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Execute the Judgment of Truth and Peace in your dates. A WEEKLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO SOCIAL INTERESTS AND PROGRESSIVE JUDAISM. VOL. I. CHICAGO, AUGUST 3 0, 1878. NO. 12. The Deity to His Children “ What lack I, () my children? All things are-in my hand; The vast earth and the awful stars I hold as grains of sand. “ Do I smell your gums of incense? Js My ear with chantings fed? Do I taste your wine of worship, Do I eat your holy bread? •“ For you I gave the Prophets, For you the Psalmist’s lay; For you the law’s stone tables, The holy book and day. Ye change to weary burdens The helps that should uplift; Ye love in sign the substance, The giver in the gift.” —From Whittier’s New Poems. Tor the Jewish Advance. ALBERT COHN (Continued.) The interment of their (lead has caused the Parisian Israelites great disquietude. They had no legal privilege for that and •depended on the good-will of the police. For a long time they had only a clu/ndes tine cemetery in the house-yard ol a cer tain Matard at Viilette; they paid the proprietor a certain sum lor each inter ment. On March <tli, 1(80, Jacob lvod riguez Pereira has obtained the sanction of the government to open a cemetery for the Portuguese Israelites. He bought a spot ot ground in the neighbor hood of Maturd’s house in rue de Flan ders, for that purpose. Albert Cohn has found on that spot tombstones, the dates of which have gone as far back as the .year 1761. On May 30tli, 1785, an Alsasian Israel ite, Cerfbeer by name, has obtained per mission to open a cemetery tor the Gei man Jews. He bought for that purpose a plot of ground on the Fetit-Montrouge. The oldest tombstone which was found on that burial place bore the date of 1781. These two cemeteries have been •closed since the burial grounds of 1 ei e Lachaise were inaugurated. The ceme tery of Montmartre was opened on June 15th, 1809, and that of Montrouge on March 10th, 1823. The Jewish community of Pans devel oped very slowly. She has gone through a very trying epoch during the Reign of Terror. The children of the Jewish schools were compelled to take part in the worship of the Goddess ot Reason. Two Israelites of the family of Calmer, one was a son ot Liefmann Calmer, and the other it is not ascertained whether a son or a relative of the same, were guil lotined. The convocation (or Synhedri on) of the prominent Israelites at Paris in the year 180(3, did not contribute in a great measure to impart to the Jewish community a sense of security or to de velop their forces. The functionaries of that community were not natives ol France, and the Rubbms and the Ho zans remained in a state of sufferage.'"' As late as the year 1830, only did the Parisian community begin to show signs of activity. In the year 1838, when Albert Cohn arrived in Paris, she had not yet any established organizations and no cohesion. The first moment of his arrival, Al bert Cohn resolved to make himself use ful. His offer to officiate in the temple was not accepted, as we have stated be fore. But after his return from his trip to Italy, he obtained the permission to hold religious meetings for the Jewish pupils of the school and the lyceum. He spent for this purpose several hours in the week for a term of twelve years. From the year 1850, his beneficial influ ence in the Jewish community in gen eral, began to show itself in the institu tions of charity, and in all other matters which have been called into existence. His energy and zeal knew no bounds. Thanks to his application, his intelli gence, his zeal, and to his position in the Rothschild house, Albert Cohn became the principal actor in all Jewish matters of public concern at Paris, and the ani mating spirit of the institutions which have been founded by that community. IV. The Committee of Benevolence ( Com ite de bienfaisance) was the centre of Albert Cohn's activity. That committee was at first a sort of a Ghebrcr, it was formally established in the year 1809, and was the first institution of the Paris ian Jewish community. It Avas subse quently denominated “ The Consistorial Committee on Assistance and Encour agement,” and in the year 1852, it Avas called, “The Committee of Benevo lence.” Its mission Avas to help the in digent, to tend to the sick, to bury the dead, and to distribute Mazoth for the Passover feast. It has published almost every year an account of the receipts and disbursements, and in the year 1843, it ♦The Jewish Consistory has been organized by the decree of March 17th, 1H08. They con sisted of the General Consistory and of the Consistory of Haris. The former was originally destined to have three rabbins, at the head, forming a Beth-din, but for the want of re sourses it was subsequently compelled to re duce the number to two, and at last to one rabbin. Here is a list of the rabbins who hat e pre sided over the two Consistories, respectively, since their establishment: THE GENERAL CONSISTORY. From 1808 to 1809—David Sinzheim, Pros.; Abraham do Cologna, seg-re [died i809]. From 1809 to 1812—sinzheim, I’res. Ldied Feb. 10, 1812] ; do ' ologna, Emmanuel Deutz. From 1812 to 1827 -De Cologna, i'res. [left Paris in 1827]; and Deutz. From 1827 to 1842—Deutz Ldied Jan. 31,4842]. From 1842 to 1840 - Vacancy. From 1840 to 1852—Marchand Knnery installed November 30th, 1846: died August 21, 1852. From 1853 to 1805—Salomon Ullman, installed Sept. 29,1853; died on May l ith, 1805. since 1807 and still in Ollice—Kabbi Lazare Isidor;- installed March 21st, 1807. THE CONSISTORY OF PARIS. From 1808 to 1829—Michael Seligman, Rabbin of Paris since the year 1794 From 1830 to 1840—Marchand Ennery, men tioned above. From 1817 to 1807—L. Isidor, mentioned above. Since 1809 and still in Ollice—Rabbi Zodac Kahn. lias for the first time published with that account, a record of the cases which had come before it. Albert Cohn was nomi nated treasurer of that committee in the year 1848, and became its president in 1853. On the occasion of his taking the chair, he has donated 20,000 francs as a fund to lend out to laborers desiring to establish themselves in any industrial profession. This fund has existed for several years until it became exhausted. The Committee of Benevolence has developed extraordinarily under the di rection of Albert Cohn. The receipts thereof, which have amounted to about 47,000 francs in the year 1841, have in creased to 212,000 in the year 1871. The reports of the services which that com mittee has performed, gave a perfect in sight into the vast importance which she has assumed. The services consisted in dispensing charity in money, in arti-; cles of necessity, in rent and in fuel, ex traordinary help to occasional appli cants, to the poor at the time of the feasts, to prisoners, to lying-in women, help for neglected children, traveling expenses to poor wayfarers, providing clothes for school children and for such as finish their studies, and interments of the poor, subvention to old employees of the Committee, to the hospital, to the nurses, to the free-schools, to schools of the Consistory, and to the Talmud Torah, and lastly to the orphan asylum. Albert Cohn has contributed a great deal toward the creation of several of these services, and toward the extension of the committee’s work. Generous as the Parisian Israelites are, they need yet sometimes to be stirred up a little. Albert Cohn was the only person author ized to realize the necessary means for the Committee, not only from the lioths child family, hut also from all others; he therefore watched his opportunities to do so, and at the birth of a child, at a wedding, and at the introduction of a young person into society, he was on hand to plead the cause of the poor. The task was not always easy, but one who speaks in the name of the poor with a heart warmed up bjr the flame of char ity, is strong and invincible. The Committee of Benevolence is at the head of many other charitable insti tutions, which are more or less connected with it, and which move, so to say, in its sphere. Albert Cohn had a hand in all these works; there was not a single movement to which his activity has not extended most beneficially. The first and the greatest of the Par isian charitable institutions is lloth schild’s hospital. This institution was established by the Committee of Benev olence, and inaugurated April 1st, 1842. At first it was only a “ modest house of assistance,” situated in rue des Trois Bornes, and containing only from fifteen to twenty beds. Its annual expenditure clid not amount to over 12,000 francs in the year 1846. On May 26th, 1852, the hospital was transferred to rue Picpus, and installed in a new house constructed for the purpose by Baron James de Rothschild. Albert Cohn delivered an oration at that installation. Since that year the hospital became detached from the Committee of Benevolence and had a separate administration, Albert Cohn was the financial secretary of that ad ministration until his death. A great part of the credit for establishing and enlarging the hospital is due to him. In the year 1873, it contained 174 beds, but the number has increased every year since. Beside the original services for which the hospital has been established, departments for sick children, for lying in women and for wet-nurses, have been added in the year 1865. The section for aged persons belongs to the original ser vices of the hospital. The Rothschild family have construc ted at a later period, a special depart ment to the hospital to serve as a home for the aged poor, with accommodations for fifty persons. Toward the construc tion of this department, Albert Cohn had donated 10,000 francs. And very recently at last, Mine, de Rothschild has built in the hospital yard a magnificent asylum for persons afflicted with incur able diseases, to the memory of her son Salomon, and of her husband James de Rothschild. Albert Cohn assisted with a joyful heart in the inauguration of this department. He made it a practice to visit it at least once a week, and to talk to the sick, cheering and encouraging their drooping spirits. A ray of light always entered with him into that de partment. . Iii the same manner did Albert Cohn devote his time and attention to all the other institutions of the kind. He visited regularly the orphan asylum of Salomon de Rothschild, which was founded in the year 1857 by a legacy of 200.000 francs from Salomon de Roth schild, and by an annual contribution of 5.000 francs by the Rothschild family. This institution was at first situated in rue des Hosiers, and subsequently trans ferred to rue Lambardie. The elegant structure to which it has been trans ferred, was reared at the expense of Mine. James de Rothschild, and inaugu rated on June 3d, 1874. Albert Cohn was president of the “ So ciety for the Patronage of Jewish Ap prentices and Laborers of Paris,” * and every one in that city was impressed with the beautiful orations which he has * This society was established in the year 1800, and she was the ultimate development of the •• Society of the Friends et Labor,” which had been called into existence by O. Terquem in 1823, and chatteled two years later, and which had been reconstructed into “ The Society of Young Paris ian Israelites for P octiring Places fo.- Appren tices.” ill the year 1854, with Alphonze de Kotli schild as Presid nt, and Albert (John as Secretary. On April 15th, 1878, "the “Society of Patronage” was recognized by a decree of the government as an institution of public usefulness.