Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 1. m. i2f KKMBXR or. ooiraniss. W., Washburn, Minneapolis DIBTRICT COUKT. PUirlet Jndge, Of P. Stearns, Dtilnth. STATB JISXATO*. Andrew MeCrea, rerham. KXrXKVJXTVriVBS. & G. Coastock, Moorhead. JJarnerd Sampson, Crookston. CO*JTTT orncmts. Probate Jndj dncire Register ol.&eeds, Auditor, Treasurer, Sheriff, Attorney, Bchoel 8prlat4:jlest, Cores cr, Surveyor, OOUSTt COKmSBIOXSRi, 1st DistrictA. P, Mclntyre, 34 DistrictF. D. Keye, 34 DistrictA. Diamond, Warren. Louisa. Stephen. Religlono 2etlce Religions services in the school bowse every Sunday at 10.80 a. an. Society. Teraporanee Society Grgauiiation meet every Friday evening *t the school house. BUSINESS CARDS. WARREN. O. TAYLOR. COUNTY AUDITOR. Pays Taxes for Non-residents. J. P. Nelson, ATTORNEY. toal stati. Pays Taxes. JOHN W. SLEE, 'Abstract and Land Examiner. Agent Tor R. K. LAND In POLK, MAR- IKALL AND Kl TYSON COUHTIH?. Special attention to locating Gov ernment and R. R. Lands. A. E, Johnson & Co., Agtfttt for RAIL ROAD LAND. P. A. DUFOUR, ^Counselor and Attorney at Law CROOKSTON, MINN. Crookston House, *WM. BOX, /Proprietor. Crookston, Minnesota. -Headquarters for Marshall County People. BOSIWZgS DiRgOTORY. WAKBEN. MXATMAR*T* W. J. Mclatyre. MERCHANTS. *na*, Allan -A C., M. P. Gilbert, Co -MrCrea Bros. SALOON. Fama'&Dady. LUUKXlt. -I. W. Sosasi&u, Johnson, Alleu Jt Co. AGRICULTURAL TOOL*. II. C. Mentzer. WACO* MAKER AND JOBBKK. it C. Snyder. HOTELS. ^Warrea House, Mark Stephens, Mauager. CARPENTER. T. R. Davisv BLACKSMITHS. M. McCan, C. L. Weber. TIN AND HARDWARE. McCrta Bros. teEFfeffANTS-. T. Xeye, A D. Verboaeaun. HARDWAREv Joha Aujjunilur.. LAKD AGOTi. Blcom & ILYral. ATTORNIT. 'George W. Holcoxub. -AGRICULTURAL MACHINSRT. D. Keye. H0T2L. fcaiT MenUel. JUfcTiCE O THI PKAC1. Ov Barker. PHYSICIAN AND DRUGS. Dr. J. LaPoad\. SALOONft. R. Kirel, f. Csnaer. srx^MrMJBPf. MXRCHAXT. Jwha Hamaa. HOTEL. Denoie Hugtt. ~vm0m Local Brevities. Wheat 68 cents. Fine -weather for day*. John \V, S]e. Thos. Cregg, O. Taylor. J. B. Titus. W. T. Lackey, A. Flint. J. M Brown, Win. Oarrtifr, J, P. Kelson. the past few H. Stebbina, wife and baby arc stopping in town for a few da3's. We want ten cords of wood, Monday was a lively day for our merchants, as everybody and their neighbors came to town. A dance at the Warren House to-night. Turn out everybody, an invitation is extended to all. Full report of Count Commis sioners proceedings will be found in another column of this issue. There will be preaching at the School house next Sunday at 11 o'clock, and Sund ayschool immedi ately after morning service. The Fisher's Landing Bulletin has otir thanks for a handsome cal endar. The Bulletin can do as good Work as any office in the Val ley. J. B. Titus bought the building between, M. P. Gilbert & Co., store and the Senate saloon, this wlrfck. We understand a stock of furniture will opened up there shortly. F. D. Keye, the merchant prince of Middle River was attending the commissioners meeting of Wednes day, while in town requested us to enroll his name on our list. Mr. E. D. Child*, of tha firm of E. t). Childs & Co., Carman, was in town to-day and went north on the train. Mr. Childs is one of THE wheat buyers of thifc eountry. The emigration boom has com menced at Middle River, a settler came in last week, 'bringing his household effects and teams, pre pared to stay. Let them come, room for 5,000 inort such. CLARKBEARLS. On Feb. 10th, at Crookston. Mr. Herbert Clark of Owatonna, Minn., to Miss Clara B. Searls, of this place. The couple will take up their abode near Owatonna, where Mr. 0-., i* in business, Programme for the temperance meeting, Friday, Feb. 18th, will be as follows: Singing by the society Opening address, Geo. It. McCrea. Select readings, Mrs. E. W. Ross man, Mr. J. S. Briggs &nd Jas. L. Stewart. Song, Messrs. l.S.Briggs E. F. Whitney, Mr. and Mrs. Bftwn Essay, J. B. l^itus. t)eclamation, W.H. Gilbert. General speaking, and then any business tiiat mar come before the meeting. The school exhibition wM^h was looked forward to for so long, came off last Weduesday evening, at the school house. The house was well filled and if the snow hao* "not been deep and sleighing better undoubt edly there would have been many more present. The entertainments were par excellent, in fact, the pro* gramme wa3 so long that spacfe Will toot allow of naming and comitrent 11% Seperately upon each one par* ticpa&iag in the programme. But the MtiiTaSiasm with which the audieuce applauded each one astwo they acted y*eir parts, was evideuce that it was ail appreciated.* The We should like rery much to get a discription of each township, in this cottnty as aeon as possible. No matter how short it may be, let it only be the number of the town and range, with the amount of land ta ken or there about*, number of acres in crop last season and number of acres that are ready for crop next on season, the principal settlers, and subscription. Highest markst price I how long situated on their land Pal" a general outline is what wc ^Aiit. Will some one in each township give a small item towards this end. To any such contributor we will aend him the SHEAF free for three months. Monthly School l*iorf Average standing of pupils in the following studies: Reading, spell ing, arithmatic, geography, gram mar and history. Robert Legge 96 Grant Rossman 91 Anna Slee 80 Edith Nelson 90 Armina Craig 90 Melinda Craig 00 Elliott Hardey 1* 0 Nellie Miner .S3 Edwin Davis 81 Herbie Davis OS A great many have been unable to attend regularly the past two weeks, owing to the inclemency of the weather consequently thir standing is lower than it would otherwise have been. J. M. BROWST, Teacher. Poison. There has been considerable com plaint lately of persons setting bates to capture the bounty offered for wolves and-(dogs,-) secure price of the fur, which at this time of the season is prime, the value of ..A wolf skin is from seventy-five cWts to $1.50, that of a dbg some less, depending some what on the value of the dog. We understand sorns parties are reaping a big harvest, being quite successfull in their work, using very little poison and! going a short distance to seeurc their game. The wolf generally found in the field, the dog at the house for funeral service. One of the bigoet days work we have heard of, was the setting of four bates, the victory was immence, three' wolvts and four dogs^. the latter mostly from town, wnere the Hides can be had by calling exclamations of as thoy passed towa meeting, Peter itenti, Frank out for home, was that it was the Yediker and Frank Ml* Glfrk best thing they had witnessed this Fred Tripp. winter. Mr. Browu (oi^r able To locate county toni, begin- teacher) may v^cll feel proud of his ing at a point on the south line of I school, and ike school of. him .and township 155, range 38, between i thenwivw. ^cn* and 35, ronnning nortk WABBEN, MARSHALL COUNTY, MINjfesOTA, FESRTJARY 16, 1881. for them. No charge for collecting. As to the trafic we have no objection, but would advise parties in the business to exrcis more caution in placing their bates, as their are seasons of the year that some of our dogs ar valued very highly, and the loss would be felt to the owner. The wolf we would gladly see scalped and the reward sccursd, to any per son in tho business.. We hope more caution will be observed in the futura. ,A LOOSER Coa Spociul.jftactta? of the County tniatiionors. WARREN, Feb. 8, '81. Members present, A. P. Mcln tyro and A. Diamonds The following petitions wr granted: To organize Township 1^5, range 16, into a tbwn, to be named Com* stock. The following town officers tofeeelected, viz: Three supervi sors, one to be designated as chair man Town clsrk Town treasurer Assessor Two justicesJdf the Peace Constables The following named persons to act as Judges of election of said on the section line intersecting the right-away of the St. Paul, Minne apolis & Manitoba railroad, thence on thf^ west side of said right-away through the town of Middle River, and through the town of Tamarac, to th north.line of section of said town of Tam&rac thence north-east across said railroad track to a point on Tamarac River about 35 rods east of the center of said railroad right-away to the bridge ont section 5, crossing said river and/intersecting said right-away of railroad thence north on the east side of said railroad to the north line of Marshall county. To locate a county line rc*'I com mencing at the north-east corner of section 36 Town 155, Ring* IS, running west through s&id town 155, range 50, and ending at Red Itivcrofthe North. RcBolYed That we ask our mem ber to the Legislature, Mr. Samp son, to introduce a bill authorizing Marshall County to issua bonds to the amount of f3000. to fund our b^dge indebtedness. The board theu adjourned to 9 o'clock Feb. 0th. '3 Feb. 9, 1881. Boaad met, present A. P. Mcln tyje, A. Diamond and F. D. Keys. Resolved That we find the Audi tor's s.uritie's deficient, and require new bonds on or before our Mrch meeting.. Surities to justify. The following bills wers allowed: EiAllen 4 tO JB& A W Hall S 50 Pioneer PreBS Co. 64 25 A Dewey 4 27 Tom Morris 10 A Mclntyre town Clrk 3 35 Thomas Craig ft 51 AJDaimond 11 50 FIlnJa-MiV^Smit^-^ 80 APMcintyre,^ 9 50 FDKeye 5 Adjourned. A. P. MCLKTYRR, Chairman B'd, Co. Commissioners. O. TAYLOR, Clerk. J. P. NELSON, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Wurren, Marshall Co., Minn. NOTARY PUBLIC, COUNTY SURTRYOI BM1K.VAXI aiaet fleaxl 1CKK. DEEDED LANDS FOR SALE. PRAIRIE AND WOOD LANDS. Choie* Lands Selected ax.d Entries Made. ct 5S S C3D Cb 3 55 i 8 8 5s SASH, DOO Boot* and Shoe*, WARREN. On ths East aids of IlAilroai TrAcK you will *lyr:y9 us ready to ljOT? you Qoods/ you prices, %nd to sell you a&y- thiag you want urn A il iPX-iO-Tjr^. km, ilassware Hat uid Cap*, J R. Titvw, Staiioa Ajeut. Lea** South. Lav NortV. rasset r, S.S0 p. as. ?*aseter, 1.S5 p. ru. FreiRfct, H.ip. w. rreifht, 11.00*. m. LOUISA. I^are South. Leave North. Passenger, S.57 p. at. PnaiaBger, 8.00 p. in. Freigkt, 1S.0D m, freight, 1S.00 in. STEPHEN. Henry Lane, slUtiou Ajjent. Leave South. Leave Nortt.. Pasaeurer, S.30 p. ro. fiSBecser, 2.30 p. m. Freight, 1K30. IreigSjt, 1.00 p.. General Dalr in Hardware/ Tinware, Stoves, Bar Iron, Steel and Builders' Materia!. Affect for the CELIBSLTED Moiniox PLOWS. SJrerythfe^ in Tin, Iron cr Brass, OrnaM-ental or Practical, uia kept by the Trade* Prices Reduced. '**Mt*??t!r Mnry, i $2.00 rEB ru% g:ive PA ^*2BS533. I kl]dali3* Dry Goods md Ifotiont, Glovos and Mittens, WE IIAVB THE GENUINE SCRXYT BOOTS AND SH0E15. W kaft a Tin Shop ift eonnsction with our Store. Aaythmg the Tinware line mads and rtpairing dcue nsatly and warranted. Don't forget IhePkcc: Cornsr 1st tnd Jahnssn Avsnu, Warren, Railroad Tim* Tr.b!. St. Paul, Minneapolis it Mani toba Raiiway, Butfalo Co\ts, &c., &c- H. C. MENTZER, FARM wimn. 9 FishEros'.JJMilburn Wagons, Deere & Monitor Plows, McOormicki Twine and Wire Binders, Harvesters and Mowers,! J, I. Case Engines and Tlireshers. Siperior! Seeders, OH1S, EeAl*r in Crookston M'.nn. Fine Watch Repairing Care fully Done and Guaranteed, The Famous Roclford Movement are our especial Stock. T:s is tiie culmination of Mechanical In gerfbitj- iu Watehe?. Thy re cheaper, better hence more ac-cii-- ratc aaJ .!ural.k than any other yet iinente A large find vroH seJocte5 stock cf Clocks from $2 up to fancy prices. A practical vVatcunufcer lnyself, IjBrante kll ma'. -isl Pol as representi'V. And 11 v, irfc imderttken as perfect as can be donr. WatrhM or jfoor. for Tprlr ca i be !e-^4 sss mmmm