OCR Interpretation

Strike bulletin. (Clinton, Ill.) 1913-1915, November 04, 1913, The Grave Yard Special, Image 17

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90054490/1913-11-04/ed-1/seq-17/

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lln I w*l lint -11 • w - t i wt. ktlihj irr-A t Irani;**
' li t* « in-r I.| will, h W fk many ilr.,-1 h 1 *
"•i» 1 ■ •'!•«! nit-* a 11- v -at t • i nt t . S( a
*•’. - i* '•* si'- w - I In* Imx ..if w! i i 11 if arm * -I
w tli tlir ilraM ImmIits
I! ■ >her view of the exph.%i..n at llarn.I, Texas. and
h v II *'•«■ t • the ritfht of thr ah..\r tut was blown
j 11 r e and 'in kr art h sdn>wn in thi' pn ttire The engine
*,.*» . . ti it' wa> t > New Orleans when the U.iler exploded
] r rewi * * Wltu* fit thr train had dtrd. and thr only one whit h
> I ’ t. If It had available I • • r the train whit h was running
a*r. w, * i.wine that exploded It \ta' taken from the scrap
j le at > t • r n wh» re it had hern condemned ax unfit f«<r service
I I r fiu:1,' i » !e its ht't trip, and killed the rrew
II * ''it I a* the arrival of the Southern I’avific official* to
inveatigate ttie llarw anl explosion on the S I’ I hey arrived and
looked over the wrevkage, expressed their regrets over losing the
engine, hlatned the dead engineer for the explosion, and reported to
the Tevas Railroad l ommissioti the number of slay bolt* they found
Simr 11.#* %irtk« «.t ti « ' j, j . v t!•• n I. . >f, ,}#.f
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• I* • f. t h ».• ■ a I a I.. r r :. jir 11 * i-1 . • •
I hi' i' a picture • * a I*- tier explosion ■ n thr < iaUf't*»n. Harris
burn \ San Xntoino r.»ilr a»! a part of thr S uthrrn l’,i« itu system
\ tr thr front part -i thr hattKawe « .if out ti thr n^hl of way. ami
thr holler out on thr prairie I hr etikintri ,in<l firrtnan were in
stantly killeij m tins explo'ion. ami '«\*ral «*t thr train crew ami
pa'ieiik’rr' were injure.! I he exph*.|. n o. iurrr.J .it Harwooii. Texa-s,
a **tnall stall n between lUni't -n ami San Antoni"
Tim ii a picture of two Illinois Central engine* which tried to
pat* each other on the *ame track at Cherokee. Iowa. The en
gineers could not *|op them, a* the air brake apparatus was not in
serviceable condition Since the strike, the Illinois Central has
shown no respect for aafety appliance law*, and the result has been
that many wreck* have occurred

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