Newspaper Page Text
ffiir-2 ,rl :l iiu v%'' Hut rah for Christmas. Good sleighing now. :h ySpsiammemisizw^toB L.OCAL.. Christmas cards at Burch's. 29tf Quite a number of death* by freezing are reported for Dakota. The schools in this city begin one week from next Monday. Bismark, D. M. suffered a large loss by fire on the 18th. The Sheridan House narrowly escaped. Buckwheat cakes are the best thing a per son can eat of a cold morning. Try them and see. This kind of weather is to a pile of wood what a big dose of pills is to a man with the stomacli ache. A line display of Holiday goods at bed rock prices at H. F. Burch & Co's. 29 tf Mr. MeClelen has taken the Compton school vice Mr. Osborn resigned on account of his health. Don't forget to call and examine the ele gant assortment of Christmas presents nt P. arch & Go's. 2'Hf Mr. McQuillan started for Dakota Monday. H« goes to relieve Mr. Darling who is taking & rest over the holidays. The Republicans have chosen Chicago as the city i'or the National Convention to be held June 3, 1380. A. W. Hull, of the Fargo Republican, made us a visit last Sunday departing for home Monday evening. H. V. Burch Co. are going to erect a large building on the cornepyof Third and Front streets^arly in the sprhij. Albums atVurcfT&\<^s. ~-t|, 29tC^ Del Bending desires us to say that he is out of wood and will be very thankfaMoJtlte.. party who will bring him a load. A man by the name of Torkerad was {co ten to death near Rothsay, Otter Tail county on la6t Saturday week, the 13tk inst. J. M. Stowe called on us last Friday. Mr. .Stowe. iMOjuth. The. insurance amounted to atamt $7,50. Dr. Dewey, of St. Paul, visited Mr. Katzky last week and expressed great surprise at the growth of Wadena since his last visit. Dr. Eabcock, from Ogdensburg, arrived in Wadena Tuesday. He coutemplates re maining with us in the practice of medicine. Two for 5 cent cigars at the Wadena Drug Store. 304t. The Quarterly meeting'of the Methodist church will take place Sunday. Presiding Elder J. B. Starkey will fCs Any person-desiring to secure a good farm /^"tvitli a Urgs portion of it ready for crop next year, would do well to call ou or write to Geo. M. Taylor at Wadena. Harry Presson lost one of his horses on his trip to Fergus Falls last week. The ani mal was young and valuable and showed no «igns of illness except in refusing to eat. There will be preaching at the -school house in Wadena by the Presiding Elder of the Methodist church on next Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock, and in the evening at 7 o'clock. We have received a fine large job rrint jng press from the foundry of Frost & Perry, 8t. Paul. It is of the Peerless" manu facture and is one of the best presses made. Call and see it. We see by onr exchanges that Hartly,, of "the Brainerd Tribune, has been troubled with worms. He has recently had one re moved from his stomach, which was 30 feet long. ''Ugh, big Injun." Heap worms. The "Nursery" for January is before us «nd is a very nice production. This is real |y an excellent little magazine for the chiU dren and wise parents iu subscribing to it of ten do more good thau they tliink for in de veloping a love for books in the little minds A Chicago paper says A butterfly was oaught at the South End yesterday." It may be safe to catch a butterfly at the south end, Irat when you go to grasp a wasp you want to eatch it at the northeasterly end.—Ex. This is excellent advice for this time of the year. It almost induces us to caution QQr readers to use iced tea with eaution. Parties proving up or about to prove up yniTt remember that the land office will he— «ept no final proofs until 30 days have ex pired from the date of the first publication of proving up notic. Not -30 days from the 4ate of the notice but 30 days from the date «f the paper in which it first appear*. Paste Ibis up where yon can see it I JUS ^.g XHIOTJT JTTTP Mr. Williams, the taxedermist, proves to be an artist in his profession. He has pre pared a buck's head for us (which may be seen at this office,) and the verdict by those who have seen it is "It is the finest thing of the kind I ever taw." And so it is a perfect beauty. Mr. Williams miasion in this conn try is to procure a whole moose and elk. The frisky editor of the N. P. Farmer wails because the people of his place mistake his printing office for a barber shop. Too bad Ed. but yon should leave off those strip* ed stockings.—Jamestown Alert. The spindle shanked editor of the "Des ert" whose tonching sympathy is really at" fecting is respectfully informed that we have had no trouble since we discovered one of his stockings he left when he departed for Jamestown which the devil carried out on a stick and buried The Thermometer for the past week has ranged as follows, the observations being made at noon Thursday, 2 below Frida 3 above Saturday, 10 below Sunday 7 above Monday, 11 below Tuesday, 6 below Wednesday, 13 below. Many printers in the northwest do not seem to be aware that there is a first-class type foundry in St. Paul one lrom Which they can get eve rrthinn in thfir line quicker and at less expense for freight than they can get the same goods from eastern founderies. Messrs. Frost & Perry, the proprietors, are gentlemen with whom it is a pleasure to do business and we can reccommend them to our brother printers. Toy books in endless variety at Burch & Co's. 29 tf A Card. MR. EDITOR: In regard to the appea wade in your last issue in my behalf, the motive may have b€eft*goSil '^2 personal for public priut. Hym^-houSe is on fire, aud mv neighbor kruysu it, for the i^Cihis place and \iuty to go and leiid.a hand, and not stop to charge other peopf^ with neglect. The Christian principle is found in Matt. xi. thank one and all for kindness shown. At present I have all I'need and wish no more appeals made in my behalf. A-- WILLIAM DENLET. Announcement. There will be a meeting of the citizens of Wadena Saturday evening, January 3d, to consider and finish the matter of the Shell River road. All are requested to be present. GUASD FESTIVAL —The Wadena Division of the Sons of Temperance wile give a pub lic festival at the school house, in Wadena, the even ing"of January 14, 1880. Let it be thoroughly understood that this is a public affair and all are cordially invited. Let all of our members turn out and we expect the public to come and see that this temperance organization is still at work and intends to continue. By order of the Committee. The Grist. Merry Christmas to all, the Farmer greets you Mrs. T. F. Ostrandtr put in a "5 and 10 cent, counter last week... Runyan is swinging the paint brush in Gardner & Case's office...." A little more cider too," is what Harry Presson sputtered out between breaths when struck in the iron. by a stream of that lucious liquor which spurted from a keg he was tapping... .C. Potter & Co. have some elegant chroiuos.. ..Mr J. Katzky vis ited St. Paul last week .. .Mrs. Luce is also a victim of the moustach cup joke"... .Wa deiia is to have a first-class hall next season. ... .The county officers elect assume their respective officers in a few days....Mr Fields will probably make his headquarters at H. F. Burch & Co's store Mr. Whit ney, Couuty Superisteridcnt, bids fair to ele vate the school interests of the county since his business especially facilitates his opera tions... .Remember the quarterly meettiig sei'vices'of the M. E. church Sunday.. .The Shell River road is completed the Red Eye. Mr. 8. S. Gardner is expected home next week..,...Don't forget the citizens meeting one week from next Saturday.... New, Years one week from today. Taken Up. Came into my enclosure the ffrst week in December a red three year old heifer, one horn broken and white star iu forehead. The owner can have same by proving' property and paying expenses of keeping and adver tising. 313 JOHN COLSON. Notice. I have about 38 sheep for sale or to renf. A LAXQLKYC. 31 lm IS®®®! Vr '"L J"#1'lyJijw_ jjwU' a WADENA, MINN. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25. 1879. Neighborhood News. COMPTON From ear own eorrnpfcaitnt. Vacation in the schools this week, and our pedagogues take the opportunity to spend the holidays where they please. One of them, it is said, wap seen late at night fly ing southward whistliag "The Last Rose of summer" in the key of "E," Reuben Icker lost a valuable ox Saturday night, liis team was called the best one in the place. A. M. Darling and wife leave for Douglas county this week, to spend the holidays. Our spelling achoafpre^felt under way, and are very interesting, The next one takes place on Friday evening next at sect ion 8 school house, Everybody invited. R. A. Darling teaches writing school twice a week which is well attended. Items are very scarce this week in this part of town, and it is too cold weather to run around to find what our neighbors are about. MDGGIXS. Wrightstown. From our own correspondent. The social gatherings of our young people to pass the evenings in singing, danciug and other amusements is an indication of good feeling and friendship, and we are glad of it. Some "frost nips" are reported nevertbe less business moves right along just the same. All should look well to the stock these days, and see that they have plenty of good water, a warm stable well littered with straw and an extra handfull of feed. To be good is to be true, and in al! the business relations of life let the principle oi right have the controlling influence over ym and all will come out just right. "VThich is to blame the- managers of the IER or the post master we havn't had our paper for two weeks. UNCLE TOCA, AL.DKICH. From our own cerrcapondent. The folks are all well and well sati.-iSoa with their homesteads and the oounti j, and are all doing well. Business is booming. S. Dower, one of our largest farmers, has 40 or 50 jften to work getting oi?t .wpp4, ties ^ind HirPk joi" the railroad company. Mr. Gray, of Elk fiver, with six teams ar.d a crew of men have gone into camp 2 mil^s north east of Aldrich and soon the big pine trees will fall. Our district school closed last Friday. Miss An«ic Smith, of Ver^ale, was our teacher, and she gave good satisfaction to all. It is hoped that our school board will suc ceed in getting Miss Angie to teach the next term. There has been three marriages in this settlement within a month or so. Mr. Fariis worth and Miss Eliza Gross, Charlie Lovt joy and Miss Effie Handerson, and last but not least Dennis Whalling and Miss Hayes. T. iNTSBRBaaWS OP THB CTOXVPXXSlltiT PAOIFIO COUNTRY. HOMESTEADEE. LEAF RIVER M1L.L.S- From our own correspondent. The partnership in the miil businesa is dissolved, Adams having sold his interest in the mill. Henceforth Wright becomes pro prietor. Mr. BUiott has built comfortable quarters for himself and family near the mill and is getting things in readiness generally for his lumber business. Notwithstanding the cold weather the mill is running at full blast and doing good work PROGRESS. INMAN. From our own correspondent. Well, Mr. Editor, what do you think abont a Minnesota winter now Don't you think we can get up about as cold weather as they generally make. I do I don't know how cold it has been for our "machine" frose up. But it was somewhere between 40 and 100 nearer the latter than any where else. Last Friday was de^bted first to freezing and then thawing out again. Our boy was out during the day but lie spent a good half hjur to getting Jack Frost out of one of his big toes, which was badly frozen. Elder In man froze his foot quite badly. Hugene Sto ry and his boy each froze two toes so you see there was lots of freezing but nothing serious. Horn's Crocker lias gone and done just as the FAKHEK told him to do. Got married. Yes, it's a fact. I should not be surprised if he should subscribe for jour paper yet. A long life full of happiness is the worst we wiah Ijiin. May otiter batchelors go and do likewise. How is this. Mr. Phil West took a load of wheat to Alexandria. It was graded and sold lor No. 3. II then took another load from the same bin, nncleaned, just as it was tak?u io Alexandria, to Wadena, and it.gra ded No. 2 without any trouble, and if it had been oleaued would have gone No. 1. Yet Alexandria is the place to sell your grain. That's right, farmers, haul your wheat ten to fifteen miles farther to market and get from five to fifteen cents per bushel less than it is bringing at Wadena. Our school house has the seats all in and is nearly ready for use. Elder Inman will preach a dedication sermon next Sunday at XI o'clock, dedicating the house to science and religion, We feel quite citified since our mail has -got to running regularly. Mrs. Mason, who has been away all sum jrter^doctering, has just got home much im proved in health and glad to see Inman. From ourown correspondent Busiuess is flourishing, and everybody is up to their shoulders in the timber bu»ine*s cutting tiles, ties, cord wood, etc. W. R. Coons says he has got his fill of Minnesota and st xrts for his old home in Hoorsierdom. If the appetites of the mus quiloes were as easily satisfied in their time as Mr. Coons is we could enjov ourselves bet ter in the summer. Mr. Cawdy will move among lis next week. Mr. Freelani will also settle ou his land Unme.astely and commence operations The Red Eye road is very near done and will be cou pie ted and passable to the river before this goes to the reader. The entire cost ofthp road for 11 miles will be nearly $9?, exclusive of corderoying. The land along the road is being* taken up very fast, and by a wideawake set of men. There is undoubtedly tlie best timber claims along the new road that there is in the northwest. Potatoes seem to be in great demand as some at Mr. Coons sale brought 70 cents per bushni. 4- Josse a".yi it take- practice to be a good auctioneer ai.d especially to sell potatoes. O K. .• Our New York Letter. NEW VOKK, Dec 15, Ij^D,. i'K Aft FASfeERr^l^sive 'to inform your reader* briefly of the greatness of- this city. It is as impossible for a man reared in the west to comprehend the magnitude of this great metropolitan city of the New world, a3 it is for the patriarchs of the rugged hills of New England to comprehend the vast agri cultural and mineral resources of our new empire of the north west opened to the world by the rapid construction of our great trails-continental highway—the Northern Pacifut R. R. New York, in mercantile importance, bears the same relation to the United States that London does to Great Britain. Taking a ret rospective glance, we find that a little more than two centuries ago this island of Mana hata—its earliest recorded name-had its birth day of civilization in a few rude huts and a fort where Bowling Green now stands. In this comparatively brief interval of tlie life time of our nation it has bounced from an infant village into a grand city of palaces with its million of inhabitants. Now it is the greatest workshop of the North Ameri can Continent. The value of real estate in the heart of the eity is mavvelous. When I was here sixteen years ago the American Museum stood nearly opposite the Astor House, which has since burned, upon the site of which the Herald building now stands, purchased by James Gordon Bennett of Barnutn, several years ago for which he paid $300,000 for an unexpired lease of 13 years. The lot immediately adjoining this with a frontage on Broadway of less than 60 feet was sold at auction for $310,000. Then was "wartimes" and we was headquartered in barracks in the City Hall Park. Now, np on the site oi those wide barracks rises to a lofty heighth the magnificent New York Post Office at an expense of millions of dollars. A iittle more than two centuries ago the entire siae of this great city was purchased of the Indians for what was the equivalent to the small sum of $24. Now the assessed value of its real estate alone exceeds $600 000,000. The costly stores and private resi dences seem to be almost innumerable. All along Broadway, its intersecting streets and broid avenues, the eye is greeted every where by long lines of stone and marble buildings many of them of great architeotu-5 ral elegance. The several broad squares and avenues iu the upper part of the city are studded with a succession of splendid man sions, in many instances costing from $50, 000 to $200,000. There arc estimated to be some 300 churchss, many of them of costly. A..1 magnificent proportions. I5 DEXOO. LEAF RIVER TOWNSHIP. 23 -. H»V TERMS $1.J0 PER TRA IN ADVANCE. A visit to the stork exchange any week day from 10 am to 3 and you can be hold such a scene of humanactivify, that it will not be forgotten in a lifetime It is a place, with which the world at .large daily -5 communicates with the greatest possibis eagerness and anxiety Beneath its, dome many mighty projects, have had their birth. Forty new members have just been admitted to seats within its walls for which they pay $400,000 cash for the privilege. A great characteristic of New York is din and excitement. Like the west everything is done in a nurrv.. It is especially noticed in the great thoroughfare' of Broadway where the noise and confusion caused by. the cessant passing and repassing of j20,000 hides a day render it a babel Scene "of con* fusion. There are 12 :i venues Running para lei about 800 feet vpart and over 350. miles of paved streets in the metropolis. The city lias been laid out and surveyed to ex-?— tent of over 12 miles from the battery.- Sixteen years ago Central Park. war away up on the out skirts of the citji'^ Now the magnificent business flocks ari|£residences are surroundiugit^nid eventually it will be. in the heart of th^cft^. Then, if the *=ub ject hud been argued &an. elivated railtoail that would speed its trains of laden hiimK|ii-^ ty every five minutes al the rate of lo tjfiUeB per hour, over tlie heads of the crowded5 streets, or advocated the projtjet ofc a ^Brookr lyn bridge such as is nl»w tfeing built, he would have been thought a fit subject for a lunatic asylum. Every project that can be utilized to annihilate distance is brought in to use. The question now is not what, the distance from one point to another is. but how many minutes will it take to get there. With the rapid development of the agri cultural and mineraz resources of our coun try, and the rapid increase of population Neyv York will be likely to continue to pros per and enlarge her already great dimen sions until she will eventually entirely COT er the entire area of Manhattan Island with her streets, business blocks and residences, and become the largest city in the world. S S.G. The Wadena School* At the examination last week the follow ing written examination in class "A" wis passed and the scholars marked as indicated. GEOGRAPHY. 1. Define a circle and define the cirles .par allel to the equator. 2 What is the difference between a me ridian and a meridian circle. 3 Bound each zone. 4 Name the largest city in the world and the largest in the United States. 5 Name the largest river in the wo.ld, and the longest, 6 Name the countries in which the follow ing persons reside and state the position filt hy each. Dom Pedro II, Jules Grery, Alfon so XII, Bismark and William Windorn. 7 State the difference between a Republic and a monarchy and name lour Republics 8 Name 4 large rivers in N. & iJ. America. 9 Name two mountain changes in North America and one in South America. 10 Name the largest fresh water lake in north America. HISTORY. What is history and what are the benefits deriv -d from its study. Who first .discovered north America. Who rediscovered it. What European nations formily claimed possession in north America. Who made an important settlement uu the Atlantic coast iu 1620. Who first settled New York. At what place and by what B. jtish General was the most important surrender made iu the Revolutionary war. At what place and by what liebei General was the most important surrender „ie in the Civil war. Write the names of all the presidents S. Write a list of those who served 6 vsar and of those who were elected Vice dents and became Presidents. Standing iu history Thomas Swindlehurst 10U, Joseph Swindlehurst 100. Onnan L*Uk if-Y 4 10'Sherman Pike 90, hmny «zkv £1 hddie Wisweli 50, Win, Swiuuteiuust" 4it., Standing in geography T. S.vind^uursi J5, «h Swiudlehurst 95, Oria tn LftngiV Sherman Pike 85, Win. Siviudieiuu,t ttf', Edwin Wisweli 75, Etla Moore 90, Fanny Katzky 30 and Katie Worth ingtou 80 ,s Estray Notice. -. Came wit!* my stock a light red voarl in Sieer with white spot on face. The ownJr^ can have the same by paying e\-peu« iPUl'cs,l®'i to the undersigned. UR3.T7 EkflfUtfiv*, Tf -V I