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VOL. XIV. CHICAGO AND CINCINNATI, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1897. ("■VffiKSKJWtt NO. 38 - _ * t_ _ __ The 'silniversalist A RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY WEEKLY PlNIVERSALIST PUBLISHING HOUSE, PUBLISHKRS. E. F. END1COTT, General Agent Issued Every Saturday by the Western Branch op the Publishing Houss Dearborn St. Rooms 40 and 41 CHICAGO, I LX. Mue ( 92.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE ISHIWS • • ' 1 1.26 SIX MONTHS. POSTAGE PAID. SAMPLE COPIES ALWAYS FREE. REMITTANCES:—Make ali checks drafts, ooney and express orders payable to A. »L Johnson, Cashier, or Universalist Publishing i ouse. Western Branch <ntere^ at the Prwtoffl™ a* CONTENTS. CHICAGO. SATURDAY, SEPT. 18, 1897. Pm One. Editorial Briefs. The Star in the West. Life and Work of Trained Nnrses. The Early Christian House at Rome. pace Two. Universalism and the Bible. Value of Universalism in Daily Life. Indiana Y. P. C, U. Acknowledgment. Selected. _ Page Tnreo. The Sunday School Lesson. An Ideal Sunday School. Page Four. Editorial: The Profession of Faith. The Indiana Convention. Page Five, Church News and Correspondence. Universalist Personal. Page Six, fiie Family Page, Farm. Garden and Dairy. Page Seven. Our Hoyw and Girls. Page Eight. Church Notices and In Memorlam. EDITORIAL BRIEFS. BY PRESIDENT I. M. ATWOOD, D. D. The Rev. Charles M. Sheldon, of Topeka, Kao., cannot be far from the kingdom. We find him an oracle that utters a certain attractive sound, and cannot help wondering whether he knows the purport and import of what u . -ays. ‘ The Christian Optimism and the faith that God is in his world to save it. are safety valves which every minister Bhould carry with him as he carries his breatb, until they become a part of him, an involuntary, spontaneous part of the very fibers of his being, no more to be separated from his joys and sorrows and ambitions and gains and losses than the light is to be separated from its ever lasting source.” It that man knows what he says we know where he belongs; if he does not know, he belongs with the prophetic souls who speak wiser than they know. —We should like to see a brier biography of the late Rev. Franklin S, Bliss, prepared with reference to the most marked traits of his character, and circulated as a Universalist tract. He had in him the saintly strain which appears in David Brainerd, in Edward Paypon, in Madame Guyon, in Henry Sc jugal, and in others of that tine lin eage. His absolute daily dependence on God and walk with Him, his utter unseltishness, his spiritual mind, his unshrinking heroism in protracted trial and bis triumph in death, mark him out as a type of man and minister with whom, for its own good, the world Bhould be acquainted. It would not be a theo logical but a biological tract. The beet of the former are incomparably inferior to the best of the latter. —Rarely have we read anything more continuously interesting or with more unalloyed satisfaction, than Dr. Dem arest’s sermon preached in commemora tion of his eightieth birthday. It is comprehensive as a review and survey; but it is especially admirable for its in tellectual poise and its tranquil, cheer ful spirit. Only a life well spent and powers faithfully used could provide the foundation for such a retrospect. Dr. Demare9t has been one of the moat useful as he has been one of the busiest men of his time. He has lived through great excitements and been the subject and center of many irritations, but he has never failed to let his moderation be known to all men. — Dr. Theo. Cuyler sounds a note of warning to the Presbyterian churches. He observes a marked difference in the composition of congregations from what was formerly to be seen. Children, as a rule, are not now seen in church. Where formerly there were a hundred of them in the congregation, not more than twenty can now be discerned. We judge that Dr. Cuyler’s observation in Presby terian churches would not be essentially different if it took in all the denomina tions. The children do not attend church; even the young people are lees generally present than formerly. The habit is not cultivated. The rule is that y we do not have in after life habits which were not formed in early life. It is a subject easily mastered, but how profound and far reaching its sequences! —James Bryce, M. P., is a student of I practical politics no Itss than of civil government and of economics. He is a man of liberal and capacious mind, keeping up in hie own personality the beet English traditions, illustrated in the names of John Bright, John Stuart Mill, Richard Cobden and Gladstone. We suppose that Senator Hoar would nominate Mr. Bryce for a chair in the school of international politics which be has lately suggested should be estab lished for the education of our legislators and statesmen. It is certain that Mr. Bryce’s paper on "Protection,” read before the British Association for the Advancement of Science at Toronto, the other day, would be instructive reading for American legislators. —Dr. Lyman Abbott reproduces, with new illustrations and happy emphasis, an idea often presented in the course of the discussion of which the Bible ha9 been the subject. The practical and final test of the value of the Bible is in its answer to the demand of the human spirit. The spirit calls, the Bible answers. The Bible calls, the spirit answers. There is a co response here not witnessed in the same degree anywhere else. Deep calleth unto deep. It is Bomewhat so in relation to all the liter ature of the world that holds its place in the regard of mankind. But the peculiarity of the response which the Bible makes to the cry of the human spirit, is in this, that it goes directly to the spot, satisfies the deepest need, and supplies food and refreshment for the moral and spiritual hunger of the world. So long as this is true the Bible remains the world's Book. —Dr. Joeiah Strong, whose little books on great subjects, with large figures and large inferences from them, has made his opinion on a matter of population a thing to be reckoned with, supplies the statistical reasons for thinking that our native rural population has fallen off lamentably in the last thirty years from the good New England custom of going to church. The growing paganism of the farming population in the whole eastern portion of the United States, as measured by the absence from places of worship and indifference to religious usages, is one of the perplexing pro blems of the time. It is the explanation to a considerable degree of the decay of country churches of which we have all been obliged to take note. Who now will tell us what is the explanation of this lapse into paganism. —The great corporations, the omni potent trusts, and those who control great properties, employ the best legal patent to defend them when they are assailed and to steer them at all times Bafely through the intricacies of their often mysterious ways. The advantage which they thus secure before the courts and with the public, as contrasted with the helplessness of small concerns and poor operators, constitutes in itself a great discouragement of equity. »It is a nearly uniform fact that those who are able to pay the requisite price for im munity from legal interference, get it. This is a standing grievance and a grow ing one. Its shadow darkens half the land. Wendell Philips lifted up his voice in warning that it was coming and that it portended evil for the land. But in his day it was but a speck as large as a man’s hand; now it is a mighty and apparently impenetrable cloud. Canton Theological School. OUR CONTRIBUTORS. THE "STAR IN THE WEST.” ANECDOTE OP JOHN A. GURLEY. The facsimile of a page of Vol. I., Xo. 1 of the Star in the West, to gether with reminiscences of the paper given in a recent number of The Universalist, were exceedingly interesting to me and revived many very pleasant memories. The Star was the family religious paper in my early home. My father, Crocker Snow, was not only a sub scriber but an interested reader of it, and was personally acquainted with all its editors and publishers, at least from the time it became permanently located in Cincinnati. Our home, first at Snow Hill, Whitewater township, Ind., and later at Harrison, O, was just a comfort able day’s journey from the city, and any one connected with the Star, or any clergyman having an appoint ment in that direction, usually spent the night with us en route. It was understood that if one could reach my father's house provision for the re mainder of the journey was assured. In all emergencies, in case a Uni versalist clergyman was needed for a funeral service, or, what was then not infrequent, a public attack was to be made upon Uuiversalism, to which it was felt some reply should at once be made, father would take his hoise and drive to Cincinnati con fident of finding at the office of the Star some one to respond to the call. I have often heard him relate an incident concerning Rev. John A. Gurley, which occurred almost imme diately after his coming to Cincinnati and before he bad become known to the friends outside. It was the Rev. Mr. Thomas, if I am not mistaken, afterward the Rev. Dr. Thomas, President of the Pres byterian College in Indiana, who had been secured to disprove and expose Universalism. The sermon or address was to be given in a Eehool-housein the neigh borhood of Snow Hill. It was widely advertised and the opponents of Universalism were jubilant over the anticipated demolition of it at the hands of Rev. Mr. Thomas, who, though young, had already achieved a wide reputation as an able and eloquent preacher. In this exigency father betook him self to Cincinnati, but no one could be found who was at liberty to re spond except this young man Gurley who had just arrived from the East to take charge of the Star. He was at this time scarcely twenty-live years old, and must have been very young looking even for that age, for my father used to tell of the little less than consternation he felt when told that this “mere boy” as it seemed to him, was the only minister who could be had to meet Mr. Thomas at the time appointed. And when father brought the boy home others of the Universalist friends shared his apprehension as to the result. But the morrow came and a great crowd of people gathered to listen to Mr. Thomas and then hear what could be said in reply. Mr. Thomas’s address was able and fully met the expectations of his friends. But when it was announced that a reply would be immediately made, the owner of the school-house (for it was private property) declared that Mr. Gurley should not speak there. Upon this a farm wagon was drawn into the road in front of the school house, and Mr. Gurley taking his stand in that, the people, with few exceptions, remained and gathered round to hear. Mr. Gurley had spoken but a few minutes before the hearts of friends were reassured and when he had concluded they all felt that a most triumphant reply had been given to Mr. Thomas, and there was corresponding exultation. Never after that, in all that region, was there the slightest distrust of the bov preacher as equal to any emer gency. J. C. Snow. Haverhill, Mass LIFE AND WORK OF TRAINED NURSES. BY MISS JOSEPHINE HILL, Of the New York Hospital Training School V.—Sister IJora. Perhaps few American nurses know much of the life and hospital career of the English nurse whose real name was almost completely lost in that which heads our page. It may be interesting to them and particularly to would-be nurses to follow her through some of the circumstances which, like links in a chain, took her from a life of ease, a happy, even luxurious home, to spend many years in the relentless discipline of hospital work. Dorothy Wyndlow Pattison is described as a rather tall, well-built, well-featured woman, with an English woman’s love of outdoor sports. She must have been something of a beauty, having brilliant brown eyes, good features, a mouth and j >w expres sive of great determination of character, aod soft, curling brown hair. Her tem perament was cheerful and independent, her heart kind, and her share of person al magnetism unusual, enabling her to exercise marked control over almost all who surrounded her. This trait stands out in bold relief throughout the whole of her biography by her triend, Miss Lonsdale. It enabled her to manage the hospital, to control unruly patients and to secure from managers and sur geon in charge many improvements and advantages for the benefit of the patients. It is with the town of Walsall that her fame is principally identified, aod it is fitting that her statue should have been erected there—the only etatue ever erected on Eng lish soil to a woman not of royal birth. Between 1867 and 1878 her life was almost wholly devoted to the manage ment of Walsall Hospital, a small affair of only twenty-sight beds at its largest, but one where her ambitious nature had full scope to display its remarkable capacities. To any other woman of similar temperament, it is easy to see why a life of useless pleasure at home grew monotonous to her, and the natural bent and development of her mind was given free rein, until, from a brilliant social success, she was transformed into a nurse of an ideal type. To the uninitiated, such transforma tion may seem as simple as attractive— as though she bad but to leave her silks and furs in one room, step over the hospital corridor to another, don the immaculate uniform of a nurse, and be thus at once changed into a nurse as capable as typical. But such illusions vanish into thin air, when the realistic force of the necessary development of circumstuu cee is understood. While at home she felt it one of her privileges to care for her invalid mother, and it was to doubt duriug that period that she came to realize her own great, though I undirected, capacity for nursing. A few years after her mother died the usual pleasures of a comfortable home became monotonous to her restless nature, and she answered an advertise ment for a village school mistress at Woolston. While this occupation was not just what she desired or intended to pursue, it offered an avenue of entrance to the world's work, and, against her father's wishes, she accepted the offer and spent three years in teaching Busy as were her dayB there, she spent most of her time after school hours in visiting children, especially the sick, giving the latter as much nursing as possible under the circumstances. Thus she kept alive her ideal of becoming a professional nurse, and her life at this point was turned into the long-cherished channel of usefulness by an attack of pleurisy, for which she went to Cortham under the care of a sisterhood of nurses. The surroundings of fellow sufferers, busy nurses and hopeful convalescents exerted their natural influence, and on recovery she resigned teaching to enter the sisterhood under the name which she made famous, '‘Sister Dora.” Even for the strong-minded young enthusiast the severe discipline of the training she underwent was sometimes too much, and woman's tears would come when beds she had just made were pulled to pieces, and she was ordered to make them anew. After her training was done, she was sent to care for important pri vate cases and finally to aseUt at a email hospital—Waleall—of four beds. This was soon found inadequate and enlarged, and here, at last, she found scope for her natural talent for nursing, by having entire charge given her, besides being allowed to do much dispensary work We who, with rolled up sleeves, have experienced the pleasures of such things, can readily understand her partiality to the surgical pleasure of suturing scalp wounds or amputating fingers, and in a few days thereafter seeing the good result of carefully applied dressing or of a skillfully used knife. In the wards she was a delight to the patients. There was always a cheerful word or a sympathetic touch. Later, wheD the hospital was enlarged) she spent as much time as possible in reading or talking to them and cheering the depressed. In more modern days of hospital life, when cases are hurried in, operations soon over and recovery usually speedy, with the improved methods of management, the present day nurse seldom finds tim< for any of these ideal things which Sister Dora took time to do. It is perhaps part of the pleasure of nursing to entertain one’s patients when they are comfort able as well ae to care for ihem when Buffering, but in modern hospitals there are always statistical records to be kept up and a thorough system of details attended to. A few years ago these were not con sidered of importance—perhaps were not, under different circumstances. Now they are justly deemed indispensable, though Sister Dora’s patients may have been as well cared for without them. During her whole life at Wa!eall,she endeavored to make her patients happy, whether with books, music or other kindnesses. Physically, she was ae richly endowed as mentally. For daye and nights together she would work, with only a few hours’ rest at a time, and ehe devised a eort of sling by the aid of which she could carry men heavier than herself upstairs. With unhesita ting courBge, she went through au epi demic of smallpox, finally herself con trading the disease, yet recovering, only to ultimately fall a victim to can cer in 1878. In reading her biography every nuree must realize that ehe herself has en tered on a field of boundless value and experience. Sister Dora wae a woman far in advance of her time, for while women now sometimes leave homes of luxury to become nurses, they are but keeping abreast of the times in doing so, while bere was a conspicuous example of innovation which doubtless led many others to follow it in later years. Not all her hospital methods would stand the test of later-day knowledge, and her delightful personality led every one to overlook some manifest defects of char acter, but when ehe paesed from the scene of her earthly labors all who bad known her realized tbat an exceptional woman had been for eleven ytare an angel of mercy and sompatby among the suffering of Walsall. Her life's story will influence many yet to come, as it has the many who have already be come nurses through knowledge of if. Thus we once more realize the force of Longfellow’s lines ‘•We can make our lives sublime, And, departing, leave behind us Footprints on the sands of time.” New York City. DEATH OF MRS. Q. B. MARSH. Monday morning word comes of the death, on Saturday, at Laporte, Ind., of Mr?. George B. Marsh, formerly very active in St. Paul’s Church, in the woo. an’s work in this state, and in the General Convention official board. Mrs Marsh has been very feeble and much brokt n physically sir.ce the death of her husband, toms three years ago. The b<.dy was brought totLiscity for burial Services at Gracelai d on Tuesday bv Dr. Canheld. Put tier reference to the death of this well ktowa woman may be expected Istsr. Special Contribution. THE EARLY CHRISTIAN HOUSE Af ROME. By REV. S. BARING'GOULD, M. A. nERTAIXLY the moat unique dis covery made during the last dec ade among the antiquities of Rome has been that of the house of the martyrs John and Paul on the Ccelian Hill. Hitherto we have been familiarized with the interiors of pagan dwellings, by those excavated at Pompeii and Hercu laneum, and the houses of Livia at Prima Porte and on the Palatine Hill, but no Christian house had hitherto been revealed by the spade. Xow we have one, and that one belonging to men of whom we know something. The story of this house is, in itself, a romance. During the reign of Conetantine the Great, his daughter or neice. Constan ts, lived in Rome. She lived in the imperial palace, which was not occupied by the Emperor, who was at Byzantium, or if not occupying the entire palace, resided in a part of it, and she had in attendance on her John and Paul as chamberlains, brothers and Christiane. She died shortly after Constantine, and the chamberlains remained on in the palace to the accession of Julian the Apostate, in 361. Julian at once sent orders that all im perial officers and servants were to sac rifice to the genius of the Emperor and do worship to his image, which was the “short way with dissenters,” that had been devised by the Flavian emperors. John and Paul refused to obey, and were ordered to retire to their house till Julian had been communicated with and his pleasure known. The Emperor sent orders that they must obey or be put to death. If they continued stubborn, they were to be privately executed in their own house and buried in the cellar. The Emperor particularly desired that no publicity should be given to the case, lest the Christians of Rome should exalt these refractory officials to the position of martyrs. Accordingly a centurion and some soldiers proceeded to the house of the brothers on the Coelian Hill, and on their remaining steadfast in their re fusal to give idolatrous worship to the image of the Emperor, they were de capitated and then buried in the cellar. The slaves had been kept apart and were cautioned to say nothing. 'Tbe matter, however, could not be kept con cealed, and b great number of the faith ful came to the house to see and pray at the place where the martyrs had suf fered. On learning this, the centurion came to the Coelian, drove the devotees away with violence and even killed three of the most persistent. Adjoining the church which was built over the place of martyrdom and inter ment, is a monastery of the Paseionists, and access to it and to the church is ob tained by a narrow lane or street, that rune up the south side of the church. Now a few years ago Padre Germano, one of the passionist fathers, in study ing the long blank south wall of the church observed that it was by no means an erection of either Adrian IV. or of Pammachius, that, in fact, it was an old street-front of a house of three stories; the lower formerly opened on to the street by six arches, above which were ranges of bedroom windows. All these had been blocked up; but no sooner had Padre Germano called attention to the fact than it Hushed on the minds of antiquaries that the south wall of the church was nothing other than the street-front of the house of the martyrs, which had been used first by Pamma chius and then by Adrian IV. What is more, this is the only street-front of an old Roman house extant in Rome. Padre Germauo at once conceived the idea that, as the floor of the church was level with the floor of the first story of bedrooms, all the reception-rooms, must be buried under it. He obtained per mission from the Superior to explore, and with great difficulty collected a small sum to pay the cost of excava tion. 1 wae in Home the winter of 1889, when this exploration wae begun, and again during the winter of 1890, when it was approaching completion; and ae I made the acquaintance of the Padre, 1 was able to be present at the excavations and to follow them; and in the spring of 1890 1 conducted the English and Amer ican visitors over the discovered house of the saints, and gave them an account of it, at the request of the English Arohte ological Society at Rome. Since then more has been dug out, and now nearly the whole of the ground Moor of the house has been revealed, ae also the cellars and bathe, all of which had been buried by rubble and earth when the successive churches had been erected over the “confession” of the martyrs. The face of the street extends some 110 feet, and is pierced, ae already inti mated. by six arches, the three western most of which gave access and light to three important chambers, and these in turn communicated with three others lying north, which three gave further access to three more in the same north erly direction, opening on the courtyard, from which a Might of steps led to the upper story. A Might of steps, moreover, communi cated with the bath furnace, cellars, and with the water supply, the Aqua Clau dia. It ie not necessary, nor would it be of general interest, to detail the peculiari ties of structure of this house; it will be sufficient to describe some of the rooms and the discoveries made in them. Now, the reception-chambers had all been elaborately and beautifully deco rated with paintings on the walls and the vaulted ceilings. But after the martyr dom and the influx of devout visitors, these decorations were greatly damaged; as far as hands could reach the visitors picked off bits of the plaster, perhaps to preserve as relics, perhaps out of mis chief. But they also scribbled on the plaster of the walls with sharp instru ments, and some-of these graffiti are in teresting. One Rufina bad scratched her name, another has written "Vivas,” a third has drawn a ship. The original house and its decorations belong to two periods; part of it is of the second, and part of the third cen tury. The principal apartment is also that which has its ornamentation best preserved. The walls were painted to imitate slabs of variously veined marble. Above this is a frieze of standing nude figures of men supporting wreaths of flowers and foliage, One of these fig ures is winged, and the rest have a short cloak (clamys juvenilis) behind them, introduced for artistic purposes. Be tween them are various birds on the ground, and birds flutter above the gar lands. The vault and arcade formed by the vault are filled with vine leaves and buds and small genii chasing the birds and plucking grapes. The whole is on a ground of creamy white. This is very similar to the ornamentation in the old cemetery of Domitilla, and to that of a vault in the]catacomb of Prmtextatus. It is probably pagan, and belongs to the second century. There are, however, no specially pagan figures in the decor ation. A second room has distinctively Chris tian ornamentation. The walls were painted to look as though encased in marbles, and with false recesses and ar cades in it. Above this runs a frieze of no particular character, but the vault at once claims attention. Portions of the plaster and painting have fallen, yet enough remains to show what were the subjects represented. There is the Tree of Life, with two goats running to it; a man reading a volume; another with a long scroll, standing between two pil lasters, one supporting a vase; and a woman in the attitude of prayer, with -jrme exten’f-d to form a cross. In the angles of the vault are heads or masks of no distinctive character. There can be no doubt of these fres coes belonging to the third or early part of the fourth century, and to their being Christian. The Padre Germano noticed a swelling of the plaster in one place, like a blister, and on picking off the covering layer of lime, found beneath a leaden pellet, on which was the sacred sign. The plasterer bad apparently held this little piece of lead against the wall whilst he covered it with lime prepara tory to the whole being painted, and left it there fastened by tbe coat he had applied, as a token that the work had been done by a Christian. In another part of the house is a very significant painting. It represents tbe vessel containing the pure Milk of tbe Word, and one lamb is approaching to drink of it, whilst another resolutely turns away its head. A white marble bust was found among the debris filling the room, the head of a young man, of a size somewhat larger than life. It is clearly a portrait bust, and probably represents one of the an cestors of tbe martyrs. One relic of paganism was discovered, a small altar or table for libations, that may have been thrown aside when the family adopted Christianity; also a fragment of a moulded glass vessel, with a representation on it of Bacchus in the midst of vines. The cellar was excavated, and found to contain its ranges of bottles, amphorae with sharp points so as to plunge them in sand or ashes. One of these, broken, has on it an undiscipherable inscription in Greek and the monogram of Christ between t he Alpha and Omega. An other, quite perfect, ia sealed with the sacred monogram. One glass bottle bears tbe stamp of the maker, Avidius Daucmus, who has been conjectured to have been an Irish manufacturer of bottles in Rome. London. England. IMPOSTORS AROUND. Rev. Dr. Charles Fluhrer writes: A young mao, thick set, of dark complex ion, plausible manner and foreign ac cent, but shabbily dressed, whose real name is Leonard W, Snyder, has been victim zing Univerealiet and Unitarian clergymen, by prttending to be my son, Howard Fluhrer. He ie an impostor of the worst type, and any person whom he approaches will confer a favor by notifying me of the fact, that I may run the rascal down. Charles Fluhrer. Al l.ion. N. Y. Sept. K. ANOTHER IN INDIANA. Rev. Henry Lewellen of Fort Wayne writes of another impoetor operating in that State: There is an impostor going his rounds in Northern Indiana, who passes him self oft hb a Missionary and claims to be [ selling Dr. Eddy'B Universalism in America. He is disappointed because books have not come out, and needs a loan to enable bim to get heme. Col umbus, O., Richmond, Ind., etc., are his "homes.” He is a large square built man of six feet in height a little gurgling and un couth. Has black bBir, smooth shaven face and is about forty or forty-five years old. He came to my place while 1 was away last Sunday and gave his name as James Bacon,Columbus, O. He said he knew Dr. Rexford and asked Mrs. Lew ellen to allow bim to see my Universal ist Register, some names of which he wrote down in a memorandum book. He appeared at Huntertown Monday following and gave bis name as Foster, a nephew of the late Rev. B. F. Fester of Indianapolis, said he wanted to bor r ow money to get home to Richmond as his books hadn’t come. He also s howed a letter at Huntertown purport ing to be from Rev. T. S. Guthrie recom mending him to some of the brethren. H. Lewfxlen. Our Ohio Churches, f FROM J. W. HENLEY, D. D. 5 State Secretary. LEROY AND HUNTINGTON. We axe happy to be able to announce that the vacancy caused by the resigna tion of the pastoral charge of Le Roy and Huntington churches,has been filled by the e mployment of Brc. A. I. Spantcn, at the suggestion of the Superintendent a nd others. Bro. Spanton has already en tered upon his work, and his sermons are well received, and the promise for his future is bright. CINCINNATI. Rev. U. S. Milburn spent his vacation partly in New York, camping on the St. Lawrence, and on Black Lake. On August 22, he preached in a Methodist church to a large congregation and at the conclusion the pastor publicly t hanked him for his "good Methodist sermon.” The latter part of his vaca tion was given to visits to hie parents a nd other friends at Summit Station a nd other places. August 29th, he preached to a good congregation at S ummit Station. On Sunday, Septem b er 5th, he began services in the Wal n ut Hills church and was greeted by a 1 arge cor gregation. During the vaca tion the i. P. C. Union had re-carpeted t he church. Bro. Milburn, says: "The y ear opens with a bright outlook.' A KRON NOTES. A correspondent from Akron says: “ Ihe outlook seems good for the college this year. President Priest is working h ard—far harder than many people sup pose. Our new pastor, Rev. A. B Church, recently of North Adams, Mass., is expected daily, and what, with a “Priest” at the college, and a “ CLunh” at the church, w e hope that both the college and the parish will have [.an awakening curing the next twelve months. GREENVILLE. By arrangement of the Superinten dent, Rev. John Richardson supplied our church at Greenville, September 5th,| preaching morning and evening. He reports a very pleasant visit. He writes: "There were about fifty persons p resent Sunday night, and the atten ti on was almost perfect. The congre g ation seemed very intelligent. I think t here is much hope for the church if it dots not go tco long without a paster.” PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. —Bro. Eben Mumford, a licensed prebcher, has been busy since closing his work with New Madison and Pales tine churches, in making addrtsees at Sunday school picnics, family reunions, pioneer meetings, etc., in his neighbor hood. He has arranged to take a post graduate course in the Chicago Univer sity )tes further pr eparation for the min istry. — By some oversight, the name of Bro. A. 1. Spanton was omitted from the 1 ist of preachers who gave sermons at Muriay Association at LeRoy. A cor respondent says he "gave an excellent seimon on Saturday morning of the meeting.” —Huron Association will meet with the church at Attica, on October 1st, 2nd and 3rd. — Rev. O. G. Colegrove reports a grand time at the basket meeting at Cuba, A ugust 29th, Miss Matthews, of Tutts Theological school, and Univer saliete from Wilmington, Clarksville, and other places were there. —Arrangements are being made for a large and successful meeting of Ballou Association at Cuba, September ‘24th 26. The new creed will be discussed pro and con. —Rev. O. P. Moorman, late pastor of the churches at Eaton and New Paris, failing to secure another engagement, has gone South and engaged in secular business. —Rev. Andrew Willson reports an ex cellent meeting of Western Reserve As sociation, at Kent, September 3rd and [ 5th. We will give full report next week