Newspaper Page Text
VOL, 1. NO. 10, VEUBKK Of COXQXXS8,, W, B. Waehburn, Minneapolis P1STP.ICT COUMT, piatrict Judge, O P. 8tcarna, Duluth. TAT* aiHATOK Andrew MeCrea, rerliam. RiiniieaasTATiTM. S. O Comatock, Moorhead. Paraer*" Sampaon, Crookaton. OOCWTT orricsKB. Prshate Jadge, JUgieter of Deed*, Auditor, Trea*nrer, hjhtrlff, Attorney, J&c&ool 8npertntender.t, Coroner, SarTayor, WARttBJT, 0. TAYLOR, COUNTY AUDITOR, Pays Taxes for Non-residents, J. P. Nelson, A O I i JZ Y. fleal Estate. Pays Taxes^ JOHN W. SLEE, Abstract and Land Examiner. AgamtTorR Lnn li) Pot*, MAR BIUW, kXD KlTTaQX CqpsTiM. Ppeeial attention t locating Gov ernment and B. R. liands. A. E. Johnson & Oo., Aganta for RAILROAD LAND* P. A. DUFQUR, Counselor and Attorney at Law CB00KST0N, MINN, Crookaton House, WM. BOX, Proprietar. Crookaton, Minnesota. Jfmdquarht's for Marshall County People. BU3IWS8S piRgQTOWY. MKA1 MARKET. W J. Mclntyre. MERCHANT* *hnia. Allen A Co, Gilbert, Co, McCrea Bios. SALOON. Tarrtn A Dady LUMBER W Keitmaa, Johnaon, Allen & Co. AGRICULTURAL TOOLS. H. Mentier WAOON MAKER AMD JOBBER. R. C. Snyder. nOTELS. TTarren Honae, Mark Stephens, Manager. CARPRSTER. R.Davis. BLACKSMITHS. O. McCan, Weher. TIK AST) nARDWARE. MeCre Bro. jjonsA. MERCH KNT8. 7 T). Kpre, A Verboneour. HARDWARF.. John Augustm* LAKD AQESlf Holeomo & Kcrei ATTORNEY Oyorge W Uolcomh AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY. F. I). Keye. HOTEI Carl Mentiel. JI STICK OF THE PEACE. O Barkr PHYSICIAN AND DRUGS. Dr J. LsTond MERCHANT John Hann*. TIOTF1 3?- Hnyhs 5 imoam**- 5B PUBLIC OPPICIAIiS, John W. Slee. Thoa Crgg O. Taylor. J. B. Titus. W Lacker, A E. Flint. J. M. Brown, Wm, Carreae, J, P. Nalaon. COCVTT OOJfMIiJOJt*RS, let DiatrlctA P, Mclntvra. Warren. JM DiatrlctF D. Kje, Loulaa. %i DlatrletA Diamond, Stephen. Rallariqwi TVette lUUglone aarTicta the achool honae #Trj fbaidar *t 10 30 a. scitj Temperanee Society organuation meetiTerj JTUXJ eTenlng at the achool houqe, BUSINESS CARDS. Local Brevities. Wheat 68 cents. i&fr. Herbert Clark of Owatonna, Mrrrn., ia in town "visiting friends: Mrs. T. 11. Davis has been quite ill and friends were much alarmed atone time, she is much better now. For to th lack of space, some very interesting m*ttjr'was crowd ed out but it will appear next week, The next churcfy sociable will be held at the Warnm House. Take note, plenty of room for lota of fun. Come. ^__ Presiding J. B. Starkey, i 1 The boys had a little game of check(ers), George got, beat,- by a twenty years. Next. The train was 4ix evening. The train men report no snow on the track to-day, although it is drifting considerably. The 0. society will give notice of there next meeting and will ex tend a cordial invitation to all visit ing brethern to join them. Mr Ed. F. Whitnev, of Tama- Mark Stephens, the genial mana ger of the Warren House, has had the well connected with the house, dug about three feet deeper, and now thpy have plenty of water. wn ii ,elder iii "oss large congregation, on Friday even ing last. preached the school house to a Ah'ioffl understand h is getting along as H. C. Mentzer was up the roadj last week loqkmg after business He says that Halloek is a flourish- were elected as follows: ing town, with a big hotel, rather .1 M_ Brown, Supeiintendent toney, No more cigars in his. Vice-President Angus of the St. P., M. & M. railroad passed through here enroute for Winnipeg to con gratulate his friends on the passage of his great Canada Pacific Syndi cate bill. Just notice what Tom Morris, THE Crookston jeweler has to say in to-days S'IFKK. Tom under stands his business, and anything he does you maj depend on it leing well done. Mr. C. Ment/.er has something to say to-day in an other column of the SHK \r. He represents a fine line of goods In next week's paper he will come out a little more plainer. Thoso wishing to sow flax seed i the coming season, will lea\ their order** with Johnson, Allen & Co I as the orders must go out before March 1st, to enable them to get scad here in time for sowinjr. The following telegram has just 1 been received. I ST. PVLL, Feb. 2,18SI. 'J B. TITI^. Di\ ision bill lias passed tl House and gone to the Senate. I J. P. NUISLX. Rev. A. E. Flint has been for the past week very sick, caused by a bad cold settling upon his lungs, he has been unable to loave his bed, but we are glad to note that he it now steadily impro'. mg. 1 SAIOONS Kirel, S Cnnnsr. 'WARREN, MARSHALL COUNTY, MINNESOTA FEBRUARYS, 1881. that we will have A No.l cropR of wheat next season.* That is the r! Save ico for summ^i use. AH that is necessary 11 to afford it The ground in this vicinity i We hare'completed arrangement frozen to the depth of about si* with the publishers of the MureK- fcefc, which is a good indication SOTAcight-pag6 FA&ME* fllAr" wlin linrln'f i.lnvorl good facilities for drainage, proteC- Poiktt IKMIK eoiitaHWijr Mm moiie* Tlif Idler WHO naan piajett TorI I owner .*n lu%ettu uuebviKllina:ttho farm tion against rrans and sunshine, and exclusion from the air as can hour* late last, be aftected by em eloping the sides an ermg and succeeded in going up by cling- i mg hold hands. The Sunday schtgl ifvas "wall at* tended last Sunday. New officers School Exhibition. Prof. Brown has been for several weeks past, training die pupils under his charge in singing etc., and on Friday evening next, will give a school exhibition, they will If ins on When yo-u visit Grand Forks,(j put up at the Mansard House, (k iiia-b The performance will be inter sperced with selections from various authors, singing and instumental music. Everybody turn out and fill the school house full, a large audience always encourages those taking part as performers to do their btst. HE SHPtr and the Pionc-r Prea for the small aura of $2 7*. Ne Harnes capt. H. E. Moloney win ^Henrtj J. Bmwwitz, Prop ou the best front room and sot' you down to one of the square^t' i meals, ou can get in this nort,h-' SHOP In*e top of the ice heap with'a cov-! U. S. five feet or more thick of chaff and fine straw. Perfect drainage is however, necessary. [Fisher's Land ing Bulletin. Mr. S. Jcrrett's house took fire, from the pipe where it passes through the roof, but for the prompt action of rac notoriety, is loafing around town enjoying hinnelf. Kd. is a ^ho was there alone, it would ha good bov and full of fun and music. i i i i Com 1 tint hivinch'en have a ladder wneroby to gam ac- lmrtie of the cornice *ith his W. H. Gilbert, \sst. Supt. .1. S. Bnggs, Secretary. Geo. H. McCrea, Treasurer. The time was changed to 12 o'clock, or immediately after morn- j^g ing services. AH .ire in-ited to AppUaperbbi come and help instruct the young to walk in the paths of rectitude. produce the following pieces- Siding 'x 'in in i Rail onl Kitio., Ha( 1 iinil} ln Pintil onI lglit To conclude" with the comical farce, entitled WAHIIJCX. m whereb, we W paper 8" WooJ %i T ment, with a large amount of mis* Monday evening. Business eon- corning the county at large and ted to the varfod intt-icsts of the, also at home were talk over. new northwest. It is a paper worthy of the genera} support Mid A former settler of this place by patronage of the people of tin* sec. the name of tteo. L. Holly had the Hon. Send in names, misfortune to badlyr.Jth\ injureohimself' I the login camp John wolljw possible now. I & ^o. on the inst yV I containing-fur0ta?ncaSHEA th*|f paper and the ^Prd ff* th T, rftl8m Ul P of $2.5 per year. I lie Minnesota Farmer is a River A alley. forty-eigfct columns, published tmonthly, and filled with choice There was a very pleasant and reading matter, hain a Stock, profitable mooting at the depot, of Agricultural, Dairy, Sheep and a large number of our citirans on ftm*^ Home depart- rt/v,i rt^* cellaneous matter, specially devo. Loaalyour Notices. Virra for ^Jc, !il i ^lm-t ditinee fic^n own I or fi.rih*i pinm lira (all or writMo F.rmerc desiring a iriinnpii Seder for IhM, II in 1) i\e th ame of II, (iliwrt xt Warrer, Found, On th' road lcidmg south from Wantn, a Q(M n. Frmkim, and dt\.ihin?proixrt\. Contest Jfotice. LAND OFFICE, Crookaton, Minr Jan P, 1,1 Complaint hiring been entered at thia ofSce }orJohn SmcUir against Carl Em 1 Herman abandoning hia timber culture entry No 2W% dated March 1* lfcTS upon the e qr eec lb, 17, 47, in xrshall county Mini with a ie to the cancellation of said entry the, aaid partlca are hereby summoned to ap paar at thia office on the 11th day of Februarr 186t at 10 o'clock IT to respopd aud fur niah teatimony concerning said all'gel aban dopment 0 1 i 7Upd TIIO* Sncvi ni( Regiater L. Sticking, Cfomb Mcttrew, Attoiaeyafor CovtexUltt Xy l.\\n Uirtc?, wo*ton Mini. lit. %,1-si nave a laaaewneroo 10 gam ac i i,v \\^iiinm Ut\m\ Huesl gamt Petn (1t cess to the ridge, but took a bucket *b*"onij?,5 iT Ic :iln hereb2.-u(HA 1 .^r No entere" May 21, l4-?' of water by the handle in his mouth i."e, 4 Varh..nount% Minn, *iti a i i i Me to the earn cll-tioii of mid entrt th aai att?thia oii Va- 1 ,M,on upon iUt aw d,wi 24, inmonrd to pj eii at tin* olln the 1 of ^"ebrwaj lNM it 10 o'clock a. in to respond and furnioh tenti mon\ (.oncerning aid .tlWi^etl Abandonment 10-15 pd 'lno C. S UM i vton, Re^iste- 4f t^^ HAKKET REPORTS. FIouiNtif proee*s flour $4 00 I Stan lard Oour S SO XXXX 3 35 Oatmeal1 tt, per lb cornmeal Sicta per lb, Feed MeatSalt Pork Hama Shoulder* Buttr Aggs Potatoea Corn per bu Oata lUy Wheat 4. No 1 Brick per Wood dry Egg Coal Lumber. Common per Sheathing pr Stock boards per Dimension per TimberM per ur Flooring per ShinglepepeM Lulh per This space will be occupied by e. r. it s, I I. MACHINERY Advertisement next week. Ne Market! W. J. MclNTYRE. ials lt$h IN THEIR SEASON. T)*.., yr |"^vc-r OT,""^'iT 7r HEAF. Boots and Sh.033, Kats and Caps, WE 1 40 to I 1 1 Hi 11 S5 to S-i 1 3.S IS! 3 50 to 3 75 S00to4 00 50 to 7fi 4S to 50 3 00 to 00 6* 11 (H) 3 50 to 4 50 IS 00 21 00 16 00 45 CO SO 00 12 00 57 00 to 37 00 25 00 to 30 00 S Railroad Tims Table. S 25 to 8 WjFMaenger, 3 SO i Fieight, 13 p. STEPHEN. McOREA BROS. On thQ East side of Ilailroad Trade, you will ahr^ja find ns roady tq how you Q-oods, giya you prices, aQd to sell you any faing JQU want in SASH, DOORS AND BUILDING PAPSR, Croekcrj9 Glassware and Lamps, Paints, (His, &c., Read) M!xcd HAVE THE GENUINE SCREW B30T3 ANP SIICj:). CALL AND EXAMINE TEEM. Wt kara a Tin Shop in connection with our Store. Anything the Tmww hue made and repairing done neatly and warj4iite4F Don forgot the PI ice* Corner 1st and Johnson Avsnue, Warren, Winn, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Mani-'E.W. RoSSlIiail, toba Railway, I Lumber, WARREN. J. B. Titut, Station Agent, Leare South Leare North Paaaengei, 1 'V FreSgrt, 11.00 a. LOUISA. I^are Sonth. Iear Noitb Faaeenger, 3 in. Paaaenger, S 00 Freight, 18 00 Freight, 12 00 m. Henry Lane, Ktalion Agent Leave South Leaye North Pa^eeuger, 30 p* Pnasenger, 2 30 ireight, 1120 a Freight, 100 p. IH, E. General Dcalei in Hardware, Tinware Stoves, Bar Iron, Steel and Builders' Material. Agent for the CJ:L3BRATSD MONITOR PLOWS. Everything in Tin. Iron or Brass, Ornamental or Practical, usu ally kept by the Trade. Prices Reduced. rjt^^jaT-iy, VTVX, $2.00 rEB YEAH, Pai^i, Pry Goods and Notions, Gloves and Mittons, Buffalo Coats, &o., &o, Sash, Doors, Windows, Mouldings, Dimension Stuff, THE Celebrated Belolt its Papers, IRON FINISH luildin: Paper, Wood Eave Trough, Half Kound, "V" Shaped, with Fixtures Complete. Yard uaar Railroad, Warren, Minneiota, TFRM^ TOrT,RVT