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The Brunswick times. [volume] (Brunswick, Ga.) 188?-1900, June 03, 1899, Image 2

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' 1 n *— l
Tlie Brunswick Times.
' Publishers
C. W- OEM I NO, - - - Editor
ROLAND A. MULLINS, Business Marnier
T’jeMoriiing Time*'will be Bolivered by
carrier or mail, par year. SJ.OO; per week IS
cents Correspondence on lice subjects
solicited. Real name of writer ehonld ac
company same. Subscription* payable in
advance. Failure to receive paper ehonld be
reported to the basinets office Addreee al
communications to Tho Tim l . I
Subscribers are reqnentea to notify tb< oUxie
wiion they fail to get any ie*ne of Tim Tiince,
Attention lo Him matter will iB appreciated try
the pnbi Utters.
Advertising rates will las furnished on ap
Orders todisoontlnuo anbsori) tione and ad
vertisement* must lie in writing.
Tbo Brunswick Times la a bright,
nswey ehoot, under the editorship of
Mr. C. W, Deming. He ie a (liieut
*wiier.~ Teifsir Koterprine,
With Hotel Curoderland opeu Slid
t. Simon furnishing ar-eomodatfona
for summer reeortera, the season will
uot he so dull after ail.
Tho war in the Philippines will
prove an issue in the next campaign
that the administration will And
tful to their every interest . The
average American ie against the un
holy warfare that is being wagml on
those islands, and the American
heart revolts at Ihe seemingly useless
sacrifice Of brave soldier boys,
'The observance of Jefferson Davie
day as a state holiday is a fitting aud
just tribute to the memory of the
south’s greatest martyr. The ex-Oon
federates anil sons of ex-Confedeaates
every where join with the Daughters
of the Confederacy hi honoring (he
Another gradua'ing class has gone
from Glynn High School splcnilidly
equipped, from mi educationist stand
point, to win their way in the world.
The schools of Glynn are tier best ad
vertisement and thesdtwstional fsoili
ties offered to ail comer* tier" em
hraoe eyerjr branch from the lowest to
the highest.
General .loe Wheeler ! a great lit
tie man and has done valuable service
in two wars, but he ha* apparently
reaohed the acute stage in his excess
of devotion to the northern psopla.
They would probably appreciate him
if he would restrain his euthu.iam
and not go over entirely to hi* old
time opponents. There Is such ft thing
as burying the hatchet so deep as to
lose for one side the respect of the
We acknowledge with thank* the
receipt of a ropy of Mr. Edwin Brob
•ton's recent speech at Southern
I'ineeinthe cause of Southern de
velopment. Mr, Brotslun has been a
very zealous and Micce*ful worker
in fostering Southern immigration,
lie was a member of the commission
in charge of Osorgia’s exhibit at the
Omaha exposition, and tent very val
uable aervice in this enterprise, lia
located one of the most notable colo
nies that has ever been brought
south. Ihicughbim the Shakers, of
Ohio, the (plaint but most upright
people who work a community of In
terest, having heeti induced to locate
in Georgia .—MaJisomau.
Old papers for sale, 20e
per hundred at The Times
When in need of job work don’t forget the Times Job Office Prompt attention and first class work our mottJ
The Southeastern Fair Association
ie not (lead by any means, bnt will
take on new life to prove a winner.
Enough money has been subscribed
already to make it an assured sue
The ancients believed that rheumati m
was ihe work of a demon within a mao.
Any one who has had an attack of sciatic
or of inilammacory rheumatism will agree
that the infliction is demoniac enough to
warrant the belief. It has never been
claimed that Chamberlin’s J’ain Halm
would cast out demons, hut It will cure
rheumatism, and hundred# bear testimo
ny to Ihe truth of this statement. One
application relieves the pain, and this
quick relief which it affords is alone worth
many times its cost. For sale by 1. N.
bishop _____
Coni els Chautauqua June 14*22.
For the above occasion the Plant
System will sell round trip tickets
from Brunswick to Cordele at rate of
$505. Tickets on sale June 12—22
inclusive, with final limit to June 25tb.
Ite4 Hot From the Hun
Wat tiie ball that lilt 0. 11. Btcadman of
Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It
caused horrible Ulcers that no treatment
helped for 20 years. Then llucklen’e Ar
nica Salve cured him- Curee Cute,
Bruises, lhirue, Boils, Felons, Come, Skin
ruptlons. Beet Pile cure on earth, .26
cte. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all
An Earthquake Shook.
Ban Francisco. June 2.—There was
a sharp earthquake shock throughout
North and Central California just be
fore midnight. The vibrations con
tinued four seconds north to south,
Hlassware and windows were broken
and plastering cracked,
Discovered By a Woman.
Anether great discovery has been made,
ana that too, by a lady in this country.
"Disease tautened Its clutches upon tier
and for seven years she withstood Its
sevorest tests, but her vital ornana were
underminded and death seemed iniminent.
For three month* she coughed ineessiuit
ly. and could not sleep. She finally dis
covered a way to recovery, by purchasing
of ns a bottle of Dr King’s New Discovery
for consumption, and was so much reliev
ed on takiny liret dose, that site slept all
night; pnd with two bottles has been ab
solutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther
hut/..’’ Thus writes W. V. Hum nick d' Cos,,
of Bbellij, N. 0. Trial bottles free at all
drugstore Regular size fiOe and SIOO.
Kvory bottle guaranteed.
The Betel Townsend
Situated at Hed Springs, N, C|, on
the Atlantic coast line, located in a
grove of magnificent oaks and health
giving pines, offers yon a most enjoy
able visit for the summer months.
The rootifts are airy and comfortable,
B(K>'teet of broad veranda, hot and
cold baihs on each floor with lavatory,
The waters maintain a uniform tem
perature of 50 degrees, and have been
unfailing in the case of dyspepsia,
nervous prostration, rhiimatism, kid
ney trouble and stfiniach trouble, you
have perfect immunity from malaria.
Analysis of water, terms and any
other information will be promptly
furnished on application.
Beware of Ointaieute for Catarrh That Con
tain Mori'ury
as mercury will surely destroy the sense
of midland completely derange the whole
system when entering It through the
mucous surface. Such articles should
never be used except oi'lpresoriptions from
reputable physicians, as the damage tliay
will do is ten fold to the good you oau
possibly dorivejrom them Hall,s Catarrh
l ure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney ft 00..
Toledo. 0., contains no mercury, and is
taken intemlly acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surface of the system.
In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure besure you
get the genuine. It is take internally,
and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney
4 Cos. Testimonials free.
Sold hy Druggists, price 75c per bottle.
Hall's Family Bills are the best.
McKinley Edition of
10c Music, for which
we are original agents,
8 cts.
No other house can do
190. A Sim.l. ,<J|qx*i to (igli thorpc Hotel.
An annual meeting of the stock
holders ot the Atlantic Investment
Company will be held at the Bruna
wick Bank & Truat Coiunany at 4 p.
m., en Wednesday June 7tb IS9B.
W. Merchant, N, Kinantiel,
Secretary, President,
When a man owns a bloodod horse lie
ie alwaye careful of Ha health. He looks
after its diet and Is particular that the
feeding shall be regular andffght. While
he it doing this It it likely of not tnat tie
it himself suffering from some disease or
disorder. Whan the trouble gets so bad
that he cannot work, lio will begin to give
himself the care that he gave the horse at
the start. Good, pure, rich, red blood is
the beet insurance against disease cf any
kind. Almost all diseases come from im
pure or Impoverished blood. Keep the
blood pure amt strong and disease can
find uo foothold. That is the principle
upon which Dr. Pierce s Golden Medial
Discovery works, it cleanses,purities and
enricbec the blood, puts and keeps the
whole body in perfect order; makes appe
tite good digestion strong, sseimllatlon
perfect. It brings ruddy, viri’e health.
It builds up solid, wholesome flesh (not
fat) when from any cause, reduced below
the healthy standard,
An Important Question.
The question ‘‘What Coffee .Shall 1
Drink’’ comes up at this seazun. That
is a s]iiery which every one must an
swer for himself. We gladly give our
readers the experience of many hun-
dreds of people when we urge them to
g’ve a single trial to Lion Coffee. It
is one uf the purest brands of coffee 3n
the market, and it is all sealed in ore
pound packets at the mills and never
afterwards opened till it arrives in the
kitchen, you are absolutely protected
against adulteration. Owing to its
purity it is the least expensive coffee
in use, as a single pound will make 10
cups. We know of no other coffee at
twice the price which is batter.
Wou’d Not Suffer So Again for Fifty Times
the Pries.
I awoke last night with severe pain (n
my stomach. I never felt so badly In all
my life. When 1 came down to work this
morning 1 felt so weak I could hardly
work. 1 went to Miller McCurdy,s drug
store ami they recommended Chambelain's
Colic.* Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
It worked like magic and one dose fixed
me"alright. v lt cert inly is the finest thing
I ever used for stomach trouble 1 shall
not be without it in my home hereafter,
for l should not care to endure the sutler
ingsof last night again for fifty times its
price.—G.H. Wilson, Liveryman,Burgett
stow. Washington Cos., Fa. This remedy
is for sale by l. Y Bishop. Druggist.
For Backache use SIT
Old papers for sale 20c
per hundred at The Times
Firjt HapMit Chureh Temorrow.
Carl W. Minor will preach at
It a. m. and 9p. m. .Sunday school at
4:15p.m. Immediately after Sunday
school there will be a rally of the
young people. Special music will be
rendered, and Kcv. Mr, Minor will
address tbe meeting. The double
quartette have arranged an unusually
interesting program of music for the
church services. The protracted
meetings will continue next week at 4
acd *p. m., daily. All a-e cordnlij
I consider it not only a pleasure but a
duty I. owe to my neighbors to tell about
the wonderful cure effected in my case by
the timely of Chamberlin's Colie,
Cl|plera and Diarrhoea Remedy. 1 was
taken very badly with flux and procured
a bottle of this remedy. A few dosee of It
effecte*a permanent cure. I lake pleas
ure In recommending tt to others suffer
ing from that dreadful disease —J. W
Lynch, Dorr, W. Va Till* remedy is sold
by I. N, Bishop. y
NoM're Volunteers Wsn'ed.
Washington. June 2.-The cabinet
decided today .here was no present
necessity tor the enlistment of any
mure volunteers.
Working Night and Pay.
The busiest and mightsest little thing
that ever was made is Dr. King’s New
Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar coattd
globule of health, that changes weakness
into strength, listieoincss into energy,
brain-fag into mental power. They’re
wonderful in building up the health.
Only 25c per box. Bold by all druggists.
Train Held Up-
Omaha, June 2.—TJbe westbound
flyer, overland, No, 1, of the Union
I’aclfic Road, wag held up by train
robbers near Cheyenne. Wyo . last
by warm Slump".,, with Cnicima Soap, fob
loweu by tiglitQafe-iinjs with Cothu'ba, pur
est of emulllenjl amt greatest of skin cutes.
This treatment w ill clear the scalp ami hair
Of crufts, scales, and dandruff, soothe irri
tated, itching surfaces, stimulate the hair
follicles, supply the roots with energy and
nourishment, and produce luxuriant lustrous
hair with clean, wholesome scalp.
Sold every vhm. Porrf.R l>. csuC. Cost, SolePmoa.
Boston. Sf" iiow to I’.gdu.. Luxurtsjit ikair,'' esc*"*
Marion o ! ark Kidnapping Cass,
New York. June B,—The sheriff ha*
refused to surrender the prisoner*
charged with kidnapping Marion
Clark, unless on order County
Judge Wheeler and the district at
torney, The sheriff will allowaiobody
to see the prisoners, and says ail ai
leged interviews with them are false.
The Journal has divided its sa,ooo re
ward in the Marios Clark kidnapping
case. It will give SI,OOO t,o Mrs. Carey,
the postmistress at Bt. John’s, Uock
laud county, and the other sl.o<|o to
Baby Clark. '*j
If troubled with rheumatism, give
Cbauibertaiu's Pain Balm a trial. It
will not cost you a cent if it does no
good. One application will relieve
the paiu. It also cures sprains and
bruises In one-third the time required
by any other treatment. Cuts, burns,
frostbites, quiusey. pains in the side
and chest, glandular and other swe 1-
inga are quickly cured by applying it.
Kvery bottle warranted. Price 25 and
50 cts.
Get your ad, copy in early
today for the big: Sunday
edition of The Times tomor
row. Free distribution of
2,(X)0 extra copies, 8 page
j anf l the
delicate organism of woman. What
the :.ufferet ought to do is to give
a fair trial to
Female Regulator
which is the true cure provided
by Nature for all female troubles. It
isthe formula of a physician of the
highest standing, who devoted his
whole U.e to the study of the dis
tinct ailments peculiar to our moth
ers, wives and daughters. It is made
of soothing, healing, strengthening
herbs and vegetables, which have
bean provided by a kindly Nature to
cure irregularity in the metises, Leu
corrfuEa. Falling of the Womb, Nerv*
onsnefs. Headache and Backache.
In fairness to herself and to Brad*
Held’s Female Regulator, every
suffering woman ought to give it a
I**l. A large *i bottle will do a
wonderful amount of good. Sold by
druggists. . .
ft if flo* i-si.it
The Bradfkld Regulator Cos., Atlanta, Ga.
Bask Nominated For Governor.
Co' uni bn*, O .June 2 —Oeo. K.Na-h,
of Col'imbu-', was nominated for gov
ernor at the republican convention
this afternoon. He was eleoted on
the eccond ballot,
For uvsr Fifty Fears,
Mrs. tVinslow’s Soothing Hyrup has
b‘en used tor over fifry year* by mil-,
lions of mothers for their children,
while teething, with perfect success.
It soothes the child, softens the gums
allay* all pain, cures wind colic, and
*• the heat remedy for Diarrho-a. It
pleasant to the taste. Sold by drug
gists in every part of the world.
Twenty-five cents a bottle. Us value
s incalculable. Be surt and ask for
Mr Winslow’s Soothins Hyrup, ant 1
take no other kind.
Under this head advertisements will be in
serted for one cent a word for the first
insertion, and for every subsequent conaecu
tive insertion thereafter at the rate of half
a cent a word. No advertisement will be
taken for less than ten cents. Cash in ad
vance invariably required for all advertise
ments .n this col urns.
FOR SALE.—One nice horse and
buggy, fine Mock of groceries aud tix
tures, also *rge lot of second-hand
stoves. Stove repairing a specialty.
B. F. Rice, 1110 George street.
Lost—Taken by mistake or other
wise. from front door of Kaiser Bio°.
hand hag containing two pair shoes
etc, Flease return to The Times of
floe and receive reward.
FOR SALK —A good talking parrot.
Apply at The Times office.
WaNTKD—Position a* bookkeeper
or general efWee man by an experienc
ed jroung man with he-t of r-ferrnce
Ca<v operate typewriter. Address W.
A., care this , fli -e.
Ai/peeial premium wi t 0? g.yen to
I the person sending tlie laigeet num
| her of Heptagon aid Ho ne tuad > scat
I wrappers and dog hfsHcu! from or
| A mom a Soap Powder packages to the
York Steam So p \V >rk, York, Pa.
Pontert closes Ju y 1 -f .
| Agent wan to iL-om stores, fao
twries, mines, etc. s?veral agent*
earn $3O we>kij cash. Free outfit
Kubber o<>-, 2-13 Pearl, XewlYVrlr.
LOST—Lost between Hr.uoWer prk
and the Oglethorpe hotel, a gold s' : ck
pin with go'd knot through which.*
email gold pin was rue, havii g a p*ai)
head: the knit also ornamented with
a diamond, Finder will please return
to The Times t ttije, when a suitable
r, ward will be given .
** 50ff Monk Street.
Will clean your clothes by
steam, The only steam ren
ovating house in. Brunswick.
506 MONK ST.
Backien’s Armea Balv.
'The beat salve In the world for cuts,
bruise*, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter,chapped hand*, chilblains
corns aud all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, no no p. y required,
it ia guaranteed to give pertec.t satis
faction or money ref.r Jed. I’rfce 25
ants. for sale by all druggi*^..
That Burn Coal
in the Open Fire
The Club Hi use oi Port
able Haslet Gra e vvill do
it. See us abo tor
Wood Mantels § Tiling
Brunswick Me ati Granite %la,
HKKU r.. UMANCE, Preprint *,
We Carry One of The Largest Stocks
(if whiskies, wines, brandies, etc., in Brunswick, or South
* east Georgia. We buv in large quantities—therefore have
the inside on prices. We can fill every order, because we
have every line of goods known to the trade. The purest
noducts of the still and vineyard. Our specials—Murray
ill Club, Lewis’66, Carstaif’s Invincible, Famous Yel
lowstone. Also handle complete line of straight whiskies.
Jug orders a specialty. We pay special attention to the
jug trade. Prompt attention given to all orders. Agent
for the Acme Brewing Company.
R V, Douglas,
5806 Bay St-
Groceries, Tobacco, Flour, "Bacon
and Provisions.
Grain, Hay and Bran A Specialty
30 204 L G O RANT T #t?ests d - Brunswick, Ga.
’ 2~> • B < JP
, 1 *
•J^'vs. > t n J[ jßjg y
\\ t?jF f: f*'. K PijllJ a.\ ' I
X J|, ;
|S|s||a :
Dr. Mary A. Brannon’s Female Balm
• A S>erfwt!S4<-iitiffctA'C:iiTreat.
ni -nt for all tSnse ilrUcAte and
oßfr painful Disease* peculiar to Wo
gj meu. Relieves I n iVimtyation of
v Hf tlie Irreirnlaf or FainfaJ
-■ -Period*, Heals riqeratfo*, Carat
■a r~yfSS Leacorrfcoea, Ovaries
# ,/\ /mu and FaUiiijr of the Womb by ro*
iW TS storing* streupth to the muscles
the CTterus* Relieve*
that tired feeHtisr, anKT.vou noki know yourself
a.jtiFenanioncr wonrwa, ! in body, htluifand heart.
1.. - *m mended and for safe b> E. 11. RulkiU aad
W. J. Butt*, Brunswick. Ladies who wish special
advice, write for hook *nd to
DR. MARY A. BRANNON. Ml Coital fm.. AtUoio,Uo
Of cur Isrge assortment of delicious
Crackers, Biscuits, Wfffers, Fancy
Cake*, Etc will convince the Moat ex/ ,
acting that we have the choicest and
best assortment of these dainty foods
to select from, both > packages and
loose. You will find at all timra the
flneat foods at the lowest prices at
W. H. I)eVOE, Jr.
Corner Newcastle and Howe B'reeta.
Somelhlng* Worth of Ins tcfieiG
as well as'trial, is our clean, high
grade coai. Any one our
Jelico coal a fair trial will that it
is the moat economical, beet burning
and satisfactory coal for household
purposes that can be procured any
where, and a fair margin of profit Ss
all we wguit.
We aiso keep a full stock of selected
Oak, Pine and Light wp-d. Br ckii,
Shingles, Laths. Lime, piaster, Italy,
Cement, etc.
525 - Bay • Street
. Telephone 11.
\' and th*r . 14 nothing a*re refreshing
that she v>re->ent* as a beverage than
g > ’d !! er. Claret, Burgundy and
U , Mines. We bate acboice stock
of Oj'iforn a wines and the beat ieo
por.’iil tt’irhesux and doa dinner
wines, lha' are healthful and o >oling
in wain) weather. Our wine*, whie
kies and beer are all high grade and
th • best on the market.
T. Newman.
216 - Bay - Stfwt

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