An Exci'inff Flace for Amrisement In
the Sierra Ncvadii—Dangerons Rides.
Good Company.
At the summit of that cascade in
bondage the flume begins. Its track is
a trough of heavy planks, converging
in an angle like that which is bounded
by the two sides of a prism. Down this
canal, whose sides are worn very smooth
by the gentle yet persistent friction of
the water, and the many rubs and
knocks of the freightage, the wood, the
stream flows sleekly and swiftly, with a
motion not dissimilar to the gliding of
a snake. As the flume winds the cur
rent weaves, this side and that, as if
seeking to escape, like the caged power
that it is. Unremitting as the endless
chain in machinery, untiring as the
natural brooks by which it is fed, its
capacity for burden is unlimited, and
statistics show that this little thread of
water transports daily from the moun
tain top to the valley 500,000 feet of
mining timber, or 700 cords of wood.
At places along its route there are sta
tions of relay, or reinforcement, rather,
where feeders pour in and compensate
for the waste incurred by leakage and
overflow. It follows no regular grade,
but accommodates itself to the side of
the mountain, however steep, and is
swift acordingly. What is its rate of
speed I do not know but this I have
noticed, that it is so rapid that a horse
cannot drink from it, for if he turns his
head up the hill the torrent fills his
nostrils, and facing down stream tbe
water falls away from his mouth, as
did from the lips of the dooir
Venturesome people have saileu
down it in boats, but such a voyage has
been too much occupied with the safe
navigation of their cockle crafts to keep
any accurate.log of their journey. There
is a great deal of sport and not a little
danger about this method of going to
sea, and so it is a favorite pastime with
the men ot Lake Tahoe on a Sunday
afternoon. Indeed, its reputation as a
manly amusement has become more
than local, and travelers from abroad
feel that their tour has been for naught
if they have not consumated their
advantages'by a ride down the flume.
Looking across the valley and seeing
the silver filament of water hanging
down the mountains they feel their
bosoms thrill with the desire and ambi
tion of a Sam Patch, and would rather
forego their swim in Salt Lake, or their
shot at a buffalo than to miss the latest
'episode of American travel.
Persons practiced in the art, those
who hold cool heads and the equipoise
of accomplished skaters, will step on
the floating timbers as they scud by,
ride till their heads swim, and then dis
embark as best they may. Or, more
timorous, the pleasure-seeker seats him
self upon the narrow and uncertain
deck of a railroad tie, cliDgs to the same
with tenacious bands and feet, and
launches Limself to his fate. As his
speed increases the spray flies, and his
boat wavers and threatens to capsize
he thrusts his arms into the air and
with frantic gesticulation, endeavors to
preserve his balance. A little further on
he ships a sea into his boots and in
stinctively lifts them toward the sky,
Now he presents an example of that
object su repugnant to natural laws, a
very broad body on a very narrow base,
and in consequence he is speedily
brought to wreck and discomfiture.
Better than these expedients it is to
make a boat by nailing two short planks
together in a shape like that of the
flume, but smaller, so that it will float
therein. Tack on a slat as a brace for
your feet, lay a short board as a seat,
establish yourself thereon, and you have
a navicular tobaggan which will bear
safely to the end of the groove in which
it runs. Take in hand a lath as a bal
ancing wand, unmoor yourself and go.
Now you are started you must contin
ue, at least until you reach some stretch
of level ground on which the current
slacks its pace. Beware lest you lose
your head and topple over to this side
or that you will be sadly bruised and
perhaps killed if you do. Beware lest
you become frightened and foolish, and
grasp at the sides ef the flume they
are of splintry and unplaned boards
and will tear your hands to pieces. Se
villa and Charybdis are very close to
you as you ride down the narrow strait,
and, moreover, they are as continuous
as the journey is Jong. You will un
doubtediy regret, with sickness of heart
and perhaps sickness of the stomach
that you ever embarked on a cascade
ten miles in length, but bear up
Though it may be distress to you, yet
it is good amusement for the men at
Lake Tahoe, who, walking patrol along
the flume, see you flit by, swift as the
Flying Dutchman, pale as the phantom
ofa man dead with seasickness.
The Cause of Whooping Cough.
From the New York Tribune.
Before the Academy of Sciences, re
cently, a paper was read by Dr. Henry
A, Mott, Jr., on "A Fungoid Growth the
Cause of Whooping Cough." The lect
began by saying that the idea is
prevalent that whooping Cough must
run its course and if broken up, injur
ious effects result. Authorities differ as
to the nature of the disease and Oiving
to the different views taken a great va
riety of remedies are prescribed.
In 1871 Dr. Ludwig Letziriek began
microscopic investigation as to the
cause of the disease. He showed for
the first time that the phlegm coughed'
up in the esyrly stages of the disease
contained eliptical-shaped brownish-red
fungus spores. This discovery gave a
clew to its true nature, and to a new
channel of treatment. {These spores
are lodged by inflection under the
tongne where they remain until they
germinate and spread along the sides of
the tongue and backward until they
reach the larynx and pharynx. When
the growth has extended thus far, the
full whoop is established. Small eleva
tions or lumps can be seen under the
tongue before the patient begins whoop
ing. The time required for germina
tion of the spores is from nine to fifteen
days varying in different persons. Dr.
Letzeriek proved his theory by intro
ducing spores into the trachina of
young rabbits, in which ha produced all
the symtoms of the disease. As quinine
readily kills all fungus plants, it is found
to be an efficient remedy, the speaker
said. In administering this the immed
iate result is good, the patient not
whooping more than once a day. The
best way to administer it is to place
a powder upon the tongue and let it
gradually dissolve, but as children ob
ject to the bitter taste, it can be giyen
in other ways, but always so as to be
disolved in the mouth.
Cape Ann Codlishiiig.
Not many months ago a party of Bos
ton gentlemen came to this city and
went on a fisning party. Some of them
got pretty jolly, one in particular, who,
seizing one of the codfish they had
caught, walked up the wharf. He scon
espied a veteran fisherman who was
sawing wood, and, under the impulse of
tho moment, fetched him a whack
across the face with the codfish. In a
moment he was sobered. The generous
impulse of a noble heart throbbed in
his bosom. He felt that he had done a
mean, ungentlemanly act, and he meant
to atone for it then and there. Taking
out a $10 bill, he proffered it to the vet
eran, saying: "Accept this, and let it
wipe out any recollection of the cow
ardly blow I Btruck you, as I did not
mean to do it, and am very sorry for it."
The veteran took the' bill, his face
beaming with mingled astonishment
and delight, and, making a bow, re
marked: "See here, stranger, you can
wipe me over the face all day long with
a codfish, at $10 a lick! I don't bear
you a mite of ill-will, I don't. I rather
like your style. When are you coming
again?" And that settled it.
He talked as if he had a "frog in hia
throat," but he was only hoarse a sin
gle bottle of Dr. BulTa Cough Syrup
relieved the trouble at once. 25 cents.
A Seasoning Cat.
New York Evening Poet
The Riverside Hospital, Blackwell's
Island, is the owner of a cat which has
as hearty a hatred of the English spar
row as a* lover of our native birds could
wish. She may have no kindlier feel
ing toward the native birds, but certainly
she has had no chance to show it. It
is as a strategist, however, that she
merits special mention. It has been
the custom there to toss crumbs of
bread to the sparrows every morning.
A few days ago the cat was seen going
along, holding in her mouth a piece of
bread, which she let drop on the walk,
and then withdrew to a clump of grass
near at hand to watch. Soon along
came some sparrows. They spied tbe
bread which puss had dropped, but their
wrangle over it had scarcely begun be
fore she had one of them beneath her
claws Did the cat. reason or not
Consumption iircd.
An old phvt?ici«n, retired from practice, having
hud plnc-cd in his hands by an East India is
slonary the formula of a simple vegetable reme
dy, for the speedy and permanent cure for eon
sumption, bronchitis catarrh, asthma, and all
throat and lung affections, also a positive and
radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous
complaints, after having tested its wonderful cura
tive powers in thousands of cases, has felt it hie
duty to make it known to his suffering fellows.
Actuated by this motive, and a desire to relieve
human suffering, I will send, free of charge, to all
who desire it, this recipe, with full directions for
preparing and using, in German, French or En:
li6h. Send by mail by addressing with stamp,
naming this paper, W. W. Sherar, 149 Powers
Block, Rochester, N. Y.
THE Amsterdam Recorder tells this
The editor of the Fort Plain Register
has his office and residence connected
by telephone. Yesterday Mr. Skidd, of
Little Falls, an old friend, called on
the editor and expected to remain for
dinner. The editor hurried to the tele
phone and shouted to his wife "Mr.
Skidd will be up with me to dinner, lay
on an extra plate/' "Now" said the ed
ltor "you may converse with her." As
the gentleman was about to approach
the instrument these words were plain
ly heard: '"You tell Mr. Skidd we don't
keep a hotel oh wash-day." Mr. Skidd
excused himself for a few moments and
was next seen eating fried clams in the
Rainbow saloon on the corner.
Feeble Ladies.
Those languid, tiresome sensations, causing yon
to feel scarcely able to be on your feet that con
stant drain that is taking from your system all its
elasticity driving the bloom from your cheeks
that continual strain upon your vital forces, rend
ering you irritable and fretful, -can easily be re
moved by the use of that marvelous remedy, Hop
Bitters. -Irregularities and obstructions of your
Bystem are relieved at once, while the special
cause of periodical pain Is permanently removed.
Will youlneed this 1—Cincinnati Saturday Night.
The gilded youth of New York were
very numerous among the lambs
shorn by the stock sharps in the recent
A family of emigrants werg recently
found occupying a tomb in a cemetery
near Providence B. 1., that had been
left open.
Row You See It.
Gilt-Edge Butter Maker takes the "witches out
of the churn" and turns tedious, unsatisfactory
churning into gratifying success Sold every
HAMBURG. N. T.. May 28th, 1879.
Johjj E. PiKBOB, Sec'y World's Dispensary
Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y.:
Dear Sir —Yours asking as to reputation of
"Gilt-Edge Batter Maker* received. Wtf have
never kept it until lately. Have sold one case
(3 doz. boxes) and it has given the best of satis
Toon respectfully.
Re-workinsj Batter.
Hundreds of tona of white batter are bought
every year, worked over by dealers, colored up
and sold for donble the price paid the farmers.
This fact should convince farmers that tftey
should put their own butter in into the best
shape for market and eo realize all tbey can from
it. It most have tbe bright eolden color of Jane,
which nothing bat Wells, Richardson & Co.1*
Perfected Butter Color can give. Use this color,
pack yonr butter in the best manner,and you will
(et the top price.
HISTORIAN BANCROFT has returned to
Washington, and has resumed work.
He hopes only to complete his history
of America up to 1789. The volume
upon which he is now engaged, he say i,
will be his last. The old gentleman has
given up his horse-back rides, and, with
the calmness of a philosopher, talks of
the time when he is to leave this earth.
A fcireat Discovery by a Great Han.
This, primarily, is what Warners Safe Nervine
i. The great man is one of the most famous liv
ing physicians. He found a harmless remedy for
allkinds of pain, others improved it, ana the
final result is the Safe Nervine now manufactured
only by H. U. Warner & Co.
City editor of one Dubuque paper is
a man. City editor of anotker Dubuque
paper is a woman. Consequence, irre
pressible conflict. Man editor, lacking
chivalry, indulged in bitter personality
for which he ought to have been kicked.
Woman editor waited for her revenge.
Man editor plunged into matrimony.
Woman editor wrote up full account of
the wedding, described tbe bride's diess
and did the genteel generally. But she
omitted the groom's name. It was a
great day for the woman editor.
What Ails You?
Is it a disordered liver giving a yellow skin or
costive bowels, which have resulted in distress
ing Piles or do your kidneys refuse to perform
their functions? If so. your whole system will
soon be clogged with Doislons. Take a few doses
of Kidney-Wort and you'll feel like anew man
nature will throw off every impedient and each
organ will be ready for duty.
"The music of a marriage proces
sion,"says Heine, "always reminds me
of the music of soldiers entering upon a
Females that are liable to suppression by tak
ing cold, or irregular or painful menstrations,
should always keep Carter's Compound Extract
of Smartweed on hand, and its use will convince
them that it is Nature's remedy in those com
plaints. H. Bosworth & Sons, wholesale agents,
Milwaukee. O.Noble* Co., Proprietors, Erie,
The total vote of cast in Nebraska at
the recent election was 71,681 which
indicates a population for the State of
about 358,405.
Nothing makes a man, woman, or
child feel meaner than a tickling sensa
tion in the throat. Take "Dr. "Sellers'
Cough Syrup." 25 cents.
If a cough disturbs your sleep, take
a dose of Piso'a Care for Consumption.
So say all who have tried it.
TUI tbe patient is well. I shall give HUNT'S
JSMEDY In Dropsical and Kidney Diseases.
Respectfully yours. H. BLECKEN, M. D.
HUNT'S KEMiiliV is purely Vegetable, and
is used by the advice
of physicians. It lias
stood ti.e test of time
for NO years, and the
utmost .reliance may
be placed in it. One
Trial will con
vlncn you. Bend liUlU
Jo jiui a nun
IDKNCK, R. I. H. tin tU
Bosworth A Sons,
Milwaukee, Wholesa'e agents for the traue. Hold by
Dunning & Sumner, Madison, and by all Druggists.
stout backbone is as essential to physical
health as to political consistency. For weaknesa
of the back and disorders of the fiver and kidneysL
tbe tonic and moderate dietetic action of toe Bit
ters is the one thing needfnl. Remember that
the stomach is the mainstay of every other organ,
and that by invigorating the digestion with this
preparation, the spinal column and all its depend
encies are strengthened.
For Hostetter's ALMANAC for 1880 apply to
Druggists and dealers generally.
60 Years Before the Publio.
Pronounced by all to be the most pleas
ant and efficacious remedy now in use for
the cure of coughs, colds, croup, hoarse
ness, tickling sensation of the throat,
whooping cough, etc. Over a million
bottles sold within the last few years. It
gives relief wherever used, and has the
power to impart benefit that cannot be
had from the cough mixtures now in use.
Sold by all druggists at 25 cents per bottle.
It. E* SELLERS A CO.* Props..
Troublesome Children,
that are always wetting their beds ought not to
be scolded and punished for what they cannot
help. Tbey need a medicine having a tonic effect
on the kidneys and urinary organs. Such a med
icine is Kidney-Wort. It has specific action.
Do not fall to try it for them.
That Acts at the Same Time on
and the KIDNEYS.
These greet organs are the natural cleans
ers of the svstc:n. If they work well, health
will bo pcrfeot: If tlicy become clogged,
dreadful diseases are 6ure to follow with
niliousncss, Ileadache, Dyspepsia, Jaun
dice, Constipation and Piles, or Kid
ncy Complaints, Gravel, Diabetes,
Sediment In the Urine, Milky
or Ropy Urine or Kheu
niatic Pains and Aches,
arc developed because the blood is poisoned
with the humors that should have been
expelled naturally.
will restore the healthy action and all these
destroying evils will be banished neglect
them and you will live but to uufEer.
Thousands have been cured. Tryitandyou
will add one more to Uie number. Take it
and health wllloncemorc
gladden your heart.
Why suffer longer from the torment
Of an aching back
Why boar such distress from Con
stipation and Piles?
Why be so fearful because of dis
ordered urine
KIDNEY-WORT will cure you. Try a pack"
age at once and be satisfied.
It is a dry vegetable compound and
One Package
makes six quarts of Medicine.
Your Druggist has it, or will get it for
you. Insiat upon having it. Price, £1.00.
W2LLS, 81CSABDS01T & CO., Proprietors,
(V.'ill send post paid.)
15 ME
DV~. The Great
Kidney .and Liver
Medicine, cures
Pains in tbe Back,
Side or l.oins, and
all diseases or the
Kidneys, Liver. Blad
der and Urinary Or-.
Retention or Incontinence of Urine. Nervous uis
eases, i'cinale Weakness, ami Excesses. HUNT'S
HJiMKDV is prepared EXPKiiSSLI for these
Front Rev. 12. G. Taylor, O. D., Pastor First Bap*
tlst Cuurch:
PROVIDRNCR. R. I., .Tan. 8. 1879.
I can testify to the virtue of HUNT'S REMEDY
In Kidney diseases, from actual trial, having been
much benefited bv its use. E. TAYLOR.
MINHKAPOLIS. Minn., April 7,1879.
Wm. E. CLARKE—Dear Sir: rsaw HUNT'S REM
EDY iised in a case of Dropsv with perfect success.
I did uot treat the patient, but fourattendinephv
sicians had given up i.he case as hopeless. HUNT'S
REMEDY was then used with perfect scccess.
SurlingtOB, Vt.
'The Purest and Best Sledicine ever made?
A combination of lions. Bachn, Mandrake.
and nndclion, with ail tne best and most cuiSI
tivo ^properties
of all other Bitters makes the creat-
Purifier, Liver Regulator, and life
and Health Restoring Agent on earth.
No disease or ill health can possibly long exist
whore nop Bitters are used, so varied and perfect
aro their operations.
Thej glte new Ufa asd vigor to the aged aadlnflrn.
To all whose employments cause irregularity of
tno bowels or urinary organs, or who require an
Appetizer, Tonlo and mild Stimulant, Hop Bitters
are invaluable without Intoxicating.
your feelings or symptoms axe,
what the.disease or ailment Is, use Hop Sitters.
Don't wait until you are
sick, but if you only feel
bad or miserable, use the Hitters at once. It may
save your
life. It has saved hundreds.
$500will be mid for a case they will not cure or
Oet some thin day.
HOP COVQZX CUBE is the sweetest, safest and best.
•Ask Children.
Do I* O. 3 an absolute and irresistible cure for drunk
enness, use of opium, tobacco and narcotics:
C-MV...1 ______ UY.J
^old by druggists. Hop Bitten Mfg. Co. Rochester, N.Y
Send for Circular,'
For Nervous Debility, Seminal
Weakness, Impotence and all effects
of abuse and excesses in Young,
Middle-aged and even Old Men.
Each package contains I.ocal and
Internal Remedies to last one
month, warranted to cure any case,
from the mildest to the worst, with a
Book of Instructions for self-treat-
ineut, how to take care of yourself while doctoring,
and bow to prevent any return of the disease aftei
being cured. Price $5_ner_package. A 50 page
ATMENT with Recipes
and Convincing: Testimonials, Free. Avoid
quacks and cheap quack nostrums and get a pack
age of DR. WILLIAMS' SPECIFICSand cure
yourself. He has been well known for 30 years as
leading specialist and may be consulted personally
or by letter by those using bts Specifics. Sent by
mall on receipt of price. Address
435 East Water St. Milwaukee, Wis.
Vr If you don't like to risk money by maiL any
druggist will order for you, but Insist on DR. WIL
LIAMS' SPECIFICS and don't be put off with a
•heap substitute. (20 off to druggists.)
I Blind, Itching, or Ulcerated
1 Piles that DeBing's Pile
Remedy failstocnre. Gives
I immediate relief, cures cases
I of long standing in 1 veek»
I and ordinary oases in2days.
wrapper hat
Dr. J. P.
_______ iwn unles* yellow
printed on it in black a Pile of Stones and
liter's signature, Phila. #t
1 a bottle. Sold
ists. Sent by mail by J. P. MILLER.
A Compound of Cocoanut Oil,
For Promoting the Growth and Pre
serving the Beauty of the Hair.
It softens tbo lialr when liarsli and dry. It
soothes the irritated scalp.. 1 ntfords the
richest lustre. It pro ents the hair from fall
ing off. It promotes ita healthy, vigorous
rowtli. id not greasy cor sticky. It kills
This Is the fastest selling book ever published,
and the only complete and authentic History or
Grant's Travels. Send for circulars containing a
full description of the work and our extra terms
to Agents. Address NATIOHAL PumasHiNQ Co.
Chicago, Illinois.
8—H. P. Mounted, (660.
J8 .760. 2-H. P. Eureka,$150.
'2 fOOO. 4 ,250.
Send for our Circulxrs. 8 350.
B. W.Paj[ne& Sons.Corning.N.Y.
State •wtwreyou saw this.
Water proof Covers,
Signs, window Shades, etc. MCRHAY & BAKKB,
38$40 8. Canal St., Chicago. Send for Illustrated Lin
'of all kindSi Writ*
Standard Amarlcaa WiUk C*_'
kvik, ns u« m—FBW.
lioss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Fain in
he Head, with a dull sensationin the back
part, Fain under the shoulderblade, full
ness after eating, with a disinclination to
exertion of body or mind, Irritability n-"
temper, Low spirits, with a feeling of hav
tag neglected some duty, Weariness, Diz
ziness, Fluttering at the Heart, Dots No.
fore tne eyes. Yellow Skin, Headacii«.
generally over the right eye, Restlessness
with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine.
TUTT'S FILLS are especially adapted.
such cases, one dose effects such a chanj£,
of feeling ns to astonish the sufferer.'
Only with regularity of the bowels can perfect
health be enjoyed. If the constipation is
of recent date, a single dose of TUTT'S FILLS
will suffice, but if it nas become habiiual, one
pill should be taken every night,gradually lessen
ing the frequency of the dose until a
regular "laily
movement is obtained, which will soon follow.
Dr. I. Guy Lewis, Fulton, Ark., says
After a practice of 25 years, I pronounce
TUTT'S PILLS the best anti-bilious medicine
ever made."
Rev. F. It. Osgood, New York, snysr
"I have had Dyspepsia, Weak Stomach and
Nervousness.' I never had any medicine to Utt
me so much good as TUTT'S PILLS. They are
as good as represented."
Office 85 Murray Street, New TorIL
BLACK by a single application of this IYE. It im.
parts a Natural Color, acts Instantaneously, and is
as Harmless as spring water. Sold by Druggists, or
sent fry express on receipt of
,Offlce 30 Murray St., New York.
The Newest Music Books
A. New Sunday School Song Book of nnusual
beauty. By A.
80 cents, for which Specimen Copies will be mailed.
Examine this charming collection when books
are needed. Every song is a Jewel.
The newest Operas are
CAKMIN. Byaizet. $2.M.
FATINITZA. By huppe. (2.00,
and enlarged edition. 91.50.
BEI.LS OF COKKEV1LL& By Plaatuitta
PINAFORE, Ollbert and Sullivan. 30 cents.
SOBCEBEB. 11.00k
The newest Church Masle and Singing School
Books are
VOIC1S OF. WORSHIP. L. O. Bmerson. 90.00
per dozen.
TEMPI.K. Dr. W. O. Perkins. |*-00 per dosen.
The newest Yolee Tratnlar Book Is
Compact, complete and useful eltner tor private
pupils or classes.
A new Anthem Book Is nearly ready.
The Musical Record Is always new. (2.00 psr
year, 6 cents per copjr.
OLIVER DITS0N & CO., Boston.
C. H. Ditson Co.. J. E. Ditson Co,
1 4 3 or S 2 2 S
iFormerly Dr. Craig's Kidney Ourt~!)~,
A vegetable preparation and the only MH
remedy in the world for Krlghtfa Disease,
Diabetes, and AILL Kidney, Liver, anr
Urinary Diseases.
ASTTcstimonials of the highest order
Jn proof
of these statements.
B®~For the cure of Diabetes, call for War*
ner's Safe Diabetes Cure.
tt^Foi the cure of Bright'* and the other
diseases, call for Warner's Safe Kidney
and Liver Care.
Hone genuine
Safe Remedies are
sold by Druggists
and Dealers
Medicine every*
M. D-
by all druggists. Sent ty mail by J. f. ILLF.R M. D„
ProDr..S. W. cor. Tenth and Arch Sts., Pliilada..Pa.
H. H. Warner & Co.
BfjfTSend for Pamphlet
and Testimonials.
Works 4,760 Horses.
It will pay all owners of horses to cnll or write
M. \V. SQU1KES, Snpt. C. C. R. Co.
The Express Company '"•'"•••k
1 have been using Liniment on the horse? of the
American and U. S. Express Co.'s ftM bios for 24
years. I never met any that had «£ie-tenth th»
merit of Whittier's Liniment.
II. KNIGHT, Snpt. Exp. Co.
For thirty yenrs we have been using all kind*
of liuiment manufactured for horsee, and of all
the liniments, Whittier's stands at the head ol
the list for Scratches, Greased Heel, Thrush,
Sprains, Galled Spots, and Sores of any kind. I*
will give all horsemen satisfaction.
Rheumatism and Piles.
It will have the same effect upon the human.
Scrofula, Scald Head. Catarrh, Fimples or Blotch
es on Face'or Body, Old Sores and Fresh Cuts.
Sold by all Druggists, or by.
204 Washington St.. Chicago, ItL
large eyed English needles, including 11 mixed
darners, 3 button, 2 carpet 2 bodkins, 1 worsted, I
motto needle, etc. ore. Package sells for 290.
tiOHPOir Muuiia Co., a and 28,4tl Ate., New York.
Please write for large Ulustra
ted catalogue of Rlflea, Shot
i* Great Western Gun Work
Gaai, BcTolvsn
PltUburc, Pa.