1 • D ~ ^ '5r STRIKE ~ BULLETIN 3, J4tteremi the same lines as those upon which the General Managers' Union is organized Swear allegiance to the same law of unification, and pay tribute to the same ceremonies which govern simultaneous ac tion, harmony of efforts, solidarity of interest and all of that which is essential in the recognition of a one.ness and unity of all the scattered forces. A solidarity of action is the indispensable adjunct that must be developed within the labor movement. Inflammatory strikes must become universal. The strikes of today must become general, and when this jaunt is attained, that social cancer known as the strike will cease to exist, because it will then he so expensive and unbearable that ull corjsirations, in cotii|>liance with economic laws, will seek amicable adjustments of all labor controversies. For twenty-one months un economic rebellion has prevailed on the Illinois Central and Harnman lines. Iaitcr, the emjiloyea of the 1’ere Marquette were forced out on strike by the same organization that precipitated the Illinois Central and llarrinian lines strikes and all other railroad strikes. Some twenty-five railroad organizations which are as yet slaves to the classification of labor and class legisla tion, are now anil have been for the last few months in conference with the rep resentatives of the General Managers' Association, in an effort to obtain an in crease in wages and the amelioration of working conditioas. But all these or ganizations could uot have encountered more disrespect if they had been told to go back home and keep their mouths shut. The general Strike inevitably must come in the end. It is the only solution. It will force the Managers' Union to cease their regime of warfare. The work ers should orgunizo everywhere for a general strike. I.ct the agitation for a gen eral strike become epidemic. 1s t there be a development in the labor movement of that unity which has made itself so conspicuous in the Qenoral Managers’ Union. 1s t the working slaves rebel against their industrial masters, showing their dis content in a general strike, and the labor jiroblenut will ho solved. The general ■trike must some day be the final action. What are you going to do about it? WILLIE WAS HOME ON A VISIT Willie i* one ui the striker*, before the war he explained to the boys his methods of treating scabs, and we expected that it would l»e neccs-ary to draft all the student* in the school* of embalming and anatomy to take care of Willie** victims, lie threatened t<> tall the -tnkc prematurely by dashing through the shop with hi- red bandanna in the air, and when the union voted an assessment on all the members who departed before the strike was over, Willie was there tor a heavy assess ment. When the strike was called Willie was placed under guard, for the boys didn't want tlicir union disgraced by Willie's direct action. However, after several days of vigilance, it was discovered that Willie was perfectly harmless. He could pas* by a scab and leave bun unmolested The day when the cross roads pickets were taken to jail Willie packed lus trunk and purchased a ticket for a junc tion on a foreign road where a friend was to get him on the pay r 11 Gee, but this departure of Willie’s wa* a pathetic one. How vigorously he shook our hand- in that farewell on the station platform? While awaiting the arrival of the night ex press that was to take him far away, he said with a show of sincerity that it wa- for the be-t that be go to work and send his money home so that we could get the cross mad* picket- out of jail and purchase coal and groceries for the needy one*. W’iIIic was a good enough fellow. He meant to do well, but be was all wind. After a few month*' absence he sent back instruction* for ti- t<» *tick it we bud to eat snow bull*, also informing the boy* that be bad loo-ened up t • the extent of purchasing a ten cent ticket on a rattle for their benefit and that lie hoped flu* philanthropic a*turn would do much for the promotion of the great cause. Willie wa* home on a visit the other day He looked a* n lie had fallen off the counter* of a haberdashery emporium He wa* stuffed into a corset shaped coat, he had *ix inch cuff* on his peg top*, hi* bread hook* were done up in French kid-, and be wore a l.ong 1-land derby on hi* water brained repository The, | rvtrn. r territory adjoining Ins kisser showed | the effects ’s wooden monument and -aid that Casey was a good enough fellow, but Casey should have done as he did and got out before the war broke out. He ex cused himself for not paying that assessment he had levied before he left by stating that s**nie one, some place, some time away back g"t away with some of the strikers' money and that he was not going to be responsible for .1 recurrence of such thing-. He came in • »n the I. C and his train was only four hours late, and he said he had seen one engine all painted up and that it looked well Also a Irlend had told his grandfather that wc hail lud one desertion over the river. Take it from U-, Willie was just a- full of wind a*; rv < r Willie, what are you whaling about’ You art working aren't you? You don’t know t damn thing about the strike and the sacrifices we are making. You left us here to hold th« sack a long, long time ago, and, for Christ’s sake, if you can not do anything to help the good cause along, do u> a favor and keep your mouth shut. The other fellows do n«»t know you to be as windy as you really are. but we know you Willie. You can't see deeper than the paint brush We rrfti*c to judge >•■11 by your haberdashery, and we arr going t" win ill spite id what > u sa> Willie. YOU ARE ONLY A QUITTER. DEFECTIVE GRAB IRON COSTS I. C. $17,00000 i Associated Press Telegram ) ST P M I., Minn . June 33—Andrew T ar-on. I a brakeman of Albert Lea. Minn., today wa* awarded a verdict of 917 000 in district court lure against the Illinois Central Railroad coin pany for the loss of an arm THE NIGGER SCAB. » lly < )Id /itketty i | ll.uk' y« u lilack face rugger 'lob, J i >ur tatlu r- tY tight to t > ii fr»* j V u r* -« a I * I > 111 g n« w .it tin- hull pen j» l* 1 •» make a slave • r men like me 'i n dirty looJ-sli In i r 11 In ad hr imp, * right h.nk In in»- to the River Nile, Y"il -tabby r.»t. you bull pen imp, iced \ ur*e!f to a crocodile l J N • u drank fr- ni I reed m ' g *ld« n cup. \tid it y- u wire In me, you Hottentot. 'i ur people *«■. n w tild du-s >< u up. \iul 1 i\ t \ ■ u h lin g m a J" t i In thi' lair land < i .a r today, I V u l la k u« ed ant nr- pi idal im nk, J 'i u 'call . ur )• .!• > t- r little pay. v Im at it In it it-, >■ ii sem gatnbian skunk We have tried otir b«-t i• • make a man < *ut of a gorilla chinipan/ee, I t i w y u rc do mis the he M you ean I" make beggar- nut of nun like me S- dig for home, I 11 pay > ur fare. And wi«h to you this piece of luck, I hope at once when you get there, T hey‘11 grind you into caoutchouc. TRAIN WRECKERS ELUDE PURSUERS Bloodhound! from St. Gabriel Fail to Trail Supposed Hold-Up Men—Egan Waa Pas aenger—General Superintendent of the Val ley Line Aboard One of Three Pullmani Ditched. (New Orleans Press.) NATCHEZ. Mu., June 21—(Special)— Bloodhound! from St. Gabriel. La., failed to obtain a sient which they could follow in the work of tracing the tram wreckers whose work lj-t night derailed live cars of the New Or leans and Memphis tram. No. 12. on the main tine of the Yazoo and Mississippi Valley Rail road at McNair, nine miles south of Harriston, in Jefferson county. Sheriff G. H Hammett, of Fayette, and a pos-e of men, together with railroad detectives, have been scouring the country in all direc tions, but have been unable to aecure any in formation that would help them in their e{* forts to capture the train wreckers. Sheriff IV YV. Mulvihil! and his deputies watched the roads entering Natchez during the night and all today, but did not discover any man or men of suspicious character. General Superintendent A. E. Egan, of Mem phis. Freight Agent Joseph Hattendorf, of Memphis, and loo passengers were on the train which ran into three crossties fastened in the shape of an "A.” CROSSTIES THROWN ASIDE. The obstruction was placed on the track some time between 8 and 8 30 o'clock, as the fast freight south passed the place forty min utes before the pas‘enger train struck Engineer Desmond saw the obstruction w hen forty feet distant, too late to slow down, but. thinking he could knock it off, opened wide the throttle After striking he shut off steam and threw on the air brakes The obstruction was knocked aside. The engine, baggage and mail cars held to the rails, the first day coach being the first to leave the track. Two coaches ami three steel sleeping cars followed, hut nobody wa lnjiircd A train was made up from the Natchez equipment, and through passengers were taken to Memphis. Passengers for Natchez were brought in at t 15 this morning The roadway was cleared early this morning. Two theories as to the cause of the wreck have been advanced. One is that discharged employees placed the tics on the track and the other i- that st\fial men attempted to wreck the train for the purpose of robbery. ' I. C. STRIKE FACTS IN PHOTO FORM TELL TALE (Cedar Rapid* Tribune > The sure*t evidence that the Mrike of the I i" -hop men is not a thin# of the past and tfiat the road as well a* the llarnman line* arc in desperate condition* so far a* rolling stock ami motive power is concerned is had in the tirade !»* mg printed in the dad> press and t i-iv.ing direct -r» fii headquarter*, . f the o»m p. •)> The artit !c in que-ti ti i- taken tr»»ni * Jack-on (Mi-* i cMii-e for a new-paper, ami - a bitter denunciation of the union men 'till n 'trike Strikers Produce Evidence. 1 he story of the real Condition of the strike I fund line* i' nu'M truthfully t 1«1 in picture', not mere word*, in a late is*ue of the Strike! 1 In I let in It i* thi' clear exposition of fact' 1 that ha* aroused the management and the l.ok'on sheet to an ill advi-rd show of temper and pcevt*hnes* In the bulletin are shown j • ! /cn* «»f u- fiiaI photograph* taken of recent b.»d wrt»k* on the tv* i -ysten.* I lie shop ii.* ii 'ii *-1 r ik. e- f< r thi ir right- .«r- w-,! «* 11 > - '•I with their slewing th« piiblu that tb* «• forporato n- .»rt- not i» sh< wn l > their imli denial of the illu-tratfd ta< ts TWO WRECKS IN ONE ON THE TRESTLE Two White Men and One Negro Thrown from ‘'Towcar" and Seriously Injured in First Crash—Car Derailed in Second—Flats Had Slipped Down the “Swag" in the Tracks at First and Jefferson Streets and Was Not Seen—Negro Remained Still Under Car, Though Injured. Until the Cars Gathered Momentum and Rolled Down to Engine Again. THE INJURED. Berte Mentt, engine foreman, gash cut in right leg; head bruised. Vernon Gorman, switchman, collar bone broken, minor bruises. Fete Harris, (negro) switchman, spine in jured. body badly bruised. Three employe* of the Illinois Central rail* r. ad company were injured, two seriously, I riday night at 10 35 o'clock when a tow car « "Upled t" switch engine No ivj was rammed mto a «tring of flat car*, at the foot of Mon roe street on the Illinois Central trr*tle along the river front Berte Merit!, engine foreman, probably is the most seriously injured of the three, while 1'cte Harn*,»a negro switchman, also sustained painful and perhaps serious in juries All of the injured are in the Illinois Central hospital on We*t Broadway under the care of railroad surgeon*. Mentt. who i* thought to be the most ser louslv hurt of the three, is suffering a ga*h me inches long in his right leg between the knee and thigh, while the back of hi* head also i* bruised painfully. Gorman, whose home is in Russellville, sustained u< injuries of a ser ious nature but a broken foliar bone. Harris, the negro, is suffering a badly twisted spine, and *urge«>ns have not yet completed an ex amination of him. However, it is not thought his injuries will prove fatal. According to Engineer Fred West, who was in charge of the switch engine. No. 183 was hacking south on the trestle rather slowly when the tow-car which was coupled on the rear of the engine struck a string of three flat cars that were on the tracks north of First and Jefferson streets. At the time the tow car was about loo yards north of the street intersection. The three men shouted to Engineer West just before the two cars collided The two whites and negro were seated on the front of the tow-car but their warning was too late tu avoid a collision. When the,cars met Mer itt and Gorman fell from the car to the ground, about twenty feet below. The negro rolled head forward onto the tics of the trestle and lay there while half a length of the tow liar passed above him. That the negro was not ground beneath the wheels of the towcar is a miracle He was still beneath the car when the “flats," after striking two “boxes" south of Jefferson, rolled back down the swag at that point onto the tow-car a second time The pre*ence of mind "f Fireman H. Watkins probably saved- his life. The negro was preparing to crawl from beneath the tow-car when the fireman cried to him to remain where he was until the second collision Harris' heeding of that warning un doubtedly saved his life. The injuries tu*latncd by Meritt and Gor man wire caused to a large extent by several large pieces of lumber piled beneath the tres tle They struck on the sharp ends of the timber* and rolled for ten or fifteen feet. A* soon as they could dismount from the »ab of the engine and find their way from the trestle. Engineer Weft and Fireman Wat kins rcnit \ed the injured and as-tsted by em ploye* of the Faducah Ice company, who were attracted by the cra*h. carried them to F'irst and Broadway, where they awaited the arrival of the railroad ambulance The front trucks of the tow-car were knocked from the tracks when the second crash came—Faducah News Democrat. Two Coaches of Train Derailed at Crystal Springs (Special to The Time* Democrat ) GR Ys F A1. SPRINGS Miss. June 19—The ' h*erv.it»on car and one sleeper of Illinois tYntral tram No 4. due here fr- m New Or lean* at 12 25 p m . was derailed about a mile *< uth ■ t here today No one was hurt The accident was caused by buckled rails, due to the intense heat The train wa* drlavrd about thirty-five min utes Owing to their damaged condition the observation ur and the sleeper were left here. The track for *everal hundred feet wa* badly torn up and otherwise damaged