Newspaper Page Text
p* HAIXVATOML. "tf 1 The SHEAF shall be a paper of the people, tfud it will labor for what is considered the best interests of the whole 'jocmiy. will be sent to many petsc ns seeking In uies in this valh-y, and, if by directing *\o eniiigratio*. comity an accelerated impetus \(j of the county, it will require the united support of its resent popu lation. It is always difficult for a prejudices sometime? existing in old counties, and much the more so in new one, wh'*n the persons form ing tlie community are liltle ac quainted with each other. rigbtj and look neither to the right or left, hoping that our purpose of doing our host for the whole with malice toward none, will bear us through obtaining the good will anl general .sujport of the county in this our little ox]-eriruent. .r talc \\c dcniaiid a brmd-gaug( i)j in, 'U.e with large ideas liberal .lenlimontdj eminently juviclicable to guard and watch our ilnorsified tud growing interests with alert .^reoei* ion and tintiring earnest? seimtur? The Journal s.Jvst Ttte republicans of the 4lst dis-! asinh -.reject fur above reproa-h. li:s ^J^Setr^ *.*'?A\. last we make our salutation i Senator McMillan *leseres*?J^^ffir^'ciasfc-birtel, to the public of, Marshall fqimty! HG*\l A "*e Our little sheet lias Wen lafChdtaff, legislature." Fer/f?ts FidhJcm^al* and has cast a tit anchor in a safe havea, whore, hy ordinary caution it ought to safely float, gathering each week its little cargo of these local events which make up the his tory of a county. -'H,* -A-'1 St A. DEWEY of accomplishing something ManivS found in GoMrno Pillsbtirjr. Why iu miako him TTnited Slates The st.'te papers are discussing cellent forests bordering the many the U. S. seu..ional question at beautiful furnishing naf- Ivugth and bringing out the 'fad '}\u\ ii ere area dozen or nurre a ot -iU/. n* s'vho think JheV have the cap.a'it} to till Senator -.McMillan's ,& Pacific railroad as ftr noith as ?et. Among these arc lutriey Fisher's Landing, in Polk county. ofl VP ih'p. trict have osprcs.^ed themselves on| ye,ir pgo, that this territory began Me\iiH:.n whom v.e regard as en- If \ifcled to this meed oi 'well dorellT .oodaud faithful servant." Lye-ery!1 Vbe following trom the St. 1 ulj doings growth and local events a*. An, an and a h-gish.lor there wh, pur atiwttiiig Ins character has ever t*- heard. He is recogm/.ea I 0 ""'"WKjr, Then/ ^*Wb:ul3* \*M* unaniitorf* vote republican members of the MARSHALL COUNTY MINNESOTA, Until within two Or,three year*? the territory f( l-ming?' Marshall county was as muc-h a hind cf the unknown as the contra! portions of the cent ment were to the residents of the Abintestates a half ce^itn ry since. Seventy years have passed smoe tie hardy old Scotchman identified hnTi ra i country paper to avoid the local) of Uncle Sanmel's dnniiiio as a bleak uninhabitable desert, where Uulf-brf'ods and Scotchmen scratch ed their backs on the north pole,re galed themselves on grasshoppers during the .summer and lunched en smoked buifalo when they could We shall aim to go on in the get it. Should they be miracuh us- magM i nc rf thr its settlement, it will have accom-1 east suri rised its readers bg reveal- road 856 utiles north of Hi. Paul plh-hed pn rt of its mission. But to ing t3 existence of the place hi and 63 south of St. Vincent live and flourish, to become use-1 ertoJ twoi uiikiu \vn in giving en boundary line of the British ful exponent, a fair representative!*1 i}, r'them ltfi 1 the Rod River of the Kcrth Yet tie riultitude looked upon thisp' .rt The Hr.Ksr rivo place to the-, men of intelligence snd extended^ northern part of ihe Red Xther vUt" (pinion of one tf the leadine jour- informati believed that norru-jley hence, a good crop even' veairf' nJs of the state on the subject of dent woodpecker would attempt the is regarded by our farmers as a I Cnit^l Stated senator. But the natural migration over this land of moral certainty, and with the in* soil..-, 'They told the storye ofoits ex- 1 eTfee* this subject convention, and to receive the notice emi-k-ith large proBts and can ship tavorably to the re-election cf jtr, {yr.n i ..s,.fl^ AM *"l,ld. 1 rH 1 oriu^iple of honor and politics [give or-ch week a correct idea of the route. It is true there isnr wter] Journal fairly e\ureses our views currin^ within this county. i i -ii i -IM'Senator McMillaifs puritv I ctnm ih (k( hef to defend j eibihtd ul a Siutatorvofxacknew ledgtd! tryi hear^n ripeoc si vear ofvalu- 1 i,."., iand /.-.ji able cxperienct, ot unolomished' reason advanced wily the ty of so stupendous a piece of folly. handling and storage ofyvheatf, )ne^pp^^^^^^^^^^ina ^cultur^ *n gra hi accounh- ProvincemileManitoba.' of of the adventures and experie-n*$es Warren is rapidly growing now of thf first settlers in the valley of, village, with the finest pros* eels of ly'protected by a kind Providence from the perils of frost or starva- 1 000 to 2,000 acres each, with thou then- way*out west" frontiere is jmially,wheatwhilepfrequent and failurers l^ul.^ igntrant \cr the,of the cro occurs in othfe masses of the resources of this now places there has never been, a fail- far-fmied fertile valley, that many Ure nan .McMillau is a dignified,! frontiersmen began to reach the, the country to be, in a very few[ .$} i n: r\atv man. and the stdt has valley, and its rich and inexhausti- years one vast wheat Held hundreds disgraced by any act of bio soil, unsurpassed in the produc-l of miles in extent but with all our ]*nt li.i^ th- commonweaUh lion of wheat, began to be looked I nalural advantages, like all new i fa.nnesntaiH thing ni'ilre to ask( upon as something of a wonder'countries, wc labor under some dis-te'^'J }f its .-inator? In this part of the' when crop after crop without fer- advantages, and the 6no ^iost[/J|rff- I r-ess Lot us have a man perfectly the story of its salubrious climate, and Duluth, and hundreds of car familhu with our necessities keen- the exhilcratkn imparted by its dry. i loads of flour and feed are annually lvalue to our demands, a, worker pure atiucaj 1 ore which ruickens shipped from those points to supply the blood and makes bear existence Hhe local demand here. The freight not a stately martinet'. Sudani, an enjfyment. They' noted the paid annually on this wheat south heavy black loam resting on a sev-j uu cira lirnl 18 Oihi,n ofSt CloudI Gen. Sanborh hj^ \t terminated for A season sitiTc" w.uld'have kcal^eustcVrthethmnh ihl oO^ot jj^l-d it w..s not until its complete y0 i Tbn.ugh to the boundary line two parity an the largestitsmerchan- ooIf ^the tled diec 3 VAKKEK, is in. need to say anything, us in The rresent county seat cf Marshall the center of the village, directly twei years of puj lie lite nota| ivo cuubtitneuts or his party have north and west by a haudscme is an abundance wood along all nol been, and, it may hesatcly .said growth of timber. It is less than'the tributaries of the Rod River, never will be called upo^n n- Vea.r 0 hsls sJumlit a' change be made/ Why! sinceevoa (Hs veioi ment of the surrounding coun- sawfo the a haraeh/r in the prime cf his use- i a wai^'*--'--'*rL stores? WHO IS THE MAN whh the Hudson Bay Conipuny northern Minnesota,' in the cole- founded hi colony at IViubraa bnted Rede \hh jvay give, the [l^V? E* river fa tributary of the Bod river *\_ 1 _!.^.' r_ ..,_:! ^\^^'^^^^^elyrn&<vAmiu^one\aiiik cu the line of the St Paul Miunc.n efo & nitoha R. il- Marshall coun ty, -an is located iri the heart of the great wheat belt of distan* from this place less and at th crossing cf the Snak Rhevvalloycf the any tiwn (n the line of the real, and is snmnnrlod for ruiles with the most productive, rich, prairie hinds in the world, which is being more rapidly put under culti vatioii^tfcan jjjiy country ever known. It is being broken up not only by hundreds but by tens of fhous-'iids of acres. There are a number of farmers in this locality who h*ue this season, broken from of crop from any cause in this tilization had been taken from it worthy of note is the want of a j^^T .^4" and it still retained its wonderful flouring and feed mill to supply the I producth powers, each succeeding local w,mts. Hundreds of cur loadsl crop being fully as prolific as the I of No. 1 bard wheat are shipped au- preceoding one. -Newspaper corre- nually from this valley to the mills spendents visiting the prairies told at St. Paul. Minneapolis. Ked Wing a flour and feed north, Canada, a distance^"66 mileswould, a enty feet' in depth strong clay sub- alone give the miller a good profit i be valley. Soon followed the St. Paul sonthen the main line of the railroad on the manufacture of it here. The nearest mill to ns north is at Em ersqri' in ihe Province of Manitoba at Crcokslon a distance of 30 mile* hence, mill of four to six ruLneof .a _., Dnlnt roundd running at full ca WJ, mr\]\t unneaster dovolMmt^f ]--.cLi i i J. .,e river,r anrd i prote:le on the th the year round. the townsite wa. an,! pUtteds 7 founder* witnessed the rapid dc- necessityresidence- ,.Ar?_ mn* 1M 11Q of a cen nlness/a stalwart, republican* hiv-! cinity is most exl-eh^ent, and a view, as above described and have with- ing the courage oi' his convictions.' of the many handsome farm houses drawn it from market for mill pur be ruu teihes it fulltocapacity h-s flour *h or Lurop mission of the SHEVF io| h.kes eheper th ,my all \/.l!mO*A a cc-'newerf j^*--^ JJ real estate ^oSieeSj- yards^/'wagon'and jobbing shop/tTfee0hrsjrttuji*g'.are"riot fmrna&seiL twd'v blacksmiths skop$r ^h50fr*l '.and northe lcl\\^\ J'lll inothe Red River valley it upon the bank the river Mid in is located on the banks of) alowrside the railroad track, and cf the' -,ustributary haveboilers a {leniiiul i snpoly'of wateTnerc crossed every few milesupplthe bv rail- road and a plentiful along the Snake river at and near War ren for all practical purposes. 'V^ The Warren Townsite Company trade and of cr to donate a block of ground of the town and yi-' comprising about one icre, located conuncdious depot, double secih.n torn, mill with not less th four ssea for ihe run of slche, with machinery anil D^UUCU large school house -^county bailing, -eonnf^|KMl[the mill niaa^&^finiL a newspaper and Job office and avaiT^I&^'^this^opport^uiiy acme very Iundscm pHraii-jr&sJ- wiU wffh6&&i^<Mp. "deuces. The population will reach '^f^^4-~ & t300 1'OrSOUS. From flfr giifclfe IntenMltioMl Mr|f1i$*bach has shipped E m- .wiy nux Jtodatte- Thirty-seven car loads* of ju*-t relM'icdtthes'.oromirk thelovv-t^/^y^:,'' est it hH been tj V"?,:S\ $ Mouldings^ insion. THJB' IRON .FINISH n|^7fS 'V'^ Wood Save Tr$Mghj HaL:E"u^a,' V"S'aped,wift '^Fixtures Comitate. T'^ YarTd nc.l Railroad, Warren Minnes, TERATS MODERATE. THE i. for ilCvH.O M, J. l$cCan, The Oldest, Inhabitant that Works y" on Iron in Marshall County. WILL MAKE oit REFAifi Wagons, t'Oarriages, Cutters and Ste'ghs. Repairs 'Agricultural Implements and Other Tools, i w* Hors^ Shoeing a Specialty/' Warren Minn. Tft .gV V.v..yT'.. 4 JA, vc,- ,v tossman,! -V*- ''s/ i,^*' ,'t'"!' a, Stuff,-'. N Blacksmith,"A *{*& "t-'.s i! 1 ,Pi^j --'A -#& f\{-}'-: W111161 ,'r"- "J i.", ?''v has A.I c Gash 0' ^:V/ to sell in i:': CHOICE STOCK OF CROCKERY, ovlsions, && I) EVER!THING FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS GENERAL STORE. WE BUY FOR CASH AND SELL AT THE LOWEST LIVfNCr FIGURES. FOR CASH OR ITS EQUIVALENT, PJJJpr Fur id ides, WE ENDEAVOR TO KEEK A GENERAL RENDEZVOUS FOR ALL THE NECESSITIES OF MANKIND, AND" MOST OF TOE LUXURIES,/, CALL AND LOOK "US OVER,.*A$D IF YOU^DONT BUY ANY.z-t ''\^THINa,-EL3EMSECIJRE YOU A FULL STOCK t)lfe'^ Lumber and Buildmg W" mm Si X&f '~'M. U8&\ v/v'iVv- PKtfe for Everything a Parmer. -ty