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16 THE MAN IN THE OVERALLS, j By Thomas C. Walsh. • Purple and gold may deck the king, Jewels most rare adorn him; His armies trophies to him may bring, The rights of others scorning; But cloth of gold and jewels rare, And the crown that the slave ap palls— These for the world’s weal we could spare, But not the Overalls. “Long live the king!” Who is the king? Is it he by swords surrounded, Whose cannons make the welkin ring While nations stand astounded? Or he who works on the lofty wall Or ever where duty calls? Ah! he’s the king, the king of them all— The Man in the Overalls. Leading Features Os WATSON’S JEFFERSONIAN MAGAZINE Mr. Watson’s editorials and “Life and Times of Andrew Jackson”; Will N. Harben's “Ann Boyd,” which will run as a serial story throughout the year. It is distinctly Mr. Harben’s best work. It has the tang of the soil and the literary craftmanship of a master. “A Survey of the World,” giving a crisp, impartial summary of the leading events and most signifi cant movements in both hemispheres. The Educational Department, founded by Mr. Watson, and conducted by him in “Watson’s Jefferso nian Magazine,” is a store-house of information —a liberal education in itself. There will be special articles by experts, short stories, poems, book reviews, etc. One Year for only $2.00 t I “Watson’s Jeffersonian Magazine” --and- ‘'The Weekly Jeffersonian” ... Why Not Subscrib tor the... \ Weekly If you sympathize with Mr. Watson and want to keep up with his work you cannot afford to be withoutCz Our readers who wish to assist in increasing our circulation and influence will find our remarkably low clubbing* offer& ,of interest to their friends. y v Weekly Jeffersonian $1 00 Watson’s Jeffersonian Magazine 1 50 Semi-Weekly Journal 1 00 $3 50 OUR PRICE, $2.75. Weekly Jeffersonian $1 00 Watson’s Jeffersonian Magazine 1 50 Southern Cultivator 1 00 $3 50 OUR PRICE, $2.75. Weekly Jeffersonian $1 00 Watson’s Jeffersonian Magazine 1 50 Union News 1 00 $3 50 OUR PRICE, $2.50. Weekly Jeffersonian $1 00 Watson’s Jeffersonian Magazine 1 50 Review of Reviews 3 00 $5 50 OUR PRICE, $3.50. Weekly Jeffersonian $1 00 Watson’s Jeffersonian Magazine 1 50 Bob Taylor’s Magazine 1 00 $3 50 OUR PRICE, $2.50. NOTE.—As all papers other than weeklies are required to pay special postage in their home city, the above clubbing rates are not open to residents of the respective cities in which the periodicals are published other than regular weekly. Prices cheerfully quoted on any combination of periodicals desired. Address Weekly Jeffersonian, Temple Court Building, Atlanta, Ga. WATSON'S WEEKLY JEFFERSONIAN. slaves the sceptre carries awe, l;i But freemen love the hammer, The tfowel, the pick, the axe, the saw That make advancement’s clamor, And still, withal, if danger comes And war to our land befalls, The first to answer the call of drums Is the Man in the Overalls. GRADING OF COTTON. (The Texas Farmer.) Hon. Albert Burleson of Texas has introduced in congress an important measure, which may become a law at the next session. The measure pro vides for the standardization or grad ing of cotton under the direction of the department of agriculture, assist ed by three expert classifiers, who shall first fix a standard of middling cotton, and, using this as a basis, fix four grades above it and four grades below it. When these standards are fixed, the secretary of agriculture will declare them the official standards or Weekly Magazine 1 50 Atlanta (Daily) 5 00 v $7 50 OUR PR IOC $5.50. . Weekly Jeffersonian ... . .sl'6o Watson’s Jeffersonian Magazine**. National Co-Operator, Dallas,X^ex. _. x k* X * 3 OUR PRICE, $2 50. Weekly Jeffersonian .?.... $1 00 Watson’s Jeffersonian Magazine.. ?55.... 150 The Cotton Journal, Harvie Jordan, Editor 1 00 <* $3.50 OUR PRICE, S2JS? Weekly Jeffersonian Watson’s Jeffersonian Magaztrrcrr7'\..... 1 50 The Atlanta Georgian, John Templer- J , Graves, Editor 4 50 OUR PRICE, $5.00. / gradings of cotton classification, and he is directed to furnish such classi fication to every farmers’ institute, union or association; to every cotton spinners’ association, to every agricul tural school or college, and to every cotton exchange. That a legal classi fication of cotton by the federal gov ernment would be a popular measure with cotton planters Mr. Burleson has no doubt, and he believes the cotton manufacturing interests would be so well served that their representatives in congress would join in the advoca cy of the measure. NEW PROCESS BUTTER. (Nashville Banner.) The Churnless Process Butter Com pany has a process by which butter can be extracted from sweet cream in one minute without churn, machinery or chemicals. There is no apparatus, no equipment, beyond what every Weekly Jeffeptontenr Watson’s Jelfergfehan Magazine.. .. 1 50 .Z\ hy .. 1 00 X •. / Jr X 6 $3 50 OUR PRICE, $2.50. Weekly Jeffersonian $1 00 Watson’s Jeffersonian Magazine 1 50 Southern Ruralist 1 00 $3 50 > J X OUR PRICE, $2.25. Weekly Jeffersonian, Watson’s Jeffersonian Magazine and Misourl World. * TWELVE MONTHS FOR $2.50. Weekly Jeffersonian $1 00 Watson’s Jeffersonian Magazine 1 50 Woman’s Work, Athens, Ga 1 00 $3 50 OUR PRICE, $2.25. Weekly Jeffersonian $1 00 Watson’s Jeffersonian Magazine 1 50 The Watchman, Cleburne, Texas 1 00 $3 50 OUR PRICE, $2.50. housekeeper has In her own home. It is not an invention, but a discovery. The cream and milk are separated without the use of any mechanical device and the cream converted into butter. The process is astonishingly simple and can be operated by any lady with out drudgery. The process can also be used to make an extra quality of buttermilk, but the milk left after the cream is extracted is still sweet and palatable. It is claimed that from a sanitary standpoint the milk and butter are both superior to that made by the ordinary churning process, because whatever germs the milk may contain are destroyed. Senator Allison says it will be Ted dy the Third. And yet Senator Alli son has lived long without being rated as a joker.