Newspaper Page Text
IN PUHLIC otrvtuiJLi^&. MEMBER Olf COXGKKS9, W. D, "Wajr.burn, Minneapolis DISJTHICT COl'BT, Plstriet Judge, 0.1*. Stearns, Duluth. STATE SJ5NATOR, Andrew MeCrea, Pertiam. KKl'KKSIJNTATIVES, fi. G. Gonietock, Barnerd Sampson, COUJfTT QFF1CEH9, Probate Judjrc, John "W. Slec. Rugiater of Deeds, Thos. Civgjr. Auditor, 0. Taylor. Treasurer, J. C. MeCrea. Sherifl', W. T. Lackey, Attorney, A. E. Flint. School Superintendent, J. M. Brown. Coroner, Win. Surveyor, J. Nelson. COCXTT COMMISSIONERS. lt DistrictA. P, Melutvre, Warren, gd District'F. D, Kevc, Louisa. Bd DistrictA, Diamond, Stephen. Religious Notice Religioui servjee* in the. Bchool house every iunday at 10,30 a. in, Society. Temperance Society organisation meet every I'll lay evening at the school house. BUSINE^CAEDS. WARBUN. O, TAYLOR. COUNTY AUDITOR. Pays Taxes for Non-residents. J. P. Nelson, A. rV i O I I TNT 1 2 Real Estate, Pays Taxes. JOHN W, SLEE, Abstract and Land Examiner. Agent For K, R. LAND In POI..K, MAII- SUAI,L -xxu KITTSON COUNTIES. Special attention to locating Gov ernment and R. It. Lands. A. E, Johnson & Co., Agents (or RAILROAD LAND. P. A. DTJFOUR, Counselor and Attorney at Law CROOKSTON, MINN. Crookston House, WM. BOX, Proprietor. Cropkfiton, Minnesota. Headquarters for Marshall County People. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. AVA.'iiimN'. MEAT MARKET. C.J, Mclntyrc. MKUC1IANT8. Johnson, Alli-n & Co., M. P. Gillert, & Co McCrea Bros. SALOON. Furren & Dady. LUMBER.- E. W. KoHsman, Johnson, Allen'& Co. AGRICULTURAL TOOLS. II. C. Mentzer WAGON MAKER AND. JOBBER. R. C. Snyder. HOTELS. Warren Hou*, Mark Stephen*, Manager. CARPENTER. T. R. DavU.- BLACKSMITHS. M. 6. McCan, C. Weber* TIN AND HARDWARE. McCrea. Bro*. MERCHANTS. Keyc, A. D. Vcrboncour. HARDWARE. John Augustine. r. D. LAND AGENTS. 1-lolvoin.b fc KovsL. ATTORNEY. George W Holcorab, AGR1CULTURAL MACllINEliY. V. D. Key*. HOTEL. Carl MentxeL JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, O. Barker. PHYSICIAN AND DRUGS, Dr. 3. LaEond. SALOONS. R. Kivel, S. Conner* HTKl'llEN MERCHANT. John Hanna. HOTEL, I* Local Brevities. Wheat 68 cents. Moorliead. Crookston. Weather mild, and warm. The Hutchinson's Friday ing, Jan. 7th. W. H. Gilbert, P. Gilbert & Co., business. President Hayes' wheat, on his Dakota farm, averaged twenty three bushels per acre. E. M. Wright one of the promi nent lawyers of Otter Tail Co., was in the county seat last week. Read the notices of the Hutchin son Family concert. This is one of the oldest and best troupes that travel. A. Diamond the county commis sioner of the northern district is in attendence at the commissioner's meeting. The county commissioners are in session,but the proceeding were not ready for this issue, but look for them next week. Grlyndon News: The days begin to lengthen. After a little you will know it without being toldunless your note is falling due* The travel over the railroad is very light, both ways, the fares can, as a general thi/ig, be counted upon one's fingers. The north bound train, inCt with an accident on last Thursday at Fergus Falls. No one hurt. A broken switch-rod Was the cause. The pleasant weather of the lat ter part of last week, was improved by the farmers, in coining to town and that is what makes our mer chants smile. 1 IV 1 ,Bf?'?i*'-'jflW?ta(-(i''JB^ -ist ,%j*rt!tSiit* even- F. D. Keye, of Middle River is in town attending to county business. Mr. J. B. Titus will hereafter at tend to the County Treasurer's bus iness. of the firm of M. has gone east on A. B. Nelson's horse team took a whirl around town Tuesday, no body hurt. The Hutchinson Family Vocalists will be here Friday, January 7th. Don't forget it. Rev. A. E. Flint returnd home Friday, from a visit to friends in Eau Clair, Wis. W. C. Carlton of Angus, was viewing the "boss" town in Mar shall county on Saturdaj'. rtii 7 I at the school house. This family of vbhialists This IS the Week prayer rAl well known throughout every State in through the COUUtry, and there will the Union, and also Europe that it will not be prayer meeting held at the I road, and we understand he sot, 1 1. We notice the machine agents ""5 JSJSSMN art v*^^|ii^ti*!$sjWi We received a neat New Year's card from Dr. C. W. Barnes, the dentist of Crookston. Come up and see us Doctor, and make War ren one of your visiting places onfe a month, we think you will find some business in vour line. Runaway!? seem to be the fashion just at present among the teams' that come to town. Two of them took a circle around town, dur ing the week. We had a pleasant caU from our Sheriff W. T. Lackey, he eamJto thia portion of Minne sota about a. Near and a half ago, from Wabasha county. If is home is at Middle River, come and pec us again Sheriff, Correspondents will please sign their own name in full, and then if they wish any other they may choose to write over. Communica tions will not be published without we know the name of the party sending it. A social will be held at the residence of Mrs. W. W- Wood, on the Pembina farm, and there will be conveyances to take all who should wish to attend, the weather permitting. A good time is anticipated. Come one and all. These socials are gotton up to raise money, for.the organ fund, it is. a good cause, help it. Mr. T. II. Davis, came home from Crook ston on Saturday evening, but returned again Monday. He reports work in the. carpenter line quite brisk at that point. So it will be here, in a short time if, the buildings, that are talked of now, are erected during the balance of the winter and early spring. The Sunday school is prospering and haye ordered for the coming year, new lesson leaves and Sunday shool papers for the, young folks. Last Sunday they elected their officers for the coming year, which are as follows: Rev. A. E. Flint, Superintendent Geo. IT. McCrea, Treasurer Mrs. Geo. II. McCrea, Secretary. May the school always continue to increase and prosper. We notice in the Red Wing Argus, the d^alh of Mrs. T. IT. Perkins, wife of T, II. lYikinf Esq., of Euclid, Polk Co. Mr. P., was former* ally editor of the Goodhue Co. Republieaivbuf owing to poor health, sold the business and took a half section of land three miles we*t of Euclid. We were very much grieved to-hoar of the death of Mrs. Perkins, who was a kind friend to us when we first came to this north ern countrv. The. dance at Geo. IT, McCrca's, came off as noticed a few weeks ago, on New Year's eve, and a very pleasant, affair it was.. Everybody went to have a good time, and enjoy themselves for the last time during 1880 and the first of 1881. The supper was excellent, and done great credit to Mr. and Mrs. McCrea. There were some 20 or 25 couples present, the floor was ably.managed by Mr. A. P. Mclntyrc. The dancing was kept lip until about 4 o'clock a. in., when the company wished each other a happy new year and journeyed homeward. Warren offers great inducements to a good veternary surgeon we over heard one gentle man remarlc, that he could make over $1,000 next season, if he would give his attention to the matter. The large farms in the neighbor hood having a large number of horses, mules and cattle to work, and more or less of them are sick) caused we presume by the diffemce ill the wnteiymd hard usage, A number of. are brought in the country from Illinois*, Iowa, Wisconsin and Southern Minnesota, s|re more apt to be sick than those which have here a season or two. Let some good surgeon conici 1'Itc BlHtciiiitMoit Family. Tiils celebrated Family of Singers are com ing to Warren, and will favor our citizens with rich musical treat, next Friday evening 1*eeessary 1 1 ixr be iri this ])lace, and give a concert oh Friday, school house, 011 ruesday, Wedlies- in flip in- IUVC 1 Oi iU.OU.auv 3 idt, 11 1 in- T,R r( mitil terest of the petition for a COimty enjoyed for nearly forty years,[Chicag"o Daily hf' to say farther than th,tt they will nhi Jami day and Thursday evenings. I says of this family of v.x-aiists. It was an evening of thorough artistic en- JollU Davis, Wa8 011 a trip to Red joyUient,[Toledo (Ohio) Bee. T?ivpr (i UYmrlnK sb ary 7, ISSl. Read wluit the Press of Asa" .fully maintains the Tri1 tin that the family, as singers, have 1 (}Ulte a number OI Signers. son Family', the edifice being fiited by a large and audience/ [Winona (Minn.) ieJ'n eiJ'enthusiastic, are commenting to button-hole the Concert last ev.-ning, and they were few in (farmers as the come to town. I Hr'^vW "^'-'"i *h* I r- t-t hall, missed a musical treatotir Uorth gomgmill'sto J'leilty of tiftlfef C., as we cannot Mr. A. M-. BfOWli, of Tamarae, Subscribe for the SUKAJ'. passed through the county seat on! r~~ I j.lanuary 1st, h'e Stopped to see his Mentzer. i brother, Professor Brown, while in the citv, called and. subscribed fori i ii ci -r TI i the SHEA F. Come again Mr. Browa' J"a^^^ji.S^^Si^'i'''m*m'w'm''w"*a *4^ VOL, 1, NO, e, WAKREN, MARSHALL CGUfTY, MIfflESOTA, JANUARY 5, 188 $2.00 PER YEAR. 4 welcome was extended to TTufchin- i Those who rriissed thf? Hutchinson Familv $""$ *4'-* $* P^vtak of It has bc goodfortun iir 1 i i. 1, hear themfulk-a dozen timf's, and we must. use a self-binder tor a-tH0ntn 01* confess that they fairly oM-did.ilf former ct- two vet- forts last eveningi[J"llerson Citv, (Mo.) i i .JoYirnal.- Pesidenee to Renb Inrpiire of H. C. WIJ-M 4nd bring your friends with' you^.' e'd to \is will please, call an^ pay npB^^ H w& shuli be ?lad to th^ifc .alfcifete1 it may eoneern.- Hereafter -"-jTo all whom ill sell for cash onlj^^H parties indebt- %f,'t'*****' *'*.#iheji'w ift iftHMwigKi'tK.w, c1v,.vt. .j, ,w We have completed arrangement with the publishers of the MINNE- SOTA FARMER whereby We can fur lusih that paper and the SHEAF a the extraordinary price of $2.50 per ioajj.' The Minnesota Farmer is a. large eight-page paper, containing forty-eiglit columns, published monthly, and filled with choice! reading matter, haying a Btcck,' Agricultural, Dairy, Sheep and] W$pl, Poultry and Home depart meht, with a large amount of mis-'1 cellaneous matter, specially devo-M ted to the varied interests of the new northwest. It 'i& a paper Worthy of the general support and! pjftronage of the people of this sec-! tion. Send in your names. JIAKKET REPORTS. Warren, Dec. 1S80. FlourNew process flour s^t 00 Standard flour 3 50 XXXX 5 25 Oatmeali cts. per lb. cornmeal 2jcts. per lb. Feed '.1 40 to 1 50 MeatSalt Pork 11 Hanis 14 i Shoulders 11J Butter 25 to 35 KgB8 35| Urd 12i Beans 2 50 to 2 75 Apples per bbl 3 00 to 4. 00 Potatoes. 50 to 75 Corn per bu 80 Gats. 45 to 50 Hay .a 00 to 5 00 Wheat A No. 1 68 Brick per .11 00 Wood dry 3 50 to 4 50] Egg Coal ..12 00 Lumber. Common per 21 00 Sheathing per 18 00 Stock boards per 45 00 Dimension per 20 00 1 Square-Timber per 22 00 Flooring per 2T 00 to 37 00 Siding per .35.00 to 30 00 Shingles per 2 25 to 3 50 I 1 a-itli per 4* 00 i MjjjjjMggBgsgs i Railroad time Table. St. Paul, Minneapolis & Mani-l toba Railway. WARREN. J. H. til.iis, Station Agent. i Lca\e South. Leave North, Passenger, 8.80 p. m. Passenger, 1.25 p, m. i Freight, 12.45 p. in. Freight, 11.00 a.m.' LOUISA. Leave South. Leave North. Passenger, 2.57 p. m. Passenger, 2.00 p. m. .Freight, 12.00 m. Freight, 12.00 m. STEPHEN. Henry Lane, Station Agent. Leave South. Leave North. Passenger, 2.80 p. m. Passenger, 2.30 p. in. Freight, 1L20 a. m, Freight, 1.00 p. in. J. P. NELSON, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Warren, Marshall Co., Minn, NOTARY PUBLIC, COUNTY SURVEYOR IiiMiiraitee a/iid. ftea.1 l3mi-ati. DEEDED LANDS FOR SALE. PRAIRIE AND WOOD LANDS, Choice Lands Selected and Entries Made. Harness SHOP A M- JV R, JE IV Henry J. Uenmwitz, Prop Vi- ^,Uc&t^f^ Boots and Shoes, tj, On the East side of Railroad Track, you will always find -as ready to show you Q-oods, give you prices, and to sell VQU any thing you want in SASH, DOORS AKD BUILDING PAPSB. M. J. McCan, The Oldest Inhabitant that Works on Iron in Marshall County. WILL MAKE OR REPAIB Wagons, Carriages, Cutters and Sleighs., Repairs! Agfiii^i|4l TnT^Braents Hbr'se' Shoeing a Speblalty.3 Warren, Minn. E.M.Walsh General Dealer in Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Baf Iron, Steel and Builders* f/lateriali Agent for the CELEBRATED MOXITOS 'PLOWS. i 1 Everything in Tih^ Iron or Brass, Ornamental or Practical^ tisu* ally kept hj the Trade. Pirices Reduced -^mi Glassware aad laiaps, Paiiats, Oils, &c., Ready Mixed Paint. Hats and Caps, Dry Goods and Notions, THE Village Blacksmith Grloves and Mittens, Buffalo Coats, &C-, &ct. WE "HAVE THE GENUI& SCREW BOOTS AND SHQKS. CALL AND EXAMINE THEM. We liave a Tin Shop in connection with our Store. Anything in the Tinware line made and repairing done neatly and warranted. Don't forgot the Place: McCEEA BEOTHSES, Corner 1st and Johnson Avenue, Warren, Minn. ?j E.W. Rossman, Lumber Sash, Doord,-' Windows Mouldings/ Dimension Stuff, THE ,fi lii mi i Mills Papers, IRON FINISH ei\ Wood Eave trough, Half Bound,' Y" Shaped, with Fixtures Complete. Yard near Railroad1, ssfeti^^&s&k Warfeii, MinnesoU.