Wnlzndnr us Gongrzgalions. Congregation Ahavi Emunali, 384 — 386 Clark St., President, Jacob Asher; Sec retary, A. L. Stone. Services: Friday 7 p. in., Saturday 10 a. in., Sabbath School: Saturday 3 p. in. and Sunday 10 a. m. Congregation Beth Hamidrash, 134 Pacific Avenue. President, E. L. Jacobson; ' Secretary, s. Pawienski; Minister, Lazar Anik- ; ster; ehazan, David Glik. Services: Daily at 6:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. in., Saturday 7:30 a. m. and 6 p. m. Congregation B’nei Avrohoom. M. Oestreicher, Pres.; A. L. Klein, Vice Pres.; Jos. Stein, Treas.; A. Weil, Sec.; Kev. Aaron Yanko, Minister. Synagogue, Cor. Wright and Johnson Sts. Divine Worship, Friday 7 p. m. Saturday 9:30 a. m. Congregation Ahavi Scholom, 576 S. Canal St., President, Jacob Cohen; Secre tary, Theodore Levin. Congregation of the North Side, Dearborn Avenue, east of Washington Square, President S. Glickauf; M. Cohen, Vice Presi dent; Kev. A. Norden, Minister. Services: Friday 7 p. in., Saturday 10 a. m.. Sabbath School: Saturday 3 p. in., Sunday 10 a. in. Congregation Ohev Sholom (Orthodox), 435 Milwaukee Ave., President, II. Heims ; A. Pike, Secretary; M. Lesser, Chassan and Reader, services: Friday Evening and Satur day at 10 a. ni. Kehilath Anshe Maarev, Indiana Ave., Cor. 36th St., President, M. M. Gerstley ; Secretary, Ben. Eisendrath ; Kev. L. Adler, Minister. Services : Friday 7 p. m., Saturday 10 a. in., Sabbath School: Saturday 9 a. m., Sunday 10 a. in. Kehilath B’nai Sholom, Michigan Ave., betw. 14th and 16th Sts., Presi dent, David Witkowsky; Rev. Henry Gersoni, Minister. Services: Friday 7 p. in., Saturday 10 a. m., Sabbath School, Sunday 10 a. m. Sinai Congregation. Worship at the Temple, Indiana Ave., Cor. 31st Street, President, G. Snydecker; Rev. Dr. K. Kohler, Minister. Services: Friday 7 p. m., Saturday 10 a. m., Sunday 10:30 a. in., Sabbath School: Saturday 3 p. m., Sunday 10 a. m. Zion Congregation, Cor. Sangamon and Jackson Sts., President, D. Simon; Rev. Dr. B. Felsenthal, Minister. Services : Friday 7 p. m., Saturday 10 a. m., Sabbath School: Saturday 3 p. m. and Sunday 10 a. m. Chevre Sehomre Hatas, Meets every second Sunday at Aurora Turner Hall. President, A. Feingold; Vice President, J. Wachonheimer; Treasurer, L. Lazor; Sec retary, E. Drinkelman. Society of Benevolence and for the Be lief of the Sick, Meets 113 and 114 East Randolph Street on the second Sunday of each month. W. Levy, Pres.; M. Ohnstein, sec. DR. G. HESSERT, Office, 197 E. Madison St. Hours, 3—4 P. M. Residence. 267 E. Erie St. 6.13.13. CHICAGO. PHILIP STEIN, y^TTORNEY AT AW, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) Staats-Zeitung Building, 613.13. CHICAGO. GENERAL DEPARTMENT STORE. Selections from Departments: DEPARTMENT 1—Full line of Gold and Plated Jewelry ; all the novelties of the season, many of our own designs, novel and new, and at prices never before offered. An inspection necessary. DEPART MEN'f 9—A full line of Baby Carriages of Superior Make and Style; also, a full line of Toys and Dolls, at prices from "c. up, that will make the little ones happy. Bring them to see the assortment. DEPARTMENT 13-The Finest and Largest Assortment of Vases, Toilet Sets, Majolica, Parian and Lava Ware, Bronzes, which are unique and stylish, and low in prices, bringing them within the reach of all. DEPARTMENT 17—Consists of a full line of Ribbons, Ties, Cuffs, and Collars, in Linen and Lace ; also, full line of Kid Gloves, in popular makes and prices, that will astonish you ; a visit of inspection will convince all. DEPARTMENT 18—Full line of Ladies’ Underwear. We manufacture all these goods and offer special inducements as to prices and styles ; also, in children s goods the same. DEPARTMENT 19—In this Department we will open this week a full line of Fans in all the latest styles, Head Ornaments in Real Shell, Silver and Gold Combs m all styles, and low prices guaranteed. DEPARTMENT 23—Crockery, Glassware, Willow Ware, Tin, Japan, and Wooden Ware, full and complete, at remarkably low prices. Our Blotto isi Uower tia.au the Lowest. 122 & 124 State St., just North of Madison. S. M. WYMAN, Proprietor. SOUTH-EAST CORNER Fitth Ave. & Randolph St. omo^oo. HENRY BERG, PROPRIETOR. 6.13&C. Rey. Abr. Goldschmidt, 751 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. The liev. Abraham Goldschmidt of this city is very much known, and from the highest au thorities strongly recommended to his breth ren in faith, as a most skillful Mohel, of more than 20 years practice both in England and this country.—Db. Cohen, 701 Milwaukee ave. This is to certify, that Mr. Abr. Goldschmidt has been practicing as a Mohel in several fam ilies of my acquaintance, giving full satisfac tion, and that I have reason to consider him a perfectly reliable and skillful Mohel. 0.28.5. S. D. Jacobson, 257 Milw. ave. SIMON WOLF, Attorney and Counselor at Law, AND NOTARY PUBLIC, 617 Seventh Street, Opp. U. S. Patent Office, WASHINGTON. D. C. * Practices before the Supreme Court of the U. S., Court of Claims, Courts of the District, the Departments of the Government. Special ties — Customs, Revenue, Land and Patent Office, Examination of Titles. July 19, ’78 6m H. Felsenthal. Ch. Kozminski. Felsenthal & Kozminski, TRANSACT A GENERAL AT THE N. E. Cor, of Washington St. & Fifth Ave, CHICAGO, ILL. They Also Deal in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Gold and Bonds AND ISSUE iP^.SS.A_C3r-3Z] TICKETS For all German and the principal English Steamers. Invest funds in Real Estate and other Securities, and make collections in all parts of the globe. 6.13&C. CLEVELAND PAPER CO. Manufacturers and Dealers in all kinds of PAPER 128 St Clair St. Cleveland, Ohio 104 & 106 Madison St. Chicago Rag- and Printed Wrapping Paper Depart ment at Cleveland UNITY. J. Desctmuer. Geo. A. Christmann. Drs. Descliauer & Christmann, P ENT1STS. Rooms 8 & 9 Staats-Zeitung Building, V E. C„r. WiisliiretiiH St. i- 5th Ave. Entrance on 5th Ave. 6.28.52 CHICAGO. ^/ the Jewish Advance, 84 & 88 Fifth Avenue, CEIOAG-Q. Z/Z/ecoie dene/ one //o/iy e/ t/e J§Wi§h JL.d.YB^GG foi ^/e telm of ce-yealj to -my aa/a/leu. f S/ceme J_ _////. z'«jt/Zc/edd y_ Please cut out this Subscription Blank, date, sign and mail it. WILLIAM ISTEL, Oeffentlicher Notar, — BESOROT — Vollmachten, Testamente, Geld-Anleihen, Lebens- und Feuer-Versicherung. Director des Westlichen HILDISE - BUNDES Bester Scbutz iu Krankheits- und Sterbefiillen. Secretiir von FKIEDHOF WALDHEIM, Yerkauf von Begrabniss-Lotten und Einzel Grabern zu den billigsten Preisen. Office, Staals - Zeitungs - Oebaude, Zimmer 16 und 17, 7.12.52. CHICAGO;! A. L. KATLINSKY, Practical 1427 State St., Chicago Ample References given, if required. Calls from any part of the United States promptly attended to. My long practice, as well as my skillful method, have acquired for me a reputation that any further command is unnecessary. 7.6.52. ESTABLISHED 1855. LEOPOLD MAYER, BANKER, 163 Adams Street, CHICAGO, Does a general Banking, Foreign Exchange and Passage Business. J3ir"All Orders promptly attented to. Cor respondence solicited. 6.13.13 THE Jewish Advance: A Weekly Journal Devoted to Social Interests and Progressive Judaism The Literary Work of the Jewish Advance is strictly chaste. The best scholars of our city and elsewhere con tribute to the Jewish Advance their opinions, views and research in Relig ious Science. The latest Foreign and Local News are summed up in its columns. HENRY GERSONI, - Editor. MAX STERN,- - Publisher. Office, 84 and 86 Fifth Ave., CHICAGO, - ILL. Subscription.—$3.00 per Annum. $1.50 Six Months. The best medium for Advertisements which are intended to reach the better classes of Society. T'O RENT.—Two elegantly furnished rooms -*- in a marble-front private house, on Wab ash Ave, above 14th Street, For particulars, inquire at the office of the Jewish Advance.