s Clide of King's Baughters Friday, February 24, 8:20 P. M„ at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Billups. 4 24 North Twenty-fifth street, promiue* to be one of the most delightful of the many giveu during the present season. The following program has been arranged: Living pictures, posed by Professor Cosby; Betsy Rose, "Miss Mary Maxi!.*; Cupid, Master Stuart Billups; Vu Indian Maid, little Mist Walkup; George and Maltha Wash ington, Mr. Will Parrish and Min I-alia t<acy; the four seasons—Spring, Miss Basel Cheatwood; Summer. Miss Fannie Farrell; Fall. Miss I aim mitt Cunningham; Winter, Miss Ida lleld ciott; John Alden and Priscilla. Mr. John Goode and Miss Kuhy Urauer; Three grace.*-—Misses Uiount, CJteat wood and Woody; Pygmalion and Uallatia, Professor Frank Cosby and Miss Laura Arinltage; A Gypsy Maid, Miss Kuth Cunningham. Good-Night. Master Binford Peay. tine of the most enjoyable numbers will be a violin selection by Miss Annie Louise Kelnhardt, accompanied by Miss Myrtle Bedford. Vocal numbers will Ije rend, red by Mis* Bragg and •Mrs. Bailie Mtntgomeiy Brown. Pian ist, Mr. Ktehard Bacon- Beading, Professor Cosby. St. John's Clrcls of King's Daugh ters Is undernomluatlonal. and Is ons of several in the city that works for the Sheltering Arms Free Hospital. Webster*—^Jackson. A very pretty marriage took plat s Tuesday morning at the home of Rev, p. i*. Boyars, 11 Oil North Twenty-third street, the contracting parties being Mr. Robert, A. Webster, of N*w York, and Miss Helen Jackson, of Rich mond. The couple left immediately on their honeymoon. They will make Richmond their future home. June,*—Grave*. Mias Margaret Elisabeth Graves and Mr. Fairfax C. Jones were quietly married Tuesday,. Wsratef at M l* o’clock at Holy Trinity church. Rev. Mr. Osgood performed tha ceremony, which was witnessed by only the mo thers of hs brtds and groom, because of deep mourning in the latter's fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Jones left for a Northern trip Personals. Miss Margaretta Brooke, of Seattle. Wafh- arrived Wednesday to bo the guest of Miss Mary Scarborough, on Monument avenue. * * • ; Judge and Mrs. Randolph Tucker 'are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Edward 8. Munford, at the Connecticut, In Wash* Inglon, D. C. Mra. J. .Ml,son Hodges and little Mias Gene Hicks are staying in New York, wh -re they are the guests of Mrs. R. A. Patterson. • • « Misses Mary Pinch, of May sltck. Ky., and .MWns. of Norwood, O., are guests of the Rev. and Mrs. Henry Pearce Atkin: on Grove avenue. • • ♦ Mr. A. W. Hankins, of Grove ava* nue, has gone to North Carolina on a two weeks’ business trip. * » • Mrs Eugene Pendleton has return ed to her |i>-me in Houisa county, after a visit to relatives heae. • • • Misses Marjorie and Fannie Kim* brough. of West Grace street, has re turned from a visit to Petersburg. _ • * » Mrs. U. X. Arnall and Mr. Hearts Arnal) Ua.e returned from a sho^j stay with n olives at Ashland. ' * • Miss Hucile Williams is the gueat of Miss Louise Carter in Newport News. _' SAVING TIME MEANS MONEY . Owners af teams, making deliveries on Church HIU and all the northeast ern section of the city, wilt save time delivering goods or going te that sec tion of the city by u*tug the new steel viaduct from Thirteenth and Marshall streets to Tventy-dfth and Marshall streets. Church Hill.. The. toll Is very reasonable and any one will save much more than that »«*u»uat gelag or sending te and from that aactidn rJij'Ssara;stw: sa."*