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MARYLAND HEWS IN SHORT ORDER The Latest Gleanings From All Over the State. Solomon Fogel fell into a blazing fimekiln at Groves and was badly burned. Court Clerk Robinson has found 780 Harford equity cases missing from she office files. A company, capital $60,000, is being organized in Elkton, to build and operate a textile mill. i Thrown from her buggy in a driving accident, Mrs. John Evers, of Harri sonville, suffered a broken wrist. I Thrown from a carriage near Leslie, when her horse ran off, Mrs. Samuel Lorenson suffered a fractured arm. i Raymond Moore, colored, under sentence of 30 days in Elkton Jail, escaped while at work on the street. Sheriff DeWitt, of Garrett county, will be deputy to Sheriff-elect Scott when the latter assumes office. i William T. Warburton, of Elkton, is being boomed for the Republican domination for governor two years hence. Burglars again looted the store of {William B. Leaman, at Reid, several guns being among the merchandise taken. I Queenstown business men have or ganized a new company to rebuild the electric plant destroyed by fire, with S. E. W. Friel president. ■ Creditors of diaries W. Cooper, who dosed out his meat and provision busi ness in Chestertown, will be paid 25 cents on the dollar. / Quarrymen at Pinesburg, eight miles west of Hagerstown, unearthed a human skeleton buried three feet under the surface of the earth. ' Missing from home for a week, Benjamin Tyler’s body was found in the ditch of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, at Williamsport. . Running away from the home of Mrs. F. H. Beckley, at Huyett, Edna Film, a Philadelphia child, was ap prehended by the police in Hagers town. The Public Service Commission has ordered that the United Electric Rail way Company extend its line to Jerusalem, Harford county, seven miles. I Miss Madeline George, daughter of John E. George, of Seidlersville, has been elected secretary of the Philo tujsthean Literary Society at Western Maryland College. To abate the nuisances infecting Hagerstown’s and Hancock’s water supplies, the Washington county health authorities are enlisting the aid of State’s Attorney Wolfinger. Yelma C. Towers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Towers, of Federals burg, and Roland S. Poole, of Wil liamsburg, were married by Rev. J. A. Hudson, of Williamsburg. Lester Rohrer, two-year-old son of Harry Rohrer, Keedysville, was suf focated with smoke in an upstairs room, where he had been put to bed While his mother was working in the lower part of the house. Dr. J. E. Pitsnogle was awarded $4,000 damages against the Western Maryland Railway Company for land taken by the railroad in condemnation proceedings for additional tracks in the western suburbs of Hagerstown. Samuel C. Rowland, of the Balti more Trust Company, purchased the Matthews property near Perryville for $4,500. The two farms of the late Mrs. A. E. R. Ward, near Cherry Hill, containing 337 acres, were sold to Frederick T. Haines for $12,100. Officials of th<aj Hagerstown and Frederick Railroad at a conference considered a new plan of underwrit ing the road which will be submitted to all concerned at a meeting to be called shortly. It provides for the control of the entire system by Ha gerstown and Frederick capitalists. The Democratic State Central Com mittee has indorsed Oliver H. P. Clark and Maurice M. Wolfe, for appoint ment as postmasters at Silver Spring and Forest Glen, respectively, and it is understood their appointment, upon the recommendation of Representative David J. Lewis, soon will be an nounced. Both offices are of the Presidential class. Stockholders of the Dorchester County Fair Association elected 15 di rectors, authorizing them to name 10 additional ones and select a site for the proposed fair. The directors are William L. Dean, Daniel B. Lecompte, Charles H. Seward, W. Alvin Linthi cum, Samuel Linthicum, Samuel L. Byrn, Arthur It. Austin, Harry Hop kins, J. Wilson Dail, Gilbert Porter, Coleman Du Pont, C. H. Basshor, John G. Mills, Vernon S. Bradley and Rus jsell P. Smith. On a lonely fell on the border of Cumberland and Northumberland, Eng land, there is a house in which a fire of peat has burned continuously for the last 200 years. The house is occu pied by William Goodfellow and it has been in the family for 600 years. Agriculture is taught in all Hun igarian schools and seven colleges {maintain experiment stations. j South Africa’s exports of diamonds land gold rose from $222,330,000 in 1911 to $243,929,000 in 1912. AT ANNAPOLIS STATE PAYS FIVE-SIXTHS. Revenue Collections Support Mary land’s Claim For Office. The State of Maryland paid $7,546,- 012 taxes through the Internal Revenue office In the fiscal year ended June 30, 1913, according to the report of In > ternal Revenue Commissioner W. H. Osborn. In the same time the State of Delaware paid only $579,013 and the District of Columbia $913:104. Collec * tions for the entire country were $334,- 1 424,453. Commissioner Osborn’s report shows that in the district under charge of Col j lector John B. Hanna, which includes Maryland, Delaware and the District, the tolal receipts were $9,038,928, so that Maryland’s payment of $7,546,012 : was approximately five-sixths of the entire revenue collected in the district. This was taken by business men in terested in the appointment of a col • lector by President Wilson to succeed Mr. Hanna as being the strongest proof possible of the right.of Maryland to the office. It was held that there is no good reason why the State which con ’ tributes so nearly all the revenue col lected in the district should be de prived of the place or why Delaware, ’ which contributes not much more than ' 5 per cent., should be given it. The section of the report bearing on Maryland also showed that the capital 1 stock of all corporations reported for | the Federal excise tax was $702,047,- ’ 896; that the bonded and other in debtedness of these corporations is , $662,278,915, and that the net income : is $46,834,224. The corporation tax paid by these Maryland concerns—in -1 eluded in the total Maryland payments —was $4,683,422. In the year Collec tor Hanna expended $191,521 in the conduct of his office. During the year ' 185,353,383 gallons of taxable .distilled 1 spirits were produced, representing an increase of 7,000,000 gallons over the preceding year. In the Maryland ’ district 4,103,338 gallons of distilled spirits were withdrawn for consump tion, while 20,152,723 remained in dis tilleries and warehouses. FOR NEW HEALTH LAWS. State Board Wants Power To Enforce Its Decisions. To give the State Board of Health real authority instead of nominal over health conditions in all parts of the State will be the object of one or more bills which the board will submit to the Legislature next month. “The Board of Health,” said Secre tary Dr. Fulton, “undoubtedly needs a great many more active agents in all parts of the State, over whom- the board will have authority and who can be made to carry out its decisions. The agents of the board in the coun ties at present may do as they like about obeying the orders of the board, or may be stopped from doing what they may try to do by the County Com missioners. "Although the board is supposed to have the power to remedy dangerous conditions in any part of the State, the county officials may snap their fingers at any order of the board whenever they see fit. “This might be all right if it were the one county that was to suffer or be in danger, but .unfortunately ty phoid fever and diphtheria and other diseases pay no attention to county lines or geographical boundaries. Bad health conditions in one part of the State affect other parts, and there should be some central authority to have effective supervision over the whole.” $35,000,000 FROM FARMS. Yield In Maryland Shows Decrease, But Price Is Higher. The value of 14 principal agricultur al crops grown on Maryland farms during the year 1913 is placed at $35,- 089,000, according to a statement issued by the Department of Agricul ture. Both in value and in yield the Maryland crops ‘fall short of the, figures for 1912. The yield in bushels of 12 principal products this year is 37,068,000, against 40,670,000 for 1912. The total increase in value for 14 principal crops throughout the whole country, as published this morning, is $182,000,000 over last year, but the yield is smaller. The Department of Agriculture’s figures do not include the value of the truck and vegetable crops of Mary land, which run into millions. The fruit, crops of the State also are not included. The production and value figures for Maryland this year are: Corn —Estimates, 22,110,000 bushels; value, $14,372,000. Wheat —8,113,000 bushels; value, $7,221,000. Oats —1,260,000 bushels; value, $605,000. Barley—l4s,ooo bushels; value, $93,- 000. Rye—3B9,ooo bushels; value, $296,- 000. Buckwheat —182,000 bushels; value, $136,000. Potatoes —3,741,000 bushels; value, $2,505,000. Sweet Potatoes—l,l2B,ooo bushels; value, $677,000. ‘Hay—49l,ooo tons; value, $7,463,- 000. Tobacco—lß,soo,ooo pounds; value, $1,720,000. Ethan Davis, of Recluse, Miss., raised over 177 bushels of corn on his acre this year. What boy has done better than this? Clyde Mcßae, of the same locality, raised over 136 bushels and got second prize. G. Lester Pinkham, of Flushing, L. 1., has had his salary decreased in order to avoid paying his wife as much alimony as she asks for. Extracting the oil from tomato seed has become a considerable industry in Italy. Natural gas production in Canada last year totaled 12,500,000,000 cubic feet. In 13 years the number of street car horses in Great Britain has de creased from 13,000 to 1,500. WOULD BUY OUT ALL WIRE LINES —1 Postmaster General Burleson's Annual Report. ! THE P. 0. SELF-SUPPORTING i Declares the Government Should i Also Take Over the Tele graph and Telephone Lines. | Washington.—A sweeping deelara | tion in favor of the principle of gov ernment ownership of telephone and telegraph lines and an assertion that the Postal Service now is self-support ing for the first time since 1883, are , features of the annual report of Post master General Burleson, transmitted to Congress. 1 Concerning the acquisition of tele phone and telegraph lines, Postmaster General Burleson says that the gov ernment has demonstrated its capacity ' to conduct public utilities, and, from his present information, he is inclined clearly to the taking over by the Post office Department of the telegraph { lines and possibly, also, of the tele phone lines. Discussing that the Post master General says: “A study of the constitutional pur poses of the postal establishment leads | to the conviction that the Postoffice Department should have control over all means of the communication of in telligence. The first telegraph line in this country was maintained and oper | ated as a part of the postal service, and It is to be regretted that Con gress saw fit to relinquish this facility to private enterprise. The monopol istic nature of the telegraph business makes it of vital importance to the people that it can be conducted by unselfish interests, and this can be accomplished only through govern ment ownership. “Every argument in favor of the government ownership of telegraph lines may be advanced with equal logic and force in favor of the government ownership of telephone lines. It has been competently decided that a tele ■ phone message and a telegram are the same within the meaning of the laws governing the telegraph service i and therefore it is believed that the statute enabling the government to acquire, upon the payment of an ap praised valuation, the telegraph lines of the country will enable the gov ernment to acquire the telephonic net work of the country. " “It is gratifying to report,” says he, “that the total expenses of maintain ing the postal service for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1913, is found to be exceeded by the revenues for the same period; that there is an actual surplus of $3,841,906.78; and that the postal service is now for the first time since 1883 self-supporting.” As to his general financial policy Postmaster General Burleson says: “The dominant policy of the pres ent administration will be to conduct the postal service for the convenience of the public and not for profit. The prime consideration in perfecting the personnel of the postal service shall be to recognize efficiency and to eli minate partisanship.” Notable recommendations to Con gress for the enactment of additional legislation to facilitate and extend the operations of the postal service are made. Among the more important are the following: “That the Postoffice Department be given exclusive jurisdiction over the selection of the sites for public build ings to be used wholly for postoffice purposes, and joint authority with the Secretary of the Treasury in the selec tion of sites for federal buildings to be used jointly by the postal and other branches of the government service. “To amend existing law in order to allow $2,000 indemnity for accidental death of any officer or employe of the postal service or for death within one year as the result of injuries sustained in the service in the line of duty.” “The elimination ■ of surety bonds now required of postal officers and em ployes and the substitution of a guaranty fund established and main tained by assessments prescribed by tne Postmaster General to contract for experimental aerial eral. “To authorize the removal of the. limitation on the amount of postal savings deposits with the proviso that interest shall not be paid on more than SI,OOO. This will permit postal sav ings depositors to deposit any amount.” The report indicates that the growth of the parcel post business has been phenomenal. “The experience gained in the operation of the system under the revised rates and weights has shown that a further reduction of rates and increase of weight limit is justified,” says the Postmaster Gen eral.” TO DECLINE MORE SALARY. President Of New York Aldermen Jo Keep Promise. New York.—Declaring that when he accepted the nomination for president of the Board of Aldermen he was aware of the salary and willing to give his full time to it without any increase, George McAneny has issued a statement saying that he would ask the Board of Aldermen not to pass a resolution to increase the pay of the office from $5,000 to SIO,OOO. GLYNN SIGNS REFORM BILLS. Workmen’s Compensation Last To Be come Law. Albany, N. Y. —All of the bills pass ed at the recent session of the legis lature now are laws. The Governor signed the last of them—the work men’s compensation bill —Wednesday night. Previously during the day he . had signed the various election bills providing for direct primaries, the di rect election of United States sen ators, the Massachusetts ballot and other general election legislation. fHE FROSTBURG SPIRIT, FROSTBURG, MD. THE LONGEST SHORT DAY (Copyright.) BRYAN'S DEMANDS BEFOREJjADRANZA Final Peace May Hang on His Ability to Control Villa. THE JUNTA TAKES ACTION Victorious Rebel General Told Treat ment Of Foreigners Has Injured His Cause—Await Report From Consul. Washington.-—The acid test is be ing applied to General Venustiana Carranza. On the outcome probably hangs the question of final peace for Mexico. V Carranza has in his possession Bryan’s demands that he intervene to restore order in Chihuahua City. Carranza’s failure to show that Villa is only a lieutenant who will obey or ders will, in all probability, end the suggestion that Carranza is the one man who can be depended on to re store peace and order in Mexico when Pluerta is eliminated. Bryan’s demands have received un expected support from another source. The local Constitutionalist junta has wired to Villa independent of what ever action Carranza is taking. The victorious revolutionary gen eral has been plainly told that his action in evicting foreigners from their homes and exiling t:em from the country has injured his cause here. Members of the junta here say that many of the charges brought against Villa are without foundation, that most Of the -Sponiards exiled* from Chihuahua City have been open sym pathizers with the Huerta regime. Await Report From Consul. The Administration was admittedly worried about the latest development in the Mexican situation, and is wait ing ahxiously for the report of the American Consul at Chihuahua. When the various Powers agreed to await the pleasure of this Govern ment and not interfere in Mexico to protect their own subjects and their property the State Department agreed to protect all foreigners. This they have been able to do up to the present. But should Villa prove obdurate in this instance a new prob lem will he presented which would bring intervention far too close for comfort. HEAVY SENTENCE FOR LEE. Navy Quartermaster Convicted Of Stealing Government Property. Norfolk, Va. —Former Chief Quar termaster James P. Lee, arrested sev eral months ago in connection with the thefts of Government property from the navy yard, was convicted by general courtmartial. He was sen tenced to a year’s confinement at hard labor, to be reduced to the rating of ordinary seaman, to lose all pay which may be due him, except prison ex penses, and at the expiration of his , sentence to be dishonorably dis charged from the service. MENELIK AGAIN DEAD. Emperor Of Abyssinia Reported To Have Died Last Friday. London.- —A dispatch from Jibuti, Africa, says that Emperor Menelik of Abyssinia, died on Friday last. King Menelik, who was born in 1844, has been reported dead on several occa sions. Special dispatches from Addis Abeba last February, announced his death and the succession of Prince Lidj Jeasseau, one of his grandsons. FEUDISTS BURN HOUSES. Masked Men Also Beat Collins Fam ily At SpVingfield. Springfield, Mo. —Fifteen masked ment, said to have been feud enemies of the Collins family, of Old Herton, an isolated village in Howell county, rode into the village and burned four houses belonging to the Collinses. Sev eral members of the family were beaten and warned to leave oh pain of death. The band then rode away. The Collins family numbers about 200 HOT-METAL TRAIN WRECKED. Five Men Seriously Burned At Johns town, Pa. Johnstown, Pa. —Five men were seriously burned here, whqn a hot metal train was wrecked at the Cam bria Steel Works. The train, made up of six ladle cars, each carrying 15 tons ■of molten metal, was speeding to the Franklin plant, when two cars left the track and toppled over into the (jonemaugh River. A terrible explo sion followed as the hot steel came in contact with the water. MINERS TRAPPED IN VULCAN MINE An Explosion of Coal Dust Causes the Disaster. BODIES MANGLEDANDBURNED All the Victims Were Married and All But Six Or Eight Of Them Were Ameri cans. New Castle, Col. —Thirty-eight men were killed in the Vulcan mine of the Rocky Mountain Fuel Company by an explosion of coal dusi Two miners were rescued after the underground workings had caught Are. All the vic tims were married and all but six or eight were Americans. Many of the bodies were frightfully mangled and burned. Father J. P. Carrigan, of Glenwood Springs, near here, hurried to New Castle at the first news of the ex plosion. The priest rushed into the smoking pit among the first rescuers in search of the dying to whom he might administer the last rites of the church. The Vulcan mine is only about a year old and was equipped with mod ern safety devices. It is believed that the explosion was caused by an ac cumulation of dust in the west por tion of the mine, where work had practically been abandoned. Most of the dead were found in the east work ings, to which the explosion was com municated. This fall employes of the mine were called out on a strike by the United Mine Workers of America, but some of them had gone back to work. The other victims of the disaster were strikebreakers. The output of the mine is approx imately 400 tons daily, being used by railroads. The mine is of the slope variety. New Castle was the' scene of the first big mine disaster in Colorado in 1889, when 75 men were killed in the Santa Fe mines. PASSES WAR CLAIMS BILL. House Appropriates $1,729,012 To Cover 1,158 Claims. Washington.—Appropriations total ing $1,720,012 to cover 1,158 claims tried by the Court of Claims and re ferred back to Congress for final action are made in a war claims bill passed by the House. Some of the claims have been awaiting appropria tions for eight or nine years and in clude claims of volunteer officers of the Union Army in the Civil W T ar and the w-ar with Spain, churches, lodges, schools, hospitals and municipal cor-, porations damaged during the war and claims of individuals for army stores and supplies. EGG BOYCOTT SUCCESSFUL. Price In Kansas City Drops To Wom en’s League Figure. Kansas City, Mo. —An egg boycott declared 10 days ago at a massmeet ing of women’s organizations of Kan sas City was lifted. Storage eggs were selling at 40 cents at the time the boycott was started. They are now retailing at 30 to 34 cents. “Of course, if the prices go up again, we will cease using eggs,” said Mrs. W. O. Church, president of the House wives’ League, “but as long as the market is down we need not deny our selves.” WORLD’S END LONG WAY OFF. Prof. Doolittle Says Earth Will Exist 15,000,000 More Years. Philadelphia.—Replying to a ques tion put by a clergyman at the weekly meeting of the Presbyterian ministers, Prof. Eric Doolittle, director of the University of Pennsylvania’s as tronomical observatory, said he thought that life on this earth would come to an end in about 15,000,000 years. Professor Doolittle had been making an address on astronomy. OUT OF HIS JURISDICTION. Daniels Will Not Designate Fluid For Christening Battleships. Washington. Secretary Daniels ruled that he had no jurisdiction over the kind of fluid that may be used to christen battleships. Protests have been made against the use of cham pagne in launching the battleship Oklahoma. The suggestion was made that a bottle of pure water he dashed over the bow, or that a white dove, symbolizing peace, be released from the deck. PROBING INTO IRUSTMLEI Annual Report of the Secretary of Commerce. TO PROMOTE FOREIGN TRADE Favors Making Defendant Prove Rea sonableness Of Restraint—To Reorganize Commerce Bureau. Washington. Besides disclosing plans for an extensive investigation into the economic features of the trust problem, Secretary Redfleld, of the Department of Commerce, in his first annual report recommends legis lation to set up the presumption that all restraints of trade are unreason able and to place the burden of estab lishing the reasonableness of the re straint upon the person alleging it, to prohibit interlocking directorates, to prohibit “watering” of stocks and to prohibit corporations and persons from owning stocks in or controlling competing companies. Second only in interest to Mr. Red field’s views on the trust question are his plans for developing trade of the United States abroad by a reorgan ization of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. The trust question and the work laid out for the Bureau of Corporations, which will range from an investiga tion of whether trusts are efficient to a study of the economic laws govern ing the fixing of retail prices, bears an important relation to President Wil son’s legislative program. Secretary Redfleld discusses it exhaustively and substantially outlines his views as follows: “There is a growing question in the minds of experienced and thoughtful men as to whether the ‘trust’ form of organization is industrially efficient and whether bigness and bulk are al ways necessary to production at the lowest cost. It may be conceded that massing of capital and the grouping of great quantities of labor have cer tain elements of efficiency. But it is doubtful, at best, whether these favor able elements are all the factors that exist and w-hether there does not come a point of maximum efficiency at mini mum cost beyond which an increase of product means an increase of cost per unit of that product. “It is significant that some of the great trusts have ceased to exist; that . others pay but moderate dividends, if any, on their securities, and that, side hy side with the most mighty and sup posedly the most efficient of them, have grown up independent organiza tions quite as successful and perhaps earning even more upon their capital than their powerful competitors. “The purpose of the Bureau of Cor porations is to study patiently that we may know whether these bulky things that we have so much feared are in an economic seqse real giants in strength or whether they are but images with feet of clay. “It is important that we should know the truth about the fixing of re tail prices and as to whether giving the privilege of so fixing the prices to a manufacturer tends toward monopoly or does not so tend.” FIVE DEAD IN FIRE. Salvation Army Industrial Home In Cincinnati Is Burned. Cincinnati. —Satisfied that there were no more bodies in the ruins of the Salvation Army Industrial Home, which was swept by fire, firemen and police ceased to burrow into the tangled mass of debris in the base ment of the building. Five are known to be dead, 16 are more or less seri ously injured from smoke and their attempts to escape from the build ing and ten men are still unaccounted for. AUTO BANDIT SHOT BY POLICE. Railroad Section Hand Wounded By Stray Bullet. Brookfield, 111.—A bandit who held up an automobile near here was shot by the chief of police of La Grange and a deputy a few minutes after the attempted robbery. In the fusillade of shots between the robber and the officer a section hand on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad was badly injured. CANAL IS OPEN TO STEAMERS. America’s Great Marine Highway At Last Ready For Traffic. Panama. —The Panama Canal is actually open from end to end. The dredges have removed the Cucuracha slide sufficiently to allow the passage of medium-sized steamers. WHY McCOMBS DECLINED. Post Of Ambassador To France Too Costly For Him. New York.—William F. McCombs, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, gave, his reasons for de clining appointment as ambassador to France. “The post entails the ex penditure of about $150,000 a year,” he said. “It pays $17,500. I could not af ford to accept it. lam going back to the practice of law and I tope to make some money.” MOTHER AND TWO GIRLS BURNED Three Other Persons Injured In Gotham Tenement Fire. New York. —A mother and her two small children were burned to death and three other persons slightly in jured in a fire which swept through an East Side tenement house. Twen ty men, women and children who had been cut off from escape were carried out by firemen. The dead are: Mrs. Josephine Antigini, 39 years old; Rosa Antigini, 5 years old; Adeline Antigini, 2. years old. SHOTS EXCHANGED ON MDEfi American Soldiers Return the Fire of Mexicans. A FEDERAL REGULAR KILLED f Pascual Orozco Notifies War Office i hat Unless Money is Forthcom ing His Troops Will Take Field Against Huerta. Presidio, Tex. —An exchange ot shots between Mexican and American soldiers on the American line, two miles west of Presidio, resulted in the death of Luis Orozco, a federal regu-' lar from the army of General Mercado. The Mexicans fired the first shots. Orozco, who lived several hours, ad mitted after being shot that he and his companion had crossed to the American side with a note, and that when they were halted by the Ameri can sentries they fired. As soon as the shooting across the border became known at United States Army headquarters a warning was sent to the federal commander that the shooting must not be re peated. According to eye witnesses, the American soldiers on duty near where the shooting took place were informed federal soldiers were hiding in a hut 300 yards from the river on the Ameri can side. The Americans went to ward the hut to investigate. Two Mexicans rushed from the hilt and started running toward the river. The patrol called to them to halt The only answer was a shot from a rifle of one of the fleeing Mexicans. Then the Americans returned the fire and one of the federals dropped. The other continued firing as he ran. OROZCO WARNS HUERTA. Will Turn His Forces Against Him Unless Soldiers Are Paid. Mexico City.—Pascual Orozoo, former leader of the Maderists revolt in the north and lately commander of a division of federal volunteer! troops in Chihuahua, notified the War Office that unless he is given an al lowance of 3,000 pesos weekly for himself and his troops, he and his di vision will take the field against Huerta. This lends confirmation to the* report from El Paso that another revolution is being fomented under the leadership of Emilio Yasquez Gomez, with the possible support of Felix Diaz. I TO ORGANIZE INVESTORS. ' New York Chamber Of Commerce To Act On Plan. New York. —Action on the plan of Herbert A. Scheftel, member of J. S. Bache & Co., to organize investors all oyer the country is expected to be c taken on December 30, when the executive committee of the Chamber of Commerce meets. Mr. Scheftel, speaking of the favor with which his plan is meeting, said: “I am being swamped with letters from all parts of the country commending the plan, and I believe public clamor for it is so great that it will have to be indorsed." BOMBS RAINED UPON MOORS. A Flotilla Of Spanish Military Avia tors At Work. Madrid. —A large force of Moorish tribesmen were routed with heavy loss by the Spanish troops at Muley Abselam, Spanish Morocco. Spanish military aviators threw the Moors into disorder with showers of bombs. The Spaniards attacked the Moors with a brigade of sharpshooters, a battalion of infantry, four batteries of artillery and a large body of native auxiliaries KILLED ON SANTA CLAUS TRIP. Team Of Farmer With a Wagon Full Of Toys Runs Away. Lacrosse, Wis. —August Dietman, a farmer living a few miles west of here, was killed when his team ran away. Dietman was found dead in the road. On the ground and in the wagon were numerous toys he was taking home for Christmas presents. , MRS. ROOSEVELT RETURNS. I She and the Colonel Parted Company At Santiago. New York.—Mrs. Theodore Roose> velt returned home from South Amer* lea, where she left Colonel Roosevelt during his tour of Chile. Mr. and Mrs, Roosevelt parted at Santiago on No vember 26, the Colonel going south to Valparaiso. KILLED BY LODGE BROTHER. Dr. Saunders Mistook Friend For a Burglar. Norfolk, Va. —F. P. Wilson, aged 27 years, was shot and killed by Dr. C. Saunders, who mistook him for a bur glar. Members of Wilson’s family think the dead man, after having been left on a street corner by persons who were bringing him home, attempted to get into the Saunders house, thinking is was his own. Wilson and Saunders belonged to the same lodge. NO MONEY FOR HUERTA. His Emissaries Fail To Secure a Loan In Paris. Paris. —The efforts of the Mexican government to raise money in Europe in order to meet the interest on its obligations falling due in January thus far been futile. The Paris and London banks, which took $20,- 000,000 of the loan authorized by the ’ Mexican Congress in the spring and an option on the unissued remainder, l decline to exercise their option even Jor a few millions, ,