Newspaper Page Text
I LOCAL AND GENERAL j Philip Blake, of Eckhart, was a visitor at The Spirit office, Wednesday. John Mayer, of Wilkensburg, Pa., is visiting his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Mayer, at her home on Uhl street. Oscar Crump has acceptod a remun erative and responsible position in the McCrorey 5 and 10-cent store at Fairmont, W. Va. Postmaster Hanna reports that Con tractor Olin Gerlach expects to have Frostburg’s handsome new postoffice done by December Ist. Mayor Grimes, of Carlos, was a caller at The Spirit office on Tuesday. The editor regrets that he was not in at the time to greet the genial mayor. The silk mill strike at Gonaconing has been settled. Concessions were granted to the strikers, but the pro moters of the strike were dismissed from the company’s services. The new telegraph poles recently erected on Main street are an im provement over the ones replaced, so far as looks go, but they are neither a things of beauty nor a joy forever, at that. Earl Eewis, who is a member of the faculty of Shenandoah Military Acad emy, at Winchester, Va., spent last Saturday and Sunday with friends in this city. He is a son of John T. Eewis. Eloyd E. Shaffer, Republican can didate for Clerk of Court, and his Democratic opponent, J. W. Young, were both interviewing voters here during the past week. Shaffer seems to be regarded as an easy winner. The carnival company which was billed to be here all week, failed to show up, owing to bad weather and worse financial straits at the last town it showed in. Well, it’s a little late in the season for carnivals, anyway. Miss Bernie Wolf, who was visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Wolf, of this city, returned to Washington, D. C., last Sunday, to resume her duties as nurse, after undergoing a serious surgical operation herself. Henry Eauer, President of the City Council of Oakland, Garrett county, took ship at Baltimore, last Thursday, for Germany, his native land, where he will visit his aged father and other relatives and friends for a period of about two months. Geo. M. Perdew, Assistant County Superintendent of Schools, and G. J. Bombardier, of the Chesapeake Iron Works, Baltimore, were in Frostburg this week. The latter came here to superintend the installing of a fire escape at the Beall High School. The Frostburg Nest of the Order of Owls will celebrate its anniver sary on Nov. 25th. There will be an 'elaborate program, consisting of speeches, music, refreshments. The Rev. G. E. Metger, of the Reformed church, is booked as the principal speaker. Frostburg nimrods are already tell ing about the great strings of rabbits they are going to bring to town as soon as the season for “bunnies” opens. If they get more than they know what to do with, they are invit ed to leave a few of them at The Spirit office, once in a while; not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith and indisput able evidence of their marksmanship. Prof. Richard Harris has returned from Wilkes-Barre, Pa., where he spent several weeks. He reports a pleasant and profitable visit, and re turned home refreshed and improved in health. Prof. Harris commends the work of “Billy” Sunday, who re cently closed a big revival at Wilkes- Barre, where he made 17,000 converts, and says the church people want the great evangelist to return. They can get him if they put up the proper amount of coin, and if they think his work is worth the price, there is no reason why they should not give it. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Garrett and their little daughter Marion, of Cainesville, Mo., arrived here recently for a visit with friends and relatives. Mr. Garrett is the son of Mrs. Joseph Garrett, residing on Broadway, and his wife is a daughter of Mrs. G. T DeWitt, residing on Frost avenue. Mr. Garrett, who is Superintendent of the Grand River Coal & Coke Co., at Cainesville, recently attended the American Mining Congress, at Phila delphia. He left here about six years ago, and has since become quite prominent in the mining world. Frost burgers usually make good whenever they go. A reproduction of the most entranc ing scene in the world —the Grand Canyon of Arizona—is promised by Eyman H. Howe at the Frostbutg Opera House, Monday, Nov. 3rd. It has been proclaimed as the biggest beautiful thing on earth, and no one after seeing it would dispute the claim. To make the descent is like making a journey to the center of the earth with innumberable thrills furnished by prec ipices underfoot and perpendicular cliffs overhanging. The ancient Romans built amphitheatres of mar ble seating 40,000 people that were considered big, and yet the Grand Canyon includes two natural—twin— amphitheatres a thousand times more ancient, and ten thousand times more wonderful. Yet these occupy but a small portion of the whole program. Thrilling rescues of survivors from an ocean greyhound during a terrible gale; a conflagration of several hun dred thousand barrels of oil; an aero plane ride over Paris; the wondrous forms of marine life; a stndy in palm istry; yachting scenes off Monte Carlo; and a motor ride through the French Alps are some of the other big fea tures to be presented. I ■■ j ’ ■ ■ LLOYD L. SHAFFER, Candidate lor Clerk of the Court, Respectfully solicits your vote and influence. Mrs. Win. Angwin, of Goo street, is on the sick list this week. Mrs. Mary Rodda, of Bowery street, has for some time been in poor health. Geo. W. Griffith, who conducts the Oakland Cafe, 84 East Main street, has been making some improvements on his bowling alleys, the work being done by an expert bowling alley work man from one of the large cities. At the Reformed parsonage, last Monday evening, Mr. Frederick Cail Dick, of Eord, Md., and Miss Gucille Marie Arnold, of Ocean, Md., were united in marriage by the local Re formed pastor, Rev. G. E. Metger. The Frostburg Furniture and Un dertaking Company recently improved its store room by having it newly frescoed and painted. The company also recently purchased a fine new funeral car and a new delivery wagon. Dr. Samuel A. Baer, of the Frost burg State Normal School, and Prof. Olin R. Rice, principal of the Beall High School, are among the speakers scheduled for addresses before the Potomac Valley Round Table at Go naconing, this week. • -m- • $ AS THE SPIRIT MOVETH { • V-%. • Somb mischievous and premature Hallowe’eners were engaged in tear ing gates off their hinges at various places about town, Tuesday night. Guess they know better than to re move the fences also, for fear that John Farraday might accuse them of getting the town cows into trouble. John is a great champion of the liber ties of the town cows, and he will not stand for anything that is liable to get the bovines into trouble, unless he has changed his mind since a cow with a bad temper, some time ago, in a pasture field adjacent to town, tried her best to gore him. John had the time of his life to keep the cow from getting him, which some cows are just like some men —never know who their friends are. Well, anyhow, we are glad to know that Mr. Farraday succeeded in reaching a place of safety. The report that The Spirit has lined up with the so-called Progressive party, is a false rumor, as is also the rumor that P. G. Givengood is not the sole owner of this paper. The editor of this paper is a straight and loyal Republican, just as he has always been, and The Spirit is a Re publican journal, even though it has paid but little attention to political matters thus far. P. G. Givengood is not only the sole owner of The Spirit and the plant that it is printed with, but is also the owner of all the book accounts of his predecessors, the Min ing Journal Publishing Company, for which he has given value received. One of the accounts taken over is against the Progressive party for ad vertising and printing done last year, but which said party has not yet paid . for. We have no use for a party that . will not pay its bills, while at the same time posing as a great reform . party. Anyway, according to our observation, the self-styled reformers are usually the biggest grafters in the . political hog lot as soon as they get . their snouts into the trough. Desirable Property at Private Sale. The undersigned has for sale, at : her residence, No. 29 Beall street, the • following named desirable personal ■ property: 1 Extension Table, 6 Din i ing Room Chairs as good as new, 1 ■ Gas Cooking Range, 2 Gas Heating ; Stoves, 1 Refrigerator, 1 Center Table, i 1 Garge Solid Walnut Bedstead, and ■ 1 Single Bed and Springs. 110-23 10-30 Mrs. Chas. H. Wade. HOTEL LIFE IN NEW YORK. Some Rich Folks Pay $45,000 a Year Just For Rooms Alone. "The number of people who rent apartments in hotels by the year is growing,” said a hotel man. "Ordina rily this is rather more expensive than having an apartment in an apartment house, for the rentals run up to big figjjres. “The man who paid the biggest rent ever put down for hotel rooms was probably the late John W. Gates. He had sixteen or eighteen rooms on the third floor of the Plaza, and he paid for rent somewhere between $65,000 $75,000. The biggest rent payer in'"a New York, hotel now, with the possible exception of Mrs. John W. Gates, is Alfred G. Vanderbilt, who is said to pay something like $45,000 for his big apartment in the Vanderbilt hotel. George Gould had a suit at the Plaza for which he paid $38,000, and one of the Guggenheims is said to have paid $45,000 a year for his suit at the St. Regis. "The Princess Gwoff Parlaghy, who keeps her seven rooms and three baths at the Plaza and occupies them only for six to eight months at a time, pays a rental of SIB,OOO a year. Cases are numerous where a man or a family rent two or three rooms by the year, and I know of a .western mining man who pays $13,000 for a suit at a Broad way hotel which he doesn’t occupy more than three months all told out of the twelve. That’s his lookout, of course. It is an advantage for a man in business to have a permanent New York address, of course. Living in a hotel gives a family a chance to get away from the servant problem, and that is why it is getting more popular.” —New York Times. THE WORLD'S TELEPHONES. Europe Makes a Poor Showing Com pared With This Country. It has been roughly estimated that of the 10,000,000 telephones in the world 7,000,000, or 70 per cent of the whole number, are in America, 2,000,000 in Europe, with the remainder scattered over the earth’s surface. The reason why Europe presents so poor a comparison in this respect with America is said to be because four or five of the most civilized and populous countries are extraordinarily backward in telephonic development. France, Austria, Hungary. Belgium, (he Neth erlands and Italy, in the first four of which the telephone is entirely in the hands of the government, may be in stanced. In the whole of the French republic, it is estimated, there are few ■ more than 200,000 stations, and in Aus ■ tria and Hungary combined there are ; actually fewer phones than in Chicago. Ancient cities of universal renown, . prosperous and thriving places of from 400,000 to 500.000 Inhabitants, in many cases centers of great commercial im portance, such as Lyons, Marseilles, Naples, Antwerp and Prague, are far behind American towns with 50,000 to 100,000 people, such as Peoria, St. Jo seph, Dayton and Norfolk, towns that i Europeans in many cases have never heard of, while Vienna, with a popula tion somewhere near 2,000,000, has not so many stations as San Francisco, with one-fourth that many inhabitants. If the countries of central and western : Europe were as well provided telephon -1 ically as Great Britain and Germany, to say nothing of Scandinavian coun > tries, the old world’s phone statistics : would compare far more favorably with : those of the new.—New York Tribune. A Nice Distinction There. A noted journalist and author, whose name we cannot mention because he is on our paper, is constantly importuned : by a celebrated New York portrait l painter to sit for him. “I’d do it, too,” the author told a friend, “only I’m not quite clear just r when to tell George I will. When he ’ has imbibed a bit too much he wants ’ to paint my portrait, and when he 1 hasn’t he wants me to come and have my portrait painted.” —New York World. _ ♦ THE FROSTBURG SPIRIT, FROSTBURG, MD, A Roll of Honor Bank THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK FROSTBURG, MARYLAND CdDltdl 0 nnO no A “Roll of Honor Bank” is one possessing - Surplus and Profits ' ** 1 in excess of Capital, thus giving- tangible evidence of Strength Surplus and Profits. . $82,000.00 and Security. Of the 7,500 National Banks in the United States, a . . mm only 1,200 occupy this proud position. Assets (over) . . $800,000.00 we are among the number On Roll of Honor this Bank Stands: FIRST IN THE CITY THIRD IN THE COUNTY NINTH IN THE STATE D. ARMSTRONG, President. FRANK WATTS, Cashier. ADMIRED HIS BRAVERY. A Nervy British Boy and His Recep tion by the Enemy. Mere boys have often shown the greatest heroism In the face of peril, both on and off the battlefield. How many know the story of the little Brit ish bugler who accompanied Colonel Rennie’s column in the disastrous ad vance against General Jackson’s in trenchments at New Orleans a hun dred years ago? A withering Are of cannon and mus ketry greeted the British troops as they charged the American redoubt—a fire that for deadly accuracy has rare ly been equaled. The young bugler at once climbed Into a small tree and straddled a limb. From this conspicuous position he con tinued to sound the vibrant call to the charge. Cannon balls and bullets killed scores of men beneath him and even tore away branches of the tree In which he sat But above the thunder of the artillery, the rattling of mus ketry and all the din of strife the shrill music, blown with all the power of the little fellow’s lungs, rose unceasing. Colonel Rennie and most of the regi mental officers fell, mortally wounded; the shattered ranks began to fall back. But the bugler still blew the charge with undiminished vigor. At last when the, British had en tirely abandoned the field, one of the American soldiers ran out from the lines, took the youngster prisoner and brought him into camp. Great was the boy’s astonishment when, instead of treating him roughly, according to his expectations, the warm hearted south ern soldiers, who had observed bis gal lantry with admiration, actually em braced him. Officers and men vied with each other in acts of kindness to ward this brave young Briton.—Youth’s Companion. Simeon the Second. King Ferdinand Is said to be making not only a change of religion, but a change of name to Simeon 11., when finally he assumes the title of emperor of Bulgaria. The first Simeon Is still the national hero, and his reign, which began in 893, was Bulgaria’s "golden age,” when, as Gibbon states, she took a place among the great powers of Europe.—Chicago News. James Douglas Snyder Accepts New Position. James Douglas Snyder, for the last nine years a resident of Frostburg, holdihg a responsible position with the Consolidation Coal Company, has accepted a more lucrative position with the Gackawana Coal and Gum ber Company, at Charleston, W. Va. He leaves tomorrow to take charge of the new position, and his family will follow as soon as they can arrange to vacate their residence on Bowery street. The many friends of Mr. Snyder and family regret exceedingly that they have decided to cast their lot elsewhere, but wish them much pros sperity and happiness in their new location. Mr. Snyder will spend much of his time during the coming winter at engineering work on a large timber tract near Staunton, Va. Paint Now. If your property needs it; don’t wait. There are two parts of a job: the paint and the work; the work is more than the paint; and it never cotnes down. The cost of paint is about two-fifths; the work three fifths. Paint won’t come-down in a hurry; too many jobs put-off. Men are waiting for $2 or S 3; they don’t know it; they think they are waiting for S2O or $25. Why don’t men use their heads? DEVOE J. W. Shea, Agent. sells it. Advertisement No Convictions in Liquor Cases. The liquor cases in court at Cum berland, last week, were victories for the persons indicted, as follows: Martha Clark, selling liquor without a license; James Bowman, selling liquor on Sunday; Ira Finzel, selling liquor on Sunday, and Robert H. Hill, sell ing liquor on Sunday. The indictment against Bowman was the only one of these cases that came to trial, and was won by the de fendant. The others were dismissed for want of sufficient evidence against | the accused. FOR THE BEST Fire Insurance IN THE WORLD 12-25-pd Apply to J. B. ODER. Poultry, Pigeons, Butter, Eggs, Produce, Poultry and Stock Supplies. Have a limited number of “The Poultrymen’s Complete Hand Book, What to Do and How to Do It,” to be given free with purchases of Pratt’s Products. , (‘No-Fly” is guaranteed to keep flies away. Phone 289 k. THOMAS L. POPP, BS. Water St., . Opp. Postoffice, Frostburg, Md. j THE CUB’S COLUMN, j ♦ Gittle Editorials and News Items I by the Junior Editor—W. S. I J Eivengood, Jr., aged 13. I Everybody should join in the Hal lowe’en parade, which will be given by the Boy Scouts. The parade will start at the Beall High School at 8 o’clock, but all who want in it should be on hand at 7 or 7:30, so that it will have time to form and get started on time. On the first of next month a mem bership contest will be on among the Boy Scouts, between the “Go-After ’ems” and the “Whoop’em-ups.” I am on the “Go-After’em” side. Our colors are gold and black, while the “Whoop’em-up” colors are red and black. There are seven different prizes for the persons that get the most members, and a first-aid kit and a banquet for the side that wins. A Scout will count 25 points and an Indian 10. The flag of the side that has the most points will float from the flag-staff of the First National Bank the day after the awards are made. We are trying to increase our mem bership to 200, and I think we can get the members. The Boy Scouts have started their basketball practice. I play Foreward on the Second team. The Beall High School football team has not lost any games yet. Their first game was won from the Allegany Coun ty Academy by a score of 14 to 0. Their second game was won from Gonacon ing by a score of 49 to 0. They were to play a game with Cumberland High, Friday, but the game was postponed on account of rain. However, the contest took place on Monday after noon in Jr. O. U. A. M. Park, and the Beall High wallopped the Cumber landlrs to the tune of 20 to 2. Cum berland High is a good team, but whenever the gamesters of Cumber land want a good defeat in almost any kind of a sporting contest, they "know that they can always get it in Frostburg. Hurrah for Frostburg! HOSIERY MILL STARTED. After a Shut-Down of Four Weeks, Parker Hosiery Mill Resumes Operatious. The Parker Hosiery Mill, which was idle during the last four weeks, owing to a strike of the employes, resumed operations this morning at 7 o’clock, under new management. W. S. Eowe, the new Superintendent, is in charge, with experienced instructors for be ginners, and boys as well as girls will be employed for operating machines. The mill is not closed against old em ployes who wish to return to work. Mrs. Mary Jack Dead. Mrs. Mary Jack, widow of the late Samuel Jack, died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Delaney, East Main street, last Saturday evening, at an advanced age. Deceased is survived by five daughters and two sons, as follows: Mrs. Agnes Delaney, Miss Lena Jack and William Jack, of this place; Mrs. Mary Stakem and Mrs. May Nicholas, of Eonaconing; Mrs. Ella Downey, of Pittsburg, Pa., and Robert Jack, of Connellsville, Pa. The funeral was held Wednesday morning in St. Michael’s Church, with interment in the church ceme tery. The husband, an ex-Union soldier, has been dead about 20 years. Let Us Dry-Steam Clean and Press Your Coat, Pants and Test! We do not drive the dirt into the lining of the goods, but force it from the inside out. , This process is strictly sanitary. It removes all dirt, raises the nap, renders the garment , sterilized like new and not shrink a thread. Ladies ’ Coats, Jackets, Skirts, Etc., receive special attention! Shall we call for your next package ? FKOSTBURG STEAM LAUNDRY A. S. BUKTON, Proprietor. 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 l I THE H. B. SHAFFER CO., § § EAST END DEPARTMENT STORE, § O O o 117-123 East Union Street, g o Frostburg, Md. o g A full and complete line of All Kinds of Groceries. § g Headquarters for Flour and Feed. g 8 “Golden Link” Flour. g I FRESHLY GROUND BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. g Pure Buckwheat Flour made in the o Shaffer Buckwheat Mill. § 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI 0 0 I Bargains in Real Estate l o ■ • o I sl,4oo—You can buy a good acre Farm. 50 acres cleared and under cultivation, located in Gar rett county, near the National Pike, six miles from Frostburg, good roads all the way, four-room, hoqse, barn, sheds, and all out buildings, abundance of good water, plenty of fruit. The soil is good and not rocky. To appre ciate the price asked, you must let us show you this farm. Tqthe I right man, this farm means inde pendence in a couple years. s2,2oo—You can buy a 50-acre Farm, about five miles from Frost burg, located in Garrett county, good roads, 35 acres under culti vation, the remainder in timber land, soil A-No. 1, inclined to be rolling, not stony, good water, five-room house in good repair, new barn, granary, all outbuild ings, entire farm under fence, 50 bearing fruit trees. ■ u o Come and C US —write or phone. C. &P. Phone 20-k. § j W. C. NOEL & COMPANY | 8 15 E. Main Street Wittig Building § : 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ; ODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOi I LADIES! | 'gg Fitright Shoes for Ladies are unexcelled for §8 88 style, workmanship and wear. We have 8§ : 88 them in all leathers. They are specially made 88 |BB f° r us an d are soW at the lowest possible price 8§ ’BB consistent with a good shoe. 88 I §§ See Our Window Display §§ §§ of Fitright Shoes. §§ 88 , §§ So We also have the best line of Men's Shoes 88 : OO OO •88 ever shown in Frostburg. The line embraces 88 iBB W. L. Douglas & Go/s, Williams-Kneeland & 88 .88 Go. s. and the celebrated Beacon Shoes. §8 88 „ oc ’oo Rubber Shoes for everybody, at LOWEST 88 •oo Prices. oc II Jno. B. Shannon & Co. | ! o§ Two Doors East of Postoffice. 1 R§2222922222222229 0 9 000000000000000000 °00000000000080 • 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 PHOTOGRAPHER. ARTISTIC FRAMING. Oil Broadway, Frostburg, Md. o sl,Boo —Will buy you a good home, O close to Broadway, six large 8 rooms, pantry and cupboards, A- o No. 1 cellar, large lot, city water. O This property is in good repair 8 and it was built for a home, not o built to rent or sell. The owner O has bought a farm and must sell 8 to make needed improvements on o same. Let us show you this prop- O erty today and you will agree 8 that the price we are offering it o at is a LOW ONE. O sl,ooo —You can buy an 8-room 0 frame House in good repair, close o to city limits, street cars pass the O door, large lot 100x500, good well, 0 small buildings and fruit. This o property is worth the price asked. O $1,300 —Easy terms—You can buy g a six-room frame House on Lin- o den street, in good repair, lot O 60x165. * , 8 sl99—Building lot close to Broad- 8 way. Cus today. Bargain. O