Newspaper Page Text
i No. 1 Vol. 1 Tarboro', Edgecombe County, (N. C.) Saturday, January 3, 1852. Whole No. 1 f i il . l il I L. l" e f, 4 -Geo. Howard, Jr., Editor & Proprietor. TEBMS - ER ANNUM I Jf paid within two months, $2 00 9 n ; otherwise. RATES OF ADVERTISING: J 'One square first insertion, 1 00 ,, cere insertion afterwards, 0 25 . Cards, a year, - - 5 00 ' Court Orders and Judicial advertise- meich 2b per cent, higher. i Yearly advertisements by contract. I ASHIGULTUBALi Tt Agricultural Readers. In this department of our paper, wc oxpect to be governed in our selections principally by the maturcr judgment and practical experience of others. Yet v we feel (believing in the maxim that; knowledge is power) that even we, on general principles, can urge the necessi ty of reducing farming to a science, and studying and applying it as such. We ;are all aware, that to produce a model work, it is necessary that we should ful ly understand the capacity of our mate rials, the proper instruments to use, and the most effective manner of operating. And what is this but science, a know ledge of what is to be done and the best mode of accomplishing it Many have been led to sneer at, and yepudiate scientific farming, because they confounded theoretical farming "with practical or genuine scientific farm in. whereas the one is but an element of the other; and indeed, the only dan serous element. Such a one has the same claim to the title of a scientific far - - ia 4i,o . . 1 . , , , , gcientinc watcn-maKer, wuo Knew ine Tiames of the various parts, and fully j "fcomnrehended its construction, and vnt. - 1' j had never made a watch. He is really Scientific in his understanding of what is to be done, but totally deficient m the 1 ' i ... i -1 j - nl jngucr, uecause prouuuuve, ciemuui oi science, the most effectual manner of doing it. He is wanting in that de partment of science, which though es sential is so often denied as a portion of it, practice. For although he may be nneonscious of the fact, it i3 neverthe less true, that the successful practical farmer is always iu a degree a scienti fic farmer, lie has gained that knowl edge which he so successfully applies, by submitting his own experience to the test of reason and intellect, and thereby deducing those useful rules, which he i might have more readily gained through -.e iwmiy giu" """"c" V.r the experience of others. The farmer should think of these things, and if he 1 finds them true, at once brin to hia i ' unu0 w ius own use and aid, the judgment and ex perience of others. Try all things and cleave unto that which is good. From the Journal of Agriculture. TTTP r1!? ATAr T? nr AnDinm Ltil UKA3131AII OF AGMCUL- by rnoF. j. j. mapes, Newark, N. J. In commencing a scvio.s nf f!rt,ir.lp; on n sericulture, with the our readers in all matters of improvement oonnccted with this subject, it seems ne- they will furnish these materials for, the i-cssary to build a foundation for the production of the crops of 1852; and the structure; and this we propose to do by 1 carbonic acid gas will enter plants, de giving a plain didactic description of first posit its carbon to increase their bulk, principles. Every art has its grammar, without a knowledge of which the student can make but indifferent progress. Thus, drawing is said by painters to be the grammar of their art; and, however groat may be the natural talent or taste of the aspirant, without an academic knowledge of drawing, he can never rise to great eminence. The grammar of the farmer's art is to be found embraced in a few of Nature's Jaws, embodied in the sciences of chem istry and natural philosophy; simple in their character, and when offered in pro 0 per form, readily understood. before entering on the subicct nrorjer. - o r x t 5" popular word, science, which the slothful minded condemn, rather hau iny-esti- Science simply means knowledge, re duced to a system, so as to be readily taught and easily understood. Thus it will be seen, that to render any study simple, and to rid it of perplexities, is to reduce it to a science. With this fact in view, it may be hop ed that our readers will not be afraid of attacking even a scientific description or rationale, should such be offered. When we commenced our operations as a practical and scientific farmer, some of our neighbors very properly demanded our credentials before we should com mence to teach others. These are now before the public. We have made anal yses of the soils of more than one hun dred farms, and advised modes of cul ture founded on such analysis; and in no one instance, without increasing the amount of profits to the farmer more than one-third. With these credentials, then, we ap pear before our present readers. These results have not arisen from any new j organic constituents, must, then consti discoveries of our own ; but simply, by j tute the farmer's study, and to this end collecting facts well known, and apply in 2 them in accordance with chemical laws; and we now promise our prasent readers, that if they will follow our ar ticles carefully, they will be able, by the help of an analysis of their soils, to pro duce similar results on their own farms. To those who would object to being taught by reading, let us say that we do not appear before them as a theorist, but strictly as a practical farmer; and the reports so often published by agri cultural societies of our crops, entitles us to the appellation If, then, admitted to enter the lists as a praclical farmer, it cannot injure one's ability, as a teacher, to have studied these sciences on which the success of agriculture must depend. Soils and plants are composed of two classes of materials or constituents, and these may be known by the terms organ ic and inorganic ; and the strict incan- ingof these terms and the properties of j each class of material must be clearly ! I 1 1.11 .Irtl !ani distinctly understood belore tne iar-, !" - 1 k BU1VU "u;to say, has never keen equaled m tlie;1"1" F1UUWW Ui CliV11' :can vilu mosfc economy, procure his South, and probablv never surpassed inse a tendency to great improvement. ! manures. jf a plant be burned in an open vessel, the organic constituents of the plant Trill paS3 off into the atmosphere, and the ! Issues uioue wm ue leu; ana con- t m 1 Is. 1.1 luuuiuu tuurguutv wusuiuuuw ui iuu i plant. If the ashca be analyzed, they j wilUc founj to be composed of silicii, lime, magnesia, oxiay oi irm, oxiue or t M. . e i f j manganese, potasn, soda, cnlorme, sul- I . 1 1 1 1 phurieacid and pnospuosne acid. Ihese ten inorganic constituents o piants wil one of them from Montgomery, Ala be fully treated of in the next number;, m;le bv Gindrat & Co.. which our present purpose being to speak of the organic constituents alone, aud of these only for the purpose of illustrating ccr-; p,at ft W;ls tne Ladies department ; tiJc of imigration from our State; for tain laws of nature, which should be ear- tiat attracted the most attention and : daily many of our most talented and en ly understood in the study of agricul- calje(j fortn t highest encomiums. It j ergetic young men seek a new home in ture. Asking the reader not to be rPr?;nnlv wis fir snivrior to anv thinTi tue West; they say that they cannot get frightened at a few new words, (for as tew as practicable win De useu,; we wouiu amj couii not be excelled any where, state that the organic part of plants is i yc were pleased to see so many in composed of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen . yentions in Agricultural Implements. and hydrogen and these constitute IromUO to V6 per cent, ot meir weigtit. Carbon, wiicn separaiea irom oiner sud- stances, is black, and is then more gen ' orally known by the name of charcoal; ! if burned, it combines with oxygen, and . . . n 4. Mrin ! passes off into the atmosphere as carbon- ic acid, a colorless gas ; and thus, if a vegetable be burned, rotted, fermented, or digested in the stomach of an animal, its carbon is always converted into car - bonicacid gas, and in this form pervades nature s great store-house s, the atmos- Iphere, ready to be taken up again by i OT,,i f vrt fnA ;f new growths. Thus it may be under- ! stood. that when the crops of 1851 shall O AV'l UiLU 111 l,KJ 'iWiv ami fVioif nririinifi nn.rt.-4 sh nil nnsico non -- f i vV-- T fcV VMV. fl '-" : bon, oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen, while the oxygen, in which the carbon was dissolved, will again pass off, ready to form more carbonic acid gas for future growths. The peculiar properties of carbonic acid gas, and the manner in which it enters plants, will be more ful ly discussed in a future paper. Oxygen is one of the components Of water and of our atmosphere, and exists in plants under various combinations with the inorganic constituents. Hitrogen is also a component of the at mosphere, and when combined with hy drogen, forms ammonia, the presence of which is necessary to the perfect health of plants. All tho cereals contain large amounts of nitrogen, and the muscles of animals can only bo formed by their food being fairly charged with this con stituent. Nitrogen is sometimes called psofej and hen,ce animal and other ma. nures are called azotised manures, be cause they contain nitrogen. The organic ' components of plants, then, in this view of the subject, are but four in number; and, in the state in which they may be used by plants, are always in the form of colorless gas, mix ed with the atmosphere, and brought to the earth by rains and dews, for the use of plants. It is also easily understood, that as nine-tenths of the weight of plants are of organic origin, their constituents are principally received from the atmos phere, and that the most important part of the farmer's art should be to arrest these life-creating elements on his own farm, instead of permitting them to pass on to the ocean, or remain unappropriat ed for the use of man. The addition of proper inorganic constituents, if absent from the soil, and its proper prepara tion and mechanical condition for the reception and retention of the necessary a series of articles will be written. All the various properties of carbon, and other parts of soils and plants, are foreign to our present purpose; and, therefore, those principles only which are necessary to a clear understanding will be treated of at this time. (Jo be continued. From the Augusta Sentinel. GEORGIA AGRICULTURAL FAIR. We had the pleasure of behr.: present ! at jhis great Exhibition at Macn, on , Wednesday and Thursday last, -md it I was trulv a crcat one: whether we view I it in reference to the variety, or number of articles exhibited, or the concourse of persons present. In the Stock department, the number and quality was indeed fine. Our enter- prisinir citizens. Messrs. R. Peters. J.V . 1 joncs of I)eKalb. and J. B. Jones of i I3uri(e. raa(ie a finc displav in cattle. ' -r rpu Poultry department we venture the North. AVe conversed with s.-veral ntlenin who had frouentlv attended i tuern Firs, and they assured us 1. lliau iljl. 1 liaa iiv v uwwxa mv v ' j uwi- led ja tll:g department, our friends Kedmond, ot Atlanta, Collins, of 31a- rvv r mxr 4-Ytr : rjncin-i contributors l The exhibition of Machinery was in- ml dec(j fine particularly Engines. There werc tlirce fine Eno-mes on the cround for iiih and beautiful finish surpassed aIlv of the kind we ever saw. of the kin(j CVer exhibited in the South, ; J i J o This shows that our people are studying ;0ut process of how to "make two blades of grass grow where only wettailul,uoauu iUUluuSu "aiuig. xxc g,.ew. before" A full nnd detailed de- ; has yisi ted some good farms in our State scription of xvhich, together with the i as wel1 as in others, purely for agricul- prem:ums awarded, will be given by our ! Jol instruction ; and for some time past 1 j.xTi l., ihe has been entered m useful acncul- correspondent in a few days ; A word as to the vast concourse in at-1 : tendance, which was made up of citizens I 0f South Carolina, Georgia, Florida,: 1 Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi and i variously estimated on Thursday, the day we left, at twelve to fifteen thousand. j The receipts at the gate up to Thurs - ... v i bi n . I ft 1 TT fTY1 nQH rOH I f 1 - 1 T llin(i I III II I All j dollars at twenty-five cents admit - ; faBW. nnd the eommittee exnected over C2klMM f 1 1 f Ii t . ill fill mClUL'iO VI bUV AJLOOV- The annual address of Judge An- drews, was in consequence of the rain on Wednesday, delivered on Thursday, which we regret we did not hear as it was spoken of as a most practical and masterly production. Indeed, just such an one as every man familiar with his practical manner of treating all subjects and strong intellectual powers, antici pated. The grounds were well chosen and ad mirably arranged, an engraving of which will accompany our detailed report. Every thing seemed to be conducted in the best possible manner, and every one seemed to be highly delighted. Licking County Fair. Among the events which occurred at this Fair, the Ohio Cultivator gives the following : The most exciting feature of the first day, was the competition for three pre miums offered for ladies' riding horses. Three horses were entered. Misses Sey mour and Marple, in elegant riding cos , tume, at first led the ring with decided advantage. Miss Hollenbach followed, Terms op the Farmer's Journal : in a walking dress; Imt being a girl of 1 copyl; 6 copies $5; 12 copies true knightly grit, soon reined in her 810; 30 copies $20- invariably in ad horse, and with a whip raised his mettle vance. to a guagewith her own, and then dash- . . ed forward taking the inside, and such a wild Arab flight sober Buckeyes never saw before. On, on flew the beautiful . , , A, ' , , , . steeds and the thousands cneered hear- tily-the wind played the mis&icf with plete. Then a series of evolutions, cur- vetmgs and contra pas, showed what country girls can do when they get the , rems into their own hands. The premi- I. i J claination. PROSPECTUS OF TIIH FARMER'S JOURNAL. Tiie subscriber proposes to publish in portion of them being independent cul the town of Bath, Beaufort county, N. . tivators, while cities, towns and villages C, a monthly paper" under the above have sprung into existence with most name. This paper will be devoted ex- unexampled rapidity, clusively to the setting forth of thevari-j The minimum price is $1 25 per a ous popular improvements in Agnail- j cre, and the quantity excludes competi ture, Horticulture and the household ; tion. arts. That there is a demand for such a paper in our State, and more especially in the eastern part, no one will deny. As evidence of the good effects of such !p:ipers wc have only to look at the rapid strides which have been made in farming in those States of our Union where they exist. But this great advancement made in the science of Agriculture in other States, is but little known to the farmers of North Carolina. There are several seicntmc as well as practical farmers among us; but for the want of a medium through which to communicate their agricultural knowledge, it is still confined to a small compass. Our good oia otate is iar uenina me age in agri cultural as well as every other improve ment ; as a people wc are greatly want ing iu State pride, which is highly iin- portant to place us in that position wiucii we ought to occupy. In Now York, Maryland, Georgia and several other I, - . - . 11A 1 1 . ' states annual .bairs are lield torexlnoit- nature has thrown no impediment in tac waJ to prevent our agricultural ad j vancemcnt ; but she has lavishly heaped ! upon us her inestimable sifts. We have : a. v j among us a sufficiency of both organic and inorganic matter to enrich every a cre of our worn-out land, and our soil and climate cannot be surpassed in a daptation to the production of the Vii rious plants. All that is now needed to elevate our State to the position which she should occupy among her sisters, is energy and ! enterprise on the part of her citizens. I There must be a stop put to this great , . i their consent to remain among a people possessed of so little enterprise as we are. The subscriber has not been engaged in farming many years ; but he feels jus tified in sa3Ting that he began upon the ( "g"1 P1 mai OI aeeP Pawing, neavy tural reading, to prepare himselt tor the P0 whicb he noW proposes to occupy, The subscriber feels confident that this undertaking shall not fail from a want of O O C5 energy on ms pari; ne is resoivea 10 use I cvery effort t0 obtain a larSc subscrip- ! tln list, and tor tins purpose he will invai sowral counties within the next : - " v ' ' 1 two months. He hoPcs that by showing such a de termination to do somethino; for the present degraded condition of the farmer, to be sustained and receive a liberal pat ronage from a generous public As soon as two thousand subscribers are obtained to the Journal, it will be is sued forthwith ; it will be of the usual size of such publications, and consist of thirty pages of closely printed matter. Each number will contain one or more articles from the pen of the Editor, and several communications from our best farmers; and the remainder will be filled with articles selected from other Agricul tural Journals, such as may be deemed by the Editor applicable to our climate and soil. In conclusion the subscriber asks the aid of every man in the prosecution of this great work; for he is sure that there will be a good bargain made by the far - mers. The advancement of farming should excite an interest in the breast of everv man: forunonthe success of the farmer ffreatlv depends that of every trade and profession. JOHN F. TOMPKINS. Bath, N. C. Nov. 20, 1851. f i n - Keport oj the Commissioner t the 0;,y,.We learn from thiay Rc port; that since the year 1832, 13 new 606 000,000" of acres, have been added to the Uniofl) Terrk containin I10,0tf0,000 of acres. The! coutain mQre 2 400 000 000 $ iJirAS- PtYl rvrilfrl nor an aroo rr mmn capacity or abundance of mineral. The great valley of the Mississippi, now the center of the Republic, contains 8,000,000 of inhabitants, a trreat uro- The sales of the public lands, since 30th June, 1850, and to the 30th June 1851, amount, to 1,840,847-40-100 ..- cres; and the qurchasc to 2,307,917-15- 100. The amount of land sold, during the first quarter of the fiscal year, commen cing July 1st, 1851, was 493,150,65.- 1 00 acres, for which there has been re ceived the sum of 001,091 01 100 dol lars. The amount of land sold for the corresponding quarter of the last fiscal year, was 206,879 00-100 acres, for which the sum of 349,876 0G-100 dol lars was received. The sales thus ap pear to be largely on the increase. There are in operation several influ ences likely to augment the sales of the public lands. Report of the IUtm aster General i The annual Report of the Postmaster iawa ""g uwenimeiw ana om Genml, Nathan K. Hall, is elaborate Jcers the. Post-Ofllce Department. ana aJjie, giving a lueia idea ol the oper ations of the Department for the present year. It appears from the Keport that Srafm m me national lntcilcnctr, tna the inland service of the Department for : Commissioner of the General Land Of the past year f excluding California and ! fic0 reports that twelve millions of acres Oregon, which are imperfectly reported,) shows an increase of 13,354 miles in the length of mail routes; of 0,162,855 in the number of miles of annual transpor tation, and of $517,110 in the annual cost of transportation. The transporta tion in California for past year was 537, 470 miles, costing 6130270. In Ore gon, 30,498 miles, costing $19,938. The receipts from America and For eign postage during the past year exceed those of the prccecdmg year by $907,-' 010,79; or deducting the balances ac cruing to the 'Uritish Post-office, 909, 223 85-qual to 18 05 per cent, in A mcrican postage and 10 per cent, on American and Foreign. At the close of the fiscal year there were six Foreign Mail Routes of the ag- jgregate length of 18,349 miles, annual ly transporting G51 ,200 mails. The an nual transportation on three cf these routes (which are under contract with the P. O. Department) is 190,592 miles, and at an expense of $400,000. The service on the other Foreign routes is under contract with the Navy Depart ment, and that annual transportation thereon is 421,734 miles, costing $1, 023,250. There was quite a reduction in do mestic postage receipts for the last quar ter of the fiscal year, attributable to the near approach of the present cheap rates. In the formidable array of figures rela ting to the business of the Department for the past year, the following fact ap pears : Number of mail routes, 6,170 Length of mail routes, miles, 190,290 Number of contractors employed, 5,544 Annual transportation of mails, miles, 53,272,252 Annual cost of transportation,$3,421,754 Milesof railroad transportation 8,568,707 Miles of steamboat transport'n,6,454,082 Number of postmasters appointed, 5,339 ! Number of post ofiices, June 1 '51, 19,796 j Gross receipts of the Depart' t,$6,786,493 Total letter postage, 5,396,243 Newspapers,pamphlets,& 1,035,131 Ordinary revenue of the year, 6,551,978 Increase over that of last year, 999,006 Expenditures of the year, . 6,278,402 Ordinary expenditures, 6,024,567 The Report presents a brief and in teresting history of the Post-office De ; partment for the past half century. The cost of mail transportation has largely j increasea uuu5 iu ur. ! New contractors for the North-western j sections involve an increase ; of 25 per cent, in aggregate cost, and 104 per cent, in service while other contracts in the southern section, the extension, o the Erie Railroad, increasing mail facilities on routes leading from the Atlantic ci ties to important points iQ the West, and upon western rivers; added to the plac ing of two steamers, the Franklin and Ilumbolt, on the New-York and Havre line, have all contributed to entail bur dens on the revenues of the Department. The report in this connection urges m jre adequate and liberal provision for the compensation of Postmasters. The subject of cheap postage is dis cussed at some length, and the Post master General thinks it unwise to at tempt a further reduction of letter rates until such a measure shall be justified hj the. revenues of the Department ; but i of opinion that the rates of postage on ill printed matter may be rendV-re! more uniform and just, and the less complex, by the adoption of different rates. with out diminishing the revenues of the De partment very materially. Ihe report refers to the opening of the iew route via Lake Nicaragua. The contracts with the Canard and Collins iiics of steamships are referred to at some length. The subject of a postal communication between the United Sf.ates and Mexico by a line of seom r3' from New-Orleans to Vera Cu-, via Tampico, is commended to the con ju jr ;ition of Congress. The conveyance q letters hither from Foreign ports, and :ionee to California, without delivery at the Post-Office is the subject of remark by the Postmaster General, in wiiielj the practice is deprecated, and it is re commended that the carrying of letters by express companies or private hands on mail routes or mail steamers be made a penal offense. The report urg?s tho necessity of guarding the mails more ef fectually from robbery, refers to certain abuses of the Franking privilege, sug gests improvements in the organization of the Department, and concludes by e- il 1 j .1 S xnorougu revision oi tne Public Lands. According to a rari- . 1 -m."" -w- t . m ,Ui luc wm uc avanauio ir saie aunng tne present year, ine m.n- iinum price is $1,25 per acre; and wl;:Ie the quantity offered is so immense that it is placed beyond the reace and power of monopoly, the price is at the wimo time so small that every man cf ord:E.iry industry has the ability to provide l .m self with a homestead; and solonag Government offers hundreds of millions of acres for sale, at the price of about one, day's labor for each acre, every man able to till the ground will have it in his pow er to become a freeholder. The sales of the public lands since th0 30th of June, 1851, amount to 1,846, 847 acres, and the purchase money to $2,370,947. Bangor, Maine, Dec. 5. Seizure of Liquor and terrible and Fatal Affray. The officers attempted to seize a quantity of liquor on board th$ steamer Boston to-day, when Captain Sanford and the crew of the steamer made resistance, and during the affray a niau named Crane was mortally wound ed. Sanford was subsequently arrested and held to bail in the sum of $500(5. Crane died shortly afterwards, and San ford was again arrested. The affrav -' commenced at Frankfort and ended at; Belfast. It is believed that another of the combatants will die, and that many others are seriously injured. Three Children Burned, to Death. We arc informed by the Coroner of this county, L. M. McLedon, Esq., that ou Wednesday last he held an inquest on the dead bodies of three negro children, the property of Anna Bailey, daughter of Thomas B. Bailey, and grand daugh ter of Samuel Pratt. The Inquest was held at Hiram J. Pratt's 13 miles from Wadesborough. It appears that the mother of the children had left then but a short time when the house in. which they were, was discovered to bo on fire, but too far consumed to save the children as the roof was falling in, and the children clinging to each other in the baek part of the house They were burnt to a crisp. The Jury, after being impannclled, inquired into the caao and returned a verdict of accidental death by the house taking fire. Ar, C. Argus, JBTThe tot il receipts at the Crystal Palace, in London, were 4 70,000, and. the total expenses 20,000; leaving a quarter of a million sterling, or oyer, a million of doling, as tl netfc jsocjs of the concern, v -