Newspaper Page Text
1 I TOWN NOTES. $ For a nobby suit of clothing, go to White's. Wm. Horsh joined the Woodmen Tuesday night, Services at the M. E. church next Sunday morning and evening. A fine line of illuminated glassware and crockery, at the Boston. You will find at 0'Leary& Bowser's silk, satin, percale and muslin shirt waists. Barney Burton came up from Little Falls Monday to gaze at the rush to his big store. Hot Ice Cream is not good. The coolest in town at City Drug Store. David Booth and wife were in town Tuesday the guests' of Assessor Coombs and wife. Corrugated rubber matting used for stairs and in front of saloon bars at O'Leary & Bowser. Judge Holland was in town Monday, leaving here for court work at Grand Bapids. The way to buy goods cheap is to pay cash. Call and see what $1 will do at White's. D. K. McPerson has returned to the Pioneer fold after a two months vac ation in southern Minnesota. Hats made to order. All hats suit ed we give to the public. No two hats alike. Call and consult Naylor & Haase. School closed Friday and the teach ers who have been re-engaged have returned to their respective homes. For carpets, art squares, rugs, linoleum, oil cloth and wall paper, go to O'Leary & Bowser. Iver UngBtadt Rev. Opsatto and T.Raensfgald leave today for Norway to spend the summer in the blessed land of birth. Socials and parties wanting ice cream can get the celebrated Lars ice cream at Sutton & Olson's in any quantity. A portable soda fountain for sale by Mrs. N. G. Dunning two blocks west of high school. Good as new only $35. Ensign Miller of the Salvation Army left on Monday for Minneapolis He has been working hard since coming here and is certainly entitled to his two weeks vacation in Wisconsin. Hello there. Here we are. Wheelock's is the place to get fine icecream, soda water and all kinds of soft drinks. We are the only one that carry Funke's celebrated chocolate. Also the finest line of cigars and tobacco. Chief of Police genial TOm -Edgar has filed his resignation of that office "to take effect June 7. E. O. Glidden has been promoted to his place. Mr. Edgar claims he has been offered something better then police duty as an inducement to resign. To those who drink whiskey for pleasure, HARPER Whiskey adds zest to existence. To those who drink whiskey for health's sake, HARPER Whiskey makes life worth living. Sold by MarkhamHotel Co., Bemidji, Minn. George H. Spear, of Brainerd, the well-known atto rney and ex-newspaper man, spent several days in Bemidji last week. He is in the office of W. S. McClenahan nominee for dis trict judge and he has many happy thoughts on the outcome of the elec tion. When you want a boat^ for fishing or riding, call on the Bemidji Boat Co. They have the best of accommo dations for you, with prices moderate. Bait and tackle on hand. Scarrot & Sutton proprietors. R. B. FOSTER, RESIDENT DENTIST Modern Methods. Low prices. Office over Mayo & Barker's Drug Store. BEMIDJI, MINNESOTA. It Cures All Kinds of Rheumatism I "We have it." Put Your Blood In Shape by Taking Matt JOllIlSOn S Rheumatis Cure (sixty-eighty-eight) Call and Get Letters From Prominent People Free. The Lakeside Land Company Charles R. Haines, President and Treasurer. LAKESIDE LAND COMPANY, Charles R. Haines, President. DULUTH, MINN., JULY6th. 1897. MATT JOHNSON CO., West Superior, Wis.Dear Sir: Sometime since Mr. I W Burhans asked you to send me a bottle of medicine for imparities of the blood After eivig It a trial I think so much of it I should like to have another bottle The number was 6088. Please send me by express with your bill for same and will send check by return mail. ^HABXTES R. HAINES. Home talent tomorrow night. Correspondence on last page. For a new home sewing machine go to O'Leary &Bowser. Mrs. Nat Campbell of Crookston is visiting Mrs. P. J. Russell. Misses Jones & Ross are agents for the Columbia and Hartford bicycles. Geo. Carpenter, of Crookston. spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Bemidji. Miss Esple McLennan arrived home from school Thursday of last week. At the BostonA complete line of ladles' and gents' shoes in stock at rock bottom figures. Attorneys Martin and Fisk went to Crookston Monday, to attend the op ening of court. I Mrs. W. McCuaig has returned from a two-weeks visit with relatives at Princeton, Minn. Hunt's "Perfect" is a pure phos phate baking powderno alum or Rochelle saltsfull lb. can 25c. The Boston can make you close fig ures on flour and feed. We purchased twenty-two cars before the advance. Call and get our figures. Due to the inclemency of the weather last Friday night the home talent en tertainment was postponed to tomor row night. The firm of Blocker & Houske, of the bottling works, has dissolved partnership, and Blocker & Carlson will now carry on the business. The Columbia and the Hartford bicycles are recognized as the stand ard wheels of the world. Misses Joses & ROSB have the exclusive agency in Bemidji for both. F. E. Higgins, manager Rushford Wagon Works, Winona, Minn., spent several days in Bemidji and border ing lakes fishing this week. Men's clothing from $4.50 to $20 a suit boys clothing from $3 to $7 a suit, and children's clothing from $lto $7 a suit at O'Leary & Bowser. Saturday night the Odd Fellows elected such officers as are chosen semi-annually: Noble Grand, Geo. McTaggart Vice-Grand, Wm. Casler Secretary, C. W. Speelman. On Friday evening, June 22, the Firemen will give a ball to help raise funds to enable them to attend the Fosston tournament. Don't give them the marble heart. Bemidji needs the tournament nert year. Enough said Sutton & Olson, of the Lakeside bakery, are sole agents for the fam ous Lars ice cream of Minneapolis sold by all the first class parlors in Minneapolis. This is the only cool and first class ice cream parlors in the city. Miss Minnie Hanson was in town Saturday. She has just finished an other successful term of school teach ing at Alida. After returning from a vacation at her home at Sauk Centre she will begin teaching the Shevlin school. Mrs. Dotv and children left for Be midji last night. She will be absent about a month and before returning will attend the wedding of the editor',s brother at Grand Forks.Park Rap ids Clipper. Chas. W. Scrutehin. will deliver the opening address at the reunion of his law class before the University of Michigan at Ann Harbor for June 19. He belongs to the class of '93, which includes 325 members. $650 TO $1200 A YEAR. We want reliable and energetic men and women in each State to travel and appoint agents salary $650 to $1200 a year and expenses, guaranteed and paid weekly. If you cannot travel, you can have Local Managership of your own or adjoining Counties, the duties and salary being the same as that of Traveling Representative. You may devote full or spare time or evenings only, in connection with your regular vocation. It is not necessary for you to have had experi ence we thoroughly instruct you in all that you will have to do. Send stamp for full particulars. Address The Bell Company, Dept. B., Phila delphia, Pa. For sale and guaranteed by Mayo & Barker, Druggist*, Bemidji, Minn. Drink, and the'world drinks witn you, Swear off, and you swear alone, For it needs the cheer of wine and Without one thirsty groan. ?mmM!!'WW!WM!nTTTTYTTTnY"T A GTJSTAFSON, i It Cures All Kinds of Blood Trouble. WINES, LIQUOR S AN CIGARS SECOND STREET Quench that burning thirst by tak ing a dish of ice cream soda at City Drug Store. We understand that C. V. Ropin and family of Crookston will spend the summer at the delightfull Hotel Plantaganett. The water in the lake is now warm enough to make bathing possible. But as yet a few adult chills accom pany each plunge. The whist club met at the pleasant home of C. L. Gilbert and wife, Tues day evening. L. H. Bailey and Mr. C. W. Speelman won the prizes. Lunch was afterwards taken at Sutton and Olson'8 ice cream parbors. Auditor Haner received an invita tion to act on the reception committee to the Boer envoys at St. Paul, June 7th. Not being able to go, we presume "Pa p" Carson goes as alternate he having doffed MB mustache and donn ed a chin whisker that gives him a "Vaderland" apperance. The world was not built In one day and fame is not. made in a second, The title of "the best place at in Bemidji" was given to J. W. White & Co.'s Mammoth store after a long service to the public in good bargains and fair treatment given them. At the Baptist church yesterday forenoon occured the wedding of Peter Millbach and Miss Fannie Blalne,Rev Hallowell of Park Rapids officiating. Edward French and Miss Pearl Flint stood up with the couple. The happy couple left on the afternoon train for Duluth. Go to Miller's, if you have any thing that needs repairing. They re pair everything. Anyone having rooms to rent, suit able for housekeeping, should leave word at this office. L. A. Rouse has opened up a bar ber shop in the Carson building on second street next to the concert hall* He has pleasant, large rooms, and the boy8 who have been letting their beards grow until Rouse could find a good location, are all happy again. Dr. Henderson returned last Fri day from a post-graduate course at the Chicago Clyalcal School at Chi cago. The doctor Is one of those men who believe that constant study In medics and surgery is the proper pen alty for being a doctor and that the proper time to quit school is not reached this side of the grave. Hunter's drive of 12,000,000 logs for Scanlon & Gibson on Lake Bemidji was broken by some miscreant person with an axe last Thursday, and the high winds the following day did a lot of scattering. It is reported that 15 men were discharged that day and paid off at a much lower wage than they were hired for. Revenge was probably at the bottom of the act. Attorney Scrutehin made a busi ness call on Brainerd last week. Have you seen our $5.65 suits which formerly sold for $8 to $10 per suit? O'Leary & Bowser. Jay Reynolds of the firm of Street & Reynolds of Bemidji, was in Cats Lake Thursday. Mr. Reynolds says the secret of Bemidji's success is that when a project is for the benefit of Bemidji and can be obtained, citizens lay aside all personal strife and go after a chunk, and when it Is obtained go back to their local contentions, hence the success of our neighboring town. In other words, "Bemidji first, self afterwards."Cass Lake Voice. If you want your buggy or wagon repaired in first-class shape, go to Millers. What Shakespeare was to the liter ary world, the Columbia and the Hartford bicycles are to the wheeling world. They are the best. Misses Jones & Ross sell them. E. O. Hughes has been transferred from the superintendency of the Red Lake agency school to be general superintendent of the Unita Indians in Utah. His new position means one thousand dollars per year salary, or a raise of $250. As soon as his fami ly recovers from sickness and he can dispose of his Bemidji property, they will depart for the land of the Mor mons. While congratulating Mr. Hughes on his promotion we regret the loss of a good citizen and fami ly from our county. At a meeting of th*te fire department Saturday evening last Garry Bren nan, C. R. Martin and Frfid S. Hazen were appointed delegates to the an nual meeting of the State-Firemen's Assocation, which meets at Wino na June 12, 13 and 14. At the same session, Garry Brennan, C. R. Martin and Earl Geil were appointed delegates to the Northern Minnesota Firemen's Tournament Association meeting, which will be held at Fosston June 27, 28 and 29. THE CRACK TRAIN Of the Northwest is what the Northern Pacific's new "North Coast Limited" is called. It embodies the latest of everything in train building and is a marvel of train construction. It re quires nearly 300 electric lights to light it at night. Connection with this train in both directions is made by B. & N. M. Ry. trains at Brainerd. When .you go west use the North Coast Limited. A Hodag. A Fierce Animal Discovered in Beltrami County. Wellington Schroeder returned yesterday from the northern part of the county with a story that beats sea-serpants all to smash. He personally met a wild beast which the settlers call a "hodag." This is an animal which is nearly extinct, and the only one of its kind known to be in captivity is at Rhinelander, Wis. The hodag is a meat eater, and subsists on moose and kindred game which it rushes upon and rips with its horns. It has four of these, one on the snout and thrpe upon its back. It has a tough hide cover ed with brownish hair. Welling ton met this creature Sunday in the woods near the mouth of Black Duck river, 30 miles beyond Tenstrike. Wellington had no weapon larger than a knife, and if he had had a cannon he would not have dared to use it, he says. He made for a large tree, and found to his satisfaction that the hodag wore feet too large for scaling r.urposes. The man sat on a branch and studied natural history and the animal sawed the tree and studied man for over half an hour, than vanished. It is said that this brute is the terror of the neighborhood and has killed a number of cattle for the lumber men. If any circus wants him, Mr. Schroeder will give up his claim by right of discovery. N. B. It may be well to add that he is not a drinking man. Up To Date Millinery. Sure To Suit. Latest Styles, Choicest Goods. Lowest Prices. Miss Rath Bisset, Minnesota Ave. HOM E TALEN Entertainment Tomorrow Night at the Opera House. 1. Duet, guitar and mandolin, Messrs. Anderson and Essler. 2. How Salvator Won the Race. 3. Song and pantomime, "Comin' Thro' the Rye," Gladys Brennan. 4. Story of Patsy, Miss Dixie Smith. (5. Delsarte musical sketch. 8. Naughty Zell. 9. Vocal solo, E. H. Jerrard. 10. Behind the Curtain. 11. Duet, guitar and mandolin, An derson and Essler. 12. A Shakespearian conference, Cleopatra, Dixie Smith Desdemonia, Miss Covel Juliet, Gertrude Smith Lady Macbeth, Miss Moon Witch, Miss McLennan Lord Macbeth, J. L. Reynolds Romeo, J. Berry Hamlet, E. H. Jerrard Shylock, A.M.Greeley. BUY p,SK & SILVER, Practice in all Courts. U. S. Con test and Land Office Business. Office with Silver Bros. Bemidji, Minn. C. Adamson, Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE UPSTAIKS NEXT DOOR EAST OF OlTT llEl'O STOHR. A E. ^fc* WHTCHI SCOTT. THE JEWELER. Mayo & Barker's drug store. Bemidji, Minn ENPERS0N PHYSICIHN HND SURGEON Office over BEMIDJI, riayo's Drug Store flinnesota. R. S. Coombs, o- Contractor and Builder, -o- Plans Drawn. Estimates (j- yen. BEMIDJI, MINN. Ik Gilbert BUILDING CONTRACTOR. Imperial Plaster, Adamant, Fire-brick and Clay. Dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. (X rchiteetural work %W DONE UPON APPLICATION. 1 Buy as good a case as you can afford, but first get a Movement The Hardware Dealers, is the place] to get which will be accur" ate. We have some fine movements which we can recommend to you and would like to have you call and look them over. Fishing Supplies Just Received. MHEELOCK'S EPLOYMENT OFFIC E. JVf rcljaijts Raijk. Bemidji, Minnesota. JNO.D. MARLIN, JR., Pres. STAPLES, MINNESOTA. Transacts a General Banking Business. Collections Accounted For Bromptly. -FOR A- ThousandYears AND YOU WILL FIND THAT THE STORE OF BEST MEERT your supplies in the hardware line Opposite Court House. Hotel Yertdorije. (European Plan) 19 iiii'1 91 80. 4th Ht., ainneapolL, Jlliin. Centrally Located. All modern conveniences. Larffaground floor office. Rates 50c. 7Sc. $1.00. $1.25 and $1.50. Restaurant and Cafe In connection. Popular Prices. Qt W. DAVIS, Has somemem- berafflicted with Dyspepsia, Indi- gestion Heartburn or Sour Stomach Wright's Dyspepsia Specific will always relieve and cures 75 per cent. Ask your IrureiB for FREE -SAMPLEluJj,^s Northwestern, Medwine Co, SHOES Made and Repaired. Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed. In Dicalio & Hoss' Tin Shop. Bemidji, Minn. .^imoadsB ONUKIVd N9IS QNV OMIGNVH aadVd aovnravo which has been enlarged to accommodate his Increasing Business, and will carry a full line of. News and Stationery, Fruit and Confectionery, Tobacco and Cigars- MHEELOCK Is Furnishing Bemidji people with a line of News that equals any city line carried. All of the latest publications can be had at his place. I YOU MHNT O HIR6 HGLP Or to Rent Property of any kind, go direct to HIIOA HO asnon HIIOA &o ONIlNIMd 0 SdNIXTIVOCI ox AQVH3 M0N *fr A. WHEEL0CK Will move into the OLD POSTOFFICE BUILDING m- Jl. F. W. RHODA, Cashier AND LOCAL MANAGER. Writes Insurance In Reliable Companies. Agnts for Northern Pacific R. R. Lands. GHHTTEL LOHNS SPECIALTY. JUST LET ME HAVE YOUR ATTENTION First Come, First Served Come early and avoid the usli.