Newspaper Page Text
I I WFMttFn OK COXORISt. Washburn, Minneapolis lHSr^ICT coi JIT. Diitrlct JudRe, O. I\ Stearns, Dulutb. STATE SEN ATOK. Andrew McCrex, Perlnm, RITRIHENTAI IV?. G. Comstook, Moorhead. JJameid Sampson, Ciookston. COt NTT Ofl'ICEKS. Probate Judge, John W. Sice. UcjjiMer of Deed*, Tho*. Crrgj* Auditor, O. T.nlor. Treasurer, J, C. MiCrcn. Sheriff, NV.T. Lackey. Attornrv, i A. E. Flint. ^rhooJ Superintende' t, J. M. Brown. oioner Wm. Cai rest. Mim\or, J. V. Nilisou. COI MTT OOMV1A3IOJIBRS. UtDmtrSVtA. P. Molntjir, Warren. rilDifitrutF. D. K(j, Louisa. 5i DistrictA. Ditinond, Stephen. RcliffloiiM Ttotlre* Religion* amice* in the sellout honac every Sunday at 10.dU a. m. Sorlctj. Temperancf Sonet} organization meet every FnJay cTenmij .it the school house. BUSINESS CARDS. "\VA. RI1KN. 0. TAYLOK. COUNTY AUDITOR. Pays Taxes for Non-residents. J. P. Nelson, JL. "V O 1 1 3 'V /tea/ Estate. Pays Taxes. JOHN W. SLEE, Abstract and Land Examiner. Agent For LAVi In Poi K, MAH- iHVLl. AM) KttTWS Col KTIK. Special attention to locating Gov ernment and R. It. Lands. A. E. Jo!mson!$ Co.r Agents for RAILROAD LAND. P. A. DUFOUB. CROOKSTOK, MINN. Crookston House, Crookston, Minnesota. Headquarters far Marshall People. WM. BOX, Proprietor,' packed away for summer, and we County BUSIMESSSD'iRECTORY. WA1* I IO' MEA MMiKE'f. L. J, Mclntyrt. MERCHANTS Joiniaou, Allen Afo, M. P. CiUbtrtj & Co Mi_Lri\ Bros. S LOON. Fainn A Dad\. LI MBKK. E. W. Kossman, Johnou, Alb ife Co. AGRK ULTU1UL TOOLS. 11. Mmtzer WAGON MAKKR \N1 JOBBLR. R. C. Snjdtr. HOTELS. Wan en House, Maik bttphens, Manager. \KPKSTEB. T. R. VAU. BLACKS MITHS. M. G. Mi Cm, C. L. Weber. 'UN ASD ][VKD\xVBE iliCna Broi. LOlIhA. MFRCHASTs. T. D. KMO, A. 1). erbontotm II VRDW \m\ John AugiiHtuu. LAND \GENT?. Hoho'no iV Ke\ J. VTTORNEY titoigc W. HoUomb. AGRIl I LTl VC H.NERV. i 1). Kiji. IIO'ITI. C.ul Ment/fl. JCsIICE OF THE 1I.ACF. O. Barkc r. PHYSK N AND DRl GS. Dr. J. LaFoiKl. SALOONS. Kivl s. Ctinmr. KIM 1X2IV. MERCHANT. .fobn ILinna. UOTFI llfjmih iiu_hs. W. H. Gilbert and family, re turned on today's train. The \y_arfeii Jlouse received two ear loads of dry wood, from up the country. The Commission Ox proepcuings will be found publisned in an other column. H. J. Bennewitz, and several others are now in Cropjcgton, land oliice business. Ethan Allen Esq., of the firm of Johnson, Allen Co., is expected home to-morrow. The Treasurer of this county has paid into the State Treasury, f4,- 022.22 during the past year. H. C. Menlzer and 0. Taj lor, were down the lino, to Middle Ri ver. Mr. M. on machinery busi ness. Read what the County Treasurer in to-days paper, about when he will visit some of the districts north of here to collect taxes. Mr. Ferrcn, of the firm, of Fer ren & Dady, was on a short busi ness trip Crookston. lie says thingn look rather dead down that way. Sellagini, the man who drives the long wared horses, is doing a fine business in tho wood line, and if you want acme good oak wood he can supply it. A social hop took place at the Our landlord has had his supply understand others are going to do IIOW likewise. A ou will want it next amount foirt TexState July and August, so lay in a supply while it is plenty, and when you are about it, remember the printer and pack a cake for him. R. j. v^ncisciier, cx,,^aget| i The weather being fine no incon- i vcmence was .clt going and return- mullet-head soi'ved up in a pan and! gets a divorce as the consequence, A\\ had a good time, Thfi Cou:ity e(1 tlrl C0luxt fo New \ork, at Winnipeg, goes to where he ha just inherited a for tune of about 60,000. Mr. C. L. Smith, one of the messengers on this route, will occupy the Winni peg office during Mr. Vanltensellers absence. Mr. Smith is an old ex perienced express agent of Indian apolis Ind. Mr. Louis Andersen, the mes&cnger between Crookston and Grand Forks will have Mr. Smith's run. C( J. C. McCrea, and his brother H. $. Cooke county printingna Donald left last Saturday, for the' John Hughes assessing*k0b south. J. C., goes to at. Paul for' ^^'jJ^J* a few dujhon business, Donald to aid and hope for an early return. We noticed the shenft of Ivittson passing through on las Mondayy with a prisoner by the name of Dram the Pioneer i 8a r, Sherifl J. A. antrum of i incnit a^s that the nun l)r i-n, imikd hy him, is su-, northern Mihncnota He etol aioupleofcat tic and traded them ol' to ?omc Mmnonito across shi line for a joke of *Utr The &U< rs were *eued i tho colleitor of (i^toiun for un pud duties, and h*nce the di8(o^e^^ of Drain'* t!ue\er^. lit is alo tuiapcitod of \irious otlur theftn, anl se\ei. 1 hundred pounds of me it oic louud on hi3 pn mi^ts after h- hid dipaittd. Count] Coimnfeiionurs Procowling 1 Mentzer nCount F. W.road Kive Ctl^ sa roiu Carlton, Treasurer full books. Auditor is authoriz-' Band of J. P. Nelson, Count} Surveyor excepted. A list of juror's? *=.e i. A. Stllagim ten cords wood ier nig. lhe house was large giving) countljb line bridgee plenty of room for the rompings oi! C. H. Wcoley filling end of the children. In fact both old and young joined in the old and invig orating sport of blind-msn's buff, and other sports. There was also music and singing interspered with the other amusements. While in the laughable gAiuc of consequences i J. S., goes out sleigh riding with a^W^ne jud f eK- broom and gets married: Ed. takes' tion and carrying returns a goose out for a buggy ride and' to county seat looses a horse, and George has a I Til0 an(^Carvying andaltarried' ^^^^TTf- UQUYM CO. his home ai Perham, he will return fee** in the spring, and come we presume FrankM. Smith moving safe to stay. Sorry to loose ou, 1 on- to, ge] Press,of Jamia-' Jauuar lbbl Subscx^lie for the SHKAF. 1 WAKREN, Jan. 4, '81. Full board present. Resolved, THat A. P. Mctntyre, serve as Chairman of the Board of of Commissioners for the ensuing year. -W'.-The following- petitions were bethe-jC'o!n^ ap Mentze n W Carlton be ap a residence of Mr. Tripp, on Monday pointejdt to view and locate said road, i Appksperbbi. evening, only a few were out, to locl Counselor and Attorney at LOW hovt a notice, but those that wore Township of Big Woods, to the fit* there had a good time. i rail road, near the village of Argyle Wheat A No. l. I F. D. Keye, Peter .laitis and John womi dnM The ice harvest has commenced from per bu. appointed to view and lo- i"u Ok.** The County Treasurer is author- im rem iPaul,J selected to serve as grand and petit juror?*. The County Treasurer is instruc ted to post notice, and visit dis tricts to collect taxe*. Bond of J. B. Titus County Treasurer excepted. Statement of Register of Deeds of amount of fees recei\ ed for the year 1880, $33.45. The sociable held at the residence Thi following bills* were allowed: of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wood, last I Mo-hler & Bahman safe $180 00 i evening -was quite largely attended.' M- Bauchmnn work on Co. ^M s'"^\St.J Treasurer"of Polk Lath pa ^tf fota fining Cnd county line bridge, and 12.50 80ut of brM for 70 ll county line bridge E. W. Rossman lumber and doof McCrea Bros, stove drum and materials for county, building R. C. Snj'der door fra&eand fixtures and papering Co. building i iilgn aof 15 T5.i 15 Ne 1^ 36 13 25 10 1 O ?nway banking Co. i i- i 7 4 ir.J. Inpp clerk of election lectifcn e turns till about midnight, "whe bade E- R.Ros canvassing votes 2 70 their kind host ahd hostess good Frank Lull clrk of oreejion 2 rht, i weeks from last night, rfi tlw fcsi deuce of Jeo# Mc Ve* 0. Barker cam Rising ot^s 4 &v^-& ^f S&UUi. 3 60 WARREN, MABSHALI^ ggOTTY, MINNESOTA, JANtfAllY 12, 138$. $2.00 rER YEAR. V' 8 Treasurer county building 18 82 11 A. Diamond carrying elec tion returns and two d.n\ as Co. commissioner D. Ive\e. two days as count}7 The Hutchinson Family were here as advertised, and gave one of their first class entertainments. The people turned out and gave them a very good house. The fam ily are scattered but there are still I Meeting adjourned to Fe\ 8,1881 enough together to give an enter- A. P. MCINTYRL, tainment far above the average of Chairman Co. Commissioners traveling troupes. Come again 0. TA^LOK, Clerk. 'Tribe of Asa."' 13 20 commissioner 8 A. P. Mclnfyre two days as county commissioner J. w. Slee express fi 50 65 Notice to Taxpd}rs. Notic i henhy iyc thg wil bft ftt iho Middle 26, lloase Riverstovcn, 1881, and at section Tamarac, on January 27 ista Wlt pectcd of -various roguirich in Manitoba and LQgfJbo settle their taxes can Ao Those Wisll a Notice. ^To all horn it maj concern. Ilcrt.i*"! ne will sell for as only. All paities indebt ed to us Kill please call and pty np M(C'kJi\BRO. NAKKt'f UErOUTb. V$A granted: To locate a County road Mct-sn Pork through Township 155, Range 19 Shoulder* |and 50, A. P. Mctntyre, II. C., at thel ommf per sht ithinjjjitr Stock, boards per Dimension per Stjua Timber per Hoorilur pir 1 VI. WiT*n, in Flour-^-Nor proi-rs* Hour Standard Hour XHX O^iucal4 tt p?r lb lornincal 2ict(. .r lb 27 00 to :!7 00 .25 00 to 80 00 2 4 (0 Minneapolis & ManiW-Sot25 Railroad Time Table. toba Railway. WARREN. J. B. Titus, M.ttiou Agent. leave South* Lcuc Startk I'awnpei, 3 30 m* Paenper 1.85 ni. .'reight, 13.45 p. in. Freigftt, 11 00 ii. m. LOUISA* Le i\e South. Lea\? Noith Pastnpr 8.57 p. Pvsaonptr, 8*00 p. in Freight, 18.00 m, Frughtr 18 00 in. STEPHEN. Henrj Lme, Station Agent. Lenc South. Lea\c North Pas*engei, 8 30 p.m Pis*rnger 2.30 p.m Freight, 11.20 a. ra. Freight, 1.00 p, m. Harness SHOP A. AV A. I Jti i HenJryJ. Bennewitzf Prop HEAF. SO |ie time and places herein apeci- J. B. Trrrs, Co. Treasurer. Boots and Shoes, $4 00 1 40 to THJ 11 14 11 25 to sr, 2o 121 2 50 to 2 76 S00 to 4 00 50 to 75 Pb AT to 50 3 l)u to 5 0(i bS 11 00 ....3 50 to 4 50 ..18 00 1 umber. 31 00 is oo 1% 00 20 00 .28 00 THE M. EyicCan, The Oldest Inhabitant that Works oil Iron in Marshall County. WILL MAKE on REPAIR Hofs Shoeing a Specialty, Warren, Minn. E. M. WaSsh Stoves, Bar iron, On the East sido of Railroad Track, yon \yill arm ya find us ready to show you Goads, yon prices, and to sell yon any* thing yon want*in SASH, DOORS AND BUILDING PAPER. Steel and Builders' Material, Agent for the CEI/BRA*EDI MONITOE PLOW*.* Everything in Tin, Iron or Brun Crorkcrr, Glassware and I/iaips, Paints, Cils, &.. Ecadj Mixed Paint. Iliys and Caps, Dry Goods and Notions, Gloves and Mittons, Biiffjlo Coats, &c-, &d. WE HAVE THE GENUINE SCREW BOOTS AND SHOES. CALL AND EXAMINE THEM. We have a Tin Shop in connection with our Store. Anj thing in the Tinware line made and repairing done neatly and warranted. Don't forget the Place: McCEEA BKOTKEPwS, Corner 1st and Johnson Avonua, Warren, Minn. Village Blacksmith/' Li gons, Carriages, Glitters and Sleighs. Repairs Agricultural Implements and Other1 tX Tools. 9 General Dealer Hardware, Tinware, sspaJSKS^SSSfcr ,ossman5 Sash, *i Mouldings, Dimension Stuff, THE Cfelebrated Deloit Mil's Papers, IRON FINISH Wood Eav Trough, Half Bound, '"V" Shaped, with Fixtures Complete. Tar 4 near Railroad, Or'n^mental or Practical, u$f- I ally kept by the Tradei i Warren, Minnesota* Prices Reduced. CROOKSTOJT, MIVK. TERMS MODERATE: EBK9a