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lir tf Or i* iH iti \fc V^/ to tif i# U/ iHf 5 tf Hit ili ik ib ik ib it i6 ili it it to to to to ib to ib ib & \b BSflOVIFY THE LINE SHOWN BY tt \t YOUR HOM® WITH NEAT FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS. MESBERG TIMS OLD RELIABLE DEALER, JS COMPLETE IN EVERY RESPECT, HIS STOCK BEING ARTISTIC DURABLE AND MODERN. Xcatber (Soobs, The .Finest Stock Ever Shown on the Range. £H^R£ AND COUCHES, Latest Patterns and Right Prices. Radiant Home Steel Ranges ARE THE FINEST MADE. We Have the Exclusive Agency and Invite Four Inspection. J. Mesberg, Furniture and Hardware, VIRGINIA, EVELETH, S\ UHBBHOnHUnBnBBHBaU«Hi Do You Want To Make Money? It Costs Nothing To Investigate! THE HIGH GRADE GOLD MINING CO., Incorporated under the laws of the State of Oregon, CAPITAL $50,000.00, One Million Shares. Four Hundred Thousand of these shares have been placed in the treasury of the company to be sold for development purposes. All stock fully paid and non-assessable. Hon. D. M. Watson. Portland, Oregon, of Watson, Bros. T. M. Younger, Portland, Oregon. Master Mechanic, S. P. R. R. Hon. Dell Stuart, Portland, Oregon. Lawyer. O. A. Hall, Portland, Oregon. Tft 1* $ *p & EATON'S DRAY LINE LIGHT AND HEAVY DBAYING. FREIGHT AND BAGGAGE HAULED.. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO West Walnut street, Virginia. THIS PROPERTY is surrounded by dividend paying mines and it is only a question of fur ther development to make it a producer. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: Geo, Salzer, Minneapolis, Minn. Salzer Lumber Co. O. v. McLeod. Portland, Oregon. Mining Broker. W. W. McCreedy, Vancouver, Wash. Lawyer. W.A.Holt, Portland, regon. Paying Teller, Welle Fargo Ba-ik. D. P. Knapp, Portland. Oregon. Gen. Foreman. S. P. R. R. DEPOSITORY—Wells Fargo Bank. Head Office: FAILING BLDG., Portland, Oregon. Room 226. Write for Map and Prospectus, to O. C. MoLEOD CO. THE VIRGINIA ENTERPRISE. IP. B. BAXNAFOMUi. EDITOR. Friday, July 25, 1902. Entered at the Post-Office at Virginia Minn, as second class mail matter. Terms. $2 Per Year, in Advance. Official Paper, City of Virginia. Spceial Jfottce. Persons Wishing a news item, change of "&d." or anything in the line of locals, in serted, will please have same In our office by Thursday noon of each week, if convenient, as it saVtes time and trouble for both parties. We resetV© the right to positively refuse any notice 'oi Whatever nature after 2 o'clock p. m. on ThuMdav. VALUATIONS SUBMITTED. At a meeting of the county board Wednesday morning the mine own ers of the Minnesota ranges sub mitted the following estimates of valuation of their properties, for the consideration of the board: MESABA SHIPPERS. Adams $625,000 Aetna 125,000 Alpena 62,500 Biwabik 359,375 Burt 125,000 Chisholm 93,750 Clark 100,000 Corsica 46,875 Day 62,500 Duluth 93,750 Elba 225,000 Fayal 937,500 Genoa 218,759 Glen 62,500 Hale 18,750 Hull 187,500 Kanawha 31,250 Mahoning 625,000 Malta 123,000 Mountain Iron and Rathbun 375,000 Penobscot 93,750 Pillsbury 93,750 Roberts 18,750 Rust 8^500 Sauntry 78,125 Sharon 187,500 Sparta 125,000 Stevenson 500,000 Sellers 100,000 Union 46,875 Vega and Spruce 312,500 NEW SHIPPING MINES—1902-1903. Agnew 31,250 Grant 46,775 Jordan 31,250 Lincoln 62,500 Laura 31,250 Longyear 31,250 Minorca 62,500 Maitland 31,250 Pearce 31,250 Pettitt 31,250 Stephens 43,750 Snyder-Ohver 31,250 Winnifred 31,250 Williams 3,125 Morrow 31250 NON-SHIPPING PROPERTIES. D. D. Adams Alworth Auburn Bessemer C. H. Bradley, state lease Burt Lands Burt Lands Burt Lands Burrows et al Day Lands Canton Carson Lake Chemung Iron Co Chemung Iron Co Cincinnati Cincinnati North Columbia Commodore Congdon Culver D'Autremont Donora Elba Iron company lands Elizabeth Iron company Franklin Forster Great Western Cross property G. G. Hartley Hibbing townsite..' Higgins No. 1 Higgins No. 2 L. W. Hill L. W. Hill L. W. Hill L. W. Hill Humphrey Iron Chief Jeffrey Kinney et al Kosmerl-Mueller Lamberton et al Leetonia Ldonidas Lone Jack Longyear and Bennett Maitland, state lease _. Maitland, state lease Mailman McEwen A. M. Miller, Jr., or LkBelle Iron Works Minnewas Monroe McKinley Moose Norman Northwest Improvement Co Niles Ohio Oliver 0 0 I 0 0 0 3,000 20,000 30,000 30,000 2,00b 15,000 5,000 10,000 20,000 15,000 31,000 2,000 20,000 10,000 2,000 2,000 20,000 30,000 10,000 26,000 15,000 25,000 2,000 5,000 30,000 14,000 12,000 5,000 2.000 6,500 10,000 15,000 3,000 2,000 5,000 20,000 20,000 21,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 5,000 20,000 10,000 25,000 10,000 5.0C0 1,000 1,000 10,0C0 2,000 10,000 20,000 31,000 40,000 30,000 32,000 16,000 35,000 25,000 Pickands, Mather company. 10,000 Pittsburg Iron Mining Co 2,000 Pool 10,000 Rouchleau 60,000 Rouchleau-Ray Iron Land Co and R. B. Whitesides__. 3,000 Shaw 25,000 Sheridan 30,000 St. Clair 20,000 Snively 10,000 State lease 2,000 Vermillion Range Land Co. 3,000 Victoria 30,000 Waucota 30,0f0 Wallace-Moon 2,000 James Wanless, state lease.. 2,000 Wabigon Iron company 1,000 Webb 1,000 J. B. Adams 10,000 Kinney 20,000 Sweanev i_._ 21,0C0 VERMILLION RANGE NINES. Chandler 375,000 Pioneer.. 568,750 Savoy 187,500 Sibley 46,000 Soudan 200,000 Zenith... 125,000 ONE man killed and nine wound ed is the record of an Austrian pic nic at Ely on Sunday last. Not so bad, for only one day. J. B. MIODLECOFF has filed his affidavit for the Republican nomi nation for judge of probate, and promises a warm campaign from this time. THE Duluth central police station is reported to be overrun with rats. The unionists of the Zenith City should get a hump on and organ ize the new-comers. ST. LOUIS county fast gains a rep utation as a law-abiding communi ty. Within the past year nine mur ders have been committed in the county, and not a death sentence has been pronounced. A. C. PARSONS, who has hereto fore appeared before the voters of St. Louis county in a different poli tical garb, is out after the republi can nomination for superintendent of schools. He will get it—nit. JUDGE EDSON again takes in range points this week,meeting and gaining an acquaintance with pro minent range republicans. And his introductory appearance leaves an impression that is certain to do him much good in his candidacy. THE political fiend has been try ing to get in some strong licks in Duluth of late, by the circulation of cards intended very to be detri mental to the candidacy of Messrs. Halden, Whipple and Sargent, in KOOCHICHING Look for Important Announce ment in This Space Next Week. KOOCHICHING I Stock Complete WHILE JTCJt t.- .. LUMBER. -. g). Baiiev Cumber Company. Sasb, Door, Catlt, Shingles, Etc. VIRGINIA, MINNESOTA. Deliveries Made To All Range Points. Telephone 35-4. their fight for renomination. The act of a sneak who dare not be known as the author of the card will not be taken seriously by the voters, however. Odin Halden has opposi tion for renomination as county auditor, his chances are not consid ered to be impaired thereby. The people of St. Louis cotinty recog nize his official worth too well to permit his defeat. J. ADAM BEDE has opened head quarters in the Torrey Building, Duluth. And unless the people of this district desire to vote away their birthright by sending a free iron congressman, they will be closed very shortly after the prima ries. THE candidacy of M. C. Palmer for register of deeds apparently meets with popular favor in Duluth as well as upon the ranges, and his nomination and election is confi dently predicted by those in a posi tion to know the feeling of public men on the question. THE many friends of C. M. Bur nett, the popular roadmaster of the D. M. & N. are after him to run for the republican nomination for sher iff, and he has the matter under se rious advisement. The shrievealty appears to be a plum worth having, notwithstanding that two-thirds of the remuneration was cut off by placing the position on a salary basis. On Sunday next, July 27, the Hib bing and Grand Rapids ball teams will cross sticks at the Grand Rap ids park. For the occasion a spec ial excursion train will be run via the Eastern Minnesota, at one fare for the round trip. The train will leave Virginia at 8 o'clock a. m., the fare from this city being $2, and a number from this city will join the throng for a day's outing. Return ing, the train will leave Grand Rap ids at 7 p.m. Prices Rtoht. A* .j. A. L. McGREGOR Manufacturer of Carriages, Drays, Wagons and Sleighs. DULUTH, West First Street. MINN. XX 0. CHRISTOPHER, City Justice and Notary Deputy Coroner. Real Estate and Insurance. Collections Made Everywhere^ Steamship flqgllt'JIll 111« repmentca Phone 70. Virginia, Minnesota. BABY BEEF fe what we call the TENDER meat. we offer. This is cut from two and three year olds and is simply delicious in flavor, firm and juicy, and free from excess of bone and fat. Try any of these cuts and see if you won't like both the meat and o.ur prices MESABA MEAT MARKET P. A. COFFFY, Proprietor, VIRGINIA, MINN.