Newspaper Page Text
'^,i'v^, .V'''-'- Tlu V#s&v'"""*'*"*- ^VM*NV^ '^'"#*0'' W^lHr ap."'fvN-Jp'-v-Si,''l ''1/ 'C'^ M MEMVBR OF CON9EISS. TV. $ciftbjirij, Minneapolis J)I8TR1CT COURT. JJitric Judge, O. P. Stearns, Duhith. STATE SENATOR. Andrew McCrea, Ferham. KEPRESEKTATITIiT. ft. G. Corastocjv, Moorhead. Barnerd SampBon, Crookston. COCXTT OFKICER8. John W. Slee. Thos. Cregg. O. Tajiov. J. B. Titus. W. T. Lackey, A, E. Flint. J, M, Brown. "Win. Carrose. J, P. Nelson, Probate Judge, Jtogiater of Deeds, Auditor, Treasurer, Sheriff, Attorney, School Superintendent, Coroner, Surveyor, COUSTT COMMISSIONERS. 1st DistrictA. P. Mt-Intyrc, Warren. Ad DiitrictF. D. Keye, Louisa. 3d DistrictA. Diamond, Stephen, Religious Notice. Religloxts services in the school home every Sunday at 10.30 a. en. Society. Temperance Society organisation meet every Friday evening, at the school house. BUSINESS CARDS. WA/rtTUs:rv. 0, TAYLOR. COUNTY AUDITOR. Pays Taxes for Non-residents. J. P. We!son, .A. OR^ !K /tea/ Estate. Pays Taxes. JOHN W. SLEE, Abstract and Land Examiner. Agent For R. K. LASD In POLK, MAR SHALL. AS I) KlTTSOX COUXTIES. Special attention to locating Gov ernment and R. R. Lands. A. E. Johnson & Co., Agent* for RAILROAD LAND. JO. I 9Uf KJ JU W XVj Counselor and Attorney at Law CROOKSTON, MINN. Crookston House, ^YM. BOX, Proprietor Crookston, Minuesota. Headquarters for Marshall County People. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. WA-ltlULIX. MEATMARKF/r. W. J: Mclntyif. MERCHANTS. tfohusott, Allta A'Co M: P. Gilbert A t"d. McCrea Bros. SALOON: Farrn A Daily.' LUMBER: X: IT": ftosiriiau, Johnson Afleri Co.* AGRICULTURAL TOOLS. II C. Mentier WAiOK MAKER AND JOBBER: R. C: Snyder HOTXIJJ. Warren House, Mark Stephens, Maiiager. CARPENTER. T: K: Davis: BLACKSMITHS. M. Q: McCan C*. Weber TIN AND, HARDWARE: McC're* firbS: MERCHANTS. T: i Kv A VertfcMtcttlr: II-Hi mil it.j'Vf'J. :iii|!rv George W: Holcoihb: iSRICULTURAl McHINERY: D: Keye-. HOTKL. fcari Mcntxsl. 3U8TICI TttE PEACE: O: Barker: PHYSICIAN AND DR&8S. Dr. J-. LaFond. SALOONS. ft. Kivel, 8. Conner. STEPHEN. MERCHANT. Juha'HaBria. HOTEL. tiikmi unguis: Local Brevities Wheat 68 cents. Mentzqr, the farni machinery man, takes the cake, as a nurse. A small reduction in the rate of through freights tools effect on Mon day. The pay car passed down on Sun day, and now the railroad boys look happy once more. Lieut. Chubb, of Co. E,, Fort Pembina, took twenty recruits to that garrison on Monday. There will be preaching every evening this week, except Satur day, at the school house, by Rev. A. E. Flint. To the next ten subscribers, we will give them a choice chromo. Come in and subscribe and take your choice. The social take's place at the resi dence of George H. McCrea's next Tuesday evening. A good time ia anticipated by all. H. Thompson, one of the owners of the Red Lake Flouring Mills, at Fisher's Landing, stopped over from one train to another. They have the boss flour, just bear it in mind. Judge Barnes and District At torney Ball of Fargo, passed through towii, on Monday, on their way to Pembina, where a term of the Ter ritorial district court commenced on Tuesday. Round trip tickets are now sold between this station and St. Paul and Minneapolis, at a somewhat reduced rat? if you wish to go to either of those points for a little excursion now is your time. W. J. Mcjntyre, our meat mar ket man, is building an ice house size 14x14, eight feet high, in the rear of his shop and residence. T. R. Davis is doing tlie carpenter^ work, and it will be well done. I). A. Maglone, the Fargo Re publican man, called on us Mon davi 11$ Says the Republican will establish It tlaily in the spring. The Republican of the best newspapers ill the Red River Val ley. Now is your tiine tb get our reading matteih Take yo^ir home paper, and you bltghi sko" Mt'e iiii other, and we wbuld te^Siiihiend' the Pioneer Press as tne b!hei VOL. 1, NO. 8. WARREN, MARSHAL COUNTY MINNESOTA, JANUARY I9f 188l J. C. McCrea returned on Mon day from his trip to the old home and St. Paul. J. reports every in..^ldress' thing as looking lovely. A full account Of the Standing committees of the Legislature, and other interesting matter will be found in our inside pages of to-days paper. There will be a musical conven tion held at Glyndon, on January 25, 26, 27 and 28th. And a num ber of the music loving people of the valley, will be in attendance. as it is one of the best papers' pum'sheil west of Chicago. See elsewhere the .price of the twd. Ethan Allen Esq., the jolly resi dent member of the firm of John son, Alleii & Cb., arrived home on Monday, trtJm a lr!p of business and pleasure?j tb his bid stamping ground, around Eau Clair, Wis. He says he is glad to get Mck again, and is just as fat jificl hearty Us lie ever WUSJ Business for the past Week has! been rather dull, but our merchants m of.7.V are not complaining. Ifhe good time is coming soon^o keep your' courage up, spring is nearly here, with it will come the emigrant, and business will boom. John Seheowellor, left for his former home, "Wabasha^ Minn., for the winter. It rumor ed that he will not return in the spring single, but will take a life nartner wh k'-awav. We have just received some gummed paper and all those wishing for labels or anything in that or any line of printing give us a call, we can do you as good work-'and as cheap as you can get it done anywhere in this northwest.. gramme,vras a play entitle."Maud's Revenge, or \ieldmgto Temptation,1' This week Mr. Mansel came into the office and showed us the above s&jnj?1**-.prr clipped from the Leader, dnd siij's that on that day did not find snow enough to loose anything, and also that he has not seen a snow storm since he came up to this county. Those living in the southern part of the State, think when they have a little Snow there that we, up on the upper edge, must be completely buried, which is not the case. Come up to Marshall Co., if you waut to escape the blockades and snow storms and where they raise 40 bushels to the acre. We have completed arrangement with the publishers of the MINNE* SOTA FARMER.Whereby we can fur nish that paper and the SHEAF at the extraordinary price of $2.50 per year.. The Minnesota Farmer is a large eight-pagS. paper, containing forty .eight columns, published monthly, and filled with choice reading matter, having & Stocky Agricultural, Dairy* Sheep and Wool, Poultry and Home depart ment, with a large amount of mis cellaneous matter., specially devo ted to the varied interests of the new northwest. It is a paper worthy of the general, Support and patronage of the peb}le$ this sec tion. Send iii tbiir names. ^itic i Finilj i't'oot* U. S. LAND (3FFICE. Crookston, Minn'., Jilh: 5," 1S81. Notice is hereby givcri.. that the following named settler has tilled notice of his intention to make final proof in stipport b'rilis cUim', and that/aid proof will be ihade before the .Regis ter, Crookston Minn.', on th,e -llth day of February 1881 viz: ARCHV BROWN: D". S: No. 3881, fortheswtf neV an(Jhw.i e- of sec 24J,p 157, R: 48. He narh* the following'witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, ahd cultivation of said land, viz: E Whitney,. & Whitnev. Brown, a&U John Kivel all of Tamarac P. O. Marshall Co. Minn. 7-11 Tnos. C. 8liAPLEiGTi, Register. "F AN1 OPl'lb^, Crook8tijh, Minn., ifah.' 17,1881 Notice i hereby given that followiiig'hamed settler has filed notice of his intention tpmakc final proof in support of his claim, and tthjt aaid proof will be made before tha RegMer and Re ceiver U. S: Land Office at Crookston Minn on the 2 ^d day of Februarv 1881 viz: BA- ZELLE (iEKVAJS, Pre. S. No 3rdf,9 tin-1 *e of fc 0, 156, 48 He names the. fol lowing wi^sse^.to prove his 'continuous reai dence up(5tl sthd cultivation of said land v!/.: Elyrar Sevegarv, Edniond Forget, X. Legauji, i Louis Sarden, all of Middle River, P. O.1 shall Co. Minn. ^-1 -1 Me L" Tnos. CI SHAi'iicidii. Register IJBIIIUJWMUIIMIIIII WIMII. IJB_. THK SHEAF A temperance meeting was held .at the''^. school house, on Friday evening last, it being TJ. S LAND OFFICE, open lodge, a large number attended, we arriv- "fit Crookstoni,r Minn. Jam 8,1881.] ed rather late, and only had the pleasure of "Complaint having been entered at' this office hearing the last half of the entertainment, I an essay was read by Mr. George McCrea, he N pe Mar-1 and the Pioneer Press for the JVo!ice to Taxpayers. Notice is hereby given that my*- stflf or deputy will be at the store of F." T). Keye,. Middle River, on Jjiuuary 26, 1881,. and "at section house, Tamafac on January 27, 1881, with Tax Lists. .Those wish ing to settle their taxes can do so at the time and places''herein speci fied. J. TITUS, I- Go. Treasurer. Contest Notice. Joh 0 did great credit to his subject, as he does every 18,*Tv 157, 47, in Marshall county Minn thing he undertakes. The next on the .pro- i gius Car Emi Hermann si,nt').* *bandoiujig his timber culture entry *eclktio le it i.,i the .said parties are herehv' summoned to aD- {0 Th wil be Mr. James Stewart, Essay Dialogue, Mr Julia Chanson. In the hist piece thfc parties named are the t*.vo principal characters. Charley Mansel removed from Goodhue county, to Crookston, last spring. On the morning of December 28th, luJ went out-hunting, expecting to return the. same evening. His brother at Frontenac has been informed that Charley has been missing ever since, ami is supposed to have perished in the storm which oecilrTed on that dayt[Lake City Leader ),i (.e Which was very 1881aattt 1 o'clock a. in., to respond and fur- By the Society. of said eutry o80 dated March l.VlRMnipoti sthe th th able rendered, in the whole, but it was thought Wish testimony concerning said alleged aban by many to have been ratlier ende.l. If there had been another act, showing the contrast- between tlie two homes, it would have been very appropriate. After the pl.iy there was a letter read which was not upon thc even ings programme, nor was it understood by a large number of those present, we thought it rather out of order* Theefollowing next meetingl will be held in two -week* thc programme: Opening Song, -mh^ *r T- ^i- i Bhtter ,25 to S5 Mr. E. W Rossman, E j (ko. McCrea and Miss I^ard..... 12i Beans....,:,..:,. 2 50to2 75 Applea.per.bbl.. Potatoes Corn'per bu. Oats::: llordnoe, i \x2X WheiiVA No. Brick per.M. Wood dry... JEgg.'Cosl.... Common per .21 00 Sheathingper M. .18 GQ* Stock boards-per .45 00' Dimension per 20 00 Sqiiare Timber per -23 00 Flooring per M.:- .37 00 to 37 00 ....25 00 to 50 00 gidlnff po t.... as se qr. Ffbru*jPT (joniiient. if-Jlpd TIIOS C. Sn.\iM.ion, Register. Cromb & McGrew, Attorneys for Covtestant. MAKKKT HEPOKl'S. Warren, Jan. 10,1851, Flonr=-NrW process flour $4 00 Standard tlotir .'8 50 SMC 4 ..,.3 26 Ojrtnieal* eta.- per lb.- cornmeal 2jcts: per lb. Feed 1 40 to 1 50 Mea.tSalt Pork 11 HaUlS 14 Shoulders. S :,.Jt .........:...:....=50 to 75 SO tO 50 .3 OOtoS 00 Boots and Shoes, 00 to 4 00 as .11 (K X50to &0 19 00. Lumber. 25to3 50 uLhper M. 4 00 NELSON^ Attorney and Counselor at Law, Warren, Mafshall Co., Minn. NOTARY PUBLIC, COUKTT SURVETOF. insurance and Ileal Ewtatte. DEE0EP LAMPS FOR SALE. PRAIitli: AND Wdt)D LANDS. Choice Lands Selected ithd JEntriea Made*. New Harness SHOP ALT- WARRESfJ Henry J, Benftewitfi Prop Don't forget Hie Place: On the East side of Kailfoad Track, you will alw^ya find us ready to show you Goods, give you prices, and to sell you any thing you want in Railroad TlmoTablo. St, Paul, Minneapolis & Mani- toba^ailway.- WARREN. i J. B. TituH) 6'Ution Agent. Leave 8outh.. I^ave North. Taistiiiger, 3.30 p. m. Passenger, 1.25 p. va. Freight, 13.45 p. m. 1 rei^ht, 11.00 a. LOtllSA. TIN WARE, SASH, DOOfiS AHD BUILDING PAPER. 4 GIasswaManilbfiips.'Paiiits. 6i!s, Ready Mixed Paint. Hats and Cap's, Dry .Goods and Notions, WE HAVE THE GENUINE SCREW BOOTS AND SHOES. CALL AMD EXAMfNE THEM. We have a. Thi Shop in connoction with our Store. Anything hi the Tinware line made and repairing done neatly and Warrantedi Corner 1st and Johnson Avenue, Vitftm, Minn, Leave Idifthi Leave NortV* Fasltnger, 2.57 p. m. Passenger, 2.00 p. m Freight, 12.00 m. Freight, 12.00 ra. STEPHEN. Henry Lane,-Stat ion Agent. Leave South. Leave North. P-aisenger, 2.-80 p. m. Paxsenger, 3.30 p. m. Freight, 11.20 a. m. Freight, 1.00 p. m. E.M.Walsh, General Sea'er in Hardware, -Tiiiwarej Stoves, Bar Iron* Stiel and Builders' Material. Agent for ths CELEBHATID Mojitos PLOWS Everything in Tin, Iron or Brass, dr'hilihental or Pif^ttical, usu ally kept hy the Trade. Prices Reduced.. CKOOKgtb^i Mf/STK. $2.00 YEAB. Gloves and Mittens}, Buffalo Coatg, fec. &a &c4 E.W.Eossman, Lumber, Sash, Windows* Mouldings, Dimension Stuffy THE CeJebraiotJ Beloii Mitis Papers, IRON FINISH Wood EaVd Trough, Half Boiind,4iV" Shaped, With Fixtures Complete. Yard nbar Railroad, Warren, Miniie*o^j "fERMS MODERATE