OCR Interpretation

The Bemidji pioneer. [volume] (Bemidji, Beltrami County, Minn.) 1896-1917, June 25, 1896, Image 2

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059048/1896-06-25/ed-1/seq-2/

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Wu ffewidj i taw.
KDW. KAISER & CO. I'uMIihie.-a
The winter of 1895-90 will be rec
orded as the best cattlemen in West
ern South Dakota have ever experi
enced. Cattle are in splendid con
dition now, when they would be thin
if at all. Grass has an early start,
and the indications are that the beef
shipping season will open much earlier
than usual.
The Maldivian Islanders eat alone.
Before a meal they retire to the most
secluded spot they can find and eat
with drawn blinds or surrounded by
a screen. The explanation of this pre
caution is more likely to be fear than
modesty. In days gone by the savage
no doubt concealed himself lest some
man stronger than he should snntcb
hi8 hard-earned food away.
Switzerland, France, Belgium, Great
Britain, Germany and Italy have been
admitted to the benefits of the new in
ternational copyright law. For an
American to secure copyright In Great
Britain the title must be entered at
Stationer's hall, London, the fee for
which Is five shillings, and the work
must be published in Great Britain
simultaneously with Its publication la
the United States.
The great bustard is the rarest bird
that comes under the head of game.
This bird formerly haunted all the
level counties of England, and was
particularly common on Salisbury
plain. From the reign of Henry VIII.
repeated measures were passed In or
der to protece It and it is expressly in
cluded under the head of game in the
statute of the first year of the reign
of William IV., which codified and re
formed the laws relating to game.
A French savant thinks that by the
year 2000 a spiritual chemistry will
bave been discovered that should en
tirely ohange human nature. This will
be greatly due to chemistry utilizing
the heat of the sun and tapping the
central heat of the globe. Under the
reign of chemistry the earth, we aro
told, will become a vast pleasure gar
den, and the human race will live in
peace and plenty.
ilorsefeet-Cral- Flshtnff Off the l.ontr
inlfincl Shore.
This Is the season of the year when
alon^ the Long Island coast sailing
parties go to Fire Island to ply a pe
culiar vocation. Their errand Is to
gather a supply of the longtalled mol
lusca crabs, locally known as "horse-
feet," an appellation which they re
ceive on account of the large shield
like shell which covers the body nnd
limbs, closely resembling the hoof of
a horse. This shield is composed of
two parts, the juncture taking place
across the center of the body. A long
sharp spine a foot in length projects
from the rear of the shield, and is
employed by natives of South Pacific
Islands as the head for an arrow or
lance. These creatures, however, are
singularly harmless, and may be
hunte chooses a war moon
light night upon which to take these
crabs. At such times he secures the
boat to himself by a rope fastened
about the waist, and, wading in shal
low water, finds the Crustacea, which
have crawled up near the shore, and
throws them into the boat as they
are picked up. In a single night a
skiff holding about 300 has been filled
with these crabs by one man.
I A ready sale is found for those crabs
among the baymen and farmers of
Long Island. The baymen use them,
after the shield has been removed, for
baiting eel pots, while the farmers
find in them a most economical and
admirable substitute for fertilizer.
The female crabs are sold at $2 a hun
dred, while the males, owing to their
Inferior size, bring only one-half that
price. The "horsefeet" display an Im
patience at the rays of the sun, at
such times burrowing in the sand,
leaving only the top of the back in
eight. When crawling on the ground
the large shieldlike covering complete
ly conceals its limbs, and gives to It
a most curious appearance, its power
of locomotion seeming to come from
some external agency. When a crab
is caught, and It is desired not to re
move it at the time, the spine-like
projection is stuck into the sand,
where it remains a captivo until the
rising tide, washing away the sand,
releases it. In length, the main body
of the crab is the same as that of its
tall, one foot, as previously stated.
New York Post.
Why President Cleveland Failed to
Cnteh Tront.
In one of Cleveland's trouting excur
sions he was accompanied by a negro
jguide, an octogenarian, but a man of
few words. On the morning of the
start it had been raining steadily for
over a week, and the president re
marked: "Plenty of rain in these
parts, uncle." "Dat's de worst on't,
Mistah Clevelan'," was tue answer.
On every second east the president's
dine was caught in the overhanging
tboughs. "Lots of brush here, uncle."
""Dat's de worst on't Mistah Cleve-
lan'." Nearly half a dozen times the
presidential ansle was all but sprain
ed among the bowlders in mid-stream.
"Pretty rocky brook, uncle." "Dat's
de worst on't, Mistah Clevelan'," and
a little later, "Too many mosquitoes
about here, uncle." "Dat's de worst
on't, Mistah Clevelan'." Finally, at
the end of the day, when the chief of
the republic looked dejectedly into an
empty creel, he exclaimed: "Uncle, I
think there's no fish in this confound
ed brook." The answer was unchang
ed: "Dat's de worst on't, Mistah
McKlnley I Nominated tor Presi-
dent the First Ilallot, Receiv-
ing- 6011-2 Votes Ont of D22The
Nomination I Afterward Made
UnanimousGarrett A Houart of
Neve Jersey I Nominated for
Vice President the First Bal-
lotSenators Teller of Colorado,
Pettlgrew of South Dakota and
a Number of Other Silver Men
Leave the Convention.
S Louis, June 16Auspiciously and se
renely, beneath a sky across whose arched
dome not a cloud floated, the chieftains of
the Republican party, from the pineries of
Maine to the orange groves of California
froia the everglades of Florida to the placid
waters of Puget Sound, met In council to
day and in the presence of about 8,000
spectators, entered upon the task of select
ing candidates and enunciating policies for
tho campaign of 1890. The first session of
the Republican national conventi on was
therefore formal. Chairman Carter, of the
national committee, dropped the gavel at
12:20 o'clock and six ty minutes later an ad
journment was taken until 10 o'clock to
morrow. There was not a Jar during the
proceedings, there were no sensational in
cidents to arise, nor any demonstrations to
thrill the vast concourse of people.
The temporary chairman, C. W Fair
banks of Indianapolis, delivered his ad
dress, a strong, forcible statement, an ar
raignment of the present administrati on
and deflnement of the issuesth com
mittee selections of the various delegatio ns
were announcedthat was nil.
The galleries aro adorned at Intervals
with the coats-of-arms of the various states,
while in conspicuous places bang portraits
of Graut, Lincoln and other heroes of the
past. The galleries to-day were we ll filled
bet not crowded. It being estimated th at
about 8,000 persons were present. The
campaign elubs which had marched to tho
hall to the clangor of mnrtlal music were
present In oulform and a very largo pro
portion of tho spectators were ladles. The
band In the gallery over the platform en
livened the brilliant gathering with pop
ular airs at intervals.
St. Louis, June 17.The Republican na
tional convention cleared the deck for action
to-day. Two sessions were held, ono of an
hour in the morning and one of three hours
in the afternoon. The permanent organiza
tion was effected and the permanent
chairman, Senator John M. Thurston of
Nebraska, assumed tho duties of presiding
officer at the morning sessio n, and the re
ports of the committees on credentials and
rules were received and adopted at the af
ternoon session. Tho battle royal is over,
tho platform und nomination of candidates
will occur to-morrow.
I striking contrast with the dull, feat
ureless session of yesterday were tho
brilliant, animated and enthulastlc sessions
of the convention to-day. The vast hall
was packed to its utmost capacity with
thousan d* of spectators, keyed to tho high
est pitch of enthusiasm and responded with
cheers and hand clapping to the electric
touch of every word or suggestion. The
hoarse roar of 12,000 voices, as It came
thundering down to the pit fr om the
black wall of people on all sides, acco m
panied with waving of handkerchiefs, hand
flags, made a tumult of noise and motion
that made tho pulse beat a faster tune
The speech of the permane nt chairman.
Senator Thurston, whose war m, magnetic
eloquence found ready sympathy In the
vast concourse of Republicans, nnd with
spirits thus aroused every incident evoked
cheers. A he recited the fact that he had
presided over the convention of 18S8 which
nominated the last victorious ticket of the
party and predicted that he was now pre
siding over a convention which would nom
inate the next president of the United
States the enthusiasm broke all bounds.
For several minutes the convention cheered
and yelled and shouted.
A the morning session the re was a brief
contest over the question of proceedi ng
with the election of permanent officers be
fore the report of the committee on creden
tials had been acted upon. Senator Wel
lington and Congressman Mndd of Mary
land and Delegate Llttlefleld of Maine,
vainlv protested that it was Irregular and
th at 'there was no convention until the
credentials of the members had been pass
ed upon, but the protests were swept as de
like chaff before the wind. The convention
brimmed over with enthusiasm nnd was .n
no temper to be delayed.
At the afternoon session, the first test of
strength between the McKinley followers
and those of Reed, Allison, Quay and Mor
ton, came, and it demonstrated to the sat- I
Isfactlon of all that McKlnley has a clear
majority of a hundred in the convention,
The question was the adoption of the report
of the committee on credentials, which cer
tified tho action of the national committee
on credentials in giving almost all the 158
contested seats to the McKlnleyltes and
decided the Texas contest In favor \J" the
Grant (McKlnley) delegati on and that In
Delaware, In favor of the Hlgglns delega
tion. The majority report was met with a
violent minority report, denouncing the
committee on credentials for presuming to
accept unchallenged the findings of the na
tional committee.
The lines wero not drawn absolutel y, ns
quite a number of delegates who are
pledged to McKlnley voted with the op
position. Th ey were defeated545% to
St. Louis, June 18. The Republican na
tional convention nailed their principles to
the mast heads and placed In command of
the ship which Is to bear them on to for
tune or disaster In November, their popular
idol, William McKlnley of Ohio and Gar
rett A. Hobart of New Jersey.
But the re was mutiny abroad, and at the
last moment before the lines were east off,
part of the crew who had shipped in
many voyages refused to subscribe
to the new shipping articles and
walked down the gang plank. The
convention was hold In sesstoo for ten
hours to accomplish the work cut out for
It, and several different times was tragic,
dramatic and Inspiring. Fully 10,000 peo
ple were in the vast audience to hiss or
cheer by turns. The bolt of the silver men
from the West was fully discounted, but It
nevertheless furnished the most dramatic
incident of the day. Led by Senator Tell
er, they had yesterday declared their in
tenti on refuslrg to subscribe to the gold
plank In the platform, but to-day after
Senator Teller had made his final appeal to
the convention not to ta ke the step which
would drive him and his colleagues out
fr om the ranks of- the party, which In the
past had honored them and they had de
lighted to serve, and the convention had
voted8181-2 to 1051-2to stand by the
gold declaration In tie platform, they left
the convention hall.
McKlnley Nominated.
I was a foregone conclusion that Mc
Klnley would be nominated by the pentup
enthusiasm of the frien ds of the Ohio
candidate whleh found full ven t. The
speech of Baldwin of Council Bluffs, nom
inating Allison of Senator Lodge nominat
ing Reed of Hastings nominating Quay,
and of Depew nominating Morton, were
eloquent and masterly efforts, and were
received with the greatest enthusiasm by
their respective supporters but the nomi
nation of McKlnley, by Foraker, turned
the convention into bedlam. Save for the
wi ld tumult that followed Senator Wol
oott's speech placing Blaine in nomination
nt Minneapolis, four' years ago, the dem
onstration which occurred to-day has had
no parallel in Republican national conven
tions, at least In lengt h.
J. Madison Vance of Louisiana nnd N.
Alexander of Alabama seconded Mc
Klnley's nomination and declared that the
Sou th would be for protection and sound
A twenty-four minutes before 5 the roll
coill was begun. N vote was cast by
Colorado. The vote of Florida was chal
lenged by a colored man, who stood on a
chair, but was unable to catch the chair-.
man's ear. Florida had been announced
8 for'McKlnley, but on the roll gave two
for Morton and 6 for McKlnley. Georgia
was challenged anr*th roll call resulted:
Reed, 2 Quay, 2- McKlnley, 22. Then
Alabama was returned, because the chair
man had learned that its vote had been
challenged. The result was: Morton,
Reed. 2 McKlnley, 19. Idaho cast no vote.
There was a monotonous repetition of Mc
Kinley, until the grey-hended Henderson
said: "I cast the solid vote of Iowa for
William B. Allison." General Grosvenor.
who has been Jestingly term ed the light
ning calculator, followed the vote with a
pad and pencil, while Mr. Hanna looked
over is shoulder.
The detailed vote follows:
No. McKin- Mor- Alll
Votes, ley. Reed. ton. Quay. son.
Alirama .....22 19 2 1
Arkansas 10 10
California 18 18
Colorado 8
Connecticut 12
Delaware 6
Florida 8
Georgia 26
Idaho 6
lllltos 48
Indiana 30
Iowa 20
Kansas 20
Kentucky 26
Louisiana 10
Maine 12
Maryland 1
Massachusetts 30
Michigan 28
Minnesota 18
Mississippi 18
Missouri 34
Montana Nebraska 16
Nevada 0
New Ham(wiiire 8
New Jersey 20
New York 72
North Carolina 22
North Dakota
11 4
IB 1
1 20
18 17*
lt 1
39% 2%
Ohio 40
Oregon S
JWinsvlTiiiiiii 04
Kliodo Island 8
South Carolina 18
South Dakota 8
Tourtestee 24
Texan 30
Utah 0
Vermont 8
Virginia 24
Washington 8
Went Virginia 12
Wisconsin 24
Wyoming 6
Ai i/'!i i 0
Now Mexico 0
Indian Territory.... 6
DlBt. of Columbia.. 2 1 1
Alaska 4 4
022 001% 84% 58 61V4 33%
*1 absent.
xCameron, 1 blank, 4.
3 absent.
xxl abeent.
Tot al vote: McKlnley 661%, Reed 84%,
Morton 58,Quay 61%, Allison 35%,Cameron 1
McKlnley's vote exceeded the expecta
tions of his friends, as ho received 061%
votes. The nomination was Immediately
made unanimou s. Enthusiastic speeches
wero made by representatives of the op
posing candidates, and there were the
usual felicitations. Mark Hanna was
obliged In response to calls to address the
After the decision of the Piatt forces
not to present the name of Morton, owing
to the war waged against him by the War
ner Miller faction, the nomination of Ho
bart of New Jersey became a certainty.
The McKlnley influence was thrown for
hi m, and although there was an attempt
to consolidate the West and South on
Clay Evans of Tennessee, the McKlnley
influence was too powerful. Besides, It was
the general sense of the delegates th at the
logic of the situation required tho nomina
tion of an Easte rn man for vice president.
The nominating speech es were brief.
Bulkeley of Connecticut. Lippett of Rhode
Island and Gen. Walker of Virginia were
also placed in nomination. I only required
one ballot to determine the contest. Hobart
received 530% votes, 00 more than a ma
jority. Evans, is nearest competitor, re
ceived 280%. There were scattering vot es
for Reed, Thurston, Grant, Depew, Morton
and Brown.
ltohart I Nominated O the First
It was 6:15 when Senator Lod ge made the
motion that the convention proceed to the
nomination of a vice president, and that
speeches be limited to live minutes. There
was so little Interest in the second place,
or so prevalent an appeal for dinner, that
In five minutes the galleries had been de
sert ed by two-thirds of the seat-holders.
Samuel Fessenden of Connecticut was rec
ognized to nominate Gov. Buckeiey, but the
convention had exhausted its enthusiasm so
that the mention of the name of McKlnley
failed to draw a hand-clap. A the end of
the five minutes the Crowd called "time"
enthusiastically, and the roll call proceeded
until New Jersey was reached, when dele
gates began to- cry "Hobart." G. L. Ho
bart was nominated by Franklin Fort of
Newark. spoke as follows:
"I rise to present to this conventi on the
clai ms of New Jersey to the vice presi
dency. W come because we feel that we
can, for the first time in our history, bring
to you a promise that our electoral vote
will be cast for your nominees. If you
comply with our request this promise will
surely be redeemed. For forty years,
throu gh the blackness of darkness of a unl-'
versally triumphant Democracy, the Repub
licans of New Jersey have retained their
organization and fought as vallantiy as If
the outcome were to be assured victory.
Only twice through all this long period has
the sun shone in upon us. In 1804, for the
flrst time since the Republican party came
Into existence, we sent to congre ss a solid
delegati on of eight Republicans and elected
a Republican to the United States senate.
W followed this in 1895 by electing a Re
publican governor by a majority of 28,000.
And In this year of grace we expect to
give the Republican electors a majority of
not less than 20.000." then presented
the name of Garrett A. Hobart, the New
Yorkers Joining with the New Jersey men
In the nomination. J. Otis Humphrey of
Illinois seconded Hobart's nomination. W.
K. Allen of Rhode Island nominated Gov.
Charles W Lippett. Delegates from the
Southern states cheered when Tennessee
was called, and W M. Randolph presented
the name of Henry Clay Evans. Evan* was
seconded by a colored delegate named
Smith, of Kentucky, whose effort was loud
ly cheered. Ex-Congressman Robe rt M.
Lafollette of Wisconsin also seconded
Evans' nomination, arousing enthusiasm by
is prediction that the party would gain in
the South, although it had lost in the West.
The vote In detail follows:
9 a a
Delaware Florida Georgia Idaho
a Indiana
Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi
New Hampshire.
New Jersey
New York.
North Carolina..
North Dakota...
Ohio Oregon
Ulx.de Island...
South Carolina..
South Dakota...
Virginia Washington West Virginia...
i Wisconsin
Arizona New Mexico
Ind. Territory..
Dist. Columbia..
3 I
i I
10 10
6 3
1 1
Connecticut 12
*NK 12 tm
6 5
44 12
5 10
'd io
8 8
13 10
8 8
23 20%
15 15 24
3 6
Totals 022 533% 280% 39 8 24
Telegrams Pour I Front All Sec
tions of the Country.
Within a few moments of the announce
ment of the nomination, telegrams poured
In, and within a half hour they were num
bered by hundreds, comi ng from all parts
of America. One of the first to be received
was from the Marquette club of Chicago,
whose guest Gov. McKlnley was last
February and at whose banquet he made
is last public political address. A that
time the Marquette club prided itself that
It had entertained Gen. Harrison Just pre
vious to is nomination naming him as the
coming nominee, and they wired him with
in a few moments after the result was
"The Marquette club of Chicago con
gratulates you upon yo ur nomination for
the high office of president of the United
States. It Is a matter of pride and grati
fication that In Its earnest efforts in yo ur
behalf In the preconventlon campaign it
so nearly reflected the wishes of the great
majority of our fellow citizens and the
Republicans throughout the land, and we
now pledge you our most acti ve and
earnest support in the campaign upon
which we are Just entering, to the nd
th at the people's choice may prevail and
the principles of the grand old party, as
set forth In the platform on which you
stand be established.E. C. DeWitt, presi
dent, and officers of the club."
Howard B. Moser, secretary of the Pot
ters' Association of New Jersey, tendered
heartiest congratulations for his associa
Ho n. Mark Hanna's modest announc e
ment was simp ly this:
"Ohio's vote nominated you. I congratu
late j\,a. M. A Hanna."
One of the earliest dispatches to arrive
was from Mr. Morton of New York, who
wired from Rhlnecliff, N. Y., as follows:
"Ho n. William McKinle y, Canto n, O.
You may recall my remark, in 1870, as
we sat si de by side In the house of repre
sentative s, that I expect ed some day to
see you president of the United States.
Please accept to-day my heartiest con
The traveling men of Indiana, throu gh
their president, Carey MoPhearson, wired
from Indianapolis:
''The Commercial Trayelers' Republican
club of this city congratulates you on your
nomination and confidently predict yo ur
election. Tariff protecting American
products, whether from the factor y, mine
or farm, and the currency unequalled by
any other nation, should put us once more
to the front."
Ex-Senator W. Washburn wired the
heartiest congratulations.
The Union Iron and Steel company of
Youngstown wired: "We congratulate you
on yo ur nomination and hope next year we
will be able to make cotton ties."
Harry G. Selfrldge of Marshall Field &
Co., Chicago, telegraphs ae follows: "Ac-
cept congratulations upon magnificent vic
tory and upon dignified manner in which
it has been won."
New York, June 18.Maher and Slavin
were the attractions at Madison Square gar
den to-night In a four-round bout. The
men went at it in a slap-bang fashion, and
Maher showed th at he was the cleverer
boxer. seemed to hit Slavin when and
where he pleaded. The big Australi an was
slow. The police cautioned the fighters
that they would arrest the man who scored
a knock-out. In the third round Slavin was
almost put to sleep with a couple of swings,
and in the fourth the bout was stopped by
the referee, the Australian being too grog
ijy for business.
1 4
The One True Blood Purifier. Ail druggists.
Hood's Pills are always reliable. 25 cento.
Not Worth Mentioning.
"A capital inventionthese horseless
"Don't talk rubbish! We have ha
for a long time things quite as remark
able in their way as horseless car
riages, and nobody takes the slightest
notice of them."
"Indeed! What, for instance?"
"Cowless milk."Dorfbarbler.
I the Baby Is Cutting Testh.
Be dure nd une that old and well-tried remdy, Mas.
WIXSLOW'8 SOOTHING SiuuP for children Teething,
A A Omcinl Ball.
"Sir, allow me to shake hands with
you, just by Avay of showing that I
know somebody here."
"With pleasure, sir as I am pre
cisely in the same boat as yourself."
Le Gaulois.
Steamer Traffic the Kootenai.
Jennings, Mont., Special. The staamer
Rustler left to-day on er first trip of 125
miles north to the Fort Steele Mining
District. She is 140 tons burden, with ample
accomadati on for passengers and Is the
third steamer ow operated on the upper
Kootenai Riv er between this point and tho
mines. The North Star Mine has a con
tract to deliver 7,000 to ns of ore this sea
son to the Great Falls smelter. Four
Great Northern cats were loaded yesterday
and seven to-day. The east Kootenai min
ing country is exceedingly rich In placer
and quartz, and the Indications point ti
ia large developement this year. The river
and harbor bil Just passed by congre ss
over the president's veto gives us ?3,000.
for the improvement of the river. This will
remove several obstrucctions and material
ly Improve the channel.
Two Ways to Start Conversation.
The hostess hunted up the host and
whispered to him anxiously:
"The reception's a dead failure.
Everybody is sitting as mute as a
statue. Nobody is talking to anybody
"What do you suggest?" he asked in
reply. "Shall we get some one to play
the piano or shall we start a few
games of whist?'Detroit Free Press.
Poor Old Qtinkertuwn.
TeacherNow, Freddie, since yor
have correctly spelled Philadelphia,
can you tell me what state it is in?
FreddieYes, sir. I heard pa say,
the other day, that it was in a state of
coma.Yonkers Gazette.
Hall's Catarrh Care.
Is a constitutional cure. Price, 75c.
And Then AVnn
"Step on the trap, please." said the
sheriff to the cordemned murderer.
"No I'll be hanged if I do," he re
plied, stoically.
Then the sheriff explained the mat
ter to him, and both he and the subject
were dropped.West Union Gazette.
In the last nine months 17,000,000 bushels
of corn were shipped from New York,while
15,000,000 bushels were exported throu gh
New Orleans.
Gladness Comes
a better understanding of the
ransient nature of the many phys
ical ills, which vanish before proper ef
fortsgentle effortspleasant efforts
rightly directed. There is comfort in
the knowledge, that so many forms of
sickness are not due to any actual dis
ease, but simply to a constipated condi
tion of the system, which the pleasant
family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt
removes. That is why it is the only
remedy with millions of families, and is
everywhere esteemed so highly by all
who value good health. Its beneficial
effects are due to the fact, that it is the
one remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness without debilitating the
organs on which it acts. I is therefore
all important, in order to get its bene
ficial effects, to note when you pur
chase, that you have the genuine arti
cle, which is manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by
all reputable druggists.
I in the enjoyment of good health,
and the system is regular, laxatives or
other remedies are then not needed. I
afflicted with any actual disease, one
may be commended to the most skillful
physicians, but if in need of a laxative,
on? should have the best, and with the
wcl.-..".formed everywhere, Syrup of
Figs stands highest and is most largely
~rl and jrives most general satisfaction.
The coolness is refreshing
the roots and herbs invigor
ating the two together ani
mating. You get the right
combination in HIRES
Rootbeer. Mad* asl.r br The Charln X. Bint Co., Philadelphia.
36c. package makes & fallout. Sold ererjwhere
Habit Cared. Est. in 1*71. rboaaanda
cored. Cheapest and best cure. FR SS TKIAU
Stat* rase. DR. Malum, Quincy. Mich.
Syrop. Good. TJie
time Bol bTsatas drunlsta
SW.1P 0 2SlSVtt
i a-

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