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VOL. 1. NO. U. SpSfW,**" owaatagMUMMIW PUBLIC OFFICIALS, HEM BBS OP COX6KSM. W. Waakburn, Minneapolis DUTRICT COCHT pktriet J*djr?, 0. F. Staarni, Dulitth. STATE SIXATOX. ^mdrew McCrta, Ferham. JUPBMKXTATIYK3, &. Q. Comatock, Maorhead. Barnard 8npon, Crookiton. COCJJTT orricxxs. Probata Judra, John W. Sleo. JUjiatar f Detdi, Thoi. Crrgg. Auditor, 0 TtTlor. TrMrr, J. B. Titua. H&ariff, W. T. Lackey. AttriT, A. E. Flint, gekoei Sprfntiidcrt, J, M. BIOWD. Crnr, Wm. Cairese, fhmrejor, J, P. ihon oouwrr ooMuisnoxfexi. 1ft DistrictA. F, Mclntyre, Warrh. DiitrietT. D, ktyt, Louisa. DialrietA. Diamond, Stephen. Religions XQU. Religious aenrites in the school bouse *Try tasdar at 10. SO a. Tenaperaaoe Society olgarilzatlon naeeteyery Jfri^j tTtmog at the school houae, BUSINESS CARDS. ^VA.ItItli3^. O. TAYLOR. COUNTY AUDITOR. Pays Taxes for Non-residents. J. P. Nelson, ITTORNEi't Real fataie* Pays Taxes. JOHN W. SLEE, Abstract and Land Examiner. Agent Tor R. LAXD IA FotK, MAR- SHALL AXD KITTSON COVXTIE* Bpecial attention to locating Gov ernment and It. K. Lands. A. E. Johnson & Co.J Agents for RAILROAD LAND. P. A. DlfFOUR, Counselor and Attorney at Law CR00KST0N, MINN. Crookstorl House, \TM. BOX, Proprietor. Crookaton, Minrib^ota. Headquarters for Marshall County People. BUSINESS DIRECTORY*. WAItRJEN. VKAT MARKE T. Mclntyrt J4JERNJHA2I "ofciisoc, Alltn &Co, F. Cilbtrt, A X?ol Mftrea S10I. ?ALOON. Tanta & Daly LUM BRF E W Kmreuu Joanaoa, Alleu & Co AGRICULTURAL TOOLS. IT C. Mentzer WAOOH MAKIR AND JOBBER. R. Snjdtr. HOTELS. S'arien Houst, Mu SUphcni, Maing*r. CARrEKTER. 1 DuTU SLACKSMITHS M. McCan, C. L. Webaf. TIX AND HARDWARE. MCr* Bioa. MIRCHANTH &y, A Vcibaaadur. T.J. HARDWARE. John Augmtintt LAND AOIXTi. Kcltmo A KTt'i. ATTORNEY yj^orgt W Holcouik AGRICULTURAL MACHINERT'. T. K#ye. HOTEL Carl Mntttl. JUSTICE OF THE TXACR O. Barker. PHYSICIAN A^D DRUQS. Dr. J- L*y0u-i. SALOONS Kivel, S Cnnnr. STEPHEN. MERCHANT. John Hauna. HOTBL Local Brevities. Wheat 68 cents. The County Commissioners held a session yesterday. #Judge Mr. A. Diamond, the county com missioner from the 3d District, was in town Tuesday, attending the commissioners meeting. Next Monday is St Valentine's daj". Boys have you got your girl a love-missivel is it with you Af i has delayed our mails, wc have only, past week. 1 he blockade this year ha. all happened the neighoor- they were a number of teams? in town yesterday, and most of the roads are now broken out. settlers 111 the Red River Valley Mack settled on the Turtle b'lver, mg wit,h hi.m he moved1 t,o1his pres out claim, which is about a mile east cf Tamarac P. 0 this county. NOIA is the iimc to gi\ contract (f, who cKo dce graining and carpenter shop Give him a call I 1 1 _^__: hi I The sociable at the Warren House' (,,an was an elegant affair, having plen- cnt had a good time. The first 1 & 1 1 mi ffi Young ladies how The school exhibibition was pos poned last Faiday evening, on the account of the storm, but the it will take place to-night. _ raise a suoscriptio towanisti A-. The dance and oyster supper ai' 1 __^ Frank Searls was not very largely Rev. Mr. Jrving Presbyterian i erecting one immediately. It one i I i ii 4. iu i A- I A/I ii A a two mails from the south tor the i pa-in-jj n HOwing. Bllt to be Sure you do not when the giand TrtUtr (rohM)pron*i!HOdtii get left out in regard to seed, you had order the time here for seed. TaVjartc Mack, one of the oldest iken ind M' 1 trn 11- an i si IO^OIU'"^'i ai^X) for painting, it vou intend to have i^n*^dih to.^t .tn. any done this season, ^nd as we ha\e a good 5iouse and sign painter iu 1 Um o'sili tei, Mi.Dacb i' -po kd paper. hanging. Mr. L. Fur-., is th gen tleman We liave reierem too, and i tthetil,!e Ch.. Mr. Smithe.iimdetr,but',*-.m^ then ik-cp^t he can b* iound at P. C. Snyder's WABEEN, MAKSHALL COUNTY, MINNESOTA, FEBRUARY 1-881. J. W Slee, took a short! over the hill, th ba k-'ed Stswaraddress, being introiuocd, deliver- journey to Crockston on Monday. I The temperance society have pos-. accident had it not been for a large since its organization, with bat two poned their meeting, to a week from I il 0 Friday, or Feb, lhth. track, which prevented it from1 Missionary, Jield services at the uemominution does not feel able to YV-I m T,, i ,i,i Wmtnev oi lamarac, wasa bcauti- school house on Monday evening, erect a church, join with the otiicjr i a large number attended, notwith- and build a union church. By all standing the bad going. means let us have a church before another year goes by.- ftl attended, owing to the stormy Warren is to have a first-cla^ organist Miss S. has but fewe,}us.!s. weather, quite a number intended ^ile-stable. Mr. F. Murry, of Owa-, Next came the going, but these who did go enjoy- tonna Minn., was here for a few ITI4. ed themselves. days last week, and made arrange- entitled, 'The Drunkard's Home/ 'ments to have a stable built and Scene 1-i Drunkard home, mother. The storm for the past few days for otcupanc A. P. Mclntyre E.sqf, was dt^n'President J. B. Titus, Vice-Presi- t the county seat of Polk Co., last dent. J. S. Briggs, Secretary Mrs. week. He said the freight train W. H. Gilheit, Treasurer: James on which ho came home on, a Stewart, Janitor. The officers eltct- backing through the yard, at t'rpok- ed, being installed, then came the .ton, to enable them to get a start' exercises of ijic evening. Mr. switch,eicaboosegwas Mai cl el'tt^.l tll near the oM cressing, about twelve' tmd to thh -paeiom hail to cnio\ t years ago, but the water not agree-, i ,r "P w,,l th ^z^ ii tableausk arrangeditfodeservte tha special ty heldToaicwMice at the School Hous Satur- ued to enjoy fchemsehes till after minutes and reports of last meeting midnight, ihe-ra were some seven-J havin been left tin- beginning by show open. It might have been a serious in the progress of the society timber on the hide of the members, while now somefif- 10t] iQ vAn fir mi i i ti- wiin acar-ioua or soon or txir iuq farm i Ti.r_a ri loo in purch hood of JergusJIaU.. at fair figure.. W welcome Mr. an I t' uliwiPiien on ^wih occiK-Jiora rau,,r (rd(kl a ii.ll Helpe,no0m. O and tooV Tis ^ent, boinjj di^posu' of, tin pfcrtj ri lit bos ()thn bum 3 mopeil, 1 1 tuix him a^ ipnue of ih bin m^t, 1^ T.,n atu iu 1 h\ tin comp.itis 1 I the wim wt pati u*\ nt t' i!"lliiicLet.un lMitni'i- intj.n Hrct WJ* I'IC noid 1 tiu 1 Vi\ I Pinn rtjiued with a MOIIJJS i wrl (iendei M, 1 O o,.B1HUI.l a nrrnccicimmx) (of itP 1 i wi*h itoi t,m Uijectidn I' froin 11 pi /u 1, Mike .,lo ir, .i pun ironi of llolcr Lmmii, th host iMld"11,nd-v -^-uoredu-,uenthi.1n.}7(1lf8ecmalto iy rowd the t,unk the-- ty member carolled,ith-.s he then spekj rolling down quite a steep ombj.nk- of the great work which lay before ment, shock all up some, no one them, and then discussed the intcm- burt. perance cause, with zeal, showing With glowing illustrations the jevil There is some talk ot a church being erected in our village, the coming spring. Let it be don**. It would be better if we could get two. Rev. Mr. Irving, Presbyter ian missionary, who is stationed at Moorhead, has been over head has been he:c looking i 5 portraying the sad end of a the field, and he thinks that patedA life was w^l executed,, u. this is good a point for a church, i T-, brougnt fortn general applause. Let our good people.make a,n eflor Q:^ xi .l l0 finp wUlv*no i -r iarm noiw ^ts an a an one wisiixii aaughter sad ca ge agood The snow has drifted some iVL.^to our midst, and think he has trdus,f strikehs littlnek childn,d falling'j.,io places to the depth of several feet,, decided to locate in one of the best, her to the floor, repents of the deed and had stopped lafmers for a day points in the northwest. Fanncra{.TCSOiVCB to reform, go back to sa- or two from cemmgto town, but other* on the look cut for i fine lot of stock, March 10th. Johnson, Allen & Co., will have *oi'n comi at the n.- .f i)*nu\ some flax seed en hand in time for Con \\hil took tlie ch.111, mnued th1 Tlmt tt. M fcoriely. 'I he MCI tv knoTii JW the 0 B'v, met 111 '1 ?'ra 00u a i lX effects of the down gra^e into the black vallej of intemperance, clos ing with urging nil to sign the pledge. Iieading by E. W Itcssman of piece entitled 'MeLean'& Vengence' difsi- and bmgmg a piece entitle the 'Pro- A- c' i !x Briggsbyi-.idJ i. i Ti- dica^s Jtetum,.' Mrs. an 4 wish that the tin would speech, ii. Amc ^t.y, ezpressed her thanks for the atten iiuaforui^mmner, and is} tioii and support, that had been 1 iiaSFw ty Of room with which to exercise sirne \o^l by al! n Three LUik row. I themselVes every One that was pres-! BhowhHtfu-e"atoi.ltomi..bii.ij KI1,i wu afte 1 A* ITM x A Bro for hi^tnifonn lMiilrics^, t'i dfrpirl- .,o id ihur resputiM abod, Jon tableau was beautiful and those! who too part in great rtacting. credit, then came several other Meeting of the tesft^eranco soeie- occasion, among those was one rep- day evening, Jan. 29th, was a grand 1 resenting the meeting of the society success, in number and entertain* of 0 B's., at the residence of Mr. ment, there was hardly standing i A. SellaJhiana, a few weeks since, room to be had in the building. Mr. and Mrs. ChanSon done great The exercises were opened by Pres. credit to themselves, (as they alwavs 1 Mrs. Nelson, on calling to order the a 7 do) their lunch of which every- mseting, Mr. &nyder led in a fervent ?&} hn\^hthe aa-n of w. H, (tiiier at w^rret% 't one partook heartily. Ail contin-1 and very appropriate prayer, the fl were read an'd .^proved. Next, ty persons present, and t-ke receipts came the election of officers for the were $-10,40. ensuing -t^rm. ?o H. Mc^rna. *,iv-i 8 ^otoik Iloraiediedev, .ilioden Hani 1 1 faitV,UK Tlb whent Minnesota Brown.**y assisted Mr i, tui thing, and called forth great *p- plause, ajid all agree that Warren is noS greatt musicalatalent assisted by her brother e3r renderedevoid someof swee music an Ml abl Slighter.,"I Ch&mQn) ftnd tw Southworth on dving bed, laother' an'\ lp I i i anJ loneh, when the teamlmotojtrt & for folher, to a bar-1 rox oull ihis dra lib 0CC gavel ihaige. Minute of lut mu tins were ippro\ prim .pal-, \iv TT^S then *toi iinrrie.1 in lvmi$ .,11 1 a .At, li SNo am urs,aMr. Briggs asj bar-keeper draws revolver hre -AVA crov, disperse. Geo. McCrea, taking p: rt oi drunkard waj well carried out, save a httio lack oi (proper) expression. Scene :M: Saloon, father at card table, liquor passed, stand Lis hand Tableau. Little Bonnie dead, fa ther, mother and lister kneels, dur-1 ing thii tableau Mrs. Stephens s&ng| tho rs ly to Miss Edith 'Father I Desr Fathei' which vrv.s veiy linely' rendered in a sweet and ea^y pun- 1 nor. Mr^. S., has a fmel5" cultiva-! ted voice, after the song the cur-! w?u drawn upon one of the most ofTeciou scene of life, and should have a 1 mating impression on those who witnessed it. During the evening Mrs. J. P. Nelson was busy adding new name* to the list, and succeeded in enroll in quite a number,*Mrs. N. the Boots and Slioo^, comen WOUia COmO lmr the CUS8,c and expressed the xn ua righ to vote owould the temperanceethehav question, and that liquor would be bar.idhed from the land. The meet ing then closed fey all singing 'Haii to the Chief.' Programme for next meeting will bs published next week. !MininKrt Local Notices. ra-pi foi aal*, 01 \v a lnr diRtanee fiorn town For further p.irtiei.1 ira tall or wrlttto this ofllie-. tus A, TH7S:HKV?andK Fioueer Frttt foi the 8311H Iu 0f jo 7- rc-^8Frr THE SHEAF, *fcl On tho East cids of RcilroaJ Track, you will dv 73 find xis raady to &ho\y yon Goods, you pricos, and to coll yo^i any thing yon v/ant in SASH, DOOR S AN BUILDIN PAPZR. Croc&crj.-GIassiwarennd kojs, PaiRis, ti!s. &c, Ri-ad) 3 'i:J Paint. I-lats and Caps, Dry Gocds and ITotions, Si.Qe per Tt*ar aish* j!cn3i\ Dealer in Hardware, Tinware Aem for the CELXBJtJLTZD M02TIT02 PLOWS. Ornamental or Practical, usu- ally kept by the Trade. Priets Keauced. ^"'r^^XPT^jr, Steel md Builders* Material, i Fine Watch Repairing Care* fully Done &tvi Guaranteed, ^2.00 rER YEAE. :ivo Gloves and Mittens, Buffalo Coats, &c., &o. W E HAVE THE GENUINE SCREW HOOTS AND SHOES. CALL AND EXAMINE THEM. We hvre a Tin Shop in connection with our Store. Anything in the Ttnwpre line made and repairing done neatly and warranted. Don't f\'! the Pluce: MOCHEA 8l*CR 3 roK SHOTH3HS, Corner 1st and Johnson Avenue, Warren, Minn. 1 1,"{1 ICO 'A!\u- OCC'IJUl'd If. /i*.. MACHINERY Ad'orti'oineiit. The r^nion-, J?o I ford Man inrnt tm oi'r esjMcud Stock. g*n*iit\ in Vutihe- Everything in Tin, Iron or Brass, riteHLUI'U,ail thuan.\ other a IT\site Alarrj-e and well selected stock of Clocks from $2 up to fancy prices. Meiha'iu il In- rs The (\!iu'iatio* of FiH'} are (h a|er. better hoi more IKCM fractii il \\tf ni.iki'r ii\-ti n-"as to all m^'. .il -ol I K reprfent i' And all urk u'idrt..K"ii KS m*it h^. a )^e dom. 1 i WatihP" or good* foi ir ta.i ^L lai"1 a