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SWi ^, rv v-H fr •i 1 •4* 4* 4* 4~ 4* •fc fr O. D. KINNEY, PRES. v,.r- VV,%ra*-* tWALL ECEIVES v? „**.-«£)••• THE I Going To Build? IF SO, WE DESIRE TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF HOUSE FURNISHINGS. OILS PAINTS A NO V4',.t ,_w 4 •(. i-w^ V{ BUILDING MATERIAL OF" EVERY DESCRIPTION. WE HANDLE THE FINEST LINE ON THE RANGES, AND OUR AIK IS TO GIVE THE BEST GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. PENINSULAR STEEL RANGES. BEST ON EARTH. SPORTING GOODS of Every Description, at Prices Thrat Are Right. A. Hawkinson & CO., Beavy and Eight Hardware, Cutlery, tinware and Saddlery. Tinshop in Connection. Virginia. i|ifc afe i|* ife ijfiif* 4* *1* *1* '|i'I''I''!« *T* i{f* i|i .|i i|i i|. *|*y BANK 8 VIRGINIA. change. Sea Steamship Tickets and Pay Interest on Time Deposits VIRQIXI A, »^.sA-U,s PI VOL. 10. VIRGINIA, ST. LOUIS COUNTY. ESOTA, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1902. & 4 4 4 4 4 4- Satisfaction Always Given troy Steam Cauitdry, MRS. M. A. BOOTH, PROP. FAMILY WASHINGS A SPECIALTY. PRICES RIGHT. to our customer in the turning out of all classes of Laundry Work. We take a great deal of pride in our Shirt, Collar and Cuff Department. For good clean work th6 public has recommended "M"|i I-MmM-H E. GRIGGS, CASHIER -M-wwrnrnMimmmm )oes A General Banking DEPOSITS, Issues Foreign and Domestic Ex Bank on Corner of Chestnut Street and Wyoming Avenue HINNE80TA. «•!«. ID R«.^*- Wednesday, July 23rd, Erick A. Gronberg and George Steinberg Drown in Sil ver Lake BY THE CAPSIZING OF BOAT. The saddest accident in the his tory of Virginia, an accident which robs two homes of cherished sons and cut off two young lives in the bud of manhood, occurred on Tues day afternoon, when Brick Albert Gronberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gronberg, and George Steinberg, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Stein berg, of The Fair Store, went to a watery grave in Silver Lake through the foolhardiness of boys in rock ing a boat, as the party approached shore. In company with Johnny Kraker, Fred Verville, Johnny Thompson, Willie Thorum and Willie Molan the victims of the accident had been enjoying a row about the lake, and were headed for the landing at the west erid of Chestnut. street when some one of the party thoughtlessly and foolishly commenced rocking the boat, others quickly assisting with the result that the skiff was capsized when some forty feet from shore. With the exception of George Steinberg, all the boys could swim and started for shore, but the Gron berg boy, noting the helplessnes of his companion and being a goo swimmer, returned to render assisj ance. As he approached, the drow ing boy caught him by the leg, a both, sank to the bottom ere assist ance could reach them. The alarm was quickly given And Cyril Tyler, Jas. Henderson, A. Gimse, H. S. Clark and C. S. shea were among the earliest to respond, but ere the bodies could be 1 and recovered they had been water for about thirty minutes, and while Drs. Crowe, Lenont,/ Miller and Morcom, together with/ assist ance from others, worked faithfully they were finally compelled to aban don all hope of resuscitatioh. Seated inder Both boys were well-known young men, and in their demise Virginia feels the loss of two of her promis ing youths and to the heartbroken parents, in their irreparable loss, is extended the sympathy of all. Erick Albert Gronberg was the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Gron berg. He was born at Norway, Mich., May 19,1885 He was a pupil of the Virginia school, and a gen eral favorite among his playmates. His heroic action in his attempt to rescue his drowning companion was characteristic of his nature, and the world can ill afford the loss of such dispositions. His funeral was held from the Swedish Luther an church yesterday afternoon, be ing attended by a large concourse of sorrowing friends, the remains being laid at rest in the Virginia cemetery. George Steinberg was born in Chicago on August 31st, 1890, and with his parents came here from Biwabik several years ago. He was a boy whom all liked and honored, a diligent student and a boy of a most promising future. The father, R. Steinberg, accompanied the re mains to Duluth on Wednesday, for interment in the Jewish cemetery at that place. 8A.QWA. TRliitC NO. JV, i, 0. ar Wednesday last was a red letter day with Sagwa Tribe No. 20, I. O. ****.« i-- -t .DON'T MISS THISL Via Duluth, Missabe & Northern, to FARE FOB ROUND TRIP. t2.50 Train leaves Hibbing7:00 a. m: Virginia, 7:45 a.m. Eveleth, 8:15 u. m. Arrive at Duluth, 10:45 a. m.. •giving ample time to see the street parade and both afternoon and eve ning performances. Returning, leave Duluth, 10:30. Miaaabe Junction, 10:45. IT BEATS iALU Jl Watery Grave. Stow. R. M. at Eveleth. The degree team of Wiiinebigoshish Tribe No. 32, of Hibbing, came over and assisted to adopt a large class of Pale-faces and atttie same time assisted Deputy Great Sachem Joseph Backus, of this city, and Deputy Great Sannap Lojnbfeerg, of Hibbing, to raise the following Chiefs to their respective Stumps: $ac£iem—Chief Vivian Prince, P.S &en£&agamore—Chief Fr. Finch. Jr. Sagamore—Chief J. C. Welch. C. of R.—Chief G. W. Mulligan, P.S Prophet—Chief J. Backus, D. G. S. K. cif W.—Chief Wm. Coss. G. oi F.—Chief John Primovich. G. of W.—Chief M. P. Finucan. 1st $annap—Chief David Forte. 2nd iSannap—Chief H..C. Garrott. 1st Warrior—A. J. Harding. 1st Brave—Hugh McDonald. At tie elose of the ceremonies the visiting Tribes, with the home mem bers, enjoyed a Dog Feast until the weie sma' hours of morning. This Tribe, is increasing weekly. The Trfbe meets in its own hall every Wjedttesday evening. Visitors al w&V8 welcome. calian political club. ^organization of the Italian rowns the range waaf ieffecterd atf Eveleth yesterday, Wm. D. Beslow and David C. Christopher, of this city, being elected as president and secretary, respectively. /The organization will be known as the Mesaba Italian McKinley Club, and will have for its object 'the furthering of Republican prin ciples. It is the intention to organ ize subsidiary clubs at all range points, the following local commit teemen having been named: James Maara, Caesar Porte and David For te, Eveleth Louis Manna, Fayal Joseph Turner, Hibbing. An exchange gives the following good advice to parents: "Put your boy to work it he is not in school. If there is nothing else for him to do put him to whitewashing the back fence, keeping the lawn mow ed and cutting the winter's supply of wood. Anything is better than loafing about town at the rear end of a cigarette, learning evil habits and contracting all vices that are afloat to catch idlers. No honest la bor will hurt your boy, but the evil habits he may contract in the streets tnay kill his soul and poison his moral nature so as to make him a detriment to the community in which he lives and bow down his gray-haired parents with sorrow. If the fathers and mothers of today would only learn the importance of training their sons so as to be in dustrious and keep them off the streets, the coming generation would be inestimably better for it." While in the city Wednesday Hon. Neil Mclnnis, county commissioner for this district, stated to an Enter prise reporter that he had just re: .turned from a tramp over the moose trail between this city and McKin ley which h?s ofttimes been erron eously referred to as a county road, and that he expected to- be able to obtain a liberal apportionment for the improvement of same. The finishing of this piece of road would be of inestimable value to the com mercial interests of Virginia, bring ing thousands of dollars, now di verted into other channels, into lo calr business houses. The comple tion of the road cannot, therefore, come too quickly to suit Virginia and Virginians. Dr. Spratley, the dentist, will re turn to the city early in August, and in future will spend tne greater portion of. his time in Virginia. I- i" ^*1- A Smooth Individual Buncoes a Virginia'Gaming Table For a Neat Roll BY AN ELECTRIC APPLIANCE. It is not often that the gambling fraternity run up against a "bunco" game, but such was the experience of one of Virginia's joints upon two occasions last week, being taken into camp on Wednesday afternoon for all in sight and again on Satur day evening, the bank roll having been strengthened in the meantime, the smooth individual who worked the game getting away in the two plays with a larger wm than an in dustrious laborer could earn many years. in as While the phenomenal run of luck ot the stranger excited the anger of the man behind the wheel and caused much comment and speculation among the score or so professional gamblers who work at ORDINANCE NO. 32. An Ordinance For the Suppress ion of Gambling In the City of Virginia, St. Louis County, Min nesota. The Common Council ol the City of Virginia do ordain: SECTION 1. GAXIUNO PROHIBIT®!).—It shall be unlawful for any person within the city of Virginia to gamble with cards, dice, gaming tables or an# gambling device of whatever kind or nature, or for any person, to keep or use any gambling device whatever* designed to be used im gambling. SECTION 2. Any pexson who sihall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall! be punished by a fine of not less than Fifty Dollars (850.00) nor more than One Hundred! Dollars ($100.00), and costs of prosecution, er in default of payment thereof shall, be im prisoned in the county jail for- a term of not exceeding thirty days, or both said fine and) imprisonment may be imposed at the discre tion of the'Judgeof the Municipal Court. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect atid be in force firamT itnd after Ite paMfcgB* Mprovaland publication. Passed on motion of Alderman St. Cyt by the following vote: Vyes—Aldermen St. Cvr, Walberg, Hovtand,. Cohen, George* Johnson, Mr. President—Ti Nays—Alderman Holmer—1. Approved Api. 28.19f£ W. H. EATON, mayor. Attest: ALBERT E. BICKFORD, City Recorder. [CORPORATE 8IAL.1 Officially published in The* Virginia Enter prise in the issues of April 25 and May 2,1902, their occupation in this city, it was not until the bank had been put on the hog for the second time that the management became convinced that nobody's legitimate luck was entitle^ to beat a sure game for so big a roll, and commenced to look up the possible cause. And it was found—a search bf the roulette wheel when taken apart revealing a fine wire attachment which had evi dently been used in connection with a pocket battery for the purpose of attaining desired results. But while the search was in pro gress the young man whose clever ingenuity had won the coin, realiz ing that discretion was the better part of valor, left the city—carrying with him a wad which would have been a sufficient incentive to lead a strong-arm man a long ways on his trail,could the trail have been found. MIXING CON GRIMM UELKGA XKS Among delegates appointed by Gov. Van Sant to represent Minne sota at the international mining congress to be held at Butte during September, are the following well known Mesaba and Vermilion mining men: Capt. J. H, Hearding, Capt. S. E. Helps, Capt. *Glen R. Brown, Capt. C. W. Kimberly, C. E. Bailie, Eveleth Capt. P. Mitchell, Capt. Redfern and A. P. Silliman, Hibbing J. D. Lamont, Virginia Capt. G. W. Wallac&, Duluth Capt. J. D. Shilling, Biwabik Capt. M. S. Hawkins, Mountain Iron, and John Pengilly, Ely. WILL LOVATK HKRK. Dr. J. L. Gunderson, dentist, was in the city Saturday, completing ar rangements for opening permanent dental parlors here in the near fu ture. Dr. Gunderson is a graduate of the University of Minnesota, and comes to us from Kenyon, where he is now located. Together with its environments Virginia offers exceptional induce ments to a resident dentist, and we believe the field will be found a lu crative one. iii -IJ!-I.W JFFT- £oC Snap. ery &5^-I*'.:--:, i'*j^A*gSjj£a3efc-•,. '..• -.. ChesfaratStreet, VIRGINIA* Neat* to Vir. Hdw. Co. MINN. SMOKERSI ifjromm ohoice of Smok* i& a Rich, Ifildbaind Pleasant Cigar try thmt CELEBRATED AND ORIGINAL JAEKEQKE BROS.' mm 1 PLANTATION.. Mas stood the test for fifteen yemrm Bind is pronounced tyr judge* mm &oe as ever. STItlOTLY A umott mADB GIOMC* Beware of Imitations. '•. 11 inn 111' itl MM fim t* Painter. Painting. Graining. Decorative Work and PAPER HANGING. ESTIMATES FREE. Office: Mesaba Avenue, near Chestnut Street, Virginia, Minn. NEXT At The mm /,sA£&'> :i 2J DANIEL COVKBY. ?KOP. FFBEST RIGS INF THE OFTY** "V-^ ^"4: ""-K '. HO. 24 Aqiila $ Tonsnria 5 Parlors, li H. H. LIEN, Prop. First Class in Every Respect and Satisfaction Guar anteed* HAWKINSON BUILDING, VIRGINIA. •v N "I 3 jf '1 -1 -i I •4, 1 $