OCR Interpretation

The Northern Pacific farmer. [volume] (Wadena, Minn.) 1878-1885, February 15, 1883, Image 2

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Northern Pacific Farmer.
GEO. A WHITNEY, Editor & Publisher.
Senator "Windom went to Naw
"Wednesday evening and will not return for
two or three days. All sorts of rumors wore
afloat, bat they can not be traced to any
reliable source, to the effect that Mr. Win
dom is to be given some prominent position
under the adm'nistration. His most in
timate friends here appear to have no knowl
edge on the subject. If such is the case, the
fact is known only to Mr. Windom and the
president, and neither is accessible. A
rumor is also current that Mr. Windom,
alter the 4th of March, will go to New York
to take charge of a large banking bus
iness but this also lacks the force of
The state department at Washington has
arranged statistics showing the state of our
trade with Mexico. During the fiscal year
of 1880—the latest year of which statistcs are
obtainable—there have been imported into
the United States from Mexico merchandise
to the value of $8,317,862, of which hides
and skins were the most important, footing
up to $2,111,750. Coffee came next, $1,730,
838 jute and other grasses, $1,634,215 india
rubber and guttapercha, $315,059 lead, $27,
061 wool, $99,479 medicin il barks, $147,•
491. If the reciprocity treaty is adopted by
both countries, great increase is expccted in
the imports of sugar, syrup and molasses.
There is an understanding, upon poth
sides of the senate, at least, that an amend
ment shall be added to the tariff bill pro
viding that the new duties shall apply, up
on the date when they go into effect, to all
goods in bond. It is reported from New
York that this class of questions which are
arising naturally in the minds of the im
porters as having the effect of check ingjfor
eign commerce to a very great extent.
There is a clause in the sundry civil bill
appropriating the money called for by the
Sioux treaty The title of lands purchased
for right of way across the reservation by the
Cnicajo & Northwestern and Chicago} Mi!«
wa ikee &St. Paul Railway companies, is
a's affirmed as vested in these corpora
Among the number of Pensions bills re
ported favorably to the senate is one granting
$50 a month to :he widow of the late Alfred
B. Meacham, who was severely injured by
the Modocs in the lava beds April, 1873,
when Gen. Cnnhv and Dr. Thomas, of tiie
peace commission, were killed.
The committee on militrry affairs
has had
under consideration at two successive meet
ings a proposition to abolish all United
States arsenals excepting one at Rock Island
111., another at Beculia. Gal., aud a third
at Springfield, Mass. The proposition was
Attorney General Brewster has discharged
all the colored employes in the department
of justice, on suspicion that they were in
the employ of the star routers.
There is every reason to believe that in a
Tew day^i Jay Gould will announce his in
tention ot leaving the country on his new
yacat, i"»r the purpose of taking a voyage of
tw.» or three years duration. The entire
control of the Wabash railroad system has
been put into the bands of Mr. John S. Car
son the present general manager of the
Hannibal & St. Joe, to whom autocratic
power given.
The New York World says the Chicago &
Northwestern is going to water its 3tock by
the issue of $6,000,000 of common, to lecruit
its losses by the late war.
The Minneapolis & Northwestern) other
wise theOsseo branch, was duly opened Sat
urday by An excursion from Minneapolis.
Pour employes of the office of the com
missioner of juries were arrested in New
York recently for blackmailing citizens who
were wiling to pay for exemption from jury
duty. These men possessed a genuine bo
nai isi, and it is computed that tbey have
made from $50,000 to $60,000 within the
last five years. It is expected that the dis
closures to be made at the examination
will prove of startling interest to
many prominent business men and mer
United States District Judge Romanzo
Burr at Madison, Wis., sentenced A.
Cone of Knapp, Dunn county, to one year'u
confinement in state prison at hard labor
for securing one registered letter containing
the sum of $8 and two ordinary tetters from
the postoffice at Menominee by Impersona
ting the individual to whom they were ad
dressed, A. E. Lester. Cone who had made
a full confession, is unmarried, twenty-eight
years old, and has heretofore borne a good
Pamon Hoffman of Bloomington, 111.,
who was put down and out of the pulpit for
his attempt to seduce Nettie Robinson, and
who sued the girl forjslander is now afraid to
go on trial. Hoffman is editing the Inde
pendent, an evening paper.
A ternble tragedy was enacted in Chatta
nooga, Tenn., last Saturday evening. A
negro named Tom Wiggins had separated
front his wife, and she has been receiving at
tentions from a negro preacher named De
Hart. Wiggins prepared himself with a
razor and called on his wife. At this junc
tion the^ preacher arrived on tha scene,
when Wiggins, mad with jealousy, drew his
razor and cut his wife's throat from ear to
eai. In her effort to defend herself her
arms weie literally cat to pieces. Wiggins
then rushed at the'preacher who fled. Wig
gins then walked from tha house and cut
his own throat. Both will die.
By a boiler explosion at Taylorsville, 111.,
five men were kiled outright, and two fatal
ly injured, viz: John Jones, engineer, com
pletely disembowelled, both legs broken,
otherwise mutilated Samuel Larem, torn
into fragments, his body being recognized
by rubber boots which remained on his feet
Peter New, proprietor, both legs broken,
head scalded and fractured Jo mM'Callo,
horribly mutilated WtllUni DUhel, top of
head blown off Chris New, son of proprie
tor, and Tony Vandever, were injnred so
that their death is Only a question of a few
George C. Miln, the preacher actor, was
injured at Richmond, Ind., while acting
Hamlet, In backing off the stage in the
ftildst of a passionate outbreak at the
close of
the scene with Opbelia, he fell through an
opening at the side of fhe stage and severely
braised several ot his ribs. The accident
caused severe pain, but the tragedian bore up
bravely and tried to go on with the play.
Just before the closet scene he was obliged
to succumb, however. The play was s!
and Miln is now suffering considerable pain.
Rich & Silber, a large dryfeooda firm ot
Milwaukee got out a warrant for the arrest
of Sarau*-1 S. Evans, their confidential clerk
on the charge of robbery. It appears that
Evans has during the past eight months car
ried away from the store valuable goods of
all kinds, including, silks, clo«ks, satina,
ctc., to the amount of over $2,000 at least
this is the amount the firm has fonnd mis
sing, to date. Evans was a young man
but recently married, and up to the middle
of last week enjoyed the full confidence of
his employers. His young wife is prostra
ted with mortification and grief.
The Ohio flood has reached Cincinnati,
and the river is higher than its been since
Small pox has appeared in the French
half-breed settlements in Manitoba.
Doctors Read and Wiley, of the Dixmont
insane asylum ut Erie, Pa., have sued the
Erie Herald for defamation of .character
laying damages at $40,000. The suit grows
out of articles published by the Herald, re
flecting on tie management of that institu
tion, based on statements of Dr. Sevin of
that city, an ex inmate of the asylum. The
management dej-y the charges, and claim
that the doctor is still deranged.
A suit is on trial at Dexter Me., to recov
er $6,000 from the estate of John
rows, treasurer of the Dexter- Savings bank
on Feb. 22, 1868, dying from. the wounds
he had received during the night. It is
Claimed that h^ killed himself, apd was a
delimiter in the amount named. The de
fense claim that he lost'his life at the hands
of the burglars.
The stock of Ransom 8toye works, Chi
cago, practically a branch of the Ransom
Stove works of Albany, recently suspended,
has been attached by the Pennsylvania Coal
company for $2,800.
Postmasters commissioned: Norman W.
Chance, Delano, Minn. William G. Savage,
Galva, Iowa. Postoffices established: Gal
va, Ida county, Iowa Ivy, Polk county,
New 5-cent nickels, so perfectly gold
washed as to deceive any ignorant person
and pass readily among them for new $5
gold pieces were discovered Monday.
Xavanausih's tesiimony at Dublin, on
Saturday is felt to be conclusive. Little
can be added to it, a* the crown will not ac
cept the evidence of the actuat participants
Kavanaugh's evidence makes it certain that
Burke was first murdered aud that the plot
was primarily against him. As the exam
ination progressed the prisoners appeared
in sheer desperation.. Not one of them
looked toward the court except Hanlon.
On Kavanaugh's identifying De'aney and J.
Carey, the latter of whom he said he knew
well, there was such a commotion in court
that the magistrate threatened to clear it.
Brady afterward recovered his composure
and endeavored to smile. The prisoners
evidently feel that the game is up. All ol
them now exhibit a defiant demeanor ex
cept James Carey, who sat motionless,
gazing fixedly at the bench. The others
moved about, held whispered conferences,
and sometimes laugh at any incident.
Fred Archer, the jockey, was married las
week to Miss Nellie Dawton, the daughter
of the well-known trainer. The event was
celebrated at Newmarket with imposing cer
emonies. Te'egrams were re eived without
number from the British nobility and gen
tlemen of the turf. Lord Hastings presented
a roasted ox to the poor, and tbe bride
groom accompanied it by a gift of 1,000
ioaves of bread and 1,000 pints of beer.
The Russian minister of war was recently
advised that nihilists ideas possessed officers
of the army to the Caucassm. A strict in
quiry having proved the correctness of the
information, the incriminated persons have
been arrested. Positive signs of disaffection
are reported among the Ural cossacks.
The court house bodrds selected from mu
nicipaliites in Manitoba resumed control of
all the judicial buildings in the province.
For.uerly the government controlled them.
Hon. J. S. McDonald, member of the les
is'ative council ot NoVa Scotia, has
been dis
qualified and foiced to vacate his seat in the
council, he having become a bankrupt.
Lady Blandford has obtained a decree of
divorce against the marquis of Blandford,
oldest son of the Duke of Marlborough, for
misconduct with Lady Aylestord.
Maj. Maginnis, delgate from Mon
tana, has been invited to deliver the ora
tion at the grand reunion of the society of
the Army of the Potomac to be held in
Washington in May next. William M.
Evarts was spoken of as tbe orator of the
ocrasion, but the choice of the executive
oramittee was almost unamiously in fa
vor of ore of the comrades of the society.
Mr. Maginnis hfS accepted the invitation.
In consequence of the promotion of Capt.
F. W. Benteen, Seventh cavalry, to a ma
jority, and his relief from dutv with the
general recruiting service, Lieut. W. S,
E Igerly, Seventh cavalry, has secured the
detail and the recruiting rendezvous at Cin
cinnati, Ohio, has been plaCedjUhder tiarge
until autumn, when he is likely to be trans
ferred to Boston.
Gov. E. J. Davis, ot Tex is, who died last
Wednesday, had lived in this state since
1842. In 1861 he opposed secession, wa-!
beaten, and fled to Mexico. He served as
general in the Union army, and was elected
governor of Texas in 1861. His mind was
unsettled by his defeat for congress last fall
He was fifty-five years old.
Louisa Montagu?, the $10,000 beauty, re
covered $150 from Adam Forepaugh for
breach of contract and has now sued for
damages on account of falling from the
back of an elephant while in Illinois two
years ago. She received a salary of $100
per week during her travels.
Lottie Galloway, a young and pretty Bal
timore girl, has renounced Christianity,
become a'convert to the Hebrew faith, left
her parents, taken the same of Lillenthil,
aud gone to live with her rabbi's family.
The next of kin of the late Mrs. Millard
Fillmore are trving to break her will, by
which about 200,000 is given to variotts char
itable societies. The attack is made by
three first cousins of Mrs-. FillClore.
Gen. James Watson Webb, the New York
journalist, celebrated.his eighty-first birth
day last Thursday.
William Wordsworth, the last surviving
son of the poet is dead.
Frank James Says tte Was Never in
Kansas City Special: The announcement
that Gov. Chittenden has refused to honor a
requisition from the governor of Minnesota
lor Frank James has caused considerable
talk in county official circles here. The
governor of that state basej his acion upon
the supposed connection of Frank James
with the baud of robbers who made the dis
astrous raid upon the North field bank. A
reporter visited Frank James in his cell at
Independence, and bad an extended conver
sation with the famous prisoner.
"I am not 1.1 all afraid to return to Minne
sota," said James, "if they will only give
me a fair show and honest trial. I was
never in Minnesota in my life, and its all
uonsense about trying to connect me with
the Northfield robbery."
'*Do you know upon what testimony the
requisition was issued?"
"Not in detail, but I understand both the
Fords and Dick Liddell are the witnesses
the officers rely upon for testimony to con
vict me."
Gov. Crittenden states he can not deliver
the prisoner until the disposal of the indict
ments pending in Missouri.
Financial ReYiew
The Financial and Commercial Chronicle
in its review of the financial situation for
the week says:
There is little change to note in
the situation this wiek. Almost all inter
eats continue to an extent disturbed by the
agitation of the tariff revision in congress,
by the neglect to decrease taxation and by
the determined opposition which is mani
fested to- the suspension of the coinage of
the silver dollar. The December returns of
our foreign trade indicate in export in
month of about $93,000,000, and yet prices
were all very low and the movement of
corn and provisions by no means equal to
that of 1881 or of previous good year.". As
to the stock market, it has shown some
slight improvement during the week, es
pecially in tone. The market appears to be
largely oversold, and as it is in the power of
the cliques to sharply advance it at any
time, the speculators for a decline may,
temporarily at least, abandon their efforts
to depress prices. An influence helping the
late decline of many properties has been the
loss in earnings reported by the western and
northwestern roads. From our usual
monthly review of earnings it appears that
tbe loss is confined to that section almost
wholiy, aad that nearly all other roads
reporting show a surprising increase. Al
together the reported earnings give no en
couragement to the idea that tbe
roads will not be able to maintain their
financial position.
Extra Charges to Shippers.
The Northwestern Railroad company an
nounces that when sfcipperajof agricultural
implements wish a car to stop and unload
enroute, an extra charge of $5 for each stop
will be made. The time allowed to un
load will be two days, an extra charge of $5
for each additional dav.
2 The county attorney of Winona county
has written to the attorney general inquir
ing whether, under the law, a town treas
urer is entitled to aper centum on money
in the treasury which he receives from his
predecessor, or only such funds as are re
ceived during his term. The decision of
the attorney general says: Section 83 page
178. General Statutes 1878, fixe* tbe fees of
town treasurers,
in my opinion,
not apply to money received by him from
his predecessor. His fees are to be compu
ted "on all moneys paid into the town
treasury." The money he receives from his
predecessor has already been paid into such
treasury, and the delivery of the money
from one costedlan to another cannot tie
cor sidered a pew payment-
Tuesday, February 0.
Senate.—The senate devoted the day to
eeneral discussion of the woolen schedule.
Ferry made a significant remark to the ef
fect that the senate might as well consider
the pest route bill, since no tariff bill could
be passed vt this session. He thought this
was the opinion of the country as well as of
himself. Other republican members of the
finance committee dissented from this view.
Later in the afternoon eulogies were deliv
ered on the late Represent tives Hawk and
Updegraff. The only change in the woolen
schedule were some changes in classification,
which made a moderate reduction in the
rate of duty.
HOUSB.—Another day has been frittered'
away in the house, with no substantial re
sult beyond clearing the docket of a duty to
two dead congressmen, the late representa
tives Updegraff of Ohio and Hawk of Illi
nois. ft was perhaps just as well as devo
tine the same time to anvthing else. It is
the live congressman wno is more the
way of necessary legislation.
An effort was made by Mr. Haskell to
bring tbe latter down to business by a reso
lution providing for night sessions but the
matter went over to the committee on rules
The tariff came up in the regular order, and
the fonr paragraphs remaining of schedule
were disposed of. These referred to glass,
looking glasses and glass wares, and were
adopted without amendment not, however,
without many efforts in that direction.
Every line was con ested.
Over an hour was wasted upon the ques
tion as to whether live minutes or twenty
minutes should he allowed for debate on a
certain paragraph. The democrats asked
for twanty minutes. Judjje Kelley was will
ing to grant but five, and gained his point.
At present but tw schedules have been
agreed upon. These comprise but sixteen
pages of the biil.
Wednesday, February 7.
SENATE.—Thesenators became so inextrie
ably tangled in a discussion of the proposed
duty on woolen goods and worsteds that it
was evident that the republicans could not
agree, and a compromise was ma by pass
ing the subject temporarily and referring it
back to the committee on finance.
The most sensational processings of the
day was the placing ot books upon the free
A determined resistance of the proposition
was offered by Mr. Morrill and other New
England members, but without avail. The
amendment was carried by a majority of two
—Messrs. Ingalls and Van Wyok of the re
publicans vot'nt? for the proposition and
Mahone hot voting. No trouble was caused
by the silk suheJule. An etlort was made
to put wood pulp upon the free list but
In executive session the following nom
inations were confirmed: Commodore
Charles H. Baldwin, to be rear admiral:
Wyman Lincoln, Iowa, Indian agent at Ft.
Belknap. Prsmiasters: Louis S. Fisher
Sparta Wis Mrs. MasrieB. Aifcens, Canton,
Ddk, Charles W. Francis, Ackley, Iowa
Fayette W. Crane, Magnaleton, Iowa Rob
ert H. Spencer, Algona, Iowa Justice M.
Rhodes, Jefferson, Iowa.
HOUSE.—Mr. Bingham introduced a
bill in the house for the appoint
ment of a commission to investigate and
report what congressional legislation is
necessary to secure cheaper telegraph com
When the house took a recess an amend
ment was pending to reduce the duty on
steel ingots made by the Bessemer or any
other process, except the ucible process,
from .6 to .3 cents per ound. The evening
session was equally pro titles half an hoUr
being consumed in obtaining a quorum,
and it was aft'er 8 o'clock when the house
resolved itself into committee, the pending
paragraph being relative to Bessemer steel.
Prior to the aiiontiou oi the motion, Mr.
Ellis of Louisiana stated that he would in
sist upon the presence of a quorum during
the night sessions, as the business before the
house was too important to allow members
to neglect it. Disorder reigned all the eve
ning, and Chairman Burrows was frequent
ly compelled to interfere as speaker to re
quest gentlemen conversing to leave the hall
and retire to the cloak room.
Thursday, February 8,
SENATE.—Thesenatespent the day over the
free list. The discussion was desultory and
not specially interesting. Books, jiatuph
lets, etc., were lormerly put on the free list,
having been taken out of the dutiable list.
An attempt to put jute, which was like
wise taken off the dutiabW list the otbef
day, also on the free list, failed, so jate was
left hanging in the air.
The president tc-day sent to the senate
the following nominations of postmasters:
S. D. How, Marshall, Minn. Huttie E. Car
roll. Plainview, Minn. William Egbert
Smith, Rath City, Mont. L. H. 'Werner,
Superior, Wis. Charles W. Wood, Burling
ton, Wis.
HOCSE.—Steel railway bars, and railway
bars made in pa: of steel, were reduced to
$15 per ton. This is a reduction of $13 per
ton from the present rates.
Tbe motion to reduce was made by Mr.
Tucker last night, and modified this morn
ing by Morrison by fixing the rate at exact
ly $15 per ton.
In the meantime the friends of the re
duction were busy among embers trying
tof secure enough votes to carry the amend
ment. Conspicuous among the wwrker.?
were Messrs. Washburn and Strait. As the
question of cheap rails is regarded as lying
at the foundation of cheap transportation,
the interest of Wes'ern and Noithwesterp
members was at once en'isted on the amend
ment. The vote stood 110 to 90.
Friday, February 9.
SENATE.—A joint resolution for the aboli
tion of the fishery clauses of the treaty of
Washington and the naval appropriation bill
were reported. The bill callsfor$i5,727,434
or $900,000 more than last yeAr. The sen
ate took tip the tariff bill and continued
thereon until adjournment.
Senate received the following nominations
from the jfresident: George W. Wuerspa,
secretary of legation to ltussia Larne Peck,
New York, United Siates consul, Fort Erie
Harry P. Dill, Maine, United States consul
Guelph, Canada William White, United
States judge for the Southern district of Ohio.
Lot Wright, United States marshal for the
Southern district of Ohio. Registers of land
cilices: George A. Moses, Ironton, Mo. Sen
ion W. Switzer, Blooming, Neb. Jauies
Morvis, Valentine, Neb. Receivers of pub
lic moneys, John Q. A. Priton, Topeka,
Kas. J. Westley Tucker, Valentine, Neb.
Postmasters: James F. Parker, Pat kerburg,
Iowa George C. Hough, New Richmond,
Wis., and Edward C. Anderson, Bozeman,
House.—The committee on coinage,
weights and measures reported resolutions
declaring the suspension of silver dollar
coinage inexpedient and favoring a provis
ion for add tional vault room at some point
in the Mississippi valley. The considera
tion of the tariff bill was resumed.
Saturday, February 10.
SENATE.—After a brief executive sessioa,
Mr. Ingalls presented the credentials of
Plumb, re-elected senator from
which was read and filed.
Mr. McMillan introduced a bill for an ad
ditional justice of the supreme court of Da
Mr. Sawyer presented a remonstrance of
citizens of Wisconsin against petting lumber
on the free list.
The pension appropriation bill passed
and work on the tariff bill was resumed.
The result of the seven hours' session of
to-day was that the tobacco tax was reduced
to 8 cents a pound, and tbe tax on cigars,
cigarettes, etc, to $3 per 1,000, while salt to
be used for preservative purposes was practi
cally placed on the free list with the under
standing that there should be another vote
on the proposition to put all salt on the free
Then the senate came out of the commit
tee ol the whole, wherein all the ariff debate
yet had occurred, and proceeded to vote on
the several amendments adopted in the
committee of the whole.
To tbe senate bank tax amendment Piatt
of Connecticut proposed an amendment in
the interest of the country banks repealing
the tax on circulation. This was defeated.
Then an amendment fixing the tax on
certain varieties of vinegar was taken up.
Tbe discussion promised to be pro'onged,
so Van Wyck carried an adjournment.
HOUSK.—After routine business the tariff
bill was taken up.
Mr. Dannell, who appeared on the floor
for the first time since the holidays, moved
to reduce the duty on cut nails and spikes
and spoke in support of bis motion, but it
Standish house, one mile nor^h of Mazeppa
burned total loss. The tenant escaned with
partial loss of furniture. This was' ohe oi
the first farm houses bgilt in that vicinity
and was a fine homestead: Loss, about
$1,000 insured for $500 in the Springfield
Fire & Marine. The wind prevented the
of the fine groye surrounding the
miscellaneous Matters.
Henry Williard the Northern Pacific
millionaire, ran away from his father's
hotne in Germanyjwhile a boyland landed
at Castle Gardeu with no friends and
but little money.
Nebraska farmers who are not able to
be fooled into sailing their corn at the
present price, 26 cents, are borrowing
monoy at 3 per cent, a month in order
to enable them to hold it until they can
get 30. Thus we see that all the finan
ciering talent of the country is not cooped
up in Wall street.
The Providence Journal says that tb~
keeper of the lights at Point Judith re
ports that at a particular place between
tne Point and Beaver Tail the paddle
strokes of a steamer become inaudible
for a moment or two hiving the impress
ion that the vessel has stopped, not
withstanding the fact that they are seen
to be revolving and had previously been
plainly heard at a longer distance.
Probably in no other city in the coun
try, unlesd it may be in New Orleans,
does the lottery flourish so luxuriantly
as in Washington, and its best patrons,
as a class, are said to be the government
clerks. "The heaviest individual buy
ers," says the Washington Star," are
principally merchants, some of whom
buy largely every month. Names of
mechanics form no small portion of the
list, and the old pensioner often tries
his luck. In a recent drawing, an in
mate of the Soldiers' home held twelve
Nothing in these degenerate days
seems safe from imitation^nsfc even a
prize beauty. Parisians have for weeks
been admiring the Hungarian Venus
who won the prize in last summer's con
test of beauty atPestli, and she has been
gathering in the shekels at a famous
rate. But now lo! Herr Szekelv, father
of the successful beauty at Pesth, writes
to the papers to say that his daughter is,
and lias been, modestly resting on her
laurels at home, with no idea of making
a public show of herself. And it leaks
out that the counterfeit Hungarian is a
native and old habitue of the Quartier
The Chinese Recorder, an English
publication, gives an extract from the
running account kept with the gods by
one Li-Chung Tsung, which is unique in
the annals of book-keeping. On the
debit side are the entries: "For being
variance with my brothers through lis
tening to mv wile's talk, 1000 for undu
litul treatment of my wife's parents, 100
for smoking opium ten times, 10." The
numbers indicate, of course, so many
black marks. Per contra on the credit
side of the account is given: "For bury
ing a poor friend at my expense, 1000
for carefully nursing my sick mother, 30
for making my wife join me in meritori
ous work, 100."
A town has been laid out on the pro
posed line of the Nevada & Oregon rail
road in Nevada, of which great things
are expected. It has been christened
Belfast. An adjacent lake has been
tapped to supply the town with water,
two thousand shade trees have been
planted, a hotel is being built, together
with a blacksmith shop and store, and
several families have already taken up
their residence in the new town. There
is a tract of 150,000 acres of valley land
around Belfast which awaits occupation,
but it must be irrigated, and this is be
ing arranged for by the projectors of the
Among the many amazing things told
by Professor Langley about the sun is
that if a 3d of coal of the size of the
state of Pennsylvania, and ten feet thick,
were suddenly shovelled into the sun, it
would be used in keeping up the
energy ot the sun for just one-
mndredth part of a second. Another or
his illustrations of the sun's energy is
bis estimate that the.rainfallen Manhat
tan island for three iflontns,
ice, would fill a train extending from
Jersey City to San Francisco.
A Story for Little Children.
Virginia City Enterprise.
"Listen, my children." said a vener
able man, "and I will tell you a story,
beautiful and true. Once upon a time
there was a bad, bold robber, who had
his haunt in the wilds of a mountain. At
the foot of the mountain in
the valley, was a village. It was not
very large village, yet in it a newspaper
was printed. The robber looked upon
the editor of the newspaper as being the
chief man of the village, and thought he
must be very rich. So one dark nigh
he came down from his den in the moun
tain and stole into tbe dwelling of the
editor, and then into the room where
he slept. The editor, being a good man,
slept as soundly and sweetly as ft child
The robber searched all the place, bul
could not find the casket of gold and dia
tnonds he had supposed to be stored
up in the room. He then put his hands
in all the pockets of the clothes of the
editor, but found no money in any of
them. The robber then stood for a time
as in a stupor. He was like one awa
kened from a dream. He listened foi
some moments to the deep, regulai
breathing of the sleeping editor, and as
he stood so he began to feel sad. The
heart of the bold, bad man was touched.
Quietly he took from his purse $4.75,
placed the money in the pantaloons poc
ket of the editor, and softly Btole from
the house. In the morning, when the
editor got up and put on his panta oons
there was a jingle as of money. A look
of astonishment came in the face of the
editor. He put his hand into his pocket
and drew out the money. When lie saw
this great wealth the knees of the editoi
smote together he turned pale, fainted,
and fell to the floor, and there lay, as
one who is dead."
"Oh! oh! grandfather, did they catch
the bad roboer man and hang him OB a
"No, my dears, they did not catch the
bad, bold robber, lie is still living.
From that day he reformed, and got a
place as cashier in a big bank, where
you will be glad to hear that he is doing
well and is greatly respected by all hk
"And the poor editor maa, grand
father! What became of him?"
"Ah, yes. my darlings! I had almosl
forgotten nim. Well, when he came
out of his faint, and his eyes again sau
all the money !yin£ about tne rootr
where it had fallen, he was sorely
perplexed. At last he felt sure it had
been quietly placed in his pocket in the
night by a jreat and rich neighbor, who
owned a tan yard and *was running foi
the legislature. So for days and day
he printed in his paper whole columns
of praise of the rich neighbor, who was
elected to the office, and ever after tiie
two men were the greatest friends.
Thus, my dears, do good actions always
meet with their reward."
Generals Sherman and Sheridan.
Gen. Sheridan ha3 accepted as invitation
from District Attorney Corkhili to be pres
ent at a dinner to be given to Gen. Sher
man, to celebrate his sixty-third birthday
and his retirement from the army sometime
daring the present year. A friend of Gen.
Shennau says: "The friendship—I should
say affection—existing between Gen. Sher
man and Gen. Sheridan is closer than the
world supposes. They correspond with
each other like school-boy lovers, and are
in the closest accord in every relation. So
chivalrous is Sherman in his regard for
Sheridan that he asks, I understand, that
the law be. ameuded so that the rank of
general especially created for 8hetman at
the time of Grant's retirement, mav not
go out with hira, but that it may descend
to Sheridan. The dinner bids lair to be
one of the most enjoyable of the season.
Among the guests will be Gen. Grant,
Gen. Sheridan, Justices Waite. MjllT and
Horton and exrSecretary Blaine.
Memate, Tuesday, February Q.
Memorial relative to shear booms on
Mississippi adopted. Bills ntrodiiced: To
amend chattel mortgage law to regulate ob
taining of continuances of causes in justi
tices' courts to fix the legal rate of interest
at 7 per cent making it a misdemeanor to
pay taxes with checks on banks in which
no funds are deposited by payer to amend
the act relating to country seats repealing
the seed grain acts. providing
for punishment of persons who stop
logs of lumber belonging toothers to an
nex three townships to Atkin county to de
tach Grant from Douglas county foijudi
cial'purposes for the examination ot per
sons alleged insane extending terms of
sheriffs from two to fouryipars to amend
the law relating to railroad fences appro
priating $6,000 per year for agricultural so
House bills relating to the proposed
bridge across the Mississippi at 8t. Paul,
and authorizing the village of Ex.elsior to
issue $5,000 in bonds, were passed.
Mouse, Tuesday, February O.
A large number of petitions for a prohibi
tory liquor law were presented. Bills intro
duced: Making fraud sufficient defense in
certain cases appropriating $5,000 per an
num for the state board of immigration fix
ing the tax on insurance companies at 2 per
cent, on premiums amending statutes re
lating to fees and registers giving villages
the power to vote on license proposing an
amendment to the. constitution, making
thirty day's residence in a precinct necessary
tor qualification to vote, giving mem
bers power to administer oaths
and make acknowledgments giving
the jndge the power to determine
whether a jailor shall De employed, and his
compensation appropriating $100,000 to
finish and furnish the capitol to prohibit
minors and habitual drunkards from ob
taining liquor by false pretense amending
statutes relating to larceny acd several local
House bills passed: Relating to fraudu
lent sale of property for a township drain
age act for condemnation, etc., for drainage
relating to certificates ol conveyance rela
ting to fees in probate^courts.
Senate, Wednesday, February 7.
Bills introduced to altaw consolidation ol
the Minnesota & Northwestern railway with
any other corporation which would com
plete road making gambling punishable by
imprisonment as well, as fine, and publica
tion of notices of lottery a misdemeanor
erecting Jackson, Nobles, Rock, Pipestone,
Murray and Cottonwood into fourteenth ju
dicial district prescribing qualifications of
legal voters in school districts to be saine as
voters in general elections providing lor
choice of county superintendents by conven
tion of delegates from several districts pro
tecting the fish in the waters of the state.
House bills passed: Authorizing St. Paul
council to pay Policeman O'Connel? wid
ow $2,000 amending the act incorporating
White Bear as to scope of charter author
izing drainage of Turtle lake, Douglas coun
ty to prevent catching of fish in Prairie
lake, Dakota county, and to protect fish in
Clear lake, Waseca county. Senate bills
passed reimbursing H. T. Welles of Minne
apolis for money advanced to secure loca
tion of Milwaukee shops to
technically amend act incorpora
ting village* of Rockford, Wright co n
ty making school district No. 3.
Grant county, independent to provide for
road overseer and clerk in Glyndon, Clay
county to permit Austin, Mower county,
to issue $10,000 of bonds for bridge building
and repairing to make lien from chattel
mortgage on grain inoperative where grain
is removed from premises on which grown
(the Pillsbury bill). Reported for indefinite
postponement: Senator Peterson's bill mak
ing legal rate of interest $7 each "A
House, Wednesday, February 7
Bills were introduced: Appropriating
$2,000 for additional state institutes a fen.
eral act for the relocation of county seats
authorizing the printing of 500 copies of the
annual report ot the state Horticultural so
ciety, allowing legal notices to be published
in daily papers authorizing courts to sen
tence prisoners who plead guilty in times
when the court is not in se-sion.
The afternoon was spent in committee of
tbe whole, and a number of bills acted up
The house liad before it a ll proposing
to iise the salary of the military storekeep
er from $800 to $1,200. It met with tne
0RD0Siti0n of Mr. Child and Mi* Brown.
Mr. Speaker Fletcher, daring the progress
of the debate, took the floor, and calling up
on Mr. Burger, who was present, to stand
up, said:
"I hope tbe amendment of Mr. Child, to
make the salary $000 will pass. I want to
show you tbe man to be benefited. This
man went into the war when he was a
mere boy, and while on the battle field he
had his arm shot away^ This empty
sleeve tells the story. But'be didn't come
back home. He was promoted to a cap
taincy, lor valiant service. This man's
body is full of cold leaJ, so full that he
hardly dare go near the water for fear he
may tall in. I fhe should he would sink,
as surely as Bunker Hill monument, he's so
full of lead. Not content with shooting
parts of 'irn away, the rebels, fired a whole
oatteiy into him, and after it was all over
such fragments as could be found were
gathered together and sent home, and yon
see what is left of him. Not mnch it is
true, but I believe he should be paid for his
service, and given a salary on which he
may be able to live and support bis wife and
six children. Instead of cutting the
amount down, I should be in favor ot mak
ing the bill retroactive so that the salary of
$1,200 shall dite a year back since his service
commenced» I wasn't a soldier mvse f, and
perhaps wasn't a coward. But I'll admit I
was a little timid about that time, but I'm
in favor, and always have been in lavor of
seeing the wounded veterans well cartd for."
There was some further discussion on the
bill and it was favorably acted upon by the
Senate, Thursdayi February 8.
Senator Pillsbury, at the request of the
governor, introduced a bill appropriating
$5,000, a portion of which can be used by the
state board of health in the suppression and
quarantining small pox now existing in the
northern part of the state, and especially in
the unorganized counties of Cass ard Itasca.
Senator Castle introduced three bills on
behalf of the committee on elections. The
bills cover. the recommendations as to bi
enial elections made by the governor in
his message, and provide for the submission
to the people of constitutional amendments
as follows:
To provide that all general elections shall
be held biennial, and on the even years as
it is upon them that congressional elections
To fix the close of all terms of office atthe
'.first Monday in January.
To fix the terms of the state auditor and
the clerk of the snpreme court (now three
years) at two years.
To reduce the terms of offiees of all judges
of tbe supreme and district courts from seven
to six years, and to provide that the terms of
county clerks of courts &hall remain four
To provide that officers whose terms are
fixed at two years, and who shall be elected
this fall, shali bold until the first Monday in
January, 1887, so that all terms of like offices
shall commence and end on the same dates
The constitution is so worded that the
five separate propositions most be voted for
specifically, on one ballot, ot course, and
this at the election next foil. As will be
noted, the changes, in brief, are to make
elections biennial and the terms two, four
and six years in length, respectively.
House, Thursday, February 8.
Mr. Child's joint resolution proposing the
forfeiting of the swamp land grants, the
conditions of which have not been complied
with, which was indefinitely postponed yes
terday, was reconsidered yesterday and re
committed to the committee of the
whole. Gentlemen who opposed it have
since found merit in it.
Bills passed amending the charter of the
city of New Ulm: legalizing the record of
ceitain certificates amending general stat
utes relating to oflisial trusts legalizing ac
knowlegments heretofore taken amending
statutes enlarging powers and privileges of
corporations enlarging the powers of the
ublic examiner in regard to the sureties on
giving board of auditors authority to
ca'l for
new boad Irom .depositories of the
state funds relating to the frandnlent sale
of mortgaged property: (Dilly's bill) provid
ing for the vacation of land leases aner the
buildings thereon have been
desroyed authorizing mutual insur
ance companies to do business
with $60,0J0 tit their capital stock in notes
for the drainage of shallow and grassy and
meandering lakes prescribing the form and
custody of official bonds increasing tbe
salary of the military storekeeper to$l.-
including burdock and wild mustard
among the plants it shall be unlawful to
peimiLta grow repealing t^§ law creating
olSoe ofdisfrict attornc^ln tne twelfth judi
cial district: appropriating $100,000 to fin
ish and furnish the state capitol appropri
ating $5,000 for two years for the purposes
of the state board or immigration: to legal
ize certain conveyances recorded in ether
Senate, Friday, February 9,
The senate passed the Yellowstone resolu
tion by a large majority.
Senator Holister amended his bill for reg
ulating the practice of medicine by substi
tuting the faculty of the medical department
of the state university as
an examining board
in lieu of the state board of health.
Senator Clarke's joint resolution, calling
upon congress to settle immediately the
vexed question of railroad indemnity lands,
met with almost universal approbation.
Senate bills passed:—Removing the limit
of capital of incorporations.
Appropriating $12,531.05 for defraying
expenses of Cox impeachment trial hereto
fore unprovided for.
Making paupers a town charge in Doaglas
Authorising commissioners in counties
which are partially unorganized to appoint
assessors and road overseers in unorganized
Providing that guardians shall, within
three months after appointment, file sched
ule of all property in their charge.
Providing for confinement of inebriates in
the second hospitals for the insane, the per
sons, before confinement, to be examined
by a jury composed of three reputable phys
Providing for contest of election in local
offices, in same manner as provided for
connty and state officers.
Providing|for appointment of court report
ers in counties of more than 5,000 inhabi
Paying J. M. Greenman $129 for services
in recording testimony in case in disbarment.
Adjourned to Tuesday.
House, Friday, February 9.
The memoral of L. K. Stannard, and
others for back tees as officers of the Taylor's
Falls land office was indefinitely postponed.
appropriating $5,000 to prevent the spread
of tbe small pox authorizing Minneapolis
to pay H. T. Welles $15,000, for money ad.
vanced to pay the bonus .to secure the Mil
waukee & St.. Paul shops.
Mr. Collins introduced an important bill,
proposing an amendment to Art. 13 of the
constitution, adding a new section, which
shall read as follows:
Judges may be removed from office by
concurrent resolution of both house.« of tbe
legislature, if two-thirds of the members
elected to each house concur therein, but no
such removal sball be made except upon the
charges which shall be entered upon the
journals of both houses, nor until the par
ty charged shall have had notice thereof and
an opportunity to be beard.
The senate bill appropriating $5,000 for
the use of the state board of health in check
ing the spiead ot the small pox plague in
the northern counties was reported ick
with an amendment, providing that it
should be applicable to the work in Cacs,
Aitkin and Itaska counties. This iuet with
more or lesa opposition from membfrs who
believed that tbe board should use it when
ever necessity might occur. The amend
ment was accordingly stricken out, and as
amended the bill was passed. It was im
mediately sent to the senate where the
amendment was concurred in.
The remainder of the session was spent in
committee of tbe whole, Mr. Morris in the
chair, and all tbe bills or general order rec
ommended to pass, except tbe prohibition
constitutional amendment, for the taxation
of railroad lands, increasing the clerk hire
of the public exaihiner and fixing tbe liabil
ity of railroad corporations for the negli
gence of employes, and the Wilson amend
ment prohibiting the issue of bonds to aid
railroads on which progress was reported.
Tbe house then adjourned until 2 p. m.
on Monday.
Minnesota Agricultural Society.
The society met in St. Paul last week. The
committee on credentials reported the fol
lowing counties represented:
Blue Earth, 1 Waseca, 2 Rice, 4 Agri
cultural Association of Northfield, 3 Scott
and Carver, 3 Mississippi Valley association,
1 slower, 1 Fillmore, 2 Becker, 2 Scott,
2 Faribault, 2 Ramsey, 3 DakoU, 2 Hast
ings association, 3 Olmsted, 3 Chisago and
Pine. 4 State Horticultural society. 5 Can
non Valley association, 3 Yellow Medicine,
1 Wright, 2 Lyon, 2 Nicollet, 3 Pipestone,
2 German Agricultural Society of Ramsey,
3 Dodge, 1 Soutbern Minnesota Fair asso
ciation, 3 Amber Cane association, 1.
There were discrepancies in the report of*
the secretary and treasurer.
A committee of five was appointed to iu
vestigate the alleged discrepancies, and fhe
appointment of the committee was left to
the chairman himself, whose general man
agement of the finance had been no serious
ly called in question. The president ap
pointed as a committee to examine ac
counts: E. T. Brgbam, John Byers, J. H,
Stephens, D. H. Randall, H. Baker.
The following officers wefe electeds
President, Clark W. Thompson ^irst Vice
President, John Byers Second Vice Presi
dnt, M, J. Myers Third Vice President,
M. S. Converse Fourth Vice President, J.
G. Bass Secretary, R."C. Judson Treasurer,
J. Wilcox.
A. O. U. W. of Minnesota and Dakota
The grand lodge of A. O. U. W. finished
their labors at St. Paul Thursday and left
for their homes, to return to St. Paul next
.year, that city being fixed upon as the
place of their meeting. The grand officers
elected were: Master workman, C. H. Rob
ert'- foreman, D. E. Vance overseer, E. H.
Stevens trustee, J. W. Soule medical di
rector, Talbot Jones recorder, Willi Che
ney receiver, J. J. McCardy guide. W. S.
Branch watchman, H. S. Burch represen
tatives to supreme lodge, A. H. Levi, J. M.
Neye, Thomas Presnell.
Richard A. Pierce, Supposed to Have
Been Murdered in St. Paul Still
On the 1st day of January last, St. Paul
was horrified with the announcement tbat
Richard A. Pierce a young man of respect
able connections and presumably faultless
character, had been waylaid and
foully murdered al midnight on tbe
railroad track near elevator "A" on the
upper levee. The circumstances were ap
parently conclusive that while on his way
home, he had been waylaid, robbed, and
cruelly murdered by midnight assassins.
The estimable father of the young man
confessed that he had no doubt his son had
been murdered and that his body was under
the ice.
Thus has the suspense continued until last
Saturday morning, when Mr. Phillip Haas,
lawyer, returned to St. Paul from Grand
Rapids, Itasca county, on the line of the Du
luth railroad, and reported to Mr.
Pierce, father of the young man, that his
son was alive and welt. That he had been
seen and that his version had been ?iven of
the supposed murder.
Pierce stated to Mr. Haas that after leaving
the Sioux City freight house New Year's
night, he proceeded up the track tbat he
had only proceeded a short distance when
be was attacked by two men, one of whom
he recognized an old enemy, a man for
merly employed at the freight depot, and
wish whom he had trouble. That a Strug
gle ensued during which he, Pierce, was cut
in tbe arm and back.
That he, Pierce, stabbed one of his assail
ants, who feil as if killed. Alarmed at the
thought that he had been guilty of a murder,
that under the impulse of the moment, he
made up his mind that flight was the only
way out of the difficulty.
Then he took off his coat and tore out his
shirt sleeve, with which he staunched the
blood from his wound.
That fearing he would be apprehended
for murder, he jumped into a passing train
and left the city, seeking tbe lumber camp,
where he was found and where he is now
supposed to be. Mr. Haas slates that
Pierce met the men in Minneapolis on
Jan 1. That they played pool and had a
fuss which was renewed on the train. Tbat
they followed him onto the track where the
trouble took place, and that supposing he
had killed one of them he fled.
Jane W.. widow of William A. Helt, of
Lake City, has been granted a pension of
eight dollars per month, dating from April
25, 1881, the time of her husband's death.
She had also been allowed an arrearage of
pension due
her husband, amounting to $728.
A bill las been introduced in the Minne
sota house appropriating $100,000 to com
plete the state capitol. Tbis,^withthe $60»*
000 appropriated early in
Charles Reed, foremiui in tbe Manitoba
railroad yard at Minneapolis, fw crushed
to death by cap* ?n Tuesday.
The Main Edifice Burned-ljOM Abonfc
$40,000—'To be Rebuilt.
On Wednesday morning 7th, Hamline un
iversity, located at the junction of College
avenue and the Manitoba road and
distant about two miles from the limits
of 8t. Paul and Minneapolis suffered a se
vere loss by the burning of the principal edi
fice. A student named Spaulding in going
from Vine President Chaffee's house to the
hall discovered smoke coming out of a cu
pola, and at once gave the alarm. The re
sources of he college consisted of two Bab
cock extinguishers, one pump, and a supply
of water buckets with water barrels
on each floor which proved of little account.
The cause of the fire is not definitely
known to the people around, but it is sup
posed to have caught fiom a defective chim
ney located in the center of tbe l~uilding,
east of the main entrance. The progress of
the fire was slow as it worked downward.
Tne roof, spreading on each s:de from the
spot where it was first noticed. Tbe floors
below then went one it a time, the reception
room floor falling at 11:45. cleaning out all
tbe space below, leaving only pieces of steam
pipes and heaters to sbow where the floors
The total less is about $35,000, of which
two-Jhirds is probably covered by insur
ance. The students, young "adies as well as
men, did all that human power could to
save proparty from the burning building,
and were successful to a surprising degree.
In the evening the directors held a
meeting and at its close
Bishop Foss said that the library and nearly
all the furniture and effects of tbe students
and Professors bad been removed from the
building, and with the exception of damage
by breakage were not injured. The ladies'
hall, which is not all occupied, would be
arranged so tbat recitations and^ studies
would comru* nee Thursday morning and
the regular routine move on without delay.
Plans for rebuilding will be adopted imme
A new church, called the Atlantic Con
gregational church has been organized in
St. Paul.'
4 Tbe legislature has accomplished more
work than usual at this stage of the session.
About 400 bills have been introduced.
Articles of incorporation have been en
tered into by O. D. Ford of Maz?ppi, W.
Campbell, A. D. Soulhworth. O. H. Porter
of Wabash, and L. H. Hamason of Roches
ter. under the name and title of the Waba
sha Foundry & Machine company, with a
capital of $25,000, to go into effect March 1,
Judge J. W Tyson, one of the pioneer
residents ot the new town of San Diego, Cal.,
died in tbat place Jan. 20. Judge Tyson
practised law in Wabasha twenty years ago.
Ex-Gov. and Mrs. Armstrong have gone
to Hot Springs in Arkansas fo-r a stay of
five or six weeks.
A brakeman named Thomas E. (Jrisc wa*
run over and killed near tbe water tanks at
Delado. He motioned to the engineer to
back up, and standing between the rails, at
tempted to step on the akeofthe tender as
it was moving towards him, as the train men
often do, and missed his hold or step.' and
fell, the wheels passing over him, and was
instantly killed.
J. N. KelJv of Owatonna has a silo which
proved a success. Frank D. Holmes of that
place will nuild one of 150 tons this spring.
Senator-elect Sabin wasbanquetted at Min
neapolis on Friday night, and made a short
Quite general ii the complaint through
out the sta'.e of the wells drying u-\ prob
ably on account of the extreme cold weather
Commissioner Sweeney, of the State Fish
hatchery, reports that 250,000 white fish
eggs were placed in the St. Croix at Taylor'?
Falls. A like number have been placed in
Lake Madison, near Mankato, with the a
sistance of Hon G. C. Burt. The St. Croix,
at tbe mouth of Willow river, lias received
250,000, placed with the assistance of H. W
Jones. The balance (500,000) pf tbe 6 000
000 whitefish eggs were placed in ako Min
netonka. The brook trout that have just
finished hitching will be placed in the
brooks of Southern Minnesota upon the
opening of spring.
Articles of amendatory of the original arti
cles incorporating the Winona Piow com
pany of Winona, Minn., have been filed with
th# secretary of state. The capital stock wss
increased to $100,000, and the limit o,f in
"debtedness placed at three-fifths of the
paid up capital.
Bitter Dread.
Complaint is frequently made by those who
use baking powders that they leave in bread,
biscuit, or cake raised by 'hem a disagrees Ve,
bitter taste. This taste follows the use oral!
impure baking powders, and is caused either
by their containing alum (introduced to make
a cheap article), by the impure and adulter
ated character of other ingredients used, or
from the ignorance ol their manufacturers of
the proper methods of combining them.
These baking powders leave in the bread a
residuum formed of lime, earth, alum, or
other deletorious matte s, not always, though
frequently, tastable in the food, and by all
physicians classed as injurious to health.
The Royal Baking Powder is free from this
serious defect. I its Kse no residuum is left,
and the loaf raised by it is always sweet, light
and whole3oine, and noticeably free from the
peculiar taste complained of. The reason ot
this is because it is composed of nothing but
absolutely pure materials, scientifically com
bined in exactly the proper proportions of
acid and alkali to act upon and destroy each
other, while producing the largest amount ol
raising power. We are justified in tkis asser
tion from tbe unqualified statements made by
thegovernmentchemists, who alter thortmgh
and exhaustive tests recommended the'
al" for vernmental use because of its super
iority over all others in purity, strength and
wholesomenesi. There is no danger of bitter
bread or biscuit where it alone is used.
The Disastrous Flood at Cincinnati
The Chicago Tribune's Cincinnati special
says: The Ohio river is still rising, and fears
of the most serious consequences are snread,
ing over the city. The news from Ports
mouth, Ironton and Catlettsburg is that the
river is still rising at these points as rapidly
as it is here. Fiom a feeling that tbe flood
would prove but an incidental matter, peo
ple have come to regard it with the grave
apprehensions, 'fhe inundated portion of
the ci:y comprises a strip seven miles in
length and from two five squares *n width.
A raging torrent is flowing along Water
street. North Front street is three feet under
water, and the water is knee deep in places
on Second street.
Every available team and man has been
pressed into service in removing goods.
Only one engine at the water works can
be used, and tbe superintendent hai cau
tioned the people regarding tbe waste of
water. The gas company has stopped oper
ations, and as soon as the gas in one small
retort is exhausted the city will be in dark
There is a tremendous demand for lamps
and candles, as the supply of gas will fail
entirely before morning. The newspapers
will issue small editions, for the reason tbat
they cannot get their papers to readers out
side of the city.
A family on Front street was found
perched upon chairs and tables on thesecond
iloor. Tbey had gone to bed feeling secure,
and when they awoke found the room fill
ing with water, and all means of escape, ex
cept by skiff, cut off. There is no communi
cation at all between Covington and New
port, and before morning it will not be pos
sible to reach the suspension bridge except
by a skiff ride of nearly a quarter of a mile.
Good business men who are not sema
tional say the damage by the present over
flow of the Ohio river in Cincinnati, New
port and Covington will amount to mill
The coal fleets are believed to be safe.
They are guarded by steamer? ready to ren
der assistance if the line parts, but if the
wind rises it is not thought any will be
saved. Advices from above indicate that
the line will continue at least twenty-four
hours. The Commercial Ga
zette's special reports three
inches gain at Parkersburg, and rising the
Little Kanawha rising one inch hourly
Marietta, two and one-half inches rain,
rising slowly Portsmouth, heavy rain for
twenty-four hoars closing at upon river
rising slowly, one foot higher than Friday
night, and rising two -inches an hour.
Manv business houses have cellars flooded.
The excitement continues, tbe stage of water
is taken half-hourly and bulletined at the
newspaper offices. Crowds are still going
meet emergencies, makes nearly fooO.UUO r—
appropriated in all, and is believed to fur
nish all the money needed to finish and
famish this building.
the water's edge where workmen are busy
removing goods. Thelast rise is in the na-
ture of a surprise to many but if it had not
been, it was impossible in the short time
to get goods out of danger.
The Ohio is-ixty-four feet four inches
rising an inch and a.hall hourly. This is half
an inch above tbe great rise of 1817. Since
9:80 the weather his been clear
It Is'Simply a Very Artistic and Dec
orative Fresco.
[Lucy H. Hooper in Chicago Tribune.
But, to return to the question oi
French politeness, it is very charming
it is a fresco merely, but the fresco is
very artistic and decorative. The grace
and courtesy of manner that surround
one on every side in Paris add a very
positive charm to existence. French
politeness is largely made up of little
things, an attention to the minutiae oi
social intercourse, a strict observance ol
certain rales of etiquette, and a chartn
of manner that is perfectly irresistible.
Add to this a vast amount of tact, which
prevents any rubbing the wrong
of undue susceptibilities, and the casual
observer will very readily comprehend
how delightful a race this is to live
amongst. A Frenchman's devotion to
the rules of etiquette is really extraor
dinary he would consider himself a
brute did he appear without gloves in a
lady's presence, or go to make an eve
ning visit in any costume save full eve
ning dress, or fail to lift his hat in pass
ing an unknown lady on the staircase or
in the hall of a house at which he
chanced to be visiting. You may be
perfectly sure that on any occasion or in
any circumstance he will do the correct
But where French politeness shows its
fresco-like thinness is in the practical
side of the quality. The fine chival
rous devotion of American manhood to
ward the weaker sex is not only wholly
lacking in Paris, but is replaced by an
aggressive and selfish rudeness in manj^
instances that is well-nigh unbearable to
an American woman. In proportion as
the Frenchman's house manners are
charming, his street manners are de
plorable. The most elegan: dandy that
ever paced the boulevards will not hesi
tate to thrust a woman out of his way on
the narrow sidewalk.
If he push her into the gutter, so
much the better for him and so much
the worse for her. He will elbow and
shove without mercy a party of ladies at
the entrance ol a crowded theatre, using
his superior strength, not to protect
them, but to throw them out oft lie
way. If a lady drops her parasol or her
handkerchief on a crowded thorough
fare no man will stop to pick it up tor
her. That is her business, and if the
male passers by refrain from treading on
the object it is as much as can be expec
ted of them. I once saw an American
ladv hale a cab on the Rue de Paix. As
.t drew up to the sidewalk two well
dressed Frenchmen thrust themselves
front of her, got into the cab, and
drove off" in triumph. During the severe
winter of some seasons ago I
repeatedly A
saw ladies slip and fall on the icy pave
ments on the crowded boulevards, and
never once did I eee a man amongst the
passers-by stop and extend a hand to
help the sufferer to rise.
Another subtle form of rudeness among
our French friends is the failure to an
swer letters. I do not mean mere notes
or letters of inquiry on subjects inter
esting to the writer merely, but actual
business communications of a certain
amount of importance. Another very
annoying lack of courtesy is to be found
in their want of punctuality, even in
matters of business. And I have yet to
come in contact in American society
with a stratum low enough to furnish
would act after the fol­
lowing fashion: An American lady
once got up in Paris a soiree mnsicale of
some importance—a private allair, ad
mission being gained by invitat on only.
She hired for the occasion a small con
cert hall belonging to one of the leading
teachers of singing in Pari3. This hail
had two proscenium boxes, which ths^*
hostess wished to reserve for some par
ticular friend of her own. There being
no lock on the boxes, she affixed a pla
card to each door, bearing the name o?
the person for whom the box was in
tended and as an additional measure ol
percaution, she tied a ribbon across each
door. A
of French titled person­
ages, for whom invitations had been re
quested by ail mitmate friend—individ
uals'of undoubted birth, and breeding
social standing—arrived
hall, broke the ribbon and tore off the
plac ird from one box. When the hostess
went to remonstrate one of the panv, r»
viscount of a lofty name and long
pediaree, shut the box-door in her lace.
I add no comment on this incident,
which I know to be true, having learned
tiie facts from the lady who gave the
FLOUE—Quotations: Patent", Orango Blossons*
3'(.5n: K'-d Cross, straights $5.75 "Capitol"family,
*5 XXXX, bak**rs', $4: in bbls 25c extra: out
side brands, '25@50c per blil less, accordine to
quality. Buckwheat flour, $fi(g(.50 jier bhi. Ilv
Sour, $4&4.25 per bbl. Graham. $4.50^5 -5
per bbl.
WHEAT—Market quiet and steady at unrhanco'l
quotations. Fresh receipts limited. No. 1 hard,
1.11: spot and ail th* mouth: March, $1.12: ApriI,
*1.13 May, fl.lli: No. 1, $1.05 No. 2 hard.
$1.0t No. 2. $1 No. 3. 90c. Sales: 7,000 bu
Xo. 1 hard, in store, $1.14.
COBN—Receipts and offerings light. No. 2 lower
in bids, and new mixed lower in asking figures.
Qnotntions: No, 2 mixed, 38cbid,40c asked new, jJ
mixed, 37c bid,
OATS—Askintr prices were higher on light eupi.ly,
and bids for white showed advancf". Market quiet.
Quotations: No. 2 mixed, 38c bid, 4c a-kod No.
3, mixed, 37c bid No. 2 white 39}£c bid, 4-C
asked No. 3 white, 38*20 bid: rejected, 38c No.
2 mixed. May, 40c bid. Sales, 1 car No. 3 mixed,
BAKliEY—Firm at unchanged figures, on good de
mand and lieht offerings. No.2, 70c extra No. 3,
57c No. 3,50a
FLOUB—Market firm and quiet, with moderate
local production. Quoted at £0.25(?G.75 for pat
ents straights, $5.50(*$i.25 clears, $5fi?5.5u low
grades, 82.25(^3.25 or bbl.
MliliSTUFFS—Bran was higher, ¥8.50 bid, with
'•ales at $8.75. Some dealers asked $9 for bulk.
Sacked was held at s£[email protected] coarse raea!
nominal at [email protected]. Mixed fred sold at
£[email protected] for choice ciiy ground, f. o. b. South
ern brings $18i?19.50, accoreing to qualify.
WHEAT—Thn dealings comprised a few sample
and a few grade cars. Holders made some effort
to advance prices to $1.13 for No. 1 hard, but
flually had to abandon it and accept the figure of
Saturday, $1.12, for single car lots. Tiiira were
some round lots offered on the basis of $1.13 for
No. 1
hard, but at that figure buyers held off.
here were sales of car lots in A at $1.12, and in
13 at $1.12. Something like a dozen cars of eample
heat so!d at prices rabging from 80c for r^j cteU
to $1.08 for No. 1. Following were bidders' prices
on'change: No. 1 hard, $1.12: No. 1 Northern,
$1.08 No. 1 Southern, $1.03/51.04 No. 2 bard,
$1.08: No. 2 Northern, $1.04: No. 2 Southern,
$1^1.02. The feeling was steady, but rather moro
firmness was manifested than on Saturday, 'l'iiere
wero bidders at $1.15I2for May, but as there was
no offers to sell brought out. there was nothinz
spirited in the bidding to show how -high buvers
would go for that future. Stocks are rapid!v de
preciating and there must soon be an improvement
in the receipt?, or before the end of the currant
month some mills wiil probably have to shut dowu
to wait for supplies of wheat to arrive.
CORN—Tne corn market was steady and quiet:
49c was the price asked for spot corn. There wero
buyers at 48%c 49?£c was bid for March: 51c foi
Aoril, and 53c for May.
OATS—37he bid for No. 2 In store 38&c for
white, and 35c for rejected, all by grade.
RYE—54c bid for No. 2.
BAKI-EV—Nomiual at 45@55c for No. 3.
HAT- Was very Arm at $9.50 bid for good wild.
CHICAGO MARKET—Flour, firm and unchanged.
Buyers and sellers are apart. Wneat, lower and
quiet regular, $1.05# 1.05 February $1.0536
March $1.00)6, April $1.1154f«l.ll%May: No.
2 Chicago spring, Sl.OSigl.OS^ No. 3 Chicago
spring, 88Hc No. 2 red winter, $1.0634(^1.07.
Corn, quiet and easier 55%@55%c cash aud Feb
ruary 653t'*5536c March: 5?Ji( Mav. Oats,
quiet and a shade higher 37%c cash 373j(377g
February 38c March April 403gc
May 393i June. Bye, firm at 64c. Barley, quiet
at 82@83c. Flax seed, firm and unchanged at
$1.25/& 1.30 on track. Dressed hogs, qniet lizht,
[email protected] heavy, $7.50(Ji7.55. Pork, in fair
demand and closed easy: $18.20 cash and Febru
ary $18.2256f?18.25 March $18.37V518.40
April $18.52)6® 18.55 May $18.05®38.07^
June $18.70^518.75 July. Lard, higher:$11.321a
cash aud February $11.^40(^11.42 March $11.5U
April $11.62}&@ll.t>3 May and June. Bulk
meats, in fair demand shoulders, $6.90 shgrt
ribs, $8 65: do clear, $9.65. Butter, firm and
unchanged. Whisky, steady and unchanged at $1.16.
Call—Wheat advanced MC. Corn advanced He.
Oats, quiet and unchanged. Pork, irregular at
$18.0712^18.10 February. $18.20 March,
£18.35® 18.3756: April, $18.5756 May. $18.65(3
18.0712 June. Lard, firmer and not quotab'y
higher. Receipts—Flour, 10,000 bbls wheat,
15,000 bu corn, 155,000 bu oats, 39,000 bu
rye. 7,500 bu barley, 20.000 bu. 8hiuments—
Flour, 325 bbls wheat, 3,1 OObu corri. 6,000 bu
oats, none rye, none barley, 5,000 bu.
MILWAUKEE MARKET—Flour in fair demand.
Wheat irregular Na.2 hard, $1.17 No. 2. $1.05:
February, $1.04 March, $1.05&: A pril, $1.06*3
May, $1.11% No. 3, 87c Na 4, 72s. Corn duil
No. 2,56c rejected, 4834c. Oats scarce and firm
er Na 2. 38c bid white, 40%c. Bye dull No.
1. 61c No. 2, 58&C. Barley dull No. 2,75c:
extra No. 3, 54*20 bid. Proviefons steady mess
pork, $18.20 cash and February $18-40 Marco.
Lard, prime steam, $11.35 cash and February:
$11.45 March. Dressed hogs in fair demand at
$7.40(^7.50. Butter quiet and dull. Cheeeeqoiet.
Eggs, fresh scarce and wanted. Receipt*—Flour,
950 bbls wheat, 2,925 bu barley, 3,490 bu.
Mr. Dana, ot the mew York Sun, is
said bjr a correspondent of the Atlanta
Constitution to be worth $1,000,600
bu newspaper stock.

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