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The Brunswick times-call. [volume] (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, November 06, 1901, Image 3

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Opera House
Wednesday Nov 6
The Event of the Theatrical Year.
(First Time Here.)
James K. Hackett’s
Great Roman'ic Success
Presented by Special Arrangement
with Mr- Pamei Froham.
nod a
S-vi* Hi aai* at Ft.-rai g & W ff'e
F <d ■V ! i wn\ 0 8
U you ere troubled with kMnev or oladdtr
-.roubles, such as i ropey, Rright’e disease, ca
tarrh, gravl of the lad ter albumen t urine
and unhealthy depositing o> isv. frequent cut
charge.-i the urine, pain in one >ms blad
der. dropsical swelline of t.‘ fee' .n.d legs. etc.
etc., we guarantee oh it by itng .-t
Kidney Cere, a complete cnre mint e#eot,u.
P rice 50 nut F. sale by aii-i’ sgl*'”-
PIA v O '"O 1 S LE -a mi•u ’r k t
piano, to b> a most h iy ; ie
C-nr. tore. 0(1 1 ti. I'7 > rent .nd
you Will g - ha'tjair
Consumptives, Wi kno v that you have
been dissappoi ted many times but make
one more etlort to be cured. Couch’s
Mexican Syrup has cured thousands and
it will cure you. Consumption is the result
of the food materi U that should go to sup
port the o Ay and sustain life being ab
sorbed and thrown off in tuberew ous mat
ter, To overcome this was eof vital force
and restore the nourishment to the system
in its natural course, ie to cure. This is
accompli a hed by epoch’s M X'can Syrup.
It c intro's o.iugns, night sweats spitting
of blood, foreness in chest, ir flamed throat,
and lungs, diffi lulty of breathing, heavy
coughs accompanied with expectoration
and parched lips. We know you have been
disappointed many times, but make one
more effort to save yourself, You can buy
a bottle of pooch’s Mcxica i Syrup t0r250,
it cures a simplecough as if by magic,and
is the best emedy for whooping cough
floe, Bup-rvi lug Architea', Washing
ton, U, C , OcnbPr 23, 1901. SEAL
ED PROPOSAL il bi rfoeiva s<
this i ffi te nn 1 1 2 o’c'oc'i P. Ml on h
-21st Pay of Nous ab>r, 1901, and then
f*l B>l 118 Q kO, v7o' , A' , t-t
ice U 8 Qjaf!i!i r ! S ion, S.vi>
i ab, Ga„ iu aoc rUsuce with d.*w>ngß
and epeotflcatio", copies of wh;c m y
be bad st rbe di'-ori-tinn of the Super
<"‘ing Arobitec , bp apn’ying !•; thi
i l|lie nr to ibe Cu ’odiai' of e Sta !on
atSayaooah. Gnoiir’a. Jam s Koox
Taylo-, Super ieing A'Chiirpt.
Skin affections will readily disappear bj
using Dewitt’s witch Hazel loott out
counterfeits. If you gat D eitts yuu w
get eood results. It is the quick and
osit've cure for plies, w. J, Buttv
FOUND—One lady’s cloakj Owter
nan Dave same by calling at J. M.
Hoodei pj e’s bakery.
teetify to the merit of Banner Salve is our
in£ piles. It immediately relieves and
quickly euros. No other salve so healing
w J Butt t
Baby’s Coming
V®E McDonald, Ga., July is. 1900.
HjZf\ s A 1C I advisn every suffering woman to take Wine
ot f 'ai<tui. V'hile I was going with my other
l_i' i _ y children 1 was compelled to stay in bed for days
Va \ JCTjyjpK. yam at a time, but this time I have taken Wine of
Elfin Cardui andThedford’sßlack-Draughtandhava
Rw f WBM been able to do all my housework without any
tisf\ i Vi 'IB trouble. lam expecting every daytobecon-
Etg J V vftjwt ’M fined. My husband thinks Wine tn Oardui is
K||l F VhSBF the best medicine in the world. He takes a
Bfj zJSSW dose of Thedford’s Black-Draught every night
and gives somo to the children. lie hr. ■ not
lost a clay from work this year. He teih his
Z JU9 friends about your wonderful medicines and I
SfeSsjK A tell my lady friends to use your Wine of
Pf’Vy \ jlm/Msm Cardui. Mrs. GEORGIA 1.3 E.
’ •fj-rwjm jdWraTJlßgl There are thousands of women who shrink
(wJClrg.w In terror at the thought of the baby’s coming.
Bi&fgF nMaHniiS But childbirth is one of the workings of Nature
KMKjfI&W. jngwj and it was not intended to imply "torture and
2gSGß9B|3a£h BgMrjflHr agony to the heroic mothers of the race. The
woman who suffers torture during pregnancy
|M < *o*itaa* ,r an( j „t childbirth has usually, by some indis
cretion, injured the organs which make her a woman. Neglect of menstrual
jLf irregularities leads to ovarian pains, falling of the womb'and leucorrhoea,
VH and the period of pregnancy is necessarily distressing under those ccndi
§<■ lions. Wine of Cardui will regulate the menstrual function perfectly and
BO eventually make the generative organs strong and healthy. Pregnancy and
Jjjff childbirth have no terrors for the woman who takes this pure Wine. A strong
SpS healthy womb will bring its pr.ecious burden to maturity with little or no
ISA pain. A healthy woman need not fear childbirth. Wine of Cardui cornu It'-ly
ghjj cures all these troubles familiarly known as "female diseases" and equips me
■MT sensitive generative organs for pregnancy and childbirth. It will save any
OS mother much pain and suffering. All druggists seli bl.oo bottles.
for ftdvtoi and JttamMiri*. edd receiving •yrnptomarM'h* litdl-i* AdVtnory
I* fit. l>ijhrt/i*ciji." Ik UiaUiuiougi* Modi Cine Company, C UAiUUaooga, Xeitk
Death soon follows from d'seanso
kidneys unlesn a cure is mails by taking
the old reliable Stuart’s Gia and Bochu
Pbe folio wtng aymptons indicate ihi
approach O! Bright’s Dieewfi? or D‘*
bates ard Kidney troubl : Puffy o>
dark circle* under the eyes, sa>low,
yellow complexion, dull, heavy head
aches, dizzy tired feeling, fniat speiie
oain or dull cube in tbe back, uru
cloudy, milk like or stringy, dark in
color or offensive, painful aoaldiny
sensation in passing urine, obliged to
go often duaiog the day or nigh . There
ie a cure in Stuarts Gin ard Saobu . I
is the one remedy you can rely on, li
will correct sll of these symptoms and
p-rinanently oure even Br)gb’’s die
ease after fill other treatments fail.
Stuart’s Gin sud Buchu will neutrals
ize the urine and cause it to flow in 8
purfeotly natural mr-nucr. A high grade
k doey cure, The most perfect made
Stuart’s Gir at and Tincbu thoroughly
fasted for ibo post twenty years. It
gives life, power and vigor to the kid
neys thus making the bl< od rod aud
nourishing. Try this grand old rem
edy. Dniggiste or by express prepaid
sl. D scribe trouble and free advoe
about kidneys given. Btu*srt Drug Cc.
34 Wall Bt. Atlanta, Ga..
A Square Deal
ev?jv time, when you deal with Lang
& Wood. All the lumber in our stock is
crefullp selected We uvecarein buying
and all the lumber we sell is exactly as
rc-pi-eresented We hnd it pays us to do
business that way. You can’t buy lumber
anywhere to '■uch advantage as here. We
have every i ind of building lumber. We
fill the largest orders promptly, and we
take just, as much with a small order
Kiir dried flooring and ceiling always
instock. i’fcooe 197.
Lang & Wood
Planing Mill.
Best worm medicine. Children like It so
well they eat it ou bread.
rQ3 0 ' yAdO3 ‘L
with that order for grain and feed. Wn
want you to know how well we are fixed
for giving you the beet and bow reasons'-
ble the prices are Our gra'n a’td food arc
cheapest because they arb ihb best. if
you feed them to your horses and cattle,
you will readily appreciate this.
Social Attention to Crown
and bridge work.
502 J Glou’ster St.
Large Red cherries in
Mararqnin quart bottle, "7>c
at Harper’s, the Grocer.
Seed Rye at
Burnett’s Feed
Money refunded if it ever fails.
For the purpose of collecting state and
county tax for 1901,1 will be at the following
county precincts as follows:
St. Simons.2sthdist., Oct. 22, Nov. 12, Dec. 3
Sterling, 1556th “ “ 23, ’• 13, “ 4
Pyles Crossing, 27th dist. “ 24, l4, “ 5
Jamaica, 1499th dist. * 25, “ 15. “ 6
Brunswick Oct. 86,23 and 29, Nov. 16,18 and 19,
Doc. 7,.9 and 10,
H. J. READ.T. C. G. C.
and all diseases arialng from in
digestion. They will purify your
blood and make yourcomplexlon
as FAIR AS A LILY. They aro
gelatin coated. PRICE 2b CENTS.
“Our little girl was unconscious from
strangulation during a sudden and ter
rible attack of croup, 1 quiokiy seourod a
bottle of One Minute Caught Cure, giving
her three doses. The crouD was mastered
and our little darling speedly recovered’
So writes A L. Spaford, Chester, Mioh
w, J. Butts.
Mr. w. J. Baxter of North Brook, N. 0.
says he suffered with piles for fifteen vsars
He tried many remedies with no result
until he used Dewitt’s witch Hazle Save
nnd *nat quickly cured him. J. w. But
Charts tide tables and
other publications, U, S,
coast and Geodetic survey
for sale by
C. W. Deming,
Phones’ or 31,
“I stuck to my engine, although every
joint ached and every nerve was racked
with pain,” writes C W Bellamy, a locomo
tive fireman, of Burlington, lowa., “I was
weak and pale, without any appetite and
all run down. As I was about to give, I
got a bottie of Electric Bitters and, after
ak;ng it, I fait as well as I ever did in my
life.” Weak, 9ickly, run down people
always gain new life, strength and vigor
from their uso. Try them. Satisfaction
guaranteed by all druggists. Price 50c,
Have just received the
inest line of
New Wheels
ever seen in Brunswick.
SO new Oaes to Pick From.
We can save you s£-00 on
every wheel you buy.
Repairing, renting and
Message service,
If yon want a
good Piano or*
Organ buyj a
Ludden & Bates
A Kent- -
For Whooping Cough use
’ p hi. is to no'lfy my frii-nds, patrons,
I nod tho puhli'i g<T**rlly that Mr. i'til
iKeiiur uow iu tbaiye of tin* Arcade
laloon. B. Ulrich,
' IfifßlM
When Mr. MoKdnlty visited New
at rbe breaking out of fhe hostilities
with Spain, the only drs-natio repre
sentation she witnessed was “’Way
Down KasV’ which comes tn the oper?
house on Wednesday, Nov, 14, the oc
casion wji to’ed tor the emLusiasm o?
her greeting, thousands of people as
sembling ou’side the Minhaitan thes
ter to cheer her ae she enferjJ her oir
r>age Qni.e recently ’’’Way Uovn
Eat” played In Washington sed Mr.
McKinley sent fur a box .I,‘siring the
presiient to witness it, bet a spsolal
cabinet net ting upse’, h.s plans. The
president personally expressed his re
gret that be could not witness the per
formance whloh impressed Mrs. Mo-
Klnlpy so deeply.
James R Hackett’s Great Play at the
Grand Tonight.
“The Pride of Jcnnioo, ’a rurnanlio
drama in four acts, will be pjis-ntpd
at the Grand tonight,
Tue outline of the play is like this :
Bsi .loncicn, a young Englishman,
falls heir to gre:*t cata;s in Moravia
and Bohemia. His uncle’s will stipu
lates that he must marry & woman o’
high rack. The prinoeas and her 'a ly
in waiting have taxan refuge at beta
fate from storm. Basil de-tire?, ec use
of his duty to obey bis unci-.’., dying
mandate, to marry the princess, but he
falls deeply in love with h.-r compan
ion. Now it appears that the esprieif
oue, roguish princess had obangnd
places with tier companion and passed
off the latter upon Basil s herself.
Basil, loving the masquerndiag prin
oesß, confesses his affection La hie ac
tion-,’while proponing for the princess.
The wedding occurs in a dark chape
and eftar the ceremony the bridagroom
discovers to his astonishment that he
has been tricked into marrying tbe
other, the lady in waiting, as he sup
posd her.
Though he lqves her, believing that
he has been trioked, he is chagrined,
and reproaches her, but dually takes
her to his hosrt.
After a month of wedded life—the
princess still has concealed her real
station—a quarrel arises which Is
brought about by the titled vUlian of
the play, Prince Eugene von Bonbon
berg, and iu consequence of whjcb the
lovers part.
’ flf ' ■
It is then th<>, Jeunldo realizes how
deeply he loves her, acd ,fii) s arts o>r
to find and win her buck.
Plot after plot is lai.l for ni>: mardtiv
by his cucmy, the prince, and tne fur-
Ihur run of the.story takes him through
events of infinite peril,. Th •-q is a
dash and ring of aw >rd -fr at
which fce finally emergo* triumphin',
his Wife restored to him, noil the
knowledge gained th.it ha hen a prin
oes- for his bride.
(The scenery and effocts are ail moa
elaborate and carried by the company
wbiob is of high merit and iooludes
Wallace Wornley and Katherine Erlr,
who play Basil and the Princess Ot
•ft thi sunt ifttd oi aD dßr
FOLEY’S I wiitiii Hc*4
•r money refunded. Contact
remedial feco&r*Jx*d hr
cent phy*id*ns as the h+fi tw
Kidney end BUddv *-ous a W*
raid *M*j*h
Flap .Jack Hour just in at
Harper’s, >he G; ocer.
FOR I'.KNI'-Tsi h.ni'ib -<1 room .
prefarr ). a (Juiirge 8t
opposite Hanover pnric
Asthmalenei- Brings instant Relief
and Permanent Cure in
Ail Cases.
Write Your Name and Address Plainly.
’ There la nothing like Asthmalono. It brings ... , .
instant relief, eveii ip the worst cases. It cures fL. S ’’ £t*
when all else falls. tvSdmUP
The R*y. C. F. Wells, of Villa RiC*e. 111.. Xd
say.,. -Youi trial bottloof Astlmaienoreceived x R Rk
ill v>oil condition. I cannot toll von how thank- jr -r
ful 1 feel for the good derived from It. 1 was a jSBIm vt yu £> Vv Vr...
slave, chained with putrid sore throat and
as’ 1 ua for ten years. I despaired ol ever being
cnrei’. 1 saw your advertisement for the cure f ,
of tin-dreadful and tonunnitug disease, Asth- '1
m.-i. :-ud thought you hadoverspiiken vourselves, y LJ ,-wi
but resolved to give it a trial. To my astonish- /Ifijitf/lFv ‘ i \ v •
meat, the trial acted like a charm. Send me a aLvtj f •>"s/
iuli size bottlo.” A iwji ■ -
Rabbi of the Cong. Bnai Israel ■ v f* j V
New York, Jan. 8, 1901. y®- ■ I \
Drs. Taft Bros.’ Medicine Cos.: f •“ ‘Sjjr ■ |
Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene Is an excel- I jNr.
ent remedy for Asthma and Hay Fever, and its \y' f J
composition alleviates all troubles which 00m- /SJ -egfioPK I /
bine with Asthma. Its success Is astonishing /' §
and wonderful. B
After having it carerony analysed, wo can :tll |
Htato that Asthmalene contains no opium,
morphine,chloroform or ether.
Very truly yours,
Avon Springs, N. Y., Feb., 1,190 L
Dr. Taft Bros. Medicink Cos.
Gentlomen: 1 write this testimonial from a sense of duty, having tested tho wondeifu.
■ i’ect of your Asthmalene, for the cure of Asthma My wife has been afflicted with spasmodic
asthma for the past 12 years [laving exhausted myown skill as well as many others, I chanced
10 sc- your sign upon your windows on 130th street. New York, 1 at one obtained a bottle of
Asthmalene. My wife commenced taking it about the Urst of November. I very soon noticed
a radical improvement. After using one bottle her Asthma has dmsappeared and she is
mtirelv free from all symptoms. I feel that I consistently recommend the medicine to all whs
”.Te afflicted with this distressing disease. Y’ours renpectf ully,
Ob. Taft Bros. Medicine Cos. Feb. 5,1901.
Gentlemen: I was troubled with Asthmn for 82 yoavs I have tiled numerous remedies
but tbe have all failed. I ran across your adverttsomont and started with a trial bottle. 1
found relief at once. 1 have since purchased your full-size bottle, and I am ever grateful. I
have r unity of four children, and for six years was unable to work. I am now in the best of
health and am doing business every day. This testimon v you can make suoh nio of as you ss
dt. Home address, 235 Uiylngton street.
8. RAPHAEL, 67 East 12.1i.1i at.. City
Do not delay. Write at once, fiddressing DR, TAFT BROS.’ MEOU ’lN 4,
CO.. TO E-ar 130th St, N. Y. City.
Coney & Parker
Oiial and Wood, Brick.
Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles and Laths.
Agents for Morris’ Brick.
Phone 18- 525 Bay St.
What is this Man tod For?
As He might be—MUCH t
//I\ 1 He ie a nervous wreck. His lift I#
j / j£\ * burden to himself, and hie presence
I u dread to hir. fatally and frieada.
gw l*l Kis irrltabiLty is mining
f.rJMMgi hie business, turd his eo*-
. '' js'l'f'Xt uJ J iff ' stantly increasing Miseries,
' itr.
(Lipptnan’e Great Remedy) overcomes at once the acute symptoms of
everv form of Nervous Derangement, and aoon makes the patient robust
and ambitious. P. P. P. is the best combination of green roots and
barks that was ever put together for the cure of Weakness, Gtuc-ral
Debiuty and Nervousness. It is a good tonic and the best Blood Purifier
in th-“ world. P. P. F. is Nature's specific for Rheumatism, Dyspepsia,
Catarrh, Malaria and all forma of Blood Poison and Scrofula, whether
iu adult* or children. „ , , ...
1 . \p. is sold by all druggists— ft a bottle; *ix bottles, $ 5 •
Lippman Brothers, pko uptm& s, bu>ck. Savannah, Gn.
W. J. Butts;]
NOVEMBER 6-16th, 1901,
Special Attractions —Racing a Specialty.
The Plant System
will sell round trip tickets at one fare, plus 50 cents ad
mission to the Fair Grounds. Tickets to be sold Novem
-1 ber 4i!i to 15th inclusive and for trains to arrive in
/>ayannah prior to noon Nov. 16.
! rains will be operated between Plant System depot
at "'avannah and the Fair Grounds every fifteen minutes,
Fait five cents each way
B. W. WRENN, Passenger Traffic Manager.

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