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QUICK ACTION ON THE PART OF AN AMERICAN OFFICER IN CHINA. fORElGNERS I N GREAT DANGER NARROWLY ESCAPED A PLOT CONTEMPLATING GENERAL MASSACRE. DRAKE CONCOCTS A DEFENSE OTHER FOREIGN COMMANDERS PROMPTLY COOPERATE WITH HIM. Washington, April 14.Quick action and common sense treatment of a crit ical situation by an American naval officer in China recently saved the for eign residents in the province of Kwon Tung, along the east bank of the Canton river, from falling victims to a plot which, while directed pri marily against the Manchurian dynas ty, inevitably would have culminated in an attack on the foreign population. This attack was averted by the pre cautionary measures taken by Com mander F. J. Drake, commanding the United States steamer Monterey, with the assistance of the English gunboats Sand Piper and Britomac, the French gunboat Avalanche and the German tug Shameen. The coali tion that seems to have fomented the trouble extends to several provinces, and official advices received at both the state and navy departments show that Reactionary Measures on a scale far larger than is admitted either by foreign representatives or the Chinese government have been planned by the rebels. Hearing that a force of rebels with Hung Chun Fuk, a native of Wai Crow, had planned an attack on the viceroy and Chinese offlcia'.s of Can ton during the celebration of the Chinese new year during the night of Jan. 28-9, Commander Drake prepared to defend foreign residents. An armed force of 3,000 men had entered Canton surreptitiously several days before he learned the news, and were hiding with sympathizers. As most of the foreigners and official representatives of the various nations resided in Shameen, Commander Drake first completed his plan of defense for this section, and then to allay the excite ment which prevailed, he officially in formed the consulates and Chinese of ficials of his preparations, and advised the commanders of the English, Ger man and French gunboats of the line of Action to Be Pursued In case Shameen island was attacked. The foreign commanders offered their co-operation, and plans were perfected to meet any trouble that de veloped, whether on the Island or on water. Instead of visiting the holy temple in the inner city at midnight to offer Jpconse, the viceroy and officials re mained In their respective yamens, securely guarded. Around the vice roy's yamen alone were assembled 4,000 armed troops. Hy 7 o'clock the gates to the inner city were closed and the streets cleared. Many arrests were made that night, In which some compradores were im plicated, and large amounts of stores were seized in houses and shops in Fong Chun and Fates, opposite Sha meen. Many indications of the attack were found, and the officials agreed that rebels abandoned their plot only because of Commander Drake's (11s- covery and his prompt action with other foreign com.nanders In taking prompt precautionary measures. FIND EIGHTY SKELETONS. Spanish Warship Is Raised From the Bottom of Manila Bay. Manila, April 14. The warship Relna Christina, flagship of Admiral Bontojo, which was sunk by Admiral Dewey In Manila bay. was floated and beached yesterday. The skeletons of about eighty of her crew were found In the hull. One skeleton evidently was that of an officer for it had a sword by its side. There are fifteen shell holes in the hull, one made by an eight-inch and the others are small. The main injection valve is missing, showing the ship was scuttled when Admiral Montejo abandoned her. The hull is in fair condition. COL, CODY INJURED. Horse Reared and Fell on Him at a Performance In Manchester, Eng. Manchester. Eng., April 14.-W. F. Cody ("Buffalo BrU") met with an Oc cident at the first performance of his show here yesterday. His horse reared and fell on him. He was re moved to a hotel. All the Passengers Injured. Pittsburg, April 14. A trolley car of the Pittsburg Railway company was struck by a Baltimore & Ohio freight train at the Fleet street grade crossing In Rankin borough and the sixteen passengers aboard the car were all more or less injured. Killed by a Storm. Evergreen, Ala., April 14.A wind storm visited the northern section of this county yesterday, destroyfng considerable property and killing Hsory Solden. How Railroad Agent Figured He Would Make Money. Former Gov. Hogg of Texas iBn't as bloodthirsty as his "lung-llver-and- lights" speech would indicate, but he never fails to take a rap at the rail roads. Just before the last Demo cratic national convention, "Harry" Archer, passenger agent of the Kan sas City Southern, offered a $5 round trip rate to such Texans as wished to attend the convention, and Hogg, meeting Archer in the lobby of a hotel, jokingly referred to the low rate as an evidence of how much the rail roads profited on the full three cent a mile rate for ordinary passengers. "And I suppose you'll make money on this $5 for the round trip?" saio the big man. "We certainly will, for we'll only carry you fellows one way," replied Archer. "One way?" exclaimed Hogg. "You advertise this as a round trip." "That's true," replied Archer, "but we figure that such of the boys as don't blow out the gas when they get to Kansas City, will be run over by the trolley cars." MEN CROTCHETY AT BREAKFAST New York Waiter of Experience Authority for This. "If waiters had their way men would not be permitted in a restaurant be fore the dinner hour, or at least be fore lunch," said the proprietor of a cafe on upper Broadway. "Why? Simply because they are so cross at breakfast. No, it isn't the question of tlpB altogether, although I never saw a waiter refuse a quarter. But the fact is men are crotchety be fore they get their breakfast. If they have to wait five minutes It seems an hour to them, and even the morning paper seems to lose its charms un less breakfast is on the table. There Is no meal in the day where the wait ers get so many 'kicks' as they do at breakfast, and the men are always more ill-tempered than the women." Waitresses on Japanese Railroads. Refreshment cars on some of the Japanese railroads are now attended by waitresses. The girls are care fully chosen and made to pass quite a stringent examination. The first qualification Is good looks the sec ond, a passable education, and the third good conduct and references. The waitresses take rank as railway officials and wear a pretty costume, in modified national style, with West ern improvements. The girls on duty must behave with military discipline, take no tips, refrain from chatter with passengers and efface them selves as much as a well bred wait ress should. The new departure has been a complete sucoess, and the rail way authorities are greatly satisfied with their girl attendants. Too Much for Senator Allison. The Senate was discussing the project of filling in near Ellis island and making ground for some immigra tion station buildings. The paragraph in the sundry civil appropriation bill read: "A new Island near Ellis Island." Senator Kean of New Jersey allowed that If there were to be any new Islands In the vicinity they should be ceded to New Jersey. Thoy struck out the word "new," and Senator Allison road the phrase "a Island." "That won't do." said Senator Aldrlch has tily. "Make It 'an Island.'" "Make it a continent ff you like," sniffed Sen ator Allison, whose grammar had been corrected, "but establish your geo graphical basis and let's get on." Birthplace of Henry Irving. In this month sixty-five years ago was born in a village of Somerset shire, England, John Henry Brodrlbb, better known to the world as Sir Hen ry Irving. His native place is a little out-of-the-wwld hamlet six miteefrom the nearest railway, and the hoaeo of his nativity, with an advertisement lor somebody's teas, is pointed out to the visitor. The last Irvrnglte retto disappeared from the village a few years ago, when a gentleman pur chased the robes in which the actor was christened. SOFTCORE Like the running brook, the red blood that flows through the veins has to come from somewhere. The springs of red blood are found in the soft core of the bones called the marrow and some say red blood also comes from the spleen. Healthy bone marrow and healthy spleen are full of fat. Scott's Emulsion makes new blood by feeding the bone marrow and the spleen with the richest of all fats, the pure cod liver oil. For pale school girls and invalids and for all whose blood is thin and pale, Scott's Emulsion is a pleasant and rich blood food. It not only feeds the blood-making organs but gives them strength to do their proper work. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNK, Chemists, 409-415 Pearl Street, New York, 50c nod 91.00 all druggists. TO PUNISH GUILTY INVESTIGATION OF TH E POSTAL SCANDALS WI LL BE MOST THOROUGH. PAYNE MAKES A STATEMENT PARTIES GUILTY OF WRONGDO- ING WILL BE SUMMARILY DEALT WITH. INVOLVES WHOLE DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION OF POSTAL AF- FAIRS WI LL BE CAREFUL- LY PROBED. Washington, April 14.Postmaster General Payne last evening gave out a statement in which he announced that the investigation of the postofflce de partment will be continued and that the parties found guilty of wrongdoing will be summarily dealt with. The statement is as followc: "During the months o" January and February reports reached me, which I deemed It for the public interest necessary to Investigate, and to per sonally aether such information and facts aB would enable the postofflce department to undertake a thorough investigation as to the truth or falsity of these reports. I directed Fourth Assistant Postmaster General Bristow to take the preparatory steps to in vestigate, if necessary using for that purpose postofflce inspectors and such other methods as would thoroughly Ascertain the Truth or falsity of the charges or insinua tions made, and he was Instructed to proceed promptly and with vigor dur ing my absence. Since my return this morning I have not seen Gen. Bristow, BO that I am not advised of the progress made. The Investigation will continue, and If any wrongdoing is disclosed the parties guilty of such wrongdoing will be summarily dealt with. If the system or method of do ing business in the department Is faulty, the proper remedies will be applied without fear or favor. I In augurated the investigation with the determination that it should be ex haustive. It is proper for me to add that I laid before the president the information which I had in my posses sion and that he fully approved of the action proposed by me." Thorough Investigation. The whole administration of the postofflce department Is made subject to the investigation under the post master general's direction, and every inquiry will be made as thorough as the department's most expert inspect ors can make it. At the same time Mr. Payne's purpose is to give fair and just treatment to all concerned, and not to act arbitrarily and with un due haste. For this reason It can be stated that no immediate changes of importance in the personnel of the service are now contemplated, and changes will depend largely on the re port to bo made by Fourth Assistant Postmaster General Bristow on the In vestigation, although developments meantime may necessitate some devi ation from this policy. TOO WET FOR EGGS. Children of the Capital Are Cheated of Their Easter Play. Washington, April 14.The Easter egg-rolling on the White House grounds was a dismal failure because of rainy weather. The grounds were water-soaked and dripping rain from the trees made the grounds cheerless. About a hundred children with their parents came down during the after noon, but soon departed. The pro posed Marine band concert on the grounds was abandoned. A HOT BLAZE. Wilmington, Mass., Having a Serious Fire. Wilmington, Mass., April 14.Fire which broke out in a blacksmith shop in the center of town, spread to otTSr buildings. All telegraphic and tele phonic communication was cut off. The fire is still burning briskly, but as sistance from Woburn has arrived and it is thought the fire will soon be checked. Two business buildings and two dwellings are burning and a high wind Is blowing. FACES TREASON CHARGE. Former Filipino Exile Captured With Revolutionists in Luzon. Manila, April 14.Marino Lianera, formerly an exile on the Island of Guam, has been arrested In Pampariga province, Lur-on. He joined the revo lutionary organization and accepted a commission from that body. The con stabulary captured his commission and other incriminating documents. He will be charged with brigandage, and possibly with treason. Engineer and Fireman Killed. Charlotte, N. C. April 14. The Southern Railway's south-bound fast mall was ditched near Lexington, N. C, yesterday afternoon by strik ing a rock on the track. The engineer and fireman were killed. ^____ Moors Capture a Fortress. Madrid, April 14.Dispatches from Melilla. Morocco, announce that the insurgent Moors have captured the Fortress of Frajana. A part of the garrison escaped and took refuge in Malilla. ORIGIN OF "MEAL MONDAY. Time When Students of Edinburgh University Led Strenuous Life. Students in the Scottish universities enjoyed their "Meal Monday" Feb. 9, but few of the undergraduates remem bered how the holiday was Instituted. In the far-off days, when learning was really nourished on "a little oatmeal," the students, before leaving home for the universities, provided themselves with a quantity of meal, sufficient to make ""halesome parritch" half through the session. By the end of January their "meal kiats" had run low and "a day off" was given in which the student was expected to journey half-way home, meeting at this point his parent or brother, who brought with him a second load of the simple diet. The holiday was fixed on a Mon day, so as to allow the undergraduate the benefit of the proceding Saturday, times past the journeys would often extend to fifty or sixty miles. The mordern student goes home for "Meal Monday," but he travels with a railway ticket and has no thought of the painful journeys of his ances tors. COULD HER SUFFRAGE SUFFER? Amusing Mistake Made by Australian Woman Voter. Female suffrage sometimes leads to amusing mistakes. A candidate at a recent election in Australia, where the women have votes, tells a story in this connection. The constituency was a seaport town, and one of the burning issues before the electors was the question of berthage rates. A woman voter came to him and asked whether he was in favor of imposing these berthage rates, because if he was she would take good care that neither her husband nor herself would vote for him. A little discussion of the matter revealed the fact that the woman was under the impression that the question of berthage rates related to a poll tax on babies. That can didate now doubts whether the aver age female voter is not under a de lusion, or, perhaps, say, under a spell. New York Tribune. Was Too Highly Honored. Senator Cullom was In an elevator the other day when someone shook hands with him rather effusively, say ing: 'How do you do, Senator Fair banks? I am very glad to see you." Mr. Cullom did not correct the effu sive person's error. The latter got out at the next floor and the Senator con tinued for another flight. As he stepped out of the elevator a second stranger grasped his hand and said: "Why, Senator Proctor, I am glad to see you. How are things progressing in Vermont?" Stranger No. 2 entered the cage and Shelby walked away in a slightly dazed condition. In telling a friend of the mistaken greetings he said: "One would have been a good many, but to be taken for Fairbanks and Proctor inside of five minutes was really too much." Danger In a Flower. At a meeting of the Gardeners' So ciety of Berlin, held recently, a sol emn warning was read by a member against the primula obconica, a pale lilac variety of the popular winter flower. It seems that this particular variety, which is very prolific in bloom, has tiny hairs underneath the leaves, and when these hairs come In contact with the human skin they cause inflammation. A member said that his daughter had suffered for three years from this inflammation, which also affected her hair so much that she became bald. The only alle viation known for the inflammation is a decoction of creotln. Wants to Cultivate Lobster Beds. Robinson Crusoe's island, Juan Fer nandez, Is surrounded by lobster beds so productive that a fortune awaits some man who will start a can ning establishment there. So, at least, says Juan Calasaff, a native of Chili, who now lives on the island, and has just come to the United States in search of the capital needed for the enterprise. The island now has 180 Inhabitants, but none of them has suf ficient means to gather the rich har vest of lobsters that the nine months' open season makes possible. The Beat Time to Buy. A man who has a speaking acquaint ance with John D. Rockefeller met him the other day as he left the Standard Oil building to enter his car riage. He stopped the financier with a direct question: "When do you think would be a good time for me to buy 8 Paul, Mr. Rockefeller?" As he stepped Into the carriage Mr. Rocke feller replied. "Between 10 and 3." And these are market hours every day." A Novelist's Old Age. "I am 74," says George Meredith, the novelist, "but I do not feel to be grow ing old either In heart or mind. I Btill look on life with a roung man's eye. I have always hoped I should not grow old as some dowith a pal sied intellect, living backward, regard ing other people as anachronisms be cause they themselves have lived on into other times and left their sym pathies behind them with their years." France Cares Nothing for Royalty. A Brussels correspondent writes that the only interesting point about the recent visit of the Duke and Duchess csf Orleans at Brussels is the proof it affords of the low ebb to which tile fortunes of the royalist party have fallen. The episodes were of a kind to make one philosophise, when one remembers that less than ten years ago the royalist party was still a practical force in French politics. MEDERINE OINTMENT VSXZ'SSSSS. Old and Running Sores, Boils and Ulcers. 50c per box. a AN ASTONISHING OFFER! IF FOR ANY REASON WE FAIL TO CURE YOUR of the head, nose, throat, lungs or stomach in any stage the treatment costs you nothing. Supreme Court Justices Stroll. Nearly every pleasant afternoon the Justices of the United States Supreme court walk down Pennsylvania avenue from the capitol to Fourteenth street, about a mile. Newcomers on the Su preme bench are expected to join in this parade. Justice Holmes, who re cently took his seat, fell Into line real ity, being fond of walking, but Jus tice Day, who will soon be one of the august body, does not like it. It is quite likely, however, that he will be broken in before a couple of weeks have passed. A disordered stomach may cause no end of trouble. When the stomach fails to perform its functions che bow els become deranged, the liver and kidneys congested, causing numerous diseases, the most fatal of which are painless and therefore the more to be dreaded. The important thing is to restore the stomach and liver to a healthy condition and for this pur pose no better preparation can be used than Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv er Tablets. For sale at Mayo's drug store. The best physic: Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver tablets. Easy to take pleasant fn effect. For sale at Mayo's drug store. Clergyman Drew the Line. The remains of a quarry worker who died of injuries received a fight at Klntore on coronation night, have been removed from the village church yard at Allenvale cemetery, Aberdeen, This has been done at the widow's In stance, aa the clergy refused to permit a tombstone bearing the inscription, "Vengeance Is mine, I will repay, salth the Lord." HOW TO WARD OFF AN ATTACK OF RHEUMATISM. "For years when spring time came on and I went into gardening, I was sure to have an attack of rheumatism and every attack was more severethan the preceeding one," says Josie Mc Donald, of Man, Logan county, W. Va. I tried everything with no re lief whatever, until I procured a bot tle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and the first application gave me ease, and before the first bottle was used felt like a new person. Now I feel that I am cured, but I always keep a bot tle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm in the house, and when I eel any symptoms of a return I soon drive it away with one er two applications of this lini ment. For sale at Mayo's drug store. _ +-I..J* nanvviii'.irvtMn You doubtless have catarrh and want to be cursd. Tou have triad ^f 'l WSSSS fi': Yf there ^oX on* absolutely known curse for catarrh In America, and that is MEUL- ITV th ttrf.ltB^ood and Catarrh cure. It acta directly upon the raucous membrane S^^"wSo4t*W(Sraa^IJaSNS ooihe and allays all inflammation o th^arrerted narts "reachea the seat of Uufdlsease by Altering, cleansing and Purifying the WoV.d MBDERtNE! has revolutionized th9 treatment and cure of Catarrh, and created th. greatest sensation In medical circles. ^M a-__U8ufferer8ineverysectionofthecuntrybeartestimonytobeinB TnGUSSIRuS Of yatarfHcured of CATARKH by theonly remedy thatcures-BBBEBlSB A Caae of Nasal Catarrh. John L. Parks of Richmond, Ind., says: Your USD EKIN'K in a -wonder." I bad a bad cae of Catarrh of the Head or Nasal Organs. For years I suffered from ho disease. I tried almost everything that adver tised without any appreciable benefit. Finally I saw your MKDKR1NE advertised, and concluded as a last re sort to try a bottle of it. 1 used two courses of your treatment according to directions, and today I consider myself cured and free from the disease in any form. Write MEDERINE REMEDY CO.. Duluth, Minn., for their system of treatment. All letters answered. Illustrated booklet containing testimonials of cares mailed free PRICE $1, PER BOTTLE. ^%Pgrx&&S$lF! 6 BOTTLES FOR $5. Mederine Remedies are Sold and Guaranteed by Bordering on Insanity. the innesota & International Railway, 18 miles northeast of Bemidji, in the richest pine and hardwood belt in the state of Minnesota. The country round about Tenstrike is heavily timbered with all kinds of pine, and with pople, birch and cedar. The land has a clay sub-soil with a black loam top soil. TENSTRIKE HAS FOUR SAWMILLS The town is located at the southeastern extremity of Gull Lake, one of the hand somest bodies of water in Beltrami coun ty. For Particulars concerning business locations or dwelling lots address the BANK OF TENSTRIKE, at Tenstrike, WHITE & STREET TO NSITE CO., at Bemidji, or A. A. HITE, St. Paul, Minnesota. F^t^wm^MmmmmmmE: J. M. Lynch of Kansas City, Mo., writes: I hardly know how to express to yoa my thanks for the goo* that MKDEKINE has done me. I was a great sufferer from Catarrh of the Head. I was in a state bordering on Insanity, with ringing sounds tn roy ears. I was easily tired out. The least exertion finished me. Iws*. losing tiesh rapidly. I eominenced to take sTEDEKINi., and in two months it cured me. I hare no pains in the head, sleep well, eat heartily ana am gaining my fiesttsj faster than I lost It. urnrniiir CAM) For toilet, bath and nursery, vl- MEDEnlHC oUnr mines the skin a completion. tea*" "perfect cure for Dandruff and all scalp sad -.kit., diseases. Price 35c. irTrq^T^PW^^w^r^^*^ TENSTRIKE he' own of Tenstrike is on the line of A Aggravating Co ugh Cnre A customer of ours who had been,' sufferine from a severe cough for six months, bought two bottles of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy from us and was entirely cured by one and a half bottles of it. It gives perfect satis faction with ourjtrade.Haynes-Park er & Co., Lineville, Ala. For sale by Mayo's drug store. QUEEP: N) S9M!3 ".not. yfr Like the Poet They Sigh for a Lodge* in Some Vast Wilderness. Fargo, N. D., April 14 -The Scottish Rite Masons of this state have arr ranged to have a reunion in the Bad: Lands near Medora in July. The meeting is contingent on the number of applications, but there seems no doubt about it. A special dispensation, has been secured and the meeting will be held in some of the famous plains near Medora, out in the open. I Mayo Warrants Every Bottle. If troubled with rheumatism give Chamberlain's Pain Balm a trial. It will not cost you a cent it does no good. One application will relieve the pain. It also cures sprains and bruises in one third the time required by any other treatment. Cuts, burnsr frostbites, quinsy, pains in the side and chest, glandular and other swell ings are quickly cured by applying it. Every bottle warranted. Price 2" andl 50 cents. Mayo's drug store. Gelston Still Missing. Sturgis, S. D., April 14.Not a word has been heard from Veterinary Sur geon Gelston, who disappeared so completely out of sight at Fort Meade two weeks ago last Tuesday, nor has any discovery been made or Informa tion received that would give a clue to his whereabouts. He has dropped completely out of sight. Gold Near Bon est eel. Bonesteel, S. D., April 14. The ports from the gold discovery on the 5ink farm, six miles southeast of here, dicate that the mine is a bonanza, everal pieces of the quartz rock have been assayed and show a value ot ever $50 to the ton. WON'T NEED A DOCTOR. If you take Rea Bros.' Cascarin. It gives good results and acts quickly. It is a specific in constipation, cures La Grippe, colds and prevents fevers.* The stomach once relieved and put in a healthy condition all of the attendant troubles pass away. At druggists, price. 60 cents- ml +$&?*' a i i r-TTTr