HENRY E. (00K, Editor and Publisher.
Flat rate, 10 cents per inch each insertion.
Legal advertisements at legal rates.
Small advertisements will be inserted in the
“Gleanings” columns at 10 cents a line for eacl
Plain advertisements will be inserted in the
column at one cent for each word
each insertion.
Preferred position, 25 per cent, extra, if grant
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No questionable advertisements accepted.
Copy for advertisements should reach us not
later than Tuesday morning to insure insertion
in the following number.
Terms— Monthly settlements, unless other
wise agreed upon.
If this paragraph is marked with a blue “X”
it indicates that your valued subscription to the
('.LEANER has expired. We trust you have en
joyed its weekly visits and hope you will decide
to renew those very pleasant relations. If we do
not hear from you within 10 days we shall take
it for granted that you wish the paper discon
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Filtered at the post-office at Frostburg, Md., as
second-class matter.
“All that is human must retrograde
if it do not advance,” says Gibbon.
The Gleaner has at all times been
progressive. Its whole mission has
been for good. It gives us pleasure to
present our readers from time to time
with something just a little better than
formerly. This time we have made
our greatest stride in the direction of
genuine newspaper goodness, at a cost
of much labor and expense. Will our
efforts be appreciated ? Will it pay ?
Will we be able to maintain such a high
standard ? These are questions the
future alone can answer. We desire
very much to have an affirmative
answer ; for while it is not probable,
yet it is possible to be otherwise. We
have faith enough in the good people,
however, to believe that the necessary
support, as in the past, will be forth
coming. The Gleaner has made too
many friends to even think of looking
on the dark side. So, then, without a
promise of what may be expected of
the Gleaner in the future, let us all
join hands and hearts in piling up such
a list of subscriptions to the GlEane;r
as will cause our fondest hopes to pale
before such wonderful achievements.
Our cause must win and it will! We
must not go back, but steadily advance.
Forward, march !
A murder in town is an awful thing,
and yet we’re not going to say that
Frostburg is worse than other whiskey
We’re not going, to say that our
saloons are hell-holes of the vilest kind.
We’re not going to say, as has often
been intimated, that every voter of a
license ticket is just as guilty in the
sight of God as the man who tosses
the grog over the bar, or the drunken
assassin who uses the gun or knife
with fatal effect.
We’re not going to say that a howl
ing drunken mob, a disgrace to any
town, could be raised in Frostburg
under any circumstances.
Neither are we going to say that
poor, helpless innocent “Drink” is
responsible for the recent tragedy. We
are told it never does any harm.
We’re not going to condemn or vilify
those whole-souled, gold-fearing, pur
ity-loving dispensers of booze who are
so closely connected with Christian
“license” voter. They’re very sorry
such things occur on their sanctified
premises, and often shed briny, croco
dile tears as large as tiny goose-berries
when they view the wreck of human
lives which they believe, erroneously,
of course, they were instrumental in
accomplishing. They .will add another
paragraph to their daily prayers asking
the liquid god, whom they serve, to
clothe, feed and protect the helpless
widows and little orphans, innocent
sufferers, every one, and will go on
shouting, “Great is the license ballot,
king of the liquor traffic !” “He is our
power and strength !” “None can mo
lest or make him afraid !” But we will
not say that.
We will not abuse those limber-jacks,
who in the mad rush for dollars and
cents, blood-money though it may be,
are too much afraid to even raise a
warning voice or hand ag'ainst the
deadly liquor traffic and in favor of
What matters it if occasionally a
man does lose his life through drink ?
Are there not lots of men ? murderers?
widows ? orphans ? Why make a fuss
about a single precious life we can’t
restore? lAs only a murder —that’s
Now, we haven’t and don’t intend to
say a harmful word about anybody —
not even about ourselves. If, by read
ing this you have been made to think,
it will have accomplished its purpose.
Several times now newspaper clip
pings have been mailed to us by un
ui >wn lrieiu.s. The nature of them
vould indicate that they were intended
: 6r publication. While we are always
inxieus to have, and are very thankful
: or, any assistance our friends may g'ive
is, yet wo would much rather have them
>eeoine regular readers of the CLEANER
n order not to load us up with clippings
vhich have already appeared, as is the
:ase in donation lately received. If he
ir she, whoever it may be, will look up
our issue of June 27th they will, no
doubt, be surprised to find the identical
item. Read the paper.
As intimated last week, the Gleaner
comes out a little late, owing largely
to the change in size but mainly be
cause the whole office force took a day
off this week. The Gleaner, there
' fore, is not quite up to our expectations.
Much we wanted to say of necessity
. has been omitted and, no doubt, some
things we should not have said go in.
But as our erstwhile partner used to
say, “We’ll give her the mischief next
Keep your eye on the Gleaner.
It Worried the Fat Man. bat lie Tried
to Enjoy It.
It happened in one of the late trains.
Everybody was trying to get to sleep,
and when the voice of a baby was sud
denly lifted up in a robust wail it was
not met with expressions of joy. It
cried steadily from Spring Garden
street to Columbia avenue. Then it
accidentally dropped a pasteboard box
it bad. A very stout and, like his kind,
very affable man across the aisle
stooped heavily and picked it up.
Tlie child stopped crying as it took
It and promptly dropped it again. The
man, thinking it an accident, picked
it up once more. This time the baby
actually smiled, and as lie threw it
' down audibly cooed with delight. The
man looked distinctly uncomfortable
and became interested in something
outside the window. The child looked
at the box a moment, then at the man,
and, seeing nothing else, resumed his
wail, with much added wind. The
look of despair resettled on the face of
the woman with the headache, and she
gave a convulsive shudder as she fel;
her head beginning to jump.
She gave one awful glance at the
baby and then leaned over to the stout
, man, back of whom she was sitting.
“My dear sir,” said she, “I have a vio
lent headache, and I am in misery.
Won’t you please pick up that box
again?” And with a highly artificial
smile lie complied. Out of pure cour
tesy be became a box lifting autom
aton, bis piles of adipose making each
stoop come harder. But when he wip
ed the perspiration from his brow and
staggered out of the car at German
town be got a grateful smile from the
afflicted woman, as well as every other
passenger, that he felt paid him.—
Philadelphia Inquirer.
Alcoholism and Microbes.
There is nothing new in the recently
vaunted animal experiments at Paris
showing that lower grades of living
■ creatures if alcoholized are more sensi
tive to disease than others of temper
ate habits. Alcoholized animals are
unable to resist infection with the ba
cilli of consumption, cancer, diphtheria
and kindred diseases. The progeny of
1 alcoholized guinea pigs has proved so
weak that it lives but a short time or
is born dead.
Burs Liquor From Engine Room.
Inspector Johnston, who has charge
. of the inspection of boilers in St. Paul,
has instituted some reforms which
should result in preventing accidents.
The rule against having liquor in an
engine room will be rigidly enforced,
and violations will subject the guilty
persons to the penalty of having their
licenses revoked.
She Wrote “Black Beauty.”
“Black Beauty,” which has reached
a circulation of over 3,000,000 copies,
was tlie legacy of a crippled woman.
Six years were given to its composi
tion, its progress being frequently de
layed by physical suffering. The work
was ended in 1577, and she lived just
long enough to hear of its success in
England. Now, this little book has
traveled to the uttermost parts of the
earth, all its readers to look
more deeply into these dumb lives,
which are not far different or remote
from our own.—Our Dumb Animals.
Music and Meaning'.
A small Chicago boy had learned a
patriotic song by bearing his teacher
repeat it. He got the sound of the
words, but not their meaning, and ren
dered it thus:
Tramp, tramp, tramp, the boys are marching;
Chew up comrades they will come,
And aneath the stars are gone we will meet the
In tlie freedom of our roy any more.
—Little Chronicle.
An Orphan Asylum.
Mabel's mother was showing her a
brood of chickens hatched in an incu
“They are poor little orphans,” said
the mother.
“And is that the orphan asylum?”
asked Mabel, pointing in wonder at the
The Bottom of the Ooean.
The bottom of the ocean shines with
phosphorescent light, every fish that
swims in the sea contributing to the
illuminating process.
llow tlie Profits of tlie Coke Karons
Have Increased While tlie Wages
of tlie Workers Have Decreased.
Facts Often Overlooked.
Census bulletin No. 03, issued April
26, is an interesting document. It is
a special report on the coke industry,
This report justifies its own conclusion
that “the modern tendency of industry
to concentrate in a comparatively small
number of establishments is strikingly
exemplified in the coke industry, where
there is an increase of only 23, or 10.0
per cent, in tlie number of establish
ments reported as compared with 1889,
while the increase in the number of
tons of coke produced is 96.2 per cent
and in tlie value of all products 115.7
per cent.” But the report does more
than justify that conclusion. It justi
fies another, which it not only does not
express, but actually appears to gloss
over. Observing that there has been
a greater increase in tlie amount of
capital invested than in the product,
it adds, with the ingenuousness of a
narrator who tells the truth in a form
which he hopes will not reveal it, that
there lias been “a nearly equal increase
in tlie number of wage earners and in
the amount paid in wages.”
This does not say, indeed, that wages
in the coke industry have increased
since ISB9. On the contrary, the fact of
increase in the number of wage earn
ers and the fact of increase in the total
of wages paid are brought into juxta
position, so that a little consideration
would suggest to the reader that there
had been no increase of individual
wages. Yet tlie hasty reader might in
fer from the statement that individual
wages had risen, and no pains are tak
en to warn him against that false in
ference. Every other fact is itemized,
but individual wages are not. Yet upon
the faith of the tables of this census
bulletin individual wages in the coke
industry since 1889 have decreased.
Notwithstanding the vaunted in
crease of product and values in the
coke industry in 1599 as compared witli
1889 there lias been, according to the
census bulletin under discussion, an ab
solute decrease in individual yearly
wages of more than $35. In 1889 the
aggregate sum of $4,072,032 was paid
in wages, and there were 8,998 wage
earners, which yields an average annu
al sum for each of $452.01. But in 1899,
although $7,085,736 was paid in wages,
there were 16,999 wage earners to share
it, which allows for each only $416.83,
a decrease of $35.78. Were we to disre
gard employees under 16 years of age,
considering only men, the annual wages
for men in 18S9 would be $454.49 and
in 1899 $417.69, a decrease of $36.80. So
much for the decline in wages absolute.
As to wages relative—that is, wages
compared with product—the decline is
still greater. This may be se<yj_]iy ref
erence to the following items extracted
from the tables of the census bulletin:
Value of products §16,498,345 00
Cost of materials 11,509,737 00
Net product §4,988,608 00
Net product per wage earner (8,998
wage earners) §554 50
Individual wages 452 61
Surplus product §lOl 89
Value of products $35,585,445 00
Cost of materials 19,665,532 00
Net product §15,919,913 00
Net product per wage earner (16,999
wage earners) §936 00
Individual wages 416 83
Surplus product $519 17
Thus it appears that whereas in 18S9
the wage earners each got within
$101.59 of tlie net products of the in
dustry in 1899 the net products
amounted to $519.17 more for each than
each of them got. Or, to put it in the
form of percentages, whereas they got
81 per cent of the net product in 1889
they got less than 45 per cent in 1899.
But not so with the trust which con
trols the coke industry. Though the
wage earners were immensely less
prosperous in 1899 than in ISS9, both
relatively and absolutely, the trust was
vastly more prosperous. This is demon
strated by the following table drawn
from the tables of the census bulletin
under consideration:
Value of products $16,498,345
Cost of materials §11,509,737
Salaries 113,632 .
Wages 4,072,632
Miscellaneous expenses .... 394,784
Net product $407,560
Value of products $35,555,445
Cost of materials §19,665,532
Salaries 797,296
Wages 7,055,736
Miscellaneous expenses 2,184,968 '
Net product . §5,851,913
Here we find that after deducting
from the gross product not only cost of
materials and wages of workmen, but
also all salaries and miscellaneous ex
penses, there was a net product in 1889
of only $407,560. But in 1599 it had
risen to $5,851,913. Now, to those sums
what was tlie proportion of invested
capital? In 1889, according to the cen
sus bulletin under review, the capital
amounted to $17,462,729, and as the net
product that year was $407,560 this
capital earned about 2 y 2 per cent. In
1599 the capital amounted to $36,502,-
679, and as the net product then was
$5,551,913 that capital earned about 16
per cent.—Chicago Public.
Recent reports of Secretary Brarn
wood of tlie International Typograph
ical union show that the organization
has over SIO,OOO invested in govern
ment bonds. The organization jwill con
tinue this policy until it has SIOO,OOO
so invested.
A Popular Candidate.
Elsewhere in this issue will be found
the announcement of Mr. Ulysses
Hanna, who is a candidate for the
Republican nomination for sheriff of
this county.
Mr. Hanna was born at Allegany
Mines, near this place, September 28,
1868, and is, therefore, in his thirty
third year.
His father was the late James P.
Hanna, born and reared in the same
locality. The latter was familiarly but
erroneously known as “Polk Stevens”
—erroneously from the fact that he
was a step-son of the late Harry Stev
ens, of Allegany Mines.
Ulysses attended the public schools
until he was thirteen years old, when
he sought and obtained work in the
At the age of fifteen his father died
leaving a widow and eight children, of
whom he was the eldest. The care of
the family then devolved upon him
but, as is wellknown, he did not shirk
the responsibility. Hike a true son
and brother, he dedicated his labor to
the support of his otherwise helpless
mother, sisters and brothers.
With this heavy burden for one so
young, it stands to his credit beside
that he did not neglect the limited op
portunities available to him to add to
his educational acquirements. When
the day’s toil was over, therefore, he
attended a night school conducted by
that accomplished tutor, Prof. J. E. J.
Buckey, now of Cumberland. Under
Mr. Buckey’s stimulus and the inspir
ation of his own desire to succeed, he
made rapid, substantial progress, and
quit school with an equipment in the
English branches equal to the best
public school course.
Since reaching his majority he has
been in sentiment and action an ardent
and industrious Republican, aiming at
all times to devise and secure the best
results for the party at large.
He is a member of the Junior Order
of United American Mechanics —a
charter member and Past Councilor of
Mountain City Council, No. 11 —and
has represented that organization in
the State Council and elsewhere.
Physically, he is a splendid specimen
of manhood, being over 6 feet 2 inches
in height, and weighing over 200
But above and paramount to physical
stature, Mr. Hanna possesses those
admirable features of character which
distinguish most large men—a kind
heart, genial disposition, affable man
ners, and a visably considerate concern
for the rights and comforts of others.
These qualities make him naturally a
favorite with old and young—with all
who know him.
He is industrious and sober. By
hard work and prudent living he has
been able to establish a pleasant home
of his own, where, with a good wife
and five interesting children, fortune
fulfils for him one of life’s best estates.
Enough has been said to assure the
reader that Mr. Hanna has within his
make-up the requisites for an ideal ex
ecutive officer. For the sheriffalty he
is in all respects qualified —by educa
tion, temperament, habit —and the
physical qualifications to discharge
any duty laid upon him he enjoys in a
pre-eminent degree. Sober, level
headed, cool-tempered, he is just the
man to meet with unswerving stability
of policy any critical situation that
may arise in the performance of the
duties of the important office he seeks.
His many friends believe the office
should come to Frostburg this year,
and to that just end they will aid him
to their utmost.
The sheriffalty fight now lies be
tween Hanna and a Cumberland man.
A vote against Hanna means another
victory for Cumberland. The ticket
that will stand by Hanna first, last and
to a finish is as follows:
A vote for the above ticket is a
Davisson Armstrong, President. Thomas Humberston, Vice-President.
Frank Watts, Cashier.
Capital, $50,000.00. Surplus, $40,000.00.
Prom the Prohibition Corner of the Political
Items of interest culled from various sources for the delectation of
friends of the cause.
A Special Appeal.
To all Prohibitionists:
I have no desire to unduly alarm any
one and I am sure that it is with re
luctance that I face the crisis that is
now before us. I have a word to say to
to every Prohibitionist who reads this
paper. I feel that I have a right, as
Chairman of the National Committee,
to a few moments of time from every
one in this country who loves the pro
hibition cause.
The first year of the Twentieth Cen
tury is far gone. I believe I can say
truthfully that the Prohibition Party
has done more tnan it ever did before
under the same circumstances. But,
friends, we have done little where we
should have done much. The time has
come when as Chairman of your Na
tional Committee, I must give help in
the way of money and organizers to a
score or more of States, or our cause in
those states and in other states will
suffer irreparable loss. I have the men
who are ready to take the field. States
are asking for help from every side.
I have been so confident that our friends
would not fail me, that I have dared to
plan for a campaign during this fall
and winter that will be scarcely second
to anything we have ever had even
with an election pending. I am face
to face now with the fact that the plans
for this kind of work must largely be
canceled and everything be brought to
a standstill or these good friends who
read this article, who have not given
anything, must make a prompt and
immediate response to help me in this
This is the request I have to make.
That every voting Prohibitionist and
every friend of the cause, man, woman
or child, who reads this appeal, sit
down at once and write me a short note
and with that note inclose Two Dollars
in cash, check, draft or order. Prob
ably not one of those who see this but
could grant the request if he determined
to do it. A large majority of them could
give the $2.00 and not not miss it. But
you say “What is the use of my bother
ing about this ? Others will look after
it.” That is exactly what many others
probably will say. The question is,
what are you going to do about this
! now, on your own responsibility ? I
should have twenty-five thousand re
sponses to this appeal within ten days,
and I would have them if you who are
just ready to put this paper down
would resolve that the first thing you
I do after putting it down will be to
attend to this request.
I am the servant of the Prohibition
Party. You can refuse this request if
you please. I know it is a just one and
I know it should be granted, but of
course I have no way to enforce it.
lam helpless. But it will not be pos-
Off to Scotland.
Mrs. James Hamilton, Mrs. Agnes
Walker, Mrs. John Bryson, and Mr.
James Paterson, all of Midlothian, left
on Tuesday to visit the scenes of their
childhood in their native land of Scot
: land and to renew' the acquaintance
ships of the days of “auld langsyne.”
Their many friends in and about here
join in wishing them a very pleasant
voyage and a safe return to the land of
their adoption.
Moonlight Picnic.
On Tuesday evening the Frostburg
Mandolin and Guitar Club enjoyed a
delightful “moonlight picnic” near the
new reservoir. Supper w r as served in
the light of the moon, and all report a
jolly time. Those present were Misses
Inez and Gertrude Johnson, Nellie
Duggan, Josie Metzger and Emma
Irwin, and Messrs. Adolph Frey, G.
May Hill, Charles Zellers, Howard C.
Hill and Ralph Wilson, of this place,
and Frey, of Pittsburg, Pa.
Firemen Celebrate.
Saturday was the day set for a grand
picnic and celebration at Vogtman’s
Park under the auspices, of the Frost
burg Fire Departnent. Nearly all the
fire companies and bands in the county,
including Meversdale,Pa.,were present
and took part in the parade and demon
stration. Owen Dando -was marshal.
The South Cumberland Hose Company
had the largest number of men in line
and received the prize of $lO therefor.
Some of the officers of the State Fire
men’s Association were present and
made brief addresses at the park. All
along the line of march business houses
were gayly decorated with flags and
bunting—the most conspicuous, how
ever, being the saloons, some of which
were gorgeously decorated with fes
toons of the national colors and
sible for those who neglect this oppor
tunity and who turn aside from this
request, to escape their just responsi
bility in this matter. I make this
faithful promise now—that if our
friends will rally to our help and will
by a flood of Two-Dollar remittances
into National Headquarters during the
next ten days, make possible the great
campaign that I have planned for the
next few months, I will propose within
thirty days a plan for organizations,
finances and work, that will make such
a situation as now confronts me, next
to impossible. I beg cf you to heed
this request. Let me hear from you
without delay. Send your remittance
to —
1518 Manhattan Building,
Chicago, Illinois.
Club Organized.
The Prohibitionists, of Lonaconing,
met in the Firemen’s Hall on last Sat
urday evening and organized “The
Lonaconing Prohibition Club.” Fif
teen members were enrolled and the
prospects of a very large membership
is apparent. The officers elected for
the ensuing term are as follows :
President, James W. Bishop.
Vice-President, William Albright.
Recording Secretary, C. E. Gerkins.
Financial Secretary and Treasurer,
John Ternent.
Chaplain, George Gyons.
Sergeant-al-Arms, Thomas Fazen
Another meeting will "be held on
Thursday, August 8, when a large ad
dition to the membership is expected.
Prohibition Camp.
The annual Prohibition camp-meet
ing at Glyndon Park was begun last
Sunday. Col. George W. Bain, of
Kentucky, Miss Emma Ahsleger, of
Baltimore, Rev. Dr: E. Kennie Creed,'
of Centerville, are on the program for
lectures and elocutionary entertain
, ments.
Active in Baltimore County.
A conference of Baltimore Prohibi
tionists was held at the State Head
quarters in Baltimore on Wednesday,
July 24th, and it was unanimously de
cided to inaugurate a vigorous cam
paign in Baltimore County. Mr.
Michael Wright, Chairman of the
County Executive Committee, presided,
and Mr. Walter Flayhart acted as sec
retary. Delegates and alternates were
elected to attend the State Convention,
which will meet in Baltimore on the
sixth of August. An organizer will be
employed soon to arrange for the
streamers. In fact everything imagi
nable was done to make those places
especially inviting to “all nations, ex
cept Carrie.” Not only did the saloons
make efforts to entice men to drink but
we are reliably informed that intoxi
cants were sold on the picnic grounds.
The celebration seemed to equal any
previous- effort socially and financially.
Mr. Brown’s View.
The result of the strike of the Amal
gamated Association of Iron and Steel
Workers is not promising to the in
terests of labor from the present out
look. There is too much asking for
intervention of outside parties. What
has any of the officials of the executive
branch of the government or any other
outside parties to do with it ? Is there
another John Jarret, Ex-Counsel to
Birmingham, England, of tariff fame,
in this strike ? What is making the
capital combinations of iron and steel
so dangerous to American labor but the
tariff that shuts out all competition and
robs home labor of its just reward by
selling their products abroad cheaper
than they do in the home market ?
Then we hear howling of the press
about balance of trade in our favor. By
so doing they are cutting down the
price of labor abroad and this country
is also helping them to do so. A strik
ing instance of the burden by this tariff
policy upon the consumer is the de
cision of the Supreme Court in the
Porto Rico case, declaring that the
duties collected by the government
must be refunded to the party that paid
it to the government, when the con
sumer paid it to the same party. This
is bare-faced robbery that would not be
tolerated by the most despotic govern
ment in the world.
Thomas Brown,
A Free Trade Democrat.
Vale Summit, Md., July 29, 1901.