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THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. VOLUME 3, NUMBER 69. AN UNPRECEDENTED BUSINESS IS REPORT OF ALL MERCHANTS BRUNSWICK IS A M SCENE — y —. Streets and Stores Were Crowded From Morn ing ’Till Night 4 VtRY PROSPEROUS SIGN Every Me.chant in the City Reported That Business Had Exceeded all Previous Years—News’ Re porter See Many of Them. “It has been the best Christmas I have seen ini Brunswick in years. I have done the largest business o*ni record.” This was the statement made to a representative of The News late last night by a majority of the business men of Brunswick. Of course they did not ail speak those exact words but each merchant visited stated that Dusiness had been excellent. One of the leading business men, who has been in business for years said: , I have never seen the equal before in Brunswick. My business has been far ini excess of what I expected. The people all seem to have money and my caefi ..piles this week have'been dou ,ble -the amount of any previous year 1 bega npsjess- here. I am s!at ■w' nore than, satisfied with the and believe fit at every mer- B runs wick the have our stree® presented Ittmcir an appearance as they did yes 4?tday and last night. Indeed a JpTanger wias heard to remark: sat,“Where did ail these people come .from, they don’t aii live in Bruns wick, do the.-?” i .'i’he .average Bruaswickian thought the same. Newcastle street presented ,tb£ busk-. ; api, -irr.nco in tile history js|r city; :-ry in, : chant wore a broad { snriSe-; the s,. : boy .(‘as in his glory jpSe thi r was happy over the tdet that he had money toi purchase ■ppything to gladden, the hearts oi ■•. family, and there are few in our ||ttle city who will not enjoy some ton this very happy day. Riy-'n't early morn vesterday until MBbstm-js was ushered in this morning ■Bare was a rush, and many a clerk |pndered his way home after the clos ing hour too tired to even remove his ■lithes before retiring, bgti'he statement of the merchants of Hjsbuswick of their unprecedented Bpristmas business should be taken Ip,a most encouraging sign by every ■pfcen. It demostrates that our city S-In better shape flnaaciallv than has Beeai the case in many years, and the ■|ming new year seems to have many things in store for us. Registered packages wiill ■t BE DELIVERED AT POSTOFFICE ■Unday Hours Will be Observed, Upon Arrival of Trains. BbThe po-stoffice will observe the us- HK Sunday hours today, depending jppon the .arrival of trains. R ip this connection Postmaster Brown fttated yesterday that all money or- Hflfs would be cashed aind registered packages delivered during the hours gjft&t the office is open. Ijpi r . Brown stated that largest num- P?r of Christmas packages yet to ar ■we came in on last night’s train and ■fee force was busy preparing to deliver Upt in today. Kp l ® postmaster also stated that this ||®s been a record-breaker for Christ- Hr? business and that mere packages passed through the office than BHptay previous year. ■ Santa Visits .Wall Street. •Rgpe'V. York, Dec. 24.—Wa1l street up its business this afternoon, SMpto resume until next Monday, and and office boys alike went Hplfhe filled with the spirit of the holi lu nearly every brokerage house Bl&d banking house in the financial the employes were made bap pEPW the gift of a week's salary, while MB others the Christmas boxes were |®oich larger. It is estimated that over jdfcvo and cne half million dollars was HjEjs distributed. ASKS FOR SIO,OOO DAMAGES. Suit Filed in City Court by Nancy Holland, Nancy Holland, through her attor neys, Harris & Mabry, has filed a suit in the city court against the Southern railway for SIO,OOO. The woman claims that she was injured by defendant company at Ster ling on November 17, 1902, and in the petition, it is stated that she was coming to Brunswick and had just got on the train and was entering the coach whem with a sudden jerk the train started and she was thrown against the side of the coach receiv ing the following injuries, “badly bruising aud straining and ankle, severely wrenching back, and otber injuries.” Return Our Thanks. The News force was the recipient yesterday of many little remem brances in. the way of cigars, ets., from friends of the paper, for which we return our sincere thanks, and as sure the senders that the gifts were much appreciated by the force. AFTER 111 YEARS — i — Two Brothers Meet Who Fought Together at Appomattox Athens, Oat, Dec 24. —Two brothers met in Athens yesterday for the first time since the surrender at Appomat tox. The meeting was one of great pleasure and they have been spending the time in recounting the happy days of their youth and the stirring scenes of the war in which they were J. P. Bellamy, iof Texas, and T. J. Bellamy of Tennessee, are the two brothers and they are on a visit to their nephew, J. D. Bellamy, of this city. Just after the close of the civil war they separated and one went to Texas and the other to Tennessee. They were originally from Franklin county in this state. Since the war they Jnave corresponded with each other, but not until yesterday did they have the opportunity to meet each other again. , They will spend several days in this city before returning to their respec tive homes. A RESIDENT ENGINEER. One Will be Placed in Charge of Harbor Work Here. Frank D. Aiken, president of the Brunswick board of trade, has been notified by Col. Quinn, in charge of tiie government work in this section, with headquarters in. Savannah, that a. resident engieer will shortly be de tailed tc this city, and all work on our harbor will be under his supervision. Just when the officer will arrive was not stated in the letter received from Col. Quinn, but he is looked for in the near future and will have an office in the new publiee building. A SERMON TO THE J. O. A. M. Rev. W. E. Porter to Preach to Thom Tomorrow. At the First Baptist church Sunday tat the morning service, Rev. W. E. Porter will deliver a special sermon to the Junior Order of the American Mechanics, an organization which has only recently been organized in Brunswick, but which has made rap id progress. The members of the organization will attend the service in a body and it is hoped that a large number will be out to hear the sermon. Christmas Cheer for Jackies. Washington, Dec. 24.—Though tar ; from home the blu .jackets and ma | rines on duty in Isthmian waters are ta have plenty of Christmas cheer, I thanks to the fooresight and thought fulness of Uncle Sam. According to a dispatch received at the Na vy depart ment the supply ship Culgao has ar rived safely at Colon with a big cargo of supplies for the warships on the eastern and western sides cf the lstii mus. TheCulgao's cargo includes '300,000 pounds of dressed beef, 20,- iOOO pounds of mutton, and 10,000 pounds of turkey. There is also on board a great quantity of pium pud ding. The turkey and plum pudding will be dished out in liberal quanti ties tomorrow when the jackies sit down tot their Christmas dinner. BRUNSWICK, GA., FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 25, 1903. A UVELV Nil ran THE POLICE Between Twenty and Thir ty Arrests were Made raiUast Night MOSTLY ON MINOR CHARGES Took the Entire Force With Four Ex tra Men to Keep up With Violat ers of Fire Ordinance—Only a Few Fights. WANTED—More room at the city jail to. accommodate violators of the Ifire ordinance. | It took every member of the regular force and four extra men to patrol the city aind catch the violators of the fire ordinance last night. This morning the jail Is full, seme oi them on a more serious ch irge than discharging the fireworks in the lim its, and when the curtain- goes up at Mayor’s ’Qrovait’s Mocdai morning -matinee he will be greeted by a full house. A News reported was at the bar ; racks last night about 12 o’clock, and lap to that hour just twenty had been ■given accommodations for the night, land about ten or twelve more, so the officers said, had “wired ahead” for a roome for the night, several arriv ing during the few minutes that the reporter was present. A mijoricy of the offenders were ar restsed for exploding fireworks in the limits, while several were pulled for discharging their pistols, and one or two for fighting. , However, there was only one serious j “swap” during the night, aind Lou Finney, “the bully of the Acre” and well known in police circles, received a lick In the jaw, which put her out of business for some time. , i It is understood that all of those ar rested loir violating the fire ordinance will probably be discharged this morn ing, but the police were compelled to • arrest them last night, and one or ; | two of them may be fined in the police 'court. Those who were arrested for | | discharging pistols should be kept in rjail and a fine imposed, as this is a | very dangerous, pastime and often causes serious trouble. After all the night was an orderly one and while some twenty-five or thirty arrests were made, they were, in most instances, on minor charges. Obey the Ordinance. The News has been requested to ask the people of Brunswick to obey the fire ordinance in discharging fireworks .today, it is stritly against the law to discharge them in the limits and it is hoped that the law will not bo I disregarded, t —. &UME I SIC CHANGES Many Reports Now Go ing the Rounds are Erroneous MEETING HELD IN NEW TORK But the Road Has Not Changer! Hands and no Chang, of Manage ment Has Occurred as is Reported. Foy several days tall kinds and ' colors of reports have been, going the 1 rounds in the city coincerning the Brunswick and Birmingham railroad. ■ One was to the effect that the road had been sold to new people; another that an entire change of manage- | rnent had occurred, and others of a . different nature. All this was said ! to have traspired at a meeting of j the stockholders in New York last '■ week. Just what there is in the rumor j cannot he stated but thu News yes terday endeavored to get the story and while very little could be learn ed we are in -a position to state that the rciati has not changed bauds, nor has there been- anv change of man agement. A melting was held in New York recently, and it is understood that plans were arranged for immediately improving the road, to conUnU build ing a-nil ,o purchase more rolling stow, and place the road in better shape generally. | It was also stated yesterday that General Manager Berry had gone to New York on business conected with the roan, and that something would bo given out on his arrival there, but ■ ibis is denied, and it is stated that Mr. Berry lias gone to New York sim ply to spend the holidays with his family, i FILES SUIT FOR SLANDER. Oelegai Says Brown Damaged Him to the Amount of SI,OOO. Rather a unique suit has been file , in the city court recently, i . whic.i Fraziee A. JJeiegal charges- Dennis frown wilh s ; her. Roth tbc i, • demon are employe! by tile nruns:. iei-. K Birmingham raii- I road and the tail results from a ro- Imark that Delegal claims was made joy flri.w.t against him. The rciuar-.t was it is claimed ia the suit Thai ■ i,f i, ■ burnt Life hoiior ci t No. 308." j Delegal claims that there is no truth in the be given 11/JOe and: .mages, whit am urt is asked for in the petition. ALL THE COUNTRY 10 OBSERVE DAY — ♦ —. How Christmas Will Be Spent in Many Places WHAT ROOSEVELTS WILL 00 President and His Family Were En tertained at the White House— News From Other Sections of the Country. Washington, Dec. 24.—Christmas v ill be observed tomorrow in good old style at the White House. Prepara-| tons for the event have been in pro - gress for over a week, and everyone f om the president himself down to little Quintin, has had something or (other to doi with the different features of the arrangements, i Express wagons, mail carriers, and | messengers bore numerous packages i to the executive mansion today—pres ents to the Roosevelt family from | friends aud admirers throughout the | country. Of course it goes without saying Lkat the children will be up with the birds to ascertain what Santa (la us ii is left in their stockings. La ter they will assemble in the library to receive their more important gifts from the president and Mrs. Ruose- Uelt. hollowing the custom of last year it Ims been decided to have no Christmas tree at the White House but in Uie alternooini the Roosevelt) children will go to the home of their ; uncle at.u aunt, Capt. aind Mrs. Cowles to see a pretty Christmas tree and re jteive other presents, i Chris dinner will be served in 1 the evening. The principle feature v ill be U,e huge gobbler selected from ttie hundred or more turkeys received 'as presiutn at the White House yester 'tay aind today. The remainder of the 1 turkeys were distributed this afternoon with compliments of the President ;ml Mis. Roosevelt among the ser vants and attaches of the executive mansion. London, Dec. 24 -Surrounded by i largo ami lively j rty o£ their ehil oreii and graradchih on, llio king and < ueen will spend (dr Christmas at Sandringham, wher they have passed iho holiday sense lor years ast. | in mo home of the whole British Em •pire perhaps are the tradition; o£ ( hristmas kept up irn such good old . fashioned style as . . the Norfolk home el King lid ward ami Queen Alexandra The aspect of Sain ringham House as Christmas approaches is typical of | hospitality and good cheer. Great Ipine logs blaze on the hearth, and ithe hail and every sitting room is | made gay with holly and mistletoe, j evergreens and floral decorations. Vgr about a week prior to Cbrlstma* WITH BEST OF SILKS AND SATIN MILLINER’S TRUNK WAS PACKED dav the head gardener is busy in se lecting and bringing to the House large baskets of greenery for decora tions, and the Princesses who aro at j Sandringham and the ladies ,of the household deligth to occupying them selves in putting up the Christmas emblems. The choosing of Christmas presents is a stupendous task with the king and queen who have countless relatives to think of, and who give, besides, to every member lof their household. Their correspondence, too, is very heavy at the holiday season, and the royal ppst-bag is 'consequently un usually weighty. Christmas day is at Sandringham a day of peace and beauty and char ity. The house party this year includ es the Prince and Princess of Wales and their children, the Duke and Duch ess of Fife and the little Ladies Alex andra and aud Duff, and Prince and Princess Charles of Denmark and their baby. Princess Victoria iB, of course, of the party. POPEBARROWDEAD Well Known Savannah Ju rist Passed Away Suddenly. A special sent oiut from Savannah Wednesday night says; Judge Pope Barrow, of the superior court was stricken today in his court room and tonight at S;3O o'clock he died at his home. The stroke was caused by uraemia, and the physicians say that there was probably ai hemorage to the base of the brain. There may, too, have been apoplexy. Judge Barrow had just finished a charge to the jury in a cavil suit. He arose from the bench and was seized with a weakness of the legs. Those near him noticed this, but thought that his limbs were weak or asleep from (long sitting. When he attempted to move he fal tered and almost fainted. He caught upon the shoulder of Edwin A. Cohen, and A Pratt Adams a young attorney hurried to his assistance. He was sup ported into his private office. This was at 2 o’clock. | Physicians were summoned and also a carriage. He was driven to his home, where he remained conscious until 4 o’clock, and from then until the hour of his death he was in a stale of comk. A Jurist of Ability. Judge Barrow had been eh the bench of the superior court since January, 11902, when he was appointed to suc ceed the late Judge Robert Falligant His long legal training redered him well qualified to fill the position with signal ability and that he did so is the unanimous opinion of the Savan nah bar. I His admisration of justice was such ias to commend his work to the com- [ munity aud had lie lived he would probably have had long tenure of Uic position. | Personally, Judge Burrow was very popular. He had won an ease and 'grace of manner that won him friends readily and ever retained them. | Among these were most of the lead- 1 ing men of law and business in Geor (gia. Professor David C. Barrow, of lAthens,IAthens, professor in the University of j Georgia, was a brother oi Judge Bar row and Mrs. Randolph Spaulding of [savannah was his sister. He leaves four sons, Messrs. Pope Barrow, Jr., of Atlanta; James Bui row, of Athens; David C. Barrow and Dr. Craig Barrow of Savannah. Miss Elizabeth Barrow and Miss Lucy Bat row were his daughters. The latter arrived from school Ra the Christmas holidays just about the time her was stricken and did not see him in health. The Cleveland Family’s Christmas. Princeton, N. J., Dec. 24—Surround cd by their five chidren—one m re than at thje Christinas celebration tt year ago—ex-President and .\i. Cleveland will pass a jolly Christmas tomorrow in their home on Bayard | Lane. The holiday will be observed simply, attention; being given chiefly to making merry with the children A big Christmas tree stands in the ( library and packages have been de livered thick and fast oontainlug pres ents for the little caw, PRICE—FIVE CENTS. PROFESSIONAL SHOPLIFTER ♦ — , Milliner at Mrs. Isaac’s Store Wc rketl a Good Game STOLE siso WGRIIIOI GOODS Had Empty Trunk in Her Room Which Was Filled With the Most /Costly Articles in the Dry Goods Store. Brunswick comes forward now with a genuine case lof shoplifting and Mrs. E. AI. Brown, who has been con nected with the dry goods establish ment ioi* Mrs. M. Isaac, in the capac ity of milliner, has proved toi be a “professional” in the business. 'Phis lady who lias been in Brunswick about six weeks, left Brunswick yes terday morning Lor parts unknown, (lucky that she is not in the county jail.) A News reporter learned of the af liar yesttrday and weni to Mrs. Isaac to learn the particulars. it seems that nj-r uic past several weeks Mrs. 1 aac has been missing many articles, the very best of silks and satins and pretty ribbons and other valuable articles. She little suspected her milliner at first auud was tindier the impression that< thdevesi had been entering the store at nights and carrying away the goods. The auil the guilty party could nf*t be located. Finally Mrs. Isaac suspected Mrs. Brown, laid a trap for her, and she was caught very easily. Mrs. Isaac treated the milliner in a most hospitable fashion, gave her ac commodations at her home on Union street. Tuesday, alter Mrs. Isaac had sus pected thy milliner, she told her that a drummer would be at her residence to show some silk, and that she de sired her to assist in making the se lections. Mrs. Brown was in her room and Alr.s. Isaac came in and accused her of shoplifting. lhe milliner indignant ly denied the charge, and Mrs. Isaac informed her that she wanted to look in her trunk. Ehis (lie milliner at first refused to permit, but finally ac quieccd. lo . that Mrs. Isaac was surpris ed who... sky opened the trunk would be e li. -• 11 i.i i<ik.. i aero were * ■ .Ik. r;iis os the mos i beautiiul ribbon, yard after yard of the nest Sutins ai.u other arlicles. Mis. isaa<- ... ii u ; h.- trunk contained at least worth ol goods. Just what she shipped away by express, uf course I am not in a po sition to state, but the stealing has been going on for some time,” said Mrs. Isaac last night, “and no doubt she lias succeeded in getting away witli a coosiderble amount of goods.” Mrs. Isaac then lold the milliner that she would not prosecute her, told Vjr to buy a ticket and leave the city which she did yesterday morning. Christmas Eve in P^iis. Paris, Dec. 24.—N0 mattter what may be tbe stale of its material pr as perity Paris lieii Vila in making of Christina;-; a season of general rejoic ing aiui gaiety. Asa e . .[uence of this belief the capital is t .ii y wit nessing la,. u; mil I liui; ; eristic Christmas iete . ]ir:. *■ hoi: mv throngs Ailed the . Ir. •i. and siui<_ , and the boulevards wen; lined with bootlis from winch li-vdes were vended. At, tio: ,Madeleu;. j and 1 1 ,ii. . leading churches midnight masses will! be cel ebrated witii oreln stras and well known an., is : ti opera . .iticinai ing. The ie. '. .uri...ts and rates are permitted I , keep open aii night. Christmas at Eibs island. New York, Dec. 24. —tor the first time in tlm history of Ells island there is to be a Chrisunas entertain ment there tomorrow for the benefit of the imigrants who may be detained there. The missionaries from the va rious missions about the city who work among the immigrants have completed arrangement* for ti„ affair.