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THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. VOLUME 4, NUMBER 08, A BIG LANDSLIDE FOR ROOSEVELT ALL DOUBTFUL STATES WENT TO REPUBLICANS BY A BIG MAJORITY New York Gives Roosevelt a Majority of About 200,000 HSGGINS EltCfEO GOVERNOR W. L. Dougins, Democrat, Gov ernor of MaidMiuaetta by About 40,000 Result from Every Stats in the Union New York, Nov. B.—This state has ling been considered doubtful by the most conservative democrats and re tublieans. It was claimed by bolb i arties, aud In making the forceaat for tie result of the election the papers c;assed it 100 doubtful to place iu the one column or the other. *2'hc election today Is New York re sulted In a republican landslide anu Roosevelt, for president, has carried the site by at least 250.000 majority even grealer than was given McKinley four years ago. The result is a sur prise to republicans and democrat ! alike. But the greatest surprise was in Cite gubernatorial race. Although running behind his ticket in the neighborhood o_ one hundred thousand rotes, Hin gms has been elected over Herrick, the democratic candidate. Odds as well as all other conditions, favored the democratic nominee and it wn • believed that he Would be elected hr .1 handsome majority, but be has been defeated by a majority, estimated * 100,000. The republicans have made gains in Greater New York and in almost every conntyMn the state. So great, was th-> surprise that at firat the democrat did not believe the return#. Kvery dis trite, every city, almost every proctor', rolled up a mrajoity for the republi cans. indeed, the result In New York especially in the city was a great sur prise. MARYLAND, MY MARYLAND, SHE HAS GONE AGAIN Baltimore, Nov. 8. —Thougn returns firm counties are not. yet complete nid those from four precincts in the city are missing the returns, which lave been received up to this hour, midnight, ind cate that Maryland will 8° for Roosevelt by a small majority l oih sides arj claiming the state. Ttin legislature will, it ia believed be dem ci ratic. DELAWARE IOINS IN WITH HER 3I6TER STATE* Wilmington, Del., Nov. B.—Returns fiom today's election ar coining in v< -ry slowly, out ft ig conceded that Heoseielt and Fairbanks will get the Mete by a good vote, he election was a hotly contested one. The legislature although hard fought by the democrats will h safely republican. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET WINS IN WEST VIRGINIA f Charleston, W. V., Nov. S.—Utter tiiunig tongiht. from the entire stato indicate a plurality for Roosevelt I ut the democratic state ticket will be elected. W. L. DOUGLAS, DEMOCRAT, CARRIES MASSACHUSETTS. Horton, Net —Returns from very near every county In the stale have 1 'd-n received and Roosevelt has tar ried the stale by a majority of about Ot'.OOl plurality. The Boston Globe, Senator Idgc end [.rominent republicans concede the election of W L. Douglas, democrat, for governor, by a majority of from 4t.,hot) to 30,000 This Is the largest democratic plurality ever rol'ed up In this state and was a surprise to repub lican?. Mr. Douglas when seen tonight said he was confident of election. BOTH PARTIES CLAIMING VICTORY IN MISSOURI St. I-ouis, Nov. 8 —The democratic slate committee tonight claims the election of the state and national tick et by a majority of 3,500 iu the state and 10.000 in St. Louis. Fifty-two out of 405 precincls in St J.< uis gives Parker 7,310, Roosevelt 5 377. The indications are that democratic ct nigressmon 'tom the first to sixteen tb districts, have been elected, except ia the seventh where Barthold, repun Lean, was elected. Folk, democrat, upon whom such a hard fight was made, has been elected over Walbridgc, republican, by a good majority. At midnight ihe democrats claimed the state by a majority of 35 Oft). The republicans are also claim ing the state. TAGGARTS STATE DOES GOOD—FOR REPUBLICANS Indianapolis Ind., Nov. 1 H . in.- Reports received from all of t>2 coun ties in the state, it is apparent that republicans have carried Indiana for national and state tickets by 50,000 vrtes. Legislature will be overwhel mingly republican, and possibly* ]| congressmen have been elected. MINNESOTA ROLLS UP A TREMENDOUS MAJORITY Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. B.— Returns torched from three fourths of the voting cities and towns In the slate indicates a majority for the republi can ticket of 170,000. IDAHO ALSO FALLS IN LINE FOfl ROOSEVELT Boise. Idaho Nov 8 —While the del* ocrats divnot ret concede this state to the republicans, returns from a major By of the counties in idle state indicate a majority for Roosevelt of 24,000. The legislate e wii! be republican hv a good majority. A large vote was polled in ail districts. OREGON ADOS HER VOTES TO ROOSEVELT COLUMN Portland, Oregon, Nov. 8. —If Is os t mated, according to returns received tip to a late hour tonight, that the stale for Roosevelt by a ma jority Republicans are claiming by 30,000. LISTEN TO TEXA^^ALE THEN GIVE A HOO RAY Austin, Texas, Nov. 8 —Return* flow nearly every county in the state have been received and gives Parker and Davie a majority of over 200.000. The stale legislature Is democratic and all con .motional districts a>e Strongly democratic. bloody Kansas gave ROOSEVELT A GOOD VOTE. \ Topeka, Kan., Nov. 8.- -Returns re- j cetved up to this hour, 11 o'clock, Indi cates t: at Ka mas bus gout; for Itooso- ' veil, giving him a plurality of SO,OOO. The state legislature is safely re itbli can. VAYOMING GIVES GOOD MAJORITY TO REPUBLICANS Chicago, Nov. B.—a statement leceiv ed from the chairman of the republi can committe In Wyoming claims that, state by a majority of 8.000 A large vole was pollfd in ail districts. REPUBLICANS DID NOT WIN IN ARKANSAS, NO. Little Rock. Ark* Nov. 8. —Returns received up to u o'clock indicate a good majority for Porker and Davis, ijie state legislature is safely demo cratic, as aro all the congressional districts. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT THANKS NATION FOR HIS BIG VICTORY WASHINGTON, NOV. 8— PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT TONIGHT, AFTER THE ELECTION RETURNS CLEARLY INDICATED THE RESULTS, ISSUED THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT. "I AM DEEPLY SENSBILE OF THE HONOR DONE BY THE AMERICAN PEOPLE IN THUS EX PRESSING THEIR CONFIDENCE IN WHAT I HAVE DONE AND HAVE TRIED TO DO. I APPRECIATE TO THE FULL THE SOLEMN RESPONSIBILITY THIS CONFIDENCE IMPOSES UPON ME AND I SHALL DO ALL THAT IN MY POWER LIES NOT TO FORFEIT IT. ON THE FOURTH OF MARCH, NEXT I f^,t l r, L ;- HAVE SERVED ™ REt AND A HALF YEARS AND THIS THREE AND A HALF YEARS CON STITUTtS MY FIRST TERM THE WISE CUSTOM WHICH LIMITS THE PRESIDENT TO TWO TERMS REGARDS THE SUBSTANCE AND NOT THE FORM. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL I BE A CANDDIATE FOR OR ACCEPT ANOTHER NOMINATION." CONNECTICUT GOES AS GOES OLD NEW YORK. Now Haven. Conn., Nov. B.—lncom plete returns at midnight indicate that Roosevelt and Uic entire republican ! tate ticket has been elected in Con necticut. The democrats made a lew grins in some sections of lie state but t hey were over come by the repub licans, and altogether the republicans made a net gain since the 'ant presi dential election. A large vote was polled in liie Mute. GEORGIA IS TRUE TO CAUSE OF DEMOCRACY. Atlanta, Nov. B.—Returns from a majority of the counties in the state indicate a democratic majority of about 40,000 or 50,000. Tom Watson tint populist, candidate, has carried !< w. if any of flic counties. All eleven congressional districts elected demo crats, though the light in the Ninth was very close. NORTH CAROLINA IS SAFE FOR DEMOCRATS Kwfcigh, N. 0., Nov. B.—Returns from two thirds of the count'es in the state sliow-s a large majority for Par her and Davis. The race in one or two of the congressional districts is close. COLORADO THINKS BEST TO BE ON WINNING SIDE Denver, Col., Nov. 8 —This state has gone republican by a good majority. Returns are coming in slowly and it is impossible to give figures at this time The legislature will bo safely republi can. NEVADA JOINS WITH OTHER WESTERN STATES heard the republican state ticket is in the had In N' vada and Yerrington, re publican, for congress, is elected over Van linner, democratic. The slate -s conceded to Roosevelt by a small majority, GAINS FOR REPUBLICANS, REPORT FROM MONTANA. Butte, Montana. Nov. B.—Montana is tor Roosevelt. Returns up to 11 o'clock indicates a gain by the republi tans of over 30 per cent, over four years ago. Governor Toole, democrat aid democratic state ticket, with posai byl one or two exceptions, seems to have won. REPUBLICANS ARE SAFE IN MR. BRYAN’S STATE Omaha, Neb., Nov, 8.-—lndications al midnight are that Roosevelt will carry Nebraska by a plurality of 35,000 to 40.000. The legislature, which will clod United States senator to sueceed SenatorDetrieh, will probably be re publican. Seventy precincts outside <n Omaha and Douglass eounty gives Roosevelt 8,575, Parker. 3,255 . IOWA GIVES ROOSEVELT ABOUT 130,000 MAJORITY Des Moines, lowa, Nov .B.—Chair man of the state central committee j claims this state for Roosevelt by be j tween 130,000 and 160,000 majority | The Des Moines Leader and Register I says: "If the present rate per pre . cinct keeps up Roosevelt will have about 140,000 plurality,’’ BRUNSWICK, GA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 9, "904. PARKER CONGRATULATES PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT Ksopus, N. Y. Nov. B.—Judge Parker tonight sent President Roosevelt the following message: "To the President, Washington. "Tile people, by their votes have emphatically approved your administration, ami l con * PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT SENDS HIM A REPLY. Washington, Nov. B.—President Roosevelt sent the following re ply to Judge Parker’s telegram. "I thank you for your congra tulations. ‘‘Theodore Roosevelt” THE LAND OF FLOWERS BLOSSOMED VERY BRIGHT Jacksonville. Ha. Nov. 8. —The few scattering returns from the different counties so fa- indicate the usual dem ocratic majorities. in one of the congressional districts Congressman Sparkman was bitterly opposed by a republican, but the re turns indicate that lie lias been return ed by a sale majority. WEST VIRGINIA GIVES ROOSEVELT A MAJORITY Wheeling, W. Va., Nov. B.—Demo ciatic leaders tonight concede West Virginia to Roosevelt and Fairbanks by 10,000 majority, and consider the state ticket in doubt. NORTH DAKOTA ROLLS UP USUAL MAJORITY Grand Forks, N. I)., Nov. 8. —Returns from over the state received very slow. So far Roosevelt's majority is indicated at 1 bout 25.000. MORMON STATE REMAINS IN REPUBLICAN FOLD. Salt Lake, City, Utah, Nov. B.—The heaviest vote ever polled is reported in today's election. Scattering returns only have been received, which indi cates a republican majority of 10,000 MICHIGAN ADD A FEW MORE THOUSAND TO LIST Detroit, Midi., Nov. B—The8 —The repub lican stai • central committer, at 8:30 o'clock tonight, announced that, the >c turns received from over the stale would indicate Roosevelt’s majority bttween 125.0' 0 and 135,000. LAFOLLETTE WINS OUT BY A GOOD MAJORITY Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. B.— At 10 o cock tonight only scattering returns had been received from over the state. Wisconsin Is conceded to Roosevelt by a good majority and LaFollctte, re publican, is believed to have been elo •r. e i governor over Peck by a safe fig u o. CALIFORNIA REPUBLICAN BY SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND J Chicago, Ills., Nov. B.—Slate Chair man George Slobe, of Caltff, Cal, wires that California will give Rouse veil a majority of 75,000 and all of the congresmen will be republican. NEW JERSEY NOT MUCH OF A DOUBTFUL STATE. Trenton. N. J. Nov. B.—The result of today's election in New Jersey has been a landslide. Roosevelt's mnjor dy will approach, if not equal the plurality obtained by McKinley four years ago. Rdward C. Stokes, repub lienn for governor, runs behind Roose velt but will have 30,000 plurality. '1 he state led ,'ature will show increas ed republican membership and be over whelming republican in joint ballot, which assured re-election of John Kean to the United States senate, ' an Winkle, lepub'ican, defeats A'ien Ben ny, democrat, the present congressman in the Ninth district. M’KINLEY’S STATE WILL GIVE USUAL MAJORITY Columbus, Ohio, Nov. B.—Returns from today’s election are coming in slowly, Dut those received up to inis l our Indicate' the usual large republi can majority. Senator Foraker claims the state for the republican ticket by a majority of 35,000. KENTUCKY IS CLOSE; DEMOCRATS LEADING Louisville, Ky„ Nov. B.—The racy ie this state has been very close and : t i impossible to give figures at this hour. The democrats are claiming the slate by a good majority, but the re publicans have not conceded it. The Louisville Courier-Journal claims the slate for the democrats by 10,000 ma il rity. TENNESSEE ROLLS UP A MAJORITY OF 30,000. Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 8. —Returns ate coming in very slowly, but Parker majority will lie between 25,000 and "••V’On. Frazier, democrat, for govern ' r. will win by 30,000 mujroity. MISSISSIPPI REMAINS IN THE DEMOCRATIC RANKS Jackson, Miss., Nov, B—Returns rc i elved tip to a late hourt tonight show ti nt between (10,000 and 75 000 votes were polled in today’s election and the republicans polled between 10,000 and i 1,000. The mapority for Parker and Davis will be in the neighborhood ot 60,000. Both blanches of the state leg filature is almost unanimously demo uatic. DEMOCRATIC GOVERNOR IN LITTLE RHODY AGAIN Providence, rt. I, Nov. B.—Roosevelt has carried this stale by a majority of about 15.000. Granger, democratic and dacron, republican, have both Keen re-eiected to congress Garvin dc mocratlc, h is probably been re-elect <d governor by a good majority. PENNSYLVANIA ROLLS UP A MAJORITY OF ABOUT 300,000 Philadelphia. Pa.. Nov. B.—-The polls closed in this state at 7 o’clock. I.< teal W. Durham, republican leader of republican politics In Lliis city, says Roosevelt’s majority in Phladelphla will be 140,000. Returns from other precincts nun cities in the state indicate an Increas ed republican gain and Roosevelt will carry the county by a larger majority than McKinley four years ago. The estimated republican majority In the state Is now placed at 300,000. ROOSEVELT WILL HAVE TOTAL OF 325 ELECTORIAL VOTES BIG MAJORITY FOR THE REPUBLICANS IN CHICAGO - Chicago, Nov. B.—The republican Mate central committee tonight claims that Roosevelt has carried Cook- coun ty in which Chicago is located by 30.- ntm majority. The democrats concede the county to the republicans but not i' ysuch a largo majority. Reports from oilier cities iu the slate are meager, but Illinois has gone republican by an increased majority. VIRCINIA ELECTS 9 OUT OF 10 DEMOCRATS TO CONGRESS Richmond, Va.. Nov. 8. —Ftoni pres ent indications Virginia ha . elected nine out of the ten democtatic con gross men. The result ia the Ninth district is probably for Stomp, Lite re publican Incumbent. It is impossible to give Parker's majority in the state at this hour TWO ELECTION JUDGES KILLED OUT IN COLORADO. Cripple Creek. Col., Nov B.—Two democratic election judges were killed m this district today, and Deputy Sher iff Peabody mortally wounded A mim 15er of democrats judges were beaten Dole, a republican, was shot at Mid way. DAVIS’ STATE SHOWS GAINS FOR REPUBLICAN PARTY Wheeling. W. Va., Nov. B. Fifty-six precincts complete in entire state at 8:30 p. m., show a Roosevelt gain of five per cent, over the vote of jOOO Davidson .republican candidate for gov ernor, runs with his ticket. PENNSYLVANIA CHAIRMAN OUT WITH STATEMENT Philadelphia, Pa., Nov, s tfrnnt'nr Penrose, state chairman, tonight says "My advices from all parts of the state indicate a majority of 325.000 as we ‘ 'aimed will be quailed if not exceeded ft is a great victory for prosperity and a i emphatic < ndorsement by the peo ple of the administration ot McKin ley and Roosevelt.” r .OUTH CAROLINA STILL REMAIN WITH DEMOCRATS Columbia, 8. Nov. B.—Parker has carried South Carolina by not loss than 40,000 plurality. The democrat fi* state ticket has been eleeied with out opposition The stale legislature is unanimously democratic. Parker’s I turn Illy i s larger than Bryan’s fom years ago. PEPUBLICAIS MAKE GOOD GAINS IN NEW HAMPSHIRE Concord, N. H. Nov. B.—TJnlalmlated returns from twenty towns lit this state show substantial republican gains for (lie national licket The re turns are rather meager arid it. is not known exactly what majority Roose velt has carried the state. Put in all hoi-liability larger than in the presiden tial election four years ago. DEMOCRATS GET MAJORITY OF 35,000 IN LOUISIANA New Orleans, 1,a., Nov. B.—The dem ocrats have carried Louisiana for Par ker and Dii vis by 35,000 majority. The vote In this slate was large. The democrats have also elected seven con pi essmen. REPUBLICANS GET A GOOD MAJORITY IN MINNESOTA. St. Paul, Minn., Nov. .B—Scattering returns from various partH of the slate show that Roosevelt is running strong -1." in Minnesota. Estimated with the McKinley vote of 1900 the returns so far received would Indicate a repulill can majority in the state of 80,000 t Republican headquarters claim the state by 100.000 and the democrats concede them a majority of 75,000. PRICE FIVE CENT*. Only the Solid South, with ISI, Remains in Demo cratic Fold 41 SO CLOSE IN KENIICKY Maryland Give s Republican Majority of Abou* 10,000—Democrat* May Elect State Ticket in Welt Virginia—Ciose in Missouri Washington. Nov. 3.—3 a. m. Tile Associated Press, at this hour, giving Maryland to the republicans, gives I.onseteii a total of 325 electoral votes end Parker a total of 151, the solid 'ulj. .lid following table is sent out. Republican. California yg Colorado 5 Connecticut 7 Delaware 3 Idaho . . 3 Illinois ..... ' 27 Indiana ~ 15 I°wa 13 Kansas yg Maine ’’ _ g Massachusetts yg -Michigan 14 Minnesota yy Montana 3 Maryland g New York 39 Jew Hampshire 1 North Dakota . 4 New Jersey 12 Nobraska s Nevada 3 Ohio 23 Oregon 4 Pennsylvania S'? Rhode Island 4 South Dakota 4 t lah 3 Vermont 4 West Virginia 7 Wisconsin 13 Washington l> Wyoming 3 325 Democratic. Alabama 11 Arkansas 9 Florida Georgia 13 Kentucky 13 Louisiana .4 Mississippi 10 Missouri 18 North Carolina 1! Fouth Carolina 9 Tenessee 12 Texas 18 Virginia 12 151 CHAIRMAN CARHART CLAIM* A SMALL GAIN IN CONGRESS Waslilnton, Nov. 8. —Chairman Car hart, of the republican congressional commit tec, concede that republican membership in next house of represen ti lives will b<- larger than at present, with an indicated majority o? about forty. The democrats lost one or two seats in New Jersey Republicans gain one in Pennsylvania and may have secured i tie or two seats In some of the south ern stales, but will have to await the official returns. Ad TAGGART CONGRATULATES CHAIRMAN CORTEI.YOU Indianapolis, inti. Nov. 8. —Chair- man Taggart, after hearing the re turns tonight, wired Chairman Cortel you, of the republican national com mittee, congratulating him on the great victory. BALTIMORE SUN GIVES STATE TO REPUBLICANS Baltimore, Md„ Nov 9.-2 a. m.—. The lialllmore Sun, which supported (Ik- democratic ticket, conceded that Roosevelt ear lied the state by about 10,000. in Baltimore city, with one precinct missing, Parker has a plural ity of 17*. (Continued on Page Four.)