VOL. i, NO. i. 1 / I Thug* and ToujjhM Employed By Contestora The disgraceful proceedings at the doors of the Duluth laud office on the opening of every new and valuable township for entry, were repeated again last week, by the gang of pro fessional contestors and dishonest locators who infest this country and others as well. Honest settlers who go to the land office to file, have no show against these parasites, simply because they are not stong enough to hold out at the entrance against the outslaught of a mob of Minnesota Point thugs and toughs, who are hired for the occasion. J The dirty, rotten gang who for the past years has been in the habit of '•making it hot” for every honest homesteader or pre-emptor have near ly run their race. At one time there were land sharks, enough in the busi ness to help each other out, but now, owing to the fields of labor becoming smaller every year, the vampires are forced to hire the offscourings of the •earth to assist them in their nefarious work. The method employed to hamper the settler is as follows: A certain locator secures his men who are to enter the different tracts of which he has the minutes. Then he gets a number of roustabouts and toughs and places them in the line to push these men forward. Time and again one of them has been seen to grab a settler who was near the front and then the others pull and the man would be jerked out of his place in a j i ffy. J mmediately one of the locator’s henchmen would be pushed into the place. By continued jostling and crowding they manage to get these fellows to the front. Then they hold them there until the land office is open and they get in. All of them then disappear, their work being done. Ever since the little unpleasantness at Tower, a year ago, in which Mee, ■Cook. Shannon and others, figured so conspiciously at the end of a rope, with a body of fifty able*&died home steaders at the other eEid. the land sharks have given Towei’i * wide berth. There are several new townships to be opened in this vicinity and the settlers should see that none of this class of animal gets into the towns. It is ■easier to keep them out than it is to get them out after they are in. Get a rope and lay for them. The May pay rolls of the Duluth & Iron Range railway were 'of unusual size, but those for June are larger yet. The pay rolls for the operating de partment are about $65,000, 'while those for the construction department pos sibly may reach up to S3O, It is rumored that a large reduction works is to be established 1 at Rainy Lake City, on the lake fron t east of the townsite and that the will do custom work. An enterprise of the above kinci would be a boon to land owners and miners in thegol|lcountry. CY. h Although there is no Hush the Gold Fields are Coining to the Front. Late advices from the Ra'iny lake and Seine river country are to the effect that work is progressing stead ily, on the numerous workings and that although there is no greq.t influx of people into that country al the present time, developments are never theless being rapidly pushed. Al though the Duluth & Iron' Range route via Tower is by far the (shorter and cheaper way to reach the feldora do, the Winnipeg and Rat Portage route is meeting with the larger part of the travel now, owing to the enor mous amount of rain that has fallen this season and the muddy condition of the 28-mile portage between Ver milion and Crane lakes. The money recently appropriated by the county commissioners for the portage, will suffice to put the road in first class condition. .7 i —J/ * i Capital has not fallen over itself in its effort to reach the gold country. For this there are several reasons. The most potent among these is the fact that too high a price was asked for surface indications. The several stamp mills have also tended to hold the country back. Surface rock was Xound to be free, milling, but after DIRTY" BUSINESS. and Locators at the Land Office. What We Need. Good Thing. THE GOLD COUNT THE EL sinking shafts to a distance of from 30 to 60 feet the ore became refractory, which the stamp mills could not touch, although the assays of the refractory ores showed more gold than did those of the free-milling. It has been clearly proven that to secure the gold from the new field, a complete set of new machinery is required. Some of the monied men controlling several of the properties, will put in the machinery, but according to all accounts, several “freeze out” games are on the tapis and consequently the country will suffer. Late reports brought from the Lyle mine on Dry weed island in Rainy lake, say the quartz is again running into free milling as a depth of over 60 feet is attained in the main shaft. The Ilillyer-Steele property, on the Seine, is also improving in quality of ores as depth is attained. The latter mine has been proven by assays to be the richest in the country. Notwithstanding this the poorest stamp mill results have been obtained. With scarcely a color showing in the pan, the wash rock glistened with particles of free gold, showing the stamp mill not capable of taking care of the quartz. The wealthy New York syndicate, who last fall secured options on $250,- 000 worth of Seine river properties, have failed to make their options good, mot because the ore was not good, but because is was of such a refractory nature, the numerous smelters would have nothing to do with it, unless they could retain the greater part of the shining metal for their work, leaving the property holders a bare subsistense and no returns on their investments. Another Saw Mill. It is reported, authentically, that a Michigan concern has in view the erection of a large saw mill in this city, on the banks of Long lake. The firm having the mill in mind, control at the present time about 125,000,000 feet of pine on the streams tributary to Burntside and Long lakes, and are rapidly accumulating all the pine lands they can secure. The name of the firm is not being publicly men tioned although almost everyone in the city is aware of whom we speak. We hope the report is not unfounded and that soon Ely will become the home of another valuable industry. Imagination at Rainy Lake. According to the Rainy Lake Jour nal word has reached Rainy Lake City that early in the spring an Indian, while on a hunting trip was dismayed at the sight of a brilliant stone, that gave forth all the colors he could think of, including the sun, moon and stars. Full of superstitious dread he paddled away from the spot with all possible speed. He did not mention the matter to other Indians until quite recently, when it reached the ears of a half-breed who had some notion of gems, and thought it might be a big diamond. After some persuasion and setting at comparative rest the superstitious fear of the Indian, he finally prevailed upon him to take him to where he had seen the strange sight, but owing to the high water coming on the Indian could not locate it. However, later on the half-breed will make another attempt to find the stone and it may be something equalling the famous Kohinoor diamond may yet be discovered in the Rainy Lake region. Tower and Ely Road. The county road between this city and Tower, for a very small appropri ation, could be put in good condition for both pleasure and business pur poses. From this end the road is fair as far as Robinson lake and the Tower end is also good for about six miles this way. With the coming of the bicycle there appears a new phase to the road question throughout the land. In all southern sections the roads are being put in good condition for bicycle travel and the road com missioners are recognizing the rights of the “bike” as a vehicle. With a good highway between here and Tower, the social, as well as business rela tions of the two towns could be much increased. No doubt the .county com missioners would be only too willing to make an appropriation if properly approached. As the road is now, it is no good and not in use with the ex ception of a few miles towards and from this city.. ELY, MINNESOTA, WEDN New Machinery and Track Going In and the Property Taking on a Lively Aapect. At the Pioneer mine about 200 men are at present finding employment. About 120 men are employed in the shaft drifting and taking out ore to the amount of 250 tons daily. The ore is being taken from the sth level up. Below the sth level the work of opening up and developing is taking place to a depth of 740 feet, or the 9th level. 80 men are at work grading for the spur to the stockpile grounds, which will be completed in about three weeks. The grade of ore being hoisted by the Pioneer is of an exceptionally high quality,going about 67 per cent metalic iron with scarcely a trace of phosphorus. The compressors in the new build ing, built for their receptance, are in position and as soon as the boilers are set on their foundation near the com pressors, the plant will be ready for business. The compressors are the Ingersoll Sargant, with 18 by 42 cyl inder and a2oby 42 air cylinder and have a 30 drill capacity. The two mammoth new pumps to be set, one in the 7th level and one in the 9th, are stored on the grounds ready to put in on short notice. The pumps are the Prescott duplex with a 9| by 24 inch plunger, ? high pressure cylider 18 by 24 and a 24 by 36 low pressure cylinder and have a capacity of 800 gallons per minute, built for an 800 foot lift. In addition to the pumps and com pressors, the company are putting in something new to this country in the shape of boilers. They are the Stir ling water tube safety boilers, manu factured by the Stirling company, of Chicago, at their shops in Barberton, Ohio. These boilers attracted con siderable attention at the World's fair and were honored with first pre mium. There are four boilers of 150 11. P. in two batteries. They con tain 132, 3i by an average of 14 feet tubes and have a heating surface of 1,700 square feet with a grate surface of 36 feet. They are guaranteed to evaporate between Tllne and ten pounds of water with one of coal under ordinary circumstances. There are three 36-inch upper drums on an iron frame 14 feet high with a mud drum below. All the tubes from the upper drums, 132 in number, run into the lower drums. The water cir culates through the lower drum to reach the upper two front drums, the sediment remaining in the lower drum. The upper drums are connec ted by short water circulating tubes. The boilers are tested at 200 pounds water pressure. The whole is enclosed by an 18-inch brick wall, retaining all gases, heats, etc., ; n.l is surmounted by a 48 by 70 stack. Mr. S. A. Shindel, the gentlemen who is setting tlie boilers, says his company have from 15 to 20 men set ting these boilers the year around and their field covers the entire United States and a great many of the foreign countries. One battery at the Pioneer will be ready by August 1. and the other will follow soon after. Nearly 4000 Tons of Chandler Product A bustling scene of activity prevades at the Chandler mine these days. The steam shovel is kept busy every day and part of the night in its efforts to reduce the size of the stockpiles. The management have the shipping of every pound of ore on the stockpiles in view and no effort or labor will be spared from now on to reach that end. The daily products of the Chandler exceeds 1600 tons a day and in addition to the daily loading of the steam shovel, it is figured the Chandler is shipping to the docks nearly 4,000 tons a day. The steam shovel has about cleaned up No. 4. stockpile with the exception of about 4,000 tons on the bank which must be loaded by hand. With over three months yet to ship, there is no doubt, all the stocked ore, with the daily output will go forward. In order to clean up the stocked ore the company were forced. to curtail the output from in the neighborhood ..of 55,000 tons per month, to 38,000 tons a few months ago. The ore train is making four and sometimes live daily trips between between here and the Junction with 35 loads, in the. aggregate 800 tons Twiner DAY, JULY 24, 1895. THE PIONEER. THE CHANDLER. Daily Beiug Shipped. to a trip. On July 13, the Chandler had shipped 268,660 tons and have In stock at the present time, according to the estimate of Manager Pengilly, about 174,000 tons. The new vertical shaft being sunk, known as the new No. 4, is now down to a depth of about 100 feet and good headway is being made. The shaft was begun on May 27, and is located about 300 feet north of the old No. 4 shaft. About 600 men are at present employed in the Chandler. NEW OPERA HOUSE. Dedication to Take Place Tonight By a Grand Concert. This evening at 7:30, the doors will open at the new opera house for the lirst time and during the few brief hours that follow the people of this city will have the pleasure of helping to dedicate the beautiful hall, erected at the corner of Camp street and Second avenue, by listning to a musi cal programme such as has never been equalled in this city. To the Finnish Temperance society belongs the honor of having given Ely the hall long longed for, and also the musical event to take place tonight. In their preparation of this entertain ment, they have been ably assisted by our musically inclined citizens who felt the need of just some such institu tion as the one just completed by the society. The programme to be ren dered this evening will be found below and by glancing at the names attached to the various numbers, it can be plainly seen the entertainment will be a success. Mrs. Aubolee, Mrs. Brownell, Mrs. Shipman, Mrs. Gilbert, Miss Cowling, Miss Goldsworthy, Miss Stewart and Messrs. Anderson, Cas tren, Sheridan and all those taking part are too well known as entertainers to need an introduction to our people. Following is the programme of the evening: Glorial2th Mass Mozart Ely City Band. Chorus“O. Italia Beloved”from “Lu crezia Borgia.” By class, with violin, piano and cornet accompaniment. Finnish National Song "Our Land”...Paclus Finnish Quartette. Cornet SoloFloctonian Polka Casey Mr. O. Castren. Duet. (Comic). "Mrs. Brown’s Mistake”..Amos Miss Stewart ami Mr. J. Sheridan. Piano Solo.."Aufforderung zum Tanz”.. Weber Mrs. E. J. Gilbert. Quartette“Ahtl”Lindblad Finnish Quartette. Vocal Solo" Zia the Gypsy White Miss Goldsworthy. Cornet 5010...” Cleopatra Polka”...Hungerford Mr. M. G. Whitford. Chorus .“Cobbler’s Song”.from opera ’Jupiter’ Mr. J. Anderson and class. Duet.“ Till We Meet Again” Bailey Mrs. Shipman and Mrs. Aubolee. Chorus with Duet. ."Beautiful Rain” .Bliss Misses. Stewart. Goldsworthy and class. Cornet Solo"Nankeag Polka” Casey Mr. O. Castren. Duet and Chorus..."Lullabye”...from Erminie Miss Cowling. Mr. Lawrence and class. Euphonium Solo Stella PolkaHerndon Mr. Laitala. Serenade (Comic)“To Dinah” Ripley Ely City Band. The society began building their hall early last spring. The building was constructed by Chas. Lachti and is 36 by 80 feet, with basement. The interior is finished in oils and alabaster and presents a neat and tasty appear ance. The wainscot ing is of basswood and floors of curly maple with oil finish. On entering the outside en trance one is confronted by a comfort able little ticket office, and entrance to the gallery. A cloak room is also at hand. The ceiling is 16 feet and is finished in basswood. In the north end of the hall the 16 foot stage looms up in tn e opera house syle. Curtains have been ordered, also several scenes. The stage dips to the front, thus affording an excellent view fre-m the remotest end. The building costs in the neighborhood of $4,000 and will comfortably seat 500 people. In the south end of the hall a 12-foot gallery is constructed for the benefit of those whose ideas run Higher and who love to hear sweet strains wafted from below and not above. Taken all in all, the hall is by far the most beauti ful this side of Duluth. Homesteader Wins. In the case of James Longwell vs. Ole C. Mork, the Duluth land office has received a decision from the com missioner affirming the decision of the register received. The decision is in favor of Mork. a homesteader. The land is in 35. 67-20 and is said to con tain about 100.000 feet of valuabe pine. Acting Commissioner E. F. Best has rendered a decision in.the case of John Burke, timber and stone claimant, vs. Peter Murray, pre-emp tion claimant, involving the of nwj of section 17-61-23. findings for Murray, •as did the local officers. About 3.000.000 feet <»f logs are ycb boomed at the upper end of Fall lake. These will '«><> brought down ass-xmas the booms near the mill are cleared enough to allow ot' their acceptance. The towing is done by the little steamer "Paul" which formerly plied the waters of Long lake. Jolm Dens more acts as captain with E. J.Poirier. Job work at this oiiiee. All kinds. |as engineer • • ’v (-A * lAa 1 / - U . • 1f O ! $2.00 PER YEAR. KNOX LUMBER CO. The Mill at Winton Hawing" at the Kate of. 90,000 Feet DaUy. A visit to the Knox Lumber com pany’s mill, at Winton, a few days ago, found everything running smooth ly and the mill turning out about 90,- 000 feet of clear band-cut lumber every 24 hours, day and night crews being worked. Owing to the absence of the entire managing personel on a trial in Duluth, we are not enabled to give as comprehensive an account of the workings of the plant as some may expect, but will try in a vague way to give a few impressions of what wesaw on our visit to the mammoth lumber manufacturing concern, situated in our immediate midst. The village of Winton is located on a hill overlooking the saw and planing mill and the lumber yard, with a good view of the lower end of Fall lake filled to both edges with logs. Alto gether the embryo city of about 300 inhabitants, is situated on a most beautiful spot. The Duluth & Iron Range extension of the main line leads to Winton and a first class wagon road can also be used to reach the little city on the Cashaway. The mills are of the best in the northwest and are under the manage ment of S. P. Ireland, a mill man of life-long experience. In the engine room we found Engineer F. B. Tor rance in charge of the Lytle, 20x24 engine. Mr. Torrance has been with the engine for 13 years steady and helped set up the same new, 21 years ago, in upper Michigan. In addition the engine room contains a 10x12 engine which runs the 150 candle power dynamo built by the Commer cial Electric company, of Indianapolis. Steam is generated for the engines by a battery of four 16 foot, 16 inch steel Otis boilers. Everything in and about the engine and fire room looks neat and clean and Mr. Torrance is a pleasant gentleman to meet. On the lower, or ground floor, is also located the shingle manufactur ing department, under the supervision of James Wilkinson. The mill is at present not rushing shingles very hard, as the demand does not meet the supply. Nevertheless about 20,000 are daily being turned out. On the upper floor, we found the band saw in a decidedly active con dition. Cyrus Greenlaw and Andrew LaDuc, handle the lever alternately, every other week, one day, and the other night shift. S. W. Berry • and Felix Brow'n, also alternate as setters. The edger is handled by F. Gustavson, and R.. Erickson manipulates the trimmer. Nels Hamlin and James Simpson, do the gradingas the lumber leaves the trimmer. A. N. Snapp, in his position as tiler, does not have the condition his name implies in keeping the 45-foot band saws in gd trim. John Vincent, who acts as mill-wright and circular saw* filer, takes pleasure in pointing out the numerous attractions about the mill to visitors. Frank Mason holds the position of mill fore man, while Ole Weeks, “does the grand” on the outside. li. S. John son has charge of the lath mill and is considered an expert at lath-sawing. In the yard is piled about 15,000,000 feet of drying lumber and cars are at all times on the track being loaded, for shipment. At the time of our visit, a shipment of 275,000 feet was loaded ,ready to go forward io the docks where it was to complete a cargo destined for eastern points. The planing mill is equipped with a powerful engine, a battery of boilers, and two matchers and a combined matcher ai:d surfacer. This mill has been entirely refitted and remodeled and is now in excellent shape for turning out large quantities of dres ed lumber. The entire yar’d and the two mills' are lit with electricity generated in the saw mill engine room. The waste sawdust and other offal is conveyed by means of endless chains to a mamm >: h refuse burner near the mill and in consequence the entire surroundings arc neat and clean and entirely devoid of the usual spatteri Jigs of sawdust, chips, etc., that characterize saw mills.